The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    V TTTifi ' !2 W-JB. ' ' ('
ij.-,ffwrT-'iP'm ."- 'V . . ? .aMP j. .'.,' . .- -, . . .'.j
T V;: t rVHf '' "lA-t'''"v''T:v, ,,
&& ' ' ....... ..... . '. . . ,
amwmi mm
H. & R.
. It may be necessary
only once in a Hfo time
to use a revolver. You'd
, better have a good one
, lor that time.
It. & R. Revolvers
can be depended upon.
Nickel-plated with
hammer $4.50
Nickel-plated, ham-
merless . . . . . $5.00 .'"
Foote & Shear Co.
U9N. Waahtnrtoa Ave
The flard?nbergh
of Mtosic and flrf
Offers the exceptional advan
tages of piano and organ study
with Mr. Summer Salter, an
artist teacher of recognized
standing In the musical world.
. Only a limited number of hours
' belng available, pupils may
register now for fall. 604 Lin
den street.
V awaiting YOU. The most
Comfortable and easily
dreBsed BABY is the one
clothed in the little gar
ments that you buy at the
118 Washington Avenue.
Values in ' g
Shoes and Oxfords
at -
Washington Avenue J
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
'and General Braying.
'" New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
' New 'Phone 2057.
Cost Is Small to
Launder Your
Lace Curtains. .
Dor.'t you want to try our way this
once? Wo guarantee artistic lace effects
and careful hand work. Lace laundering
is a specialty.
S06-31O fttnn Avenue.
'Miss Jennie Stanley, of Blnglmmton, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wells, cf
"Webbter avenue.
r Arthur Davis, of Brooklyn, N. Y Is
visiting his parents, Lieutenant tind Airs.
John Davis, of North Sumner avenue.
H. A. Carpenter, chief clerk to Master
Car Builder L-. T. Cnnfletd, of the I.ncku
'wanna railroad, has returned homo from
'an extended Western trip.
' W. O, Jones, of South Fllmoro avenue,
and Thomas Jones, of New York street,
left last evening on a trip to Wales. They
will take in the coronation.
A. C. Salisbury, formerly division fii
porlntendent of the Iickuwunna com
pany, and now superintendent of a trol
ley road near Albany, Is In tho city,
General Delivery Clerk D. 11. Jenkins,
f the Seranton postomee, will go to
Harrlsburg on Friday to attend the state
convention of Jtho United National As.
eoclatlon of Postofflce Clerks.
Flayed Exhibition with the Nation
als at the Auditorulm.
Tho second team of tho Electric City
' Wheelmen won two games out of thrco
Xfrorn the Nationals at the Auditorium
, alleys in North Seranton last night,
The scores were as follows;
Hughes 191 IDS 1S7-BH
'Morgan 151 !I3 1U3-5.
Chatfleld lid 119 ll'i- 491
Lewis , llU 167 H3-CM
Stover , 162 132 173 -407
t, 678 826 752-2231
High score Morgan, 212.
High averago Morgan, 175 1-10.
Lare . .,,.,. ,. 152 167 171-490
Davis ..,,.,,,..,,,, 183 166 119-498
Williams ,... 143 157 119-421
Keator ...,.,., 156 151 173- 4S0
Evans , ,,,., 125 145 134- 101
740 786 746-2272
' High score Davis. 183. t
High average Davie, 166.
Out Flowers.
Yfit Knights Templar ball, at Clark's,
fteriat, 01 Washington avenue.
Ho Is Still Holding the S170,000
Realised from Liquor Licenses.
City Solicitor Watscn, City Treas
urer Robinson and City Controller
Costello Mndo Formal Demand for
the Money Yesterday If He Don't
FayV It Over Case Will Be
Brought in Court.
At a conference held yesterday morn
ing between Itccordcr W. h. Connell
and the members of his cabinet, It was
decided to make a formal demand on
County Treasurer J. A. Seranton for
the payment to the city at once of tho
$170,000 liquor license money which he
owes the municipality.
City Controller P. W. Costello, City
Treasurer E. J. Robinson and City So
licitor George M. Watson were ap
pointed us a committee to make the
demand and a conference with the
county treasurer was arranged for yes
terday afternoon.
All thico of the city offlclaW above
mentioned explained to Treasurer
Seranton that there' are no funda In
tho city treasury at present and that
It Is absolutely essentlnl tliat the liquor
license money bo paid over at once.
City Solicitor Watson said that he is
convinced that tho money must be
paid over, to the city at once, under
the law.
Treasurer Seranton said that his at
torney, S. B. Price, has Informed him
that he has tho right to retain tho
money until September 1, but that be
fore he cared to make a formal reply
to tho city's demand, he desired to
consult further on the matter. He
would try to sec Attorney Prlco today,
he said, and would perhaps be able to
make a formal reply this afternoon,
The county treasurer, through his
deputy, David Jones, Informed City
Solicitor Watson last week that he
proposed retaining possession of the
liquor license money until September 1.
Should ho persist In maintaining this
position, tho city will go Into court to
compel the payment of the money be
fore that time, and is prepared to take
the case to the Supreme court, if
necessary, so that the question may be
finally settled.
The county treasurer of Allegheny
county at first decided to, hang onto
this year's liquor license money until
September 1, and draw Interest on It
until that time, but he changed his
mind last week, when City Controller
Larkln, of Pittsburg, served formal
notice on him that the matter would be
taken Into court If he didn't pay over
the funds at once. He paid over the
money without a murmur when this
demand was served on him and when
he had looked carefully into the law
on the subject. This is taken as fav
orable to City Solicitor Watson's con
tention that the money must be paid
over at once.
Unless the funds are turned over
within a week, the city will be obliged
to borrow money to meet Its current
expenses and money borrowed under
such conditions can generally be ob
tained only at six per cent, interest.
There isn't a cent In the treasury at
present and tre are several thousand
dollars' won lof warrants outstand
ing. Controllei postcllo has announced
his intention of refusing to counter
sign any more warrants until there Is
money In the treasury to pay them.
Big pay rolls from the department
of public works are accordingly held
up and the policemen, firemen and all
city officials will have to go without
their salaries for May unless the liquor
license money Is paid over.
The funds In County Treasurer
Scranton's hands are all that the city
has in Immediate sight. The tax du
plicates won't be ready until August
1, and no taxes of any consequence
will be collected earlier than Septem
ber or October. The amounts turned
111 by delinquent tax collectors are In
consequential and tho money to be
realized from tho peddlers and huck
ster's license tax ordinance will bo
only a drop in tho bucket.
Reduced Rates to Gettysburg via
Fennsylvania Railroad.
For the benefit of those deslrini n
attend the annual encampment of the
Grand Army or tne Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg,
Juno 4 to G. the Pennsvlvnnln RullrnnH
company will sell excursion tickets to
ucuysDurg irom an stations on its line
in the stato of Pennsylvania, on May
31. June 1. 2. 3. 4 and G. coorl tn vntni-n
until June 7, inclusive, at rate of a
single rare ror the round trip. For spe
cific rates, apply to local ticket agents.
Charles R. Dunning, representing the
Henderson Ames Co., is at Reynolds
Bros.' store, with a full line of Knights
Templar equipments.
In Hoc Slgno Vinces: Wlr trinken
Money Talks
T And talks on saving money. Just f
i hinura ui u iow or our prices, ana
may win upeaa ror lliemselvcs:
A. & P. Elgin Creamery
Butter, per lb 25c f
A. & F. Blended Coffee t
per lb, 15c I
Choice Drinking Teas, per r
lb 40o I
a. cs r, jice, wnoie grain, 4.
per lb ; 07o f
a. r, .reari xapioca,per
lb 05o
A, & P, Corn Starch, 1 lb.
Pkg 07o
A. & P. Table Salt, 5-lb, ;
sack ..... ...,..,. 05c -
20 Founds Fine Granu
lated Sugar $1,00 "
Tho ONLY HOUSE that ac- "
tually saves you cash for cash. -r
Tbc Great Atfantic i
And Pacific Tea Co. f
411 Lackawanna avenue. 321 North T
Main avenue. 'Phone, 73-2. Prompt T
delivery, New 'Phone, 123. J
14 4 -H-f4
In Sf. Ldke's Parish Hotise fltiditoritim,
Tuesday Evening, June 3.
rThis recital will
recitals announced for May 27 and June 3 in Guernsey
hail. Tickets issued for today will be honored June 3.
Diagram of Reserved Seats Now Open at the Conservatory,
Mr. Pennington will be assisted by 1HR3. LEN0RE THOM
SON, Contralto Soloist or Elm Park Chnrcli, and MR. F. H.
WIDMAYER, Violinist.
Decision of Engineers and Firemen
Employed at the Storrs No.
1, 2 and 3.
Tho only now feature In tho local
strike situation which developed yes
terday was the announcement to tho
effect that at a meeting of engineers
and, firemen employed at the Stnrrs
shafts, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, operated hy
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company, resolutions were adopted
announcing their determination to
atund by tho company through the
present strllto.
As far as can be learned, none of
these men are members of the United
Mine Workers' organization. They are
satisfied with their work and the treat
ment accorded them by the company
and their foremen.
It has all along been known that tho
pumprunners, firemen and engineers
are averse to being called out, and
many of them are somewhat at sea as
to what they will do.
Meetings were held yesterday after
noon and evening by various locals, nt
which addresses were delivered by lo
cal leaders, urging the men to stand
firm and to use their Influence with
the pumprunners to obey tho orders
Issued to quit work.
In the event of the engineers, nnnvn
and pumprunners now at work quit
ting, the companies assert that they
have plenty of men to fill any vacan
cies which may occur. Some coal lias
been moved over the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western, Delaware and
Hudson and Erie railroads within the
past few days, but the number of
trains taken off on the Lackawanna
railroad can be judged from the tc-'
companying board Issued for today:
Pushers 11.43 a. m Mor.ui; T.HO p. m.,
Murphy; 0 p. m., "W. II. Bartholomew.
Helpers 1.30 a. m., McGovcrn; 7 n. m.,
Gnffncy; 10 a. m., Secor; 4.TO p. m., Stmi
ton. The action taken bv the bituminous
men in convention at Huntington," V.
Va., in ordering a general strike of all
the miners in West Virginia and Vir
ginia, to begin Juno 7 and last until the
demands or 10 to 22 per cent, increase
In wages are granted, is looked upon
with favor by the anthracite men.
Go with the Crowd on the Opening;
Excursion to Lake Lodore.
The excursion season will open at
Lake Lodore on Decoration day. May
30. Among tho many attractions will be
a spirited base ball contest for a purse
of $25, between Seranton and Carbon
dale crack ball teams. Tho famous
Mozart band, whose superior dance
music Is recognized by all lovers of tho
fantastic, will furnish a delightful pro
gramme In the mammoth balcony en
circled pavilion, with Its smooth and
highly-polished floor. Caterer M. P.
Fadden will serve refreshments in
abundance. The beautiful lake will be
enlivened with its fleet of rowboats, its
steam yacht, naphtha launches, and its
large and commodious excursion boat.
The Delaware and Hudson railroad
will run excursion trains, stopping at
all stations, from Wllkes-Barre, at
greatly reduced excursion rates. Trains
will leave Lackawanna avenue station
at 9.1") and 10.13 a. in., and 1,29 p. in.
Fare from Seranton, 75 cents.
Schriever's Sepia Portraits.
There's a touch from nature's palato
in these realistic enlargements from
Reproduced In any size, they offer a
portrait, "different" from the ordlnury.
An artist, whose specialty Is tho fin
est portrait work in Sepia, Is under en
gagement at the Gold Medal Studio,
where orders and alterations may bo
executed under your personal supervis
ion. N
Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8.30 p.m.
In Hoe Slgno Vlnccs: Wlr trinken
Golden Rio Coffee 12c.
S lbs 50c.
Breakfast Java 20c a lb
Special Java and Mocha
25c, ? lbs $1,00.
B, F, Japan Tea and For
mosa Oolong Tea at
50c, worth 75c.
Mr. J. Alfred Pennington
DlrtcUr ! the Conservatory,
Will Give a
Pianoforte Recital
take the place of the two
Frank Jordan and Alfred Reese Ac
cused by Farmer Vail.
Frank Jordan and Alfred Ilccsc were
nrrestcd In this city on Saturday, on n
charge of larceny, preferred by Michael
Vail, a fanner from Scott township.
Jordan, who Is well-known In local
police circles, hired out as a farm hand
to Vail last week. AVhlle Vail was out
in the Holds at work on Wednesday
last, Jordan rnnsacked the house and
secured S175 In cash. When Vail came
In after his work he discovered both
Jordan and the money mlsslnc.
Ho secured a warrant for his arrest
from 'Sttulro Kelfer, of Jermyn, and
spent a day looking for Jordan tn this
city. AVith tho assistance of I'atrolmnn
I.owry, Jordan and Recno were Anally
arrested In a Lackawanna avenue hotel.
Itooso, It Is alleged, ussisted Jordan In
ransacking the house.
Iloth men were taken to Jermvn and
given a hearing before 'Squlro Kicfer,
who committed them to the county jail
in default of bail.
Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk, with
Phosphates and Hypophosphitos
Added, Attractively Displayed at
Phelps' Pharmacy.
In one of the large show windows on
the Spruce street side of Phelps' drug
store In the Hotel Jermyn building Is
one of the most attractive window dis
plays ever seen In Seranton.
Undoubtedly every visitor now In the
city has heard of Dr. Hand's Condensed
Milk, but many may not know that
Seranton Is tho home of this most per
fect semi-solid food.
While the use of this milk is espe
cially recommended for infants and In
valids and babies, It should also be un
derstood that it Is equally good for tho
cntlr6 family and once tiled Its richness
and purity will strongly prove its su
periority over all other milks. The
gieat difference between Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk and other condensed
milks is the addition of those most nu
tritious properties, phosphates and
hypophosphites, which build up the
bones and teeth and nourish tho nerves
and brain and enrich tho blood. It's
better than crbam for coffee.
Booklets containing real testimon
ials and other information will be
ciieoi fully supplied at Phelps' phar
macy, and 11 special invitation is ex
tended to all to call at the home ofllco
of the company at 113 Franklin avenue.
Marriage Licenses.
AVas.ll Finch Peekvlllo
Mary Katbacl Pcckvlllo
Stephen Regenyo Throop
Emma Iincz Throop
Benjamin Levy Cathomlale
Ann S. Stone Caibomlulc K. Wchcott Caihondalo
(.race M. Chlvers Pcckvlllo
Benjamin Kilmer Mooslc
Marth Decker Mooslc
Bryan Fceney Avoca
Katie MtCirccvpy Seranton
AVilllnni K. Kvans Seranton
Margaret Kvans Jermyn
of Juno should sen that tlio wed
ding invitations aro ordered on
time. It's about Juno now.
Our engraving plant Is at your
pcrvlco for quick work. AVo don't
slight tlio work though, however
promptly wo get It out.
AVo do It right and wo Hnlih all
our wedding stationery with a
touch of, stylo that Is lndl.spennablo
on Hiich occasions.
"Will you corao and sco our sam
ples of Wedding stationery?
May wo send you samples. Our
pi Ices nro as right as thoy can bo
for good work.
AVo nttend to tho matter of
propor form In tho wot ding and so
on. AVo guaranteo satisfactory
All Kinds or Engrnvlifg
Aro In Our Line.
Reynolds Bros..
Seranton, Pa.
Best Qualities $5.00
and upwards.
Straw Hats
of Every Description.
419 Spruce Street
800 Lackawanna Avenue.
Dr. Ueiuiel's Llnou Uuderwear
The Former Gained Twenty Points
on the Vandllng Young Man Yes
terday Miss Harpur the Only Con
testant to Make an Advance Stan
ton Now Tied with Havenstrlte for
Eleventh Place Thompson Draws
Away from His Follow Townsman.
Threo New Entries Room for
Standing of Contestants
1. A. J. Kellerman, Seranton. 177
2. Charles Burns, Vandling.151
3. Win, T. S. Bodriguez,
Seranton i 1 13
4. Herbert Thompson, Car-
' bondalo 104
6, Maxwell Shepherd, Car
bohdale 87
6. Albert Freedman, Belle-
vuo 64
7. Harry Madden, Seranton. 55
8. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 54
0. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 41
10. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
11. A. J. Havenstrlte, Mos
cow 31
12. L. E. Stanton, Seranton.. 31
13. William Cooper, Priceburg 28
14. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 25
15. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 20
16. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 18
17. Lee Culver, Springville . . 17
18. Walter Hallstead, Seran
ton 15
19. C. J. Clark, Peckville. ... 15
20. John Dempsey, Olyphant . 13
21. John Mackie, Providence. 13
22. Hugh Johnson, Forest I
City 11
23. M i s s Edna Coleman,
Seranton 8
24. Chas. W. Dorsey, Seranton 7
25. Emanuel Buccl, Seranton. 7
26. Chas. O'Boyle, Seranton. . 5
27. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest
City 4
28. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3
20. Edgar Wilsony jr., Seran
ton 2
30. B. D. Dorsey, Seranton ... 1
31 0
32 0
33 O
There la only one change made this
morning in the above table ns the re
sult of yesterday's work among the
thirty competitors In The Tribune's
Educational Contest. That was by Miss
Beatrice Harpur of Thompson, who
displaced Lee Culver, of Springville,
from sixteenth position. The leaders In
tho contest remain unchanged this
morning, although Kellerman is now 2G
points ahead of Burns for first place, in
stead of 3, as was the case yesterday
Leroy Stanton Is now tied with A. J.
Havenstrlte for eleventh place and Her
bert Thompson of Carbondnle, Is 3
points further ahead of Maxwell Shep
herd of the same city for fifth place.
Sixty points were scored In nil yester
day, of which Kellerman had 33, Burns,
10; Rodriguez, 7; Kresge and Thomp
son, 3 each, and Stanton and Miss Har
pur, 2 each.
Three new entries were received, as
George AAr. Knickerbocker, Elmhurst.
Oscar II. Kipp, Elmhurst.
Miss Emma Jacqulns, Ariel.
Tlio young people who are striving to
attain a higher education and have am
bition to take a commanding place In
the world of letters, business, music,
science, art, etc., are making a serious
mistake In letting this opportunity es
cape them. They should at least Inves
tigate the merits of the Educational
Contest" unci see for themselves how
great the aid Is that is offered them.
Wholesale Arrests of Small Boys in
James Dempsey, of Dunmore, got
permission some time ago to cut sod
from a lot on Clay avenue. Ho had a
lot of the cut sod piled up one day
last week and wont away. AVhen he
came back he found a number of the
lolls broken and ho immediately sus
pected a number of boys who were
playing. in the field,
Ho made an unsuccessful attempt to
got them to tell him who had broken
the rolls and then caused tho arrest
20 Per Cent.
on Straw Hats
On accountof our mov
ing to the corner of
Washington Ave. and
Spruce Street (June 1st)
We are selling $2 Porto
Rico Palms at
Other hats reduced
propotlonally. Negligee
Shirts, either white or
fancy colors, $1,00 kind
80c. .
The Use of
Celery Compound
Will Eradicate from the Bleed
and System the Seed
of Disease.
As grains of sand make our lofty
mountains, drops of water the mighty
ocean, and ns our massive buildings aro
made of one brick piled upon another,
so do tho little Ills of lire contribute
to the building up of deadly diseases
n the body.
Experienced medical men claim .that
fully three fourths of our men and wo
men enter the summer season with lit
tle Ills and symptoms of disease, which
must developo Into serious and fatal
troubles If not banished at once.
AVo hear our friends complaining
dally of rheumatic tendencies, sharp
and darting neuralgic pains, dyspepsia,
pains in the side and back, nervous
ness, sleeplessness; and we see with
our own eyes the effects of Impure
blood in facial blotches, eruptions, and
sores. The little Ills and pains of to
day build up the alarming and fatal
diseases that follow days and weeks of
AVlse and Intelligent people who have
looked Into the claims of Palne's Celery
Compound and followed Its remarkable
cures of relatives, friends, and neigh
bors, use It themselves with faith and
confidence, to banish their symptoms
of coming troubles, to cleanse the
blood, to re-establish nerve force, en
ergy, and bodily strength, so that they
will be In condition to withstand the
enervating effects of the coming hot
In every community where Palnes'
Celery Compaund has been used at this
season to banish disease, It Is regarded
as a god-send. AVorkers In offices,
shops, factories, and weary and run
down wives and mothers In their homes
have thanked Heaven for Dr. Phelps'
marvelous prescription, because it
made them well. Try a bottle or two,
ye who are ailing and sick; It will give
you what you most stand in need of
health and now life.
niamnnfl lltfoe color anything any color.
UldllllJIIU UJtfb Never fall. Never fade.
of every boy in the field, together with
nearly every other boy In the neigh
borhood, on the charge of malicious
mischief. There were about fifty small
prisoners In all arraigned before Squire
Cooney on Saturday night.
Dempsey had no evidence against
any of them. The only" thing he could
prove was that tho rolls of sod had
been broken. Squire Cooney accord
ingly discharged the vyhole party.
If ticket 2045, which won sideboard
at Freedman's department store, Is not
presented before Thursday, another
drnwing will be held.
In Hoc Slgno A'lnces:
Wlr trinken
We have our own planf for Engraving and Prlntlug
Invitations and Announcements. We do the work artisti
cally, properly and as well as New York or Philadelphia.
Our reputation for high-class work is an established fact, and
is only equalled by our desire and ability to serve you quickly
and correctly. Samples sent promptly.
Vie Use Hurd's Papers Only. WE HAVE THE ONLY
Engraving Plant in the City.
R. E. Prendergast
Engraving:, Plate Printing:, Die Stamping:,
will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for
your kitchen, and will also save your wife
much of the drudgery of housekeeping.
Cooking with 6m v"
more convenient.
We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking
Ranges for $0.75 and up. This price Includes putting them In your
kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor.
How About Hot Water?
A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers
that question. We have them. Price connected, $10.
Fuel gas, gross $1.00 ; net
RntiHAc nnrl Hnt Lfatpr Hpaters nn pxhllllflnn at Our SBleS-
1 "", .7. V, ; . ." "
room, no. no wasningion rivenue.
Sctanton Gas
Malory Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
J We solicit your trade la
: Coal and
: Dirt PicksJ
: Shovels,
and Drag
I Bittenbender&E. ;
r ljc-izs t-ramuin Ave.
Don't Wait
We will not hare
as good an assort
ment later. We
have a lot of new and
choice patterna and
we have marked them
at prices that itisnre
their immediate sale.
John D. Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Ave.
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
- you purchase direct from the
Our line of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large and complete,
and embraces all the latest pat
terns. We guarantee all our
Umbrella Manufacturing: Co.
313 Spruce Street.
For Osteopathic Treatment
In Seranton, Consult
Dr. Herbert 1. rurman
JTcmarkable results In Chronic and
lingering Diseases. Consultation and
Jixamtnution jjtco. j.any assistants.
Both 'phones. Green Ridgo Sanitar
ium, 1530 N. AVashington ave., or City
Rooms, Carter Bldg, cor. Adams and
90 and 80 cents per thousand.
8c Water Co 1
and Burning
JMIfeb- "' aiilttir. j
f j .