The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 28, 1902, Page 11, Image 11
mmmmm lu iih MvJm -nW- wmmmmhmmm &ffi?WHv'ri .'':' vHM , ?..t '. fif .V''V. '" i v ,- i, ' ' , -5 ' ' '' i. 1 H ?" I fit! THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1002. 'II The faultless-fitting; &ftgg&l&ftMtM6f&&gg& IE The faultlesa-fltting JM. 1 s JMMslmSm $ -T -tT 11 i , I cr juoutjiowfni.uo All the knowledge and facilities of this house have been exerted with a view to testing the claims of the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. As a result of the Investigation, .... .1... la, . .,. ..t 141 ...I aMMMA4- Wn flrtrl It fin easily superior In all the points of BEAUTYof FITTING a QUALITIES and of VALUE, that we have decided to dls- K continue all other lines of Dorothy Dodd y-v . d' f IfXIOFClS J)j OU AEAMl TO J 4MMHJMH!4WHMK!HM:W JL. alVk Bf JB0 dBm r r dflL' Jl' 0R1GIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR In the year 10D9 A. D.. when the in telligence of the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders (July 15) had been conveyed to Europe, the zeal of the pllgi image blazed forth with almost incredible fierceness; It had gathered intensity during the interval of its sui preFsion by the Saracens five years be fore, nnd now all classes, of all nations find of both sexes, old men and chil dren, virgins and matrons, thinking the road the-n open and the journey I'U'.cllcable, pressed forward atoward the Holy City. The infidels had in deed been driven out of Jerusalem, but not out of Palestine, The passes of the mountains bordering the seacoast Mere Infested by warlike bands of fu gitive Moslems, who maintained them belves in the innumerable caverns with vhich the country abounds, "or on the trackless deserts east and south of Judca, came forth upon the high roads, cut off the communication between Jerusalem and the seaports, and ro vongrd themselves for the loss of their habitations and property by the indis criminate pillage of all travelers and the pilgrims consequently, when they approached the Holy City, were ex posed to. almost dally hostility, to plunder and to death, To alleviate tho dangers and distress to which they wero exposed by these Implacable 'foes, to guard the honor of the saintly virgins and matrons, and to rrolcut tho gray hairs of the vener ulila palmer, nine noble lcnlghts, each of whom had greatly distinguished lilmself In .the assault upon Jerusalem, formed a. holy brotherhood luv arms, and In the year U1H A. D, entered into n solemn compact to clear the high ways and protect pilgrims through the lnt-sps and defiles of the mountains leading to tho Holy City. Their names iro thus given by reputable authori ties: 1, Hugh do Payens; 2, Godfrey dit St. Aldemur; 8, Itoral; 4, Gonde iticr: .5, Godfery Blsolj 0, Payens do Montidler; 7, Archbald do St. Ainana; 8, AndVow do Montbur; 0, the Count do I'rovcnco. Warmed with tho religious nnd military fervor of tho day, and til. limited by tho sacredncsa of tho ctuf-o to which they had devoted thtilr .Jives, they called themselves the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Jesus." They fleeted as tho first grand master that tine knight, Sir Hugh do Payons; uniting wltiln themselves the two most popular qualities of the age, de votion and valor, and exercising thoso nltrlbutes In tho most popular of all enterprises of that period, they speed ily acquired a famous reputation. At first, we are told, they had no church and no particular placo of abode, but in tho year 1118, nineteen jears niter the conquest of .Jerusalem by the Crusaders, they had rendered such good and acceptable service to the Christians that Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, granted them u perinuiieiit place of habitation within tho sacred Inclosuro of the Temple on Mount Mor lah, amid those holy and magnificent etruetures which wero then exhibited ps tho outbuildings ot the Temple of Solomon, whence tho Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Jesuit Christ came henceforth to'b.o known by the name of Tho Knighthood of tho Temple of Solomon, pr more briefly, Knight Templars. women's shoes selling lor o.uu. ' if 1 Boots Cost $3. f With the oxceptlon of a few special stylei. J wllloh 67 re"00 ot thelr beln more ex" 3J trueivo iu tut uid juulgu aii uvu uiuiv, Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. King Baldwin, the patriarch, and the prelates of Jerusalem, and the barons of the Latin kingdom, assigned them various gifts and revenues for their maintenance and support, and the order being now settled in a regular place of abode, tho Knights soon be gan to entertain more extended views and to seek a larger theater for the exercise of their holy profession. Tho first aim and objects of tho Knights Templars had been, as before men tioned, to protect poor pilgrims on from the coast pf Jerusalem. But as tho hostile tribes of tho Moslem, which everywhere surrounded the Latin kingdom, were gradually recovering from the terror Into which they had been plunged by the successful and exterminating warfare of the first Crusaders, and were assuming an ag gressive and threatening attitude, it was: determined that tho Holy War riors, of the Temple should, In addition to tho protection of the pilgrims, make the defense of Jerusalem, of the Kast crn church, and of nil the holy places u. part of their particular profession. The two most distinguished members of the fraternity were Hugh de Payens and Godfrey St. Aldemar, or St. Omer, two valiant soldiers of the cross, who had fought with grent credit and re nown at the slego of Jerusalem in 1033. Hugh do Payens was chosen In 1113 by tho Knights to be the superior ot tho new rellglo-mllltnry society, with tho title of master of the temple, nfterward giand ninster, and ho has consequent ly generally been called the founder of tho order. It was not long before the fame of these new nllles of tho cross and tho Church of Christ had spread over Eu rope. The Junior scions of noble houses In all pnrls of Christendom soon sought incorporation Into so distin guished an order, which from Its start lecelved none but thoso whoso social standing entitled them to considera tion. That which in its origin was some what of tho naturo ot a rural police, nl length became, through fortuitous circumstances and from the naturo nnd needs of tho socloty of the age, one of tho most powerful organizations tho world has ever known. Manors, cas tles and treasure wero lavished upon them; In rank and influence thoy be came second to none; they wero tho almoners of inonarcha, nnd their pos sessions yielded revenues that exceeded tho income of kings, Their prosperity begat arrogance, and brought corruption among them selves, whllo their great possessions Incited the cupidity of tho rulers of thu countries over which thoy had dis persed themselves. Tho kings of Eng land and Franco and Pope Clement V unitedly conspired and Individually Ecizeu iuq vast treasures or the order; crimes of an unparalleled character wero Invented and Imputed to the or der, and nuully, on the 18th of March, 1KJ3, Jacques do Molay, tho grand master, was burned at tho stake; and thus wau overthrown that oncp power lu order, which has been spoken of as "tho bulwarks of tho Latin king dom of Jerusalem during the abort period of its exlstene, nnd tho last band of Europe's host to. contend for if . a , w 1 I The women of Scranton will be interested to know that vte have completed arrangements by which we I are made exclusive agents in this city for the new 1 faultless-fitting shoe for women, known as the "Dor i othy Dodd." This is the new shoe that caused The Tremendous Sensation that has been raging in the shoe trade for several ? mAnihc nacf Art Dodd" Shoe is that it is the only shoe ever placed on the market that embodies a woman's idea of what 1 constitutes a perfect shoe. We extend to you a cordial I invitation to attend our first "Dorothy Dodd" 1 luesoav ana the possession of Palestine." Addi son's Knights Templars. To tho vows of the monks, and the austere life of tho convent, they added the discipline ot the camp and the stt-rn duties of military life, thus blending tho fine vocation of the sword and lanco with the holy zeal and body bending toils of a poor brotherhood. Their story excites in us emotions of admiration for their constancy and courage, and sincere pity for their un merited and cruel fate. In tho earlier years it was univer sally held by tho members of the "American" Order ot the Temple that their system had been handed down In unbroken succession from the Order of Christian Knights, whoso history is briefly outlined above. Masonic writers and historians, hose utterances are entitled to re spect, have, however, long ago repu diated the theory that the Tcniplary of our day Is a legitimate offshoot from that of tho twelfth and fourteenth centuries. Templary, as well as Ma sonry, religion and history, has Its myths, and the connection of modern with ancient Templarlsm is one of them. L, Murray Lyon, of tho grand lodge of Scotland; William James Hughau, ot I he grand lodge of England; Wil liam Gould, author of "Gould's His tory of Freemasonry," and eminent students nnd Masonic writers In our o n country have decided, after tho most patient research among all known rocords, that no authority exists for such a claim; and, in addition to all that can bo known on tjio subject, there is sufficient Internal evidence In the system itself to render tho theory of such an origin very doubtful. 'Tho Masonic Knights Templar of tjie eighteenth century, and since, have no connection with tho earlier body, and never had. Bodies of Knights Toniplar, In connection with tho craft, enmo on the scene In the first half of the last century. The origin of Mn ponlo Templary Is unknown." Hugh an. "The theory that tho chlvalrio Tem plar Order, on their persecution and dispersion, took rctugo In tho Masonic body, is but one of the fabulous tradi tions of tho past. There is not tho slightest foundation for tho statement that members of the dispersed Tem plars, after their suppression In 1314, became Freemasons. It Is but ono of tho fabrications of modern Masonic tradition to account for tho amalga mation of tho Templary with Masonry, and Is totally opposed to historic facts, It Is not even probable that tho proud and haughty nobles of that age, from which class tho Templar' orders was selected, would engraft themselves upon a society of more mechanics when all the great military orders In Europe were open to them, and who would bo only too glad to receive Into their ranks so renowned a military body as tho chivalry of tho Templars." W, J. B. MeLeod Mooro (Canada), Sir James H. Hopkins made a report to tho grand encampment, giving on account of his Investigations Into this subject while iu Europe, and among other things ho said; "I made un anx ious effort to learn tho origin of the connection between Freemasonry and tho orders of the Christian Knight liogd. The most eminent sholars whoso writings I could procure, and the most learned wth whom I had tho opportunity to converse, havo failed to clcuiv uway the mists of uncertainty m.V V. - Bi ' raic f TRADE MARK' intcicil 4-liSnri attnfit lik ' F" h Opening Display weanesaav, lriav u ana m, which envelop this interesting sub ject." Sir Knight T. S. Parvln, formerly grand recorder of the grand encamp ment, says: "Tho theory that the Templary of our day Is a legitimate offshoot from that of tho Christian Knights, although a beautiful and pop ular Idea, will have to bo abandoned as quite untenable on historic grounds. ""... "onclusion wo arrive at, after duo consideration of the slight evidence In Its fuvor, Is that the Masonic Tem plary of today has no connection what ever with the Templars of the twelfth and fourteenth centuries." The American Masonic system is a growth, the germ of which Is to he found In the older Masonry of tho Motherland. The American scion dif fers from the parent stock from which it was propagated, and It can hardly be said to bo a roprodutlon of the original plant; at most, It Is but a species of the same genus. Tho sev eral degrees came to this country In a greatly modified form from that In which they are now to be found. Tho work of elaboration and embellish ment began at a very early date, nnd it is difficult to trace its development, which may be said to havo culminated when Thomas Smith Webb's career as a Masonic luminary was at Its height. The task of discovering and bringing to light tho true history of tho frater nity, which has so long lain burled In darkness among tho rubbish of tho temple, which has accumulated with tho years of Its growth, Is rendered ex ceedingly difficult, owing to tho ex treme reluctance with which Masons formerly committed to writing even tho most trivia 1 matters relating to tilt) craft. Even In this age, when new discoveries are being constantly brought to light, It Is far too fre quently held to bo treason to the cause to expose to tho eyes of tho "pro fane" the truth ot history, so far as It relates to the Masonic Institution; but, regardless of the ignorant pretensions of thobe who still teach that tho Master Mason's degree originated and was formerly conferred In tho Sanc tum Sanctorum of King Solomon's Tcniplo, and that the Templars of this year of grace are the lineal descend ants of those who fought for tho re covery of tho Holy Sepulcher, ono myth after another has vnnlshed, until wo no longer hesitate to commit to n riling tho averment that, with scarcely an exception, the ritual of every Masonlo degree now produced In tho United Stutes originated, or was elaborated, since the American llovo lutlon. Tho admission of this fuct does not in tho least degree detract from the dignity, high churaetor or claim to an ancient origin of tho In stitution Itself. Masonlo Concordant Orders. It would be a waste of effort to take up tho Introduction of Knight Tem plary Into the United States. It Is no question of legitimate Masonlo history, That tho system came within tho form "unorganized Masonry" until the present century Is too evident for ar gument. A few Sir Knights, having received the orders In Scotluncl, Ire land or elsewhere, met together by ap pointment In Philadelphia, Boston, Now York, etc., In a retired place and first testing each other by diploma and unwritten evidence, would make no scruple of organizing themselves for tho time being Into an encampment or concUvo, Hid UBsunio control of terri torial Jurisdiction, confer tho orders. rson We Give Trading Stamps. elect officers, Issue certificates, etc. If this Is not the history of the introduc tion of Knight Templary upon this continent, there Is no better, we regret to be compelled to say, at our com mand. Nor Is It derogatory to the legiti macy of the succession or the merits of the system of Templary to admit this conclusion, for in this manner only could Free Masonry Itself have been extended from the date of Its ori gin to the organization of the grand lodge ot England, A. D. 1717. Prior to that period, there was no grand Lodge, or central organization that possessed the authority to issue war rants. There was no such thing in existence as a Lodge Warrant, hailing from such central organization. A pro psr number of Masons had an inherent right to assemble in a secure place, up ply tho essential tests to each other, open a lodge and Initiate, pass and raise worthy applicants. This is all that can bo said of Knight Templary up to a very recent period. It is all that can bo said of the spread of any branch of Masonry, however Important or consequential It may now be esteem ed. Much labor has been expended by one writer to establish the fact that an encampment ot Knights Templar was worked in Philadelphia before 1790. Another eminent writer has endeavored to prove that" an encampment was worked In South Carolina as early as 17S0. Both of these things aro prob able, but tho facts are of no import ance in point of history. There was no Templar organization In the world at that time authorized to grant warrants for Encampments. Sir Knights any where In tho United States could meet, and piobably did meet as wo have said, and increase their number by inherent right, keeping no records, although possibly granting certificates. Robert Ma coy. Previous to tho Independence ot the United States there existed no separate Templar bodies. Tho Templar cere mony was practiced to some 'extent, "under the sanction of the warrant" ot "Blue" lodges, by which statement tills writer understands us a result of his investigations upon the subject that It was formerly the practice of thoso persons who wero In possession of. the degreo to assemble In some lodge room, whether the one of which they wero members or not does not appear, and then and theie proceed with tho ceremony of Knighting a Templar; tho organization In every instance seems to liayo been self-created and temporary limits character, Speed. St. Andrew's Chapter of Itoyal Arch Masons, of Boston, Massachusetts, then St. Andrew's Hoyal Arch Lodge, holding under tho Grand Lodge of Scot land, held Its first recorded meeting August 2$, 1769, lii Mason's Hall, Bos ton, and the record of that .meeting contains the first account of the con ferlng of the degree of Knight Templar that lias been discovered, either In this country or in Grent Britain. It is In these words; "Brother William Davis came before tho lodge, begging to have and receive the parts belonging to tho Royul Arch Musons, . . . and ho was accord ingly made by receiving the .four steps, that of Excellent, Super Excel lent, noyul Arch nnd Knight Templar." Of course the grade of Knight Temp lar must havo been known, and must have been conferred In lodges previous jo that date, as )t must be manifest that Bt Andrew's Lodgo did not fabri cate the decree and udd it to their Shoe for Women "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes combine all the essential points that discriminating women seek. The fastidious women needs pay no more; the economical woman cannot afford to pay less. The range of styles includes shoes for every purpose, from the light exquisite dress Oxford to the thick soled boot for tramping rind outing. A distinctive feature about all ''Dorothy Dodd" Shoes tt . is tneir t-Auui less hi : a leature tne result 01 a wo jc man's genius. h I 1 i Beaufui window Display. 3 Shoe Co. system In 1769. By the foregoing min ute It would seem that the degree or grade of Knight Templar was consid ered as being a part of tho Royal Arch grade, or as belonging to that system. Anonymous. Whence the ceremony was obtained or of what it consisted, i3 a. mere mat ter of conjecture. It will be observed that the Red Cross Order Is not named In the list of degrees conferred. The records of Kilwinning Lodge, Ireland, warranted October S, 1779, show that Its charter was used as the authority for conferring the Royal Arch, Knight Templar and Rose Croix degrees, as early as 1872; but tho Red Cross and tho Rose Croix aro two different de grees, and should not bo confounded. It is possible that the degree of Knight Templar was conferred, In nu merous Instances, In military nnd pos sibly other lodges, prior to tho end of tho Revolutionary period; but If so, there Is, so far an we aro aware, no existing credible evidence of that fact, nnd even If it were true that such was the case, the mode and manner In which It was done was so Irregular, In the light of modern Masonic teachings, that the bare record would bo o(f little value to the Masonic student. The degrees embraced In the Ameri can schedule are thoso of Companion of tho Red Cross, Knight Templar and Knight of Mnltn. That the Red Cross Is not embraced In that of tho English European or Canadian Preceptorles, except that It Is permitted In Canada to communicate It In order to qualify our Canadians Praters to visit Ameri can bodies. This degreo has a curious uud unsatisfactory wuy of appearing and disappearing In tho earlier records of Templar bodies. It is mentioned in tha diploma whlchls relied upon to es tablish tho conferring of tho Templar Degrees by St. Andrew's Lodge, at Charleston, South Carolina, In 1783. Frcderlu Speed, Prior to tho discovery of this diploma the Red Cross degree was regarded as having been manufactured by Webb and his associates from the degreo of Knights of tho East or sword of tho Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Tho degree Is not enumerated among those conferred upon Brother William Davis, In St. Andrew's Royal Arch Lodge, now Chapter, nt Boston, In 1769, In 1797 however, that body "voted that tho Knights of the Red Cross, by Brother Benjamin Hurd, jr., bo and they are hereby permitted to make their records In tho book of tho Chap ter," a privilege which was not availed of, Boston Council was established In tho year 1802, and King Darius Coun cil, of Portland, In 1803, and thereafter tho degreo seems to have been regular ly worked. If the ceremony called "Red Cross," mentioned In the South Carolina diplo ma, and a vote of St, Andrew's chupter before referred to, was Identical with that practiced in Boston and King Durlus Councils, uud enumerated In tho minutes of tho meeting at which St. John's Commaudery, of Providence, Rhodo Island, was organized, then It is dear that the degree Is not the work of Webb, who was not a Knight Temp lar at the time tho permission to record their proceedings In the minute book of St. Andrew's Chapter was given. Webb is said to have had tho Templar Or ders confened upon him In Philadel phia about ISO;'. It is possible that changes were Introduced by Webb, but the tradition that ho wus the originator must yield, as other myths of Masonry have done, before tho researches of the lilstoilans of Musoni'v; but before Webb's claims to paternity are set aside It must be admitted that an en tirely dissimilar degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, that of the Rose Croix, has, through ignorance, fre quently been spoken of as the Red Cross, and It Is barely possible that, the Red Cross referred to in the Charleston diploma, and Massachusetts record, was not Identical with tho ceremony found ed upon the Persian legend. This much, at least, Is to be said: before tho era of Webb tho degree was little known and llttlo practiced, and it is to him that wo are indebted for its pres ervation and propagation as a part of the American Templar system. It has been before noted that the Templar ceremony was practiced In an Irregular, sporadic manner, "under the sanction of tho warrant" of "Blue" lodges. It Is probably Impossible to fix tho date of Its Introduction Into the United states, but It Is certain that It did not come under the sanction of a warrant or dispensation from any Ma sonic power, for none such existed any where at that time, having control ot the degree. Doubtless It came as the so called side degrees of tho present day came. One being In possession of a degree called to his assistance the re quisite number ot others having the degree, who, meeting In a lodge-room, and having present Its warrant, pro ceeded to make a Templar or Temp lars, as tho case might be, and, the ceremony being ended, they dissolved, never to meet again. In thev course of time, when Templars becane more numerous, an occasional attempt was made to make a record of these Irreg ular proceedings; and occasionally di plomas wero Issued, some or which, having come down to the present time, aro existed as testimony to tho as sumed fact that there were "regularly" existing bodies In those days. The rit ual of the Templar degree does not appear to have undergone tho rehabili tating process to which other degrees of Masonry weio subjected, nnd while changes wore undoubtedly made, either by accident or design, It Is said to bf substantially in accord with that of our English Fratrcs. From tho close of tho Revolutionary war until about the year 1816, when the Grand Encampment was formed, Ma sonry, like the country, was In a trnn sltlonnry state. Tho so-called "higher degrees," which had previously been conferred under the sanction of lodge warrants, now began to bo worked by regularly constituted bodies. Chapters and encampments began to ho organ ized upon a permanent basis, and, as they attracted moro attention, a ritual istic development wus Innaugurated. As In tho ante-Revolutionary period, for most of the tlino there was no governing power over tho Templar de gree, and each body, as It came Into existence, was self created and Inde pendent ot all others. Few of thes,e or ganizations have continued until tho present time, and still fewer have left any records ot the earlier yeurs of their existence. As time passed on and these occasional gatherings .hecapie more fie quent, when the number of Templars jiad Inci eased sufficiently, and 'mora permuuent organizations began to ba made, out of tliefce emergency bodlei grew permanent ones, Frederic Speed Bill to Ketiro Hobson, Py lriiilif Wit? from 1h Awclti Pre. Washington, May .". Tho sonute' com mittco on naval alfulrs has agreed to re port favorably the bill pioldltiR for thd retirement of Naval Constructor , Rich mond 1'. Hobsou- tr "i J,' I