The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    r .W..
. 'if
H. &R.
It may bo necessary
only once in n life time
to use a revolver. You'd
better havo a good one
for that time.
U. & R. Revolvers
can be depended upon.
Nickel-plated with
hammer ... ... .$4.50
Nickel-plated, ham-
morless ... ....35.00
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washrnfton Are
The flardenbergh
of MUsic and flrf
Offers the exceptional nd van
tages of piano and organ study
with Sir. Sunimor Salter, nn
artist teacher of recognized
standing In the musical world.
Only a limited number of hours
being available, pupils may
register now for fall. 601 Lin
den street.
awaiting YOU. The most
Comfortable and easily
dressed BABY is the one
clothed in the little gar
ments that you buy at the
118 Washington Avenue.
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
and General Braying.
New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
By opening a savings
account with
3 per cent
Miss Anna Russell will leave New York
on Saturday to spend tho summer in
Fred Dllclier received the, wclcomo news
yesterday that his homo In Ohio has been
trlghtcncd by tho iiriiva! of a son.
AV. D, Zelinder entertained a party of
Lebanon Knights nt the Jcrniyn yester
day. Among those In tho party were tho
following: John Noumea, John Rnuden
bush, John Buelicr, Grant Wedcman, Will
Atkins, John notliri-mcll. Amhroso Baur,
Harry Miller and Sampcl MeAdams.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Spouccr entertained
on Monday evening, in honor of their
guests, Mrs. Horatio Hansen Webster
nnil Mrs. Robert Henry Running. Jr., of
Baltimore, and Kdward B. Spencer, of
Philadelphia. E. B. Spencer Is past
grand commander of the grand comman
lery of Ponnbylvunla, nnd tho present
nobt excellent grand high priest of tho
vrand chapter of Pennsylvania,
Director of Public Safety V. u. Worm
c'r leaves today for Philadelphia to at
tend tho graduating exercises of thq Jef
ferson Medical collc-so which occur to
morrow. His san, Bernard B. Worm-soils
a member of this year's graduating
dabs. IJo Is ono of tho surgeons at tho
ij.acknwanna hospital and c-amo hero to
tako tho plnro as soon as he completed
Ills examinations. Ho icturns with his
fathor this morning.
Seduced Bates to Gettysburg via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For tho benefit of thoso desiring to
nttend the annual encampment of the
Grand Army of tho Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, ut Gettysburg,
June 4 to 6, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
company will sell excursion tickets to
Gettysburg fiom nil stations on Us line
in the fctate of Pennsylvania, on May
31, June 1, 2, 3, 4 nnd P, good to return
until Juno 7, Inclusive, at rate of a
slnglo fare for tho round trip. For spe
cine rates, apply to local ticket agents.
Dr. LIndabury, Surgeon, diseases of
vomen a specialty, 21G Connell building
tlours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.j 7 to 8.30 p.m.
In Hoc SJgno vinces:
Wlr tilnken
Mr. Pennington's Recitals
announced for
Tuesday even
ing, Muy t'7iand
Juno y uuva been
moigod Into ono
which will ho
given )u St.
I.ilko'u PaiJsh
House. Juno 3.
Tho diagram is
now open at tho
TORY, for re
served scats.
.or Guernsey hall for either dato will be
loaurod as above. Mr. Pennington will
se agisted by Mrs. Lenoro Thompson.
joIo contralto at Kim Park church, and
Mr, Fred Wldmaycr. violinist.
First Student of the International
Correspondence Schools.
Among the many Knights Templar
that visited the International Corres
pondence Bchools yesterday was
Thomas Coates, of Plymouth, Pa. Mr.
Coatcs enjoys the distinction of having
been the first student of this world-renowned
Inctltiltlon. When he enrolled,
Oct. 16, ISDl, In the complete coal min
ing course, he wan mining coal.
Through the schools training by mall,
ho steadily advanced to his present
position us a mine superintendent for
thes Delaware and Hudson Coal com
pany at Plymouth.
The faculty and officials of the
schools were glad to meet personally
the man wlio first accepted tho oppor
tunity offered for solf-advancement'of-fered
by the International Correspond
ence schools, and Mr. Coatcs was both
gratified and surprised to learn of tho
wonderful growth of the Institution
since he enrolled. Over 425,000 men and
women have become students since
1801, and the enrollment Is Increasing
at the rate of 10,000 each month.
rirst of the Exercises Will Be Held
Tomorrow Night at Moses
Taylor Hospital.
Just now the nurses of tho various
hospital training schools are preparing
for their annual commencement exer
cises, and those who will graduate from
the Moses Taylor and Lackawanna In
stitutions are forwarding Invitations to
their relatives and friends.
The first of these graduating ex
ercises will be held tomorrow evening
at tho new nurses homo, adjoining tho
Moses Taylor hospital. Eleven young
ladles will receive diplomas In the class
of 1902. The address to tho graduates
will be made by Miss Maxwell, superin
tendent of the Presbyterian hospital in
New York.
The members of the graduating class
of tho Moses Taylor hospital are Misses
Mary Agnes Bolster, Frances M. Towns
end, Mary Helen Curbnuld, Louise Os
troni, Lola Maude Weldon, Nuncy Lux
Dorsey, Alix Maud Ellis, Margaret
Copeland Graves, Lucy Mao Hewitt,
Elizabeth C. O'Donnell and Honora
Tho graduating exercises will be fol
lowed by a social.
Tho time for holding the commence
ment exercises at the Scranton Private
hospital has not been decided, as yet,
but will bo announced later. The next
graduating class from the Hahnoman
hospital will not receive their diplomas
until some time in the full. Today will
bo donation day at the Hahneman,
when tho directors will be there to re
ceive money, food, clothing, provisions
and household supllc's.
A class of eight young ladles will
graduate from the Lackawanna hospi
tal this year. They are: Miss Alice M.
Brlce, of Oneida, Pp.; Miss Esther
Browning, of Plttston; Miss Blanche
K. Ferguson, of North Carolina; Miss
Lulu Hancs, of Bingham ton; Miss
Charlotte AVilllams, of Mayfleld; Miss
Florence E. Boyd, of North Carolina;
Miss Louise M. Volght, of Wilkes
Burre, and Miss Nellie Stewart, of
The commencement exercises will be
held next Monday evening from 8 to 11
o'clock in St. Luke's Parish house,
Wyoming avenue. Rev. Rogers Israel,
rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church,
wll preside and deliver the opening ad
dress. Hon. II. M. Edwards, president
judge, will also address the class and
assembly, and Dr. A. J. Connell wllll
also speak.
James P. Dickson, president of the
Lackawanna hospital, will deliver tho
diplomas to the young lady graduates,
and music will bo furnished by Bauer's
orchestra. Refreshments will after
wards be served, and an informal re
ception will follow.
Is for tho Benefit of the Young Wo
men's Catholic Club.
The Catholic Choral club, under the
direction of Prof. John T. Watklns, will
make their first public appearance on
Monday evening at tho Lyceum theater
In a concert for tho benefit of the
Young Women's Catholic club.
Some months ago, the Catholic
church choirs of the city, and many
prominent singers not members of nny
choir, organized the Catholic Choral
club for tho study of music. At pres
ent, the club has over one hundred
They will sing four choruses Monday
evening, assisted by Bauer's orchestra.
These numbers arc tho "Soldiers'
Chorus" (by Gounod), from the opera
or "Faust"; "Daybreak," by Fanlng;
"Estudlantlna," by Laconic, and tho
"Inllamatus," by Rossini.
Tho ladles of tho club held n meeting
yesterday for the purpose of arranging
for tho disposal of the boxes and loges.
The admission prices have been ar
ranged as follows; Lower door, ?1;
ilrst two rows In balcony, 75 cents; re
mainder of balcony, 50 cents; gallery,
35 cents.
The club will meet at 8 o'clock this
evening for rehearsal, in tho Knights
of Columbus hall.
Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk, with
Phosphates and Hypophoephitea
Added, Attractively Displayed at
Phelps' Pharmacy.
In one of tho large show windows on
the Spruce street tjlde of Phelps' drug
storo in the Hotel Jermyn building Is
one of the most attractive window dis
plays ever seen in Scranton.
Undoubtedly every visitor now In the
city has heard of Dr. Hand's Condensed
Milk, but many may not know that
Scranton is tho homo of this most per
fect semi-solid food.
While tho uso of this milk Is espe
cially recommended for Infants and In
valids und babies, it should also bo un
derstood that It Is equally good for the
entire family and once tried Us richness
and purity will strongly prove its su
periority over all other milks. The
great difference between Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk and other condensed
milks is the addition of thoso most nu
tritious properties, phosphates and
Jiypophosphltes, which bulla up the
bones and teeth and nourish the nerves
and brain and enrich the blood. It's
better than cream for coffee.
Booklets containing real testimon
ials and other Information w be
eheorfully supplied at Phelps' phar
macy, and n special Invitation Is ex
tended to all to call at the home office
of the company at 113 Franklin avenue.
'Blooming Plants,
for Decoration Day at Clark's florist.
In Hoc Slgno Vinces;
Wlr (rlukon
A. J. Duffy, the Popular Manager of
the Lyceum nnd Academy of Mu
sic, Expresses His Deep Apprecia
tion of the Feelings Which In
duced His Friends to Deslro to
Tender Him a Testimonial Benefit.
Names of the Persons Who Signed
the Request.
Realizing what Manager A. J., Duffy
of the Lyceum has done for the Scran
tonlans who are lovers of tho theater,
a number of his friends desired to give
him a, testimonial of their appreciation
In tho way of a benefit to mark the
closing of tho season and with that
end In view the following petition was
'presented to him:
To Mr. A. J. Duffy, Manager the Lyceum
Dear Sir: We, tho undersigned, your
personal friends and good-wishers and,
In common with tho general public, ap
preciating your faithful and cfllclent ser
vice, constant and continuous labor, uh
manager of the Lyceum theater, to bring
to our city so many ilrst-clnss attrac
tions during the season now ending, de
sire to show you our substantial regard
for your uniform kindness of speech nnd
never-varying courtesy of notion to all
with whom you come In contact, by giv
ing, at tho Lyceum theater, a beneficial
and testimonial performance for your
benefit and your honor, at such time as
you may select In tho near future. Wo
want you to permit us to show you In
this way, not only our material appre
ciation of your worth, but more especial
ly as an evidence of our friendship and
esteem for your untiring efforts in behalf
of the pleasure, delight, cntertnlnment of
the public during the mcatrlcal season
now drawing to a close.
Wo also -desire by this testimonial to
congratulato tho lcessces and owners of
this theater on having such a faithful
and cflilccnt manager.
Sincerely yours,
H. M. Edwards, president Judge; John
P. Kelly, A. L. J.; K. C. Nowcomb, A. L.
J.; A. A. Vosburg, president judge or
phans' court; A. J. Colborn, jr., Joseph
O'Brien, Everett Warren, W. W. Baylor,
John R. Jones, II. L. Taylor, Edward
W. Thayer, John J. Murphy, M. A. Mc-
Ginlcy, Charles E. Olver, Edgar Wilson,
Russell Dlmmlck, R. A. Zimmerman, M.
F. Sando, David J. Davis, assistant city
solicitor; E. J. Robinson, city treasurer;
P. J. Ruanc, deputy city treasurer;
Charles E. Daniels, G. M. Watson, city
solicitor; W. L. Connell, recorder, F. H.
Clemons, Daniel W. Vaughun, Esdras
Howell, P. W. Costello, city controller;
F. L. Wormscr, director department of
public safety; Frank B. Reese, chief
clerk department of public safety; Thos.
P. Daniels, clerk of tho courts; Elmer T.
Daniels, deputy clerk of tho courts;
Ezra II. Ripple, postmaster; D. W.
Powell, assistant postmaster; J. Cope
land, prothonotary; John F. Cummlngs,
deputy prothonotary; C. H. Schadt,
sheriff, John 10. Gaffncy, deputy sheriff;
F. E. Ryan, deputy sheriff; J. D. Ferber,
deputy sheriff;' Emll Bonn, recorder of
deeds; E. R. W. Searle, clerk United
States district court; G. C. Scheuer, de
puty clerk United States court; J. W.
Snyder, deputy United States marshal;
C. A. Hartley, F. B. Reynolds, Horatio N.
Patrick, Fred C. Hanyen, Lewis B. Car
ter, Henry T. Koohler, deputy register of
wills; John Scragg, attorney at law; E.
Men-Weld, Henry A. Knapp, E. P. Kings
bury, W. H. Jessup, J. F. Mitchell.
Thos. J. Duffy, John E. Barrett, John D.
Kcator, James Blair, jr., C. L. Frey, M.
D., J. Benj. Dlmmlck, Georgo Sanderson,
F. 11. Jermyn, G. W. Northup, Morgan
Sweeney, George F. Jermyn, Samuel
Grant, C. II. Lindsay, J. S. McAnulty,
Ezra, II. Connell, C. R. Pitcher, T. F.
Jordan, M. 10, McDonald, R. M. Scran
ton. E. .1. Lynett, F. S. Godfrey, Frank
Hummlcr, James J. Williams, II. C. Sha
fer, A. B. Blair, JI. O. Dunham, Thomas
E. Jones, C. P. O'Mallcy, C. H. Fisher,
M. D., A. J. Casey, P. J. Casey, J.
O'Mnlley, M. D Aaron Goldsmith, Sol
Goldsmith. John R. Farr, Arthur Long,
John Clolland, L. L. Shoemaker, D. M.
Reynolds, T. J. Duggan. E. E. Roba
than, J. M. Harris, H. M. Ives, ,T. "W.
Short, John B. Jordan, Fred C. Hand,
J. J. Jordan, Scranton Truth.
To this request Mr. Duffy has sent
the following reply:
Scranton, Pa May 2G, 11)02.
To Hon. H. M. Edwards, President
Judge: Hon. John P. Kelly, A. L. J.;
Hon. E. C. Nowcomb, A. L. J.; Hon. A.
A. vosburg, President Judge Orphans'
Court, and Others.
Gentlemon; It was with feelings of the
greatest gratitude and of heartfelt
thanks that I received your communica
tion, in which you expressed so feelingly
and so compllmentarlly your esteem and
respect and appreciation of my humble
efforts ns manager of tho Lyceum then
tor In our city. Tho purpose of tho ex
pression of kindness, esteem and friend
ship was so generous nnd so magnani
mous ns to almost overwhelm me In my
appreciation thereof. I hope I may so
conduct myself In tho future ns to ever
bo worthy of your confidence, esteem and
friendship, as you havo so beautifully
expressed It In your testimonial to me.
Owing to tho rules nnd regulations In
cident to the conduct of tho theatrical
business, It would bn impossible for such
a testimonial to bo given any of the
local managers.
Again thanking each and every ono of
you, and assuring you that the testi
monial will always bo preserved, and the
sentiments therein embodied will remain
among tho dearest and most sacred
memories .to mo In after life, and bo a
constant Incentlvo anrt Inspiration to
work morn eftlelcntly as manager of the
Lyceum theater, to bring you nnd tho
public, the best of first-class attractions,
nnd endeavor to always show my graft
tudo and appreciation to tho signers of
Golden Rio Coffee 12c.
5 lbs 50c.
Breakfast Java 20c a lb
Special Java and Mocha
25c, lbs $1.00,
B. F, Japan Tea aud For
mosa Oolong Tea at
50c, worth 75c,
the testimonial with .which I was so
highly honored, I am
Sincerely yours,
A. J. DUffy,
Manager Lyceum nnd Academy of
- '
Outlook In Rather Clouded for
Scranton Club's Future.
Manager Lawson and his Scranton
team of ox-state leaguers played an
exhibition game by electric light nt
Lancaster last night before a largo
crowd, und nro expected homo today.
Until they arrive nothlf.X definite
can bo learned as to what future plans
haVo been nrrnngod for tho team. It
Is not Improbable that Manager Law
son will continue with an Independent
teum, playing ono orx two games a
week nt homo with different clubB, and
also booking the team abroad.
Open dntcs may bo secured with
American and National lcaguo clubs,
nnd various Independent teams
throughout the country, nnd some good
games mny thus be witnessed.
Evidence for the Plaintiff Was Still
Being Offered When Court
Adjourned Yesterday.
All of yesterday was consumed in
listening to the testimony for tho plain
tiff In tho case of Mrs. Margaret
Thomar against the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad com
pany, an action to recover $50,000 for
the death of Mrs. Thomas' husband,
who was an cnglnoer in tho employ of
the company.
Thomas Stevens, who was on tho
stand when court adjourned Monday,
testified that he received an order from
the operators at Pocono Summit nnd
gave It to Engineer Thomas. It told
the engineer to run twenty-five miles
an hour.
E. AV. Brown, road foreman of en
gines for the company, testified that
the engine of which Thomas had
charge was' equipped with a SH inch
nlr i.ump, tho standard size.
Alexander Weldncr, the conductor of
the wrecked train, said he knew noth
ing about the twenty-five mile nn hour
order. It It was received, it would
have been addressed to him, as he was
conductor and In charge of tho train.
Ho described the runaway down the
mountain and the wreck at the bot
tom. George Keith, who was an engineer
on the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western road for twelve years, and
had charge of the same class of engines
n3 tho cne Thomas had on the day of
tho wreck, said if tho air apparatus
was'in good order it would not be dan
gerous to take such a train as Thomas
had down tho mountain. He was call-'
rd for tho plaintiff, and was on tho
stand when court adjourned.
When tho case of John F. Hoffman
against John Swallow was called, there
was no appearance for the defense and
a verdict of $28.09 for tho plaintiff was
allowed. By agreement, a verdict oZ
$1,031.90 for tho plaintiff was taken In
tho case of M, D. Brown & Co. against
Mary A. Sweeney. Tho enso of J. J.
Williams,, administrator, against It.
McMullen was referred to Attorney
Thomas F. Wells.
No defense was presented In tho case
of Hunt & Connell company against
Collins & Brennon. and a verdict for
tho plaintiff for $159.93 was taken.
On account of no appearance for tho
plaintiff, a nop. suit was granted in the
replevin case cf Frank White against
F. Kirsel nnd others.
Go with the Crowd on the Opening
Excursion to Lake Lodore.
The excursion season will open at
Lake Lodore on Decoration day. May
30. Among the many attractions will be
a spirited base ball contest for a purse
of $25, between Scranton and Carbon
dnlo crack ball teams. Tho famous
Mozart band, whose superior dance
music is recognized by all lovers of the
fantastic, will furnish a delightful pro
gramme in the mammoth balcony en
circled pavilion, with its Binooth and
highly-polished floor. Caterer M. F.
Fadden will servo refreshments in
abundance. The beautiful lake will be
enlivened with Its fleet of rowboats. Its
steam yacht, naphtha launches, and Its
largo and commodious excursion boat.
Tho Delaware and Hudson railroad
will run excursion trnlns, stopping at
nil stations, from AVIlkes-Barre. at
greatly reduced excursion rates. Trains
will leave Lackawanna avenue station
at 9.15 nnd 10.13 a. ni., and 1.29 p. m.
Faro from Scranton, 75 cents.
In Hoc Slgno Vinces:
Wlr trlnken
20 Per Cent.
on Straw Hats
On account of our mov
ing to the corner of
Washington Ave. and
Spruce Street (June 1st)
We are selling $2 Porto
Rico Palms at
Other hats reduced
propotionally. Negligee
Shirts, either white or
fancy colors, $1.00 kind
WMhlmWn A"..1
MtiW !) VIA.
Br WMhimwn t!P
Kellerman Drew Further Away from
Burns and Holds First Place in
Tho Tribune's Educational Contest
by Good Margin Rodriguez Also
, Strengthened His Hold on Third
Place Only Ono Point Divides
Holders of Eleventh and Twelfth
rioces Ono Now Entry Yesterday.
Room for More.
Standing of Contestants
1. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton. 180
2. Charles Burns, Vandllng.151
3. Wm. T.' S. Rodriguez,
Scranton 188
4. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale 104
6. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondale 83
O. Albert Freedman, Belle-
vue 64
7. Harry Madden, Scranton . 55
8. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 54
9. Homer Kresgo, Hyde Park 41
10. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
11. A. J. Havenstrlte, Mos
cow 31
12. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 31
13. William Cooper, Priceburg 30
14. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 25
IB. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 20
16. Mi3S Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 18
17. Lee Culver, Springville . . 17
18. Walter "allstead, Scran
ton 15
19. C. J. Clark, Peckville 15
20. John Dempsey, Olyphant. 13
21. John Mackie, Providence. 13
22. Hugh Johnson, Forest
City 11
23. M i s s Edna Coleman,
Scranton 8
24. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 7
25. Emanuel Bucci, Scranton. 7
26. Chas. O'Boyle, Scranton.. 5
27. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest
City 4
28. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3
29. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran
ton 2
30. R. D. Dorsey, Scranton ... 1
31 O
32 O
33 O
There was not a single change In
position among the thirty contestants
as a result of yesterday's work in The
Tribune's Educatlonul Contest. This
is tho first day that this has occurred
since the contest began this year. A
number of the contestants reported,
but the points they scored did not have
the effect of moving any one up or
down the line.
A. J. Kellerman holds first place this
morning by having twenty-nine points
more than Charles Burns. William T.
S. Rodriguez, in -third place, gained 15
points on Herbert Thompson, rils most
ditngcrous rival for that position; Max
well Shepherd also gained six points
on Thompson and is now but 11 points
from fourth place.
A gup of twenty-nine points exist3
Don't Wait
We "kill not have
as good an assort
ment later. We
have a lot of new and
choice patterna and
we have marked them
at prices that insure
their immediate sale.
John D. Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Ave.
Best Qualities $5.00
and upwards.
Straw Hats
of Every Description.
413 Spruce Street
300 Xackawanna Avenue.
Dr. Deimcl's Linen Underwear
Money to Loan:
On Watches.
On Watches,
Diamonds and
Gold Jewelery
IWflt Rates of Interest.
Private Offices,
307 Lackawanna Ave,
between fifth and sixth places. In
tome places below" that the contestants
are closely bunched. For Instance
there Is only ono"polnt difference be
tween tho holders of tho eleventh and
thirteenth positions.
Ono new cnlry was received ycBter
dny, that of Fred K. Ounstcr, of 1420
Washington avenue. There Is plenty
of room yet for others to do likewise.
Particulars are printed dally on the
fourth page of Tho Tribune.
Men's $10
Suits for
$5.00 Each
Remember ' these are
not $5.00 suits.
They are the cream of
this season's production
and were made to sell at
much higher prices.
We have our own plant for Engraving and Prlnttug
Invitations and Announcements. We do the work artisti
cally, properly and as well as New York or Philadelphia.
Our reputation for high-class work is an established fact, and
is only equalled by our desire and ability to serve you quickly
and correctly. Samples sent promptly.
We Use Hurd's Papers Only. WE HAVE THE ONLY
Engraving Plant In the City.
R. E. Prendergast
Engraving, Plate Printing, Die Stamping,
Wedding Stationery need give you
Come to us. Tell us how many wed
ding Invitations you require, how many
announcements, how many cards, etc.
Wo will ask you questions enough in
regard to names and dates to enable us
to get out all the stationery in the most
correct form.
There will bo no mistnKcn, and the
engraving will bo done in 11 Ktylo that
Will leave nothing to bo desired.
If the work does not suit, wo will do
It over. If It docs not suit then, you
need not take It. We rill your order
promptly, and wo charge you a price
that you can afford to pay. The en
graving is not cheap work. It is good
work, at a reasonable price
will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply tor
your kitchen, and will also save your wife
much of the drudgery of housekeeping.
Cooking with Gas &&
more convenient.
We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking
Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price Includes putting them in your
kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor.
how About hot Water?
A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers
that question. Wo have them. Price connected, $10.
Fuel gas, gross $1.00 ; net 90 and 80 cents per thousand.
I Ranges ai
I room, No, 1!
Ranges and Hot Water Heaters
room No, 126 Washington Avenue,
CtA4iM -
"""" W
I Lubricating
Maloney Oil & Manufacturing Company,
:14 1- i4v meridian screec.
We solicit your tritda ia
: Wheelbarrows,
Goal and :
! Dirt Picks,
and Drag
Scrapers. :
126-128 Franklin Ave.
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the. dollar when
you purchase direct from the
Our line of Umbrellas and
Parasols Is large and complete,
and embraces all the latest pat
terns. Wo guarantee all our
Umbrella Manufacturing: Co.
313 Spruce Street.
For Osteopathic Treatment
In Scranton, Consult
Dr. Herbert I. Furman
Remarkable results In Chronic and
Lingering Dlscnses. Consultation and
Examination Free. Lady assistants.
Both 'phones. Green Ridge Sanitar
ium, 1630 N. Washington ave.. or City
Roomi, Carter Bldg, cor. Adams and
Scranton, Pa.
on exhibition at our sales
Xt X444 4
" "" " J
and Burning :
'L3j, s-gM;a.liit ,KW Hiiz3tiA
-A. H