W,v '& Va?fiffifP i",TVf arr'T ikk .xfc i ttnv i ', ijfvar imwhdi .vc t-'ii.mti1 .ars & " -"-( r -w., .w"' rv- ?V : THE SCItAtfTON TRlBUNHV-DNES0AVf MAY 28, 19J 2 , The News of Carboiidale. -- i IN GOOD. CONDITION. Yearly Statement Bhows Fell School District to Be the Beat In Its His tory Schools to CloseTuno 13. The unnuni reports Hubinlttcil tit tlio meeting Monthly night show the Fell township school district to he In tlio heat condition llminolally perhaps since the district was formed, The funds In this hands ot the Irons liver are siitllclcnt to pay.nll the teach ers, while the unpaid hills amount to only $700, with bonds to the amount of $4,000. This makes this district com pare favorably with tiny In Lackn wnnim county. The standing of the district has been the subject of favor able comment from County .Superinten dent or Schools Taylor. The present standing of the Fell ills . tvlot Is all the more Ri'iittrylitR since live years ago the condition ot nnnncos was almost i oversell. At that lime, there were $S00O In bonds and the tenchets salaries were unpaid for six months or mote. The board decided nt this mecotlng to close the pchools June 13. WILL NOT SHUT DOWN. The Silk Mills Hero Will Probably Continue All Summer. It wns rumored throughout the city yesteulay that the Hllk mills at Simp son would shut down indefinitely this evening. A scarcity of silk, due to the trouble among the dyers at Pntcrson, was given as the reason for the con templated shut down. It will be a icllef to learn, however, that this depressing rumor Is unfound ed. CSenernl Manager Frlcdcr Informed The Tribune last evening that there was no truth In the story. Not only will the mills not shut down tonight, but they will continue, it is expected, throughout the summer months, If even they shut down ot all. There Is hope that the trouble in Paterson will be settled, but even If It should not, the mills here will be able to procure enough silk from the mills where there is no disturbance, for several weeks at least. It Is certain, at any rate, that there will be no Immediate shutting down, Mr. Fricdcr says. This will be cheerful news as the sev eral thousands of dollars that the mills here disburse each month Is an import ant Item in this community at all times, but particularly during the de pression consequent with the coal strike. The wlthdiawal of this sum would be sorely felt, and there will accordingly be rejoicing over the dis sipating: of the disturbing rumor. PREPARING TO THAVEL. Parties Who Are Going Abroad and Across the Continent. Mrs. Solomon, wife of Select Coun cilman James Solomon, and daughter, Gladys, and Miss Nanny Mitchell, all of the Belmont section, are preparing for a tour of the British Isles, which they propose to begin abbut the middle of Juno. They will sail from New York city on "Wednesday, June 11. They will go first to Truro, Cornwall Eng land, where they will visit for several weeks. After leaving there they will vNit London and the principal places of interest throughout the British Tsles. They will return about Sept. 1. Druggist Joseph If. Kelly and ox Common Councilman John T. Loftus will leave some day next week on an extended trip across the continent. They have planned an Itinerary that promises enjoyable results, as they will practically encircle the country by the routes they will take. They will go through the south and from Now Or leans down through the southwest, passing from Texas through Colorado, HONEST DOCTOR. Sneaks of Coffee Drinking, About coffee drinking, Dr. Hewot says, "X have the best ot reasons for naming coffee as among the most dnn goious of slow poisons. My own per sonal' experience outside of the gen eral experience gained by my practice has taught the truth. At about 16 I became a member of a young people's society whose pledge banod the use of all Intoxicants, to bacco, tea and coffee, until tho ngo ot 21, 1 kept my pledge and early tem perate habits were formed. Up to about my 30th year I was an athlete; no one had better health or spirits. A short time after passing thirty I began the use of coffee at breakfast with an occabiou.il cup at evening par tics. The ilrst symptoms of ill health I remember came soon, and later sore mouth and stomach trouble. Finally well marked dyspepsia supervened. My bowels sympathized, of course, also my nervous system became Impaired. Du llness attacked me, and tremulant hands rendered wilting exceedingly ilKIIeult. My diet had 'to bo resit Icted. ICxperleneed medical advisors forbade all fruits. Several attacks of gastritis tioubled mo frequent. The shadow of inclan ;holla menaced mo and caused mo to wonder why u man, of my lineage, strength and endurance nnd temperate habits should be thus mulcted. ISininontspeeinltsts nnnicd it, 'miasm,' ' Dthers as noted said, 'mleiobes.' X now ray, 'coffee arablca.' Why? Because for (he Ilrst thirty years I did not drink eoffeo. and enjoyed good health, the iccond thirty years coffee drinking be came a habit and Illness mure than ept pace with tlio Indulgence, I am now past 00 yours of age. About 18 months ago I saw a shrewdly writ ten statement of Postum Cereal Coffee, lave It careful reading and thought, mil as an experiment substituted Pos :iun for Java and Mouha, For the Ilrst three, days of the change I felt, keenly, the loss of tho stimulant, after that the mtrlent quality of the drink more than lompensated the deprivation, und an astonishing change came In lecurriug .Hunger three times dally; 1 could scarcely wait for the meals, a sensa tion I had not had for moie thiiii thirty fears, Now my health Is excellent. I eat fruits of all kinds and food as my ap petite demands.' I am legalnlug my nervous tone and my strength s In ireaslng daily. Except my change from offoo to Postum I have made no ;hange In my mode of living, Do you wonder that I name coffee us imong tho inoat dangerous of slow Pols ms? A believe thero are thousands suffer Tig as I Buffered with a better excuse 'or Ignorance than I can offer," A. C. Hewet. M. D 491 W, Adams St., Chl ;osof 1(1. . . . Utah tind Nevada to California. Re turnliiR they will travel aloiig tho Up per border Hue, through Washington, Montana and the Dakotas to St. Paul, thence homo Via Chicago. ' Mr. Kelly ami Mr. Loftus will slop for n few Weeks In nnd about Denver, viewing tho land leased by the Devel opment company, which was recently formed In this city, In which Mr. Kelly is n shareholder. AN UNEXPECTED DEATH. Henry Weddlngtou Succumbs After a Pew Dnyo' Illness. Henry Woddlngton, an employe of the street department of the city, died somewhat suddenly and unexpectedly at his homo on Blrkott street, about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. On Thuisday Mr.Weddlngton worked as usual on the city's streets. That evening ho was taken with an attack ot iiulnsy. His heart became nffected and ho expired suddenly enrly yester day morning. Mr. Wcddlngton wns born In Glou cestershire, Kngland, March 127, 1SI7. Ho came to Amotion In his early years and lias been a resident of Carbondalc i... ., Irmrr ,!,, 7Tn linlnnirnrl In Colll't U.IIy lodge, No. i"0, Foi esters of Ameri ca, and enjoyed the siuccrest regard of ills brother Foresters. Among his many acquaintances ho was likewise warmly esteemed. His wife nnd the following daughters and sons survive him: Mis. Clara Mycr, May. Annie, Andrew, Jacob, Thomas and Florence. THE FOREST CITY RUNAWAY. Mr. Holllstor About and Mr. Man ners Disabled. Clare U. llolllstcr and Vincent C Manners, who had such a thrilling ex perience in the runaway at Forest City on Monduy night, have almost recov ered from the severe shaking up they received. Mr. Holllstor was fully re covered yesterday and was able to at tend to his business affairs. He suf fered principally from shock. Mr. Manners, however, was lea fortunate, and was confined to his room with a sore shoulder. The horses fared better than was at first reported. One of the animals es caped unhurt, while the other had a badly torn hoof. Unfortunately, tho injured horse H Mr. Hollister's trotter, Slasher Boy. Tho horse, which is un der Veterinarian Moyer's care, will be in good condition In about a month. The runaway was caused by a hind foot of Slasher Boy's getting caught in the forward wheel of the carriage, wliilo the team was Hying nlong to avoid the htorm that was setting In. The spokes of tho wheel were smashed by the trotter's struggle and the mis hap frightened the horses, and there was a runaway team Hying along the roadway. In another Instant, the oc cupants of the carriage were thrown out. The team continued In its wild career for about two miles, being caught In the woods about Forest City. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Lucretia Lodge, No. 109, Daughters of Rebeknh, Elect Last Evening. The semi-annual election of officers of Lucretia lodge, No. 109, Daughters of Hebokab, was held in their hall, on South Church street, last evening, and resulted as follows: Noble grand, Mary Roberts: vlee-giand, Ella Price; secre tary, Dora Lmhvlg: trustee, Clara Carl ton. The ofllcers will be installed on Tuesday evening, June 10, by District Deputy Mrs. Mary Hughes. An interesting feature of last even ing's session was tho report of Mrs. S, N. Bayley. the representative of the lodge to the btute assembly, held in Kilo last week. The report was most comprehensive nnd prepaied In a manner that showed the lodge made no en or in the selection of its delegate. ' Departed for California. Dr. John S. Niles, who leturned from a brief visit to Philadelphia the day prior, left on Saturday evening on his trip across tlio continent. He will stop en route to visit with his brothers, Frank Niles, at Colorado Springs, Col., and Dr. Hurry Nlles, surgeon at Mercy hospital, Salt Lake City. Dr. Niles will continue to California to spend several weeks In her salubrious climate, relax ing and recuperating after unremitting attention to his practice. He will be absent about two months. Ills father, Dr. Andrew Niles, and Dr. Harper will care for his practice during his absence. Prof, Bryden Improving, Prof, W. D. Bryden, principal of tho High school, who was taken sick this week nnd .was threatened with typhold pneumonln, vus somewhat Impioved last evening. Tt Is believed that all dan ger Is now passed, and that he will bo back among tho students by Monday of next week. During his absence Prof, .L. M. Lesher, of the commercial de partment, is acting principal. Honcsdnlians in Town. Homer Greene, Hon. John Kubach, Jonas Kii.Uk and Manager W. J, Sll vcrstone, of the Ccntial theatre, all prominent Honcsdnlians, stopped In Carbondalc long enough, whllo en route to Scrauton yesterday, to enjoy a treat that Is hardly known i,n the Maple city, tho discoursing of several selections, by tho Mo.nrt baud. Visiting Pastors. rtev. It. A, Sawyer, lector of Trinity Fplscopal church, left yesterday for York, to attend tho Kplscupal conven tion. He will bo nbsept for several days. Rev, Dr, H. J. Wluilen is expected home today from Philadelphia, where he has been since Monday, Gone to Wnle3. David D.ivls and William Painter, of Vandllng, have left op a tour through ICnglnnd and Wales, They will be ab sent during the greater part of tho sum mer. Meetings of Tonight. William II, Davles post, G. A. 11. Pioneer castle, Knights Mystlo Chain. Fidelity conclave, Hcptasophs, Carboudalo lodge, Knights of Pythias. Unclaimed Letters. l.lst ot letters remaining In tho Car bondale, Pa., postofllco, May 2S, 1U02, for persons unknown; A. J-. Avery, Boran .t Loyeland, W. H. Brown, It. W. Burnhain, George Caul, Daniel Cannon, J. L. Clark, Peter Cog elns, James Dclaney, T. W, Kills, Jos- cph Kgnn, 13. James, James McMullen, William Shelly, O. VI. Bltnon, W. n., cure Harrison house, Thomas York, Miss Kllzit Fisher, Miss Margaret Jones, Miss Maggie Jones, Miss Mary Plnnel, Mrs. J. It. Beomer, Mrs. Bert Clark, Airs. It. C. Dotter, Mary Cnllcn dor Ann Furrclh J, lit Thomas, Postmaster. THE SPANISH VOLUNTEERS. Will Meet to Arrange for Memorial Day Exercises. William Meyers, president of tho Spanish-American volunteers, has is sued a call for n meeting at 8 o'clock this evening at tho Mitchell Hoso house. The mooting in to arrange for tlio volunteers participating in the Memor ial Day exercises. They have been In vited by Davlos post to assist in honor ing tho day, nnd It Is the earnest hope to make a showing that will bo a fit ting expression of tho men's apprecia tion ot this Important and significant dny. An urgent Invitation Is extended to every volunteer, no matter of what service, to alltcnd tonight's meeting. MINERS' HEADQUARTERS. Will Bo Decided Upon nt a Meeting to Be Held Today. It Is the purpose to establish head quarters of the United Mine orkcrs In this city, and n meeting to arrange for the opening of tho same will be held In the header building tills ufternoon at 1 o'clock. At tho present time, thero Is no moans of directly communicating to tho miners messages or instructions that President Mitchell has occasion to send out from day to day. With the local oillccrs In direct communica tion with strike headquarters In Wllkes-Barrc, tho opening of the pro posed local quarters would greatly fa cilitate matters. Positions -with Clarke Bros. The opening of Clarke. Bros.' branch store In Carbondalc has opened oppor tunities for the employment of clerks, which have been tilled as follows: Miss Margaret Morrison, who has been employed at different times as a book-keeper, is now cashier in tho new branch. Miss Kllzabcth Horan, of Scott street, who was employed in the general store kept until recently by W. It. Moon, has accepted, a clerkship' in the store. Miss Anna Tlghe, of the West Side, who resigned her position as stenogra pher in the ofllco of Attorney George B. Davidson, at Scrnnton, to accept a similar one with Clarke Bros., began her duties here yesterday. George Tryon Quite 111. George Tryon, of Darte avenue, is quite ill of pneumonia. Mr. Tryon was prostrated on Sunday evening and has' since had the care of a professional nurse. Last night, he wns as comfort able as could be expected. As yet, however, it is too early In the disease to say that all danger has passed. How ever, there Is hope that he will rally through tho attack. Thimble Tea on Thursday. On Thursday of this week, from 3 to 7 p. in., Mrs. L. 12. Thorpe and Mrs. A. L. Van Gordon will give a thimble tea at the home of the latter, 93 Wayne street, A cordial Invitation is extended to ladles and gentlemen, both old and young. A silver offering will be taken for the benefit of the Methodist Kpls copal church fund. To Be Wedded Today. A wedding which will attract wide spread interest will take place In St. Kose church today. The principals are Miss Mary Gerrlty, ot Dundaff street, and Edward J. Healey, one of the most popular of the young men of the town. Resigned His Clerkship. Harry Hlller has resigned his posi tion as clerk in the store of G. W. Rey nolds & Son, and intends taking a trip west, visiting Pittsburg and Chicago, with the thought of locating In either place. Operation for Appendicitis. Julia Collins, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collins, of Brooklyn street, was operated on for appendicitis at tho Emergency hospital yesterday. Her condition wns comfortable last night. THE PASSING THRONG. Mrs. Normlle and daughter. Miss Ruth Normlle, of Salainnnca, N. Y are at tho Harrison house. P. T. Rcllly, of Scrnnton, was In the city yesterday. Misses Lorclta and Cecelia Coleman, of the West Side, spent yesterday In Scrnnton. Colonel John McComb was among tho Carbondallaus who witnessed tho Knights Templar parade in Scrnnton yesterday. OLYPHANT Tho Juvenls dancing class will hold their weekly social In Million's ball, Fri day evening. Lawrence's orchestra will play for dancing. Among those from hpro who attended the Knights Templar tournol at Scrnn ton last night were.Mr, und Mrs, H. B. Bush, J, W. Kennedy, Misses 'Lucy Hull, Olive .Murphy, Gertrude Voyle, Maine Surge, Dr. F. L. Vnu Sickle, Dr. L. Van Buskirk. John Williamson, of Wllkes-Burre, was u caller In tpwn yesterday. T. V. Powderly, jr., of Carbondalc, spent yesterday here, Mrs, William Thomas and Mis, AVest Frederick, who luivo been the guests of BODY AND BRAINS. Wizened Utile bodies and big brains dr big strong bodies and no brains neither one of these makes a good combina tion. To produce big healthy bodies and big healthy brains take Scott's Emulsion. Childhood is the best time to commence, Scott's Emulsion contains food for bone and nerve and ilesh and blood. Scott's Emulsion promotes growth and proper development, Just the thing for weak children. Send for Free Sample SCOTT & BOW.NE. Chemist, oa I'utl Su tt. V. Mrs. William Gilbert, have returned to their homes In Dover, N. Jt John Rccne, Henry Williams, John Steed.Wllllam Petch and David Thomas left last night for New York, from where they will sail on tho Oceanic for Wales today. Mrs, A. F. Grans left yesterday for a ten dnys' visit with relatives in Bine hnmton, N, Y. Mrs. P. F, Mltlcr, ot Archbald, spent yesterday with her Bister, Mrs, John Ferguson, of Lackawanna street. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrry Wright, of Car boudalo, visited relatives In town yes terday. JERMYN AND JHAYPIELD. Thi following exercises will take place on Memorial day In the cemetery: Vocal quartette; prayer, Itcv. Twyson Jones; address, Attorney C A. Battcn bcrg; romnrks, Rev. J. K. Broadhead; benediction, Rev. Maynard It. Thomp son. Before tho exercises there will be a parade by tho Jermyn Boys' brigade nnd veterans of the Civil and Spanish American wnr and a squad of the Sons of Veterans. Tlio committee in charge of the arrangements fear thnt they may have unintentionally omitted to send Invitations to some of the veterans of both wars. If this Is so they take this means of correcting tho omission and earnestly request all to participate In the exercises which will tnko place In the cemetery nt 10 o'clock. The formation of parade and lino of march will bo given in tomorrow's Issue. The parade 'will commence at D.1G o'clock In the morning. Mr. J. J. Miller left Monday to take up his new position as manager of the Consolidated Water Works at Kltton nlny, Armstrong county, Pa. Ho takes with him tho well wishes of his many friends for his success in his new field. Kthcl Peard a little girl living on Second street was bitten last evening by a dog. The wound caused was not a bad one and no serious results are anticipated. Peter Henry, of Fourth street, Is seriously III with symptoms of an at tack of typhoid fever. Leighton J. Eldridgo of Wllkes-Barrc, who lias been the guest of his brother-in-law. Dr. Byron H. Jackson, of May field, left last evening on a visit to friends at Minneapolis. The employes of the Hillside com pany's collieries at tho Erie, Glenwood and Keystone breakers were paid yes terday. A little daughter arrived yesterday to gladden the home of Superintendent and Mrs. Frank Hemelrlght, of Second street. The Jermyn school board will hold an adjourned meeting tomorrow evening. Ben Davis, jr., of II. street. Is suf fering' with an attack of tonsilitls. The new Hag pole In the school grounds was raised Saturday In the presence of directors Morcom and Waters and hereafter old glory will be seen flying from the school on the proper occasions. - Tho Citizens' band will give an open air concert on Main street on Thurs day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The fol lowing programme has been arranged: March, "Bethany Commandery," Myer; overture, "Birth of Love," Lafforty; overture, "High Boll," Beyer: cornet solo, "Luella Polka," Althouse; over ture, "Felecia," Grunwald; song and dance, selected; concert waltzes, "lo lanthe," Holzman, march, "Blaze Away," Holzman. m TAYLOR. The funeral of the late Mrs. John Williams took place from her late resi dence at Rendham yesterday afternoon and was largely attended. Brief ser vices were conducted at the house after which the cortege moved to the Stew art Memorial church, where the ser vice was continued. The church" audi torium was filled wih sorrowing friends and relatives. The .pastor, Rev. J. L. Race, officiated and delivered an elo quent and impressive sermon. The church choir under the direction of Chorister Johns, 'rendered appropriate anthems during the service. Their were a number of beautiful floral gifts pres ented by friends and relatives. The flower bearer was Arthur Henshall. Tho pall bearers were: William Franklin, W. J. Williams, Edward B. Decker, Joseph Merrltt, T. K. Williams and Richard Price. Interment was made In the Marcy cemetery. The Anthracite Glee club will not hold their regular rehearsal tomorrow evening but will hold their regular re hearsal on Sunday. The following excellent programme has been arranged for the concert to bo held this evening in the Welsh Con gregational church for the benefit of the Juvenile choir: Instrumental selections, Miss Lydla Hoskins; selection, Juvenile choir; solo, Miss Edith Watklns; recita tion, Miss Sarah Price; recitation, Miss Margaret Dnvls; solo W. L. Jones; 1 recitation, Miss Verna Williams; reci tation, Ml?s Lydla Jones; duet, Misses Edith and Gertrude AVatklns; recita tion, John E. Evans; recitation, John E. Evans: recitation, Oliver Howells; recitation, Miss Martha Smith, solo, J, E. Watklns; selection, Juvenile choir. Mis. J. A. Noecker, of Schuylkill Haven, Is the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of Pond street. . Daniel O'Biien, ono of our local quoit men defeated John Lewis, of Bellovue, at the latter place on Monday In an Interesting match for "?50 a sldo by a score of 31 to 21. O'Biien was a great favorite, Mr. and .Mrs. W. a. Howell, ot Main street, liavo returned from Erie, Pa., where the former attended tho grand session of Odd Fellows which convened there during tho past week, The borough schools will bo closed on Thursday for tho summer vacation. Appiopriato exercises will mark tho closing event, The following young people from this town attended tho reception tendered Miss Blodwlu Jones at Bollevuo last evening; Misses Hannah Powell, Han nah Dnvls, Llzssle Davis, Leah and Muud Evans, Lillian Ileffcr, Sophia Thomas and Messrs. John II, Harris, John Thomas, Albert Welsenfluh, Louis tSchulthles, Fred Sterges, Samuel Miller. Henry Coombs, William Rogets, Dunlel J, Davis, Titus Evans, Henry Reese and Daniel Reese, Miss Mary nnd Arthur Ulmer nnd Will Ilittinger, of Carbondnle, and Messrs, Young and Dick, of Avocn, spent Sunday as the guests of Miss Elizabeth Owens, of North Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Morris, Messis. Joseph Jones, John Morgans and Wil liam Johns, left yesterday for a trip to their native lund, Wales. PECKVILLE. A large delegation of our citizens at tended the Knights Templars parade' at Scrnnton, yesterday. Messis, M. II, Sitgruvrs and William Hughes returned yesterday from a llsh Ing trip at Lake Lodore. They suc ceeded In catching Jlfty pounds of bull heads and peich, ' Tho fire ulurm is out of service on uc- Connolly & Wallace. Scranton's Shopping; Center IHWyj count of the borough electric light wires becoming crossed with the alarm wires. Messrs. Harry Gard and Thomas Williams are on a fishing trip over in Wayne coupty. Frank Ledyard Is on a business trip to Newark, N. J. Mr, H. L. James is doing Jury duty at Scrnnton this week. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Peckvlllc, week ending May 27: Annie Rock, Mrs. Har riet Morgan, Ellen Todd, J. Johns, Pri vate Frank Cofleld, Company F. Thir teenth Infantry; Jan Frenak, Peter Creka, Lewltski Razylnerkl. Foreign Maryjamma Szatkouska, Antonla Mannlso, Gueseppi Maucuro. Persons claiming the above will please say "ad vertised" and give date of this list V. Mace, Postmaster. u. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS On account of tho National Meeting, Fraternal Order of Eagles, at Minnea polis, Minn., June f! to 8, the Pennsyl vania Rnllroad company will sell ex cursion tickets from all stations on its lines to Minneapolis or St. Paul, May 31 to June !!, good to return not earlier than Juno .1, and not later than June 9, ut greatly reduced rates. These tickets will be good for return passage only when executed by Joint Agent at St. Paul or Minneapolis and payment of 5 cents mnue for this service, uy leposit Ing ticket with Joint Agent not earlier than June 3 nor later than June 9, and payment of 30 cents at time of deposit, an extension of return limit may be ob tained to leave St. Paul or Minneapolis not later than July 7. First Class Tickets to San Francisco nnd Return at Less Than Ono Way Fare. On nceount of tho Imperial Council, Nobles o,f the Mystic Schrlne, .San Francisco. California, Juno 10th 14th, 1902, the Lackawanna railroad will Is suo first-class excursion tickets from Scrunton at the low rate of $6i3.25 for tho round trip, on sale good going Mhy '20th to June 7th Inclusive and for re turn to reach original starting point not later than 60 days from original dato of purchase of ticket. See Depot Ticket Agent in regard to Htop uff priv ileges variable routes, sldo trips, Pull niun reservations, etc, A Much Tnlked-of Improvement. The stir tho Now Jersey Central's re cent announcement mado In regurd to Its hourly trains between New York and Philadelphia was far reaching. Very few cities can boast of such a train schedule and the beauty of it is, that it's easily lemcnibered a train every hour on tho oven hour from 7 a. m, to C p, m. The locomotives, cars nnd Pullman caw aro the most modern, the roadbed Is rock ballasted, and as only hard coal Is used thcie Is no smoke or cinders. Every train runs direct to Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, without change and many of them cover tho distance In A Farmer Straightened Out, "A man living on a farm pear hero calno n a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed him bottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Halm and told him to use Jt freely and f not satisfied after using It ho need not pay a cent for it." says C. P, May dor, of Pattens Mills, N, V. "A few days later ho walked into the store as straight as a string and handed mo a dollar saying, "give me another bottlo or Chamberlain's Pain Halm. I want jt m tho liouso all the time for It cured inc."' For tale by all druggists. A welcome to our distin guished friends, tho Knights Templar, here In attendance upon the annual conclave. If you are sight-seeing you will find the store Interesting. You may come assured of a hospl table reception. Wiiite Goods for Gowns and Sbirt Waists The pbolvcs aro bursting with do llpthtfully cool, crisp whlto things new ones kcit. coming almost every Test them nny way you llko In qual ity, quantity, variety or price. HINTS FOR 8HIUTWAI8TS- McrccrlKcri striped madras fifteen dlffctcnt pattorus ot 3."c. , 2."c. Cheviot, madras. ALL SORTS OF THINGS FOIt COMMENCEMENT GOWNS. Sheer, lino Persian lawn, 20a to 13c, t yard. French lawn, 3.c. to I. French nnlnsook, 35c. to $1. Dotted und figured Swiss, 15c. to S1.25. India llnon, 10c. to 10c. Women's Stockings and SUMMF.n THINGS. To women who haven't seen them, wo rnn't say too much about them; to women who have, wo need say very little. All spoclally pood for tho money. STOCKINaS- 12&o. Imported plain blaok cotton. Sic. Onon worked bliick llsto. 2.c. nibbed and plain black llslo and embroidered cotton. Hoc. Open worked black and colored llslo. Men's Madras Shirts Negligee and Pleated Fronts, $i.ooand $1.50. Last year's shirts of these lines were best in town Not one returned or complained of all season. This year both the Madras and the stvle are better yet. They are are very comfortable shirts roomy, but not clumsy. Plain while and white grounds with neat slripe or figure, are best. To Women Do you care for FashionP For new gowns or wraps or dress goods or silks or laces or for bargainsP Will you let some one else find these things firstP But what's the use of asking every woman know3 our ads and. read them first, and yet they are only ads. Connolly KKKKKKt.r.KKKKK 8 ,j. If You Walk Much aB s Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, &; 330 Lackawanna Avenue. J two hours. The Reading route by which the Philadelphia line Is often known, is not only a short way to Philadelphia, but It is likewise the scenic route. This service goes into effect on May IS, but In no way does It Impair the fast and elegant service of tho Royal Blue line, which will run independently of tho Philadelphia line. ' Through Sleeping Car to Welch, W. Va., and Points on the Norfolk and Western Railway. With the schedule in effect May 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will Inaugurate through Pullman buf fet sleeping car service between Phila delphia and Welch, W. Vn via Harris hurg, Hagerstown, Roanoke, and tho Shenandoah Valley route. This car will bo run on the following schedule: Lv. Philadelphia (Penna) R. R. 8.25 p.m. Lv. Lancaster 10.03 " Ar. Harrisburg 10.33 " Lv. Harrisburg (Ctimb. Val. It. R. It 11.03 " LV. Carlisle w,. ..11.12 " Lv. Chnmbersburg 12.30u.m. Ar. Hagerstown ,, 1,10 " Lv. Hagerstown (Nor. and West. It. R.) 1.20 " Ar. Roanoko 0.03 " Ar. East Radford 10.10 " Ar. Hluelleld 1,33 p.m. Ar, Welch -1,23 " RirrURN'INU. Daily. Lv. Welch (Nor. and Wcbt. R. R.) 1.10 p.m. LV. Hluelleld 1.00 " Lv. Kait-Utidfoid C.30 " Lv. Ronnoko S.00 " Ar. Hagerstown .,, -1,15a.m. Weelt-diiys, Sundays, Lv. H ago rs t o w n (Cunib. Vul.R.R.) Lv, Chanibersburg.,, Lv. Carlisle Ar, llarrlhburg .,..,, Lv. ilurrlhbuig Ar, Lancaster Ar. Philadelphia (Pa, R. It.) 1.20 a.m. 7.05 a.m. S.00 " 7.10 ' li.00 " S.45 " li.10 " 9,25 " fi.&3 " U.S7 " 7,13 " 10.30 " 9.37 " 12.17 p.m. odutlons will be Day coach iiccomn provided on theho trains between Har risburg and Welch. Close connections will he made for Winston, S.ilem, Uristol, Norton, nnd Oiurlotte, N. C. Lackawanna Railroad Popular Ex cursion to Niagara Falls, On' May ,29th tlio ticket agents of Underwear UNDEmVEAIt- 12Uc. Seconds of the Sc. Bortn. Itlbbcd whlto cotton shaped high neck vests. 18c, or three pair for GOc, seconds of Cic. sorts. Ribbed 'white and colored lisle, low neck vests. 2,-.c. Lace trimmed, ribbed whlto llsla vests or trimmed whlto ribbed cotton drawers. . ' . COc. Laco trimmed ribbed white llsla vests or drawers. , . . To Men Five minutes a day is all it takes to see what's in our ads for you. Five minutes on the train or trolley is nothing, you're trying to kill time any way. Get into the habit of glancing over our advertise ments. It pays. & Wallace ft ft ft You can do it more comfortably J when time is spent in getting the right j shoe for the right foot. Our shoes have a reputation for ft GOODNESS, Style, Perfect Wearing and J Fitting Qualities not found in ordinary J shoes. Our $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 ft Men's Shoes have no equal in the city. ft ft ft ft the Lackawanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets to Niagara Falls good going on any train on tho above date and for return up to and including June 1 at tlio extremely low rato of $6.55 for the round trip, which will bo from Scrnnton. Children be tween the ages of five and twelve years one-half of tho adult rate. Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore., and Return. On account of tho National Convention Travellers Protective Association of America, Portland, Ore,, June 3rd to 7th: the Supremo Lodge A. O. U. W Portland, Ore, Juno 10th to 20th, 1902, the Lackawanna. Vnllroad will Issua First Class round trip tickets for $70.30 on sale good going May 26th to June 7th inch and for return passage to reach original sturtlng point not later than 00 days from original date of sale. Seo Depot Tlckot Agent for particulars as to stop-over privileges routes and train schedule, G. A, R. Encampment Gettysburg, Pa., June 4th and 5th, For the nbovo occasion ticket agents of tho Lackawanna railroad will sell first class tickets to Gettysburg and return at regular ono way faro for tho round trip good going Juno 1st to 6th Incluslvo with filial return limit Juno 7th. Children between tho ages of s and 12 yeais one-half tho adult faro. Intercollegiate Regatta, Ithaca, N. Y., May 30th. For the ubove occasion tlckot agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell Ilrst class tickets to Ithaca und return at regular one way faro for the von nit trip. Tickets will bo sold good going May 29th and 30th limited fop return to Muy 31st, Children between tho ages of 5 and 13 years one-hulf the adult rate, Low Rates to Ithaca, N, Y,, and Return via the 0. & W. There will be a college regatta at Ithaca, N. Y on May 30. Tho Ontario and Western will sell round trip ticket at the fare ono way. Tickets will bo Fold and good going May 29 and 30, good returning to May 31, Inclusive. W. ' & 4 ' vn-1' A, .- . .. , 'J." ' . j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers