The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 28, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Funeral of Morgan Lewis from His Late
Home on North Lincoln Avenue.
Meehan Arrested.
Funeral aorvlcos were hold yesterday
afternoon over the remains of the lalo
Morgan J. Lewis, who died Saturday,
after n brief 1111168!". The scrvlecu were
conducted nt the late lionie of the de
ceased, at 1117 North Lincoln avenue,
and were In charge of Uev. Hugh Dn
vles, pastor of tho Hyde Park Welch
Calvinlstle Methodist church. He was
nsslHted by Rev. David Jones, pastor of
the First Welsh Congregational church.
Both clergymen Hpoke highly of the
deceased. The choir of tho Hyde Parle
(Welsh Calvlnlstlo Methodist church
Bung several appropriate hymns. Tho
floral offerings were numerous and at
tested to tho great love In which the
deceased was held In by all. Interment
:was made at the AVnshburn street
cemetery. ,Tho pall bearers were Wil
liam J. Jones, John Evans, James Da
vies, David Jones, Isaac Smith nud
William Abraham. The flower bearers
were Messrs. William Evans and Hen
ry Evans.
Needarest Camping Club.
Last evening, at the home of Austin
Rlngler, president of the Needarest
Camping club, a regular meeting of
this popular association was held.
All members were present, and
everyone entered with spirit In voicing
their opinions of the many Important
matters that were brought before them.
It was decided to camp this year at
Lake Wlnola, commencing Aug. 1, and
continuing for two weeks. The mem
bership of the club, which was six,
was augmented by two condldates who
applied for admission to membership
at last evening's session.
The next meeting will be hold at the
home of President Rlngler, on Division
street, next Tuesday evening, when all
members are requested to be present.
Several candidates for membership
.will be Initiated at this meeting.
Visit to Taylor.
A number of well-known young peo
ple of this side recently journeyed to
Taylor, where a sruprlse party was
tendered to Miss Addie Goodwin, of
that place.
Amusements characteristic of such
occasions were indulged in with great
spirit by the young people. At a late
hour the guests were refreshed with
cake, cream and chocolate, after which
flashlights were taken.
Those from this side who on.loycd
tho evening at the home of Miss Good-
The Best Family Cough Jtcmcdy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sal by
101 S. Main ave.
Memorial Day
Turn naturally to the loved ones gone before. Whether
they fell in battle or died in the peaceful home makes little dif
ference. Sweet memories of their earthly presence still linger
with us. We could not forget them if we would, and would
not forget them if we could.
Memorial day is a national holiday, and your patriotism
may be quietly but effectively shown with a hand some flag or
a little bunting properly displayed at your home. But
i You'll Want
On Memorial Day. Nearly every woman feels that way.
The church, the cemeteries, the G. A. R. parade or friendly
calls invite one out of doors, as perhaps on no other day of the
year, and one must have something to wear, you know.
S A Pretty Wash Waist
In White, Brown, Linen, Wash
Silk, etc., etc. A hundred styles
to choose from, in all sizes. Prices
$10.50 down to
Wash Skirts that Please
The most fustldlous looker. In
all the choice fashionable mater
ials and models. White Piques
with double circular flounces,
lace insertions, etc., have first
call just now, but there arc
scores of others you may llko bet
ter, Wush Skirts $T.G0 down to
New Ideal Wash Salts
Not experiments, but made to
an order after styles wero tlxcd
for tho season. Unlimited assort
ment. Prices $15.00 to
s Fashion Demands a Belt
And also designates what It
should bo llko. Tucked Sutlns,
Leather lined Silks, Doublo Elas
tics, Spangles nnd Jets, Patent
Leather, Seal Leather, etc., nil
lengths, with the very nobbiest of
now Uueklea, Prices $2.00 down
Ladies' Smart Neckwear
In stocks, newer than nny you
In Stocks, newer thun any you
have yet seen. "Ping Pong,"
"Lakewood," "Henley," "Toklo,"
"Golf," made In tine Linens,
Mndrus, Mercerised Weaves, etc,
Prices 05c down to
Globe Warehotis?.
mmmmmmrnmmmmmwm $
win were (he following; Mr. nnd Mrs.
Goodwin, of Rork street: the Misses
Sadlu and Laura Goodwin, Itoslo Dug
gan, Jennie Duggan, May Alexander,
Bessie Reese, Lillian Jones, Jennie Dn
vles, Kate Jones, Miss Yaple, and John
Jones, Gene and Elmer Plorson, Thom
as Yaple, Walter Jones, Walter Whit
man, Isaac Jones, Geoffrey and Earl
Meehan's Remarkable Temerity.
R. (1. Meehan, or Xorth Shoimnn ave
nue, tho other evening had the temerity
to thrush his mother-in-law.
Ho succeeded, to some extent, in do
ing so, but the molher-ln-law sought
the aid of John J. Davis, constable of
the Fourth ward. Meehan was cap
tured and taken to the West Side police
station last night. He will be given a
hearing this morning ut Aldermun
John's ofllcc. '
Scran ton Choral Society.
The Scranton Choral society will hold
Its final rehearsal In St. David's hall
this evening. All the members should
be present. With a full attendance of
the membership, a great deal can be
accomplished in point of working out
expression. Last Sunday evening great
progress was made and friends of tho
choir were highly pleased with the ex
cellent renditions of the difficult test
For a short time after the rehearsal
the executive committee will meet to
transact some business.
Troublesome Young Men.
Young men, ranging in age from 16
to 23, have been causing the police
much annoyance lately by nightly col
lecting in crowds and standing for
hours In front of business places on
North Main avenue.
The profane language of the young
men, and singing of ribald songs, has
caused the proprietors of these busi
ness places great annoyance, and also
great loss of business.
Eisteddfod Preparations.
The National eisteddfod Friday in
the new armory has been the cause of
remarkable interest on this side. The
several, Hyde Park choirs that have
been organised to participate aro re
hearsing nightly with might and main
and It is an assured fact that West
Scranton will participate largely in the
The Scranton Choral society, under
Prof. Lewis Davis, Is making deter
mined efforts in perfecting their sing
ing of tho competitive selection.
Events of Today and Evening.
West Side conclave, Improved Order
of Heptasophs. will hold a social ses
sion this evening in the rooms of the
Robert Morris lodge. Hon. T. Jefferson
to Go Out
Ladies' Silk Neckwear
Dressy creations that appeal to St
the artistic eve, and touch the J!
pocketbook but lightly. Made up !
in Crepe de Chine, Taffetas, Peau i
de Sole. China Silks, Liberty Sat- 51
ins, etc. Novelties exclusively &
our own. Prices, J3.00 to 5!
Ladies' Fancy Hosiery
in an me pretty weaves, swell
rlmmlngs and charmimr color C
trimmings and charming color
combinations. Onlv rnmnlnm fit;
combinations. Only complete &
lino In Scrnntnn. Prlnpa M en tn 7'
Prices, $3.00 to 51
10c. g
Pockethooks and Parses 1
Your grandmother was content
with uny old thing that held her
money secure, but to-day even
the woman who does not carry
around the price of a flno purse,
insists on having a Chatelaine
bag, Pocketbook or Wrist Ung,
that Is in Btyle. The popular
lenthers this season are Seal, Al
ligator, Walrus, Blistered Leath
er, etc. Tho new clasp and pat
ent fnstenlng tells the looker
whether yours Is old or new,
When looking these over, ask to
sco the new Hand Rags.
All of These Things
Will ndd satisfaction to tho Me
worlul Day walk abroad, nnd
v.ium you return In the afternoon
or early evening enjoy your well
curned rest In u luxurious ham
mock, such us we are now show
ing, No couch could bo mora
comfortable still, they do not
cost much,
Reynolds will deliver an oration, and
Caterer Fred Roblson will serve re
freshments. (
The Alumni btfee bait team wilt play
a new team, called tho Actives and cap
tained by Thomas Harding, at Athletic
park this afternoon,
The Scranton Choral society wilt hold
n, rehearsal this evening In St. David's
The Juvenile choir of the Tabernacle
Congregational church will rehearoo
this evening In tho church. They wilt
compete for a $!f prize, on the selec
tion, "The Night JJcll."
Wntch Was Recovered.
FrankjHIll, of Park Place, who was
arrested Monday night, charged with
tho larceny of a watch, belonging to a
frequenter of n North Main ifvcnuo
hotel, was nrrnlgned In police court
yesterday morning. The evidence was
Insufficient to hold him on the charge
of larceny, but ho wns lined $3 for
being Intoxicated.
The watch was found later In the
rear of tho hotel, and tho owner can
now secure It nt tho Jackson street po
lice station by Identifying his time
The nrlsbln Mine fund held a meet
ing Inst evening In Drummer's linll,
A. O. H. choir, Divisions 1 nnd -1. held
a meeting last evening in St. Leo's
Rev. A. L. namer is at Easton.
Tho Colonial club held a meeting last
evening In Washington hall.
Mrs. J. T. Ornnacher, of North Brom
ley avenue, recently entertained a num
ber of her friends, In honor ot her-blrth-day.
She was the recipient of many
valuable presents.
At Lake I.odore, Friday afternoon,
one of the greatest games of ball of re
cent years will take placo, when the
Alumni base ball team, West Sernn
ton's pride, will cross bala with the
Crescents, of Cnrbondule. The game is
for $23 a side.
In St. Leo's rooms, last evening, St.
Paul's Pioneer corps held their weekly
drill. This drill wns one of particular
Interest, in that the young men ap
peared In their new cups nnd lances.
All the members were present and
many friends who had been invited.
The Junior and Intermediate lengues
of the Embury Methodist Episcopal
church will give a house-warming party
at the new parsonage Thursday even
ing. Owing to the lurge crowd expected,
the reception will take place in the
basement of the church. Ice cream,
cake and strawberries will be for sale.
The public is cordially invited.
New Rooms of the North Scranton
Glee Club Formally Opened
Night Other Notes.
The new rooms of the North Scranton
Olce club, in the Dlckerson building,
were formally opened last evening with
Leader of tho North Scranton Glee Club.
a reception in honor of tho executive
board. There were speeches and musi
cal selections.
Tho honored guests of the evening
were Rev. Thomas Lewis, of Wilmart,
N. H., who Is the guest of his parents
here, and Judge A. A. Vosburg. The
programme observed was as follows:
jvuu !-(.', non. j. a, vosuurg; ononis,
uomraaes in Anns," society; solo,
Prof. Mprlnls; address, Walter 13.
Christmas; solo, Stephen Davis; chorus,
"Faust," society; solo, Prof. Morlals;
chorus, "All Through the Night," soci
ety; solo (selected), Daniel Thomas;
recitation, "The Death of Virginia,"
Miss Lulu Slmms; chorus, "The Brit
ons," society; address, Rev. Thomas
Lewis; solo, Prof. Morluls; chorus, "De
struction of Znza," society; piano solo,
Miss Owens; chorus, "The Pilgrims,"
The new rooms of the society are
situated In the southeasterly corner of
tho Dlckerson building, and aro artis
tically decorated. Off from the main
rehearsal room Is an oince for the
leader, Gwllym Morlals, and executive
Laid at Rest.
The) remains of tho Into Mrs. Gwen
llan Kvans wero laid ut rest In tho
Washburn street cemetery yesterday
afternoon, The funeral services wero
held at the homo of It, J. Wchnrds, 220
Spring street, by riev. Roberts, of the
Welsh Calvinlstle Methodist church ot
Wnyno avenue, of which Mrs. Kvans
was a member, nnd Rev. R. J. Reese,
of tho Puritan Congiegutlonal church.
Rev, Roberts spoko briefly In Welsh
regarding tho Clulstlun life the de
ceased lived, A short prayer wus de
livered by Rev, Reese. Tho floral pieces
weio bountiful ond numerous.
Richard Thomas, John Morgan, Will
iam Thomas, Jumes M. ThomuB, Rich
ard 15. Jones nnd Daniel Thomas acted
as pull-bearers.
The temporary headquarters of tho
Locals No.'s 151, SOS, 1,683 nnd 1)20, of
United Mine Workers of America was
opened In St, Mary's hall, on Market
stieet, yehterday,
Puul Kv.ins, of Wayne avenue, left
yesterday for it months trip to Pitts
burg, Va,
Mr. and Mrs, David Cir.ivcl, of Gil
bert street, left yesterday for an ex
tended tilp to Wales.
Allen'a Foot Haw, a ponder. It cures painful.
tnurtln;, ncnoiix If it jnd fnzronluir jiallj, mid
iiuUntly Me the etlng out of coins nud bunipaj
It'i.tlic lomloit ijl.iouiy u( tlie a-.
Allen's 1'oot-usc niAo tight or net' blioca dtl
isuy. It is a certain tutu for sHciting cillou
and hot, tired, avliln? feet. Tiy it todj. Sold
by all drui'suts and shoo ctorci. Don't accept
any .ubstltuto. Uy null for 23c In etainpi. 'IrUl
pjikJKe HlU. AddrioJ, Allen S. Olnutcd, Ls
Uov. N. V. "
THERE aro always some persons who do not believe vhat Is said in an
' advertisement, no matter how careful tho advertiser may be to say
absolutely nothing that would not stand tho strictest Investigation. This
Is because tho reader does not take the trouble to find out just why a company
like this, for Instance, should make offers to tho public which are such an
advantage to them when compared with the offers mado by Its competitors.
This is n now company started here In Scranton. We thought
that by doing away with several of the more expensive alul
disagreeable features of tho old-fashioned concerns, wo
should be able to lend money on household furniture at
such moderate rates that cvon tho very poorest people could
easily afford to get a small loan to help them over soma
financial difficulty.
THIS company asks for your patronage on the distinct understanding that
our new methods give you a positive advantage. Every word hero Is
absolutely true. You will notice that wo do not print tricky sentences
words which say one thing and really mean something else.
Here are the reasons why yoou should come hero If you are
In debt and need a loan If you want new clothes or any
thing else and need ready cash to got them In order to
keep up a good appearance before your friends.
No other security is denymded hero
except the furniture. That meuns
that you will not have to get some
one to endorse papers for you.
Our rates aro the lowest In Lacka
wanna county.
Wo do not charge compound interest
at all.
Wo charge no interest on the paid-up
And the furniture Is left with you.
$10 to $500 Loaned Within 25 Hiles of Our Offices.
NEW RHONE! No. 2826. R. O. BOX 94.
Scranton Loan Guaranty Company
No. 207 Wyoming Avenue.
The reception tendered Rev. and Mrs.
C. P. Benjamin at the Asbury Metho
dist Episcopal church last evening
proved a very delightful affair. A largo
number of the members and friends of
the congregation availed themselves ot
the opportunity to meet their new pas
tor and his wife. Light refreshments
were served, and a delightful social
evening spent. The ladies on the com
mittee having charge were Mcsdames
B. F. Tinkham, D. J?. Shook, P. L.
S warts;, A. L, Brooks, J. Francis, W.
U. Trcverton, Thomas Snowden and
Misses Kate Campbell and Ella V.
The Green Ridge Women' Christian
Temperance union will meet this after
noon at 3 o'clock In the Evangelical
church, on Capouse avenue. Mrs. J. S.
Sillier, superintendent of evangelistic
work, will have clutrgc of the pro
gramme. A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to all Interested.
MRS. R. O. BRYANT, died Monday
morning at 1 a, m., after a brief Illness.
Deceased was senior vice president of
the Ladies ofHhe Grand Army of the
Republic and a member of the W. V.
R. U. Sho Is survived by her husband
and daughter, Mrs. G. RItenger. The
funeral. Thursday at 10 u. m., at 110
Penn avenue.
lady, residing at 117 South Seventh
street, died yesterday morning at 2
o'clock, after a short illness with par
alysis. The deceased is survived by
four married daughters. The funeral
will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment In the Dunmore Hebrew
Tho funeral of the late John Reap, of
326 Sixteenth street, will tnko placo this
morning. A requiem mass will be cele
brated in St. Patrick's church at 9."0
o'clock. Interment will be made in the
Cathedral cemetery.
Tho funeral of the Into Herman Schocn,
of 1717 Luzerne street, will take placo this
afternoon. Services will bo held at tho
luto home at 3 o'clock. Interment will bo
made In tho Washburn street cemetery.
Harry Snyder Was Bun Sown by a
Freight Train.
Harry Snyder, aged 22 years, a resi
dent of 191 North Washington street,
,Wllkes-Barre, met with a shocking ac
cident last evening on the Delaware
& Hudson railroad in front of the Green
Rl'' passenger station, and died soon
afterwards at the Lackawanna hospi
tal. He was on his way to Carbondalc,
where he expected to secure employ
ment and was standing at the Green
Ridge street crossing waiting for a
freight train to pass.
Some of tho cars were being switched
from the end of the train onto a. side
track, and Snyder, who wns watching
the engine, stepped on the track direct
ly In front of tho cars being switched.
Up wns knocked down and drugged be
neath tho wheels a distance of 200
When rescued the young man was
alive, but both legs were crushed and
his body badly bruised, He was car
ried into tho train dispatcher's olllce
and the Lackawanna, hospital am
bulance summoned,
Amputation of tho legs at the hips
wus necessary, and ho died while being
operated on. The remains wero pro.
pared for shipment to his homo In
Geological Oouditlons Similar to
Those of Kimberly District,
From tho 3an Fiunclbco Chronlclo,
Tho reported finding of a number of
small diamonds on a tributary of Ciolo
II n Bny, forty miles enst of Capo Nome,
suggests that Alaska may ultimately
become as famous au a diamond field us
it now Is as a producer of the precious
metal. The first microscopical examin
ation of the ruby sands of Capo Nome,
In which the auriferous deposits in thut
dlbtrict lie, was mado by ex-State Min
eralogist Henry G. Hanks, who at I ho
time declared his belief Hint some small
lustrous crystals contained In tho sand
wero diamonds. These crystals were
microscopically minute, but they bote
all of the characteristics of tho precious
gem In the rough. If diamonds have
been found In the neighborhood of Clolo
II n Bay, and the crystuls discovered by
Hanks In tho ruby sands of Nome weio
There can bo no publicity with this
plan of ours.
Even your own family need not know.
Our expenses are less per loan. There
fore, our terms can be more liberal,
and aro so.
You pay in small, easy Instalments,
whenever you can spare the money
Wo do not keep you waiting for the
gems also, then the presumption Is
strong that a dlamondlferous deposit
exists somewhere within the watershed
of both localities.
There is nothing Improbable In the
finding of diamonds in paying quan
tities in tlie Territory. Some travelers
have noticed a strong similarity be
tween tho topography and geological
formations of the Yukon valley and the
diamond-bearing veldt of South Africa.
Tho dlamondlferous soil in the latter is
found in the chimneys of -extinct vol
canoes. Alaska is a volcanic country.
Most of Its volcanoes have been long
since dead; those still active are dying.
Diamonds and tho matrix In which thpy
are found are of volcanic origin. Why
should not diamonds, exist in Alaska as
well as in South Africa?
Prosooctors In Alaska have so far con
fined their search chiefly for gold. A
few have been Intel ested in its coal and
copper deposits. Other minerals have
been neglected. And yet there may be
a More of greater wealth In some other
mineral than any yet obtained by tho
prospector for gold awaiting the miner
who Is Intelligent enough to understand
the signs lending to nature's secrets
and profit by tho knowledge. The dia
monds discovered nt Gololln Bay and in
the ruby sands of Capo Nome may be
of no direct commercial value, but they
may stimulate the miner to search the
country for their source, where n de
posit may exist to amply enrich him for
his labor and enterprise.
He Has an Indestructible Tenacity of
Faith in Himself.
If the Greek is characterized by his
Intelligence, by his worship of plastic
beauty, and his dream of a harmonious
and noble life, the Armenian is charac
terized by an , Indestructible open at
tachment to his traditions and national
beliefs, and by the worship of a simple
and laborious life. The family among
Armenians haB preserved the rigid
purity and the pious discipline ot the
ancient patriorchal conditions. The
Armenian church Is perhaps that one
among all the others which has best
preserved the simple spirit of tho
church founded by Jesus. It is this pas
sion for simplicity which has some
times brought tho Armenian Into op
position with the Byzantine spirit, de
voted as this is to a complicated the
ology and to a luxurious and refined
art. The Armenians were the promot
ers of tho Iconoclastic movement of
Byzantium, nnd there are yet some
Armenians who constitute the nucleus
of th,ut modern sect of Puullclans which
contains tho germs of some of tho prin
ciples which later became the basis of
tho Protestant church. I have put Its
tenacious faith In itself at the head of
the characteristics of the Armenian
race, and, In fact, nothing else Is so
strong with It as the attachment to Its
native soil and to Its ethnic traditions,
and the resolve to defend these to the
death. Tho great Cornellle, without
knowing It, paid a compliment to the
race in choosing, to magnify Christian
heroism, un Armenian figure, Poly
eucto. Against the Roman an ognlnat
tho Pcrslun, against the Arab as
against the Turk, tho Armenian hns
always shown tho ilrmness ot Pnly
cucte and his spirit of httcrince. Quito
recently, during tho mnssacrrf. when
the Turks tried to forco the Armenians
under threats of death to embrace Ih
lamlatn, tho whole race manifested thn
spirit of Polyeucte. Hundreds of girls
threw themselves Into tho rivers and
over precipices to escune npostahy nud
shame, and nged priests huvo been seen
who, with Htolcnl courage, preferred to
be killed outright or rousted nt a slow
lire, rather than to renounce tho faith
of their fathers,
I'rotu Worn in' Hone Companion.
Many ot the smaller ami ljtrtl-, We tlio
ll -catchers, lrcoi, wrei.s, klnsts unJ blue,
bird, in orJer to avoid their enemies, the hawkn,
make their Ion IliuliU by iilsht, Btopplnc lor
let and food In thu dj.vtlmo. The latucr nnd
bolder one?, like the luuU nnd mm, ."id tlime
ol exliflinlv tupld flijlit, like the waltn w
liummlns bird, mlsr-ilu fejrlewly y di-,3iid
there mo some, like the f'anadi ifecse, which
travel Jibt when they chouse, by day or ntaht.
Wsp-atlnst lhW iwially lb at a licixlit ot fioni
ono to thice miles, and IhU enables thein to K
tho rhers, the mountain ranars and the roajt
line, lly theve they diiecl their ioure, the old
birds rememberinif the v.ay they tainu before,
and the vuntr ow following.
Lato statistical reports contain tho
startling statement thut SO per cent, of
England's 27,000,000 people arc living
below tho poverty lino that they lack
tho mero ncceisarles of decent und
healthful food and bhelter. National
Cs I Wecome th
Underwear for Women
The kinds we mentioned today aro exceptional good quality (or the
prices asked for them. Made of good yarn, come In ocrti
and white, high neck, long sleeves. Priced at 15c and XuC
Underwear for Men
A balbrlggan garment, smooth finish, all sizes, full length, well
made, long and short sleeves, for tall
small men and large men. Priced at 25c and JUC
Our Colored Shirts
At 50c, $1.00 and $1.50
Are the best shirt value offered in this city. The styles are nu
merous,' Including the small dots and narrow stripes so much admired.
Just a step ahead in this department every season.
Linen Collars
Straight and turn-over, the up-to-date styles. We have the cele
brated Peyser Collar, one of the best 10c collar on the market. Other
collars at 1 5c and 25c i
- i - . .
Souvenirs of Scranton
in paper weight style many points ot interest max win do
) reminders of this hustling city. Priced at
: Fans for the
You can't find a better gift, and that will be more pleasing to the
young lady, than a pretty fan. White, tinted, plain bone and painted,
.ace and plain edges, at a range of prices up to $5.00,
Our Soda Fountain Is Now
Reception Room on Second
aOw1iig to Friday being a holiday our Great
j Hourly Sales will be Thursday afternoon of this
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the Scranton postofllce, I,nclca wanna
County, Pa.. May 2S, 1902. Persons tail
ing for these letters will please say ad
vertised and give d.ito of list.
Vjixa II. Ripnlp, Postmaster.
Alexonls. Vellx. Montgomery, H. h.
Adams, Mrs. S. Mltmer, James.
Hossick. Anna.McNnlly. Miss Anna.
Tliirkp, "William. M c C u e. .Patrick,
Roan. J. M. S. V. "pensioner.
Benton. John C. Oakley. Mrs. F. .T.
Rangut. Fred. ranltor. Miss Plor-
Rnrk. Micks. enco C.
nixlar. Miss Mar- Perry, Kd.
gaiet. Plerson. 3.
Corahnn, W. .1. Potter. C. G. Ii.
C'awlev. Mrs. P. J. Rohorts. Mlas Sadie.
CovIo.'Giib. Itaner. H.
'ox. S. J. nichnrdtt, I,. P.
DwkPlmnn. Edwin. Riitlcrge, II. h.
Duvls, V. T.. Rose. M. A.
l)uls. Frank. Roberts, David.
Decker. Renle. JMnkoI, Michael.
Dart. Frank S. Shields. Peter fc.., John. Shay. Richard.
Kvans, Miss Maud. Schiller Bios.
Vantz, O. W. Svkea. Mrs. .Anna.
Finch, Miss Mamlo. Shcnonn, Miss Angle.
Gross. Rev. H. W. Simpson. K. E.
Garmnn, W. E. & Stevens, Mrs. J. A.
K, a, HcnherB, J.
Gltterman. Mows. Stone. Miss Lizzie,
llcelmcr. Geo. C. Sehpendlng. A. T.
Hunter. Miss II. Schlelcon Siegfried.
Jones, Ch. W. , gmlth. Miss M.
Johnson, Miss Dnlsj Schwartz, i'lojd.
eKesler, Miss Ella. Tiffany. A.
nKlser. Mrs. F. A. v'llllnmspn. V,. B.
Langan, James. Wambolcl. c. A.
MulrooiiPV, Plttion. Welsh, James A.
Mend, Mlii Theta. Wagner. J.
Morgan, Wm. P. -Warden. A .
Mai tine. Prof. F.
Leonard Maireglln. Fianccscp Cnmjf'a.
Mniia Senndl Mlcliole, Glovnn "j8t'
Bevci Ino Do Scsto. Giovanni Splnolll,
Francesco RJelmo, MIeela Dipaelo.
Jlizof Pimczkowsko, Peter Belo, Jacob
Horwltz. Flunk Srmapeuls, .': Jozef
Knnla. 2: William .n"VJttKiFmow k'
wlzls. Lelll PclslHnwIcz. . 'V,1,"1,?" 'iV?
Wlllliun Gnjansky. Tonym llllpkosl.j,
Marcin Kostowskl, special.
AlnlcuiH VeckJiuivcziis, Dzen Szaulklys,
Ilerye Bank! Ilci Antanas Wecg.-rls, Jank
Watun Jozef Fr.vstak, ; '' C7i;.
lolin MUoveet. Anna Itlechota, -I Titer
z mrotl Votro Wotooh. Piter Bwlrblls.
Iwnn Kownlczyk. RorczcI Jauos. 1-Vioncz
Stlf. Atres Jnhan. Unl 8aBl. Peter Me.
lnvU. Frank fonlim, Juzef Clenrdle, Ste
ii iiljnyak. Amliol Palcnfaran, Szatm.ul
Koviit-i ' Jiin Pttwdluk. lanatl Nojmula,
Ludwlk Matuknnls, MoJIl Oszlfehln.
West Scranton Station,
MIxh lioelr. Mis. Annie (lilrny, Peter
Honking, Mis, Mary Johnson. Miss Ida
Knecht, FranclsreK I.IhowsUI, James
Laueks. Mrs, John Mai-Arthur, Miss
Maine Sullivan. Mis. Ann J. Thomas,
Mrs. C. A. Wilkinson,
from Oood Housekeeping.
Many a housewife In the West hopes
ardently that the exclusion act may
not be renewed, for the unrestricted
Imniltiratlou of Chinese would solve tho
domestic hell) problem of tho West,
Tlieio ure a great many more kitchens
walling for C'hlneso and Japanese hoys
to lill them than thee are competent
lioyn, and tho mald-bervant Is growl iik
scarcer and more scare uh women llnd
out how much more useful than a
maid n man Is In thp kitchen. To be
gin with, there nre so many moio
things that a man can do, Very often
the housewife and her daughter do not
object at all to doijjs the chumber
work, save on sweeping; nnd window
wnshlng days, but they do object to
watering hu Burden, which is a six
months' $fy during tho dry seuson In
tho West. Here the Japanese or Chi
note Is moat handy, If there Is a little
gardening to do, ho docs It after ho
Is through, in tho ltltchf-;; a man al
ways louKs better than u 'woman as a
Sir Knights
men and short men, for -.
Open, Left of Main StalrWy.
Floor. '
B " etnnrlni-fl"
Sugar Corn
5c a Can
This is a canned goods
value without an equal.
Department Stores have
made similar offers, for
an hour at a time. Here
the bargain is open until
the goods are sold.
The Corn Is the good
sweet Southern Product
Every 50c purchase en
titles you to guess on the
strikes' duration, with a
chance to secure a part
of the
$300 in Prizes.
I The Joyce Stores
iUf. G. Herrlngton Manager.
Monstrous benefit for tho employee!
of this theater.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
May, SO, 87, 28.
One big burlesque attraction T
Don't forget the boys.
waiter, and often ho looks after the
family horsa In addition to his other
duties. Of course, he Is through In tho
Ultchen; a. man always cooks and are
now paid ?C a week, and frequently a
schoolboy corns ?3. Good cooks In tho
families where a second girl Is cm
ployed und the fumlly keeps up some
style, are paid from IS to $10 a week.
The best cooks are Chinese; the best
waiters, Japanese. Often the "seconi
girl" Is a Chinese boy. A change In
tho last two years Is In tho substltu.
tion of Japanese butlers for the tng
llsh or American article,
. .
.1 it