-' 'K ",-ft"'?TTTt "7! W I 10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1902. i RoVal Baking Powder Made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar. Safeguards the food against alum am tuina roii eo., ieo wiumm it imtui THE MARKETS I . Wall Street Review. Now York, May 8. Thcro was rntlicr nioio activity In tho market today than during tho latter part of. last week, but It was at tho expense of values of standard stocks. Thcro woro soma specialties which mado striking advances, which would linvo served as n sustaining Influ enco under oidlnary conditions. Neither was thcro any bad nows to account for the selling. Thcro seemed to bo a largo epoculatlvo lino of St. Paul, Union Paci fic and less amounts of various other stocks which wcro urgently pressed for 6ale. Tho only Immediate news of a de pressing character wns tho spread of tho coal mining labor troublo Into aomo por tions of tho soft coal Held in Virginia und ,Vcst Virginia. The coalers themselves, however, weto Ilttlo affected. The ap. parent appioach of peace In South Africa was an lnsphlng influence on foreign maikcts but seemed to bo disregarded hero. Canadian Pacific continued its rc markublo advance, which gave rlso to rumors of something like a struggle for control between tho present dominant northern securities group. There wcro a few minor points of strength among tho railroads. Kutland prof ei red scoied a nlnc-polnt recovery on light transactions. Among tho Industrials, which were as Ir regular as tho railroads. Pressed Steel Car was conspicuous for a rlso of nearly live points without explanation. The mar ket closed qulto active and irregular but with many prominent stocks at about the lowest. Total sales today, 513,200 shares. Tho bond market was rather dull und ir regular. Total sales, par value, $2,01j,000. United States bonds wcio ull unchanged on tho last call. Tho following quotations aro furnished The Tiibuno by Haight & Frceso Co , 311- 315 Mears building. W. D. Runyon, raiin- Open.lllgh.Ijow.CIoso ager. Amal. Conner 71 Am. C. & F 31',l American lee IS Am. Locomntlvo .... 32 Am. Loco.. Pr DVi Am. S. & R. Co 10'& American Sugar ....ll'S's Anaconda Copper ..ilWVa Atchison S0V4 Atchison, Pr OS',!. Bait. & Ohio m Brook. R. T liSVi Canadian Pacific ....13Si Chcs. & Ohio 4GVi Chicago & Alton .... 38 Chic. & G. W 29,i C, M. & St. P 171 C, R. I. & P 17J Col. Fuel & Iron 10H& Col. & Southern .... 31 Vi Del. & Mud 176 Krio 31 Eric, 1st Pr 7'4 Eile, 2d Pr 51',i Hocking Valley S3 Illinois Central 154 Kan. City & South.. 33',& Louis. & Nash 140 Manhattan 132?g JUet. Street Ry ir,0 Mexican Central .... 273a Mo. K an. & Tex.... 2i',V4 Mo. K. & T., Pr .... 5,Vi MIsouri Pacific 100VG IV. Y. Central 157'A Norfolk & Western.. GG)& Ont. & "West 32 Penna. R. R 140 People's Gas 102?a Prescd Steel Car .... 4.T)i Reading C!"j Reading. 1st Pr 8.! Reading, 2d Pr fiSi Republic Steel I7ci Republic Steel. Pr... 74'g Southern Pacific .... Ci Southern R. R 37 Southern R. R.. Pr.. 9o Tenn. Coal & Iron.. B5'i Texns & Pacific .... 41 Union Pacific 10T Union Pacific, Pr.,., S7'& IT. S. Leather 13 IT. s. Leather, Pr.,., SVk V. S. Steel 40 IT. S. Steel, Pr OOVi Wabash 27'i Wabash, Pr 4i Western Union 003i W. & L. E 12Tft Wisconsin Central .. 27?i 71 3l!a WVi 32H m 49'!a VVt 11716 S04 fl3'j lOli?! SVi 111 40V6 3S 29i 171 172V4 lOlig 31Vi 17ii 3Ts B7U R3 r.i'i 140 13.1 i:o 27 2i r.Gi 100 ir.7 6Gft 32 149 102 SOU 112 ',& S3 6Vt 17i 74 fiT. 37 fl-.'i C"i4 41U 10.'. SlVj 13 81 40 00 17 4IU 004 00 31 IS 31 93 4S I2R4 117 70 9S',4 10ri 07 137 4G'4 37?4 28 109 H4 99V6 30 '4 170 3b 67 51 8214 IBS 33VS 1381s 132 14S 27 2H 55V4 99'S 150 COW 32 149 IOIVi 454, 61 2 US 17& 14 fil'4 3U,& 81 40 10414 S7 13 Si's 40 90 2i;iA 43 9014 21 27 70 31 18',i 32 91 49 128 117 70 OS',4 100i 67 140 4GV4 38 iS 170 171 100 30 176 30 07 51 82 131 (!3'4 139 132 148 27 26 bY 100 150 60 32 149 101 50 61 S2, GS 17 74 01 .10 !'.. 01 41 104 87 13 84 40 80 43 9J 21 27 CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close, liny 4j' 7.1a: September 72 72 CORN. July 02 C5 September 60 co . OATS. 7 'July 35 3.-14 September 29 9 PORK. 'July 17.00 17.00 September 17,10 17,12 LARD. 'July 10.3s 10.20 September 10.17 10.17 RIBS. Jl; 9 57 n.57 9.52 9.5.7 September 9.00 n.GO 9,53 9.57 NUW YORK COTTON MARKKT, x , Open. High. Low. Closo. July'.., 899 8.09 8.92 8.92 August 8.1,7 8.67 8.0-1 h.61 September .,..,.. Koo sos s or. s.o:. October 7.01 7,pj 7,51 79l 'i3 72 C2 CO 35 L-J IS 92 17.07 10.10 10.10 7M 72 03 C0 29i 10.97 17.10 10.10 10.10 FINANCIAL Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2X & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. Scranton Board of Trado Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based . on Far of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dalrv Co.. Pr. County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 300 l'lrst Nat. Bank (Curuondaic). Tlilid National Bank Dlmo Dcp. & Dls. Bank Economy L II. & P. Co First National Bank Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co,.. Clark & Snovcr Co., Pr Scranton Savings Bank Traders' National Bunk Scranton Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank BONDS. Scranton Packing Co Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, due 1920 Pconlo'n Street Rallwnv. first mortgage, duo 1918 115 reopic's street Rnliway, uen- cral mortgage, duo 1921 Scranton Trac. Co., 6 per cent. Economy L., H. & P. Co N. Jersey & Pocono lee Co.... Consolidated Wnter Supply Co Bld.Asked M) 300 ... 000 TmO 300 10 1300 IN ... 12.'. 10 2.'5 123 133 ... 115 IIS 115 97 97 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour-$4.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 25c; fiesn dairy, 24c. Cheese I3a13c. Eggs Nearby, 18c: western, 17c. Marrow Beans Per bushel. $2.33a2.40. Green Peas Per bushel, $2.25. Potatoes Per bushel. 80c. Onions Bermudas, J2.00 per crate. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, May 26. Wheat Firm, c. higher; contract grade. May, 81aS5c. Corn Firm. c. higher; No. 2 mixed May, 67aG7 Oats Steadv; No. 2 Whlto clipped, 51c. Flour Dull and weak; win ter super, J2 85a3.10; do. extras. J3.10a3.30; Pennsylvania roller clear, $3.40a3.6-V, do. do. straight, $3.70a3.90; western winter clear. $3 50a3.7.; do. do. straight, $3.7."a4; do. do. patent. J4al.23; spring clear, $,1.30a 3ri0; do. straight, J3.05a3.03; do. patent, J4a 4.20; do. favorite brands, $4.23a4 35; city mills, extra. J3.10a3.30; do. clear, J3.40a3.75; do. straight, $3.75a4; do. patent, $4s4 35. Rvo Flour Unchanged. Butter Firm; good demand; extra western creamery, 22e.; do. nearby prints. 23c. Eggs Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, 17c; do. west ern, 17e.; do. southwestern, 17c; do. southern, 10c. Cheese Easier; New York full creams, prime small, new, 12c; do. do. do. fair to good, llal2c. Refined Sugars Steadv. fair demand. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow Firm, fair demand; city prime. In tierces, 7a7c; country do. do., barrels, 6a7c; do. dark, 6a0c; FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday from 7.30 to S.30. evenings BOOD Y jMcLELL AN & CO. BANKERS, , , l'o 87 fyoMwuy, New York CUy.. UCUBKIIS NEW YORK STOCK ,EXCHANfE. gTOCKS.UONDSnnd INVESTMENTS 1 QBDBRS EXECUTED . FOH INVESTMENT ORON MARGIN MAKE MOKE HONEY, Iiyo'ur Income iUfflclentT If not, and you re unilou to Incremie It, write me. lUtlng wbutmount yon can Invest, II oolylio, and 1 will write you u Utter of advice Pr. For yearl have done nothing except study In vet jueitU. IKuowi caiiluoremuyourlucomeby jiolnllug out silo luvustiutfuti, bltherta nu. known. ANURBW L. BUSH. lavMtment Broker. Baak kleo. fcpflaf Held, Mam THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ ,60 n share. in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES MINING GO 1202 Orozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. S, J, Fuhrman & Bro Manufacturer! ot Store and Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller for Awnings a Specialty 328 lacUiuia ire., Scraetoa, Pi 1 cukcg, 7Ma7Wo., Ltvo Poultry-Dull und lower; fowl, 13e.j, old roosters, KctaprlnK rhlckens, 23n30e. dtieks, lOnllc. Drossed Poultry Quiet, fowls lower) fowls, cholco western, lSMc: do. do. . southern nnd southwestern, 13c. i no. fnlr tn irood. 12a 12'4e.i old roosters, a&nDe.i fresh killed broilers nearby, 30n35c.i do. do. western, :'5n30cM frozen poultry, fowls, llaUc.i broilers nenrby, S2a28c; western do., 16a J!c: rousting chickens, Hul."c.i turkeys, W aMc.i duckn, 13niee. Itccelpts t'Mour, 800 barrels nnd 1,915,000 pounds tn sacks', wheat, 103,000 bushels: corn, 3,onu bttHhels; ontn, 8,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 21. rooiiuehcls; corn, 3,000 miBhcls; oats, 12,000 bushels. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, May 2. Flour Steadier nnd moro nctlve. wheat Spot firm: No. 2 red, R"5ic. elovator: No, 2 red, S9Wc. f. o. b. nllonti No. 1 northern Duluth, S2?ic. f .- o. b.'nlloat! wheat wns Htm nil day ex cept for a brief dcrllno nt tho ononlntr. Tho close was firm at rtlt net auvnucoi May closed SOVSc! .Tilly, 7r)ic.i Scptcmbor, "S'ic: Do ember, 70r,ftc. Corn Spot firm! No. 2, 719c. clovntnr nnd 71tic. f. o. b. afloat: corn was Bcnorally firm nnd nd vnnced actively nil day closing lHc. net higher; May closed 71c; July, uscj Sep tember, CiVic: December, RH4c. Oats Spot Htently; No. 2. 4."U,4a4Gc. ; No. 3, 4Ja4r.Vic; No, 2 white. filHa! No. 3 white, 50c; track mlxjil wcMtern, 47n4Sc; track whlto, fiOa We: options Bcnernlly llrm, but quiet, fol lowing com, nutter Firmer; creamery, 2n.i22e.; factory, 17a1!)'ic: renovated, lsa 20lo. i Imitation creamery. 18a20Hc; stnto dairy, lS'4n22c. Cheese Weak and lowpr; new state full cream, small colored, choice. lOVic.t white. lOc; lorjro colored and white. 10c. Kms Strong; Hlato and Pennnvlvnnln, 171alSe.; western storago packed, I7nl9c.; southern, llalSc. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, May 2C Bullish statistics, es pecially big decreases in local stocks Rnd continued small iccelpts, gavn bull traders good buying InccntiveH today and fair gains were made in grain prices. July wheat closed '4ac. up, July corn 4ac. higher nnd July oata unchanged. Provis ions wcro weak and closed "14 to 10c. lower. Cash notations woro as follows: Flour Steady; No. 2 spring wheat. ; 41n4c: No. 2 whlto. 44Va4V4c.;q No. 3 No. 3, 7.1Uc: No. 2 red, Stc; No. 2 onts, white, 4laH3Jc.; No. 2 rye, M)c: good feed ing barley, fair to cholco matting, 70a72c; No. 1 flaxseed, $1.".0; No. 1 northwestern, J1.7tl: nrlme tlmothv sped. ilt.30;LR.3.: mpss pork, per bat rel, tlfi.90alfi.!i"; Jnrd, per 100 pounds. $I010al0.l2V4; short ilbn. sides, loose, J9.60afl.7O: dry salted shoulders, Sa S'.ic; short clear sides, $10.10al0.20. i Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo. May 2i. Cattle Receipts, 3,r.0O; good, 10.113c. higher; common steady, I)i Imp, htecrs. S7.iria7.2Ti; cholco 1,2'K) to 1,400 pounds, $(i.;7: fnl ito good, SK.Wa ti.M; choice 1,0000 to 1.300 pounds, SS.2Sail.C0; fair to good. STi.S0.ir,.lO: cholco heifers, Si!n G.2."; fnlr to good, $3a5.7,V. common light to iiur, u.muh.i.i; nest rat cows, fri.wa5.7fi; fair to good. $4.2.ia5; cunners and rommon, S2.23a3; export hulls, STi.2Tian.S0; butchers' bulls, STa5.25; stockcis, S4a4.73; fresh cows, $2a3 per head lower; npilngers steady; choice SSOaijO; fair to good, SJ5a43; stock crs and feeders, strong: choice feeding steers, ?3a3.23; choice stockcrs, JinOal.Ki; stock heifers, $3.23;i. Veals Itecelpts, l.fiOO; strong; tops, S7a7.2."; fair to good. $6 nG50; common to light. $3a5.7T. Hogs Re ceipts. 18,700: York weights, loaluc. lower; others steady; heavy. S7.30a7.lo; mixed, S7.20d7.3O; roughs, SliiSOaGOO: stags, S3.2r,a 5.73. Sheep and Thumbs Receipts, 20,600; slow and dull:. tops, Inmb.s, J80n7; fair to good. Jfi30afi.73: culls and common. $4a3.r.0; yearlings, $3.75aC; sheep, mixed tops, S3a nwi; fnlr to good, $4.50a3; culls and com mon, S2.S0a4. The Offer Drawing to a Close Doctor Churchman Byers' Pledge Made Good to the People Pursuant to His Promise Made List Week He Inaugurates the First Month of His Practice In Scranton with the Lowest Pee Ever Given All Persons Applying Before June 1 Will Be Treated for $ip Until Cured, Medicines Included This Does Not Mean $10 a Month, but $10 for a Complete Cure No Further Charge Will Be Made All Cases Accepted Un der a Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money ltefunded A Startling List of Cures. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. May 26. Cattle-Receipts. 21. 000, Including 1,000 Texans; lOalRc. lower; good to prime steers, S7a7.t,0; poor to me dium, S4.90afi.75; stockcrs and feeders, S2.G0 115.23; cows, SI Mac; heifers, S.'.50aU.2'i; canners. Sl.30a2.50; bulls, S2 50a5.fi0; calves, S2aU.75; Texas fed steers., ST.40at! 50. Hogs Receipts today, 40,000; tomorrow, 22,000; left ovpr, 7,500; slow, lO.-USc. lower; mixed and butchers, $(SS0a7.10; good to cholco heavy, $7a7.l5; rough heavy, SS.BOafiS'i; light, l!5OaG.00; bulk of sales, S6.80a7.03. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; sheep, steady to stiong for good lambs; steady to 2'ic. higher; good to cholco wethers, S3.55a6 33; western sheep, S5.25nC30: native lambs, clipped, $3a(!.75: western lambs, S2.25a6.73; spilng lambs, S7.40. East Liberty Live Stock. liast Liberty, May 2fl. Cattle Higher; choice, SG.TiOaGfO; good, SGafi.73. Hogs Lower; prime heavy hogb, S7.23a7.30; best mediums, S7a7.03: heavy Yorkers, S6 90a G.flT.; light do. SG.7."la S3; pigs, $t.G0ai 70; roughs. S5a6.73. Sheep Lower; prlmo wethers. ?3a3.10: culls and common, $2a3; choice lambs, S6.30aG.63; veal calves. J7a 7.50. Oil Market. Oil City. May 26. Credit balances, 120; certificates, no bid or offers; shipments, 220,719 barrels; average, 102.093 barrels; rns, 106,793 barrels; avciage, 77,i-'3 barrels. When Doctor DjTni nUlilhlicd lil prucllre In furnntcm lie told the people that lie uonld In troduce method of ctirlnir tlitm of which Ihry were unlnformrd. He told the people that he came with n cleirly dcHncd purpose, to show liy the results in hln own prnetlec under Ms penonil c"ure and attention the wonderful aliie ol the lalet illcoverles In nieillclne when properly ap plied, and of tho marvelous results nf Ills treat ment for nil Chronic DLseasi'. lie did not aalc the people to takn him on faith. He told tlicm that until Mnv It ho would tieat all uhn came to hi offices absolutely free. He ncreecl not only to doctor the lck, lint to supply llifin with merllolne without cost as well. How well Doc tor Dyers lias kept his promise the peopla of Hiranton can tell. EIrIiI hundred of our .nost Intelligent people lme United him, liaic con sulted wllh him In person, hale rerclied the nerded counsel and inertklne, and nier 300 alek people hair already been cured or much benefited. The cond he was dolns: had no spread among tho people that toward the last the majority of those who consulted him did i" without regard to tho free offer, and enly sought his aid I ccauso they were Hire they would reecho whit thev re. qulied In the way of a cure, but he kept his promise lo the letter, and not one cent was ac cepted, although iaige fees were offcicd in score of cases. The news of the way ho had kent his prom ise to tho public, the new of the fact that ho absolutely refused to rccelie n tent from any one, had spread like wildfire, and the throngs toward the last were so (treat that had lie been twenty doctors instead of-only one doctor, he could not haie cared for them. Doctor Bcr would like to treat every sick person in Scranton absolutely free, but eien (I he were a millionaire a hundred times over and rnuld afford to do this, the crowds that throned his office during Ihc past few days have shown the impossibility of it. While he cannot treat all free forever, he can, howeier, do one thing, and that lie will do; that is this: He will guarantee to treat all per sons applying at liia office before June 1 for the nominal sum of $10 until cured. That is, $10 covers the entire cost for a cure, and no fur ther fee will be asked. He furthermore agrees, that if the person is not entirely cured in a reasonable length of time to refund the amount paid without any quib bling or evasion. It has always been the principle of his life never to keep a fee unless the patient was cured. Doctor Byers wishes to make it emphatic that this offer qxpires on the 31st day of this month, and in order to get the benefit of it treat ment must be commenced on or be fore that date. DISEASE OF BOWELS' Mrs. Barbara Dickson, Parker street, Providence: 1 had chronic diarrhoea, for fourteen lears, which caiued violent bearing down and dragging pains in my abdomen and loins. My bowels were often moied a high a ecveii times In ono day. Tho straining finally brought about seierc protruding piles. Tliae lauded me much misery. When t went to Doc tor lljers' office 1 was so weak from my suffer ing that I could hardly diag myself along. The first treatment be gave me droie all the palm out of my hips und legs. My bowels 'now move regularly once n day, and the piles hale ceased troubling me. flod bles the good Quaker doctor for what be has done for me. WHAT YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS SAY Head bejow the- ((alimony of your frlpnds and neighbors. They tel! the story ot Doctor Dyers' treatment. II in not necessj'ry 14 inako Siny com ment upon this te3timonv7v,go and see them, investigate for youraelf. Doctor Byers cures be cause his treatment is based upon scientific prin ciples. He cures because he is endowed by Na ture with the Power of Healing:. He cures be cause be, has discoiered that nil diseases are due to a disorganization of cell life, and by applying tho proper remedies to restore the cell life to its natural functions, health is the result. 1 ' 'llUBfitiilliMfiBifiBiiiifiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH ;?7axiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r ijmti zi"4 :t' .&-. -m,-?m-m$&A rSlffsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfB' v;,HiiifisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi'. '':r- wmSfBKlKKKfKem HVi Ait f t T V-if Wmm Doctor Byers was born of Quaker parentage and received his early education under the influence of that religious denomination. He graduated with honor from the Jefferson Medical College of Phila delphia, 1872. Matriculate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Full course attendance Pennsyl vania Hospital for Acute and Sur gical Diseases. DR. BYERS' RECORD Pull coursV" attendance Blockley Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clin ics Diseases of the Throat. Late Examining Physician Knights Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid Association of Cincinnati, ' O.'' ' . late Examining Physician Mutual Reserve Pund Life Association of New York. ASTHMA Mrs. A. C. Schang, Etna, Pa.: "I had been doubled wllh. .c-thnu for 12 jc.uk. During five Jf.irt, of thai time I did lint lie In bed on ."recount ot tho tenible EiirTocatiie cpclls that would come on eiery lime I assumed '4 recumbent position. I had to bit up oiery nlcdit gasping for breath. In addition to (no ilolent attacks of asthmi I was sick at my stomach nearly all the time with distressing bloating mid rifting after meals, inothcicd up sensation, flut tering of tho heart, dizziness, etc. "After triinc lainh for relief I finally sought 1 treatment from Dr. lticra, and as the lesult I sleep comfortably at nighf, and cheerfully rec ommend the treatment to any one suffering with this distressing complaint." . ST0MAGH""TRPUBLE, Mrs. Jane Splane, corner Larch stioel and Wyoming iiienuc: "I had been troubled with mv stomach for a good while. After citing I had such Moating spells it caused distress and smothered u sensations, dirzlness, ncriousm , and an all gone feeling. As a re suit of Doctor Bjers' tr-atment I am entirely fieo of these sjmptoms, and recommend the treat ment to my friends." NERVOUS TROUBLE Mrs. Peter Thomas, 488 Lareh slrerl: "Tho first treatment I receded from Doctor Dyers relieved me do much of the pain 'rem, which I had been suffering that I tlreato feel like a new woman. My nervous ayatcm hit become entirely broken down as the result ol these seiere agonising pains. I was weak; avery llllle noise startled me and I felt I waa fast b lomlng a nervous wreck. This good Quaker doc (or has placed me on (he road (o health, and I feel. certain hla treatment will restore my health completely." RESTORING LOST HEARING Mr. John Provines, Hanlon, P4 "I am ft! j ears of age, and scleral jcara ( my hearing began to fail me,, flr.-it In one ea? and then in the other. I had awful noises ii my head, and t tried to avoid my friends, lievei going to church or any other public place, as was made miserable because I could not hear; Pcoplo had to put their faces right up to mine and speak very loud to make mo. hear. Eierjr person discouraged me when I spoke ot trylnf to bo cured, and I had no hope until one day t read of Dr. tl.icrs, and the methods be used for' restoring lost hearing. Something told me that I ought to go to him, and three months ago I. went and placed myself under his care. It i with great pleasure I can now tell of tny recov ery. It wu only a month when suddenly I beard the noise of cars, wagons, everything, and) It seemed so loud it startled me; even the clock seemed to tick four times as loud a it should. Rlncc then I have improved, until now I am perr fectly well and can hear perfectly. I meet and converse with my friends, go to public meetings ana enjoy llfcf again. Any one who has a sim ilar affliction mLsscs a great opportunity if they fail to consult Dr. Dyers, the most successful specialist in this work." ' Diseases Due to Cell Disorganization The different tissues of the body are made up of minute cells, and when these cells beeom disarranged, disease is the result. By sup. pljing tho proper nutriment to the cells, perfect health can be obtained. All dis eases, no matter bow chronic, can b cured by bringing the cells back to their nor mal condition. The treatment used by Doctor Dyers is not allopathic or homeopathic. It Is fci treatment.based upon nn exact science and curat I Willi tno certainty ot a fixed law. FREE X-RAY EXAMINATION ' Doctor Byers never accepts a ease unless ha know to a certainty ttio cause of (he (rouble, and (his can only bo determined by a scientific X-Ray examination. His X-Riy outfit is the most claborale and complete in this country. By hi special Fluoroscopic attachment lie Is able to ex amine all part of the body and find out to an 'absolute certainty (lie cause of the patient's af fliction. Come and be examined; it is abso lutely free. He will not charge you one cent. Come and find out what jour trouble is and he will unMeo you in reference to a cure. It Is all' free. He asks no compensation. DOCTOR CHURCHMAN BYERS, PKRMANKXT OFFICES, (Entire Second Floor.) I 412 Spruce St,, Scranton Pa. Office Hours, 0 a. m. to 12; 2 p. . Kienings, 7 to 8 Dally. Sundiv, 10 a. in. to 12 m. Office Open Decoration Day. m. to 4. Lawyers The Tribune '-will guarantee to print your paper book quicker than any oth er printing house in the city. THE PLAIN FACTS ABOUT OUR BUSINESS THERE are always some persons.vho do not believe what is said in an advertisement, no matter how careful the advertiser may be to say absolutely nothing that would not stand the strictest investigation. This is because the reader does not take the trouble to find out just why a company like this, for instance, should make offers to the public which are such an advantage to them when compared with the offers made by its competitors. This is a new company started here in Scranton, We thought thut by doing away with several of .the more expensive and ciisuEieeaiuc leaiures or me ota-iasnioned concerns, we should bo able to lend money on household furniture at such moderate rates that even the very poorest people could easily afford to get a small loan to help them over some financial difficulty. ONEY TO LOAN ' ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THIS company asks for your patronage on the distinct understanding that our new methods give you a positive advantage. Every word here is absolutely true. You will notice that we do not print tricky sentences words which say one thing and really mean something else. Hero are the reasons uhy yoou should come here If you are In debt and need a loan If you want new clothes or any thing else and need ready cash to get them In order to keep up a good appearance beforo your friends. Thero can bo no publicity with this plan of ours. Even your own family need not know. Our expenses are Jess per loan, There fore, our terms can be more liberal, and are so, Tou pay in small, easy Instalments, whenever you can spare tho money easiest. Wo do not keep you waiting for the loan. $10 to $500 Loaned Within 25 Hiles of Our Offices. NEW PHONE No, 2636. R, O, BOXQ4, Scranton Loan Guaranty Company fill B Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock I PILSNER I ' j- No other security Is demanded hero except tho furniture. That means that you will not have to get some one to endorso papers for you. Our rates ato tho lowest In Lacka wanna county. Wo do not charge compound interest at all. We charge no Interest on tho paid-up principal. And tho furniture Is left with you, NEAR COR. SPRUCE ST. No. 207 Wyoming Avenue. SCRANTON, PA. 6 Oriental Rugs Host Pleasing, Host Lasting and Host Useful Articles for . . . Wedding Presents. Brewry, , 435 o 451 t. OCVCUlll i. Scranton! Pa. This Elegant Porch Chair I ONLY $1.30 Old "Phone, 3331. New 'Phone, 2p35. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. ' ' Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. FARMSHJH AllCEJCnlfffllfnii Delaware, Lackawanna and Westoru, .la KlTect Nor. S, 11)01. Trains leave Scranton lor lcw 'ioru At MO, 8.1S, O.Uo, 7.60 and lO.M a. m.; l.'.ti. SAO, a Si p. m. Kor New Vork and 1'hlladelplila 7.60, 10.05 a. m., and 12.45 and S.S3 p. in. Tor Toby. Iianna At (Ml) p. m. For Biiltalo 1,13, 0.22 and 8.00 a. m.; 1.55, 4.60 and 11. W p. m. 1'or Hiofc bamton and uay ttatloni 10,.'0 a. in. and 1.19 p. m. i'o Oincgo, bjracuse and Utlca I. IS and U.2-.S a. in.; 1.S5 p. tn. OauiRO, b'yracuw and Utlca train at ti.i a. m. dally, except SunJjy. For Montrose 9.00 a, ni.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 8.15 p. m. Uloormburs DlWilon For .Northumberland, at 6.35 and 10.05 a. m.i 1.65 and 0.10 p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.J 3.40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.H0, 3.13. 0 04 and 10O3 a. m.i 3.10, 3.33 p. m. For HuITjIo 1.15 and fl.22 a. m.i 1.63, 0.60 and ,11.35 p. m. For Ulnghimton and way stations 10.20 a. m. Blcomsburt: Division Leave Scranton, 10.05 a. m. and 0.J0 p. ro. ( Pennsylvania Railroad. Bchedulo in Meet Jus 2, 1901 Trains leavo Siranton; CM a. 111,, week days, through vestibule train from ttlllei Barre. Full, man bullet parlor car and coat lies to I'tuUde). phla, via Pottsvillc; stop at principal interme diate stations. Abo connects lor Sutibury, liar rltbunr, 1'hlladelplila, tlaltlmore, Washington and lor l'ittkburc and the wist. 8.38 a, in., wecx uys, ior ounuury, nurrnuurc, bure am l. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts' 4 the west. . n, wpL: davfl fKundavi for bunbury, Karrlsburff, Philadelphia. Daltimure, Washington ana I'ltisourg ami me wcsi. m.), 8.28 p. m., MICHAELIAN BROS. 6 CO.. 124 WASHINGTON AVE week days, through tcstlbule train from V Ilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia U FotUvllle. fatooa at principal Intermediate station .X7 p. w.. week days, (or llatleton, Sunburr, UarrUburz, Philadelphia and l'likburc J. U. IlincillNboN. (Jen. Mgr. 1, 0. WOOD, (Jen. Pose. Agt. a" inuuc ui uici wiiin. .....j-.-i .-....-..-, -.. 'e- -. j. Ti strong anct ciuraoie .,.,. We onlv have a limited number, and you'll have to come - ' i.. i Tho., coll rnnnlnrltr from $2.'Sri to S3.00. J silky v.. .b''V ..-. t k-j- r .T... uiltiti mini- v.irnic.hrl anrl ii lnroa. tinavv. .' early to get one, . . S ! Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co., i Kegistored, 408 Lackawanna Avenue. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BEADINa SYSTEM. Central Kailroad of New Jersey. in raoct Jiay is, mi Stations In New Yoili, tM Liberty street nnd tiouth IVirj, . ' . ... ,. , , 'lliiliw l(.o btianlon for Ni"V at, I'lilli ilelphia, llaston. lli'tlililiem, Allentown, Jlamh I hunk, White llau'ii, Ashley, Wilkes llarrc nnd I'ltulon at 7,i0 a. m. 1 1'. '" and -1 p. m. Sun j.iv, 2.10 p. in. Oniktr i itv lliprm l?aes bcianton 7.30 a. m , tlnouttli Folid Mtilmlc train nith 1'iillmiii lliiflct 1'atlir Cm (or I'lillidclpliU lth only one channe ot cam lor llaltiiuore ami Wahlii);ton, U. C, und all iirliKlpal points south and went. For Aoia, I'ltMon and Wllkes-Uarre, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For l.ung Hunch, Oiean Urate, etc,, 7.30 and IV r itoadlnc, Lebanon and llarrUburg la Al ii ntown at ?..() a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. Sun day, 2.10 p. in. For Tiinuiua and PottsWIle, 7.30 a, in., 1 p. in. und 4 p. in. Foi rati' and tickets apply tn agent nt station. V. (1, llK-sSI.Hll. Ccn. Manager. U, M. I1IIIIT, (Icn. Pass, Agt. New York, Ontario and Western. In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 7, looi. NUlUlt UOL'.NU, leave Leave Arrln Trains. Scranion. Carbondale, Cadosla. Ko, 1 .,.... 0.10 P. in. Ar. Carbondale 0.40 p, a. no. t "sOUTII UOUNI). Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Oadojla. Carbondale, Scranton. No. 0 ,, 7J(i0a,m- I'. m. No. 2 2.13 p. in. 4.00 p. in. 4.40p, m. bUKUAYS ONLY, SOUTH UOUNU. V Leave Leave Arrlv Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosla. No. , SJ0 a.m. 9. 10 n. m. 10. 43 a. m. No. 6 ........ 7.00 p. m. Ar. Carbondale 7,iu p. m. ft0" e hOUTH BOUND. p " Leave Leave Arrli Trains. Cadosla. Caibondale. Scranton. No. e ,,.... IS0-1"- 7.40a.m. No. 10 4.30p.m. a.08p.m. 0.45 p.m. Trains Kos. 1 on week dsyt, and 0 on Sundsys, make main lino connections for New York .city, Middletoun, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Omega aud all points west. For further Information consult ticket agcnU J. L ANDKIISON, O. P. A., New York. J. E. WELSH, T. P, A., Bcrutoo, Pi. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. jijT.it n i-M-i - - - -..--- -- --- .a, Lehigh Valley Kailroad. In efteit May IS. 1902. Tialna le.no Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. B. II., at 0.39 and 9.33 a. ni., and 2.18, 4.tT (Black Diamond E.preaa), and 11.30 p. in. Bun dara, D. & II. It. n 1.68, 8.27 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton and principal points in the coal regions, via U & 11. It. II., 8.JS, 2.JS aud 4.27 p. m. For Pottsville, e.38 a. m., 2.11 For Bethlehem, Easton, Heading, HanUburf, and principal intermediate stations, via D. 4c H. It. It., ".a, 0.3S a. in.; 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dls. niund Express), 11:30 p. ni. Sundaya, 1). & h. It. H 1U3 a. ni.J l.SN, S.27 p. in. For Tunkhannock, Touanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Genoa and principal Intermediate atatlons, vli I)., L. k V. H. II- 0-35 a. m. and 3.40 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fall. Chltago and all polnta west, via D, kll, R.H, 7.18, 1J.01 a. m.i 3.28 (Dlack Diamond p.x inces), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. ft H. It. it., 12.03, 8-27 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Letiirh Valle Parlor cam on all trains between WIUes-Dsria and New York, Philadelphia, llullalo and Buapeo. Ion Hrld;?. KOLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Bupt., 28 CortUni urcct, Xen York, CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 24 Cortisol sweet, New York. A. W. N0NEMAUHER, Dlr, Pus, Agt,, South Ccthlencni, Pa. uonuaio icik scranton at o.M. a. m.J 12.00, 1.2U, 2.34, 8.6J. ).15. U.20 p. m.j 1.31 a. ni. -tt.20, l0.Ua. m.j 2.S4 and 6.21 Delaware and Hudson. In Effect November 24. 1601. Trains for Carbondalo lcae Scranton at 8.2a, DW, O Ot av.ai. fi.29. 0.20. 7.67. 0.1 For llonesdale O.i n. m. For Wllkei Barre-0 38, 7.48, 8.41. 9.38, 10.41 a. m.i 12.0J, I., 2.13, 3.23, 4.27, .W, UI, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. , ' For L. V. R. It. Points 0.38, P.33 a, m.; 2.1&. 4.27 and 11.S0 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 0.33, 0.31 a. m.: l.U. 3.2S and 4.27 p. m. m For Albany and all points nor Hi-fl.20 a, m and 3.62 p. ni. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale S.50, 11.33 a. m.f 2.34, s.r 6.63 and 11.17 p. m. ' For Wilkea Barre-0.33 a. m.j .0J, 1.88. sM ' 0.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.63 p. m. For llonesdale 8.60 a. m. and 3. 62 p. m. VI, U PUYOR, D. P. A.. Scrantoo, Pa. V. av i J :v s .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers