HPT56r3!7l J?' vTTfTS T'-STT-J t ' '' .. t 12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1902. JT"k'''HR!f9'js?i"(r PROGRAMME OF EISTEDDFOD GREAT CONCERT OF THURSDAY EVENING. Artists Who Will Bo Heard at This the, Opening Session of the Great National Event Morning Session of the Eisteddfod Will Be Presided Over by Hon. L. A. Watres, After noon by Hon. William Connell and Evening by Charles Robinson. All preliminaries are now about com pleted lor the great eisteddfod to be held at the armory on the 20th and SOth. The demand for tickets continues stead ily at the hcadauurtors, 003 Linden street. Excursions to the eisteddfod will come from Brooklyn and New York COO strong: Blnghamton nnd Utleu, 2,000 strong; New Castle, Bangor and Slatlngton, Wllkes-Barre, Edwardsvillc, Carbondale, and other places In goodly numbers. The committee desire to Im press on the minds of Its patron3 the advantage In securing tickets In ad vance. It will avoid the rush at the door. One should not be misled by the appearance of the diagram at head qtiurters. It-must be remembered that only the numbered seats are marked on the dia gramthose in the subscribers' section. Two other full sections have been sold In their entirety. These will be taken by the choirs, and In addition to these a great number of reserved seats in sections have been disposed of, together with a number of general admission tickets. The seats for the concert are going rapidly, and it would be well to avail yourself of the advance sale to save delay at the door. All ushers for the national eisteddfod will report to Lieutenant Lewis B. Car ter at the armory, as follows: For Thursday evening, May 29, at 6.43 p. m.j for Friday morning session, at 9 n. m.i for Friday afternoon session, at 1 p. m.; for Friday evening session, at 6.30 p. m. The ushers must report promptly at the time scheduled, so that when the crowd coincs we are ready for them. All ushers for the performances Thursday and Friday evenings will re port in full evening dress suits, with black bow ties. They will not wear gloves. The ushers for the day ses sions will not wear dress suits. Lieu tenant Carter would like to meet as many of the ushers at the armory Wed nesday evening, May 28, as possible. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME. The oflieial programme for Thurs day evening's concert has been ar langcd as follows: Hon. "W. L. Council, Chairman. 1. Announcement of thu Opening; of tlio Kisteddfod by Hon. II. M. Edwards. 2. Address of Welcome, Hon W. L. Connell Recorder of Scranton. 3. The National Anthem.... Bauer's Band 4. Duct, "Passage Birds, Farewell," Illldach Mcfsts. Williams nnd Miles. 5. Aria, "Joh wnh dies Oowand"...Bruch Miss Hollo Newport. C. Piano Solo, March from "Tnnn- liau&cr" Wagncr-Llszt Mr. Rece Jniics. 7. "Lend Mo Your Aid" (Queen of Slick-i ) Gounod Mr. II. Evan AVilllnms. S. Selection. Mr. Gwllym Miles. !. Overture from "Zampa".. Bauer's Rand 30. Duet, Crucifix" Fatiro Messrs. Williams nnd Mllcr. 11. "Ec&tacy" Beach Miss Belle Newport. 12. Piano (a) "Rondo Capiiccloso," Mendelssohn (b) "Berceuse" Chopin (e) "Rhapsodic" Liszt Mr. Reovo Jones. 13. Solo. Old Welsh (a) "Mcrch Megan" (Megan's Daugh ter). (l) "Dafydd Gareg Wen" (David of the White Rock). (c) "Ymadawlml y Bronln" (Tho King's Departure). Mr. Gwllym Miles. 1 1. Tenor Solo. Old WpIpU (a) "O. na Byddnln Ilaf o llyd" (O That "I'wcro Ever Summer), (b) "V Devyn Pur" (Tho Pure Bird). (c) "Sympathy"...!. W. Parson Price Mr. 11. Uvnn Williams. 13. My Country, "Tin of Thee," Bauer's Band. The preliminary competitions will bo held at the armory at 0.20 o'clock sharp Friday morning by Prof. J. W. Parson Price and Prof. J. Powell Jones, exam iner, on the tenor and bass duet, con tralto solo, soprano and contralto duet, bast solo, quartette, soprano sold, and tenor solo, In case that the preliminary competi tions cannot ho completed by 10,20 a. in., the quartette preliminary and other liufinlMied work will be resumed at 1,30 j, m. No one will be allowed in tho looms during the competitions but the competitor and examiner at one time. This Is Imperative, The eisteddfod programme has been arranged as follows: MORNING SKHaiON, At M O'clock Sharp. lion. L. A. Watres, President. ' Hon. II. M. Edwards, T. P. Williams, Esn. Conductors, 1. Singing by the Audlenco of "Hen Wind fy Nhadau." Solo liy Gwllym Miles, Esq, 2. Introduction of the President, Hon L. A. Watres. 3. Address of President. i. Competition, Tenor nnd Bass, "Go, Baffled Coward, Go".,.., Handel Prlzo $13, donated by Hon, A, A, Voaburg. C. Adjudication and Awarding of Prizes on Essay, Prlzos, 1st, $15; 2nd, 110. donated by the Scranton Times, 6. Adjudication and Awarding of Prize on Tenor and Bass Duet. 7. Adjudication on "Tho Song of Libor." Pilzes, 1st, $23; 2nd, $13; 3rd, 10, donated by tho Scranton Truth, 8. Competition on Contralto Solo, "Hopo On" Klein PrUe, $10. donated by E. S. MoNaul, Ksq, 8. Adjudication and Awarding of Prize on Knglyn. 10. Ariujdlcutlon and Awarding of Prize on Contralto Solo, 11, Competition. Juvenile Chorus, "Tho Night Bella" .Vincent jT You Could Look I MM, iotothefutnreandtcethecondltlou 10 wmca your cougu, u ncgiccica. bring you, you would ceelc relief at : and that naturally would be through will brln oacc Shlloh's Consumption f" j rf-k Guaranteed to cure Coo- wMi V Aitnm and all Lung Trouble, CureiCoughanndCobjaloacUy, IS cent. Write to 8. C. Weim at Co., he Roy, N. Y for free trial bottle ' l.-ll- I.....D..lVu .Jllu 41.. BUJ v... r j TrlMS, 1st, 7S: 2nd, J23, donated by Messrs. Clarke Brothers, 12. Adiijdlcallon and Awarding of Prises on Juvchlle Chorus, 13. Competition. German Class "C" Malo Chorus, "Elnkohr" ......Storm Trophy. Sterling Sliver Punch Bowl and Ladle. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 2 O'clock Sharp. Hon, William Connell, President. Hon. II. M. Edwards, T. P. Williams, Esq,, Conductors, 1. Introduction of the Picaldcnt, Hon. William Connell. 2. Address of tho President. 3. S o I o c 1 1 o n , "FruhllnssrcRcn," ("Spring Rnln") Munzlngor Ariun Society, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4. Adjudication and Awarding of Trophy In Class "C" of German 6, Competition, Soprano and Contral to Duet, "Cheerfulness" Gumbcrt Prize, $15,00, Donated by Hon. A. A. Vosburr. 6. Ad Indication and Awarding of Prlzo on Ffug-Chwedl Gymrelg (Welsh Novel.) Prize. $.13, Donated by W. R. Lewis, Esq. 7. Adjudication and Awarding of Prlzo on Pryddest Ddcsgrinaaoi, (Descriptive Poem). Prize, $.13, donated by John R. Joncs.Xsq. 10. Adjudication nnd Awarding o'f Prlzo on Bass Solo. 12. Competition, Quartette, "Sunset. (Unaccompanied) Prothcroe Prize, $20, Donated by Mrs. Kato Crossln O'Brlen. 12. Competition, Class "B" German Male Chorus, "Der Pilot".Cnrl Flguo 13. Adjudication and Awarding of Prlzo on Quartette. 14. Competition, Male Chorus.( Open.) (a) "The Britons," Prothcroe, Mus. Bac. (b) "Ar Hyd y Nob" (All Thro' the Night) Arr. of T. J. Davlcs, Mus. Bac. EVENING SESSION. At 7,30 O'clock Sharp. Charles Robinson, Esq., President. Hon. II. M. Edwards. T. r. Williams, Esq., Conductors. 1. Introduction of tho President. 2. Address of President. 3. Selection. "Das Deutsche Lied," (Tho German Prlzo Song), P. Fassbacndcr The Arlon Society. 4. Adjudication and Awarding of Prlzo in Class "B" German Chorus. 5. Adjudication nnd Awarding of Prizes on Open Male Clionw Contest 6. Selection. Song by II. Evan Wil liams, Esq. 7. Awarding of Prize on Poem, "In Memorlam" McKinloy. Prizes, first, $30; pecond, $10; donated by Tho Scranton Tribune. S. Competition, Ladles' Chorus. (a) "Spanish Gypsy" Lassen (b) "Nos Cnlan" (New Year's - Eve) Arr. of J. W. Tarson Price . Competition, Soprano Solo, "The Belter Land" Cowen Prize, $10, Donated by Dr. John O'Mullcy 10. Adjudication nnd Awarding of Prizes on Ladles' Chorus. 11. Competition, Tenor Solo, "Lend Me Your Aid" Gounod Prize, $tn. Donated by Dr. J. J. Roberts 12. Solcctlon Arlon Society. 13. Adjudication nnd Awarding of Prize on Tenor Solo. 13, Chief Choral Competition. "The Night Is Depnrtlng" Gl.vmn of Praise) Mendelssohn Prizes, first, $1,000; second, $250. 1G. Adjudication and Awarding of Chief Choral Prizes. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Pension System. Under Consideration by the Central Bailroad of New Jersey Board for Today. Tho Central Railroad company of New Jersey has under consideration a pension system drafted after that re cently adopted by the Philadelphia and Reading Railway company, and which covers the following grounds. Of the employes In the service of tho com pany, the following classes arc affect ed: (a) All employes engaged in any capac ity in the operations of tho company, hav ing attained the age of 70 years, shall bo retired, and if they have been thirty years in tho service, shall be pensioned; provided, howover, that tnis clause shall not be mandatory in its application to executive ofllcers, appointed by tho board of directors. (b) All employes 03 to CD years of age, both inclusive, who have been thirty or more years In the service, und who have become Incapacitated, may be retired and pensioned. Tho monthly allowance paid each per son granted a pension shall bo upon tho following basis: For1 each year of ser vice, ono pcrcentum of the average monthly pay for ten years next preceding retirement. The acceptuneo of a pension nllowanco shall not debar any former employo from engaging In other business, but such person cannot re-enter the ser vice of tho company. The pension board shall navo power, In enso a faithful employo of said company shall have received Injuries which to tally incapacitate him for his regular or other, vocation, to tako his case under consideration nnd award him such sum, as a pension, for such length of tlmo as said board shall determine. Age limit for employment: No per son shall be taken Into the service of tho company who Is over 33 years of age; except that, with tho approval of tho' board of directors: First (a) Former employes may be re employed within a porlod of threo years from tho tlmo of their leaving tho ser vice, or former employes of any other ttansportation compuny owned or con trolled by tho Central Railroad! of Now Jersey, may bo employed within 'a perlud of three years from tho tlmo of their leaving tho service of such company. Kecond (b) PersonH may, Irrespective of ago limit, bo employed whero the ser vico for which they are needed requires professional or other special qualifica tion; but ' Third Peisons may bo temporarily taken into the service, Irrespective of tho ago limit, for a period not exceeding six months, subject to extension, when ne cessary to completo the work for which enguged; and Fourth Persons In the active service of any transportation company owned or controlled by the Central Railroad of Now Jersey, may,-Irrespective of ago limit, bo transterred to and employed In tho ser vice of any such company, D., L, and w. board for today. Following Is" tho make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western board for today: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. Summits West S a, m., Hoar with Frounfelker's crew''. Pushers 7 a. ro.. Houser; 11,43 a. m., Moran; 7.30 p. m Murphy;'!) p. m W, H, Bartholomew, Helpers 1.30 a. m,, McGovcrnj 7 a. m., Gafrncy? 10 a, m., Secor; 4.30 p. m., Stan ton. , NOTICE. M, Carmody and crew will run 7 p. m. extra, May 27, In place of Nealls and crew. J. J, Murray will run No. 82. May 28, aud until further notice, Bait liberty live Stock. East Liberty. May 27. Cattle-Steady; choice, I7.15u7.60; prime, $0.7647; good, JiS.73. Hogs Dull; prlme'heavy hogs, $7.20a7.30; mediums, $7a7.03: heavy Yorkere, 38.90; light do.. W.80a6.85; nigs, $6.70a6.75; roughs! 5a6.75. Sheep Dull; prime wethers, $4.80 all; culls and common, $2a2.50; choice limbs ,6.25a6.; veal calve, $7a7.W. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. Now York, May 27,-Today's stock murUet was an Irregular drift over a frac tional rango for the most pait below yesterday's closing level. There wcro a row exceptions among minor stocks. Tho recent demand for Wisconsin Central stocks continued, accompanied by ru mors of buying for control. Tlicro wob an upwnid movement In Sugar when the re port reached Wall street of a confer ence of senators to attempt an agree ment upon Cuban reciprocity; but tho stock dropped back when tho confer ence adjourned without action. A rlBo of nearly two points In American Locomo tive seemed a supplement to that of yes terday in tho car stocks. Pressed Steel Car reacted sharply over threo points on tho emphatic denial of yesterday's ru mors of a merger with tho American Car company. Canadian Pncltlc continued by far the most actlvo stock In tho list. It dropped sharply 2'i In tho first row min utes of trading, but was rallied by ar bitrage buying from Canadian centers whero tho absorption of tho stock con tinued nt figures above tho Now York level. Tho reaction wns considered a re sult of tho speculation which has fol lowed the rise, but the conviction remains In Wall Btreet that Important develop ments nro pending In tho property. Tho nbseneo of developments In tho coal str ko situation did not prevent tho ropresslvo iulluenco exercised by the strike, which Is emphasized by tho IncrenBlng scarcity of coal and the growing effect on other Industries. Tho government's weekly crop bulletin may have had somo unfa vorable effect becauso of tho Vlelay to seeding of tho corn crop reported. A batch of favorable railroad earnings, In cluding tho net showing for April of a number of important systems and good Increases In gross earnings for tho third week In Muy of others wns without ap parent effect In the market. Total sales, 307.R0O shares. The bond market was dull nnd Irregular. Totnl sales, par value, $1. 7OT.000. United States bonds wore all un changed on tho last call. Tho following quotations are furnished The Tribune by Haight A; Freoso Co., 314 315 Meats building. W. D. Runyon, man ager. Opcn.Hlgh.Low.Closo Amal. Copper 70 70 60U OJ'i Am. C. & V 31?; 3l?i ill 31Jt American lee 18',i 19 IS'1 Ifli Amcricnn Ice. Pr ... 02 62 6l"i' 61 jh Am. Locomotive .... 31 33 31 'IVa Am. Loco.. Pr DT4 !!', ! Am. S. & R. Co 4SV6 40 4SU 4R American Sugar ....VJS'ft 120 12 12S)g Anaconda Copper ...117'i 117U 117 , 117 Atchison 7fl 79 70& 79 Atchison, Pr DAM fS'.i OS 9Sti Bait. & Ohio HW lOli 1D3',A ia.',2 Brook. R. T 07U (wli !, C7 Canadian Pacific ....TO 139'i 137- 13S ('lies. & Ohio MM 4ii 4ii 4n Chlcugo -. Alton .... 37 37 37 37 Chic. & G. W 2S 28 2S 2S:i a. m. & st. p i9 in?; won iron C... R. I. & P 1711,4 172',A 17Ui J72'4 Col. Fuel & Iron tnn 100 99 inoii Col. &, Southern 31 31 31 31 Del. & Hud 173V4 17514 17US MV& Erie 3',i 30 3P,i 38 Erie, 1st Pr 7 07 (.7 07 Erie. L'd Pr 31 M',4 .'.l r.lU Illliiol Central 153 153 131 133 Knn. City & South.. 33 3-iye. AV.i, 33 Louis. & Nash . 13S IBS 138 138 Manhattan 132U nv.i 131 132 Met. Street Ry HS'i 14R1 US 148 Mexican Centr.il .... "7 27- 'Si 27 Mo., Kan. & Tex., Pr 31 Ki Tm 53 Mo. Pacific 99 100 99 100 Out. & West 32 32 33V4 32',4 Pacific Mnll 40i 41 40'j 41 Ponna. R. R 119'i 149 149K 1WU People's Gas W! I0J 101 192 Pressed Steel Car .. 49 Mil 47 47 Reading H2 (S 61U 01 Reading. 1st Pr SJ'.S 83 W,S fa Reading, 2d Pr R4 S'i Ci C8 Republic Steel 17'.i 17 17',S 1714 Republic Steel. Pr... 73',4 72 72 72U St. L. & Sim P 7,i fiT.i ffl'j 07 Southern Pacific .... fil'A IV6 U 4 Southern R. R 30 3fi 30 3ii'j Southern R. R.. Pr.. 91 0t 91 94 Tenn. Coal & Iron .. fi3 tt iS3Vfc 03 Union P.icllio. 10li 9c 104 104 Union Pacific. Pr ... S7 S7,i 87 S7'2 U. S. Leather 13 13 13 13 V. S. Leather, Pr ... S4'i 81 Rl'i S4 V. S. Steel 40 40 39 39 r. s. stool, Pr on nn X9 90 Wabash 20 ffiTfc M 2fi Wabash, Pr 41 41 4.1 43 Wsetern Union 91 90 ! 90 W. & L. E 21 21 21 21U Wisconsin Central .. 27 2S 27 2SU Total sales, 30S.700. Money, 2 per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July 73ft 74 73 7t September 72 72 71 72 CORN. July 03 04 03 01 September C0 01 00 01 OATS. July 25 3-, 35 33 September 29 29 29 29 PORK. July 10.97 17.17 10.97 17.17 September 17.12 17.32 17.12 17.32 LARD. July 10.12 10.17 10.12 10.17 September 10.13 10.20 10.13 10.20 RIBS. July 9.57 9.03 9.57 9.02 September 9.60 9.03 9,60 9.03 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. High, Low. Close. July S.91 8.9J 8.88 8.93 August 8.00 8.64 S.59 8.03 September 8.03 8.97 R.iVt 8.07 October 7.91 7.93 7.90 7.93 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Askcd Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... (JO County Saw Bank & Trust Co 300 First Nat. Bank (Carbondale). ... 500 Third National Bank 530 Dlmo Dep. & Dis. Bank 300 Economy L II. & P. Co 46 First National Bank 1400 ... Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... 195 Clark & Suovnr Co., Pr...:.... 125 Scranton Savings Bank 10 Traders' National Bank 2J3 Scrantorf-Bolt & Nut Co 123 Pcoplo's Bank 133 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co ...'. 33 Scranton Pnssengor .Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 113 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, duo 1918 113 People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage duo 19J1 115 ... Scranton True. Co., C per cent. 113 Economy L II, & P. Co 97 N, Juraoy & Pncono Ice, Co ,. 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Laclai. Ave) Flour $1.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 23c; ficsh dairy, 24c. Cheese-I3a13e. Eggs Nearby, ISc.: western, 17e. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.33a2, 10, Green Peas Per bushel. $2.23. Potatoes Per bushel, SOc, Onions Bermudas, JJ.00 per ciate. New York Grain and Produce Market Now York, May 27, Flour Stronger and held higher, but not quotably advanced, Wheat Spot market linn; No, 2 red, nom Innl, elevator; No, red (new crop), Si u83c. f, o, b. nlloat; No. 1 northern Du luth, Wie. f, o. b. nlloat; whaet was gen erally firm again all day. Tho close wus firm at ac. net advance. May clawed Sic.: July. b0c: September. 7Se; Do combcr. 79c, Corn Receipts, 5,250; ex ports, S10; sport stiong; No, 2, 73c, ele vator aud 73c, f. n, b. afloat; option muc kot was strong an dmoro active, advanc ing over a cent on small receipts, vigor ous covering and bull sentiment jjeJer ully closing very strong und Hie, Tiet higher; May closed TliiSc; July. 70c; Sep tember. 00c. Oats Firm: No. 2, 40a 46c; No. 3, 43c.j No, 2 white. 51c; No. 3 white, 501&C.: track mixed wostom, 47a 48c; track white, GOaaje,; options quiet but firmer. Butter Firm; creamery, 20a 22Hc; factory, 17al9',ej renovated, 18a 0c; Imitation creamery. 18n20c; statu dairy, 18a22o, Cheeso Firm; now state, full cream, small colored, choice, 10c; uhlto, 10c; largo colored and white, 10c. Eggs Firm; state und Pennsylvania, 17 al6c; western btorago, packed, 17alSc; southern, 14al5c. Philadelphia Grain and Produce, Philadelphia, May 27. Wheat Firm and ',4c. higher; contract grade, Mav, fc3u BSVic. Corn Strong and lc higher; Nor 2 mixed. May, iiSaOSHa. Oats Steady; No. 2 white clipped, 51c. Butter Firm, good demand; c.tra western creamery, 22c: do. nearby 'prints, 23c. Eggs Steady; fresh nearby, 17c; do. western, 17c; do. southwestern, 17c; do. south ern. 13ul6, Cheese A sliudo easier; Now York full creams, pitme small, new, 124c; do. do. do. fair to good do. do., 11 aU'c Refined Sugurs Unchanged. Cot ton M6c lower; middling upland, t&c. Tallow Dull nnd lower: city prime, In tierces, 6ia"c: country do do., barrels, UUdOftc; do. dark, 6a6Jc: cakes, 7a7c. Llvo Poultry Firmer, fair demand; fowls, 13al4c; old. roosters, 9c: spring chick ens, 25430c! ducks, lOallc. Dressed Poul try Quiet nnd fowls caslci1: fowls, choice western, fresh killed, 13al3c; do. do southern nnd southwestern, lJc; do, fair to good, 12al2c; old roosters, Rn9c.J broilers nearby,, fresh killed, 30n35o.l western do., 23a30rij frozen poultry, fowls, Hal3c.j roasting chickens, llal&u.; broil ers, noarby, 22n2Se: western do., I6a10c! turkeys, 19n20c.: ducks. -13nl0o. Receipt Flour, 2,000 barrels and 3,163.000 pounds In sacks: wheat, Bl.ooo biiBlicls; corn, 8,ooo bushels; oats, 20,000 bushels. ShlpmentH Wheat, sa.ooo bushels; corn, 8,000 bushels; oats, 13,000 bushels. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, May 27, Corn prices went climbing today and aided other grains In a sympathetic upturn. Many conditions favored better prices In nil tho pits but It was largely through tho fear of tho corn shorts that the long predicted squeeze- was coming that brought tho ad vances. July wheat closed oc. higher, July com lalc. up and July oats. Ja ?6c. advanced, Provisions closed fin"e. to 10c. higher. Cash ttqotattons woro as follows: Flour Steadv; No.'S, 73a74c: No. 2 red. 82V4:.: No. 2 white oats. 44c; No. 3 white, 4l'ia43c; No. 2 rye, 59awc; good feeding bnrlcy. : fnlr to choice matting, C9ai2c; No. 1 flax Bced, $1.59: No. 1 northwestern, $1.77; prlmo timothy seed, $6,30a0.33; mess pork, per barrel, $l7a17.03; lard, per 100 pounds, $10.10al0.15; short ribs, sides, $9.00a9.70: shoulders, SaSHc; short clear sides, $10.10al0.20. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, May 27. Cattle ttccclpts, light; steady. Hogs Receipts. 4,f00; slow, lOalSc, lower on pigs nnd Yorkers: others steady: heavy, $7.30a7.33; mixed, S7.lSa7.Su: pigs, $0.C3aG.7O: roughs, JO.OOaG.SO: stags, $l.75n3.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipt. 5.800; slow and verv dull: top lambs. W.SO n7: others, $4aO."3: yearlings, $3.73nii: sheep, mixed tops, $3a5.C0; others, $2.50a 4.75. Oil Market. Oil City, May 27. Credit balnnces, 120; certificates, no bid; shipments, 140,923 bar rels; average, 103.589 barrets; runs, 83, 574 barrels; average, 77,039 barrels. FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. the Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and' gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze fledal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now Belling at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES MINING C8 1802 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Wo offer, to yield About 5 per cent., $250,000 (Total Issust $1,000,000) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. Denomination flOOO. Ihturinj 1 to SO ycart. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YOBK CITY. r Ti Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterJForsyth t53-327 Peua Avenue. No Era Charge fop Credit. Ready for Decoration Day Discard the old and don the new, and on Decoration Day appear as every loyal American should appear, dressed stylishly and comfortably. You don't need, money to follow this good advice, this Store and its superior Sysr tern, of Credit will fit out Man, Woman and Child Small Weekly Payments. Our Woman's Department is overflowing with attractive garments Man-tailored Suits, Skirts, Silk Waists, New Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts, Dainty Millinery andv Fine Shoes. 5UITS FOR THE BOY Strong Lone-Iastinff-Sorincr Suits at low nrices. 'ViSUntlff 31 T Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. SHORT SEA TRIPS A few days can bo pleasantly spent in a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old toint Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE Steamers sail dally except Sunday from Pier 26, North River, foot of Beach street, New York. Tickets, including meals ana state room accommodations, $8.00 one way, $13,00 round trip, and upwards. Send stamp for illustrated book. OLD DOMINION STEAHSHIP CO. 81 Beach Street, New York, M". Y. H. B. WALKER, Traffic Manager. J. J. BROWN, General Passenger Agent, Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Stock i mm i ... . if. .J. $ iff ! J ! .J. .J. .J. $ 4 ! Brewry l. Scranton, Pa. 435 o 455 r. scveiuu Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Phone, '2935, Moosk Powdet Co Booms 1 nnd 2 Commonwealth Eldg. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Made at sJoosIc and Rmltilile Works. Lafltn & Band Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric (latteries. Elect) ic i:plodcri, Im ploding Musts, Safely I'liic BEPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S . HIGH EXPLOSIVES.- Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business, of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton nd Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps- ii s s CLOTHING ()av )0N CREDIT! PAY sCASH 0, 0 0 Ladies' Si Skirts We've got some beauties and no mistake. The prices vary, but you can buy a splendid one as low in t f f price as .. .". Plv And as high as $40, cash or credit. Other materials from 10 up, Men's Fine AltWool Suits We have them from $8.45 to $25.00, and we think we can suit any man. But if we can't we'll make one to order for you from $15 to $40. The highest grade tailors in the country make our suits. Cash or Credit. PEOPLE'S fc MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO., SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THSSB ENTtznpRlSINQ DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NeBOB OP EVRRY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATI3 PACTORILY. FOR SALE DUGGIES and WAGON'S of alt Kinds; also IIousm nnd Building Lots at bargains. HORSES CUPPED and GROOMED at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. J.B.Woolsey cGo CONTRACTORS ANO BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber OPALLKIND3. SSCURITY BUILOINS s)S4VV33UVfOV Home Offlcc, 208-ao Mcara Building. We arr maturing shatM each month which show a net gain to thr Investor of about 12 per cent. V loan money. We also Iiue FIIMj PAID STOCK !1CO.OO per share, inter est payable semi-annually. AM1ERT IUI.L. Secretary. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear 511 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prrparcd for tho 6prinj season. Wo make all kincs of porch bcreens, etc. PETER STIPP, General Contractor, Ilulldsr and Dealer In Building- Stoiii-, Ctinrntlns of c.-llan a spe cialty. Telephone 2W2. Olftce, f.27 Washington avenue. THE SCRANTON VlTRIFIBa BRICK ANO TILE MANUPA CTURINQ COMPANY Makers of ravins Brick, etc. II. II. Dale, Gtncial K3les Asrnt, Office S.'3 Waslitiijton avc. Works at .Nay Aug, fa., r.. k W. V. U.K. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District fot Dupont's Powder Uinlng, Bluting, Sporting, Smokeless and th Repauno Chemical Ccmptny's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 101 Cou ncil Building .ScrintOD. AOKNCIES. JOHN' B. SMITH k SOS E. W. MULLIGAN ....Plwnoulh .WilkciBarro iSMiaws CHQi'llLWlfliW; RAILROAD TIME TABLES, New York, Ontario and Westera, In Eflect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Leave Arihe Trains. Scranton. Carboiulale, Cadosla. No. 1 . ...... .!.". U.lOa. in. l.OOp. n. Ko. 7 ........ o-Wp. ni. Ar. Carbondale 0.4D p. ni. "0 SOU ru BOUND. Leave Leave Arilv Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. No. U ,. . ,.C?",m- 7,ua.m, ku. 1. 2.15 P- " P- ni. i.iO u. a. SUNDAYS ONLY, SOUTH BOUND. V . Leave Leave Arrl Trains. fccranton. Carbondale, C.dojia, No. U !- a. m. . ".10 p. m. 10.45 a. in. No, J T.tWP- m. Ar, Carbondale 7J0 p. in, r fcOUTU BOUND. r Leaie Lcaie Arrive Trains. Cadoiia. .Carbondale. Sirauton. No. fl ..,,.,.. '"? '" 7,ia.m, No. l i 30 p.'in. li.Oi) p. in. ti. p. m Train Nos. I on week u), and Don Sundjja, make main lino coiinectlom for New York ciiy, Jilddletottn, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Ojtvcgo and all points ucst. r'or further Information ccniult ticket agent. .1 f. MKso.V. C. P. A.. New York. i, E. WELSH, T. S, A., Scranton, !'. WeOuto Stores ( 0 . .. r , Credit Clothing Company Oriental Rugs Host Pleasing, Host Lasting and Host Useful Articles for . . ; Wedding Presents. 124 WASHINGTON AVE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailroad of New- Jersey. In Effect May IS, 11)02. ' Stations in New York, foot Liberty street and South Kerry, X. B. Trains lc.no biranton for New York, Hillj- , delphia, Earton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White llacn, Ashley, Wllltc-Barro and Bittston at 7.up a. in., 1 p. n. and d p. m. Sun day, 2.10 p. in; Quaker City Express lcara Scranton 7.30 a. m., tluough solid rhtibulc train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only ono rhangn of earn for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, aud a all principal points south and ucst. For Avoca, Pittston and Wllkcs-Barrc, 1 p. m. . and 4 p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. m. i &M For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7,30 ulfJL P For Reading. Lebanon and Harrisburg via Al lentown at 7.M a. in., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sun day, 2.10 p. m. For Tamaqua and Pottstillc, 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. ' For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BKSS1.EH, Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In effect May IS, 1002. , Trains lento Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. St It. R R at 0.2a and 9.38 a. m., and 2.13, 4.27 (Black Diamond E.sprcss), and 11.39 p. m. Sun days, D. li II. R. H., 153, S.27 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton and piincipal points 'n the coal regions, via It. k II. R. It,, 6.33, 2.1S and 4.27 p. ni. For Pottsville, 0.33 a. in.. 2.19 r..' Rnilhm. Easton. Rcadimr. Harrlsburir. and nrincipal Intermediate stations, via D. fc H. It R.. !.38, 0.33 a. m.; 2.13, 4.27 (Black Dla mond Express), 11:30 p. ni. Sundays, D. & II. R. R., 0.JS a. m.; 1.33, 8.27 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D , L. Is W. II. R.. 0.35 a. m. and 3.4Q p. m. For Geneva, ltuchctcr. BuOalo, Miagara Palls, Chicago and all points west, via D. & H. R. R., 7 48, 12.03 a. in.; 3.23 (Black Diamond E picss), 7.4S, 10.11, 11.30 p. m. Sundajs, D. i'H. ft. R., 12.0J, 8.27 p. m. . t Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trains betwcea Wllkes-Barrs and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen sion Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 28 Cortland street, New York, CHARLES S. I.EIJ, Gen. Pass. Agt., 26 Cortland btreet, New York. A. W. NONUMACIIER, DIv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Tullman reservations apply to city ticket cilice, CD Public Square, Wllkea-Barre, Pa. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect November 24, 1001. ' , Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at .20, 8.00. 8.63, 10.13 a. ill.; 12.00, 1.23, 2.31, 3.o2, 6.2'J, 0.2S, 7.07, 0.15, 11.20 p. m.; 1.31 a. m. For lloncidalc (1.20, 10.1U. in.; 2.31 and j,21 p. m. ' For Wllkc3Barre-6.33, 7.43, S.41, 0.33, 10.13 a. in.; 12.03, 1.4J, 2.1S, 3.23, 4.27, C.iO, 7.43, 10.41, 11.30 p. 111. For L. V. R. II. Polnts-O.38, 0.33 a. m.; 2.13, 4.27 and 11.00 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 3.38, 0.33 a, m. ; 1.42, 3.23 und 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 8.20 a. rn. and 3.52 p. m. ' SUNDAY TRAINS. For Cailiondale S.W, 11.33 a. m.; 2.34, 3.J2, .62 and 11.17 p. in. For Wllkes-IUiic 9.33 a. a.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.23, 0.32 and 0.17 p, m. For Albany and points north 3.62 p. m. For Honesdale 3.50 a. in. and 3.52 p. ra. W. L. I'llYOR, D, P. A.. Scranton, Pa. JJolaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Effect Nov. 3. 1001. Trains leave fccranton for New ork At 1.40, 8.16, 0.U5. 7,60 and 10.05 a. in.; 12.45, 3.40, 3.33 p. in. For New York and Philadelphia 7.60, 10.03 a. m., and 12.45 and 3.ZS p. in. For Toby, hauna At 0.10 p. m. For Buflalo 1,15, 0.22 and 0,00 a, in.; 1.35, IJ.6U and 11.35 p. in. For Blng hamton and way btatloin 10,20 a. m. and 1,19 p. m. For O.nego, byiacuse and Utlca 1.15 and 8.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. ro. Oswego, Sjracu'e and Utlca train at 0.52 a. m. dally, except Sund:y. For lloiitroic 0,00 a. m. ; 1.10 and 0.J0 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 1.0U and 0,15 p, in, Bloomshuig Division For Northumberland, at e.35 and 10,05 a. m. ; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. For I'iymouth, at 8,10 a, m.j 3.40 and 3 00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15, 6.01 and 10.05 a. m.j 3.40, 3.33 p. in. For Buffalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. ni. ; 1.55, 6.50 and 11.35 p. m. For Blnshamtoii and way nations 10.20 a. m. lllcoir.sbuig Division Leave Scranton, 10.03 a. ro. and 0.10 p, in. Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedule in Eflect June 2, 1001. Trains leave Scranton.; 0,3 a. m., week days, through. wiuMe train from U'llkej-Uirre. Pull, n.au buffet parlor tar and coaches to Plnladel. phia, via Pottsville; etops at principal liitcimi iliate biatlois. Alio connects tor Suuburt, liar rUbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore-, Washington and lor Pittsburg end the vtu. P.S8 a. m., week days, 'r Sunbury, Harrltburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, "tVashlngtou and Pitts burg and tho wot. 1.42 p. m., week da3 (Sundays. 1.53 n. m.), for Sunbury, llauliburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, 3kllnx:on,aiid Pitlsburg and the west. 2.2S p. in week dan, through mtlbule train from WllkeaBiirc. Pullman bullet parlor cr and ccuclu-i to Philadelphia ia Pottsville. Stopt l piincipal intermediate stations 4.27 p. iu., week da,, tor liaileton, Sunbury, Ii4irisbar?, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. ' J, H. llUiCHlNflN. Gen. Mgr. ' J, U. WOOD, Uc-n. I'ao. Ajru r J . v
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