The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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lr 1A lj.rt Uv
-. , ' t'"
in i i' J .iv r
, "
i ;'
'! .'
" "A-V'
, V
Lot. Block
la 1
lb t
1 1
4 1
I 1
7 1
S-9-10 1
15 .
28 '
utvTti ttfAnn rnvnxtttr A
I Amt. of Bene
Block Owner. Location. Hts assessed,
Ztf JOllll H., J OUCS i....,......,.i.i.leMlK Ki icoi on jioihiui hjviiuui
with ncrngo depth of 3 feet ..
28 David R. Jones ........ ........ Being Hi) feet on Roland 'iyjJ,JU0"
with nn'ftvemRe depth of Kl feet
aa t-von t. riavt .Urine- 49 feet mi Roland njchttc,
3Uh hh average depth of 80 fret
.. . tig 42 feet on Roland avenue,
, wltH an average depth of 100
feet ,,,,,,,,,,,.,... ............ i
CC John W. James Being 42 feet on Roland avenue.
with nn nverogo depth of 139
feet on Aichbatd stieet
5 33
76 23
68 55
70 28
SO 09
Amt. of Bene-
llts iissesaeu.
57 21
B7 21
107 70
95 33
107 70
107 70
95 35
160 19
D , L. &. W,
D., L. & W.
I) , Ii. & AW
D., L S. W.
D.. L
D., L.
3 5
4a 5
4b 5
( 5
T 5
8 5
10 5
It 5
13 '5
11 5
rtiiAi T.nttjitlmi
Michael Malla Being m feet on Meildlnn ill opt,
ywu. I llt'llll! UL 1,V 1W. .
resulnr plot
John Hairlnglon Rclnr? 30 feet on Meildlnn ntieet,
with n denthof 170 feet. An lr-
trgular plot
Jacob Mcllert ...........BcIiir K feet on Meridian sticet.
with a dopth of 1bJ feet
John H. llanan Being fa., feet on Meildlnn sticet,
with a dopth of 1B0 feet .'.
William Kanan BcIhk CO feet on Meridian street,
'. with n depth of 10 feet
Onen Moinit BcIhr 57 feet on Meridian nticet,
with a depth of 121 feet
John A. Parsons BcIiik r7 feet on Meildlnn street,
I M'ltll ti clnnlli nt till frpt
Mary Sweeney Being 57 feet on Jleildlan street,
With n depth of 110 feet Wi 0
Tatrlck Noon Being It feet on Meildlnn street,
( w Ith a depth of s:. feet at whleit
; point, running down to a depth
. of 10 feet , ; 1-396
Maiffarct Golden Estate Being f0 feet on Meridian stieet,
wun a tirptn oi icui. -
icgulnr plot ..
D U & W. R. R. Co Being SI feet on Meildlnn Bttcet,
i tvllh i. .lentil n l'.'l feet
R. R. do Being 50 feet on Meildlnn stieet,
with a depth of 141 feet
R. Co Being SO feet on Meilillitn street,
. ,1 with it depth of Hi feet
11. Co Being no Icet on Meridian street,
with u depth of 111 feet
II. Co Being .0 feet on Meridian street,
With a ilepth or no tcet
D., L. & W. R. R. Co Being W) feet on Meildlnn street,
With a ilepth of 110 feet
D 1.. & W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Meridian street,
with n dentn of 110 feet
&. W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Meildlnn tttect,
with ii depth of 110 feet
& V. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Meildlnn stieet,
with a depth of 110 feet
& Vi R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Meildlnn street,
with a denth of 110 feet
Bildgct Moian Being 50 feet on Meildlnn stieet,
with tl depth of 140 feet
Bridget Moian Being vsi icet on Meildlnn stieet.
lucgulur, with a depth of 1-3
1 feet on Meildlnn stieet
Patrick Golden Being 31 feet on Meildlnn stieet,
with a depth of 143 feet on
Bellcvuo Place
Mary Reap Estate Being CO feet on Enon stieet,
with a depth of 101 feet on Me-
lldlau street
Mary Reap Estate Being 60 feet on Enon stieet,
with a depth of 100 feet
Maiguict Connors Being 43 feet on Uuion stieet,
with a depth of 130 feet
Stephen and Augustus Ly
man and Caroline Thiol Being 27',i feet on IlMion strpct,
with u depth of 1.11 feet
Margaret Smith Being 'S feet on Eynon sttect,
wun n uepin oi i.w iccl
Rcnp Being 55 feet on Ennn stieet,
with a depth of ttt feet
tto Being 2"',S feet on Knon stieet,
with a depth of Ul feet
Schlager Being J7',i feet on Enon stieel,
with a depth oC I'M feet
Hcnnlgan Being FT feet on lljnoii street,
with a denth of Va fe-t
iffy Being 53 feet on Ejnon stieet,
with a denth of 133 feet
nyder Being 55 feet on 'non street,
with ji denth of US feet
5m Williams Being 55 feet on Enon stieet,
with a denth of 111 feet
'es D. O'Mallcy Being 55 feet on JJwir stieet,
with a denth of 11! ' .-t
Zachariah Transuo Being 55 feet on i: .on stieet,
with a depth of 13 i feet
Dennis Kelly ,. Being 53 feet on ICwion stieet,
with ii depth of HI feet
Thomab Flight Being 43 feet on Cvnon stieet,
I with a depth of 13' feet
Tred Machcr Being 37',i feet on Ejnon stieet,
with n depth of 1A! feet
Conrad Macher Being 7i feet on Ewion stieet,
with n depth of lit feet
Mary Gilroy Being 53 feet on Ejnon stieet,
with a depth o.' 133 feet
August Foster Being 55 leet on F.vnon street,
with a depth of 133 feet on Ro
land avenue ,.
Wilhclmina Foster Being BS feet on Meridian stieet.
with n depth of ISO feet on alley
Thomas McAndrews .Being 39 feet 'on Hampton stieet,
with a depth of 116 feet on Me
ildlnn stieet ,
Thomas 0'Bolo Being feet on Hampton stieet,
with a depth of R7 feet
Bridget Gallagher BelngS." feet on Hampton stieel,
with a dopth of 133 feet
John White Being 55 feet on Hampton stieet,
with a depth of 133 feet
Margaret White .....Being 24 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 13! feet
Elizabeth Mullcney Being 31 feet nn Hampton stieet,
with a depth of 133 feet
Anthony Canavan Being 53 feet on Hampton street,
witli a depth of 1AJ feet
Teircnce McNulty Being 53 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 133 feet
Hannah Coar Being 53 feet on Hampton stieet, '
with a depth of 133 feet
Mrs. Regan Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
v with a depth of 133 feet
George Geher and Leander
Astringcr Being 55 feet on Hampton stieet,
with a depth of 133 feet
Mrs. Mary Ratchford Being 2754 feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet.
Patrick Ratchford Being 27',4 feet on Hampton
sjtleet, with a depth of 133 feot.
Catharine Manntx Being 53 feet on Hampton stieet,
I with a depth of 133 feet
Michael Mannix Being 53 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 133 feet
William Everly Belug 53 feet on Emioii street,
with a depth of 1A1 feet
John Ristor Being 55 feet on Kyuon stieet,
with ii depth of 133 fett
John Schants Being b2 feet on Kynou stieet,
with a depth of 133 feet
John West Being 27& feet on Eynon sticot,
w;fth a depth of 133 feet
Thomas McAndrews Being 2714 feet on Eynon street,
With a depth of 133 feot
John Schwln, Sr Being 27J4 feet on Emioii btieet,
Wtlh a depth of 133 feet
Edward Sullivan Being 53 feet on Kjnnn stieet,
. with a depth of 133 feet
Sarah Dcsktu Being 53 feet on Ejnon stieet,
with a depth of 1.H feet
1 John Walsh Belly; 55 feet on Ejnon stieet,
... with a dopth of 133 feet
Joseph Anslcy, Sr Being, 53 feet on Ejnon stieet,
, , . With a depth of 1.13 feet
John DIetz Being 55 feet on Eynon sticot,
, with a depth of 133 feet
John DIetz Being 53 feet on Eynon stieet,
,. . , w'th a depth of 131 feet
Catharine Wclton Being 55 feet on Ejnon street,
,, .r, i i with a depth of 131 feet
Thomas M. CVBojlo Being 50 feet on Emioii stieet,
, , with a depth of 9J feet
John Donohuo Being 40 feet on Evnon stieet,
.with n depth of 0J feet
Henry Kahn Being no feet on Ejnon stieet,
wllb. ii depth of 9- feet fronting
,.. . ... ,.., i 111 feet on Meildlnn stieet
Elisabeth WUhclm Being 41 feet on Meildlnn stieet.
with nn ajctage depth of 100
'leet on nlley
Mary Sweeny Being loo feet nn Meridian street.
with h depth of 103 feet on
Muithoily sldo nnd limning to
nn angle on noithcily sldo; li-
Patllck Tlinmaiiy Rclllg 5S feot nn Meilillim stieet.
with an hiogulnr depth or 100
tcet on sontheily t.ldo and bS
, , , , .feet on 1161 the) Iv hide 101 SS
uuuu. tu.u. ij ."tiirt hi ieei uip aiouuiau blioei,
Patrick Golden ..Being 5S feet on Meildlnn Mioet.
i with n depth of 137 feet on
, ., Hampton stieet
James Shcildnn Being in feet on Hampton stieet.
, , w Ith n width of li, feet
El S. Dlngmun Being 53 feet on Hampton stieet,
., , . wlthn depthof in feet
EU S. Dinsman Being &i feet on Hampton stitet.
.with n depth of HI feet
Evl S. Dingmnn Being .v. feot on Hampton sticot.
with n depthof HI feet
El S. D ngmnn Be ng 53 feet nu llinnnlnii i,.,.V
. I with ii depth of 113 feet 101 y
El S. Dlngman Being 53 teet on Hampton stieet.
with a depth of HJ feet 101 SS
John Humlcr Being 23 feot on Hamilton street.
with ii depth or 113 feet
Samuel Mj'ers Being 53 feet on Hampton stieet.
, with it depth of 1U feet .........
Jacob Humlcr ..,,. Being 37 fed on llninntnn stieet,
,,m r l.U!lll III lu.1 It'L'l
101 ss
76 23
110 37
101 SS
110 CI
101 SS
101 ss
101 ss
47 1.7
101 SS
15 5
y ' s
IT 5
18 6
19 5
8, 5
1 7
2a 7
Vb ' 7
I 7
Domlnlck McKune Being 53 feet on Hampton s'tVee't'.
with a denth of 1.3.1 i'nt ,.
Elshth stieet 101 S8
D., L. & W. R. H. Co, ....... ,.elug 53 fet on Hiiiniiliiii ttieet,
ii"t..n '"-i'iii oi m tet on
i - Eighth si9et
.D U & W, R. R. Co Being 53 feot on I'ellows sUtet,
with n deptli u( IV) feet
p., ti. & W. R. K. Co Being t7 leet on fellows stieet,
, with n depth of IV) ictt
Michael Arthurs , ,...,., .Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
with n depth of 130 feet,
Kvl S. Dlngman ,.,,.. ...... ., .Being 50 feet on I'ellows street,
v . with n depth of 130 feet
Gcolffs Christ .,,,,......,..,,. Being 30 leet on Fellows stieol,
I With a ileiith of 130 feet
SnmuaMcjt-rs .,.,,,,.,,. Being 50 root on Fellows sticot,
r 1 with a depth of 130 feot .........
John '-.liildo ,, ,..,.,. Being 55 feet on Emioii sticot,
., '"X with h depth of 131 not
Miles C. M ,,,, Being '.'IH feet on Emioii btieet,
J'u with n depth of lit feet
M. E. Ci. A ,,,., , ,, Being L'TJi feet on Evnon slieot,
J with ii dopth or 13J fett I
Ellen Hcm ,,.,..,,..,., Being 53 feot on Emioii sticot,
' wun a ucnin ui i icei ,,
101 SS
104 SS
1.'7 77
93 3
93 33
101 SS
101 S3
9 .
Tcrrenco McNulty
9 33 3
95 33 4
93 35 5
95 35 (ja
95 S3 ub
93 3' i
93 35 ga
95 35
o- "- Sb
93 33 9
107 09 u
64 SI
127 77 u
1H 42 3d.
S3 S- r,b
52 II
5-' 41
u2 41
101 SS
101 S3
101 SS
104 88
104 S8 l
104 88
104 S8
S3S2 la
71 51 "M"
5J 44 -,c
101 S8 23
104 SS 2T
101 SS 2S
76 2S
53 39
101 SS
101 SS
43 77
57 21
101 SS
104 SS
104 SS "
101 S8
101 S8 37
52 41 SS
52 41 39
101 SS 40
101 SS 40
101 SS
101 SS
13S 49 2
5J44 3
52 41 4
52 44 5
101 S3 g
104 S3 7
101 S3 9
104 SS to
101 SS ii
101 SS
101 SS u
95 35
7B2S 13
21 h
Amt. of Bene
T.oenllon. Ills assessed.
.ii.....ii...jjeiiiK w icet on uynon Bircci,
. . wun aiiepin or ij icet, ..........
Patrick H. Murray .. ........ ...Being 55 feet on Eynon street.
with a dtnth of 133 feet
Augustus Donnelly ...... ......Bclmi 55 feet on Evnon street)
wun a uepin or 11 icei
Jane E. Prlco Bl ng 55 feet on Eynon Btrcct.
with u i:
101 68
104 88
101 U
104 88
101 SS
John Wngncr
xjuciic2er jJiivis ...............
Edwin Rccso ........
jicnry i-, jjavia
7 P. F.
7 P. F.
104 83
71 Et
52 44
45 92
104 88
104 88
95 35
104 83
52 41
52 44
52 44
52 44
denth of 13.1 feet
7 D. M. Jones Estate ......Being 53 feet on Eynon street)
, , , with a depth of 113 feet
7 Dennis Kelly ............... ...Being 55 feet on Ejnon street,
with a depth of 131 feet .........
7 Ann Morgan ..Ueliig 53 feet on Eynon sttcct,
with n depth of TA feet
7 Vi1.nrf1 Afnana Ttnlnff R tnn nn Plvnnn Htreel.
with n depth of 13T feet 104 88
T jsiarun uany lJCillK Ki reel on I'.ynon sircci,
wth a depth of 133 feet
7 John Wngncr Being 37U feet on Ejnon street,
with n depth of 133 feet
7 John Wagner ....Being 374 feet on Evnon street,
wun a neptn oi isi ieei
Being 37J6 feet on Eynon street,
with n depth of 111 feet
Being 27U feet on Ejnon street,
wun n rtepm ot in ieoi
Being 27J4 feet on Evnon Btrcct,
with a denth of Hi feet
....Betntt 55 feot on Eynon street,
wun a aepin oi 1.1 icei
William Norton Being 53 feet on Eynon street,
with 11 depth of 111 reel
UlitVamncn TOnl,,, CR .f nn P.Vnoil street.
with a doptn ot wi rcei w
McNamara Being '53 feet on Eynon street,
with a deptli or 1:11 reel '
7 John Ii. Lewis Being 53 feet on Ejnon street,
with n depth of 133 feet on
Ninth avenuo 10188
2 Julia Eagan Being CO feet on Hampton stieet,
wun a uepin 01 im icei on
Eighth nvcnilo
8 John Wagner, Sr Being 50 foot on Hampton stieot,
wtlh a denth ot 133 feet
8 Hannah Joyco Being 53 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth ot 113 feet 101 88
8 Thomas H. McCormtck Being 53 foot on Hampton street,
with a ..epth of 131 feet 101 88
S Joseph W. Roll Being 5 rect on Hnmpmn sireei,
with n depth of 133 feet
3 H. W. Hlldebiant Being 27!4 feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 113 feet. .
S Elizabeth Foster Being 27W feet on Hampton
street, with a denth of 113 feet..
S Mathlns Flasch Being "5 feet on Hampton street,
1 with a depth of 133 feet , 104 83
S Adolph Schleber or J. A.
sciucucr Being 2i4 rect on imminou
street, with a depth of 131 feet..
S Barbara Andrews Being 27U feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet..
8 Philip Trachnn Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
i With n depth of 133 feet 104 S8
8 Phil. Rcltcnauer Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
with ft depth of 133 feet 104 83
S John McDermott ....V -Being 53 feet on Hsmpton street,
with n depth of 111 feet 101 S3
S Mrs. Charles Lclbcr Being 55 feet on Hampton stieet,
with a depth of 111 feet 101 88
Sr Mntthow Emcrchlld Being 53 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 111 feet 101 88
S Mary O'Malley Etflng 51 feet on Hnmpton street, 1
with a depth of 13.1 feet 101 SS
s fliatnias Jesten neing znt teet on imnipiun
street, with a depth of 183 feet
S Ann Kelly Being 27'J feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet
S Mary McNicholas Being 27 feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 131 feet
S John J. Cummlngs Being 27Vs feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of lat feet
S Ann Morgan .' Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 133 feet
S Richard Hall Being 27S feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet
S Stephen G. Klmblo Being 27V4 feot on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet
S Lewis Fircstlne Being 27 feet on Hampton
htreet, with a depth of 133 feet
8 Lewis rircstina .... Being 27,(. feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet
8 Hnmpton Street Methodist
Episcopal church Being 55 feet on Hnmpton street,
with a depth ot 133 rect on
' Ninth ajcntio
8 Reese T. Jones Being 55 fett on Evnon street,
with a deptli of 113 feet
S Thomas Carson Being 40 leet on Eynon street,
with a depth of HJ feet
S William Cadlgan Being 40 feet on Eynon stieet,
with a depth of 131 feet
S Jabez Cadigan Being 45 feet on Eynon street,
with a depth of 133 feet
8 Jabez Cadlgan Being 27H feet on Ejnon street,
With a depth of 131 feet
S Bridget Moran Being 27',& feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet.
S Mary J. Evans Being 55 feet on Ejnon street,
with a depth of 113 feet
S Helen Coggins Being 55 feet on Ej'non street,
S Rose Mahon Being
w ith
S Matthew M. Emerchlld Being
8 John J. Claik Being
8 Michael Early Belug
wntn a deptli ot ia; reet
S Michael C. Utt Belug 31 feot on Eynon street,
with a dopth of 113 feet
S William E. Arnold Being 22 feet on Eynon street,
With a depth of 131 feet
S Catharine Peters Being 53 feet on Eynon street,.
with a depth of 111 feet
8 John H. Kelly Being 27", teet on Eynon street,
with a depth of 133 feet
S Lewis Miller Being 272 feet on Ejnon street,
with a depth of 13J feet
S Bridget Barrett Being 55 feet on Eynon Btrcct,
with a depth of 133 feet
S Thomas Lewis Being 53 feet on Eynon street,
with a depth of 133 feet
8 D. D. Evans & Co Being 27H feet on Ejnon street,
with a depth of 1.13 feet
S William E. Arnold Being 27Ja teet on KMion street,
with 11 depth of 135 feet
8 Margaret Armltaga Being 53 feot on Eynon street,
S Henry Ljman Being
8 Christ Nauman Being
Jotcph R. Snjder Estate Being
Jobcph R. Snyder Estate Being
vxmrsM' xotxok.
a depth of HI feet
i feet on Eynon street,
depth of 133 feet
5w rect on Ej-non street,
a depth of 133 feet
i feet on Eynon street,
a depth of 131 feet
reet on Kynon street,
depth of 133 feet.
53 feet on Eynon street,
a dopth of 111 feet
53 feet on Eynon stieet,
a depth of 133 feet
55 ftot on Evnon street,
.1 depth of 133 feet
55 feet on Evnon street,
a depth of 133 feet, cor
ner of Eighth aenuo
9 D., L. and W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
with a depth of 150 feot on
Eighth avenue
9 D., L. and W. It. R. Co Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
with a depth of 150 feet
9 D L. and W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
with a depth of 150 feet
9 D., L. and W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
with a depth of 150 feet
9 D., L. and W. R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
With l! dfnth of 150 feat
....Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
with, a depth of 130 feet
....Bchv? 50 feet on Fellows street,
wth a dopth of 150 feet
....Being 50 feel on Fellows street,
With a depth of 150 feet
....Being 50 feet on Fellows street,
wun a ocptn or 150 reet
Mcllalo Being 50 feet on bellows street,
wun a, depth of 150 feet
Miles Mcllalo Being 50 feet on Fellows stieet,
wltU a depth of 150 feet
M.iry Jojco Bohxfc CO feet on Fellows street,
with 11 depth of 150 feot
Christian Miller Being 30 toot on Fellows street,
TVltll 11 dentil nt 1H1 tnnl
M. Bunnell Being 70 feet on Fellows street,
with ti depth of 150 feet on
Eighth avenue
H. Burschcll Beth? 53 feet nn Hampton btrcct.
wan a depth of 113 feet on
tsinth avenue
9 II. If. Burschcll Being 55 feet on Hnmpton street,
with a depth of 1JJ feat
9 Matthew M. Emerchlld Being 27JJ feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet.
9 John Nauman Being 27Mt feet on llnmplou
Street, with n. denth nt 131 fA.l
..Being 27 feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 1)3 feet.
..Being 2714 feot on Hampton
9 D., L. nnd W. R. R. Co..
9 Stcpanja. Wilezkl
9 D, L. and W. R. R. Co.,
9 D L. and W. R. R. Co.
9 Ann
9 L
9 H.
9 Frank Klscr
9 John Shnfer .,,,
9 Nicholas Flzncz
stieet. villi ii denth nf 1".1 font
Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
wun a uepin or i&i rect ,,,,,,,,,
9 H. W. Hlldebiant Being 27!b feet on Hampton
sheet, with a depth of 133 feot,,
9 Ellen Booio Being 2714 feet on Hampton
stieet, with a depth of 13J feet,.
S Heniy Kllno ..Being 27'i feet on Hampton
sticot, with u depth of 133 feet,.
9 Matthew Snydor , Being 27H feet on Hnmplnn
stieot, with a depth of 113 feet,.
9 Mrs. Susan Fadden Being 2714 feet on Hampton
nucui, nun u aepiu oi ijj leet..
William Eveiett or Mulhcrln
& Judge ..Being
27ii feet on Hampton
-cinK -iw it'ui mi iiniuiHui
street, with a denth of 111 feet.
James H. Phllbln .Being 53 feet on Hnmpton street,
. with a depth of 133 feet
John Mooro Estate ,, ;,,,.Bolng 55 feet on Hnmpton htieet,
with a depth of 133 feet
James Ailhur Being !Vi feet on Hampton
stieel, with a depth of 133 feet,,
James Arthur , Being 27!4 feet on Hampton
btreet. with a depth of 133 feet..
Mary Fanning ,.,.,.... .Being 53 feet on Hampton street,
with n depth of 133 feet
Mary Mullen .Being 55 feet on Hampton stieet,
with n depth or 131 feet
Charles Burhe Estate ,,...,., .Being 55 feot on Hnmpton btieet,
with a depth of 133 feet ,,.,,.,.,
William Langan Bolng 274 feet on Hampton
stieet, with a depth of Ui teet,.
Edwin Mm tin ,,,,, ,,,,,. ,, Being .'7V? feet on Humpton
stieet. with a denth of 133 feet.,
M. H. Dale, Executor ., ..Being 53 feet on Hampton stieet,
with a depth of 131 feet ,
Lewis Foster & Co ,,,,,,,,,,,. Being 55 feet on Hampton street.
wun a nopin in i J.) icet ,,...,,,.,
Co ,,,, ..Being 55 feot on Hampton stieet,
I with a depth or 133 feet
.,,,., ..Being 27! 4 feet on Hampton
stieet. with a depth of U) feet..
..Being 27V4 feet on Hampton
htieot. with a depth of 113 feet.,
..Being 55 feet on Hamilton stieet,
wun a uepin or iw loci, cot nor
of Eighth avenuo
11 John Kelly , Belug IJ feet on l.uzerno stieet,
with a depth of 90 ftet on
Eighth avenuo ,,..,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Lewis Foster &
MUlmcl Stumm
Thomas GaUn ,.
John Thccs
. ...H. ......
52 44
52 44
E2 44
62 44
104 88
62 44
52 41
52 44
52 41
104 83
76 28
76 25
S5 83
52 44
52 44
104 83
104 SS
104 88
104 SS
104 88
104 88
62 92
104 88
52 44
52 44
101 SS
101 S3
52 41
52 14
104 SS
104 SS
104 S8
104 S8
Lot Block . . Owner, ' Location.' fltii ussessed.
lonn i.oiiy .......i.i.-ueiiur 2714 tert on Eighth avenue,
.... r"1" aepin oi 100 tcoi .........
John Kelly ... .........iReing 23, feet on- Eighth avenue,
n.ui n ueiun ok jnu icei ....
John Kelly Beln 25 fett on Eighth avenue,
D., t. & W. R. R. Co..... Being 50 feet on Eighth avenue,
With ti rinnMi nt ISO ft .........
R, Ce,.........Beliiw 50 feet on Eighth avenuo,
Wlrn n ffnnM. m IRn tAt
Beltig 60 feet on Eighth avenue,
vlth n depth of IM feet
Bttng to feet on Eighth avenue,
With It Month nt IUI fni.1
D., L. & W. R. R. Co Belrw 50 feet on Eighth avenue,
D., Ii. & W. R.
William Giimths .....
D., U & W. R. R. Co.
.. , .,,., a depth of iro feet
11 D., t. & W, R. R. Co Being 50 feet on Eighth
104 SS
95 35
95 35
95 35
95 33
93 35
95 35
95 35
95 35
95 35
95 S5
95 35
95 33
95 35
131 59
101 S8
104 88
52 44
32 44
52 44
104 S3
52 44
52 44
CJ 14
62 44
62 41
52 44
104 88
101 88
62 44
52 44
104 83
104 88
104 88
52 44
62 44
101 S3
101 SS
104 88
52 41
52 44
101 SS
78 33
14 11
15 11
16 11
17a 11
17b ' 11
18a 11
ISb 11
19 11
20 11
21 11
22 11
23 11
24 11
23 11
26 11
27 11
28 11
I 12
2a 12
2b 1-'
2c 12
3 12
4 12
5 12
6 12
7 12
8 12
9 12
10 12
1 V 13
2 13
3 13
4 11
5 13
6 14
7a 13
7b 13
8 "13
10 13
12 13
13 13
II 13
With n (Inntti nt l.-il tnit
James Cassldy .Being 50 feet on Eighth avenue,
v .. wlth a dopth of 150 feet
James Cassldy Being 50 feet on Eighth avenue,
4 with a dejith of 150 feet on Pel-
. ., , lows street
Sebastian Flzncz .Being 60 feet on Fellows street,
1 wKh a ilepth of 45 feet on Christ
' court. ,
Adam Warner Bflng 50 feet on Fellows street,
.-,. &" a depth of 105 feet on
M. -.?1,lll, M-V11"U
11 Martha Simmons Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue,
.. .wuii a aeptn of 150 reet ...1
Casper Hoover .Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue,
, . . 1 with a depth of 150 feet
Henry Schubert Being 60 feet on Ninth avenue,
. . . , with a depthof 150 feet
Henry Schubert .'...Bel.ig 23 feet on Ninth avenue,
... . , . 0'th a depth ot 130 feet
Michael Flsnea Being 23 feet on Ninth avenue,
. , jwlth a depth of 150 feet
A. E. Nnsh tBcIng 50 feet on Ninth avenue,
with a depth ot 150 feet
Julius Warner Being 27 feet on Christ court,
... .. ...,.. ,Yuh d,,Pth of 50 feet
Michael Walsh Being B0 feet on Ninth avenuo,
... , wltfi a depth of 150 feet
Minnie loungs BcUiir 50 feet on Ninth avenue.
..I Vlth a depth ot 150 feet
11 Manilas Adams Being 50 feet on Ninth avenue,
.. ., , .. 'with n depth of 150 feet
Mathlas Adams Being 50 feot on Ninth avenue,
, . ... with a depth of 130 feet
Benjamin Bennett -Being ft', feet 1 Ninth avenue,
with a depth of 59 feet on Lu-
zof'io street .1
John R. Williams Being 60 feet on Luzoino street,
.. ., . wlth n depth of 6d feet
Martin Miller Bring 32 feet on Lurerne street.
...... ' with a dpth of Mi feet on court
John Kelly .Being 89 feet on Luzerne street.
. .... wlt'1 " depth of 90 feet on court
John Kelly Being 8 feet on Lurerne street,
wltA a depth of 90 feet
John Kelly Belug 33 feet on Luzerne sticot,
, ,, wrtth a depth of 90 feet
Jano Roderick Blng 53 feet on Ejnon street.
' with a depth of 133 foot on
. Ninth avenuo
Mary W. Jones Being 22 feet on Emioii street,
. , wlth a dopth of m feet
Howard Davis -Being liW feet on Eynon street,
. . with a depth ot 133 feet
Mrs. S. S. Watson ..Being l(P,i Feet on Eynon stieet,
with 11 depth ot 133 feet
John Swceriy Being 55 feet on Eynon street,
with a depth of 13.1 feet
Ellas E. Eians Ee.ln,- 55 feet on Eynon street,.
. ,. wIMi a depth of 13.1 feet
Samuel R. Powell Bor.ig 65 feet on Eynon street,
. . with a depth of 133 feet
Louis Hancock Btelng 65 feet on Evnon street,
wlth a depth of 133 feet
Magdalene Warner -Being 55 feet on Hynon street,
.,.., wlt" " d,Pth of 131 feet
Janet R. Williams ..Being 47 feet on S. Main avenue,
with a depth of 175 feet on Ey
non street
Margaret J. Davis Being a tcet on S. Main avenue,
. with a depth of 160 feet
Thomas D. Davis Estate Being t feet on S. Main avenue,
with, a depth of 145 feet on al
ley Christian Naumann Bcltg 55 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 133 feet on
Ninth avenuo
Mrs. Lucetta Lewis Being 65 teot on Hampton street,
. , , . w'th a depth of 133 feot
Michael Shea .Being 'JXVt feet on Ejnon street,
with, a depth of 133 feet
Matthew Thces Betnp 27 feet on Eynon street,
a aeptn 01 133 reet.
62 44
47 67
47 67
95 35
95 33
95 35
95 35
95 35
05 35
95 35
96 33
95 35
95 35
95 35
95 35
95 33
47 62
47 62
95 35
52 00
95 36
95 35
95 35 In
95 33
106 73
05 35
C2 93
70 51
71 51
62 93
104 88
30 51
30 51
104 88
104 SS
104 SS
104 88
104 88
89 63
89 63
89 63
104 SS
104 88
52 44
52 44
62 44
52 44
52 44
62 44
104 S3
104 SS
Whitney's Latest Talo from Gulf
Summit News Told in Paragraphs
All About SUBquehnnna County A'
Parmer's Interest in Clothes Pint
Personal and Other Notes.
Special (0 the Scrinlon Tribune.
16 13
17 13
18 13
19 13
20 13
21a " 13
21b 13
22 13
23 13
24 13
25 13
la 14
lb 14
2 14
3 14
4 14
5 14
Anthony O Nell Being 21V, feet on Hamnton
tf reet, with a depth of 133 feet
Anthony O'Ncil Bilng 2714 feet on Hampton
.street, with a depth of 133 feet
John A. Moran Being 27 feet on Hampton
street, with a depth of 133 feet
Bridget Moran BoVig 27W feet on Hampton
Street, with a depth of 133 feet
John P. Heath Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
with a. depth of 131 feet
Mary Thomas Belng'55 feet on Hampton street,
. with a depth of 133 feet
Dbed Jenkins Being 45& feet on S. Main ae-
tuui a aetn or i reet on
Hfimpton street 85 S2
Thomas J. Thomas Beng 45V.. feet on S. Main ae-
nue, with. 'a depth of 145 feet.. 85 82
Reese Hopkins Bctfng i5'4 feet on S. Main aje-
With a depth of 132 foot on
alley' 85 S2
Mary Thomas Boing 47 feet on S. Main avenue,
with, a depth of 1S4 feet on
alhry S9 63
Evan J. Davis Beiig 47"rcet on S. Main avenue,
VHh a depth of 167 feet S9 63
Daniel Moses ..Being 47 feet on S. Main avenue,
with a dopth of 135 feet on Ev
non street
Thomas V. Lewis -...Being 65 feet on Eynon street,
with a depth of 133 feet
Job Harris Being 55 feet on Eynon street,
with, a depth of 133 feet
C. Evans Bcln 55 feet on Eynon street,
with a depth of 133 feet.
3ehg 27J4 feet on Eynon street,
Alfred K. Mover Be?
Alfh a 1ni..l. .. 100 ...
Lincoln Ansley Bfeing 2714 feet on Eynon stieet,
with a depth of 133 feet
Margaret Eggert JBoing 53 feot on Ejnon street,
with a depth of 133 feet
John R. Hall Being 55 feet on Eynon stieet,
wttlV a depth of 133 feet
G. M. Williams Belroy 53 feot on Ej-non street,
in h. aentn or 13J icet.
James F. Fielding .
BeAng 65 feet on Eynon street,
wun a aeptn or 133 reet on
Ninth avenue
Mrs. John R. Davis Being 55 feet on Fellows street,
Wftth a depth of 66H feet on
JItnth avenue
David J. Davis B"eing 55 feet on Fellews street,
S3 63
104 88
.104 S3
104 88
62 44
62 44
104 88
104 SS
104 88
101 SS
52 44
Nicholas Gallagher .
Michael Gallagher ..
52 44
104 88
104 SS
104 88
22 b
with a depth of 6M feet on
iMiun. avenue
..Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 133 feet
.......Being 55 feet on Hampton street,
wun a,'neptn or 133 feet
T?llia Xf TTflll HelnQ" K lnttf nn Uamnlnti u.a..
with a depth of 133 feet .' 101 SS
James Barry Being 55 fCet on Hampton street,
wnn a aeptn or 133 feet on
T&nth avenuo
14 John Flanaghan Biing 50 feeTfon Hampton street,
with a denth of 133 feet on
Tenth avenuo
14 John Flanaghan Being 50 feet on Hampton 3treet.
with a depth of 133 feet
14 Mary A. Taylor Estate Being 50 feet on Hampton street,
with a depth of 133 feet
14 Thomas J. Thomas Being 50 feet on Hampton btreet,
wtth a depth of 133 feet
11 D. D. Evans Being 43 feet on S. Main avo-
rnie, with a depth of 139 feet on
1 Hnmpton street
14 D. D. Evans & Co Being 43 feet on S. Main ao-
Wie, with a depth of 141 feet....
14 Henry Burschell Being 45 feet on S. Main ae-
nue. with a depth of 150 feet on
1 Fellows street
15 Margaret Tost Being- 38 feet on Ninth avenue,
with n depth of 50 feet
15 Margaret Post Bcng 50 feet on Luzerne street,
with a depth of 80 feet 011
. .. Nluth avenue
15 Isaiah Marshall Being 50 feet on Ninth njonuo,
with a depth ot 140 feet
15 Monis Barth Being SO feet on Ninth avenue,
with a depth of 138 feet
35 Frank W. Hess , Being 30 feot on Ninth avenue,
with n depth of 13S feot
15 Martha Simmons Being 40 feot on Ninth avenue,
With a depth of IS'Ufcot
15 Martha Simmons Being 50 feot on Ninth avenue,
wtlh a depth of 115 feet
15 Martha Simmons Being 50 feot on Ninth avenue,
with a depth of 130 feet
15 J. W. Hopp Being 50 feet on Ninth avenuo,
with a depth of 130 feet
15 Reuben or Ray Brown Being 57 feet on Ninth avenue,
wtlh a depth of 125 feet
15 Rouben or Ray Brown Being 43 feet on Ninth avenue,
wtlh a depth of 123 feet
15 Reuben or Ray Brown Being 45 feot 011 Ninth avenue,
with a depth of IJ3 feet on Fol
lows stieet !.. ,.,.,
15 John P. Heath , Being 50 feot on Tenth avenue,
with a depth of 11J feet on Fel-
lows strt?fi
15 John rianaghan ., Being DO feet'on'TenYh'aveiiue,
wtlh a. depth of 115 feet
15 John Flanaghan .Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue,
. with a depth of 120 feet
15 John Flanaghan , Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue,
With n depth of 125 feet
15 John Flanaghan ,.,, Being 25 feet on Tenth avenue,
with n depth of 130 feet
15 Clara Green Being 25 feet on Tenth avenue,
with a depth of 133 feet
15 Amanda Allspaugh , Being 25 foot on Tenth avenue,
with a depth ot J33 feot
15 Margate t Post , , Being 50 feet on Tenth avenue,
with a depth of 140 feet
15 Kate McCaity ,,,,.,,,,,.,,,, , Being 50 feet on Tenth nvenue,
with a depth of 143 feet ,
15 Chailes Llsher ,,..... ...Being 40 feet on Tenth avenue,
with a depth ot 90Vj feet
15 John Felloes Estate ,, Being 37 feet on Tenth avenue,
with a depth of 95 feet
15 John Fellows Estate ,,,,,,,,, .Being 55 feet on Tenth avenuo,
with a depth of 9.' feet on Lu
zerne stieet ,
John Fellows Estate ,, ...Being 47 feet on Luzeino street,
with n depth of 9.' feet
15 Alva J. Inman ,.,...,,,,. Being 50 feot on l.uzerno stieet,
with a depth of 90 feet on alloy,
15 Edwaid Lambert ,.,,Beliig 50 feet on Luzeiiio stieet,
with n depth of 117 feot 1.,
15 Clunks Llsher ,, ,., Being CO feet on Aswcll court,
with 11 depth of 50 feet
101 SS
95 35
95 35
95 35
S5 82
37 14
57 21
95 35
02 93
62 93
76 2S
95 35
95 35
95 35
107 70
80 03
85 83
93 35
93 35
95 35
95 35
47 67
47 67
47 67
95 35
95 25
37 14
36 41
71 51
43 87
47 67
93 25
56 41
(Continued on Page 14.)
Susnuehnnnn, Mny 23. In 1882, a
German shoemaker named Wlcgard
died near Quit Summit. Ho had a,
brother nt Great Bend, to whom, on his
deathbed, ho bequeathed nn old box
about the size of a soup box. Tho
brother,-who becamo heir to tho box,
knew not what to do with tho legacy,
but he kept It In a trunk until a few
years ngo, when he married. It was
subsequently taken from tho trunk and 1
given to his little girl as a plaything.
The little girl scattered tho contents to
the four winds.
About a year ago tho father died
neur Scinnton, and tho living wife util
ized the box In which to plant geran
iums. She then planted It upon her
husband's grave. When tho plants
grew tho box was taken hack to.tlio
home, ngaln doing duty as a plaything.
One day the bottom fell out of tho box
and It was found that the heirloom,
had two bottoms. A roll of bank bills
fell out of the false bottom. The fact
was reported to tho little glii'3 mother,
and on counting tho amount, she found:
that It was $276. It has been learned
that the man who left tho legacy died
before he could explain the reason for
the gift of the box.
The 300 men in the Eric shops In Sus
quehanna, who were laid off, Mny 14,
on account of the coal miners strike,
returned to work on Thursday, to tha
great Joy of the community.
Rev. Charles W. Boot, for the past
three years tho able rector of Christ
Episcopal chuich, has resigned, to bo
come assistant rector of the church of
tho Ascension, Lafayette square, Bal
timore. He will close his entire work;
here on July 29.
The funeral of the late Mrs. JohnT
Frltzley1, an aged resident of Lanes
boro, took place on Saturday afternoon.
Rev. D. C. Meeker, pastor of the Lanes
boro Methodist Episcopal church, offi
ciating. "
Erie Hose company, No. 1, on Satur
day evening closed a week's successful
The sable crow is now chirping his
morning matins.
The women who are trying to bring
about a reform In dress will never real
ize their hope until they succeed in pre
venting the trimmings of a $3 dress
costing $15.75. " '
The fact that fresh paint will leave a
boardat any hour of the day or night
to form an alliance with a coat or pan
taloons must ever retard, In a very;
perceptible degree, the cause of Christianity.
They now claim that the maid of Or
leans was a sort of arc light.
"Stick to your flannels until they
stick to you."
How's the house cleaning affliction;
Principal Charles F. Thorpe, of tho
Forest City schools, Is said to be a can
didate for the princlpalshlp of the Sus
quehanna schools, a position which he
ably filled for many years.
The Lackawanna men, who have been
transferred fromHallstead to Scranton,
will keep their families at Hallstead.
Hallstead's board of trade will be re
organized and rejuvenated.
The S. S. Wrlght-Ktlrow confession
and retraction Is the principal theme of
conversation throughout the county.
Rev. A. T. Broderlck will deliver tha
Memorial day oddiess at Montrose: E.
13. Curtis, esq., of Jackson, nt Jackson;
Rev. C. C. Mackoy, of Oakland, at Sus
quehanna; R. H. Harris, of W'elsh Hill,
at Gibson; Prof. W. M. Dennison, of
Lanesboro, at Lanesboro.
There are flftv-flve widows at Hall
stead. Brethren, these things ought not
to be!
The salary of Susquehanna's post
master has been raised from J1.S0O to
91,900 per year.
A man with a large family of daugh
ters seldom keeps a dog.
A sign of the times: "Paint."
At least the sad-eyed mine mule en
Joys a strike.
It is a little carlv for ball clubs to)
brag about what they will do next yenr
They thought (hoy had found n girl
In Great Bend who had died of n biokcn
heart, but an autopsy revealed tho dis
gusting fact that she owed her taking
oft to dyspepsia. However, It Is piotty,
nenr tho same thing.
"Ovei coats will be shorter tho coming
winter than Inst," mijs a fashion note.
Many young men and husbands who
spend their lltst summer at the sea
shore will also bo "shorter" the coming
winter than, lust.
A Harmony fanner has a cat that
has developed the same Interest In
clothespins that nn oidlnury cat takes
In mouse-c.itihlng, nnd 'she parades
with her captives with just nn much
pride. She, has long devoted herself to
collecting lost clothespins, and not a
few that weie not Iosl. Strango to bnj-,
she never touches tho pins belonging to
her owner, but Is denth to those which
belong to tho neighbors,
In tl)o past tinea, months she has
bt ought I101115; over twenty dozen pins,
and Inquiry shows that the cat keeps
her cyo on the plate whoro tho pins nro
kept. One neighbor kept a basketful on
a tin J oof, nnd tho cat hud to pass over
two or tlneo loofs to get there, hut Hhft
succeeded in talcing thieo dozen from
the basket bcfoie she was discovered.
There Is no tecoul of any natural gas
having been discovered this week at
FmnlUIn Forks.
Mr. Moore, n member of a Buffalo luw
fit in, was in Susqiiehuiina on Saturday,
conferring with Kile enelneeis, con
cerning suits hi ought against them by,
a Chicago book concern.
The Republican benatorlal confeiees
will again meet at Susquehanna, June,
2J. The deadlock still remains Intact.
The sad death of Prof. James, of
Monti ose, caused deep 1 egret through
out tho county, Ho wns one of tho
ablest instructors in this section, "
The biotherlioods are kicking because
the Eile has been 1 amoving jaid host
lers. Memorial day will ho vciy gener
ally observed thioughout Susquehanna
county. Our people never forget their
patiiotle dcud. "Cover them over with
beuutlful Jloweis," Whitney,
1 '