The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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(Continued from Pobo 3-1
Bllnson', the "trlnh poet"! Sir Thomns
H. Stout, chief clerk to the city solici
tor arid whoso voice 1b often heard on
"tho , hustings." and tunny others
prominent In tho Boclnl, professional
and business life of the Quaker City.
The elective olllcers of St. Albnn
commnndery are: Eminent comman
der, E. Sir McOluney ftiitU'HKe, M. D.;
Kencrallsslino, Sir Martin V. B. Davis;
vcaptaln Renernl. Sir .1. Thomas Moore;
treasurer, E. Sir John 11. McFetrldge,
P. C; recorder, Sir James McOnrvey;
trustees, E. Sir Bobert P. Mustln, Jr.,
T. C Sir William E. Williamson, Sir
.William B. Carllle.
Among those In the St. Alban party
Dr. nnd Mrs, McCluney Batlcllffe,
Miss Sarah C. nndclllte, Mr. and Mrs.
M. V. B. Davis, Mr. and .Mrs. J.
Thomas Moore, Mr. and Mrs. It. P.
Mustln, jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilkin
son, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Carllle,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carllle, Mr. and
Mrs. John B. MeFotridge, Dr. and
Mrs. Albert S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Oreoge A. Maxwell, Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas J. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel' Abel, Miss Ethel Blvard, Mr. and
Mrs. William E. Heritage. Mr. and
Mrs.. John L. Mather, Mr. and Mrs. S.
B. MacDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B.
Pferschlng, Mls3 Nellie Pferschlng, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Lengel, Mr. nnd Mrs.
layman M. Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Klerr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. George Stlnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Horace A. Beeves, Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. C. V.
Blsley, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Pelton, Mr.
nnd Mrs. George C. Courtrlght, Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan E. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Naylor Elnwechter, Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Bender, Mrs. William
Christy, Mrs. McPherson.
Dr. Joseph C. Egbert, Henry W.
Smith, George W. Hall, Prof. A. G. C.
Smith, H. M.' Brown, Samuel B. Fos
ter, B. V. Blvard, W. C. Nlukum, Al-fied.-S.
Lewis, John W. Hlbbert, Harry
H. Tussey, Alexander Dow, Bobert
r.itrlck, Charle3 Schaefer, Frank W.
Casscdy, Thomas F. Simmons, L.
Frank Stearns, Bobert Harper, James
K. Logue, James H. Glenn, J. Clark
Wood, W. Cooper.
The commnndery has Its headquar
ters at the Jermyn, where it gave a
brilliant reception last night.
Kensington No 54.
Kensington commandery, No. 54, of
Philadelphia, arrived at 4.30 o'clock v.
in. over the Delaware and Hudson road.
Like the other PhlladelDhla command
erics it had a bier delegation, including
mnny ladies. On the way hither the
party enjoyed a ride over the "Swltch
naek" at Mauch Chunk and a dinner on
top of Summit Hill.
Below is a list of the members of
Kensington commandery participating
In the Scranton conclave; also a list of
ladies accompanying them: E. Sir
George F. Powell, eminent commander,
,and Mrs. Powell, Sir Walter t,. Yerkes,
generalissimo, nnd Mrs. Yerkes, Sir
Henry H. Brown, captain general, E.
Sir Stephen C. Fraley, P. C, treasurer,
pud Mrs.-Fraley, E. Sir John F. Rail;
P. C, recorder, Miss Grace B. Rau and
iMIss Elizabeth H. Rau, E. Sir J. George
Brueckmann, P. C, E. Sir Frederick G.
Mauror, P. C, and Mrs. Maurer, E. Sir
William Rowen, P. C, and Mrs. Rowen,
Sir Lewis T. Matlack and Mis. Matlack,
Sir George Melsle and Mrs. Mclsle, Sir
J. Albert Spanagle and Mrs. Spanagle,
jSIr William W. S. Leldy and Mrs. Leidy,
Sir Thomas D. Brown, Mrs. Brown nnd
Miss Alice E. Brown, Sir C. Wesley
Ruffel and Mrs. RufCel, Dr. R. Nell and
Mrs. Nell, Sir Robert Werner and Mrs.
Werner. Sir Doncetso Felix nnd Mrs.
Felix, Sir Knights Frank Cox, James
Glvens, George A. Bllyeu, Joseph G.
Haines, John A. Merrltt, Henry C. Mer
rltt, Russell Spence, Joseph H. Ralner,
Franz G. B. Falk, Charles W. Stigale,
Ben T. Welch, John D. Batteau, Jncob
M. Crouthamal, Frederick Craemer,
Louis Hack, Frederick W. Reese, Philip
. iietze, jolin Schuebol, Dr. Norman
B. Tuttle, Dr. William J. McNauIl and
Mrs. McNaulI, Mrs. William K. Helm
pold, Mls.s Sadie Shlsslcr, Mrs. Margaret
Rau, Miss Sadie Rau and Mrs. Maglll.
Sheir henddunrters Is at tho Lacka
wunna Valley house. The Dunmore
1)jnd will accompany the commandery
In the parade.
Kensington commandery now num
bers 175 members. In Its membership
pjre three members of the board of edu
cation, the dean of tho medical staff
pjf the Masonic home, and two man
agers of the Masonic home, also the
president of the Neafle and Levy Ship
building company.
; A well organized Ladies' auxiliary ac
companies the commandery. One of the
past commanders, who was formerly
the grand prelate of the grand com
mandery of Pennsylvania, now holds
the place of grand prelate In the grand
commanuery of Massachusetts 'and
S. II., Harrlsburg, nnd thirty-third de
gree Mnson, member of the Supreme
council of the Northern Masonic Juris
diction, U. S. A.
Owen M. Copclln, thirty-third degree,
Hnrrlsbnrg, Pa., wim eminent com
mander Pilgrim commnndery, No. 11,
Knights Templar, Harrlsbiirg, Pa., In
1894; worshipful muster, Robert Burns
lodge, No. 464, Hnrrlsburg, 1895; most
eminent high priest Perseverance chap
ter, No. 21, It. A. M Harrtsburg, 1899;
Illustrious commnnder-ln-chlef, Harris
burg consistory, A. A. S. It., Harris
burg, 1898-99-1900; division commander,
Division No. 10, Clrnnd commandery,
Knights Templar, of Pennsylvania,
1S!)7-9S; grand marshal, Grand com
mnndery, Knights Tcmplnr, of Penn-
Eminent Commander of Pllgilm Com
mandery of Hnirlsburg.
sylvnnln, 1897, and thirty-third degree
Mason, member of the Supreme council
of the Northern Masonic jurisdiction,
U. S. A., 1901.
Edgar A. Tennis, thirty-second de
gree, A. A S. R., of Harrlsburg, Pu., Is
the present right worshipful grand
master of Free and Accepted Masons of
Pennsylvania. He Is also past eminent
commander of Pilgrim commnndery,
No. 11, Knights Templar, Harrlsburg;
past master, Lamberton lodge. No. 071,
Thompsontown, Pa.; past high priest,
Perseverance chapter, No. 21, R. A. M.,
Harrlsburg, and past grand high priest,
Grand Holy R. A. chapter, of Pennsyl
vania. Michael William Jacobs, a leading
member of the Dauphin county bar,
Harrlsburg, Pa., Is a past eminent com
mander, Pilgrim commandery; past
master, Robert Burns lodge, No. 464:
past high priest, Perseverance chapter,
No. 21, R. A. M.j past grand high
priest, Grand Holy R. A. chanter, of
Pennsylvania: past T. I. G. master,
Harrlsburg council, No. 7, R. and S. M
Harrlsburg, Pa.
E. Sir Hairv B. Walter was made a
Mason July 19, 1SS8. He was woishlp
ful master, Robert Burns lodge. No. 464,
P. and A. M., 1S95; and Is a member of
Perseverance chapter, No. 21, R. A. 51.,
nnd Harrlsburg consistory, thirty-second
degiee, A. A. S. R. He Is nt pres
ent also eminent commander of Pllgilm
commandery, No. 11, Knights Templar,
The officers of Pilgrim commandery
Sir Knight Hairy B. Walter, eminent
commander; Sir Knight George A. Hut
man, generalissimo; Sir Knight Samuel
N. Miller, captain general; Sir Knight
Alexander W. Bergstresser, recorder;
E, Sir Knight William L. Gorgas, treas
urer. E. Sir Knight Arthur D. Bacon, prel
ate; E. Sir Knight Jacob P. Barringer,
alternate; Sir Knight Lewis E. Beltler,
senior win den; Sir Knight Alfred J.
Felght, alternate; Sir Knight Lewis L.
Banks, junior warden; Sir Knight
George Roberts, alternate; Sir Knight
Harry S. Kelley, standard-bearer: Sir
Knight John W. Smith, color-bearer;
Sir Knight C. Lyman Meixel, sword
bearer; Sir Knight William E. Brod
beck, warder: Sir Knight Abraham C.
Miller, captain of guard; Sir Knight
Charles Giesklng, second guard; Sir
Knight How aid M. Biid, third guard;
Sir Knight David P. Jauss, sentinel; Sir
Knight Harry C. Harper, organist.
Hugh de Payens, No. 19, of Easton.
Kaslon's commandery. Hugh de Pay
ens, No. 19, arrived at 4.30 p. m. yester
day over the Delaware and Hudson,
accompanied by the Easton band. Theie
were seventy Knights In the party, as
Past Grand Commander Samuel S.
Yohe, Division Commander William S.
Sample, Eminent Commander Titus A.
Stelner, Generalissimo C. W. Bixler,
Captain General Zacharlah Taylor, Re
corder George S. Slegert, Past Com
innndeis P. C. Evans, R. H. Lerch,
George E. Sciple, Henry Weidnecht,
Jumes R, Zearfoss and Sirs J. E. Abel,
E. H. Ashton, A. R. Brlttaln, J. E.
Brodhead, W. H. Bodine, George M.
Bebler, L. T. Bell, E. A. Berkey, L. V.
Bixler, John B. Case, David Clark, F.
D, Correll, Amos Dinkey, Wayne Du
mont, Morton Decker, Charles J. Flts
gorald, William B. Gibson. Constnntlne
Geislnger, W. M. Helberger, William
Rhode Talnml. Tho ,.mm,,.w.. i,.. I ,JUU,U "vuev, .ii, u. nuiser. v. K.
mii n, i,nn i V, . Howell, Duvld Johnson, Hiram W.
George W. Kendrlck. jr.. P. G. C. and I Jvl8Ve. FVilrd r nauss, William
now Senior warden of the grand lodge ' l:!"aC,0mC; ?rs E" e1"
ot Pennsylvania, and R. E. Sir Adam l' IfZ', V!'" . J1, r T T! ?' R
H, Schmehl, P G C Miller, L, c. Mlchler, E. E. Nagle, Lewis
!?niinwinn. n-1 v,'Q 'm,o x.-, Plttetiger, J. P. Pursell, George William
w..w,,.,.B ..... v,.u uiiucin i,t jciimiiL:-
' Kenslnc
ton commandery: Eminent commander,
K. Sir George F. Powell; generalissimo,
Sir Walter L. Yerkes; captain general,
Sir Henry H. Brown; treasurer, E. Fir
Stephen C. Fraley, P. C; recorder, E.
Sir John F. Rau, P. C; trustees, E. Sir
Mathlas Seddlngcr, P. C, Sir Frank
Cox, Sir William Beal.
Pilgrim, No, II, of Harrlsburg.
w Hnlf a hundred knights nnd ten ladles
Joined In the pilgrimage of Pilgrim
commandery, No, U, of Harrlsburg.
They enrno In special Pullmans, over
tho Pennsylvania nnd Delawaro and
Hudson, arriving at 5.24 yesterday af
ternoon. They are making their head
quarters in the Pullmuns, which are
aldetracked on a convenient switch,
Their general headquarters, however,
are at Hotel Jermyn, In fiont of which
their street banner was Hung yestcr
'day at noon,
Among tho Pilgrims are mnny noted
MaBons. Eminent Sir William M. Don
aldson, grand Junior warden, Is a past
eminent commander of Pllsrlm com
mandery bnil tho present division com
tnander of the division of which Hur
jlsburg In a part.
Right' Eminent Sir John Vallerchamp,
thirty-third degree, Is a past ginnd
cotpmander of the Grand commandery,
Knights Templar, of Pennsylvania; past
eminent commander of Pilgrim com
mandery, No. 11, Knights Templar,
Harrlsburg, Pa.; past high priest Per
severance chapter. No, 21, R. A. M.,
Harrlsburg; past T, I. a. master, Har
rlsburg council. No. 7. R. and S. M..
Harrlsburg; past Illustrious commander
Rlegel, James T. Rayner, William M.
bempie, E. H. Shawde, R. F. Schwarz,
J. P. Speer, William E. Trewln, Andrew
S. I'Mor, William Werner, Harry
The commandery Is located at the
Coyne houpe.
The conclave committee which ar
ranged the pilgrimage to Scianton la
composed of Titus A. Stelner, chair
man; Zacharlnh Taylor, treasurer;
Geotge S. Slegert, secretary; William
H. King, C Willis Bixler, William E.
Howell, James It, JSearfoss, Edward E.
R. E. Sir Samuel S. Yohe has charge
of the drills and of the commandery
In parade.
Alien, No, 20, Allentown,
Allen commandery, No. 20, stationed
at Allentown, ai rived yesterday after
noon at 4.30 over the Delaware and
Hudson, accompanied by ihe Allen
town band f forty pieces, its head
quarteis ate at the Lackawunna Val
ley house.
Those In .the Allentown party are;
E. Sir Piank W, Marteuls and wife,
E, Sir David S. .Bachman and wife,
E. Sir William T, Schlechter and wife,
E. Sir Henry O, Wagner and wife, Sir
aeorge Bear and wife, Sir Luther
Campbell and wife, Sir Allen II. Cress,
man and wife, Sir George Deaufer and
wife, Sir David Grlesemer and wife,
Sir Edward Knlsely and wife, Sir Wil
liam P, Moyer and wife, Sir John S.
Mack and wife, Sir Frank B. Mauser
and wife, Sir Benjamin Nudlng and
Wife. Sir Georcre T. Oolincer nnd wlfo
In chief, Harrlsburg consistory, A. A. Sir John E. Shaffer and wife, sir John
TrltBchter and wife, Sir Frederick W,
Ulrlch and wife, Sir Charles W. Welf
ertas and wife, Sir William A. Weld
ncr and wife.,
Sir Robert J, Beltct, Sir Thomas J.
Fret, Sir Alfred P.'Laubach, Sir Dan
iel Mnger, Sir William H, ReUtahelmer,
Sir William A. Smith, Sir Harry F.
Smith, Sir William A, Welsel. Sir Row
land T. Davles, Sir Alfred L. Belchen
bach. Mrs. Victor Barner, MIbs Elsie
Reading, No, 42, of Reading,
The Reading commandery, No. 42,
Knights Templar, of Reading, Pa., Is
the strongest ni well as one of the
most popular 'commanderles In the
state, outside of Philadelphia and
Pittsburg. It attends all state and
triennial conclaves, and Its appearance
In lino of parade Is always favorubly
commented upon. The commandery Is
accompanied to the conclnvc by the
full Ringgold band.
Reading commandery was organized
Sept. 14, 1871, with seven charter mem
bers. Its growth has been phenom
enal, as Its present membership is 355.
Its capital H $13,500. .
The present officers are: William A.
Schmidt, eminent communder; Charles
S. Pons, generalissimo; John M. Goas,
captain general, Lewis Dauth, treas
urer; John B. Rennlnger, recorder.
Among tho prominent Templars In
the membership are: Past Grand
rommander Adam II. Schmehl, Divis
ion Commander Henry L. Sartorlus,
District Deputy arand Master Joseph
AV. Day, ex-Mayor Thomas P. Merrltt,
a member of finance committee of the
grand commandery, ex-Mayor W. F.
Slmnnman, ex-Congressman S. E. An
conn, ex-Senator E. H. Shearer, John
B. Rennlnger, treasurer of the Rend
ing school district; Fred P. Heller,
wnter commissioner; Hon. S. B. Kep
pel, Oscar B. Wetherhold, Pi of.
1 ,
Continued on Pago 10.
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Its component parts urc all wholesome.
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It contains the laxative principles of plants.
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To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
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San Fr&nclsco, Cal.
Louisville, Ky. New York. N. Y.
ft H"r ? i p "
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There'll Be Something
Doing at Samter Bros.'
The History of This Great
tore Contains No Record
of Such Clothing Values
WHY ? We will give you the facts of the whole transaction if you'll
read, mark, learn and inwardly digest what we have to say about these excep
tional values.
Mi fi" g
m a
71 o
t I &
to a:
We .selected the cloth patterns from samples
submitted direct from the cloth mills. We ordered
our tailors to put in the same trimmings and work
manship as we have in our $15.00 suits. Our or
der has been carried out to the letter. They have
arrived and plenty of them. Starting' in Tuesday
morning we will sell them $10.00 a Suit.
t .r"..;i'iw
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A $1' g
a ro ZZ
' eenmin m
JM U. lt J
seldom occurs, especially in the middle of the busy
season. Perhaps you wonder why we do it. The
opportunity came to us through a prominent cloth
mill. They decided to run their looms a month
ll longer than usual on summer patterns. j We made
them an offer and got the cloth our tailors did
the rest.
THE CLOTH PATTERNS include those stylish green and
r- brown mixtures. You've probably noticed them on the well dressed men
this season.
Wti Vti AILI tilMUUUn, and what we have said ought
to convince you of this exceptional suit opportunity. If you want
further proof come here TODAY. You'll find it in these suits at , . . . .
Samter Brothers,
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Complete Outfitters.
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