The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Sermon by Rev. S. R. Jenkins at First Welsh
Congregational Church News of Other
Churches General News Notes.'
The pulpit of the First Welsh Con
gregational church, South Main ave
nue, wna' occupied yonicrday by the
Rev. Siiinuol It. Jenkins, of Merthyr
Tydfol, Vles, who Is visiting relatives
and friends In this city In company
with his brother, Rev. W. G. Jenkins,
of Pontypildd.
They nfe sons of the late Rev. D. M.
Jenkins, of Liverpool, and grandsons
nnv. samuel it. jbnkins.
' the lute Rev. Wlllliun Jenkins, of
'fermyn. Both of these clergymen have
already appeased before West Scran
ton congregations and made a splendid
Impression. The former preached at
the Plymouth Congregational church
on Sunday, aiuy 11, nnd the latter a
.week ago.
At yesterday morning's service Rev.
Jenkins took as his text Mathew 27:24,
and John 1S:14j He drew attention to
Pilate and Caiitphas tis being represen
tatives of the great world forces
which were arrayed against the Christ.
Calvary was no accident in. the moral
government of the world and Calaphas
when he uttered those remarkable
words, the truth of which he himself
did not approximately understand, was
but the spokesman of earthly wisdom
nnd compromise; it was not expediency
but an eternal purpose that determined
that one-'slioUld Suffer for the people.
Jerusalem was In the song of the an
gels on the first Christmas morning;
the boy's thoughts at the carpenter's
bench were of Jerusalem, for this cause
was he born that he might make a life
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Silo by
101! S. Main ave.
W f-' ' ''(' j" t !
This Is
Bargain Day
at tbe
1 Globe Warehouse !
the Greatest
of the Week
Save Money.
BO r 4.
w ki Ai JfAk 4Ak4Aft 4tt 4tt4Afc tk k k dift
Journey to Jerusalem, nnd the Cross of
the world's rejection hits become the
Cross of the world's redemption. Let
us then sec what lessons wo can learn
from the action of Calaphas niid Pilate,
for the crucifixion Is not an Isolated In
cident In history; It has become a moral
Judgment of all times and all men.
Pilate could have sung as lustily as
any soldier of today, "Let Me Like a
Soldier Fall," yet with all the power
of Rome at his back he quailed before
a cowardly mob, which could not5 turn
his helpless prisoner one halrsbreadth
from the way of truth. Moral courage
Is the great need of the present day.
The world Is a great deceiver, but It is
not easily deceived and It will sooner
or later tear away the mask ftom the
face of the man who rents a pew to
God on Sunday and serves the devil the
rest of the week.
The greatest enemy of the church of
Christ is not the man who says "There
Is no God," but he who says there is a
God and lives as if there were no God.
The historian Froude says of one great
statesman that he believed In God in a
commonplace kind of way. What our
religion wants is men so thoroughly in
love with their Christ that they stand
Arm whoever wavers, who are ready to
storm the fort regardless , of wounds,
who can trample without a scruple
upon their own glory, who nttach
themselves with all the passion of their
souls to a losing cause which has part
ed with everything save honor, who
consent not to succeed If to succeed
means to compromise the truth.
Rev. Jenkins preached a Welsh ser
mon to a large congregation at the eve
ning service.
A::iong the Other Churches.
Rev. David Jones, pastor of the First
Welsh Congregational church, South
Main avenue, occupied the pulpit of the
Olyphant Congregational church yester
day morning and evening.
Rev. A. L. Ramer was called homo
from the" convention of the Lutheran
Ministerlum, now In session at Easton,
Pa., to officiate at the funeral of the
late William Prelssel on Saturday after
noon. He has returned again to Easton,
and in consequence there were no ser
vices in St. Mark's Lutheran church
The members of the Panooka tribe of
Red Men, together with a number of
visiting brethren, attended services at
the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church
last evening, when one of their number.
Rev. Edward Howell, preached the ser
mon. Miss Via Jones sang a solo dur
ing the service.
Rev. Harry Dougherty, of Shlck
shlnney, occupied the pulpit of the Ply
mouth Congregational church yester
day morning and evening, and pleased
two large congregations.
At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church last evening, Rev. H. C. McDer
mott preached a special sermon to the
members of the Woman's Home Mis-
Aifc jm jak jfck g tk tflAAtt i&k k k Jttfe
slonary society, who attended In a
body. Special music was rendered by
the choir.
Rev. James Bennlngcr Inst evening
preached the first of a scries on the
"Life and Character of Samson," nt tho
Embury Methodist Episcopal church,
The sermon was based on an analysis
of the man, nnd Incidents in his career.
Rev. H. F. Mathews again tendered
his resignation last evening to the
members of the First nnptlst church, to
take citcct the first of September. Ho
desires to relinquish his pastoral duties
for u much needed rest,
A mcmorlnl service was held at the
Jnckson Street Rnptlst .church last
evening In memory of their lute deacon,
John Dawes. A number of the mem
bers spoke during the service.
Ovcrcomo by Heat.
Miss Winnie McTIcrnan, aged '16
years, nn employe tit the Keystone
laundry, 114 South Main avenue, was
overcome by the hent while ut work
Saturday morning. She wns engaged
at one of the laundry machines, when
she fell from her chair in an uncon
scious condition.
Restoratives wore applied nnd a
physician was summoned, nnd In a
short time she revived and was taken
to her homo on Luzerne street. Miss
McTlernnn had been drinking Ice water
frequently during the day.
Sessions of tho Cymanfa.
The sessions of the Cymanfa, held In
the Bellevue Welsh Calvanlstlc Metho
dist church, Saturday and yesterday,
were attended by large assemblages of
people, many of whom came from the
neighboring towns and cities. The bus
iness of tho conference was conducted
on Saturday morning, and tho ordina
tion of Rev. R. O. Hughes, of Ed
wardsdale, occurred ut the afternoon
session. "
The charge on the nature of tho
church was delivered by Rev. -H. W.
Griffiths, of Plymouth, and tho ques
tions on the confession of faith were
asked by tho Rev. John R. Evans, of
Philadelphia. The devotional exercises
were led by Rev. L. H. R. Roberts, of
North Scranton, and the ordination
prayer was made by Rev. W. E. Mor
gan, of West Scranton, and the charge
to the candidate was made by Rev.
R. T. Roberts, of WIlkes-Barro.
Welsh sermons were delivered In the
evening by Rev. John Williams, of
Slatington, nnd Rev. David Prltchard,
of Wales, father of David Prltchard,
secretary of the national eisteddfod.
Both were eloquent and convincing dis
courses. Yesterday morning the sermons were
delivered by Rev. R. T. Roberts, of
Wllkes-Barro and Rev. S. T. Jones, of
Rhyl, North Wales, and in the after
noon Rev. E. L. Hughes, of West Ban
gor, spoke In Welsh, and Rev. Richard
T. Jones, D. D., of Philadelphia, spoke
in English. All of these sermons were
uplifting and filled with much zeal and
The concluding service was held last
evening, when Rev. John R. Evans, of
Philadelphia, and Rev. S. T. Jones, of
North Wales, preached In Welsh. The
latter's discourse was one of the best
ever heard In this city, and he made a
very favorable impression.
A number of the visitors spoke In dif
ferent West and North Scranton
churches during the day.
Recent Accidents.
Joe Strucka. of Keyset- avenue, had
his head badlv battered on Saturday,
while engaged In a light on the Back
road. No arrests have as yet been made.
Dr. Brennan was called to attend him.
A young son of Mr, and Mis. John
Click, of Frink street, was accidentally
shot by a companion on Saturday, while
the latter was carelessly handling- a
flobert ride. The ball entered the boy's
leg, and an X-rays will have to be used
to locate the bullet. His condition is
somewhat ctltlcal.
Events of This Evening.
There will be an Important meeting
of St. Brenden's council, No. 342, Young
Men's Institute, nt their rooms this
evening. All members are requested to
be present.
The annual ball of the Columbia Hose
company. No. 5, will be held this even
ing in Music hall, which has "been elab
orately decorated for the event.
The members of tho Scranton Choral
society will meet for rehearsal in St.
David's hall this evening, and all mem
bers are requested to be present.
Tho Men's league of the Plymouth
Congregational church will meet this
Will Soon Begin to Fave.
From what can be learned, the work
of paving South Main avenue from Ox
ford street to Hnmpton street will be
commenced on June 2. Thirty carloads
of brick have already been placed along
the sides ot tho street, and the stone for
the concrete base Is being prepared at
Contt actor M. H, Dale's farm in the
Keyset- valley.
The pavement Is badly needed and
will bo a great benefit to that part ot
the town. Much ctedlt for tho culmina
tion of this project enn be given to T.
Fellows Mason, who has worked for this
improvement for a number of years.
Alleged Shooting Affray.
A wild rumor was circulated Satur
day nlsht to tho effect that there had
been n shooting affray In the 1900 block
on Jackson street, and when Patrolmen
Mathews und McDonald and Constable
Timothy Jones Investigated, they
Irnrned tho clr6umstances.
Joe Gllbln nnd his brother had quar
reled over money matters, and the for
mer struck the latter, and, It was al
leged, knocked him off tho porch of the
house. Joe was unested and lined S15
in police court yesterday morning,
which he paid.
Peculiarly Sad Death.
Lnst Thursday evening u young man,
giving his numo us Michael Roberts;
residence, Twenty-second street; uge, 28
years; married, wife und two children;
walked into the West Side hospital and
complained of being ill.
Ho was Immediately put to bed, and
his Illness diagnosed us typhoid fever.
The propert treatment was accorded
him, but the dreaded disease had too
tight n grip on his frail constitution,
und ho succumbed to the hint Bummons
ut 2 o'clock Saturday morning, Tho
funeral announcement will bo made In
unother column,
Too Great a Risk.
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of colla or
cholera morbus, often before medicine
could be procured or a physician sum
moned, A reliable remedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand. The
risk Is too gient for anyone to take.
Chamberlain's Colic,, Cholera and Dlar
thoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives of more people and relieved
mere pain and suffering than any oth
er medicine u use. It can alwuys bo
depended upon, For sale by all druggists.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century,
Funeral of John Dawes.
Services over the remains of tho late
John Dawes were held on Saturday af
ternoon nt tho family residence on
North Sumner avenue, nnd at tho Jack
son Street Baptist church, and were
largely attended,
Tho pastor, Rev. Thomas de Cruelty,
conducted the services, assisted by the
Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor of tho First
Baptist church, The services were at
tended by memborn of tho Sons of St.
George nnd tho Knights of Malta.
Tho pall-bearers were selected from
representatives of tho church and the
lodges, and Included Richard Nlcholls,
William Thomas, James Smith, Will
iam Wiley, William O. Jenkins nnd
George Coombs. Interment was made
In the Dunmorc cemetery.
Two Other Funerals.
Tho funeral of William, the 10-ycar-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Prels
sel, of 145 Morris court, occurred on
Saturday afternoon. Rev. A. L. Ramer,
of St. Mnrk's Lutheran church, offici
ated, nnd Interment was made in the
Washburn street cemetery.
The remains of the late. Martin Har
rison were Interred In the Cathedral
cemetery on Saturday afternoon.
There will be a meeting of the Brls
bln Mine fund tomorrow evening at
Drummer's hull. All members are re
quested to attend.
The drawing for thc-sllk quilt, which
was to have been held this evening at
302 North Bromley avenue, has been
postponed until two weeks from date.
Arthur Davis, of Brooklyn, N. Y., son
of Lieutenant John Davis, is spending
a few days at his home on North Sum
ner avenue.
Maurice Murray and Charles Dough
erty, of North Bromley avenue, spent
Sunday with relatives In WIlkes-Barre.
Frederic R. Jones, formerly of tho
Dunkirk Herald, who Is reporting tho
miners' strike for tho New York Press,
spent Sunday with his parents on Jack
son street.
James A. Evans, of North Hyde Park
avenue, is confined to his home by ill
ness. Mrs. P. W. Tague, of Jnckson street,
is recovering from a protracted illness.
The proposed dance of the Electtic
City Wheelmen, announced for May 28,
has been indefinitely postponed.
A large class of children from the
Sabbath school of St. Paul's church arc
being prepared to receive the rite of
confirmation, which will be adminis
tered by Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban, Sun
day, June 8.
Rev. N. G. Parke, of Plttston. whose
ministry in the Presbyterian church in
the Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys
covers a period of fifty-eight years, is
tho guest of his son, W. G. Parke, of
Green Ridge street, and occupied the
pulpit of the Green Ridge Presbyterian
churctl yesterday, morning and even
ing. Under the auspices of the Epworth
league, a musicale, with recitals and a
series of charming tableaux, entitled
"Grandmother's Album," will be given
in the parlors of the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal church Thursday evening of
this week. Mr. Vnnderveken, violinist,
and Mr. Glppel will bo among tho
musicians, and Miss Ella Roney will
have charge of the tableaux.
Mrs. E. Stanley Bixler, of Easton,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Arthur
Dunn for the past week, will leave to
day for a visit with friends in Carbon
dalo. The members of Arthur Dunn's Sab
bath school class were tendered a ban
quet by Mr, and Mrs. Dunn, at their
home, Saturday evening. Mrs. E. Stan
ley Bixler, of Easton, assisted in en
tertaining the guests. Covers were laid
for seventeen. The following toasts
were responded to bv members of the
class: "Tho Other Six," John Price;
"Our Class," Lewis Williams; "College
Education," Charles Tobey; "Vacation,"
Monroe Whitney; "Temperance," Albert
Nettleton; "Athletics," Leland Marsh.
A carnation carnival will be given,
under the auspices of the Young Men's
club. Men's Bible class and the Junior
auxiliary of the Church of the Good
Shepherd, on tho church lawn, Thurs
day and Friday evenings, June 26 and
27. Ice cream and strawberries will bo
served. Fine music during the entire
evening. Tickets for sale by the mem
bers for twenty-flvo cents. In case of
rain, the carnival will be held in the
guild rooms.
The annual excursion of St. Paul's
Catholic church will be run to Lake
Lodore, June 19.
Mrs. Joseph Hangl, of Dickson ave
nue, is visiting friends in Carbondale.
A telegram received on Saturday by
Thomas Allison from Fred Wheatcro
nt Fernl, R. C, contained tho sad In
telligence that James Wilson, Jr., and
Henry Wilson, a son of George Wil
son, had lost their lives In the terrible
explosion there on Thursday night.
Tho well-known firm of Zelglcr &
Dryer have been awarded tho con
tract for all tho decorating and paint
ing on tho premises of E. L. Fuller, nt
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ames spent yes
tetduy In Hawley.
1?. K. Bronson has returned from a
short stay with Curbondnlo friends,
Mr. and Mrs. William Moffatt, cf
Cherry street, nro visiting relatives, In
New York city.
Mrs. A. E, Brown nnd Mrs, William
Simpson have, returned from a stay
at Atlantic City.
,Rev, W. F, Gibbons has returned
from New York, where ho was at
tending tho sessions of the general as
sembly, and occupied his pulpit yee
teiday, A sight that signified much was seen
by many on Saturday morning at 3
o'clock, when the long procession of
600 mine mules of the Erie company
passed through town, en route for
Dundaff, Susquehanna county, where
they will pasture on one of the com
pany's farms there.
Letters remaining unclaimed during
the period ending May 20, 1902. Per
sons calling for these letters please say,
"Advertised." Mrs. Barrett, Monroe
avenue, J. M. Cambell, Mr. Mike Cuw
ley, Franklin street; Miss Margret
Evans, 747 Larch street, Mrs. J. M.
Hess, Mr, Thomas O'Horo, Willow
street; Francesco Tuavono .(F).
The Saengerrunde and Junger Mnen
nerchor Will Participate in tho
Contests Members of These Or
ganizations Who Will Sing Cele
bration In Honor of the Birthday
of Mrs. Leopold Ycarlng Star
Social Club Enjoyed an Outing at
Okell's drove Yesterday.
Tho principal topic xf discussion on
this side is tho contest which takes
plaee at tho new armory on Friday, In
which both the local singing societies,
tho SnottKcrrundo nnd tho Junger
Macnnercholr, will participate. Both
organizations have been hard at. prac
tlco for Beveral months und are hope
ful of winning.
Those who will represent the Junger
Mnennerchor are as follows:
Otto Robinson, August Rcpert, Albert
Guthelnz, Abo Wolchel, C. G. Lcwcrt,
Fred Heinz, William Zlesmer. William
Berghauser, Henry Sontng, John Stoo
ber, Fred Schunk, Edward Kannenges
ser, John Iiahn, Jacob Schunk, George
Maus, J. H. Schwenkcr, J. II. Kempher,
Jacob Emlck, Joseph Zang, William
Scheuer, "W. J. Budenbach, William
Maus, Adam Maus, Henry A. Mutch
man, William J. Smith. Fred Herman,
Michael Roth, Peter Zang, August
Gelger, George Wlrth, A. F. Westpfahl,
Charles Snrander, Charles Berghauser,
Charles Scheuch, F. J. Helrlegel, G. C.
Scheuer, Charles DIesIng, John Hersch
lor, R. Reidmuller, Josqph Helrlegel,
Charles Henne and George Freuhan.
The singers of the Scranton Saenger
runde will he chosen from the follow
ing list:
First Bass Philip Robinson, Anton
Fisch, William Baumgartner, Eugene
Claus, Edward Clau3, Max Ludwlg,
Charles Wapowlsky, Fred Otto, Mat
thew Dumal, Jacob Hess, John Schroe
del, Jr.
Second Bass Lewis Hetrlck, Adam
Franz, Joseph Albrecht, Lorenz Haber
stroh, William Grambo, John Yearn,
George Miller, Edward Kllllan, Ferdi
nand Muckley, Charles Krayer, William
First Tenor Gustav Schultz. John
Mais, Berthold Schodt, Jacob Schreiber,
Charles Schwald, Peter Gard, Michael
Phillips, Henry Rempe, August Hagen,
Henry Eckcrt.
Second Tenor Charles Pell, Emll Wil
helm, John Schroedel, Eugene Melcholr,
Hdnry Albrecht, Adam Nebling, Anton
Herbster, Sebastian Hetbster, Jacob
Guth, John Meisner, Rlchaid Zulagcr,
Barney Damal, Emll Herbster.
A Birthday Party.
Mrs. Leopold Yearlng, of S20 South
Wyoming avenue, was flfty-slx years
of age Saturday, and the day was ob
served In an apptoptiate manner by the
family. A dinner in honor of the oc
casion was given at the residence of
Mr. und Mrs. Adam Yearlng, at which
only the family was seated.
A reception was held afterwards dur
ing the afternoon, when congratulations
and presents were given by Mr. and
Mrs. Slice, Mr. and Mis. Yearlng, jr.,
and Miss Ycuring.
The Junser Mnennerchor will meet
for rehearsal this week on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday nights. An
other rehearsal of tho Scranton Saen
gerrunde will take place Wednesday
The Pansy club, of the Young Wom
en's Christian association, held a de
lightful social and reception at the
rooms, on Cedar avenue, Saturday af
ternoon. .
Camp 430, Pattlotlc Order Sons of
America, will meet In regular session In
Hartmnn's hall, on Plttston avenue, this
Peter Scheuer, of this side, has gone
to Buffalo, where he has accepted a
position with the Lackawanna Steel
Comet lodge, No. 230, Knights of
Pythias, will hold their weekly meeting
in Hartman's hall tomorrow night.
The Ringgold band will picnic in
Wahler's grove next Filduy, Memorial
da v.
Mrs. Kornacher led tho gospel meet
ing nt the Young Women's Christian
association rooms, on Cedar avenue,
yesterday afternoon,
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
cure, no pay," For sale by all dealers.
The Star Social club held its llrst out
ing of tho year at Okell's grove, near
Mountain lake, yesterday. The affair
partook of tho nature of a clambake,
and was greatly enjoyed. No one but
members were udmltted to the festiv
ities. OBITUARY.
Saturday noon at tho homo of
R. J. RIchatds, 220 Spring street.
Tito deceased was born in Ystrad
yenkols, Wales, seventy-six years
ago, and has for tho past forty
years been a resident of this city. She
was one of tho most respective resi
dents of North Scranton and one of the
most active church wotkors. Sho Is
survived by the following brothers and
sisters: Y. S. James, of Ohio; Mor
gan James, of Bellovuo Heights and
Sirs. Ann Jenkins und Mrs. G. R. Wil
liams of this city and the following
children: Mis. R. j. Richards, Mis.
William T. Williams, ull of this city.
Funeral services will bo conducted at
the residence ot U. J, Richards, on
Spring street, Tuesday afternoon nt
2 o'clock by Rtv, D. Richards, of the
Welsh Calvlnlstlo Methodist church
and Rev, R. J. Reese, pastor of tho
Puritan Congregational chutch. Inter
ment will bo made In the Washburn
street cemetery,
MORGAN J, LEWIS, nged CI years,
died Saturday at his home, 217 North
Lincoln avenue, utter a lingering Ill
ness, Deceased Is survived by the fol
lowing sous and daughters; Rev, John
Lewis, Evan Lewis, Mnrsnrot Ann and
Mary Jane. Tho funeral services will
bo conducted ut tho house tomorrow
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock by the Rev.
Hugh Davis, of the South Main avenue
Welsh Calvlnlstlo Methodist church,
Interment will be made In the Wush
burn street cemcteiy.
MELVIN E. SANFORD died at hl3
residence In Wuvetiy on Saturday
morning. Ho was born In Jefferson,
Schoharlo county, N, Y Oct. 12. 1S30,
but came to Dalton when a youui? man.
Relief Cale to His Aching Back from the
Flrt Bottle, and now this Scranton Miner is Absolutely f
Cured of Kidney Trouble by using
This mm In only one of many tlioustntN who liars txcn cured by Knvorils Itcmrity. H lllu
tralcj what this great mccllclno Is doing (or liunmnlty, iml ulioun mw unncrruary it la for nnj
onp In niilTtr from Kldnrv Trouble. It iihoiva ho
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
will Positively Cure Kidney Trouble
tt has been curlns Kidney Diseases for over thirty years. It is a standard remedy, the pre
scription of one ot the world's most famous physicians ai.d specialists for Kidney Disease.
Do not trifle with jourself. Oct rid of your trouble while there Is time. What ia'one dollar
In comparison to jotir health, and posslblv your life? If your druggist hasn't got Favorite
llcmcdy, we will send it to you for one dollar.
To Prove what it will do send for Free Sample Bottle.
There'll be
doing at Samter Brothers
the papers. Our ad. will
tell you all about it.
The domination prin
ciple of Joyce's trade
policy the one that
stamps him the only real
price cutter in Groceries
and Meats is the fact that
the necessities of life form
the greater part of his
reduced-figure quota
tions, instead of unknown
food specials.
For instance:
75c a Bushel
Ham, 12 l-2c lb.
I at any of the
Hero lio married IJmlllne Smith, nnd
they roared ti family of four children,
Pnyton, M of Owcfto, N. Y.i Walter
A., of Wavcrly, whoso business olllco
Ja In this city; Miss Flora, who has un
til recently rosliloil at Thompson, nnd
Mrs. A. D. David, who died about ilvo
years nrro. For muny years Mr, San
ford resided In Bprlngville, Susque
hanna county, but returned to Dalton
threo youis ago to spend the evening
of his life. Ho removed to Waveily In
order to bo near his son, Funeral ser
vlco will be held at tho residence in
Vuvery this ufteinoon at 2 p. in.
William Denncr, died on Saturday at
the Hahneman hospital, wheio she had
been receiving treatment. She la sur
vived by her husband 'and daughter,
Mrs. David Kays, of 013 Kynon street,
from whoso homo the funetal will bo
conducted at 't o'clock this afternoon,
The services will bo In charge of Key,
James Hennlnger, of tho Embury Meth
odist Kplscopul church.and Interment
will be made in the Stratford cemetery.
71 years, died yesteiday ut her homo
In Tobyhanna, .She Is survived by
threo sons, John, William, and Charles
of this city. Tho funeral will take
I Jfiil !
quickly relief will conio nml how imrcly a cum
will bo cffrclcii. T.Ulcn to Mi story :
"Scranton, Pa., March 30, 1000.
"Your trlnl bottlo came to hand safe,
I took tho medicine ns directed. Then
I bought a big bottlo and have tak
rtv.that all, and I nm now taking the
second nnd I do feel a now man. I
have no pnln In my back. It Is good for
tho kidneys, nnd I do recommend It to
nil that complain of a lamo back. I
don't have any need of a doctor so
long ns I can got tho prlco of a bottle
of Doctor David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy. Wm. P. Reese.
TliU "trial bottle" tint ho mentions Is pam
pie Hint wo BenJ frco to anyone who would likr
to try before they buy. Wo know Fmorito Hem
cdy will euro, so arc willing to stand tho test.
Symptoms or Kidney Disease.
It you have a lame back, frequent desire ti
urinate, nnd a ncaUlIng pain in pawing water; It
your urine ntulns linen, put some urine in a glut
tumbler, let it ttaiul twenty-tour hours, see it
there is a sediment or a milky, cloudy appear
ance. KREB MEDICALADVlCi:. lf'you are worried
or uncertain about your cae, send your symptonv
and the Doctor will ndvlte you what to do.
Thousands nro dylnft ocry week from Kldnei
Trouble became they have not taken medicine it
time. Don't delay if you have any ol the abovi
,A few days can bo pleasantly spent
in a trip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
from Pier 26, North River, foot of
Ieach street, Now York.
Tickets, including meaU and state
room accommodations, $8.00 ono way
$13,00 round trip, and upwards.
Send stamp for illustrated book.
81 Beach Street, New York, N. Y.
Traffic Manager. J. J. BROWN,
General Passenger Agent,
Lyceum Theatre
U. HE1S, Lcsito ana Mtnigrr.
A. J. DUFFY, Duj. Uinagft.
One Night Only,
Monday, May 26.
Mr. Tim Murphy
In Ills crcatcH success,
Old Innocence.
rrlctsi 23c, Me., 73c, $1.00, $1.50.
Boats on sale Friday mornlnc at 0 o'clock.
Aif. O. Herrington Manager,
Monstrous benefit for the employees
of tills theater,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
May, 20, 27, 28.
Ono big burlesque attraction
Don't forget the boys.
place on Wednesday morning. Inter
ment will be ntude In tho Mount Po
cono cemetery
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