:M.4 ..' i1' E 3 OP A f 15. IV f LaMMI.&mW. It. 1' ' ANTHRACITE OW N2BW YOBXE1UJ MEET THB EMERGENCY. leme ttatatittttea for Hard Coat ' Which They Wilt Employ In Case, 'the Present Strike Shall Be -of 1 Jiongr 'Dotation tXse of Kerosene for Heating Iiikely to Spread and ,. Endure. from tho, Sun. Small householders, dismayed at the orice of coal, are making ready to use "gasolene ana coai oil for cooking. Many families do their cooking witn suen mei ,the year around, but the custom will be more widespread this summer than ..ever before. Kdward Atkinson's cook er has never been popularized, but there are several other stoves In which the source of heat Is a lamp, big or Ilt Ue and almost every year a now oil or gasolene stove Is patented. V,Art students and others who have lived In Paris and practised tho econ- "cmles In which the French ore special ly, skilled, aro not to be alarmed by the prospect of 'a coal famine. With a pint 'cup and a tea cent oil lamp the skilled economist In fuel can get a very sat isfactory breakfast for two. In the pint cup the eggs are boiled in three ,t)nutes, and with the water that boll the eggs excellent coffee can be made in four or fiv'o minutes more. Thus with the expenditure of some fraction of. a cent for oil, the breakfast is made and the coal famine goes on unheeded LOOKING FORWARD. ' Thousands of families blessed with only modulate means are preparing to put off till the latest possible moment the lighting of their furnaces next fall. Those who rent steam-heated Hats will piobably feel the coal famine In their rents Those who have homes to he.it will experiment with oil stoves as heat ers. Those who have open fire places will find it possible to save something b the use of soft coai In their grates, though the people of New York have ..-strong prejudice against tills fuel be .cnuse of thn fact that It brings with it "a 'great deal of dust. Coke is another substitute for an thracite in the open grate, and a very effective one for those who know how to handle it. Now York, however, Is not prepared to make these changes of fuel without some expense for altera tions, and the Insurance companies may have something to say to any contem plated change of domestic fuel. The servants certainly will .for there Is nothing that servants hate worse than open fires. USErOF WOOD. The use of wood for fuel is quite be yond the use of New Yorkers who wish to economize., but there are many su burban places where the price of fire wood Is such as to make that fuel available- a3 a substitute for anthracite coal in the fall, when the whole house does not yet require to be heated night ami day, . , , Hard wood at $G or ?S a cord. Is per--hapsi cheaper than coal at the threat ened prices. From the end o Septem ber) to;thc middle of November a house in which there are neither invalids nor jyouiig children Cdii be made whole somely comfortable with hearth tiros during the day. The cheer and health that accompany the coal famine 'would be a blessing in disguise. ' - Those who know how to manage open fires can get a great deal of comfort 'out' of tho money they spend for fire wood. In tho hands of such a person 'a o'oM o'fbard wood will famish a. .warm and cheering lire on one hearth VI- every autumn day when artificial heat' is needed for the health and com fort of the family. But of course any 'widespread' adoption of this, fuel would quickly send up the prlte. .NATIVE MEDICINE IN ANNAM. NOTICE OF VIEWERS' REPORT. Superstitious- Practices oC Mongoloid Students nud Physicians. Fiou tlic Lancet. - According to a writer in the Archives -de Mciitclnc Navale far January no na tl e of Armani Is allow d to practice medicine or surgwy unless h.9 has stud led under a recognised master for at least ten ycais: but notwithstanding this pro'.oused cuii-louluni the results, measured by western standards, are simply deplorable. It Is not that the Mongoloid medical students aie ac cused of abnormal Idleness or of exces sive stupidity, for, on the contrary, .they are said to be very Industrious and 'according to their lights, by no means devoid of Intelligence. From their earl iest days, however, they became Imbued with the grossest superstition, compli cated by a firm belief lu astrology, and naturally it Is next to Impossible for genuine knowledge to attain to any use ful dimensions in the midst of such ex uberant weeds. The Annamese pharmacopoeia is made up of an Immense number of ex ceedingly complex formulae, and before tho simplest of the medicaments can be prepared tho compounder has to per form the most perplexing ceremonies In onjer to Insure its efficacy. Among metals gold, silver and iron are in high repute as lemedles, but the writer does not make the mode of their administra tion clear. Iron, he tells us, Is used for wounds caused by cutting Instruments. Irt the'sumo connection It may also be noted thatsslno is employed for combat ing colic as well as for assisting partur .Jtloh. In the latter case, however, the attendant nails tho metul to the thres hold of the patient's room. ' ...! Earth. Is freely administered In many diseases. When f reality' stirred up by rats' It' Is believed to cure paralysis, cramps and boii-berl, and It Is likewise thought capable of preventing tho cry ing ot Infants in utcro. As a comestible earth Is freely consumed by well-to-do people 'throughout the country, but Its 'Votaries acknowledge that It has no taste 'Or nourishing properties what ever. Habit, they say, Is responsible Jar the practice: but pregnant women :have been .known to declare that tho "little cats'tear tiles," as the earth tab lets are called, have as good a flavor M purs liver. 'The Annantese do not hesitate to con sumo the flesh of cattle that have died .-from Infectious diseases, and alt-o free ilsrieat fowls that have died from cltol .era or diphtheria. Hydrophobia In An .iminese estimation can be communl icated to a human being If a mad dog nhould bite his shadow, but, happily. fthe liver of the animal Is a sovereign cure! The "stercoracceous" remedies used; by the Annatnese are more repul sive, If possible, than those of tho Hon. .Robert 'Boyle, but on the other hand, It pleasant to And, .Jhat iHtrawberrles fortify the rive organs or ino circulation, cure consumption and restore youth to oM 9opje, (Continued f torn Pago 13.) Lot. Bloc SI IS s7 ir. i ' 10 2 U 3 10 i 10 s w- 6 lr. 7 10 8 16 0 10 19 10 Ilk , 1G lib , 1G 12-11-11,' IC 10 16 16 17 36 IS . If. 19a ' 1G 19h 1G JO 10 21 10 22 16 FIFTEENTH WAHD (CONTINUED.) Owner. T.np.itlnti. John Wllkins .,....,,... .iHclhg W foot on Luzerno street, with u depth tif 117 feet uavio ju. menurus ..... .....mcing vi toot on loum nvenue, With a depth ot 133 foot John M. Evans Being W feet on Lttscrno 'street, , with a depth of 110 Teot on Ed- . wards court Horatio T. Fcllowu .....Being M foot on Luzerno street, with a depth of 160 font ....... . Walter McNlchols Being BO foot on I.uzorno street. ' with a depth of 150 feet on Tenth avcmio A. Q. Fellows Estato Being CO font on Tenth avenue, with a depth of 150 feet A. Q. Fellows Estato Being 50 fent on Tenth -avenue, with a depth of ISO foot II. C. Hlnman Being r,o feet on Tenth avenue, Mftl with a depth of ISO feet John H. Fellows, Trustee. Being 60x5.1 feat on Tenth avenue, , with a depth of ISO feet Emily Squires ,Belng 50 foot on Tenth avenue, with a depth of ISO feet Jcnkln Lewis Being GO feet on Tenth avenue, ... ... . with a depth of 150 feet Philip Shafcr Being 5714 feet on Tenth avenue, witn u ticptn ot ioi; icut Amt. of nens- (Its assessed. Ki 33 33 IS 1-2 10 17 2 17 J 17 1 17 5 17 6 17 7 T.7 8 ' 17 9 17 10 17 n t 17 i a ' 17 13 17 17 1 10.1 17 16b ' 17 17 ' 17 17 18 2 ', IS 3 ' IS 4 IS 5 IS 6.1 IS Gb IS 7 IS S IS 0-10 IS 11 is' 12a IS 12b IS 13 IS 14 IS 13 IS 10 IS 17 IS 15 IS 13 IS 20 18 21 18 22 IS 23 IS 21 IS 23 IS 26 IS 27 IS 2S IS 20 IS 31 IS 32 IS 31 IS 1 19 2 19 3 19 1 19 5-6 i 19 7 19 S 19 9 19 10 13 U 19 12 13 13 19 11 19 15 19 10 19 17 19 IS 19 19 19 20 19 47 07 t 93 S3 95 3$ 05 85 03 35 05 33 05 35 05 35 95 35 05 35 107 70 Wllllnm V.. Mftrfffin TIaIm., r.TIL fnf nn MVnth nvonun. with a depth of 150 feet 107 JO John Flanaghan Being 30 foot on Tenth avenue, with a dopth of 160 feet 02 03 Fellows Cemetery Being 205 fceton 8. Main avenue, with a floptn or iju teot on i'ci- lows street A. F. Hclscr Being 70 feet on S. Main avenue, with a dopth of 150 feet Cora C. Storm Being to feet on S. Main avenue, wtlh n depth of 100 feet Jcnkln Lewis Being -10 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 150 feet Cora C. Storm Being 40 feet on S, Main avenue, wtlh a depth of 150 feet Charles V. Schmidt Being 37 feet on a. Main avenue, with a dopth of 150 feet P. F. Strupplcr Being 3714 feet on S. Main ave nue, with n depth of 150 feet.. Alma Price Connolly Bolng 27',4 feet on S. Alain aVe- nuc. with a depth of 130 feet... Mason &. Mott Being 71 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 150 feet on I.uzorno street s .- John Evans Being 30 feet on Edwards court, with a depth of SO feet Davis & Williams Being 17 feet on S. Main avonue, with a dopth of 11G feet on Eynon street Thomas D. Davis Estate Being 17 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 154 foet Thomas D. Davis Estate Being 47 feet on S. Main avenue, ! with a depth of 171 foot on al loy Davis & Williams Being 40 feet on Eynon street, with a depth of 13.1 feet Uhomas Ar. Lewis Being 55 foet on Eynon street, with n depth of 133 feet Ann Farry Being 55 foot on Evnon street, with n depth of 131 feet Joseph B. Morgan Being 55 feet on Eynon street, with a depth of 13.J feet Gwcnnle Vaughan Bolng 55 feet on Eynon street, with a depth of 133 foet Hughes & Joremlah Doing 55 feet on Eynon street, T;ith a depth of 133 foot Thomas Davis Being 55 feet op Eynon street, , with a depth of 13J foot Samuel R. Powell .).. .Being 55 feet on Eynon street, with a' depth of 333 feet Elizabeth A. Davis Bolng 55 feet on Eynon street, with a dopth of 133 feet Mary Lewis Being 55 feet on Eynon street, I with a depth of 133 feet David K. Jamea Bclncr 55 feet on Eynon street, with a depth of 13S foet Benjamin T. James Being 2S feet on Eynon street, with a depth of 133 foot Mrs. Samuel R. Jones Being 27i$ foot on Evnon street, . witb li depth of 133 foot Richard Thomns Being 27U. foot on Eynon street, with a depth of 13J foot David R. .Tnmes Being 50 foot on Eynon stieet, with a depth or 133 feet .David R. James Belns 31 feet on Kynon street.- t With a depth or 133 feet on Twelfth itvenuo John M. Evans '. Being IJ feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 135 feet on Hampton street Hannah Johnston Estate ....Being 17 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 140 foot John T. Williams Being 5314 feet nn S. Main afe.- I nue, with a depth of 131 feet... John H. Williams Being SO feet on S. Main avenue, . . . . with, a dopth of 135 feet Thomas W. Phillips Being '50 feet nu S. Main avenue, . . with a depth of 113 feet Rachacl Jones Being 30 feet on S. Main avonuo, ilth a depth of 1U6 feet on Eynon street David W. Lewis Being 46 foot on Eynon street, . , wltl1 il depth of 72 feet Uilliam T. Proascr -....Bolng 3S feet on Eynon street, with a depth of 133 foet William E. James Estate. ...Belmr S3 feet on Evnon street, , . . uh a depth of 1.13 feet Scranton School District ....Being M foot on Eynon htreet, wlt)l il depth of 133 feet Reese T. Powell Being 50 foet on Eynon street, w'ith a dopth of 133 feet Jane B. Thomas Being 2S feet on Evnon street. With n. rliMltll nf i;n (Vn nomas R. James ,. Being 2S i'eet on S. Main avonue. With a rienlh nf i:b toot homas Davis Being 53 feet on Kynon street, with a depth of 133 feet Raohacl Hadley .........Being 54 foet on Evnon street, ,. . with a depth of 133 feet Alexander Phillips Being. 17 feet on Eynon street, , , ,r with a dopth of 133 feet Rachel Morgan Being 47 feet on Eynon street, , . T,wlth depth of 133 foot William D. Morris ,... Beins it feet on Evnon street, , with a dopth of 133 feet Jane J. Eynon Bolng 31 foot on Eynon street, . . witln a depth of 133 feet John Eynon Being 34 teot on Eynon street, , , with a dopth of 133 foot John Eynon BcirK 51 feet on Eynon htreet, wtth o, depth of 133 feet William D. Morris , Being SI feet on Hampton street, with a dopth of 133 feet on . Twelfth avenue George Carpenter Being 54 feet oa Hampton street, , , . wltn ll depth of 133 feet lsaao T. Robinson Being 15 feet on Hampton street, . , wt" depth of 133 feet Margarot Williams Being 45 feet on Hampton street, ,. , ,r MNL with a dopth of 133 feet '.. Catharine Morgan Bemg S3 foet on Hampton btreet, . ., T,''lth !l depth of 133 foot Joseph Roynolds ,. Being 46 foot on Hampton street, , . m w-ith a dopth of 131 feet John T. Evans Being 56 feet on Hampton street, with a dopth of 133 foot Thomas Lvans Being S3 loot on Hampton street, , , with a dopth of 131 foot Gerttude Jones Being 50 foet on Hampton street, ' with a dopth of 133 feet Thomas Evans Bolng so feet on Hampton Btreet, , ,r with a dopth of '133 foet L. M. Bunnell Bolng 50 fool on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 foet ., Mrs. Caroline Morgan Doing 32 feet on Hampton street, , ,. with n depth of 133 feet Thomas W. Morgan .Being 14 feat on S. Main avonue, w lth n depth of 130 feot on follows btreet; Being 43 foot on S. Main avenue, with a depth of SI feet Being 21 feet on S. Main avenue, with a depth ot SI foot Being 24 foot on S .Main avenue. with u depth of SI foet. corner Hampton street Doing 70 feet on Hampton street, with it dopth of 93 fuet Ro.lng.C2 foot on Hamilton street, with a depth of 133 feet .......Being 28 feet on Hampton street, I" 11 Thomas W.-Morgan .... Hannah Johnson D. D. Evans & Co Hannah Johnson Estate James Carpenter Estate Margarot Howells James Carpentor Estato SSI 42 132 47 70 28 76 25 76 28 7151 71 51 7151 132 93 57 21 S9 63 S9 63 S9 63 7G28 104 S3 101 S8 101 S8 101 S8 101 58 101 S3 101 S3 101 ES 101 S8 101 SS 57 21 52 44'' 52 4i 95 35 j 76 28 104 SS 101 SS 09 13 57 21 103 02 93 35 57 21 76 2S 104 SS 1SSS0 05 35 53 59 53 39 103 02 103 21 S9 63 S9 63 S9 63 5S lis mi 21 103 21 103 21 102 21 S3 82 S3S2 101 SS S7 49 103 02 104 SS 05 35 03 rs1 f5 55 0132 SO 09 S3 63 12 70 46 00 101 K8 99 13 5.153 05 35 5124 76 28 SO 00 52 44 104 SS , 114 12 91 5 5159 53 53 3 20 4 20 5 , 20 C SO 20. 20 20 20 20 with a dentil nf -x font .Being 30 foot on Hampton street, wan a oepin ot iw teot Susannah Collins Being 29 feet on Hampton street, , , ,. , . L, with a depth ot W feet Benjamin Hopkins Being 40 feet on Hampton street, . . .. , , I with a depth of 133 foet Benjamin Hopkins Being 41 feet on Hampton street, .,,.. w"h a depth of 133 feet I.uey Williams ,,, .Being 27U feot on Hampton ,,,., x.!i.treet. wh u "T11 of l33 fePl William Ooro Being 53 feet on Hampton street, , , OV'th a dopth of 133 foot Beynon & Watklns Being M) feet qn Hampton street, wlth a depth of 131 foet T. T, Morgan Being IS feet on Hampton street, . with a depth of 134 feet T. T, Morgan Being 2S foet on Hampton street, . , , , x.'Yhh a depth of 133 feet Benjamin J. Hughes Being 2S foot on Hampton street, . . . . i with a depth of 133 feet Benjamin J. Hughes ,, Being 53 foot on llnmntou street. ... , , , , With a depth of 133 feet 101 8 Anthony Velnschunk Bolng 56 foot on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 feet on , Twelfth avenue .,..,..,,,,,,,,,,, 106 59 Clerman Catholic Church ....Being 68 foot on S. Main avenue, with a depth of iw feet oa Luzorne street 12777 German Cathollo Church ....Bring 67 feet on S. Main avenue, ., u With a depth of 183 feet 109 61 German Cathollo Church ....Being 5 feot on S. Main avenue, ,. , . . "M a depth of 1S2 foet 106 59 Scth Wrlgloy ..v ...,M..Belng 52 feot on S. Main avonue, ,.... .! , with a depth of 116 feot 10322 John P, Acker estate Being 50 teet on S. Main avenue, with a depth of 116 feet on ,, Rook street , ,,, 03 35 Mrs. S. fc. Mason ,.,,.,.,,,.Belng 50 feet on S. Main avenue. with a depth of 110 foot on .Rock street ,.,, 05 35 1 Mrs. 8. E. Mason .. Being 50 foet on 8. Main avenue, Willi ii dopth uf UB foet " 95 33 P. D. Evans ,,....,,..,.,.. Being 50 feet on 8. Main avenue, wnii n ucpin or im root io sj Lot. 13 li U i 15 10 17 13 19 20 21 tin 23 21 23 20 27 28 29 30 31 32a 32b 33 31-35 12 13 11 13 16 17 IS 19 20 21-22 1 3 4 5-6 7 S 9 10 11 la lb 3b 4a 4b Vint, fits M. M. II. Mott H. Mott ,.....,,,.,,,,.,,,.. ,,,.,, ,,,.,f. ,.;,,. Being 50 feet on 3. Main avenue, with a depth of 1S2 feet Being W teot on S. Main avenue with a. depth of 152 feet on Fel" lova ctroet -, ,,,..,,,.,.,.,, 03 33 05 23 IS 19 20a 20b 21 3 3 4 v 5 T s 9 I to co, 20' SO' 20' 20 20' 20' 20 0 20 20 20 20 20' 20 20' 20 20 20 20 20 21 24 24 24 21 21 21 21 21 24 26 20 20 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27. 28' 28 28 28" SO 30 30 SO 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 31 31 35 33 33 33 3. 39 39' 39' 33 33 S3. W. Wellington estate.. W. Wellington estate.. W, Wellington estate.. W. Wellington estate.. W. Ellen Williams Samuel 0. Jenkins .-. Thomas S. Jenkins . Jacob Jones Herbert G. Lloyd ... John P. Kearney Patrick Toomey ., P. J, Glancy R. R. D.. L. & W. R. D I & W. R, D L. & W, R. R. D., L. & W. R. R. D., L. & W, R. R. Co. ,,,.,, ,, Being 150 feet on I.uzorno street, with a depth of 83 feet nn Twentieth avenue ,,,,,. Falrvlew Park Land Co. ,,,, .Being 43 foot on Sixth avonuo, with a deoth of 11014 feet on Dcllcvue. placo .,,,, , ,. Falrvlew Park Land Co Bolng 43 feet on Sixth avenue, with a depth of 11014 foet Bridget Stanton ...... ,,,.,,.,,.BoIng 43 feet on SlNtli avenue, with a depth of 11014 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co, ,,,. Being 10 feot on Elm street, with a depth of 12:) feet ,.,,.,.,,,.... Falrvlew Park Land Co..,,, .Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 123 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feot on Elm street, with a depth of 123 foet Falrvlew Park Land Co. ...,. Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 123 foot ' Falrvlew Park Land Co. ..... Being 40 feet on Elm street, wth a depth of 129 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co. ,,,,. Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 129 foet Falrvlew Park Lund.Co, ,,. Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a deoth of 123 feet C0S5 76 28 76 28 76, a 1 76' U 76 28 .; y -,- t.-j j, ' J ,;.' . ;; ", '; i " Block Owner. Location. fits assessed. 20 T. Fellows Mason .i....t.,.i.Belng 32 teet on Rock street, with , a depth of 140 foot on Decker's , , court ,,,.. i,i, ,,,,, (,,,., 20, Griffith T. Davis .............iBoliig 40 feot on Rock street, with- it ilnnth nf 140 toot ,...,.....,.! John .Watklns and Griff ' Davis i.iiii ,...,. .. i. Being 40 feot on Rock Btreet, with .... I a depth -of 140 foet nmn ' William D. Morgan ...........Being 40 foet on Rock Btreet, with a depth of 140 feot .,it.,,,ii,,,1 John Wagner, Jr. ......Being 40 feet nn Rock street, with . . a depth-of 140 feot John II. Williams .Being 40 feet on Rock street, with , a depth- of 140 foot Morris Williams ...............Being 40 tcct on Rock street, with a dopth of- 140 feet on Hydo- Park avcmio John B. Jones Being 46 feot nn Hydo Park nvc- title, with a depth of 140 feot on alley ,, ,,.. ,,..,.,,- R. F. Aswell Being 46 feet on Hydo Park ave nue, with -a-depth of 160 feet... Mason & Mott ..Being 44 foot on Decker's court. with n depth of 142 feot .......... Mason & Mott Being 45 feot on Decker's court, with a depth of 142 foet on alley Barbara Mooro or Barbara Furhcr Being .10 foet. on Rock -street, with, a depth of 113 feet on Decker's court ...... . R. F. Aswell Being 40 feet on Rock street, with a depth-of 143 foot John C. Davltt estate Being 40 feet on Rock street, with a depth ot 143 feet Thomas M. Jones Being to foot on Rock street, with a depth. ot 143 foot i John H. Williams Being 40 feet on Rock street, with a depth of 113 feet Richard Aswell ...Being 40 feet on Rock street, with with a depth of 10.1 feot M. A. Cadden Being 73 feet on Hyde Park ave nue, with a depth of S3 foot on Horatio alley David C. Williams Being 26 feet on Luzeruo street, with a ilepth of 143 foot Adam Wheeler Being 3114 feet on Liutcrno street, wlth'n depth of 141 feet Mary Bersln Being 25 feet on Ltizenia street,,, wlth'iT depth of 143 feet George Swltzer , Being 25 feet on Luzarno street, with a depth of 143 feet M. A. Cadden Being 3714 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of KJ feet John Von Wclscnftue Being 93.7 foot on Luzcruo streot, with a depth of 113 foet on Hyde Park avonuo Joseph Oliver Being 50 foot on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 feot corner of field i Joseph Oliver Being 50 feet on Hampton street, with a depth of 13,1 foet r Thomas W. James ..Being 50 feet 'on Hampton stroet, with a depth of 133 feet .i David P. Roborts Bdliig SO foot on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 feet David J. Davis Being '50 feet on Hampton street, with a depth of 13.1 foot Catharine Williams Being 50 feet on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 feet Gwcnnle Vaughan or James Eynon Being 51 feet on Hampton street,. With a depth of 133 feet Samuel F. Gibbs Being 50 feet on Hampton streot. - With' a depth of 13.1 foet Mrs. David D. Lewis Being 50 foot on Hampton street,, WRh a depth of 133 foot Hannah Reynolds Being 115 foet on Hampton-street,, With a depth of 133 feet on Twelfth avenue 146 23 Mary J. Thomas Being 55 feot on Hampton street. wun a (leptn or iw teot on. Twelfth avenue Philip Reese Being 53 feet on Hampton street,.. With a depth of 133 foot Lewis G. Parry Being 59 feot on Hampton street. With a dfepth of 133 feet Rebecca Raymond Being 51 feet on Hampton street, With a depth of 133 feet Thomas S. Jenkins , Being 101 feet on Hampton street,, -with a depth of 133 feet Reese W. Lloyd Being 50 foet on Hampton street,, with a depth of 133 feet John J. Morgan Being 55 feet on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 feet Martha Costlett Being SO feet on Hampton street, with a dopth of 133 feot David R. Jones Being 50 foot on Hampton street, with a depth of 133 feet Henry J. Thomas Being SO feet on Hampton street. with n depth of 133 feet on Hold Julia S. Bush Being 55 feet on Luzerne stroet,. with a depth of SO feet on Hyde Park avonue Thomas D. James Being 50 feet on Hyde Park ave nue, with a depth of 55 feet.... David Richards Bolng 50 feet on Luzerne street, with n. depth of 1(1 feet Charlotte Schock or Schallc. Bolng 25 foot on Luzerno street, with a depth of 141 feet Ellen Stephen Being 25 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 141 feet Ellen Stephen i Bolng 25 feet on Luzerne street, with a dopth of 141 feet Q. W. Wellington estate Bolng 23 feot op Luzerno street, with a depth of 141 foot Q. W. Wellington estate. ..j.. Being 50 foet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 141 feet Q. W. Wellington estate Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a dopth of 141 foot Q. W. Wellington estate Being. S3 feel on Luzorne street, with a depth of 141 feet on Twelfth avenue ..Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 141 feet .-. ..Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 141 feet ..Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a depth of 141 feot ..Being 50 feot on Luzerne street, witn a depth or 141 rest Wellington estato Bolng 50 foet on Luzerne street, witn a depth ot 141 foet W. Wellington estate Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, wun a aoptn.or hi roet William E. Markwlck Being 50 Jeot on Luzorne street. with a depth of 141 feet on Thirteenth avenue John Hopkins ...Being 50 feot on Luzorne streot. with a depth ot 141 feot on Thirteenth avonuo Edward Gleason Being SO foet on Luzerno street, with a dopth of 150 feet on Fourteenth avenue .Being 50 feot on Luzorne stroet, with a dopth of 150 feot .Being 23 feot on Luzerne street, with a depth of 130 feet Being 23 foot on Luzorne street, with a depth of 130 foet .Being 50 foot on Luzerno street, with n dopth of 150 feet .Being 50 feet on Luzerno streot, With a. donth of ISO feot Howefl Morgan Being 50 foot on I.uzorno street. with a depth of 150 feet on Fourteenth avenue, William Qulnn ,.. Being 50 foet on Liizorne street, with a depth of 130 feet on Fifteenth avenue Patrick Durkln Being 50 feet on Luzerne street, with a dopth of 150 foet John Markwlck Bolng 50 feot on Luzerne street, with nv dopth of 150 feet Michael Thomas Bolng 50 foet on Luzerno street. with a dppth of 150 feet Michael Burko Being SO feet on Luzerne street. with a depth of 130 feet John F. Wright Being 50 foot qn Luzerne street. with a depth of 150 feet on Fifteenth avenue James Hart Being 50 foot on Luzorne street, . with a depth of 150 feot Michael Kane or M.B. Koan.. Being 50 feet on Luzorne streot, with a dopth of 150 feot Michael Kano or M. B. Koan,. Being DO foot on Luzerne streot. with a depth ot 130 feet Michael Necdham Botng 50 feot on Luzerno street, With u dopth ot 150 foet Mary Hart Being 50 feet on Luzerno streot, with a depth of ISO feot on Sixteenth avcmio Hubert McHale Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, Willi a depth of ISO feet on Seventeenth avenuo Michael Langan , Being so feet on Luzerne 3trect, with a depth, of 150 feet Mary Barrett Being 50 feet on I.uzorno streot, wun a uoptn or 75 reet .Being 50 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 feet Being SO foet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 150 feet .Being 55 feat on Luzerne street, witn a nontn or iw feet on Seventeenth avenue Herman Schoen ...Being 50 foet on Luzorne streot, with n dopth of 150 foot on Eighteenth avenue - John McTJernan estate Being 40 foot on Luzerno street, with a dopth of 150 foet Stephen Flanaghan Bolng to feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 130 feet ' John MoHugh ,, Being SO foot on Luzorne street. witn a iieptn or 1M feot 'on Eighteenth avenue ...,.,.. 34 D., L. & W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on I.uzorno streot, with a depth of 150 foot on Nineteenth avenuo ,,,,,,, ,,, Co. ........Being 60 feet on Luzerno street, with a depth of 130 feet Co ..Being 50 feet on Luzerna street, , with a dopth of 150 foot Co. ........Being so feet pn Luzorne streot, with a dopth of 150 feet ,,,..,.., Co ,,, Being 110 feet .on Luzorno street, with a depth of S3 feet on Nine- 1 76 28 76 28 S3 62 83 82 S3 82 57 21 76 21 76 28 76 18 76 21 76 28 114 22 49 43 60 45 47 G7 47 67 7151 205 88 63 57 63 57 63 57 63 57 63 57 63 57 " f 64 57 63 57 63 57 69 93 69 03 63 57 6137 143 67 C3 57 69 03 63 57 63 57 63 57 104 RS 05 35 05 35 47 67 47 C7 47 67 47 67 05 35 95 35 10)83 95 35 05 35 D5J5 05 35 05 33 95 35 95 25 93,23 05' 35 05 35 47 67 47 67 05 25 93 35 05 33 05 35 93 35 03 35 05 35 05 35 95' '533 05 35 05 35 05 35 05 35 05 25 95 35 57 21 95 35 03 So- 101 SS 05 35 76 2S 114 42 95 35 05 35 95 35 05 35 03 35 266 77 2S3 Sf 93 35 SO (3 SO 03 76 28 76 C8 .76 23 76 2S 76 2S 76 28 76 23 Lot, 11 13 13 14 15 1 17 18 19 20 Block 39 89 39 39 39 39 C9 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 10 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40' 40. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 . 41 41 41 41 . 41" 41 41 41 41 41 41 41. 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 Falrvlew Park Land Co... Falrvlew Park Land Co... Falrvlew Park Land Co. Falrvlew Park Land Co. John Wagner. Sr Falrvlew Park Land Co,.. Falrvlew Park Land Co... FIFTEENTH WAnD, (CONTINUED). rtx. . .. ' Amt. of Bent m ... 9wnsT' ... - .Location. fits assessed. x-nutiow rum Ajunu yjo. .....tioing 40 reet on Kim street, witn , . , . ., a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feot on Elm street, with ..,..., . . depth of 129 feet .,.,.., wu... Falrvlew Park Land Co. ..... Bolng 40 feet on Elm street, with . , . . . depth of 129 'feet ,.,..,,..,.... Falrvlew Park Lend Co. .....Being 40 feet on Elm street, with . . ....... a depth of 129 feet , ,i Falrvlew Park Land Co. .... Being flUeet on Elm street, with f. ,.. a depth of 129 foet ....,........ Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . . . . a depth of 129 feet .............. Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 teet on Elm street, with i , . . . a dopth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , . ..... a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 40 feot on Elm street, with , . , . . a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ., . . .... a dopth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co. .....Being 43 foet on Sixth avenue, ... . .. . . . with a depth -of HOH feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 reet on Sixth avenue, .... , . with a dopth of 11014 feet Falrvlew Fark Land Co Being 43 feet on Sixth avenue, . , . . . with a dopth of 110 feet on alley Falrvlew Park Land Co Bolng 43 feot on Sixth avenue, .... . . . with n depth of 110 feet on alley Folrvlow Tark Land Co Being 43 feet on Sixth avenue, .. . . with n depth of 110 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feot on Sixth avenue, with a depth of 110 feet on Elm street Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet orr Locust street, with n depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 129 feet Fnlrvlsw Park Land Co .Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a dopth or 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feot on Locust street, with n depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm streot, with p. depth of 123 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 10 foot on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a dopth of 123 feet Falrvlew Tark Land Co. .....Being 40 feot on Locust street, with a dopth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Bolng 40 feet on Elm street, with ' , a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust .street, . with n drpth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street,, . , with a depth of 129 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with , , a depth of 129 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . .. , with a depth of 129 feet William H. Davis Being 40 foot on Elm street, with ,. , a depth of 129 feet William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Locust street, . with si dopth of 123 foet William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Elm street, with. William II. Davis Being 40 feel on Locust street,, , , with a depth of 129 feet William H. Davis Being 10 feet on Elm street, with ,., , a depth of 129 feet .' William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 129 feet William H. Davis 4Belng 40 feet on Elm street, with a dopth of 129 feet William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Locust street, . with a depth of 123 feet William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a deoth of 129 feet William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Loe.uaL.street, with a depth of 129 fi wiiuam ti. uavis Being 40 feet on mm si a depth of 123 teet. William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Loc 7 with ,i rienlh of IB) 1 William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Elm s a depth of 129 feet. William H. Davis Belnc 40 feet on Loc ' with a depth of 129 f wuuam a. .uavis Being 40 feet on Kim s a. deoth of 129 feet. William H. Davis Being 40 foet on T.ocus with si rtnnth nf 199 fee William H. Davis Being 40 feet on Elm stre a. donth. of 123 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Belli? 40 foet on Locust st: with .a depth of 131 reet o: Roland avenue Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, t wun a uoptn ot m ieei Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, . null tl MClilil UL J., ICE, ..Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 foet .- ..Being 40 feet on Locust street. with a; depth of 131 feet on Sixth avonue Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet on Sixth avenue Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 foet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street,- with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feot......... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 fast on Locust street,. with a depth of 131 feet Fali-vlew Park Land Co Bolng 40 feet on Locust street. with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on LocuHt street, with a depth of 131 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feot on Locust street, ! with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a dopth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 foet on Locust street,, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet - Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street. with r depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Locust street, with a depth of 131 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Ninth avenue,, with a depth of 11014 feot on Kim street Being 46 feet on Ninth avenue, with a dopth of 11014 teet .Being 45 foot on Ninth avenue,; with a deptn ot iwfy teet on alley . .V. Falrvlew Park Land Co Bing 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet .-; Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a dopth of 136 feet ' Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 foot on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet 'i Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet .-.... Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet ' Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with ! a depth of 136 feot :, Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 186 feet Rebecca 8. Phillips Being 40 feot on Elm street, w'th a depth of 136 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Bolng 40 feet on Elm Btreet, with a depth of 136 feet , Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet John Wagner, Jr Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet John Wagner, Jr Being 40 feet on Elm streot, with a denth of 136 feet ,, Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet ..Being 40 feet on Elm street, with u depth of 136 feet ..Being -10 feet on Elm street, with ' a denth of 136 feet .' Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Elm street, with' a depth of 136 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 10 feet on Elm street, with a depth ot 136 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a dopth of 130 feet , Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 10 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feot Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 136 feet Falrvlew Tark Land Co Being 40 feet on Elm stieet, wtth a depth of 136 feet,. Thomas Gllbride Being 43 feet on Elm street, with a dopth of 113 feet on Eighth avenuo .,,., Michael Gllbride Being 43 feet on Eighth avenue, with a dopth of 113 feet Michael Gllbride Being 4.1 foet nn Eighth avenue, with a depth of 113 feet on alley , John Francis Being 43 feot on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 1101-i feet on Locust street i Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 foot on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 11014 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 41 foet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 11014 feet on alley Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 11014 feet Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 43 feet on Ninth avenue,- with a dopth of 11014 feet ,, Falrvlew Park Land Co,.,., .Being 43 foet on Ninth avenue, with a depth of 11014 feet on Elm street , Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 feot on Elm street, with a denth of 123 feet ,...,..... Falrvlew Park Land Co,.,...Belng 40 feet on Elm street, wtth a depth of 129 feet.,.,, .,., John Larosko or John Bar- ' nowskl ,,,.,,, ..Being 40 feot on Elm street, lth a depth of 129 feet., ... Thomas and John Flynn..,., .Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 129 feet James Flynn , Being 40 foot on Elm street With a depth of 123 feet,..,,,. ., Falrvlew Park Land Co,..., .Being 40 feet on Elm street, with a depth of 129 feet...... John Scott ,. ,..,. ..Being 40 feet on Elm ayeet, with, a cienin oi i.j ici-i.. , .Being 40 feet on ElmJjreet. with u depth of 123 feet B......i...., .Being 40 fet on Eli-street, 4lth' a depth of 129 M;": ,,.... Tiai.in- in ?., r.i, Lin street, will. U depth Of rag'" Falrvlew Park Land Co Being 40 fett oiifjlra street, with il UCpill Ol l'.,,v 'm.hhi.u Falrvlew Park Land Co. Ann Bowen. ....... ......... Edmund Moses,. Uirl ii?! m 76 24 ,f i- 78 81 76 9 76 28 7d at 76 28 71 IN 76 S 7M 76 29 MO M0) torn 80 01 80 01 80 09 76 38 76 25 76 28 WIS 76 28 76 2) 76 23 76 23 76 28 72 76 28 76 33 76 23 76 33 76 28 76 38 76 28 76 76 33 76 ai 79 m -Jt wa: 76: 76 2t 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 23 76 33 76 28 76 23 76 23 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 85 83 So S3 88 S3 76 28 76 28 76 2 76 23 76 23 76 23. 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 23 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 28 76 2t SO 09 76 23 76 38 76 28' 76 28 76 28 80 09' SOOSr 0 09 80 09' 80 J 80 09 80 09 SO 08 SO. 09 76 28 76.23 76 38 76 28 76 33 76 31 74 38 76 31 76 33 V6 3 4 a- r-. vU s- iSfv- i mi- . r- ,x ,.-.-, f J. OZHl .i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers