""' ' jt rrr ' 1 'V r y v "it vj a - THE SCtfAOTON TRtBUNB-TUEfe(bAY, MAY 2fr, 1062. Vtr h 4v"" frgfr 4 Hi i m VIEWERS' XOTIOS. VIEWER!' NOTICE. VIBWXM NOTICE. VIEWERS' NOTXOK. Kjh , . 1 ' ! L. Lot. M M N W 40 43 41 49 48 to 7 U n is 17 19 21 S3 5 27 . 31 33 15 V 39 41 43 43 47 49 VB1 62 63 64 I 64 2 IS 3 18 4 4S fi 43 6 43 T " 48 8 " 4S. 9' " 43 10 IS d- - 48 13 4S f, 2 49 8 49 4 49 5 49 49 7 49 ( 49 8 49 10 49 11 49 12 43 13 43 14 ' 49 15 ' 49 16 49 17 43 18 49 18 49 19b l SO i 60 I 60 4 60 B 60 60 T 60 60 60 1 61 I ' 61 I II . i n s- 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 63 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 76 M Mb 76 28 76 23 Hit FIFTEENTH WARD (CONTINUED). , . Block . . Owner. .Ideation. . . . . lltiaMessed. u Jfinn BOwcn... .tun Being 10 feet on Kim street, wiin a rlAiilh rt 191 fnnt.... .t.......... John Wgnr, Sr... .,.,., ,....,BclnR 40 feet on Kim street, with a depth of 129 foot. John Wagner, Jr. ......m..... Being 40 feet on Kim street, with a depth of 129 foct....u...n...y Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 129 feet Valrvlew. Park Land Ce......Btlng 40 feet on Elm street, with n. depth of 129 feet....... 1?..I.iIm, Vtrf T.anil frrt.. T7nlHr In aa! nti t.'.lnt utrnnt. TVlill . . a depth of 129 feet 76 23 rairvicw farx i.ana uo ucimt 40 feet on 11.1m street, -nun a depth of 129 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with n depth of 129 feet falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm streot, with a depth of 129 feet "" Falrvlew Park Land Co. i..... Being 40 feel on Elm street, with n depth of 129 feet John P. O'Brien Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . 'a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . . , with a depth of 129 feet......... Falrvlew Park Land Co, Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet......... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on locust street, 1 wim a aeptn 01 m icui.. jfiing 4 reet on j.ocubi with n dentil of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co .Being 40 feet on Locust street, With a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with n depth or 129 feet Falrvlew Tark Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet.... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, With a depth of 129 feet Falrvlow Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust sticel, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet John Wagner, Sr. Being 40 feet on Iocust stieet, wuu n uepm oi va icci Falrvlew Park Land Co Bplng 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co .Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 120 feet.... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust stroet, With a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust stroet, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Ixicust street, witn a aeptn or izs feet. 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 2S 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 rairview rum bunu VrfV,...-EiciiiK w itwi. on jucubi biici, with a depth of 129 feet 76 28 Talrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on 81xth Avenue, witn a deptn of us feet on Locust street Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Blxth avenue, with a depth of 113 feat Falrvlew Park Land Co. Being 4.) feet on Blxth avenue, with a depth of 113 feet on alley Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Blxth avenue, with a depth of 113 feet on alley '. Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 'feet' on'sixt'h" avenue! with a depth of 113 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Sixth avenue, -. with a depth of 113 feet on ) Elm street Falrvlew, Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 130 feet on Arker street Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 130 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 fact on Locust street, I with a depth of 130 feet Falrvlew Park TCand Co Being 40 feet on Locust stieet, , with a depth of 130 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, With a depth of 130 feet Falrvlew Patk Land Co Being' 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 130 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 3114 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 130 feet on Roland avenue Scranton Board of Control. ..Being 25 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet on Corbctt avenue Buianton Board of Control. ..Being 23 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Scranton Board of Control.. .Being 35 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Scranton Board of Control. ..Being 35 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet on Acker avenue Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 133 feet on Snyder avenue P. J. Holloran Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 128 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, - with a depth of 128 feet Fall view Park Land Co Being 40 font on Locust street, with a depth of 128 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 128 feet on Corbett avenue Falrvlew Tark Land Co Being 27 feet on Locust stieet. with a depth of 120 feet on Storrs avenue Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 37 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 126 feet I'alrvlew Park LandxCo Being 37 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 126 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 37 feet on Locust street, with n depth of 123 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 37 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 126 feet on Snyder avenue Henry P. Davis Being 4", feet on S. Main ave nue, with a depth of 140 feet on alley John T. Williams Being 48 feet on S. Main ave- , , "Up. with a depth of 12J feet... John T. Williams Being 4S feet on S. Main ave nue, with a depth of S6i feet . ... ...... on EI,n street John II. Williams Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ,. , a depth of 136 feet Henry D. Lloyd Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet James D. Carey Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet Harry Owens Being 40.feet on Elm street, with ,,. , T ,. a depth of 130 feet Charles Lelbcr Being 40 feet on Elm street, with r. ,-. , . .. ,a depth of 138 feet George D. Daubutchauser.... Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ,,... tt depth of 1?6 feet Henry H. Burscholl Being 40 teet on Elm street, with , a depth of 130 feet Henry Burichcll Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ,, ,, . , ,. a depth of 136 foet Henry II. Burschell Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet on Ninth 49 "'David M. Richards Being 46 feet"on' sl'Maln" ave nue, with a depth of 100 feet , , , , . on Locust street lalrvlew Park Land Co Being 46 feet on 8. Main ave- ci...io., nr To.,. .,m,e- wlth " depth of 110 feet,.. Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 48 feet on S. Main ave nue, with a depth of 120 feet .,,. on alloy E. A. Cruttcnden Being 4R feet on S. Main ave nue, with a depth of 103 feet on alley Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 46 fceTon"'s!' MaYn'Tve- t-i..i na,i, t. r. nm,e' w,tn a dePh t "8 feet... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 46 feet on S. Main ave nue, with a depth of 151 feet on Kim street Ann Emperor Being 40 feet on Elm street, with Rose Galaskl iffo tltnToii'Biree't, Mary and Noah Dav. b5M?5 'oVe. sVrVetV with Catherine Youngblood B?lng ''w f cet'n' Locust ' 'street! John H. Thomas && &3$n9i& ftf w.Vh Catherine Youngblood BdtttlWziV'EV John G. Baunders Be. SttS&S " a Catherine Youngblood Being feeon'o'cuVt's'tVait! , w o j w'h a depth of 129 feet John C-. Saunders B?lfffl4?hft$ ?.? Kim stroet.' with Falrvlew Park Land Co BelngO fept on c!m Btreot" with , . . a depth of 120 feet ... JOh" K' Ke"y "a'OT?8'"0'" Thomas II. McOuIro Being '40 feet on LociVst'sYrect - ,, .. w"l' a depth of 120 feet Oeore Oertr Being 40 feet on Elm street, wl'th . a depth of 129 feet on Nln R . . , . avfiiuo """" August As trlnser, ,.,,,. Being 40 feet on Elm street "wiVh a depth of 129 feet on Ninth avenue ...,. ' David J, Williams , Being 41 feet on S. Main avenue With n rlftnfh rxf no -.. -..D' Fulrvlew Park Land Co Being 41 tcei bn a. Main at-S ?y 49 With o rtnn.l, lit ""1 "'"'""I Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 44 feet on S. Mali ivonue with a depth of 14.' feet oVl cust streot , Reese T. Iteeie ,,,, Being 40 foot on I,oeust s'tYcet! , . ,. .. , "h ft Pth of mroot ,..... Mareatet J3. Harrla ,...,,.Belng 40 feet on Locust Htrcet . t. n"l a dePt of l'.'( feet ......... Jonn Bowen I,..,,,,,,,,.,,,, ,,,Helng 40 feet on Locust street. tut, U" a dcnt "I 'not ,....!.. .John Bowen , , Being 40 feet on Lorust stieet, Thomas Price .,..,,,,, ...Bolng 40 foot on Locust "eYreeY. . . y,Hti a. depth of 124 feet , Tnomae Price ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Belng 40 feot on Locust street. with a depth of L'4,feet oii .., . . 8,torrs aveniw , Wllllara LewU ,,., ,,,,,,Belng 43 feet on S. Main avenue! with a depth of 101 feet on cor- . . ner of nlioy , John Reynolds ,,, ,,,,, ..Being 43 feet on S. Main avenue! , , . with a depth of 128 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on 8. Main avenue. with a depth of 149 feet on Elm . , , ... ... ... ...,. 1 ...... Fred J, Weaver ,.,, .Being 40 feet on Elm stroet. with , . , , depth of 133 feet , ialrvMw Park Land Co. ,,.Belnw40 foct on Elm street, with -.-uj a depth of 133 feet '.;,' 80 09 SO 09 80 09 SO 09 SO 09 80 09 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 as' 76 28 1 62 93 66 74 66 74 66 74 66 74 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 70 SI 70 51 70 51 70 51 70 51 91 51 9154 91 54 76 28 76 23 76 8 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 87 71 87 71 87 71 87 71 87 71 87 71 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 76 28 &3S9 S3 S3 S3 S3 70 28 76 18 76 28 76 23 70 28 76 8 M 03 WW MM 76 28 76 31 I FIFTEENTH WAB.D (CONTINUED). Ut. Block . Owner. i.orailnn. A jliHSSa: 61 Fftlrviow Park Land Co. .....Belnr .tn foot nn Kim trA. w h ... .- . - - r."-" ' ...... Falrvlew Park Land Co. ....iBelng 40 feet on Elm street, with ,, , , . . n depth of 132 feet ,,,,,,i...n.. Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with n.i.. ,... ,l eP'l o' 132 feet Peter Henry .,..., Being 40 feet on Elm street, with -.... ,... . ft depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co .Being 40 feet on Kim street, with 1A.1...1 -... " depth of 130 feet ,,..,..1 alrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ..i. 1 ....- . depth of 129 feot ...,....,,.,.. Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with -, , , . , a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with .., . ,.,. t depth of 123 feot .............. Falrvlow Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm stieet, with ..im.i.w ,.. . . j -R. oepth of 128 feet Falrvlew Park Land Cd Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . . . . ti depth of 127 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co BMng 40 feet on Elm street, with , , . . a depth of 127 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 10 feet on Elm street, with , , ....- J depth of 127 fe Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . . , . . JA depth of 127 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with -. , , , . , a depth of 123 fet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . .... . . . . , a nepin ot m reel M Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . l . . . . . acpin or in ret Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . ' , , . a depth of 121 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm stieet, with , . . . . a depth of 121 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, witn . a depth of 123 feet on Twelfth Bcranton School District .....'Being 43 feet 'on 's.'j'lain avenue! with a depth of 79 feet on Elm street Bcranton School District Being 43 feet on S. Main avenue, n. .. , , . , wl1" 0 depth of 100 feet Bcranton School District Being 43 feet on 8. Main avenue, with a depth of 125 feet on cor- ..... y "r of alley Scranton School District .....Being 40 feet on Elm stroet, with - . . ... . , . a depth of 129 feet Bcranton School District Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . . . a depth of 129 feet Joseph B. Morgan Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ..,, a depth of 129 feet David J. Davis Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . , a depth of 129 fe6t Peter J. Burwen Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a oepin or is reet 4 S 8 7 I 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 21 23 26 27 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9a 9b 10 11 13 13 14a lib 15 16 17 1 18 19 20 21 nl 23 24 25 2 27 28 23a II 61 61 61 61 61 81 61 61 61 51 61 61 81 51 61 81 62 62 13 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 '62 62 62 62 62 62 62 52 52 63 62' 62 52 52 82 52 63 53 53 53 63 53 53 63 63 53 63 63 53 53 63 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 64 64 54 64 64 64 . 54 54 64 54 54 64 54 64 54 El E4 64 64 64 54 54 64 64 54 64 54 54 54 54 54 291) Unnum bered 10 Vnnum bered 10 Unnum bered 89 Unnum bered 49 Unnum bered 49 ITnnum Ptrea 41 Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . t.. . . -.tt depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with .... j - ... . , , - ft depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . .,.. . . . m a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Eelng 40 feet on Elm stroet, with ., , . . a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . .j s . . i - ia dpth of 129 reet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with .,, , . . . a depth of 129 feet FAlrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with j. . j ... a depth of 129 feet -Falrvlew Park Land Co. ,.... Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . -.,..- a depth of 129 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . , , a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . . ..-. a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . a depth of 129 feet Oliver Raub Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , , ,... a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ,,,. ft depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . . ,.-,- a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm stieet, with , . ,..., a depth of 129 feet Falrvlaw Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , , , , . a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. ..... Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , , ,-, a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . a depth of 129 foot Elijah Dagger Being 43 feet on S. Main avenue. , , , , . - w,th a depth of 99 feet on alley Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on S. Main avenue, . with a depth of 122 feet Thomas Freeman Being 46 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 131 feet on Lo cust street Miles McNiff Being 40 feet on Locusi street. .... with a depth of 129 feet Thomas Flaherty Being 40 feet on Locust street, . , with a depth of 129 feot Annie Foy Being 40 feet on Locust street, , . ...... . with a depth of 129 feet M. C. Judge or P. Mulherin... Being 40 feet on Locus', street, ,. . - .. ... . with a depth of 129 feet M. C. Judge or P. Mulherin.. Being 40 feet on Locust street, ,, . . ..,... with a depth of 129 feet M. C. Judge or P. Mulherin... Being 40 feet on Locust street, . . .. j. j, with a depth of 129 feet Annie M. Fadden Being 40 feet on Locust street, ., ,, . with a depth of 129 feet Caroline M. LInane, or Caro line Mllnarlo, or Sclgle or - Se6"ar Being 40 feet on Locust street, , . . with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . , , , with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust streot, , , , , with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, , , , . . wlth a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . , . , . .with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, , , . . ,, wlth a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, , . , . . .'th ft depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, , , , . . wlth a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Beiiifc' 40 feet on Locust street. . . . . . with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . . , . with a depth of 129 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . . , , , w'th a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . , , , . with a depth of 129 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust Btreot, . , , . , ,v"h a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, , . with a depth of 129 feet James Batcman Being 40 feet on Locust street. - . ,... y.1 a dePth ot 123 'eat Ann Griffiths Being 40 feet on Locust street, a- , ,ffl,v t,1"1 a depth ot 129 feet Ann Griffiths Being 40 feet on Locust stieet, , , . . . with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. ....Belng 43 feot on 8. Main avenue, va.a w hti.- Dy,:ith dePth of 134 'oet 'on alley Edward W. Mechan Being 43 feet on 8. Mnln avenue, .u . 1- ., with a depth of 110 feet Catharine oungblood Being 43 feet on S. "Main avenue, , . n v(ltn tt depth of S3 feet on alloy. Mary J. Owens Being 40 feet on Locust street, T. , with a depth of 129 feet John Mulherin Being 40 feet on Locust street. T . ,, ,. . 'th a depth of 129 feet John Mulherin Being 40 feet on Locust street, . . with a depth of 129 feet Peter, F. Lavin Being 40 feet on Locust street, , . wlth a dopth of 129 feet Isorman W. Howard Being 40 feet on Locust streot, , . , w'" a depth of 129 feet Edward Collin Being 20 feet on Locust stroet, , , with a dopth of 129 feet J- Owens Being 20 feet on Locust street, T . T . with a depth of 129 feet Lackawanna Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street. . , wtth a depth of 129 feet Thos. H. Savlll Being 40 fet on Locust atreot. D ., ,. . with a depth of 129 feet P. Mulherin Being 43 fset on Locust streot, T . with a depth of 129 feet J. P. & B. T. Murray Being 40 feet on Locust street, t wlth a depth of 129 feet Peter Cosgrove Being 20 feet on Locust streot. T. ,, . with a depth of 129 feet John Vanston Being 20 feet on Locust street. ,..,, , with n depth of 129 feet Bridget Vanston Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet ......... Michael and Mary McAn- drew Being 40 feet on Locust street. rm. u , Ylth a depth of 129 feet Thos. M, Richards Being 40 feot on Locust streot, ,. . , with a depth of 123 feet Michael Brown Being 40 feot on Locust street, T with a depth of 129 feet James H. Brown ..Being 40 feet on Locust streot, T . , with a dopth of 129 feet John F. Fowler Being 40 feot on Lorust street, . , .with a depth of 129 feet John F, Fowler Being 40 foet on Locust street, .. . with a depth of 129 feet David II. Thomas Being 40 fiet on Locust street. . . . , with a dopth of 129 feet Stephen Naushal Being 40 feet on Locust street. . . with a depth of 129 feet John M. Parvlne , Being 40 feet on Locust street, .,.,.. .with a depth of 129 feet Mary T. Williams Being 40 feet on Locust street, T ,, . , with a depth of 121 feet Jeanette Lewis ,,.,.,.,,..,,, .Being 40 feet on Locust stieet, . , , with a depth of 129 feet John F, Fowler .,,.. Being 40 feet on Locust street, .. . with a depth of 129 feet John F. Davis, ir, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Being 40 feet on Locust street, ,,..,.,... j wjth a depth of 129 feet John M. Edwards ,.....,..,,,. Being 20 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Morgan Edwards ,,,,, ,, .Being 0 feet on Locust Btreet, . . , .with n depth of 129 feet D., L. & W, R. R. Co. .,,,,,,, .Being BOO feet on Meridian street. 45 feet on Luscrne street, and 343 feet on Fellows stieet. An Irregular plot , ,,, , P., L. & W. R. R. Co. ,,.,, .Being 737 feot on Luzerne street, 737 on Fellows street, with a uepwi oj sw reet on isignth street D., L. & W, R. R. Co. ,,,.,.,.Northwesteily corner of Elm and Meridian stieoti, being 170 feot nn Elm street, with ft depth of .. . . . .. 133 feet on Meridian Meet p., L. & v. R. . Co. , ,, Southwesterly corner ot Elm and Meridian streets, being 170 feet on Elm street, with a depth of . . . w ..,:lJ.'ect on Meridian street P,, L. & W. R. . Co. .,,,,.,.,Isorthwrsterly corner of Locust and Meridian streets, being 135 feet on Locust btreet, with a I depth of 150 feet on Meridian street ,, P.. L- & W. R. R. Co, ,,, Southwesterly corner of Locust and Meridian streets, being 136 feet on Locust streot. with a depth of 150 feet on Meridian atreet I...,. ,,,,, 1,.., ....,, ,.,,4 76 28 76 28 6 23 76 28 ,7fl" M 76!'8 76 28 76 28 70 28 7tJ f 8 70 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 23 78 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 80 09 80 09 SO 09 76 28 76 23 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 23 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 2S S0C9 SO 09 80 09 76 2S 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 2S 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 23 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 23 SO C9 SO 09 SO 09 .76 28 76 23 76 23 76 23 76 23 CS 24 3S 14 76 2S 76 23 76 28 76 23 S3 11 38 11 76 28 76 23 76 M 76 23 76 28 76 18 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 28 38 14 68 14 953 67 1,603 79 324 01 257 46 257 44 257 8 u"i ... .... ..... J-. i.J. -T-i .i i m . THE TRIBUNE'S ieral Offer to Sobscribas By a special arrangement with the publishers of the Cosmopolitan Magazine and th Woman's Home Companion, The Tribune is able to offer these two high-class magazines to any person who Is a subscriber to The Tribune for one year each for the small sum of $1.25, Cosmopolitan Magazine (one year) $1.00 Woman'5 Home Companion (one year) 1.00 $2.00 The Tribune Offers the Two for $1.25 Everybody buys one or more magazines each month probably a great many of The Trib une's readers are buying one or both of these, as they are among the leading and most popular of lit erary publications. This offer gives you an opportunity to save seventy-five cents, simply because you are a subscriber to The Tribune. To Paid-Up Subscribers The Tribune places only one restriction on this offer. A subscriber's subscription mu3t be paid to the current month, as It would be manifestly unfair to expect The Tribune to forward sub scription money to these publications while The Tribune's account remains unpaid. A subscriber whose subscription Is paid has but to hand $1.25 to The Tribune and he will receive the two magazines each month for one year. To Non-Subscribers You can avail yourself of this offer by simply ordering The Tribune, to be paid for at the regular rate of 50 cents per month. You can then secure the two magazines by paying $1.25. To Subscribers Who Wish To Pay for The Tribune in Advance You can save a lot of money by paying for The Tribune In advance. If you have been paying by the month or at the end of the year, and wish to pay for The Tribune a year In ad vance, you can get The Tribune, The Cosmopolitan and the Woman's Home Companion, each for one year, for $6.25, just 25 cents more than you have been paying for The Tribune alone. To Contestants in The Tribune's Educational Contest You should explain this liberal offer to those you ask to subscribe for The Tribune. If they will pay you $1.25 In addition to the price of The Tribune they will receive these two magazines one year. Sample copies of the magazines will be furnished you free. Here are the prices, where The Tribune subscription is paid In advance : The Tribune one month and the magazines one year $1.75 The Tribune three months and the magazines one year. .' 2.50 The Tribune six months and the magazines one year 3.75 The Tribune one year and the magazines one year 6.25 Those wishing to take advantage of this offer should hand their money to The Tribune at once and their subscriptions will commence with the first number of the magazines published after the subscription is received. . . ' VIEWERS' NOTICE. VIEWERS' NOTICE. . EIGHTEENTH WARD. ' Amt. of Bene- Lot. Block. Owner. Location. fits assessed. 10 3 Thomas O'Boyle Being 33 feet on Broadway and 94 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 118 feet on alloy ISO 41 11a S Hannah Reagan Being 37 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 123 feet on alley CS 63 lib 3 Ann Reagan Being 26 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 120 feet 43 TS 12 3 Fred Wllker Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 113 feet 9G 35 13 3 Maria E. Mcssett Being SO feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 90 feet 65 33 14 3 Richard Kane Being 126 feot on Railroad ave nue, with a depth ot 84 feet on Emmet btreet, 81 feet in rear... Ib0 19 10 4 Thomas Walsh Being 60 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 123 feet 95 33 11 4 Thomas Walsh ....Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet 93 33 12 4 Philip Young estate Being CO feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 128 feel 9 35 13 4 Patrick Rush ....Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet 95 33 It 4 Mary Cavcny Being 50 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 128 feet S3 33 15 4 Ann Moran Being 50 feet on Railroad avenuo, with a depth of 12S feet 93 35 IB 4 Thomas J. Moran Being 25 feot on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 128 feet 47 07 17 4 Ann Cecilia McDonald Being 2.", feet on Railroad avenue, with n depth of 12S feet 47 67 18 4 John P. Crowley Being 25 feet on Railroad avenue, with a depth of 12S feet 95 S5 w Total 4131,845 CO and that the following Is a schedule of tho damages awarded the owners of properties abutting upon the line of said sewer us tho samo is shown in said re port, to wit: . 4 m Amt. of Dam Lot. Block. Name. Location. ages assessed. 4 8 Patrick Coroner estate Third avenuo 3150 00 20 8 Mary Dougherty and Sarah Dclany Fourth avenuo 1.7) no 2 9 Casey Brothers Fourth avenuo 159 0 J 10 9 Bridget Golden Railroad avenue 150 H) Total JO) 00 And you am further notified that unless exceptions bo nicd to said Report within thirty (30) days from the dato of filing said Report, viz., Twenty-sixth , (2Gth) May, 1902, tho said Report will be confirmed absolutely. S. DIETTTvt JOHN J. O'BOYLE. R. J. RICHARDS, Viewers. 7th. Children between the agea of S and 12 years one-half the adult fare. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Pennsylvania Railroad Reduced Rates to Minneapolis or St. Paul, Account National Meeting, Frater nal Order of Eagles. On account of the National Meeting, Fraternal Order of Eagles, at Minnea polis, Minn., June 3 to 8, the Pennsyl vania Railroad company will Bell ex cursion tickets from all stations on its lines to Minneapolis or St, Paul, May 31 to June 2, good to return not earlier than June 3, and not later than June 9, at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will go good for return passage only when executed by Joint Agent at St. Paul or Minneapolis and payment of 25 cents made for this service. By leposlt ing ticket with Jolno Agent not earlier than Juno 3 nor later than June 9, and payment of 60 cents at time of deposit, an extension of return limit may be ob tained to leave St, Paul or Minneapolis not later than July 7. First Class Tickets to San Francisco and Return at Less Than One Way Fare, On account of tho Imperial Council, Nobles of the Mystic Schrlne, gan Francisco, California, June 10th 14th, 1902, the Lackawanna railroad will is sue nrst-class excursion tickets from Scranton at the low rate of 360.35 for the round trip, on sale good going May 20th to June 7th inclusive and for re turn to reach original starting point not later than 60 duys from original date of purchase of ticket. See Depot Ticket Agent in regard to stop oft priv ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull man reservations, etc. A Much Talked-of Improvement, The stir the New Jersey Central's re cent announcement made In regard to fts hourly trains between New York and Philadelphia was far reaching. Very few cities can boast or such a train schedule and tho beauty of it is, that It's easily remembered a train every hour on the even hour from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. The locomotives, cars and Pullman cars are the most modern, the roadbed is rock ballasted, and as only hard coal Is used there Is no smoke or cinders. Every train runs direct to Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, without change and many of them cover the distance In two hours. The Reading route by which the Philadelphia line Is often known, Is not only a short way to Philadelphia, but It is likewise the scenic route. This service goes Into effect on May 18, but in no way does it Impair the fast and elegant Bervlce of the Royal Blue line, which will run Independently of the Philadelphia line. Lackawanna Railroad Popular Ex cursion to Niagara Falls, On Muy 29th the ticket agents of tho LauHuwunna railroad will sell special round trip tickets to Niagara Falls good going on any train on the above dato and for return up to and including June 1 at the extremely low rate of 36.55 for the round trip, which will be from Scranton. Children be tween the ages of live and twelve years one-half of the adult rate. ) Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore., and Return. On account ot the National Convention Travellers Protective Association of America, Portland, Ore., June 3rd to 7th; tho Supreme Lodge A. O. U, W Portland, Oie June 10th to 20th, 1902, tho Lackawanna railroad will Issue First Class round trip tickets for 370.30 on sale good going May 26th to June 7th liicl. and for return passage to reach original starting point not later than 60 days from original date of sale, See Depot Ticket Agent fop particulars as to stop-over privileges routes and train schedule, a. a. R. Encampment Gettysburg, Pa., Juno 4th and 6th. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell first class tickets to Gettysburg- and rejurn at regular ono way fare for tho round trip good going June 1st to Mb. Inclusive with final return limit June Through Sleeping Car to Welch, W. Va., and Points on the Norfolk and Western Railway. With the schedule In effect May 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will Inaugurate through Pullman buf fet sleeping car service between Phila delphia and Welch, W. Va., via Harrls burg, Hngerstown, Roanoke, and ths Shenandoah Valley route. This car will be run on the following schedule: Lv. Philadelphia (Penna) R. R. S.25 p.m. Lv. Lancaster 10.05 " Ar. Harrlsburg 10.53 " Lv. Harrlsburg (Cumb. Val. R. R. R 11.05 " Lv. Carlisle w.. ..11.42 " Lv. Chambersburg 12,36 a.m. Ar. Hagcrstown 1.15 " Lv. Hagcrstown (Nor. nnd West. R. R.) 1.20 " Ar, Roanoke 9.05 " Ar. East Radford 10.40 " Ar. Bluefleld 1,35 p.m. Ar. Welch 4,25 " RETURNING. Dally, Lv. Welch (Nor. and West. R. R.) 1.40 p.m. Lv. niuoflold , 4.0v "l Lv. East Radford ,..... , 6.30 ". Lv. Roanoke 8.00 ", Ar, Hugorstown - 4.15 a.m. Week-days. Sundays. Lv. Hagcrstown Comb. Val.R.R.). 4.20a.m. Lv. Chumbeisburg... 5.00 " Lv. Carlisle 6.00 " Ar. Harrlsburg 6.40 " Lv. Hurrlsburg 6.53 " Ar. Lancaster ....,,. 7.45 " Ar. PhtladelphlMPa, It. .) 9.37 " Day couch accommodations provided on these trains between Har rlsburg and Welch. Close connections will be made for Winston, Salem, Bristol, Norton, and Charlotte, N. C. 7.05 a.m. 7.49 " 8.45 " 9.25 " 9,37 10.30 " 12.17 p.m. will be Intercollegiate Regatta, Jthaca, N. Y., May 30th. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad wll sell tlrst class tickets to Ithaca and return at regular ons way fare for the round trip. Tickets will he cold good going May 29th and 20(li limited for return to May 3Ut. Children between the ages of & und 13 years one-half the adult ate, ' and Low Rates to Ithaca, N. Y Return via the O.' & W, v There will he a college rogatta at Ithaca, N. Y on May 30. The Ontario and Western will sell round trip ticket at the 'faro one way, Tickets will be sold and good going May 29 and 30, good returning to May. 3L. Inclusive, jm V ir'. fcL A-AsA t - & ' ' 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers