The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 29, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
t, ' riSTi. V 1 , hi- i ( si i ... .?; W "!': -w. r .' .v l 10 & SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, ' the parade, 1 Tt K 1 IlTrrTC ducks, lOatlo. Dressed PotiHry-Qulet L f n ia This young lady is looking into the baking powder ques tion in a practical way. She will find that, using Cleve land's Baking Powder, and a Cleveland receipt book, she can make cake and rolls finer than the baker's and save half the cost. ' Besides, she will be sure that they contain no alum and are absolutely pure and wholesome. 4EM0RIAL DAY PROGRAMME Concluded a ft om IMro 0.1 Addle? Comt.irle Henry Minding Lincoln's Gnttj Mmrp; Addri"i. Commander "Ainciii'a" Choir and Assembly TIcih diction rirv. Willlum S Ulubons rirlnsr Snlut. Detail Camp s, Son- or Veteran"! Tmpi Robert l'lttnck Committee Jolm H Hobday. II. K. I'nlne, Jiiir-on Cole. A. Ali'ten IVckens. j X. Snjder, ChailPi Oilflln. Amos AVasber. iu:Ti:usBt'no catholic chmutury TSoll Call of the Dead. Oflicer of the Day 0. Sl'.ultz Sons of Vetcr.tii'-' Hosponie. Commander and Captain Silent Salute all 111 uncover. Lincoln's Octt shurfr Add! ess. Commander "America" Assembly riling Uctnll Lt. U S Cirffln Camp Taps-. Committee Gcoige Schultz. rr.Ti:RSBUiio prOtestant cnsin- TBUT. Ill eliaiRe of r. r. Adams, P. P. Com n.indcr, Post IJi Assemble at C'enietcrv at t a. m. Roll Call of Dead Olllcor of Day Address Rev. John W. Randolph "Tcntlnt on the Old Camp Ground" Choir O. A. R. atemoilal Sen lee.. Commander Recitation Miss Mtittio Williams "Uoer Them 0er" Commander and Captain Silent Salute all will uncover. Lincoln's GetUs-buitr Addiess. Commander "My Cutintty "lis of Thee".. School Xo. 3 Ilencdletion Rev. John . Randolph mill-,- Detail. l.t. L. S. Grirtin Camp. Xo. S, S. of V. Taps. Committee Georgo Schultz. 1MTTSTOX AVKNTK PJiMr.TEJlY. Tn cIuuko of IM. L. Haas, Past Pobt Commander Xo. Slit. Assemble lit Cfmeterv at n a. m. 'Jpenlng Sen Ice Rook Commander Roll Call of the Dead Officer of Daj tlknt Salute all Mill uncover. ,'i.ijer Row Hiiuser 11 Uhlc Selection ,...M. 13. Sunday School 1. A. It. Scnlce Senico Hook Commander Soils of Veterans' Response, Commander nnd Captain Selection Geiman Prcsbj tcrlan Sunday School Address Rev. Hauser Lincoln's GctUnliurpr Address, Commander "America". Sunday School uml Asscmblil.i Rcncdictinn Rov. Huuse'r riling Salute, Detail Camp S, Sons of Veterans Taps William Sames Committee Adam T. Miller, Levi Gets. ST. MARY'S G13RMAX CATHOLIC CI3M13TKRY. Assemble ut Cemettry at 10 30 a, m. Opening Service Rook Commandet Roll Call of the Dead Oflicer of Day Silent Salute all will uncover. Prnjer Rev. Peter Christ JNIusIc Selection. ..Parochial Scjiool Choi: G. A. lt. Memorial Sen-ice Ser Ice Ik'l Commandet Sons of Veterans' Response. Commander and Captain Musle-Selectlou Parochial School Address Rev. Peter Christ "Atneilra"... Assembly and School Choir Kiting Salute, Detail, Camp S, Sons of Veterans Tnps Wlllum Samoa Committee Levi Gets:, Adam T. Miller. MARCY C13MI3TI3RY. Old Korea Township. In Lhiirgo of P. S. Humlln, P. P. Com mander, U. A, It. Assemble ut Cemotciy at 10 a. m. Opcnlng-Hervlco Hook Commander Roll Call of tho Dead. Silent Salute nil will uneoier. Prayer Chaplain Ira Porter Music Selection lltlck Church Choir 15. A, U. Memorial Service,, Commander Sons' of Veterans' Response, Camp 8. Sons of Vctirans Music Selection Choir Address Rev. Oaylord C. Jacobs Lincoln'! aettysbtirg Addiess. J, 13. Davis "America" Choir and Sabbath School Kiting Saline, Detail Camp S. Sous of Veterans ( Taps jy jo. 1'rlce The parade will be in chumo of Col onel Etn 11. nipple una will nturt promptly at 1.30 o'clock, passing over , the following lino of jnaich; Linden street to Wyomlns avenue, to Lacku- , wnnna avenue, up -Lackawanna to Washington avenue, to Spmce street, , to Jefferson avenue, to VIto tMeet, then countermarching to Jefferson avenue, to Vine street, to Washington avenue. It will be reviewed by the chief mar shal and Recorder Connell from the je. viewing stand erected for the Knitrhts Tmuplur. The parade will be formed as follows: Kltst Dlvlslon-Lloutcnant Ezra S, Qilf fln post, 130; Colonel William N. Monies post, 318; Spanish War Veterans: soldlets pf other wins; Camp 8, Bona of Veterans; caulugcs containing a. A. R. veterans. Second Division Marshal, W. V, Albro; Invited guests In carriages; cltUens and others. r G&A a tux i,n riiahntirlltitr of the parade, memorial exercises In honor of the comrades who died durln tho past venr will be conducted In Memorial hall, nl tho corner of Linden street and l'enn avenue. The following order of exercises will be followed out! Opening, Selected, rjrirnn Post Qunrtolto Prayer t,.,,,..,.... .Chaplain Reading of Outers Adjutant tl. A. It. Ritual Sonlco Commander Vacant Chair S. X. CnllemiVr Addices Hcniy Harding Doxology ' Qtitirlclto In keeping with the general custom of past years a memorial ebneert will be given In Memorial hall tomotrow night under the auspices of St. Ezra S. drimn post No. 130. The progrnmme to be rendered Is us follows: Vnrnl Solo Miss M. A. Do Grnw Recitation, "The Moon Rose," Miss Ueatrlco Morris Vocal Solo Mrs. Randolph Jones (a) March of Sonow Chopin (b) Kantnslc Populalio Lconatd Violin nnd Piano, Piof. P. Vcndorvekcn, Mis. P. L. Wilson Duet, Vocal, Selected. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Wilson Soldiers' Chorus, from "Faust" Opern, Plnno Solo Oh. Gounod Mr. Harry Tyler. Vocal Solo, "He Was a Prince," Miss Jennie. Kiiufmiinn Recitation, "Our Flag," MIfk Maud Wotheitaug fn) CVli-matcd Seienado Sclnliert (li) Capilclo PIcTnez Pi of. P. VamlcneUon, Mis. 1'. 13. Wilson. All Eternity Mascheionl, Miss 13dlth Benson Violin Oblltrato P. Vundorveken Piano Mis. 1'. 13. Wilson Tho following Memnilal day order has been Issued by the commander-in-chief of tho Grand Army of the Republic: Hendqu.utern Grand Army of tho Repub lic. , Minneapolis, Minn., April 13, 19"l. General OrdeiH Xo 5 . To eveiy patilot, Memoiial Day Is the most sacied of the year, and Its proper obsen since one of the nutlon's strongest safeguards. It Is tho nation's Raster, When the peo ple nio summoned to the pati lot's tomb: not with power to stir the encampment of the dead, but "by tho imstlc choids of memory" to resurrect the litucs which adoi ned their lives. It Is the nutlon's Sabbith, when at tho philne of patriotism, all creeds are for gotten and we leeciie Into our heaits u now Insplintlon to dutv a benediction dav to all who obserie It In its tiuo spirit and meaning. Xo moie beautiful or impiesslve seeno could be witnessed than that of a te decmed nation, ceasing from Its dally toll nnd gathering mound the gnncs ot Its defendeis, beating offeilngs of llowois, nnd giving suitable ccpiesMon of lovn and giatltude which a gieat people feel towaids those who guo their lhes In de fense of their count) y. Plutaieh tells of wltnessluK the six huiidicdth memorial "en Ice in honor of the Athenians who died at Miuuthon. We aie only In the jouth ot outs, but the memoiial is !-o becoming, and has nlread.i been so fiuitful In blessing, that It will surely continue to be obseived as long as the republic enduies To eely soldier of the Union It Is n dav filled with sweet and precious memoilcs. Unlike the dead of other wnis, the mem oiy of our comiodes never fntles. Though unseen by mortal ee. they still walk by our side, and their place In our h;aits lemains untitled. Wo lejolce as the dnv appioaches, and in eer dimlnisbiiig numbeis lovingly deck with (lowers tho multiplying graves ot our eomindes In biokcn column nnd with enfeebled step wo still cairy thu Hag they loied so well, and maich to the '.una music to which their feet weio at tuned, our hearts pulsing with jo.ous pildo as we loallzc that the inemorv ot thoso who fell in defense of "licedom and tlie light" Is Immoital. Comindes will, theiefoie. In tumpllanco with well established custom, llttlnglv obseno Pildny, May 00, 10u.' as Memoiial Day. Post commanders aie lequesled to In ilte clergmen, of eeiv denomination, tn deliver nppi opi late addi esses on tho Sab bath piecedlng Memoiial Dav. and bo far as piactlcabln posts should attend dlilno sei vice on that day. i j'osi coinin.iuucis aie reuucsieii 10 nsiv 'the schools in tneir icspectlve locaimes to bold patiioHc soiviccs immediately piecedlng Memoiial Day, and co-opeuite w till tho teachei'" nnd school oflleeis In hiich bcivlcPH. This duty is of special im portance, for unless the deeds of tho fatheis live in the heaits of the ehlldien, the altar of llbeity will bo without In cpnse. The" beautiful ceiemonv of sti owing with tloweis the wateis that inn to tho sen. In memory of our sailor dead who fell Ip the causo of the ropubllo is heaitlly commended Mnv tho mjiiad sticains, ns they go laughing and sparkling on their Joyous join nvy to the sen. e.u i y .somo for-got-mn-not to those who sleep limits tin bed in its restless bosom. Tho Woman's Relief eoips, Sons of Vet erans, Ladles of tho Grand Aimy of thu Republic, nnd kindipd organizations, and nil citizens who sympathize with thn splilt or tho uny, aio cordially Invited to unlto with us In Its pinper observance. Piesldent Lincoln's Gettvsbing ndihess Is published herewith, and in nceordniico wtili tho lesohition of the thlitleth na tional encampment, will be lead at all Mcmniial Dav held under tho auspices ot tho Giand Army of tho Re public. 1311 Tounnco, Commander-in-Chief. Rv commind of Silas II. Tower, Adjutant cCucral. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS, Electrical Machinery. It Is understood that the proposed new shops, which the Delawuie, Lacka wanna and Western Ruilinad v contemplate erecting on the site- of the ! old Xoith steel mill, will be entirely equipped with electrical machlnovy. Tho work of dealing the land Is going on rapidly, but nothing has been done as yet In the way of beginning the erection of the tunposed Hhops, The plans are now being perfected. D., L. & W. Boaid for Today. Following Is tho make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna & AVestern board for today: THURSDAY, MAY 29. Summits West S a. m Carrigg, Pusheis 7 a. m ITouser; ll,4n a. in., Moinn: 7.i.0 n. in.. Murnhv: fl n. m i. II Bartholomew, Helpers 1 30 n. in., McQovcrn; 7 a. in,, Gaffneyj 10 a, in., Secor; i 30 p. in., Stun- lull. XOTIC13. T, Doudlcun mid crew will run 7 p. m. etra, May Si, In place of P. J. Nculls und crew. L. G. AVIImot and crew will itin No. Bl May 29. ono ttlp, III place of R. Stack and crew. Corporation Chartered. By Excluiive Wire from Tlie AuocIte l'rci. Han lslmrcr. Atnv ?ft .Pliut!o, o -uc .. ia sued by the utato depaitment toduy to tho following corporations: Noith I3nd Coal company, Scrantons capital, 200,0C0. Oil Market. Oil flfv Mnv B rfo-ll l.ninMAnn ioa ?; .,. wMiuiin, 4w, turuuLuita, no um: empmonis, w,ib bar rolaj average, 102.741 barrels; runs. 101.331 MwW CU(JO, IQVhAI UUItClH. All rfMtm It m Imk at k i uxatlve uromoyuinuieTtuu THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. Now Yoi k, May IM. Today's Block mar ket offers small subject for comment. ' lt was sttletly an altalr of toom trading of a class which Is known In Stoek exchange pin lance as "trading Jack knives." Tho piollts madcv or tho loss sustained wero coniiticd to tho limits of tho board toom. Outside ol del h wero inslgnlllcant. Thu do cllno of tho preceding days found tho traders generally committed In a small way to tlie short side and thev attempted to cover their shoit conttacts befoto tho ilvul trades could do so. The fact that the rise of something over a point In Reading was accompanied by nimois that developments wore Impending encourag ing a hope of the settlement ot tho coal strike wan ot veiy little weight, and ninny Wall street offices had dispatches from tho mining region repotting tho piospectr unchanged, without affecting tlio small gaming that was In progress. Thoro was somo demand for the soft coul cairieis on the ground that tho shortage of anthracite enhances the demand for soft coal as substitute: but thoro Is tho doubtltil element also of the possibility of success of efforts making to get tho bituminous mlncis to Join tho anthracite sti liters. Tho 3(.-polnt ilso in Hocking vnuey nnu as additional giounus a pro- i posed Increase in the dividend rate, j Pressed Steel Car moved tipwaids today, I but did not hold the guln, and the ten- i dencv to Hvmnathv In stocks of other equipment companies found Its most no table effect todnv in railway steel spilng, which moved up over a point. Tho ap pinach of a halt week holiday emphasized tho disposition to reftnln fiom specula tion. A good pnit of the advances wero lost on loom pioltt-tuklng and the maikct closed llfelcs.i and heavy. Total Bales to day, ,T7.r09 shires. Tho maikct for" bonds was dull and steady. Total sales, par Milne, United States bonds weio all unchuiiged on tho last call. The following quotations nre liiinlshed The Tilbune bv Hnlghl .v. Piece Co, 811 .115 Mcurs building. W. D. Runyon, man ager. Opon.Hlch.Lnw.Cioso Amal. Copper W C9 CS1i r8 Am. C. & P Jl 32 3H& a Ameilean Ico Wj "0 1S lSi Am. Ice. Pr ol'i G1'4 fit'fc lil' Am. Locomotive .... 31',i 3.T 3JVu 2'.i Am. Loco Pr 01 9Pi M'(, fli'4 Am. S. & R. Co .... JS1 sS' 1SU 4SU American Sugar 1 2SH- 1J9'4 l-'SVJ 129 Anaconda Copper ...111) llfiU lin HS'A Atchison 71"i SDl8 794. 70'i, Atchison. Pi n? mys s i'sv;. Bait. &- Ohio 10V,:. lOii KiTiVi WVt lliook. R. T i7 (mU 1,7 (!71 Cnnadlnn P.iclllc ...13 1W(. 1 lulU dies . Ohio 4ii'. KS'i -li. .ii'i Chicago A: Alton .... !I7', ,nS :!7?4 37"8 Chic. Ar G. W U. L'Tfe '.'S, L'9 C. M. ..- St. P 1i.1i 171 V.'IU JTO's C.. R. I. & P 172 1T.J,2 IT.' 17r.'i Col. & Southern 31 III I'J 31 Col & South,. Pr ... 42 42 12 42 "Del. & Hud 174 174 174 171 Erie SIV :17',. 3fl'i 37's Erie, 1st Pi (171 US G7" f.7Vi Eile. 2d Pr "Pi SJ :.1"h 2 Hocking Vallev S2i su sn s-,14 Illinois Centinl r.21, Va r2i( lr.24 Knn. City H. South.. 3;3j 31 3! HI Louis, fc Nosh 1.11 1"0 VMi. l.tS'i Munhnttan H2V4 1 -i 112 13I's . Met. St. Rv IIS 141 HS 14S ' Mexican .... 2i" 'J 2.1" 2.VJ Mo K. & Tex 2".U "Vi 2V- 23Vb Mo. IC. .Sr Tcx Pi.. "i't r,ijiR "en r.fii8 Mo Pncillc 111 lftiil, WH W X. Y. rential te,i, l"ig r.i'- 1'.i.if. Xoifoik & Western., a.-"! r,7 : r.7 Ont. & West 321i .'l! ::2"8 2'4 Pacific Mai! 4t II II 41 Pennsylvania R. R141... 149 119 149IJ People'. Gas 102 lft2"t 101". 101" Piessed Steel Car .. 17 .TO' I 17 4li: Reading ma, fitU rK fi;'5 Reading, 1t Pr .... Mt S:"K sji; ST Repuhlle Sleel 17'i 17'. 17' 17' Republic Steel Pr... 71'. 71". 7li 74'A St. I, & San U l.7Vi i7'i 7'i (.7'T Southern Paeillo .... i.4'i M' (.P. CW Southern R. H "iii'n 37 i;'b '."t Southein R. It., Pi .. 9 fl73 01','- Pl" Tenn. Coal . lion .. r.l i.l f,vl l Union Pjcilic lOl'i nu 104', miv. T'nlon Pacillc. Pr ... S.7H S76, S7U S7", U. S. Leather 11'', 1 :u jjii lu; U. S Leather. Pr ... SI Sl, SI M 1. S Sleel :irC din :',q7, if,i , U. S Steol. Pr 11 n'J ci", ft, 4 Wabash Li,", 27 L'..U IMA Wabash, Pr Wi !l i ft trf Western Union lis; fivR ii-j ryi Wisconsin .. 2' s L'J CS', L'x-dlldeiid. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. AVI I DAT. Open lllsh Low Cloe. Tu'Y ; '7'i 73'', 7-T, 72". SnnnvrCl' ,J"8 '-'" ;,1 'P" CORX. Jniv fi-i'j r.i C2TS i.rj September MJ7i U'a uO ifl OATS. inly ."'; rs :-" "' September L'si, is', 2S1! LVi PORK. null 1712 1712 1107 1707 September 17.", 17 27 K.17 17.17 LARD. Jniv 1017 1020 ion ior. September 10.22 10 22 10 22 1022 RIDS. Jlllv (H.7 9 (.7 'M.2 'iij September 9 ir 9(j-. 9 U". 9 1,5 X13AV YORK COTTON MARKI3T. Open. High Low. Close. Tulv NT, S9S K91 S9? August Six! 5 70 sIm S70 September Sill Ml sin S r, October 7.91 7.97 7 91 7.07 Bcranton Bonid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid Asked LacUnwanna Daliy Co , Pr ... i.o County Saw Hank & Tuist Co S00 l'list Nat. Hank (C.n hondale). . . 10) Thlul National Bank rci Dime Dei) . Dis. Rank y . . Uconomy L 11. jfr P. Ci Iij I'lirt National Hank VM Lack. Tiusl tc S.ife Dep Co... IT, 'l.uU ft Snover Co. IV 12"i Sci.mton S.iilngs Rank tfn) Tiadei.s' National Hank L'2" Seiantnn Holt .t Nut Co 12". People's JJunlv II") HONDS. Reianlon Packing Co 'J") Siuintnn Pai-suiger Ruui.ny, Hist raoitgagc, due 1920 11" People's Stieet Rnllwav. Illht moitgage, due IMS 11", People's Sticit Ralluav. Gen- eial moitgage. due 1921 11". Reiaiiton True. Co , li per cent. 11". Kconnmv L H. .V. P. Co 97 N. Jeisoy , Pncono lee Co 97 Consolidated AVater Supply Co ... li'S Scinnton Wholesale Maiket. (Corrected by II. Q Dale, L'7 Lacka. Ave.) I 'lour H lo. Rutler I.'iesh cie.iuieiy, 2'ie,; Ualiy. '2le Clueso-U.ill'jc. Uggs Ne u by, ISe.; western, 17'lc Mai low Iteiius Per bushel, $2 .ru2.40, tlieen Peas Por bushel, $!"'. Onloiin Heiinudas. J2 00 prr ciato. I'otutoeh Per bus.iel, tOe New York Grain and Produce Market Now Yoik, May 24 l'loui Quiet and lower to sell. Wheat Spot caslci : No 2 ii.l, nominal, eluvium; No. 2 ml, now eiop. 'SViMlHo. f. o b. nllorit; No. 1 1101 ill cm Ditliiih, S2'sc. I, 11. li lt a bear day lu options, pi Iocs losing a cent per bushel under stopdoss selling and 1111 0x101131011 of short accounts Tho clo.-.o una. weak at lal3ic not loss; May closed 79;c; July, 7&Ho ; September, 7''4e : De cember, 1$Kv. Coin Spot eiibler; No. 2, 7".'3e. elovatni; 7lV4e. f, o. b. alloat: op tions declined an a result of tnoio llhoial couutiy oelfilngs. heiny unloading and absence of support, do dug H-c, lower ex cept May, which was jc. higher; Miy closed; July. uW.e,j September, Oiin. Oats Spot easy; No 2, loe.: No. a, 4",i.; Xo, 2 whlto. ysu.i No. S white, Me.; Rack mixed wchlein, Kila.; tinck whlto. 49a Me,; options unlet and eabler. Uuttei1 AVeak; cieameiy. 20a22'4c; factoiy, 17n VW.c; renovated, I9u20!'jc ; imitation cieamery, ISMitfllSc.; state daliy, IKlJa 22c, Cheese Irregular: state now full iienm, small cnloied, choice'. 10c.; white, 10V,p,; laigo roloied and white, lOe. K?g3 Firm; htate and Pennsylvania, HWuInc,; westom stouige packed, 17alSe,: southoin, HalSc. Philadelphia Drain and Produce. Philadelphia, May 2S -AVlicat-1c. lower; contiuet guide, May, MaM'sc. Coin Hie. lower; No. 2 mixed. May, WiCJuitfe, Oats Quiet but steady: No. 2 white clipped. Mc. Huttor Mini, fair demund; extin west ern cre'iimeiv. J2'ie.; do. nearby pi hits, 23c. Kggs-Stcndy; modeiuto demand; fresh ncaiby. 17'ii'.: loss off, do. western, 18c; do. do. do. southwestern, 17c; do. do. do. southern, 10c. Cheeso Lowei ; New V n, 1 f.lll .pnn.l.U lirlmn nmnll 1 1 fl ..I,.. . do. do. fair to good. Halite. Rellned SuffdiK Unchanged. Cotton-Steady, Till- un Bicuuyj eiiy prune, in lieices, i.iU 7c; countiy pi lino, in but els Gl&aiSAir.: do. daik. oafiiic; cukes, 7a7Uc Live Pout tiy Film, good demand; fowls. He.; old loostcrs, 10c ; ipilng chickens. 25aS0c; ducks, lOallo. Dressed Potlllry-Qlllet nnu iowibi lowcri iowih, enoico wesiein, Me.j do. do, southern ntid southwestern, ters, SHaPc. Picsh killed broilers, nearby, llllic; do. fair to good, HUnlZe.; old roos SOa.lnc.i western do., Soiinoc! toasting chickens, 14al5c.j ltocn poultry, fowls, Ha13c: neatbv broilers, 22a2Sc.i do. west ern, lfinlOc: turkeys. in.u'Oc: ducks, Ma lOe. Receipts-Flour, l.fioo barrels and B.S.1I.0OO pounds In sacks: wheat, 24.IW liushclsi com, 1.S00 btishels: oals, L'.O'W .uxiieiK. nnipmenis wneat, luT.fim nusu els J corn, 1,800 bushels: oats, 2,00tf bushels. Chicago Grain Mnrket. Chicago, May :, Hears had their ttilti at the grain mnrket today. Genornl con ditions wern moderately bearish but as on yesterday, it was tho action In ths corn pit that turned the tnbles and nil gialns on the lists were forced lo a weak ness greater than yesterday's was strong. Thn whole situation hinged on the llbeial acceptances of Chicago bids by country holders of corn. Theso wero so much greater than had been anticipated thut prices broke badly In the corn pit and other ginln suffered sympathetically. July wheat closed Hia1ie. lower: July coin, H4al?ie. down and July oats, Vic. lower. Piovlslons closed unchanged to a shade, lower. Cash uqotntlons wero ns follows: Klour Steady: No. 2 spring wheat. s Xo. 3, 74c: No. 2 red, MliiiSl'ic! Xo. 2 corn, : No. 2 oats, 41an!(o.; Xo. 2 white, 4.4e.s Xo. 3 white. 44u41l5!1c.: Xo. 2 rye, .Vtiir.sVic. ! good feeding bailey. : fair to choice malting, G9.i72c: Xo. 1 flax seed, II OT: No. 1 northwestern, 11.77; prime tim othy seed, G9a72c: mess polls per barrel. $17 O"al7.10; laid per 100 pounds, lio.l'.a 1U17V&; short ribs, J9Cfla9 70: shonldeis, 8a 8',4c: shoit clear sides, l0.10al0 20 Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Mav 2S. Cottle Receipts. IS, 00(i, Including 1,230 Toxana, mostly lt'il.'c lower: good to pi Inn ntucis. 7a7.Wli poor to medium. $190.10.75: stockcts nnd feod eis. $J"tiari.2ri; cons. $l.n0a3.75: helfeis, 2."0 aK."i0; cnnneis, tl.VlnJriO: bulls. $2 Mail M; talven, 2uii.2fi: Texan fed stneis. ir.''iifiW. Hos Receipts todav, .10,000; tomonow, 2"., ooi); left oer. 4,0jii; stiong lo Re. higher; mlM'd nnd butchers, (!8.)a7.1.": good lo choice heavy. S7.10i7?.O: loiurb be-ivv. Ji.S) Ii7.03; light, Jti (.Our. 9"; bulk of sales. Jii'jOi 7.20. Sheep RceelplF, 20,000; sheep and lambs, 10c. lower; good to choice weth eis. 13 lOafi 23: fair to choice medium, ll'.O a3 40; western sheep, &" 2",u 25: nnthn lambs, r,aiS5: western lambs, S3 TUG S3; spring lambs, 7.4o. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Hast nuffnlo. May 23 Cattle Recelnts, 73; steady. Veals Receipts, Jt'O; easier; tops. $0 70a7: fair to good, ImiGuO: common to light, 5a.". 73. Hogs Receipts. ..100: .stiong to oc. higher; lieaiy nuotable, $7."fl a7.40; mixed, 37.10n7.2'i; pigs. 3Gi0aU73: loughs. 3K t,0a". SO: stags. $4 73a"30 Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 7.000; sheep slow; lambs, 13a23c. higher: top lambs. S7.10i 7.23: fair to good, W '0a7: eulls and com mini, $la"30; vearlings. 33 73afi23; sheep, tops, mixed, $"a3r.0: fair to good, 31S0a3; culls and comonm ,32.30a). East Liberty Live Stock. Kast Llbertv. Mav 2S Cattlo-Stcadv: choice. 37.13n7.30; prime, $i'.73a7: good. 3(5 73. Hogs Steady; prime heavy, $7 L0a7.V; best mediums. J7a7.03; Yoikcis. icnuaGD"; light do, $ii7kifiS: pigs. 3GOaliG0; roughs, J'.afl.7.. Sheep Steady; prime wethers, 31 F0a"; eulls and common, $.122 30; choice jambs, 3G25aG50; cal calves, $7a7."0. FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large.or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. THE aglss Mines Six An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is tho nest known mining propeity in tho state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise monoy for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at 9 .SO a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on tho ground floor. Write for full particulars, oiHflGLHn 1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS T( & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODY.McLELiiAN &C0. BANKERS, lo 87 Broadway, New York cily, MCMDGIIS NKW YOlIK STOCK EXCHAXfiE. STOCKS.BONDS -nil INVE3TA1ENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN MAKE MORE HONEY. Is your Income Biilllclonl? If not, and you ara uuxlouato Increiinelt, urlto me. statins whut amount you can Inext, lioily f lo, und I wdl wrllo you a Intter of advice Pre For yfurKlliavedoii8iiotliUicf.c;o)t study In vtitt. uiuntic Iknow 1 cuuluoiuuuyoiirluujiiieby nolulliiK out stile lncatinuuts, liltUcrto mi. buuun ANDKQW L BUSH, Inveitment Broker, Bank Kclerencn SprlnglUIJ, Miff KtA. cBo?n 3twCiruA. j Cubanola cigars are made from A H old, mild Havana leaf, which H B H is cured and aged J I B& HHH in e Cuban " "h h H !, Mm climate 11 II P. IPESlilL GiGAR (0., THE Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. B GunsfeiiForsyili 253-327 Penn Atciiuc. Lager Ber.. Manufacturers of tf t ii it ! j ! tj i ! n.SE, Scranton,Pa, Old '1'lionc, 233 1. New 'Phone, 2935. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonable at The Tribune office. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Lehigh Vulley Railroad. In cftcul iliy li. 1110.'. 'Jruhn U.itu ttuiitun. To' riiilaililpliii anil New orl. U P. & II II. It., at 6lb iiitl 3JS 11. 111, ami 2.1S, 4 2. (Ul.n-I. Diamond t.'pr?), ami 11. U p, in. femi Oajs, V. K II. It. II 1.33, i.27 p. m. lor Wlillc Hum, lljkiun ami piliulpal point: in tho coal n.'.loin, ia 11. L II, II. II,, ts J5, i.l' anil 1.-7 1. " l''ur I'uttiiMlIc, V.Ji a. m , 2,u For Iktlililicni, Kaston, lUad'iij, HarritliuiR and principal intcriucilUlo station. i 1). A: II It. It , l ' J"" !" i -! --7 (MlatU Dla manil KxpH'Bk), UiVi p. in. Suiiiljjh, 1), & II II. It., 1'. J- u 111 : 1 Sn, Kil (i. in. for 'lunklnnnuiU, lunamla, l.lmlra, Ithaca, Cltnoa uml printlpal lntcrin.UIatn f.allorn, tU 1) , I., i. W. It. It.. "iJ a. "n. ami '' H p. 111. Kor ciincia, ItoUiei:.,-, liutlulu, Nliisrara I'alia, Uilcigo nrl all polnta isl, U I). ,V. I. lt. II , 7,43, V.'UI .1 in., ''-' (III id. Dltiujiul ihc0, "-t 1U.II. It-"'1 I'. ! humlajs, I), .v, II It. It , l.".OI, 1S7 p. hi. ' Pullman pailoi anil Meepln' or Iflilsli Vallc,. parlor tars on all Iralni Lctutoii Kilkis lUnv uml .New orL, I'lillail.'lpliia, lluflalo and buipttn kion Urtd.'O. ItOLI.lN II. Wll.IUIlt, Gin. Supt,, SO Cortland urod, Nciv 01lt. C1I.M1IX& S. I.hi:. Gen. I'asa. Act., UU Cortland ttait, !uiv Yorl.. A. W'. M).Vi:SI.Clli:it, Dlv, Pass. Ast., South Dctlilcnciii, l'a. lor tlckcu und I'ullmun re-enatlona apply to city tlctu oilliv, C! Public bquaic, UllLco Uarre, fl. New York, Ontario nnd Western. 'in UUcct Tucsdaj, Sept. IT, 1W1. NUItlll UOL'.M). Lcavo Loaio Arrlts Trains. Siaiiton. OarUwIalo. Cadojla. i0. 1 10.10a, in. 11.10 a, in. 1.00p.m. So 7 ,, 0.10 p. 111. Ar. C'arliondalelUOp. in Uao I.eaic Arrit Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. No. u '0"a- ni. 7.10a m. So a 2.15 p.m. 4.00 p. in. JO p. in. bUNimb OM,V, NOItril IJOU.MJ. r I,cato Lcao Arrlri Trains. bcraiiton. CarLondile. Cadosla. No. 9 ,..t.. 8.Wli. m. U.10 d. in. 1034,, No. 6 ..... 7.00 p m. Ar. Cartondale 7.Wp. in. tense Leave 'Arrlvo Tralnf. Cjdosla. Carlwndalc. Kiranton. No, C .,, V.??"-"1' 7-Wa. m. No. 10 ....... 4 30 P- in. 0 00 p.m. 6 ti p. m. Trains Nos. 1 oil ceL Hay, and 0 on Sundaia, mako main lino conncvtlom for Now York city, MlddUtoun, Walton, horwiiL, Oneida, 0Keva and all points not. For further Information rcmult ticket agents. J. ('. ASDKKSOV, 0. 1'. A. Mw York. ). L. WKLSIi, T, 1. A., Ecrtntou, l'a. L nUU Su SoUo ONLY . VVIiolcsnte Tn ton tien ri I at a 09 Lacka. Ave. MICHAEUAN BROS. & CO., s, ,. tif This Elegant . . ONLY Maue of clear white maple, strong and durable We onlv have a limited wa tj aMBvttaL I ,;, early to get one. They sell regularly from $2.So to $3.oo. I Scranton Carpet Registered. 406 Jr. .j. , .J. .j. .1 .. . .. ! 4 1 Pap tho 2- I Ul LI1U Also the Grown People. -t. , 1 V vS Sty tT j The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Co., j Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. P. S. Wc Also Give Green Trading Stamns, :! 54i3"H,tI,,l,4'4"i'4'5' RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson, In i:0li( Soumbcr 21, 100L Trains fur Curbomlalo Ujc Scranton at 0.20, .00, b.5l, 10 1- J. I".. 1-00, l.iiJ, J.JI, 8 02, SiO, 0JJ, 7.51, 0M. II -J l. li'.; 1.31 a. in. For Honcalale 0.J0, 10.Ua. in.; .6 unJ S.2J P'For WIILMlJairc flS", 7.43, 8.11, OSS, 10 41 a. m.j 1J.IW, 1.1-',, J2S, 4.2f, t'.lu, J.a, 10 41, 11. u ni. lor L. V. It. II. I'oliita-O.38, O.iS a. in.; 2.13, 4 21 anil li," 1'. in. Tor rtnnolvanla It. lt. Points 0i3, 0.33 a. in.: 1.1-'. J -a uiul 4.J7 )i. m. 1 or AlUii) iyid all points north 0 20 a. m. irnU I', in. SUNDVY 1 RAINS. I'or CaibonJili. B 50, 11 SJ a. m.j 2.31, 3.32, .62 anU 11.17 p. in. tor Wllki.-llairc 0.33 a. ni.j 12 03, 1,63, 3.23, 0 32 anil 0.17 I', in. Kor All an v anil points north 3 53 p. m. tor llont"tl ilo S 50 a. in. and .3.53 p. ni. W. L. I'ltVOlt, U. I'. A.. Scranton. Pa. Delaware, Xackawanna and Western. In KfTcct Nov. 3, ltwi, Tralm leave ficranton lor New" lorn At 1,40, 3.15, 0.05, 7.50 ai.U 10. Oj a. in ; 1J.43, 3.40, 3 33 l. ni. for Na York ami PhilaiUlphla 7.50, 10 05 a. in., ami 12.45 and SSI p. ui. I'or Tub), lianna At n. in. I'or lluflalo 1.13. 0.22 aril 9U0 a. in.; 155, 0.60 .iml 11.35 p. in. For Win I liamton aim way auuons lu A) n. in. anu I.1U p. m, for Oitt(,'o, b;raouic ami Utica 1,16 ami 0.23 a jn. ; 1 6) p. in. Oswrxo, bracuw and lltica train at, 0.22 a. in. Jail), exicpt bundjy. i'or Montiuie 0 00 a. !; 1.10 and 0 50 p. m. Nlchol.on attoniiiioilatlon 4 00 and 0,15 p. m. Uluoinsburir Ulu.lon For Korlliumberlaiid, at C.i5 and 10.05 a in.; 1.55 and 0 10 p. in. Kor Phmoutli, at 8 13 a. m.j 3 40 and I) 00 p. m Sunday Twins Fur Sev York, 1.40, 3 15, 0 05 and 10,01 a. ni.; 3.40, J.33 p. in. Kor I hi III lo 1.15 and n.2j a. in.; 165, t50 und 1135 p. in. lot Ulnshainton and way (tatlons 10 io a. an. Illconubiir.- PlvUlon ln bcruutou, 10 05 a, in. and 0.10 p. m. DISTRIBUTORS OF CUBANOLA CIGARS Oriental Rugs Host Pleasing, Host Lasting and Tloit Useful Articles for . . . . Wedding Presents. 4 4 4 4" 4 4 4- Porch Chair S1-30 V varnished, and is large, heavy, number, ana you'll have to come & Furniture Co., Lackawanna Avenue, T ! 4 l I 1 4- This cut represents a new novelty the 20th Century Air Ship. De lights everybody, durable and harmless in every respect, will fly from 50 to 300 feet in the air, and may be used hundreds of times. One of these Air Ships given with every $i.o purchase or more of Shoes or Ox fords. All the new .Summer Styles now in stock. boys am (iim RA ILROAD TIME TABLES. Treading system. Cential Kalhoad of New Jersey. In riltit JIj.v i 1002 hjatiom in Nih uiU, fimt l.lbtily strict an Huiith Firry, N, II 'lialn lute hcuntun for c- YoiK, I'lilh. ililphia, I'.irtmi, llctlililiim, AlhntuHii. 'Miudi t Inink. Wliitc IIimii. UhUi, Wllu-Hunr- and I'ltulini .it 7. 'to a. in , 1 . in. and 1 p. in. Sun. iljj, 2.10 p. ni. OuiKir I My Kpii liao Mranton 7.10 a. in,, tlirmn,h holjif Mtllnili" lialn llh Piillniin Mullet I'arloi Cm (or I'lillidt'lplila with "nly one dunjn t.l ui-, foi llaltlnioic ami ahliulon, 11. L., and all pilmiiul points south ami u.t. I'oi Amci, l'ltttoi ami WIIKes llarrc, 1 p. m. and I p. in. buiuM. -' H p. m. For l.oni Iliaiuli, On ui l!luc, etc., 7.TO and Kcr itc.iillnrf, I.ibanon ami IlarrUbuiff U Al ii ntmwi at 7. J a. in , 1 . in. and 1 p. in. fcun. day, 2 10 p. " For Tainn)ua and I'ottsWIIc, 7.30 a. in, 1 p. ni. and 4 p. m. For rJtc-. ami tiikiU aply In JCcnt nt ljllon, W. (!. Illi-Sl.nit, l!(ii. Managir, V, SI. IHIIir. lien I'aM. A8t. ' Pennsylvania Bailroad. SUudulo In FUiot June 2, iOOl. Tralm iac 'scrantu.i; O.s a. in., week duyj, through n-silbulc tuln Irom tlkto Uarrc. pull, man bulla parlor car and coaclwj to l'luladrl. pliU, ia I'ousUHc; ttopa ut principal lutiini. diate bUtlo'is. Also counocta for Suubuij, Hi r- . liiburu, Pliiladdphla, llallluiorc, JshliiKlon anil lor I'ilUburir and ihe wit. 0.83 a. in, week duy, lor Sunbnry, Harriburc, I'hiladelpliia, llaltlinor, Washington and Pltta burf and tho went. 1.42 n in., tuilf da)- (Sund.ns, 1 63 p m ). foi t-unbury, lUrrbburu', 1'lilladilphla, Ualllmorc, Uaililn'.tm and Pitttburi; and ttio wot. 3.28 p in. week, dan, through vestibule train (rout U liked Uarrv, Pullman bullet parlor car and loathu to PhiladclphU via Pottsville. Mop at prim.lpil jnteriiK-dlaU stations 4 27 p. in. imk dj)s, tor llailcton, Sunbury, liatri.b If.', Philadelphia and PitUmrg. J. II IIHICIII.SiON. tivn. Mcr. J. U. WOOD, Gu. Piii. Ast. I t i