The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 29, 1902, Image 1

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Harmonu In the Ohio Republican
Gamp lor the First Tims
Since 1897.
It Is Due Alike to Cuba and the Uni
ted States That Proper and Rea
sonable Tiade Concessions Should
Be Made The President and the
Army Aie Congratulated on Satis
factory Progress Hade in the Phil
ippine Islands.
Bi Lvchulee Nile from Hie Abm Jtcd Pre.
Cleveland, May 2S The Republican
state convention nominated the follow
ing ticket.
Secietatv ot state Lewis C. Ltvllll,
f Not walk.
Judge of Supi erne i out t William B
CJrew, of McConnelsvllle.
rood nnd Dairy Conimislonei llot
flcu Ankeney. of Xenla
Membei of the boaid of public woika
Wllllum Kit tlcy, jr , of Dellunco
The convention, which bus been a
continued ovation all week to Senator
Ilunna, closed this evening with a gteat
demonsti.itlon in his honor, to which
he lesponded In a churactetlstlo speech.
The senator at formei state conventions
has sounded ke notes that vveic taken
up by Republican glee clubs. He told
them today to sing "Keep On Letting
Well Enough Alone," in the campaign
tallies this seat.
The convention v,is distinguished
fui hutniony in the choius foi Ilunna
in all that was done. One ot the last
l conciliations was that of Senatot
Hanna nnrl former Gov et not Asu A.
Bushnell, of Sptingfield. The latter hud
been here all week, but Bushnell and
Hanna nevei spoke us they passed each
othet's qua. lets.. They had not spoken
since the r.'e'oiub'e contest foi the
penatoishlp in 1S07 Befoie going to the
convention today, thev met In the most
ordlal mnnnci. The delegates who
"got them together" gave glowing le
potts atound the convention ball of
the wa they vvcie calling each other
"Moik" and "Asa" again.
Senator Hanna and Geoige n. Cox.
of Cincinnati, also hud n fiiendlj fmc
.vcll tonight nftet a contest dming the
day over nominations
What wete called the Hanna men
won on all ballots, but Cox supported
none of the wlnnets. In making up the
s-t.ite ticket, Hanna and fox were on
opposing sides today, the same as in
the contest foi the otganiatlon ot the
legislatute lust Januaty, but good feel
ing pi ev ailed after the convention was
ovci. While Senator Hanna was eheei
ed as he enteted the hall, as ho an
nounce! the vote of his count v delega
tion, ot which he was (bail man, as
Geneial ("io-.venot and irthei speakets
lrfeticd to him, and on othei 01 cat-Ions,
the imntlon of the names of Pi evident
Roosevelt. Senator Foiakci, Governor
N.ih and othois weic also theeied,
Gemini (irnsvenoi was beaitily le
celved as the pennant nt i hall man as
was Omui.i1 Ohk, when he lead the
l evolutions wlilth woio adopted.
The Platfoira.
The platfoini, after paving a ti Unite
to th" lueinoiv of I'le-lduut MtKlnley
and pledging Ohio It. publicans to sup
poit Piesldent Itoostvelt, ( ongiatulatts
tin- rtate on obtaining the businesslike
sot vices of Gen ei noi and com
mends the as.sembl loi its. vvKp and
patriotic legislation. Hetittoi-, Feu.iker
and Hanna mo pulsed, and the ncoid
of Republican (iingies"es, "especially
thns-o since the liiailgiii.itlon of Wil
li tin McKlnley." Is Indoised. On the
riut'htton of (ttpltal and laben's lelitlons
It sa.vs;
To i 'cine tin l.ilioi the eoiisleleiutlnn it
descivcii, to uphold tlm dlgnltv or toll, to
(leato a henltln public opinion on tin;
HibJvct or labor and the Justices or its ti
eclvlng a full slmieof the value It eicttes
to bilng I ilior ami cupltal together im
common gioiiud in the adjustment of sin Ii
(locutions as wiV court in Hush two gnat
f.nlois ii piodtuttiiu, It Ik uocessaiv thuL
labor Mtould lie liitdlbrently oigunUid
i' bollovo In fev liouis and linger ie
vviiida foi lilmr, and favor mieli laws as
w III hut nwnUo the luteiestH of labor and
eiipltal and tend to lighten tlui bittduii of
In lespeet to Chinese exclusion, tlto
following is suld:
in out Inst declination or pilnclples we
fiivoud a imtevval ot the wlw; ptoeUloiiH
by which the uiucstilttcd liniitlgtatlou of
Chinese Iiuh been pi evented, and vo now
(omtiiend enngiess ten lo-cnnctlng tlm
Chinese exclusion law, thus liiHiiilitg i on
tinned pioteetlon to Amerlcun labor fiotn
t'liliiejo Imniigintlon.
The icsolutlons favor a continuation
of the llbeial pension policy establshed
by tho Republican party, udvocatlng
the. e.xtenslon of tho postal tural fiee
delivery sot vice, "wheiever its ex
tension inav be Justified," leconimend
a substantial and uiilntoiiiipted In
crease in tho strength of the navy,
nnd urge legislation that vIll expedite
tho consti ii"t!on of the Isthmian canal.
Concerning trusts, the following Is
Wo lecognlza the necessity of co-opoia-tlon
In aider to meet now conditions la
tho liidtiHtilal world, and to compoto suc
cessfully for the woild's muikets; but al
romblnatloits that stifle competition, con
it ol pi Ices, limit pioductlou, 01 unduly In
cie.tso luollts ot values, and especially
when they iiiIho tho prices of tho nccessl
lies of life, aio opposed to public policy
and should bo leptessul with a 'strong
The New Republic of Cuba Is con
gratulated on the "Una! fruition of the
hopes and snuggles of her people for
ftecdoni and Independence," '
Touching oi the question of led-
proclty with that Island, the 1 evolu
tions contain tho following:
riirtliermoic, we believe It Is due alike
to Cuba and to ouisehes that la uceoid
unce wltli the Republican pilnelplo of lo
clpiocltv, pioper and teasoiiable tiaelo
concessions phadd Le made b our govern
ment to Cuba. In I etui n for her concess
ions upon American pioducts, i.o as to
benellt the tiade of both countilcs, and to
Hilly and genet ouly cany out evety obli
gation ol out national honoi, vvluitncr c
ptescd or linpllcd.
The president and the ai my ate con
giutulatc'd on the satisfactory progtebs
niiide In the Philippines In suppiesslng
Instil lection und establishing older,
and the "policy of our goveintnent In
those Islands Is unquiilllledlv endoised.
Our title to the Islands Is its perfect as
was that of Spain aftei 400 yeu'ts of
undisputed possession. We will give
their people bottet government, bet
ter schools, inote civil and political
lights and a higher civilization and
luoader lteedom than is possible for
them In any other way. Oui flag Is In
the Philippines and theie it will te
main. The American aim has taken
up a wmk of establishing older and
maintaining authotlty In the distant
Philippines, and, while we deploie and
sevciely condemn unv Instances of
eiueltv which niu.v have occuned, we
remembet that out soldleis aie light
ing a baibarous and tieacberous foe,
who have often Inflicted most inhuman
atrocities upon their prisoners H Is
the nation's armv, dtawn from every
section of the countiv, knowing V, no
politics or creed, but fighting the na
tion's 'battles under the nation's flag,
and we ieent with indignation recent
Demociatlc dffoits to drag Its honoi In
the dust and to cast t eproach on Its
fair name."
The doctrine of anarchism is de
nounced, and it is demanded that con
giess enact stringent laws against at
tempts on the life or the chief inugls
tiate or of any person In the line of
succession. Lytuhing and all forms of
mob v iolenee at e also denounced.
Senator Hanna's Speech.
Senator Hanna In his speech after the
nominations had been made, said the
candidates nominated will receive the
unanimous suppott of the Republicans
of Ohio Continuing, he said:
We had a motto In tho last convention,
"Let well enough alone" I propone to
otfu m amendment to that, "Keep on
letting well enough alone"
Tbote Ins bei n consldetatlon of stato
aflalis and espccl.iltv of the woik done
b the leglslntute of our state, which will
appeal to the people Intel ested In sound,
economic government, and will also ip
pcal to those who hae felt the bin den of
taxation and have sought tellef and found
It. Tin i a an- questions of gicat intoit it
In this campaign, because wo ate cullul
upon to vote for tnembeis of congress,
who shell suppott out stientioiis pi evi
dent dutlng the bahnco ot his administra
tion The s-onntor icfoucd feelingly to
Piosldon Roosevelt, and e omniended
his polU y in the Philippines and in
concluding said:
JIv ft lends, in eiitetlng upon this cam
paign in inn state let us temcmbui tho
inaitwcd picslduit, and iusplud bj tho
policies to which ho had devoted his life,
which has niiido this couutiy gteat and
piospeious, let bis sphit guide us and un
der that insphatluu let us i;o fotwaid
(ei man, with a dclcimination to vin
dicate thosu policies
A new eia Is dinning upon this rour.
ti. Our gie it developmi til has learhed t
joint that has pi iced us in tho fiont tank
of nations, not onlv bv the power ami
weight of our affahs but also because wo
have become the Kieatest maniiftictitihig
and inclusttlal nation of the wot Id ThuL
development Is a national oitsciiicneo of
the evolutions that ale going cm. Uibor
and capital ate appto telling each othei lit
the proper spirit.
I bcllMo in oiganUcd labor, and 1 be.
lloo in organized capital as an auxiliary.
These two gteat foitcs .tie woilcing out
the destinies of our euimtij, and tlpy
must be ftlendly. Tin must bo ably
and hoiiesile adnihiL.teicd and thc must
be (Otiti oiled.
Out ptospeets ntn blight, and as 1 said
lefoie, we have enteied upon this contest
full ol hope, because we uio light, and wo
Will get theie.
Ex-Congressman Bailey Is Nominat
ed for Governor.
U,e I.mIusIm ttlie (mm Hie .Woiia'ul Prcm.
Wichita, Kansas, May L'S. The Re
public an state convention tonight nomi
nated the following ticket:
Governor, formei Congiessnian W, J,
Halle y, lieutenmt governor; D. J,
Hanna: seeietary of state, Joseph R,
Huiiuw; auditor, Soth (1. Wells: Su
pieme Justices, H. S. Mason, J. C. Pol
lock and A. L Oieene, A. II. Ellis, P.
W. Cunningham: congussman-at-laBe,
S..S, Scott.
The fentuto of the convention was tho
stiong Roosevelt sentiment. The fi lends
of Mr. Halley conti oiled the convention
ftoni Hip start. The platfotm endoises
tho national adnilnlstiatlon,
lly Kxcluihp Wire from The Auoclatcd Pre.
Washington, Slay :s. Seaatots Quay
and Pom oso tailed at tho white) house to
day, accompanied by Muioi Ashbtldge,
and a eonimltteo fiom Philadelphia and
extended an Invitation to the president
to paitlelputo In tho cciemonles attend
ing the dedication of tho now high school
building In Philadelphia In Octobet, Tho
pichldcnt was unable to say whether liu
could attend or not, but will do so If bin
engamenth at that time penult.
Stepmshlp Arrivals,
lly JIxiHh'U' Wire from I he Associated i'reu.
Now Yoilt, May "J8. Artlvcil: Ilohen
zolletn, Genoa; Majestic, I.lveipool and
Qucenutown. Cleuted: La Savole, Havre;
1'ueist lllsmau'k, Hambuig via Plymouth
and Chenbourg, Sailed: Oceanic, I.lvoi
pool; Philadelphia, Southampton; Ken
sington, Antweip. Queenstowii Antvrd:
Teutonic, New YorL. Southampton Ai -lived:
St. Loulsi, New Yoile. Liverpool-.
Sailed: Geinutnle, Now Yoik via Queens-town.
Protestant Episcopal Convention in
Session ot Yoik.
D.e Kxeltuhu vWre (rem llie Awunalcil l'rr.
York, Pa., May 2S The Protestant
Episcopal convention of the diocese ot
Pennsylvania, Utter u day of solid bus
iness adjourned to meet the second
Tuesday of May next at Ttlnlty thurcli,
Ciubondtile, Pa. Wllllum II. Sayte,
ticusurer of the mission liouid, lepoit
ed a deficiency of $0,500 (luting the jeai.
Tho paioehial icports showed that all
the parishes but six conlilbuted to va
rious causes as follows:
Aichdeaconiy of Heading, $9lt,5U.i"r;
Hanlsbutg, $tD,41l.8U: Wllllamspoit,
$52,187.88! Scrallton, $96,661.86.
A resolution was adopted lecognlzlng
the deaf mute commission us an auxll
Imy to the diocesan boaid. The tepoit
of the entollment fund showed leceipts
to be $.".,852 54 fiotn all houiees. Rev.
W. R. Bleed and Colonel Fred Rey
nolds were elected delegates to the
missionary council to be held at Phila
delphia In October.
A tesolutlon was adopted favoting
the establishing at Washington, D. C ,
of a labotatory foi the study of ctlm
Inal, paupei and othei defective classes
under government auspices. It was le
ached" that the fund for the endowment
of the Episcopate in the diocese be In
creased to at least $150,000 and that not
less than $110,000 be raised by pledges,
puyablo In five annual Installments
This evening the fifteenth anniversary
ot the consecration as bishop of Right
Rev. Ethelbett Talbot. D. D, LL.D.,
was oelebtated. Bishops Dudley, of
Kentucky nnd Grdvat, of West v tiglnhi
were nmong the speakers. This wits
followed by a reception given Bishop
Talbot by the parish at the countiy
Tomorrow will be woman's day.
An Agreement Beached by Senate as
to Vote on Philippines Bill De
bate on Coinage Measure.
Bv I xchnbe Wire from The Associatcil Pr?i
Wahlngton. May 28 ThehoiiFe spent
the day debating the bill to Inciease the
subsidiary coinage by coining the silver
bullion In the tieasuty, tfig to le-coin
standard silver dollats as tne public ne
cessities may requite. The, limit of sub
sidiary coinage Is now $100,000,000 The
bill inct eases this to an Indefinite
amount, in the discretion of the secie
taiy of the tieasuty. The bill aroused
the opposition of the Dt,'inociats, who
claimed It "was only a step in the direc
tion of sti iking down of the silvei dol
lar. The debate drifted Into a geneinl
discussion of the sllvct question. Vety
little Intel est was shown, and Mr. Coch
ian twice made the point that no quo
tum was ptesent. .,
Mi. New lands (Nevada) finally of
fered jti amendment to make subsltll
atj slhti a legal tendct, and this
amendment was pending when the
house adjoin ned .
An agt cement was leached in the sen
ate today bv which a final vole on the
pending Philippine government bill and
nil aincmlmontfi will be taken next
Tuesday at 4 p. in Pending the vote,
the senate will meet at 11 o'clock eiuh
clay except Fiidnj, when the bod will
not sit, it being Memotial dn. On
Monday and Tuesday the debate will
be under the fifteen-minute lule.
Mr. Buriows (Michigan) explained
the bill at length today and urged its
enactment, maintaining that It would
advocate the interests and ptotuote tho
piospeiity of the Islands. In his judg
ment It would be a mistake to accotd
the Filipinos now solf-govei nment and
Independence. Such a proceeding could
n suit, he said, only In disaster to the
Inhabitants and possible anmchv In the
President Palma's Message Bend to
Congress A Paper Censured.
He I'veliHhe Wlii' from llie snr litrtl l'rc-
Havana, May 28 The house of icp
lesentatlves has reconsldeied the bill
which ptovldtd amnesty for Americans
who vveie under sentence oi In jail in
Cuba and has added an amendment
which piovidcs that amnesty be gt ant
ed to native boin Ainei leans only. In
this form the bill was sent to the sen
ate. The put pose of the amendment Is
to exclude fiom the ptopnsed amnesty
those nalutallzed Ameiiiau citizens
who might be leleased under the hill
and who might still continue to teslcle
In Cuba.
The house has fixed the snlny of tho
piesldent of the lepublle at $Jli,000, und
that of membeis ol eongtess at $3,600.
Piesldent Palma's mijssaco to eon
gtess was lead today, Consldeiablo
scandal has arisen fimn the fact that
this message was published b a local
naner lust night, bofoio It hud been de-
I llvered to eongtess. Today thu house
passed a lesolutlou lo the effect that It
I considered the piematuie publishing by
the paper u dlscouitesy to Piesldent
Wore Cleveland Unifouns.
lly 1'xcIimIvo Wire from The A-si.ocl.itcd I'ltsj.
Cleveland, May 28 Tho ball placets,
Lajolo and Uetnhatd, who aio In confet
once with tlto officials of the Clovuland
club, did not sign contracts with the club
today us was expected they would. How
ever, It Is suld that tlioro has been no
hitch, und that there Is no hiiny in tho
matter of signing a conttnet. Lajolo and
Ilciulmiil weio out to the local grounds
today and woio Cleveland uniforms In
thilr ptactlce,
' - i.
Will Bespond to Strike Order.
11 Kxclushc Ire from The Associated Vttn.
Hazlcton, May 2S. At a muss mooting
In Freelaud tonight tho union and non
union pump runnels, llteinen mid engl
neets employed by Coxo niothers & Co,
unanimously decided to quit vvoiU on
Monday if their confessions asked for aio
not gt anted. About tluee bundled men
will icspond to the strike otdcr,
Mitchell BetuniB Tomorrow,
Py Fxiliuhc Ire from 'flic AtoeIted prey.
Wilkes-Iiaiie, May S A dispatch was
received at stilLe headrptuiteis tonight
that Piesldent Mitchell would aritvo r.onj
Friday afternoon.
The Humanities ol Politics Are
wltli Jolin Elkin and Against
Senator Quau.
The Attorney General Played Fair
with Quay andIt Was Quay Who
Played Tilcky Elkin tho Comrade
and Beau Ideal of the Boys Who
Fight the Party's Battles; and tho
Boys, and Not the Ornamental
Office Holders, Will Be in Control
of the State Convention Facts,
Figures and Predictions A Im
mense Crowd Expected.
Special to tin irmton niliune
Hamsburg, May 28. This week and
next will complete the selection of state
delegates and bj a week from Monday
the- theatre of political activities will
be tr.insfened fiom the various coun
ties to Hanlsbutg. The prospects are
that an unprecedented crowd will be
heie to see the fun. Every hotel
room In Hairlsbutg has been bespoken;
hundicds of lodgings In private famil
ies have been engaged; the coirldors of
the capltol ate to be occupied by cots
and it may be necessary to set up cir
cus tents for the accommodation of the
In spite of the claims of the various
managers It is tecognized here by prac
ticed students ot politics that the cam
paign for control of the convention will
be close and probably not decided until
the small boms of Wednesday morning,
June. 11 The assertions of the Quay
leadeis that Fenns packer will win eas
ily with moie than 220 votes In conven
tion, or 40 more than enough to nomin
ate, are laughed at b those in the con
fidence of John Klkln, who seem fully
ussuied that the Indiana plow boy will
oiganlze the convention and win the
The Outlook.
A state Official ialct today: "Mt.'Ul
kin's fi lends have looked well to his In
tel est In eveiy county of the state and
he has a following which is faithful and
the envy of the other candidates. The
candidacy of Judge I'ennypackei, of
Philadelphia, has aroused llttla enthu
siasm outside of his own city. He has
seemed twenty-two delegates, all but
tluee fiom counties adjacent to Phila
delphia, but ho has developed no
strength whatever west of the Alle
gheny. In the far w ostein counties
the ft lends of the attorney geneial have
seemed a large majority of the dele
gates ,headv voted for and they hnve
eveiy assmuuee that of those jet to bo
selected they will sccuie enough to give
their candidate sufficient stiength to
place him In splendid wot king order on
the (loot ot the convention." This offi
cial, who is u conseivative man, not
given to chasing intnhows, gives out
the following tabulated estimate of the
situation as it stands:
Suie for Elkin.
Armstiong 3
Utrks "
Ulah 5
Utadfoid j
Carbon "
Che stir 7
i: k
Foiest 1
Franklin 1
Fulton 1
Indiana :
Jeffetsua 3
Juniata 1
Lehigh 5
Lancaster 1-
Lebanon 4
Ltizuno !
McKi'itn s
Merci r :l
Nnithnmplon, .r
Northumbcihind 4
.Sehuvlklll !"'
Susquehanna '
ihilo 1
AVyomlng I
Total i 1U
Unlnstructed Favorable to Elkin.
Fujetlu ."
Lvcomlng , 4
Vemtngi 3
J'lke 1
Potter 2
For Pennypacker,
Delawato ,,
Lavvience .,
Tor Watres.
Wayuu ,,,,,.,
Not Committed In Doubt.
Adams ,....,,,,,,,,,, ,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Denver , .,,,,,,,
Ducks ,,,,,,,,..,, ,.,,
Clinton ,
Coin nibla ,....,,,,,,, ,...,.,,,,,,,
Cumberland ,,.....,,
Clio ., ,. .....,,,,,, ,,,,.
Snyder t .,.,.,,..,, ,,,..
Sullivan ..,., ,
Total ,,,,,,,,.. ,,...ii,i.f,....i.i..,,
Yet to Elect.
Allegheny ,,, ,
Iu tier ,..,.,,, ,,,m!,,,.
Cumbria ,.
Cameron ,
Huntingdon ..., ....,...'.....,....
Millllu ....,,, ..,, .,f,..,,i,,, ,,,,.,,,,,,.
Montour 1
Perry -
Bnmcrsct '
Tioga. .., j
Washington "
Westmoreland S
York 0
Philadelphia ; i
Total I..U9
Beviewing the Fight.
In discussing chunecB this oflltlul
said: "It Is wise to bear In mind that
Tllkln has an equal or better chance
than Quay to capture unlnstructed
delegates. In this fight Hlkln was the
first and natural choice of alt stalwart
Republicans, young and old alike. For
years he had been Quay's tiusted lieu
tenant. In personal touch with the ef
fective workers In every county. The
workers could always see Elkin, talk
muttets over with him and depend on
what ho told them. In later years Quay
has kept l emote from the active men
nnd In touch only with the big guns
who have been accustomed to give
"Now, if nikln had tiled to use this
acquaintance" to build up a machine
against Quay: If he had been treacher
ous to his chief, he could not expect
much from the stalvvaits In control of
the vnrlous counties. As a matter of
fact, he vvus loyalty personified; so
loyal that the only chaiges his oppon
ents can bring against him mlso from
what he did when working under
orders In Quay's behalf. The stalwarts
know this. They also know that It was
Quay who tried to thiow Elkin and
then, not fairly, but by a strangle hold.
Elkin hud told Quay early in the game
that if the leadeis didn't think It wise
for him to be a candidate he would step
aside. He was told to go ahead and
make his fight. Durham assured him
of support In Philadelphia. Quay prom
ised, if not open help, at least neutral
ity. Both promises were bioken, vir
tually without warning, after Elkin
had won In 17 out of 19 counties, the
two others being given to Wattes with
out contests, largely on Quay's recom
mendation. "These facts, and many more, are or
will be known to every county leader
In control of untnstiucted delegates.
In some- counties men friendly to Elkin
wete choseii delegates without Instiuc
tlons because their past lelatlons to
Quay would have made instiuctlons
embairasslng. In other counties the
piecedents of years amounting to an
unwritten law aie against instiuctlons;
but the delegates elected have volun
tarily assured Elkin of their support;
have without solicitation said so In
black and white. Every campaign pio
duces disappointments, but It Is h.udly
likely that men who go out of their
way,,to tell Elkin that they me for him
and vvhephhve nothing to 'expect as a
eonsideiutlou wlll'ln e'onsldeiable per
centage go back on their own engage
ments. The Personal Equation.
"There is another factor which Is giv
ing Senatot Quay leal concern. Elkin
has the enthusiastic suppott of a gieat
majority of the county oiganizittlon
vvotkers, tho men who do things. They
aie vvoiklng for Elkin fiom siieer ad
miration of the man and In Instinctive
levolt against Ingiatitude. Quay has
tiled hard to get them back Into line,
but without lesult. Tho workers whom
he has for Pennj packer arc mainly
graduates from the active ranks, super
annum les, so to speak. They weio
stiong when joung but they now be
long on the shelf. They me for Penny
packer. Why? Hec.iuse they cute a
u.ip for Pennj packet? Certainly not.
Many have never seen him. Some hold
fedeial office under Quay. Some have
held federal office In the past. Some
feel peisonally kindly to Quay and,
upon direct appeal fiom him, have con
sented to lend a hand. The only man
In Quay's whole outfit who Is peisonally
In earnest for Pennypacker is Dm hum,
of Philadelphia; and Durham at heart
is for Elkin, but because of local in
fluences and coiporate orders had to
change front In self pioteetlon.
"You ate going to see some lively sur
mises on the evening of June 10. I
think the aveiago reader of nevvspapeis
not peisonally conversant with polities
and tho ties of friendship and affection
'which develop among soldleis In hard
fought political campaigns are unable
I to undetstand the Intense fealty which
exists among tho stalwmt privates,
cotpoials, sergeants and lieutenants for
Comiade Elkin. John has stood should
1 er to shoulder with them In a bundled
dt'speiute battles; ho has been the one
j man In the machine camp who never
'lost patience or temper; who, when
oveicome at one point, was up and do
ing at another: who gave und took hmd
knocks without mulico or personal le
Isentment and who, In sttategy, pluck
and loyalty, never had a superior. The
. boys on the filing line know and appte
1 elate this, and they me going to be In
the saddle June 11, maik what I tell
Deputy Attorney General Fleitz left
today for Tioga county, whoto Attor
ney General Elkin Is meeting the peo
ple anticipatory ot satmuui s open
The Sage of Olonwood Thinks Plow
Boy Will Win.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Atlantlo City, May 28. Congiessman
Galusha Grow, the repiescntuttve-ut-l.n
ge from Pennsylvania, Is heie for a
few weeks' rest. When cpicstlonecl as
to whom he legariled as the piobablo
winner of the gubeinatoilal contest in
Pennsylvania, ho said;
"I havo given 'he light between At
torney General iMkln and tho state
machine a great deal of consideration.
I have also talked with all of tho lead
ing politicians of the stnte mid It is my
honest conviction that Elkin will secuie
the noiplnutlon for governor."
Candy Factory Burned,
lit 1- vcbiehe Wire from The Associated I'rca.
Now York, May !i8-J. J. Malchetto &
Co.'s candy factmy, a slx-stoty stineturo
In liiooklyu, was burned toda, The loss
Is estimated at $160,000 to JJOOUOO, coveted
by tiisuruncc,
Postmaster at Canton.
B I'xrliuhe Wire (rout llie Associated Pie. '
Washington. May S8 Tho president to
day sent to tho senate tho nomination of
Lnn Q. Thomas to bo po3tmustor at
Canton, fluid foul county, Pa.
Careless Handling of Fhearms Bff-
sults in Tragedy at Plttston.
San Lewis Fatally Injured.
Sprel.l to the Sernnton Trllunt.
Plttston, May 28. Daniel Lewis, of
Delaware avenue, West Plttston, was
engaged In cleaning a revolvet about 8
o'clock last evening. He laid the wea
pon upon a table for a moment when
Mrs. Lewis picked it up and pointing
It ut his bead playfully called upon
him to throw up his hands. Almost at
the same instant as her tlng?r piesscd
the tilgger there was u Hash, a loud re
pott, and her husband sank to the lloor
with a 32-calibre bullet In his bruin.
Dr. Pledost who was called dlscov
eied that the missile hud struck the
bridge of the victim's nose and had
taken an upvvaid course lodging In the
Mr. Lewis was alive at a late hour
this evening, but no hopes of his re
covery ate entertained. He Is 45 jeais
of age.
Anxiety for the Safety of
Geologists Is Caused
by Explosions.
By hTclmive Wire from Iho Associated Prci
Fort de France, Island of Martin
ique. May 2i3, 5 p. m. A tremendous ex
plosion of veiy black smoke fiotn Mont
Pelee, at a quarter befoic 9 o'clock this
morning, accentuated the fear enter
tained for the safety of George Kennnn,
the American author, ,w ho, with a. land
party, has been examining the north
ern rirt ot the Island. The governor of
Mai Unique, M. L'Hune, was at once
seen with the object of at ranging for
a rescue paitj lo pioeeed by land, in
connection with the voyage along the
coast of the United States crulset Cin
cinnati, should sutdi steps appear neces At about 11 o'clock this morning Fer
nand Cieiie, a wealthy land proprietor
of Mm Unique, landed heie and an
nounced that Mi. Kennmi and his pat
ty wete sate on a plantation at the
noi th end of the island.
Pi of. llobett T. Hill, United States
goveintnent geologist nnd head of the
expedition, sent to Martinique by the
national geographical society, who left
Fort de Fiance Monday on hoiseback
for the volcano, l etui tied heie this
morning. Ho was completely wotn out
by this ttip.
Prof. Hill made a thorough examina
tion of the dlstilct tluough which he
passed and obtained some data of Im
portance, The eploslon of this morning was
accompanied by an enoimous column of
smoke, which rose fully tluee miles
int the air, but which was hugely hid
den fiom the view of the people of
Fort-de-Franco by a heavy cumulus.
There vvus, consequently, no panic heie.
This column of smoke was seen fiom
the Biitlsh ciulsei Iiulefatlgable, while
she was at sea. The Indefatigable ni
llved heie this morning to make an
other attempt to ictover the body of
the Hiitish consul, at St. l'leire, Mr.
Jepp, and the at chives of the counsel.
With this end in view, the British
cruiser pioceeded this lnoitilng for St.
Piette, but the explosion of this morn
ing lias piobably made It impossible to
effect a landing theie.
An Italian w at ship Is now coming
into the harbor.
So many people have left Foit-do-Fiance
that the town lb almost empty.
Awful Fate of Emanuel Schoch at
Wernet's Mill.
Special tn the Scranton tribune.
Stioudsburg, Pa., May 28. Umanttel
Scheie b, who was unman led and about
10 yeats of age, was literally eut In
two at Fiank Wernet's mill, just below
Pimple cieek, this county, by falling
act nss a circular saw. Schoch was
sawing lumber, when his foot m
(aught by tho machinery, nnd he was
slowly di awn against the saw and cut
tluough fioni the hip up acioss the ab
domen. Ho 'called loi tho fltcuuan to shut off
the power while boing diawn towatd
the saw, but It was too late. Deceased
vvns one of tho best mill men lit the
west end of the county.
Scranton'B Appropriation Bulged to
0) I.Kclmhe Wire fiom the .Woelated 1'iw..
Washington, May L'S The Meicer
omnibus public building bill has been
agreed on In confetence. The bill cm
lied Jlfi.SOO.OOO when It left the hoiibe.
Thu senate added $J,200,000, In confei
ence the senate1 amendments vveie re
duced about $1,200,000. Among the Items
In tontioveisy, as llnally settled are
the following: '
.Scranton, Pa., Increased to $90,000,
Atlantlo City, Increased to $123,000.
Westchester, l'u., Inciensed to $60,
000, m
Sixty-one Xadlea Take the Veil.
II) Kkclusho Wire from The Aisoclatcd Prey,
Wllkos-Bano, May 28.-At Malinkrodt
convent today slxty-ono young ladles
from Qoimany and different parts of tho
United States lecelved tho whlto and
black veils. Bishop Hoban officiated,
Comparative.!) Few Engineer, Fire'
men and Pumpmen Will Fall to
Obey Strike-Order.
He Believes That a Sympathetic
Stiike in the Bituminous Coal
Fields Will Occur Unless Present
Difficulty Is Arranged in Eight
or Ten Days Has No Fear That
the Strike Will Spread Among the
Railroad Men.
lie Km limb e Whe fiom The teoclnted I'lffl.
Wllkcs-Bmre, May 28. The olucer-1
of the United Mine Workers' assemblies
of this city held a meeting here today
and repot ts vveie lecelved from com
mittees appointed to Intet view the en
gineers, ill emeu and pumpmen em
ployed at the various collieries In thH
city nnd vicinity. These icports, so It
was stated nfter the meeting, went out
to show that very few firemen and
pumpmen vveie found who were unwill
ing to join the striking miners net
Monday unless they were granted an
eight-hour day.-
There were some engineers who salt'
they would not quit work, but It is
claimed they me comparatively few In
number. Some coal operators and su
peilntendents held it secret meeting at
one of the coal oOlces this afternoon.
It Is understood there was a general
discussion of the stiike situation anc"
nhnt BtpnR should be taken to nroteel
the properties of the coal companies In
case trouble should follow the Install
ment of new men in the places ot engi
neers, fliemen and pumpmen who might
quit work next Monda.
The big coal companies continue to
swear In special offlceis. It Is said a
number vveie secured at Bloomsburg
and Sunbury today. They will arrive
here Sunday and on Monday morning
will be assigned to the various collier
ies. Frank Sargent's Opinion.
St. Louis, May 28. Frank P. Sar
gent, membei of the national board of
arbitration, of which Senator Hanna s
chairman, is in St. Louis. Mr. Sar
gent Is of the opinion that if the strike
of anthiacito mtneis shall not bo set
tled within the next eight or ten days,
theie piobably will be a, sympathetic
stiike in the bituminous fields. Ml.
Sargent said to the Associated Ptc-s:
The individual membeis of the na
tional boaid of tubltiatlon aie using ,
their best efforts to bilng about a set
tlement of the stiike.
"Last month the members of the
boaid met with the opetators and rep
lesentatlvcs ot tho United Mine Work
ers ol Ameilca, In an crfott to sccuie
concessions Horn clthei side that would
be the means ot ottllng the strike. The
operalois icfused to aibltiate or to
concede a single point, and Piesldent
Mitchell wan obliged to return to the
headquui toi s ol hlH Older with noth
ing to offei the millets. They accord
ingly stiuck for the advance of wages
asked foi.
"Up to Inst Mondev, when I left New
Yoik, both sides vveie standing linn,
nnd fiom the condition of things I
think the countiy will see a bitter con
test. I wns told bj Piesldent Mitchell
'that the mlneis weio never In better
financial condition than now to enter
a stiike and the ate conlldeut of win
ning. For some time the unthiaeitrs
mlneis have hud plenty of wntk and
have been ablo to lay by money. Presi
dent Mitchell is of tho opinion that
the will be ablo to hold out at least
sl months mid doubtless longer. In
the meantime, evetythlug possible Ji
being donev to aibltiate the ellffeiences.
"I nm of the opinion that If tho
"tilke shall not be settled within tho
neNt eight or ten days, mlneis In tho
bituminous Helds will be asked to go
nut 'in .sympathy for their eastern
biethien. A convention of bituminous
opeiatois to decide what action to tako
in the mutter Is under contemplation,
but the dnte of the meeting or place
has not vet been decided on. Should u
sympathetic strike be decided on,
piobably as many as 4r.0,000 miners In
the bituminous ileitis would go out,"
Mr. Smgent was asked If he thought
the stiike would Involve the lallioad
men Intel.
"No," ho said, "I don't think thn
stiike will spiead among tho railroad
men. It Is against their Jules to go
Into such a strike. Aside from the
Height handlers on the coal roads af
fected by tho present strike, I do not
think It will bo felt by the railroads. In
the event of a strike among tho bitu
minous minors, anyone can see that tho
tesult would bo disastrous, because al
most every line of business would sut
Local data for May 28, 1903;
Highest tempi'iatnie ,,,,,.,,,,,. 50 degrees
Lowest temiieiuturo ,,, ,. 39 degiees
Itc'luthe humidity;
S a. in. .,, ,,....,,.... S3 per cent.
1 8 p. in ,,,.. 11 per cent.
Precipitation, 'U hours ended 8 p. m.
f Washington, May 28. Foiecast
f for Thursday and Prlday: Kastoin -M
f Pennsylvania, fair Thursday and
l"1! (day wth slowly llslug tempetu- 4
4- tine; fresh west winds becoming
-r-t-M" t i ttt 1 1
r At f Ifl-t, if-r