III JU I IIIVIIRMIPL IIUJMJII t., "-.. 4 i ' f , . ? f?yvi T,; t ." - "i -.. i" u uo THti SCIIAJNTO& TJUBUil-WUiJiJ$DAl MAH 28, 19U& ' ";? 77 BUSY DAY FOR THE KNIGHTS Concluded fiotn I'hro 6,1 bccamo ti Muboii In 1.S8U, wan knlRhted 111 I88S, and Is a lWHt niUHtcr! past IiIbIi pilcat niiit tuiHt rmltiont commander, nd nt present lioldn Hie oHIcch ot di vision cotiininmlct' nf TJIvIhIoii No. 10: member ot the llnaiiec conitnlttee of ihu Brand chapter of Pennsylvania; trustee of the pcriiinncnt fund of the Harrlshiinr consistory, and it life mem her of the Musonlu Home, In Phllndcl phlu. ' He In one of the inonl prominent cltl sttns of UntrlriburR. lie U ciiRtiRCft In the wholesale paper bniMnesB unci Ih a director In the Merchant' National bank and the i.'cntml Tiust company. R. . Sir W. W. Allon. Colonel Wlltlntn W. Mien, who has licen Ktand recorder of the grand com jnundcry wlnee ISDf, Ih one of the inoHt enthusla.otlu and widely known Temp iur.t In this mate. All the corrcpoml cnee or the grand commaiulery for the past (Ive yema hs patifcd through lili liandH and nt every cone'lavo since 1S!)7 nnil fur many years before he hns been it conspicuous ilsiire. Ho knows all about everything connected with the ftrnnd coniniandery and Is the author of a history of the grand commandcry. which Is scion to ho Issued! Ho Ih ii member of St. Albnn com mandcry. No. 47. -of Philadelphia. He was made a Mason In ISfi., ami was inastcr of his lodge In 1M!). He Is a past high priest of the Tt. S. At,, a past eminent commander of the Temp lars, nnd was grand commander ot Pennsylvania In J8S8-8I).- He has been engaged In the Insur ance business In Philadelphia for llilr-ty-seven yenrs. For ten years he was captain of ii company In the Klrst regi ment of the National Ouard, and was in Herantoti during the strike troubles of 1877, ns malor and assistant adjut ant general oh' the First brigade (UHiTi'l He has been eoniniancUy of the vetonin corps fcjr eight years, froin which posi tion ho derives his title of colonel. He Is n Philadelphia)! by birth and was educated In the Philadelphia pub lic, Hohpoln. Kor two terms ho served In the city councils. He Is now it trusted of t,ho Presbyterian hospital, it mem ber of the Presbyterian Hoard of Pith- I11I1HI1HH81 JaaiSMamwmM&MibWM aa9SxBaxaMBMwBG$8k ' HwSI WxmWmKSmatw K. Hill l-'KANK V. UOKMMIil.JIKVWt. ot rrirboiidnle. Aide In Commander of First Division. lleatlon unci Hublmth School Work", and one of its trustees, and an elder In the Northmlnstcr Presbyterian entire:!. E. Sir John Jay Gilroy. Grand Treasurer John Jay Olhciy, of the grand eomnmndery. Knights Templar, Is a piomlucnt eltlr.eii of Phll iidelphiii. Knrly In life he enleied the t'nlted .Stales navy as paymaster's clqrk in tlio South Atlantic blockad ing squadron on the V. f. .S. Paul Jones, serving until 1S63, when he was trans ferred to the W, H. S. Suwnnee, on the Pacific coast AerVliiff rtittll fSG7" Ho llien reslgnctl itnil beeatne a clerk In the National Hank of the ltcpttbllc, ad vancing to the position of Its general book-keeper. In 187(1 he was elected secretary of the (lunntiitcc Trust tnul Hafe Deposit company, of Philadelphia, a position which he still holds. He has held other olllccs tlf honor and trust In Philadelphia, He Is one rtf the hoard oT manngcrs of the Mer chants rttitt .Salesmen's association. For a number of years he wan president ot the Philadelphia Association of Work liiBincn'n clubs, also wits president ot the GoitgrrKH ot Woi-klngmon's clubs of the t'nlted Stales, also u. member of the United Service club. He wns one tit the oignnlzcrs of S.t. Matthew's Yearly Kcnellclal association, nnd hits been Its secretary for over twenty-four years. Ills record as a knight Is quite n proud one. Ho was mnrle a nmson In Corlnthliin lodge, No. G6S, of Philadel phia: crafted June 17, 1881, and was lalscd to the degree of it master ma son Kepi. 1G, 1881. Ho was elected Junior warden 1880, advanced to senior warden 1887-88, nnd became worshipful master In 1889. He had the honorary degree of Mark Master Mason conferred on hint Murch 17, 1887, wns received nnd ac cepted a most excellent master the same day, and exulted to the supreme dgiee of a lloyal Arch Mason, March LM. 1SS7, In Oriental chapter, No, 1S3, lloyal Arch Masons, of Philadelphia. In Philadelphia council, No. 11, Hoynl and Select Masters, ho received the degrees of royal, super excellent and select master In January and March, 1SSH. May 'JS, 1898, he was elected grand treasurer of the Grand eomnmndery ot Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, which position he still holds. oughly drilled and disciplined comnintid-l ery 14 tllio to tlio thcjroliah rind phlnstnk-i lug Work na adjutant ithd drlllnntstcr of UmhiPiit Sir Gnorgo tiller, Jr.. eminent commander, 1897. Tireless himself, ho knows that perfection In drill Is only pos sible thiongh itssldiimis attention and lut rd work, nnd ho hns always been roadv to do his full iiharu to btlng'Mary to the front as the entail of uliy eommrtlidery. The tlatteilng coinnieiiclatlons th(it linvn followed the cntnmandery's public demon- NOTES AND COMMENTS. Tlio piesent piond position of Mary cntnniundcry, of Philadelphia, aa a thor- ANYTMU "Whatever virtue there is in other medicines I know by ex perience there is nothing so good for worn-out women as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. I have used it myself with perfect satisfaction, and have recommended it to hun dreds of weak, worn-out women suffering from female weakness. If you get health testored you will feel well, think well and act well, and I know ycur medicine is a great belp to reach tin's state for women." MRS. JANIE THOMPSON, President West End Mother's Club, Ko, 26.1 West 7th vStreet, New York City, N. Y. "Six years ago I little expected I should ever enjoy life, much less such perfect health ns Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has brought me. Suffered from prolapsus, and endured sponics which can be little understood until really experienced. Life seemed one long, endless suffering, and my home work it drag and a burden. Your ' Favorite Pre scription ' was brought to my notice through an advertise ment, and nine bottles made life new and full of beauty to me. (.Words can but poorly expreFS my gratitude, but gladly do I give you this testimonial, although it is sent unasked, hoping that it may reach the eyes of some other suffering mother.'' Mrs. MARY HOLT, Vice-President West End Mother's Club, No. 1S5 West SSth Street, New York City, N. Y. who will read the two letters printed in this connection, must conclude that if the&e statements are truthful Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a truly won derful medicine for the cure of diseases peculiarly womanly. But the "if" in the case. If these statements are true. Is there a woman who will question the truth of such statements for a moment?- Statements made by modest women who put aside all personal feeling m the desire to be of help to the suffering of their sex. Look at this question of testimony from another point of view. Suppose you knew a woman who had been cruelly in jured, brutally beaten, let us saw You. knew the netson I guilty of the outrage and when the injured woman sought reparation, her redress depended on whether you would take the witness stand. Would you do it ? Would you sit silent in the face of her suffering just to spare yourself the publicity of a court room ? Never ! No erne woman would do that. Now reverse the case. Here are women who Have been helped, not injured. They know that thousands of women are in the same condition of disease from which they suflered ticfore leiiig cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription What would we say of women working for the good of their sex, if they kept th.2 fact of the cure secret and to avoid publicity, sat silent while it was in their power to give new life and strength to a thousand suffering women, by proclaiming how their diseases had been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ? Should we not say such women are heartless ? It is heart sympathy with the suffering of their sex which moves such good women to put all personal feeling aside and point to the means by which womanly diseases are cured. Hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women bear testimony to the fact that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It estab lishes legulanty, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It cures headache, backache, nervousness, sleeplessness and other consequences of womanly diseases, It is a superior tonic and nervine for weak, worn-out, run-down women, restoring them to sound health. I here is no excuse for womanly suffering in view of the cures of womanly diseases fleeted by the use of "Favorite Prescription. " In ninety-eight cases out of every hundred r 11 penecuy aim permanently cures tlie womanly diseases for which it is prescribed if it is only given a fair and faithful trial. Even in the rare cases where a perfect cure is impossible it is of great benefit, alleviating pain, reducing sufferino- and rrivinc inereasprl strpnoti. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce bv letter, free. All lottos rP ki,i strictly private and the written confidences of women are guarded by the same strict profes sional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce and his staff in personal consultations with weak and sick women at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's offer of free consultation by letter should not be confused with offers of "free medical advice, ' made by persons who are not physicians, and nie not qualified to practise medicine. In a little more than thirty years, Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak ami sick women, , "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. WHAT WOMEN THBNBf aliaut 0t" pja"ccs Common Sena .!is .. . VBVtlE,tW ' Modioal Attvifon is wait oxprossad In tho following snoolmom lotto ft "I recalvoa tho ' Modtbal Advisor, writes Mrs. Elmer D Slionror, ot MounUsono, Lancaster Ooh, Pa. " f would not mart with If, as It Is m mama mvory woman should have.' This valuable mcdioal work In manor covers Is sent HtE on reomlnt at 91 onm-oent stamns to pay oxnonso ot mailing ONLY. For cloth minding send 31 stamns, m Address Or, ft. V, PIERQE, Multalo, ft. ft WaWaWmmaWSMmWMWy Wamaa&Fk&ffi&$1?s? aaaaaaWUmWaaaaaalSiM WmWkmaaaaam:h'i maammiTaaaaw'iK aaaaa'KaWfi " ' aaamw ;P'! t'' aaaaamm'TWik.MmawiL: aaaaazzaa&skii .. w-i .R naapjgfmrsm- .j'Y'i aaaaaaaam aaaaawamaLW'maaaaaaaaal J K. Silt JtJDSON II. WOOI.SMV. Ot This City, Aldo to the Grand Com- mandcr In tlio Parade. ' - 'i stratlon.s must have amply rewarded him for the care and Inbor ho linn expended In the effort to leach that result. Eminent Sir W. J. Mlltlgan. of Mary commandcry, of Philadelphia. Is clerk of the select council of that city. Pucker commandcry. No. 23, of Maueli Chunk, Bent the following delegation, which participated In yesterday's 1111 ratio: Imminent Commander Churles K. Cla-lt, (ieneralls'.lnio J. Martin Itoss, Captain Ocnornt Charles K. Hilnkham, Treasurer Kltvootl JI. Ktmtis, Recorder Tnlrd II. Barber, Pii.st Commanders Eugeno II. UlakHlec, Jrn O. Ross, Sir Knights Charlen W. Roberts. 13r. G. Stewart Klrby. O. O. Jarrnrd, Numa C. Ifeaton, Dr. J. Kdw.mt Wif-ser. Hector T. Craig. W. II. Obcrt. M. O. Kuntz, Dr. C. W. Rower. Ira E. Soldle, Robert I.. Sweeney. Gcoigo W. RHchard. This eomnmndery was constituted In 1SS0, and was mimed after the late Robert A. Packer, of Maueli Chunk. Among tho past commnnders nceompnnylng the com maiulery Is ex-Congressman T.alrd II. Barber, who represented the Kluhth dis trict of Pennsylvania in tho Fifty-sixth congress. Tho commandcry during Its stay In Scranton, Is quartered In a Pull man ear near tho Central Railroad ot New Jersey depot. Palestine commandcry. No. 11, of Car- liondale, scat the following as her repre sentatives down to tho pnraclc: Eminent Commander K Sir J. R. Shannon, Gener alissimo Sir AV. A. Spencer. Captain Gen eral Sir Jt. II. Tappau, Treasurer K. Sir S. D. Davis. 51. D., Recorder K. Sir H. R. Wilbur, Past Commanders W. R. Rakor, George Rtirrcll. 11. W. 3I11K G. F. Swl gert, Geoipe S. Kimball. "VV. "I,. Ynrrlng ton. J. W. Dlmoek. D. R. Nlcol. S. A. ,ic Mullen. ,T. SI. Stewart, J. O, Sllles, W. D. Evans. F. K. Dennis. George SI. Patter sou, TT. Cuter. R. SI. Vannan. F. F. Rocmmclmcyer, J. P. A. Tlngley, Sir Knights J. II. IJagley. J. S. Berry. Ale-, Copoland. S. S. Cobb, J. R. Cameron, Geoige AW Cross, P. ,T. Foster, Waller FrleK-. George K. Perrel. AW AV. Flel-hcr, C. R. Geary. AA'. G. 'Giles. Frank Hubbard, C. A'. Helms, J. AA". Jame, Andrew Lind say. P. .1. Lee, F. T.ove. Rllsworlh Myers. AA'. T. Morgan. G. AV. Norils. A. T.. Pat ter.son, T,. A. Patterson. R. AV. Pothlc);, .T. .T. Place. J. R. Stephens, J. J. Simpson, C. K. Taylor. A. K. Tiffany, J. R. Vnn nan. George A'oung. The Tribune wasagaln honored yester day wllh a serenade hjMhe Perseverance, hand of Lebanon', .and Alexander's Ninth Reslment band, of AVIIkes-Rarre. The music and the compliment were alike ap preciated. Past Grand Commander Irving P. AVan ger. of Nortistovn, Is congressman from Ihe Montgomery county district. Past Grand Commander George AA'. Koudrlck, 1r of Philadelphia, Is the sen ior grand warder of the grand lodge of Slasnns of Pennsylvania. R. K. Sir Joseph Alexander, Jr.. of Scranton, Is the only Serantonlan other than Grand Commander Penman who has held the office of grand commander. Colonel Arthur SlaeArthtir, who Is here as representative nf the grand master of the grand encampment. Is editor of the Troy, N. A'., Budget. Among the prominent knights accom panying Hermit commaiulery. No. 21. of Lebanon, are: Past Grand Muster John P. S. Gobln. lieutenant governor of Penn sylvania: Past Kmlnont Commander Abraham Hess, the mayor of Lebanon; 1'klltor AV. T. Atkins, of the Lebanon Courier: A. Rise Rowman, of the Lebanon Times: Past Kmtnent Commander Grant AVIdeman. Kmlnent Commander Harry AA'. Selc.-rl.st, Hon. John A. AVeimer, Dr. J. C. lJucher. Charles D. AVelrlck, esq,, Charles L. Henry, Dr. D. P. Gerberlch, Dr. J. F. Pclerman. John K. Rnudenhush. C. J. Parr. Kdward Klmniel, Georgo Kimmel, John R. Morgan. Captain Kit Daugherty, Harry O. Nutting, Harry II. Llnea weaver, Theodore P. Frantz, Joseph Kldd, AA'll lltim T. Franlz, J. Shlndel Krauso, Hnrry T. Alklns. IT. K. TIugheH. AVilllam lluteli Inson. Francis Rotheimel. John 11. Kll linger, Frederick Snyder, S. A, StcAdam, A. l. Hvans, Henry Bayer, John Brown, llany G, Sillier, Daniel P. AVItmeyer. Samuel Simpson, Irvln Guth. Paul NNs lcy and II. V. Bnlsbaugh. The following ladles accompany tho party. Mrs. D. P. Gerberlch, Slis. TT. AV. Slegrlst, Sirs. S. A, SIcAdam, Sirs, lrederlelc Snyder, Sirs. AVilllam T. Atkins. Sirs. William Hut chinson, sirs, II. T. Atkins. Mrs. J. Tl. Morgan. Sirs, Georgo and Mrs. Kdward Kimmel, Sirs, RUen R. 1'mberger, Sirs. Fiancls Rnthermel and SIlss Simpson. They are accompanied Tiy the Persever ance band, of Lebanon, one of the best at the conclave. The commandcry l.s quartered ut Hotel Coyne, St. Omar comma ndery, No, 10, of El mha, N, A",, Is represented by Past K111I ncnt Commander Guy Shoemaker unci T. .1. Routledse. nnd Sir Krilsms AA'. II, Sc'hrneder and Fred Fox. Past Grand Commnnder T, Leo Smith, of Pittsburg, Is n past grand standuid bearer or the grand enenmpment. Sir Georgo F. Jnckson, of Sit. Olivet commandcry, No. 10, of Altnnua, l.s a prominent citizen of tho Slouutiiln City, Uo Is engaged In the furulturo hiislnpss. Is an uctlvo member of tlo hoard of trade, has scived several terms on the school boatd and Is a veteran of tho Civil war. Ilnv. Robert F. A'. Pierce, pastor of tlio l'eim Avenue Raptlst church, appears In full Templar uniform. He Is 11 knight nf Crusader rmnmundery, No, 17, of Uncle ford, III, He is also a member of AVIn nehngn chapter, No, t, Royal Arch .Masons, of tho samo place, mid a mem ber of (llnssborn lodge, No. So, Free and Accepted Slnsoiis, of Glassboro, N, J, Clarence commandcry, No. SI, Corry. Is leprescnted by Kmlnent Commander 'harlcs J I, Golger, K, Sir John It. Slueklo and Sir James L. AVcst. They accom pany Si I. Olivet commandcry, of Kile. Claicnco commandcry tus constituted In 1S7I and has 11 membership of sovcuty two, St. Andrews commauaery, No. 7t, of Su.'queliHmin, nrilved yesterday In a tjpcclnl I'ulhnan ear and will leimiln dur lug the conclave. lt oftlcers uro: Kml nent commander, Adelbcrt P. French; gcimiallsshno, Clark Kvnns; cuptaln gen ci al. Henry J. Poisons; treasurer, Charles Ai Sillier; recorder, John O. Brewer, The commandcry has sixty members and boasts of tho largest representation of any commandcry In tho stain in the Ki'itud commandcry, It also pumbcrs in Its ranks th oldest living treasurer of a blur lodgeIn Pennsylvania,' Sir Oniric A. Miller. Baldwin II commandcry, No. 22, of WIN llauisport. Is .recogiiUcd as 01111 of the cmck I'omtnunUcrlcs of the state. Us IHIiiiallM Jhe Comfort of Coolness Is possible this summer to ali who take advantage of our offerings in seasonable warm weather necessities. Sating for Coolness For making ice cream easily and quickly we recommend Shepard's Lightning Freezer. We also have Blizzard, Peer less Iceland and White Mountain Freezers, which have a reputation of being satisfactory to thousands of users. Our prices bring the cooling and healthful ice cream within, the reach of every family. Shepard's Lightning Peerless Iceland White Mountain Blizzard Freezers 2-quart, $1.70 $1.70 $1.85 $1.40 3-quart, 1.95 1.9o 2.15 1.70 4-quart, 2.30 2.30 2.45 2.00 ,. 6-quart, 2.95 2.95 3.15 2.W Resting for Coolness You've thought already we were going to mention hammocks. You can't have guessed, however, what an attractive selection we have this year. The colorings are extremely handsome, and the prices are ridiculously low. This combination is only possible on account of our early buying in large quantities. Prices are $1.25, $1.7$, $2.50, $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, 4 50, 5.00 and 6.00. Making Coolness If you have a warm corner to your porch it can be made delightfully cool by using a "Vudor" Porch Shade. They give perfect p.otection from the sun, yet afford a free circu lation of air. They come in all colors of weather proof dyes, enabling you to select a style to harmonize with the color of your house. Made of carefully selected Linden Fibres. Fit', tingsjapanned metal pulleys and the best maitre cord. 4 Feet by 8 Feet $1.60 6 Feet by 8 Feet : : 2.2S 8 Feet by 8 Feet 2.75 Green Trading Stamps. We Have Both 'Phones. eminent commander, Sir C. I.a Rue Slim- son. Is one of tho leading corporation I lawjors of the state, a prominent mem ber of the Pennsylvania Bar association, who lectures annually before the Yale Law school and tho nuthor ot a number of legal works. Ho Is largely Interested In tho Industrial development ot AVI1 llamsport, nnd Is president ot tho AVI1 Ilamsport Iron and Nail company, and of tho Keclor Roller works; secretnry or tho W'llllnmsport AVI re Rope company, a di rector and attorney of the, AVIIllnmsport Pavings Institution and of tlio I.ycomlng National bank: director ot u. dozen other corporations, the Pennsylvania Telephone company, operating In this city, being among tho number. He Is of staunch old Now Rngland ancestry, and Is u member of the Society of Colonial AVars. Sir. Stunson Is an enthusiastic knight tem plar, possesses n pleasing and striking personality, isorie of AVllllnmsporfs hest known citizens and a leader In every senso. He enloys an extended acquaint ance In Scranton. Ivnnhoti commandcry, No. ill, of Slaha noy City, has the following delegation here: Augustus AVebcr, Charles AV. Dieter, William Stoln, Harry J. Krebs, (loorgo AV. Portz, St. P. Fowler and wife, Thomas L. Thomas, wife and moth'r; John Thomas and wife, Livingston A'. Rausch and wife, AA'IIHam Ci, Gregory, James V, Slagrady, SUss Carrie T, Hess, Prank' Schmidt and wife. Sirs. AVilllam Nolswcntcr. ' R. 13. Sir John A'allerchump, or Harris burg, is tho oldest past grand commander of Pennsylvania hi attendance at tho con clave, Ho has tho possibly unlqiio dis tinction ot having becomo a- thlrtd-thlrd degrco mason at the ago of ill. Homo talent was entliely employed In tho ball. Slaivln & Slide furnished the llnrnl nnd Fuhriuan tho'othor decniatlons. The St. Slnry "Oreotlng," tho Interest ing u ml tastefully arranged elght-pago publication dlsti Hinted by Stary comman dcry, No, SI, ot Philadelphia, was gotten out by ono of Its members, Sir Knight William W, Status, of tho editorial staff of the Philadelphia Kveulng Telegraph. 15. Sir Lewis K. Ilcltler, chairman of tho cMichivn committee ot Pilgrim comman der, No. 11, of llarrlsburg. Is drpuly sceietary of the commonwealth, nnd In tho Uibt udnilnlstiatloii was private sec lelniy lo Governor Darnel l), Hastings, lie in ono of tlio best-known ,men fn Pennsylvania, and has clnso peisnnul frlilids In every corner of tho state. Sir. Ilcltler Is uccompnuled by his wife. Dur ing their stay they ate being entcrlulucd at tho homo of Colonel and Mis. L'. II. Hippie ,, , , Slury commandcry, No, 8tl, pf Philadel phia, has moro members of her own than any of tho Juilsdlcllons of .UiImiim, .r kniiHiis. Arizona, Florida. Ocorgln, Loul-d-unit, Oklahoma, Indian Teiillnry. Mis!., slppl, Montana. Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota. Ninth Carolina. Washing, ton or Wyoming, nil of which are lim ning grand comnumdurles of their own. Sir Wilson A. Turpcr, of Sit. Olivet commandcry, Is ihe son of ox-Slayer Tur ner, of Altoouu, wjiu was 11 grand com mander of tho grunt commandcry of Pennsylvania. Sir James N. SIcKcc, locnidcr of Oil I'titul commandcry, No. l. of Johuatown. is nt tho head of tho Cumin la Paint and Color company, ono of the largest Institu tions of Its kind in tho country) nnd well Reliable Home Furnishings Porch Furniture w The next half vear will be spent out of doois as much as possible. You will desert the house for the cool porch or the shndy lawn, These places of rest should therefore be well fitted with substantial and comfortable furniture, upon which one can lounge with enjoyment and ease. The Best Values in Porch Furniture, we believe, are to be found here, as we purchased in large quantities at close prices and are selling at prices based on the small profit plan. Chairs, Rockers and Settees. All sizes, from the small sewing chair to the jumbo style. Wedding Gifts Under the present circumstances, a choice article of household lurnlture should especially appeal to the gift buyer, as the most suitable and acceptable token of friend ship and good wishes. We have made special prepara tions to please purchases of Wedding Gifts and for their benefit, offer a few suggestions from our large assortment of suitable ai tides: Odd Rockers, Tabourettes, Pedestals, Sideboards, Parlor and Library Tables, China Closets, Odd Upholstered Pieces, Den Furniture, Lace or Portiere Cur tains, Rugs and Art Squares Williams & McAnulty 129 Wyoming Avenue it; 1 1 1 ....... in IIia di.i.jlrt tt tltlrt KrtrtlAII ft i.lkip I .lAlm-t-lltffc I Utii T.kl.t.A .t ttliuwii iu iiiu iuuv 111 iiii.-i ivhiuu, v',.iiih i,iiiuii4iiiuu uuti uuiuisiowit nan QUIIO tilt to inn ?rr.u cumuli cunio to tho cent! to tho tjre.it ill.stanco few jf thn Oiicutuia I v;iie heavy tallbte of men In Its TemoUr imcuvc, but thosu who till tanks as uuy city in tlio state. J V . 1 62 ..-.LJLi L