The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    ., ' . i " , f " -W i ' W W
;! A
VH hVP en remarkably miccenjiul
. t4wf4
.Constipation, INCltraiRlll, I'araiypis, iicurnBi:iienini uyniicpnini mi;. 11 m "j
oiiRhMrsanttl examination, together with an holiest and scientific upltilon of your cusp. Can and will rotor yon by por
mM to ana at prominent men and women of, Pennsylvania, New Jersey ami Now York whom wo havo rescued
from tmwlegs InvJi 'ltd im. In our thoroughly scientific system of treatment rollanto Is placed upon Osteopathy, hot-air,
Meetrlelty, baths, movement cures and scrupulous attention to such mattcia ns diet, exorcise and rc3t, to the exclusion
Of drugs and other antiquated methods .,
' " Booklet and Consultation In person or by mall free. .
1530 Waihlngton Avenut, (Between Marlon and Qreen Ridge Streets) 5crantent Pa.
Osteopathic specialist in Chronic and Linger
ing Diseases. Lady asslstantB for Ladies.
Bptell to the Scnnlon Trlbm.e.
Honesdale, May 20. Herbert Thomp
son, of Carbondalo, one of the Tribune
prize "contestants, Is canvassing Hones
date and vicinity for subscribers. He
will extend h(s canvass to White Mills
and Hawlcy.
Rev. William H. Swift will preach the
baccalaureate sermon before the Haw
ley high school graduating class on
Sunday morning, June 1. Ke Mr.
SImpklns of Hawley will occupy the
pulpit' In the Honesdale Presbyterian
church, i
The.!need of an electric trolley line
between Seeleyvllle through Honesdale
to White Mills Is becoming more ap
parent dally, especially so since the
Erie have Increased the car fare.
" The' fourteenth congressional district
conferees will meet In WIlkes-Barre to
day td renew the battle.
, The'sprlng term of Prof. Heft's danc
i'rig class closes Tuesday evening with
a grand social.
On Sunday evening the Grand Army
Veterans and members of Company E,
Thirteenth: regiment, attended services
in the Presbyterian church and listened
to an eloquent sermon by Rev. William
H. Swift. Rev. G. A. Place and Rev. C.
L,. Percy assisted In the services. The
choir was assisted by Mrs. Henry 55.
Russell. A duet by Mrs. Russell and
Mrs. Walter A. Wood was very sweetly
The dentists of Honesdale have form
cd a trust and will enter on a Saturday
half holiday, to last during the heated
t Mrs. E. C. Mills, of Boston, Is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Delaware and Hudson Station Agent
C. H. Dibble and 'family arc visiting
Mr. Dibble's parents at East Windsor,
N. Y.
Krcltner Brothers have commenced
the erection of a two story addition to
Whitney and Spencer's store. The
ffrst floor will be occupied by the ex
press company's office.
John Neuser and R. M. Dorin, tko
Honesdale musicians, will play with
the Lawrence band of forty pieces for
the Knight Templar parade and ball
In Scranton on Tuesday.
David. Plsher, the Honesdale Junk
dealer, has purchased from the county
iconimlssioners, for fifty dollars, the iron
Ifrom the Main street bridge, which
'lodged in the bed of the river below
Park lake dam, at the time of the flood.
He has commenced removing the Iron.
The ladles of the German Lutheran
church will serve a supper Thursday
evening of this week in Memorial hall,
proceeds to apply on fund for new
church.t J;--
The Sisters of Bethany, of Grace
church, ""wilt hold a clothing sale on
Thursday, May 29, from 10 a. m. to 5
p. in., next door to postoffice.
Mrs. Mary Parson, of Philadelphia,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank
Stelnman, of West street.
The usual Memorial day parade and
exercises ,-will be held, commencing at
9 'a. m Major G. H. Whitney will be
marshal ' of the day. L. M. Atkinson
will deliver the Memorial address In the
cemetery, at the close of the other ex
emetery, ai me ciose
rclses. '1
Joseph -Wasman, wl
aught In i planer a
ihose hand was
at the Elevator
works, suffpred the amputation of all
the fingers of his left hand at the
knuckle-joint, except the forefinger
Half of ihf. joint was saved.
Special lo Ihp.Scranton Tribune,
Factoryvllle. May 26. Memorial ser
vices were hold Sunday morning In the
' Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. J. N.
Lee delivered the sermon, which was
deep and In harmony with the occa
sion. The Grand Army. Spanlbh War
Veterans and the Ladies' circle of the
G, A. R. attended in a body. The
church was nicely decorated for the
occasion, and speclalmuslc was ren
dered. Mrs. W. C. Wrlgley was the
soloist and delighted the congregation
with her sweet voice.
The Ladles' circle of the Grand Army
of the Republic will give an entertain
ment In the Methodist Episcopal church
next Frldny evening, which will be n
treat in every respect. No admission
will be charged, but a silver offering
will be taken for the benefit of the
circle. Everyone welcome.
Tho Grand Army services on Me
morlal day will 'be held at the ceme
tery Friday afternoon at. 2 o'clock. Rev.
A. J, Van Cleft will deliver the address.
Rev. P. G. Ruckman, who has been
a resident here for the past two years,
has accented a call to the Methodist
.Episcopal church nt Dundaff, Pa
whore ho vlll remove his family to this
, Mrs, Hattle Capwell Is over at Tunk
fiannock, where she Is spending some
,tmo with friends and relatives,
Dr, H, D, Gardner was a caller here
, The many friends of "W, N, Manches
ter will be pained to learn of his severe
Illness with typhoid fever, at his home
on South" Main street.
Merchant J1lca Bliss Is handing out
the cigars' to his many friends, all on
,.Too Great a Risk,
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died fiom an attack of colic or
oholej morhus, often' before medicine
could be procured or a physician sum
moned. A reliable lemedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand. The
risk Is too great for anyone to take,
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar.
rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the HVes of more people and relieved
more pain and suffering than any oth
er medicine In use, It can always bu
depended upon. For sale by all drug
fUts. ,k
tj -I, lJ-' -,
In curlnif. so-called Incurable cases of
account of the arrival of a new daugh
ter at his home.
. Mrs. J. K. Bwelzlg left last Friday for
Zlon City, III., where she will Join her
husband, and where they will make
their future home.
Mrs. Ray Beardsloy and daughter,
Muriel, of Blnghnmton, N. Y., whohnve
been spending a week here with Mrs.
Beardsley's mother, returned to their
home today.
Tho Keystone Lumber and Supply
company has erected a new electric
light plant and one of the new twenty
six horse-power engines has arrived and
Is being put In place. The transfer
ring of the dynamos and appliances
from the mill lo the new plant will be
done some day this week, and the lights
will again be turned on, and no further
trouble will occur In furnishing a steady
light. Owing to their not having a nec
essary supply of coal on hand when
the strike occurred, there has not been
any lights for the past week. The new
twin engines will be run with gasoline,
and no trouble will be experienced in
obtaining fuel.
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney X. Snyder, of
Nicholson, were pleasant callers here
A new hose company has been organ
ized here again, and the officers were
elected at a meeting held last Monday
night, and are as follows: President,
G. W. Stanton; vice-president, Fred M.
Reynolds; treasurer, M. W. Bliss; sec
retary, William Moore; foreman, George
W. Stanton. They adopted the name of
the old defunct company, that of Lang
staff Hose company, No. J. Another
meeting will be held tonight.
Factoryvllle encumpment. No. 246, In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, will
meet In regular session next Wednes
day night. ,
Mrs. David Spencer, of Bloomsburg,
is spending some time here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pike.
Special lo Ihe Seianton Tribune.
Hallslead, May 23. Peter Terboss
and Leonard Osterhout captured two
large black snakes just outside the
borough limits Wednesday. One of the
snakes measured six feet in lengtth.
Mr. A. E. Bennett, of BInghamton,
was shaking hands will his many
friends In Hallsead Thursday.
Contractor William Knoeller was a
business caller at Montrose Wednes
day. Miss Josephine Millard is spending
tho week with friends at BInghamton
and Sayre.
Mrs. Lisle Elghmy is visiting friends
in Binghumton.
Among the BInghamton callers Wed
nesday and Thursday were the follow
ing: Charles Capwell, Thomas Shan
non, Mrs. John Crook, Misses Kathar
ine Suinmcrton, Hattie Lange and Mr.
Warren P. Van Loaoi.
Mrs. Mawry left yesterday for a visit
with friends at Franklin Forks.
Charles Phillips is ill of rheumatism.
Charles Natzel has moved from
rooms on Prospect street Into a house
on Pine street.
Mr, J. D. Lindsley and family have
moved from Elmlra to this place.
Simeon Fisher spent Wednesday and
Thursday at Buffalo.
Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Church visited
friends at Hickory Grove Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett, of
Liberty, spent Tuesday as tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen on Chase
Fred Flsk and L. N. Trudd were bus
iness callers at Silver Lake Wednes
C. T. McCormlck was a caller at Sus
quehanna Wednesday.
Miss Virginia Alden, of Corbettsvllle,
spent Wednesday afternoon with her
parents on Church street.
Mrs. James S. Adams and daughter
Lcda, who has been visiting her sister,
Miss Grace Harding, returned to her
home at Harford last evening.
H. W. Lawrence, of Coukllu, is visit
ing his sons, Frank and Charles Law
rence, Fred W. Church visited friends at
Upsonvlllo Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burton, who
have been visiting friends nt BIngham
ton, returned to Hallstead Wednesday.
Misses Katie ahd Mary Fox, of Sus
quehanna, called at the home of Mrs.
FlnU the King
in this castle.
" -ii3Hs J -P wltK2l9KBlBBV"" I
M , ,i ,.-iv ... x J- - I -i .w.m -. -- . - - - - - - . . -.. ... -. . . tt a - .rVT 1 1 Jf
nhotimaUftM, ,
Asthma, Catarrh, Goiter
LP nH frlMMfla h ft rt "aM4 ItF
yi ji ii" . ,"f
CITY TREATING ROOKS, 9 to 18 a. m.
Suite 201 Carter Building, comer Adams ave.
and Linden street. Both 'phones.
William Squires Wednesday afternoon.
E. W. Boyle, of New Mllford, was In
town yesterday.
Fred W. Church was a' Montrose
caller Thursday.
Miss Jessie Smith, of Scranton, Is
visiting at the home of Misses Marlon
and Lillian Church.
Miss Ellen Donovan, of Silver Lake,
Is spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Peter Allen.
Special lo the Scranton Tribune.
Tunklianiiock, May 26. Miss Josephlno
Bocc, who Is employed In tho Internation
al Correspondence School nt Scranton,
spent Sunday with her parents at this
Mrs. Carrlo McKab Is ciulto ill at her
homo on Pino street with bilious fever.
Juntos Armsttong returned on Friday
from a week's visit to his daughter at
Dr. Edward V. Avery took passage from
New York for Liverpool on Friday. Tho
doctor expects to be present In London
during tho coronation ceremonies, after
which he will visit Paris and other points
on the continent, returning home in tho
At tho meeting of business men held at
Harding's law oflice on Friday evening
the organization of a town board of trade
was completed, and tho following officers
chosen: President, II. S. Harding; vlco
president, Aaron Brown J treasurer, F. J.
Billings; secretary, F. B. Jennings; finan
cial secretary. John B. Fassctt. A com
mittee consisting of II. S. Harding, L. F.
Camp and Colonel E. S. Ilandrlck wcro
nlso appointed to draft a set of by-laws
for tho organization, and after transact
ing some other business tho meeting ad
journed to meet at the same placo on Fri
day evening, June U. About twenty-fivo
business men subscribed as members.
Ex-SherlfC Charles S. Knapp, of Skin
ner's Eddy, was doing business in town
on Saturday.
The sale of the old wooden bridge across
the Susquehanna river at this place on
Saturdayu'ternoon brought together a
large crowd. The woodwork was sold to
Lindsay Brothers, of Factoryvllle, for
$010. James W. Fiatt purchased the old
toll house at tho cast end of the bridge
for ?L'7. The stone work In the piers was
not sold on account of inadequate offers,
and the sale us to tho stone work was ad
journed to some future date to be adver
tised hereafter.
Dexter Prevost, son of ex-Register and
Recorder II. C. Provost, and Miss Eliza
beth Wilbur, daughter of Rev. II. H. Wil
bur, were united In marriage at the homo
of the bride's parents on Friday evening.
They will spend their honemoon at Al
bany, for which point they left on tho
same evening.
Edward W. Fargo left on Friday for a
few days' visit in Philadelphia.
County Treasurer Grlflln B. Potter, cf
Nicholson, was looking after tho duties of
his office hoie on Saturday.
Special to the Scranton Ttibune.
New Mllford, May 20. Union memorial
services wero conducted In the Baptist
church Sunday morning.
Mrs. George Sterns, of Harford, spent
Thursday at the homo of Miss Julia Bing
ham. An ice cream social for the benefit of
St. Mark's church will bo conducted at
tho residence -of Dr. G. P. Clements on
Thursday evening, May 29.
Mrs. F .M. Davenport and little sou aro
hero for tho summer, with Mr. Daven
port's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dav
enport. G. G. Hill, of Hallstead, was In town
A number of young people from thin
nliirp piijoved a drive to Franklin Forks
Sunday afternoon. i
Miss Alice Gardner, of Montrose, called
on friends in town List Sunday.
A. Lincoln Kirk will lecture In tho Pres
byterian church in tho near future.
Row Charles Smith preached a memo
rial sermon at Lakeside Sunday after
noon. Georgo Moffat, of BInghamton, visited
his brother in tho township recently.
Frank Edwin spent Saturday in BIng
hamton, The Woman's Missionary society met
nt tho homo of Mrs. L. W. Brundago
Thursday afternoon.
Special to the Seianton TrlDune.
Hopbottoin, May 26. E. M. Loomls'
new general store was opened Satur
day. D. W. Wright spent Saturday and
Sunday with his family in town.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kcllum and Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. Brown spent a couplo
of days at the home of W. A. Jeffcrs
last week.
Mrs. M, M. Bell As visiting friends In
W. L. Sterling and fnmlly spent Sun
day In town.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kellum left for
Scranton, Sunday.
A pleasant time was spent with Miss
Ethel Titus, Frldny evening, at a social
party. The evening was spent In music,
and refreshments wero served.
una Queen who live
- .' M I T s s-T h ,.J A, Jl L.1 LR
Strike of Lebanon Players Seems to
Xars Been the Lastv8tray Two
Teams Still in Fighting Trim.
By Kxclustvc Wire from The Auoclttcd Prcs,
Reading, Pa., May 26. Tho State Base
Ball league, which has had a tempestuous
cxlstcnco of three welts, today officially
gavo up tho ghost. This was expected,
but It wan tho opinion that the lenguo
would last until Memorial Day to havo
tho benefit of tho good attendance on that
day. Tho strike of tho Lebanon players
left but thrco clubs.
As a league, cannot get along with that
small number, President Wllman thought
It was time for him to pul out also. The
Lancaster nnd Scranton clubs may con
tlnuo as Independent clubs for a time.
Tho Reading players wcro paid off In
fill today and given their releases. Somo
went to Lebanon and others to Wilming
ton to Join Independent teams.
' Lancaster-Scranton.
By reclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Lancaster, Pa., May 20. Lancaster this
afternoon defeated Scranton In tho "best
pjlaycd and most Interesting gamo of tho
season by a scoro of S to 4. Features wero
the batting of McGlynn and the fielding
of Stroh. Henceforth Lancaster and
Scranton will play Independent ball.
R. II. O. A. E.
King, rf 12 10 0
Shlnncrs, ss 0 2 1 !" 2
Jeffries, nb 0 2 110
Drauby, lb 0 0 9 0 0
Ferris, cf 0 12 0 0
Hlncs. If 0 0 3 0 0
Tocrcher, 2b 0 0 10 0
Fordncy, c 3 19 0 1
McGlynn, p 14 0 6 0
Totals S 12 27 12 3
R. H. O. A. E.
Gorton, cf 0 0 0 0 0
Blakcy, If 12 110
Steinberg, lb 0 0 6 10
Logan, 2b 0 0 4 2 1
Gllleran, rf 114 0 0
Schmaltz, 3b 110 3 1
Stroh, ss 0 2 5 4 0
Ralney, c 13 4 0 0
Wiltsc, p 0 2 10
Totals 4 9 24 12 2
Lancaster 0 0 3 0 10 2 2 x 8
Scranton 0 0 10 0 0 0 3 04
Two-base hits McGlynn, Stroh. Three
baso hits McGlynn, Schmaltz. Stolen
bases McGlynn, 2; Shlnners, Ralney,
Blakcy. Left on bases Lancaster, 6;
Scranton, 8. Double plays Strom to
Steinberg; AVlltso to Steinberg. Base on
errors Lancaster, 2: Scranton, 2. Struck
out By McGlynn, S; by AVlltso, 1. Base
on balls-Off McGlynn, 2; off Wlltse, 1.
Hit by pitcher Drauby. Passed ball
Fordney. Umpire Southard. Time 1.55.
National League.
At St. Louis. R.II.E.
Chicago 200 2 10 0003 10 4
St.-Louis 0000 030104 8 1
Batteries Mcncfce and Chance and Ka
hoe; Ycrkes and O'Neill. Umpire O'Day.
At Pittsburg-Philadelphia vs. Pitts
burg; rain.
Other clubs not scheduled.
American League.
At Philadelphia- R.H.E.
Detroit i 000 0 30 0036 13 4
Philadelphia ....... .0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 S 9 3
Batteries Miller and McGuire; Wlltse
and Powers. Umpire Connolly.
At Washington R.H.E.
Cleveland 4 0 0 10 0 0 10-6 9 0
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 03 9 1
Batteries Wright. Mooro and Bemis;
Orth and Clarke. Umpire Sheridan.
At Baltimore R.II.E.
Cricago 110 2 00400812 1
Baltimore 0 0 2 0 10 0 0 0-3 6 6
Batteries Garvin and McFarland; How
ell nnd Robinson. Umpires O'Loughlin
and Caruthers.
At Boston R.H.E.
St. Louis 02 10000003 8 0
Boston 0000 00 0000 4 2
Batteries Powell and Stigden; Dincen
and Warner. Umpire Johnstone.
Eastern League.
Jersey City, S; Worcester, 5.
Buffalo, 12; Toronto, 2.
Prpvldence. S; Newark, 7.
Montreal-Rochester No gamo; rain.
College Gamea.
At Now Haven Yale, 9; Georgotwon, 4.
Theatrical. J
and night.
Vagabonds." Afternoon
"Old Innocence."
The theatrical season at the Lyceum
closed last night. Tim Murphy in "Old
Innocence" was tho attraction, but there
was a greater attraction or rather dis
traction on tho stieets. Tho many bands
ploying, tho parading of tho Knights and
tho general cnthiisiusm that was in tho
air accounts for tho very small nudtenco
that greeted Mr, Murphy and his com
pany. Tho comedy, "Old innocence,"
which Is not all comedy, affords many op
portunities for tho display of Mr. Mur
phy's versatility In tho portrayal of
character. Humor, pathos nnd soma sat
Iro runs through tho entlro play. In three
acts ft tells tho stories of tho llvo of two
brothers of diversified character, Tho
ono, Jason Green, acted by Tim Murphy
shows "Old Innocence," a man 60 years
of age, credulous, generous and Imposing
implicit confidence In every human be
ing, until by sad and expensive experi
ence ho learns the hypocrisy of tho world
and suddenly becomes cynical, suspicious,
and Incredulous, modifying his whole na
ture, His brother, John S. Marble, as Flint
Green, sees life In a different light, Nat
urally suspicious he Imputes a selfish mo
tive to his would-be friends. Reins pe
nurious, grasping and always having an
eyo to business ho acquires a large for
tuno and by the rule of society Is con
sidered a successful man. "Old Inno
cence" through his kind-heartedness nnd
susceptibility to being touched loses his
fortune and Is financially ruined.
There Is consldeiablo philosophizing in
dulged In by the respective characters and
altogether it points a moral in a foVclble,
manner, Tho play was well worth seeing
and the company deserving of a better
Benefit for Star Employes,
The benefit performances given at tho
Stnr theater yesterday afternoon and
evening by the "Vagabonds" Burlcsquo
company In tho Interest of tho employes
wero well attended and enjoyed by
friends of the attaches of the Star,
Tho programmo presented was of tho
vaudovlllo character and some very good
acts wero Introduced. Somo of tho mu
sical features wero abovo tho average and
(he cumedy and tho terpslchorcun nam-
' I 1 .11 & -,i-tr Ut tfWT t''HI 4Haff
4 Lines 10 Cants
Mere Then Four Llntt, a Cat far Etch Ettre Una.
WANTHD-A tenant for furnished resi
dence, 1660 Madison avenue, for the
summer.-- Inquire Mr Chapman, No. 7,
Docknsh place.
Tor Xent.
,FOR RKNT-923 Green Ridge Btreet, nine
rooms, modern improvement, mtwu
heated, very rensonablo and desirable.
Inquire F, E. Ncttlcton, 1536 Washington
FOR RENT-Durlng the summer ecAion,
nlcoly furnished house, ten rooms,
modern conveniences, abundance of shade
nnd pleasantly located on Dtinmoro Su
burban car line. Address J, C, care
Scranton Tribune.
FOR RENT-Elffht-room house, 1514 Ca
pouse avenue, nil modern lmnrovo
ments. Alt. F. Clark, 310 Mcars building.
FOR RENT No. 506 Dudley street. Dun
more, Pa., ten rooms, furnished or un
furnished; all modern Improvements; wide
porches and fine lawns, fruit, gnrden plot;
convenient to nil trolley lines. Call or ad
dress D. E. Barton, 221 West Drinker
street, Dunmorc, J?a.
BARN FOR RENT-12. April 1st. thrco
box nnd three single stalls nnd wash
rack, rear of 324 Madison avenue. In
quire nt 631 Madison avenue.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FORRNTXC'nuslirroom on Pino
street, between Madison and Monroe
avenues. Address T. T., Tribune office.
FOR RENT-Ono furnished room, with
Improvements; also ono on third floor,
chenp. 627 Adams avenue. ,
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern
Improvements; private family; gen
tlemen preferred, nt 537 Adams avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished room;
bath. 625 Linden street.
heat and
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at 539 Adams avenue.
For Sale.
FOR SALE-Alt the buildings at 60!) and
611 Lackawanna avenue, to be removed
from the premises. Bids received until
May 31. Call at office for further Infor
mation. The Lackawanna Iron and Coal
FOR SALE First-class 3-horsepower en
gine. 5-horsepower vertical boiler.
Kunz & Moore, 603 Cedar Wenue, Scran
ton. LIGHT your home, church, cottage, hotel,
etc., with acetylene gas. Cheap as
kerosene, better than electricity or coal
gas. Safe. Write. Inspect our plant.
Philip J. Vetter, 622 Adams avenue. "
PIANO FOR SALE Almost new; used
less than fivo months; elegant upright
piano: will sacrifice. Call day or even
ing. 324 Franklin ave.
JUST ARRIVED with 40 horses; good
workers and drivers; weight from 1,100
to 1,700; several closely matched teams;
can be seen at 331 Raymond court. F.
M. Cobb.
FOR SALE-Hand silk doublers.
Bamford Bros., Paterson, N. J.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
first class tablo board, can be obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Wanted Booms and Board.
WANTED Two communicating rooms
with hoard, private family preferred.
Two ladies and a gentleman; state full
particulars. Address C. II. D., Tribune
Strikers' Notice.
WE 3ELT, tickets and checks to all parts
of Europe. Consult us before purchas
ing transportations. Wo will save yeu
money. Union Ticket Agency. 203 Lncka
wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Opposite
Scranton House.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED ROOMS For two adults, throe
or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish
ed for very light housekeeping, first floor
preferred. Address M. B., Trlbuno office.
WANTED Furnished houso df four or
five rooms for housekeeping. Address
A. G. E., Tribune office.
Beal Estate.
FOR SALE Houso and lot In tho best
resident section or ureen niuge. ni a
bargain. Alt. F. Clark. 310 Mears bldg.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes In
upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for home
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvhie,
1736 Sanderson avenue.
bcrs were of a stylo that evoked hearty
Tho "Vagabonds" will appcur again to
day and tomorrow afternoon and even
Miss Bessie Buckingham Is confined
to her home by illness.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Robinson and
children and Mrs. Marshall, of Scran
ton, were the guests of Mrs. H. J. Stan
ton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Curry and chil
dren, Harry and Dorothy, of Water
town, N. Y., spent Sunday with friends
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams, jr.,
spent severnl days last week with rela
tives here,
Miss Lou Dunning took part In the
recital given by tho pupils of Miss Cor
delia Freeman, Saturday evening at
Scranton, and spent Sunday with her
friend, Mrs. Harvey Lewis.
Mrs. Byron Buckingham attended a
meeting of tho O, E. S., at Scranton,
last evening.
Mrs. Frank MucDonnld and son,
Langdon, of Platnfleld, N. J., aro spend
ing a few weeks with tho former'3 par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jenkins.
Rev. H, A. Nye, who occupied the
Presbyterian pulpit Sunday morning,
was entertained at the homo of A. B.
Elmer Miller and sister, Florence, of
Carbondalc, were guests at tho homo of
Daniel Orlmes several days last week.
Misses Mary Jenkins nnd Jennie
Trelble and Albert Sehlebel took the
central examination for eighth grade
pupils, at Moscow, last Friday,
A. B, Dunning and Attorney C, E.
Daniels, of Scranton, were In town on
business, Saturday afternoon
Prof, and Mrs. K. B. Rogers were In
Scranton on Saturday,
Spcehl to the Sainton Tribune,
Tobyhanna, May 26. Mrs. Margaret
Lawless, aged about 75 years, after
Buffering from a paralytic stroke for
about three and one-halt years, passed
away at 9 o'clock Sunday morning.
Death ramo as a great relief to tho
(deceased. Tho funeral will take placo
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. In
terment will be made In the, St. James
Catholic cemetery at Droverhome.
Sil ifVW -J - -. --&- ,
Brawl, WANT Officii.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. 3C.
Central City
ALnKMV RCIIUMZ, eemfr Mulbwty
treet ini) Wctnter ivcmio.
GUsfAV riCIlKI,, 650 Adtrai tvenu.
West Side
GKOrtGr! W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FHED L. TEniTE, 7!0 Ctdtr avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Mala
aicnue and Market street.
Green Ridge
CHAHI.ES r. JONES, 1557 Dlckaon
F. J. .JOHNS, M0 Green Itldue trcet.
O. LOflENZ, corner Wahlngton ave
aicnue and Marion ttreet.
Petersburg ,
W. H. KNEPFEIj, 1017 Irving avenue.
Help Wanted.
WANTED AT ONCE-Man and wife;
man as gnrdncr and stable man: wo
man must bo good cook and laundress,
general housework. Address .P. O. Box
516, Scranton, with references.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED-A barber to work Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday of this week
at Traders Bank Barber Shop, John A.
Smalc. '
WANTED A boy about 16 years of ago.
Apply at store. Louis Isaacs, 412
Spruce street.
WANTED-A large boy at Gerson's mil
linery. WANTED Good strong lahorers; wages
14 to 16 cents per hour; steady work.
Bellwood Manufacturing Co., Bellwood,
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A housekeeper, must bo a
good plain cook; references required.
Apply at J610 Washington, avenue In oven
ing, or 727 Conncll building.
WANTED AN experienced cook.
1006 Linden street, city.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Call 622 Qulncy avenuo.
Recruits Wanted.
WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY Ableibodtcd
unmarried men between ages of 21 and
35; citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write English. For in
formation apply to Recruiting Officer, No.
123 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED-By a" competent
Kin, as cook or general nousewora
Call at 306 Franklin avonue, city.
SALESMAN wants position of any kind
-wOf store work; had seven years experi
ence in shoo business. Address A. J. C,
Tribune office.
AN EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant
desires employment by the day or
week. Best references. Terms moderate.
B., Tribune office, Scranton, Pa.
washing, ironing, or -house cleaning or
day work. Mr. P. Miller, 712 Schnoll,
court. ,''..' i
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST 500 envelopes directed to D. B.
Rcploglc. patent attorney, 214 Mcars
bldg, city. All aro from the commissioner
of patents and postmarked at. Washington,
D. C, within six months last past. $50.00
reward will be paid for the return of the
envelopes. Replogle & Co., Patents,
Mcars building.
LOST Thrco keys on a ring, either on
Penn avenue, Spruco street or Wash
ington avenue; a reward of returned to E.
Glard, 127 Pcnn avenue.
LOST On Madison avenue, last evening,
a'steel bead belt purse. Please return
to Edith W. Jones, 326 Monroe avenue.
LOST A 'ladles", gold watch; a', liberal
reward will bo given If returned to
Hotel Terrace.
LOST Steel beaded purse containing
small sum of money, on Lackawanna
avenue, near Wyoming. Finder plense
return purse to Tribuno office and keep
LOST $25. between Peck Lumber Co,.
East Market street and Presbyterian
church. Reward if returned to office of
Peck Lumber Co,
NOTICE IS hereby given thnt Blttenben
der company, porsons having a Hon
under tho laws of Pennsylvania upon
goods, ware and merchandise of W. II.
Campbell,' consisting of ono sot of bu?gy
wheels on account of storage ami labor
bestowed on such goods, tho owners hav
ing failed, neglected and refused to pay
tho amount of such charges upon said
proporty within sixty days after demand
thereof, made personally, will expose the
said set of buggy wheels to salo at public
auction nt-Bittenbender Company's sloro,
126 Franklin avenue, city of Scranton,
Lackawanna county, Pa., on the 5th dav
of July, A. D., 1902, at 12 a, m and eoll
tho same or so much thereof as slmll be
sufficient to discharge said Hen, together
with costs of salo and advertising.
Governor. Superintendent.
Auditor General.
State Treasurer. ,
PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationary,
Fuel and other supplies.
In compliance with tho Constitution and
tho laws of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, wo hereby Invite scaled propos
als, at prices below maximum rates jlxcl
In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuel
and other supplies for the several de
partments of the state government, r.ud
for making repairs In tho several depart
ments, and for tho distribution of tho
public documents, for the year ending tho
first Tuesday of Juno. A. D, 1903.
Separate proposals will bo received and
separate contracts awarded as announced
In bald schedules. Each proposal must
be accompanied by a bond, with at least
two sureties or one burety company, ap
proved by a Judge of the court of com
mon pleas of tho county In which the
person or persons muklng such proposal
may reside, conditioned for the faithful
performance of tho contract, and rd
dressed and delivered to the Board of
Commissioners of Public Grounds and
Buildings before twelvo o'clock M.. of
Tuesday, the 3rd day of Juno. A. D. 1902.
at which ttmo tho proposals' will b
opened and published In the Reception
Room of tho Executive .Department at
Ilarrlsburg, and contracts awarded as
soon thereafter as practicable.
Blank bonds und schedules containing,
all necessary Information can bo obtai.ied
at this department. T. L. EYRH.
For tho Hoard of Commissioners of
Public Grounds and Buildings.
itVA. ife., .'J8gft-t-.' - , .. .jiV.-jw .
3 Inssftlons 25 Cents
Mom Thin Pour Lints, A Ctnts lor Bid? Bxtra LIm.
BEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In
nirln?n?fflV. ?,' tlio City Recorder by tho
wSlor .oto ih,. apartment of Publlu
ti?, .'. nLS o'clock p. m., on Monday.
inib.8'!,19?" for tho following named
?.?; ttvlPF certain portions of Carbbu
lit nV,,rIovid0llco road, Diamond nvonuo
nt-rti Btrco" w,th vitrified brick on a ;
S.icEStoinflS0 In iceordnhco with plans '
EnglncerlnCa "8 " n, "l tll0.Bm'cau'f
2Slliblad'cr Bl,n11 encloso, with their
KSP08.. C11B ' or. certified check in tho
5.V.?-?f. on? ,iundrcd (J100) dollars ns a
ir,nn.te.9,lo.CJtL'0Ut0 " contract for tho
ttork within twenty (20) days if awarded
J!' .In. c?.s? tho bidder, to whom
tho contract shall havo been awarded, ro
ruscs or omits to oxecuto a contract for
i ? w?r1 within .twenty days from tha
dato of tho award, tho enclosuro accom
panying tho proposal shall bo' forfeited tu
tho uso of tho City of Scranton.
Proposals shall cover tho ontlra work,
and shall state separately tho price for:
setting or resetting curbstones, tho prlca
for paving per squaro yard, which Is to
mcludo tho cost of grading as shown on
profile, and tho price for keeping said
pavement In repair for fivo years, from
tho acceptance of bamo by tho city.
System of sowers. Section "F," Seven
teenth District, in tho Twelfth and Nine
teenth wards. Bidders shall oncloso with
each proposal, cash or certified chock In
tho sum of thrco hundred ($.100) dollars ns
a guarantco to executo a contract It
awarded tho same. In caso tho blddor to
whom tho contract shall havo been
awarded, refuses or omits to execute a
contract for tho work In accordance with
tho plans and specifications therefor with
in ten (10) days from tho date of tho
award. , tho enclosure accompanying his
proposal shall be forfeited to the uso of
the City of Scranton.
System of sowers, Section "A," Seven
teenth District, in the Eleventh ward.
Same conditions as section "F."
System of sowers In Webster avenue.
Ivellum court, Taylor avenue, Bucnzlt
court, Irving avonue, Prcscott avenue and
Ash street. In tho Tenth ward.
System of sewors In Wyoming avonue.
Ash street, Onkford court, Forest court
and Brcck court, In tho Soventh and Thir
teenth wards. '
Bidders ,8hnll enclose with each proposal
cash or certified check In tho sum of ono
hundred ($100) dollars ns a guarantee to
executo a contract If awnxded tho same.
In case the bidder to whom tho contract
shall havo been awarded, refuses or omits
to execute a contract for .the work In ac
cordance 'with the plans and specifications!
therefor within ten (10) days from tho
date of tho award, tho enclosure accom
panying his proposal shall bo forfeited to
the use of the City of Scranton.
Plans and specifications aro on tllo and
can bo seen at tho Bureau of Engineering.
Bidders will be furnished 'with proposal
blanks at the Bureau of Engineering and
no others will be accepted.
AH proposals shall be filed with tho City!
Controller, in his office in tho City Hall,
Scranton, Pa not later than S.30 o'clock
p. m on Monday, June 2, 1902.
The city reserves tho right to reject 'any,
or all bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,
Department of Public Works.
Scranton, P.a May 22, 1002.
Money to Loan.
MONEY TO LOAN in any amounts from
$10.00 to $500.00 on household furniture,
pianos, horses and carriages, tho prop
erty remains undisturbed in your possess
ion, giving you tho uso of both tho money
and tho property. Loan3 made to suit
the borrower's convenience for any period,
from ono to twelve months. Loan can be
paid in weekly or monthly installments.
Wo give you tho privilege of paying tho
loan at any time, so that you only pay for
tho time you keep It. We make a $10.00
loan just as promptly as wo do n largo
one. It costs nothing to mako applica
tion. Wo aro only too glad to glvo yoit
full Information regarding our new meth
od,.of making, this class of loans. ,.Oun
offices "are centrally located and com
modious. Private offices for ladies. Ad
vances mado on storago warehouse re
4 207 AVyomlng ave., 2nd .Floor.
Phono No. 282G. - '
Quick, straight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on
N. iV-, Walker, 311-313 Conncll building.
' Business Opportunity. '
out delay. Write for our sppcial mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
Hibbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd Stock Exchange, 44 nnd 48
Broadway. New York. Established 1S61.
Long Distanco 'Phono 23SS Broad.
RHEUMATISM All parties that wIsK
can bo speedily and permanently cured
of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vege
table compound; cures guaranteed. In
quire or address J. E. Taylor, Scranton.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank building. Old tolophone.
No. 1861.
RciM Estate Exchange Bldg., 126 Wash-
ington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruce street, Scranton,
torncys and Counscllors-at-Law. 603 to
612 Conncll building.
Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth
Building, Rooms 19, 20 ftpd 2U t, ;,,miMir
of Trado Building. Scranton, Pa. , ,
National Bank building.
-., '-
No, 2ii wyomii)s,nvf.,rwnt . u, uf
' Hotels and Restaurants.
THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127, FRANK- ,,
lln avenue. RatesjTPnsoiiablpft, , 'jil '
V.fziKGLBIt, Proprietor. '-
Passenger depot, Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plun. Victor Koch, Proprietor.
and cess pools; no odor: only Improcd
pumps used. A. B. Brlggs. proprietor. t
Leave ordeis 1100 North Main avenue-, "
or Klcko's drug btore, corner Adams and '
Mulberry, Both telephones,
Wire Screens,
aye,, Scraiiton.; mfrs. of Wro Sqrcctjs. ,.
' i ' '. i. . j
Miscellaneous. ; i
i ' : ..J f
MEnAitfiEK nrtoa.. printers' sup
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue.
bo hadMif Scranton at tho news bland
of Rclsmau Bros., 40iJ Sptuco and ti
Linden; M. Norton, 3:'J Lackawanna
ave; I. S. SchuUcr, 211 Spruce stru-jt.