The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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iv. h,
,jfiyvtt r
that vlll keep out the
Men and other Insects,
and that will stand the
slum and hang which
most screen doors nro
subjected to, are what
we have for your Inspec
tion. Four styles, varn
ished and unvarnished.
. All sizes.
Prices 85c, '$1.00, U.25
and J2.50.
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9.N. Wuhlneton Ave Q
The Hardnbergh
of MUsic and Art
Offers the exceptional advan
tages of piano and organ study
with Mr. Summer Salter, an
artist teacher of recognized
standing In the musical world.
Only a limited number of hours
being available, pupils may
register now for fall. 604 Lin
den street.
awaiting YOTJ. The most
Comfortable and easily
dressed BABY is the one
clothed in the little gar
ments that you buy at the
118 "Washington Avenue.
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
' and General Draying.
New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
By opening savings
account with
fl) 3 per cent, interest
PI allowed.
Miss D'Anna, of South Hyde Park ave
nue, has loft for Rome, Italy, whero the
will enter college to piepare for mission
ary work.
Mis. Alex. P. Smith and daughter,
Mario, of West Superior, Mich., have re
turned homo aftor a visit with the for
mer's parents In West Seranton.
Hew P. J. Cunningham, of tho Hoboken
monastery, known in tho lellglous world
as Father Hubert, returned to New Jer
sey yesterday after visiting volatlves and
friends in Bellevue. He has been conduct
Ins a mission In Nicholson, nnd will ro
turn to Clark's Summit tho first week in
June. He will hold a ml&Mnn during tho
commlng week in Summit Hill, N. J.
Knights Templar Flowers.
Order early at Clark's, florist, 201
"Washington avenue.
(Unknown Man Passes Away at tho
Lackawanna Hospital.
'An unknown man was struck by a
Delaware nnd Hudson train, near tho
old Vine strpet station, on Saturday
night and sustained injuries from which
he died early yesterday morning? at tho
Lackawanna hospital,
He sustained a fracture of the skull
fend other serious injuries. Ho was un
conscious when taken to tho hospital
and remained in that condition until ho
died. Nothing found on his clothes in
dicated his identity, but a man who
looked at the body yesterday said ho
believed It to be that of a Frank Jor
dan, a friend of his. Ho had no knowl
edge as to where Jordan lived, and got
away before much Information could be
gleaned from him.
Coroner Saltrv mado a preliminary
investigation yesterday, and will look
further Into tho cusa today.
Dr, Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of
iwomen a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.j 7 to 8.30 p. m.
Blooming Plants
for now and Decoration day, at Clark's,
, Mr. Penntugton's Keel la! s
announced for
Tuesday oven
lug, May 27 and
Juno 3 havo boon
merged into ono
which will bo
given In St.
L u k e's Parish
House. Juno 3.
Tho diagram la
now open at the
TOKV, for o
h o r v o d seats.
Tickets lKHued
for Guernsey hall for either date will be
honored aa above. Mr, Ponnington will
be assisted by Mrs. Lenore Thompson,
bolo contralto at Elm Pqrk church, and
Mr, Fred Wldmayer. violinist.
Green Ridge Iron Company Runs Out
of Coal and Is Compelled to Lay
Off Its Men and Shut Down the
Works Indefinitely Rev. Dr. Mc
Leod Declares the Last Order of the
Mine Workers Was ft Blunder.
Views of the Engineering and
Mining Journal.
The Green nidge Iron Works paid
off nil their hands and closed the mills
Indefinitely Saturday afternoon In con
sequence of a shortage of coal for
steam purposes.
This Is the first local Industry to be
affected by the strike. It Is not Im
probable though that others will have
to follow suit. It was stated on re
liable authority Saturday that large
shipments of soft coal are en route for
Seranton and that before the week Is
over dense black smoke will be seen
curling from many fuctorles and mill
chimneys. One good-sized Industry Is
already using Boft coal.
There hus been no change of moment
In the Strike situation during the past
two days and none is expected before
Monday next, the date net for the
pumprunners, firemen and engineers to
quit work if they are not granted an
elgh hour day without reduction in
wages. The companies, it is under
stood, will refuse to accede to the de
mand and if the mdn quit will put oth
ers in their places.
At the First Presbyterian church
last night Rev. James McLeod, D. D.,
in discussing the strike made the dec
laration that the order calling out tho
pump runners, firemen and engineers
was a blunder and, in all justice,
should be withdrawn. He said:
In the present conflict between tho coal
corporations and their employes, tho
Christian pulpit should not be an unin
terested spectator. As citizens, ministers
of tho Gospel or Christ should bo always
careful in retpect both of their speech
and conduct: and at &uch a time as thi3,
they should bo doubly caretul. When ex
horting others to "behave as citizens" in
a way worthy of the Gospel of Christ,
they should sct a worthy example of
Christian behavior. Peace and concord
are not likely to be promoted by clergy
men who aro in the habit of speaking
"unadvisedly with liieir lips." Tho exag
geration of a truth may turn out to bo
a mischievous error. If I should say that
all "coal operators" are angels, I would
be about as far from speaking the truth,
as if I should say that all "strikers" and
"strike-leaders" aio drunkards. Liquor
saloons and drunkards have sins enough
for which they must answer, without
bringing against them "a railing accusa
tion," and charging them with a crime
of which they are" not guilty. To say that
all strike leaders are drunkards, is as far
from tho truth as It would be to say that
all drunkards are strike leaders. "Blessed
aro the peacemakers," Is a beatltudo
which is worthy of special study at the
present time.
In tho present conflict in this region,
between employes and employers, it Is the
duty of all good citizens to do everything
in their power to promote peace and to
bring about a good undeistanding be
tween the contending parties.. The issues
involved aro momentous and far reaching,
and they will never bo settled permanent
ly until they aro settled right.
It must bo conceded that laborers and
capitalists have an equal right to enter
Into combinations on their own behalf.
It should also be affirmed that if no em
ployer has any right to Injure the prop
erty of his employe, neither has any em
ploye or any combination of employes any
right to injure the property of his em
ployer. This is a vital point in tho present con
flict. The command has already been Is
sued to laborers in tho coal fields, that If
their demands are not granted on or be
foie tho second day of June one week
from tomorrow then they must quit
work, and allow the mines to be flooded,
and thus do all in their power to injure
the property of their former employers.
Tho issuing of that order is a bad blun
der. It is a blunder, which, if carried
out, may result not only in great Injury
to valuable property, but In tho destruc
tion of many piecious lives. Its tendency
is in that direction, and, if carried out,
that will bo its probablo result. Such an
order Is unwise, unpatriotic and unchils
tlan. It cannot bo justiflea In the court
of reason or of conscience. It Is bad tac
That order ought forthwith to bo
withdrawn. If tho cause of tho miners
bo righteous, let them light It out on
othor lines, It It takes them all sum
mer; but If they insist upon carrying out
this part of their programme, their de
feat, in my judgment, Is certain, and' I
do not hesitate to bay that If this order Is
obeyed by the workmen, their defeat and
tho defeat of the Miners' union will not
only be certain, but It will bo richly de
served. Thes'o coal fields aro valuable.
Coal Is a public necessity. Its owners
have a right to protect their property,
and If theso strikers attempt to interfere
with that right, they will soon find them
selves In tho grasp of u righteous law,
which will compel them to submit, and
subject them to merited punishment. No
loyal citizen will Interfere with tha rights
of his neighbor, or no good citizen will
Injure either tho person or the property of
bla neighbor. The application of the Gol
den Rule is what is needed to settle this
It Is easier to make a mistako than It Is
to mend It. It Is an easy matter to make
a big blunder, It Is not qulto so easy to
acknowledge It. But It Is better to sink
one's pride nnd confess the'blunder, than
permit In carrying out tho blunder, and
thereby court defeat. Christianity is the
basis of the bes,t citizenship, and both
Christianity and tho best citizenship cry
out against tha adoption of any unlawful
or unjust means In older to secure our
ends, however tighteous we- may think
them to be. It Is the duty of nil tho
"strikers." and of all parties concerned
In this conflict, nnd of all true patriots to
"bohavo as citizens, woithlly." If they
do this, the light will prevail, and this
community may then expect a long season
of peace and prosperity. For this, let all
good citizens labor and prny,
With reference to tho mine strike tho
Engineering und Mining Journal of
Saturday said;
Sonio people cannot or will not learn
from experience, und prefer tho absurd
statements published by Irresponsible
newspupcis to tho dictates of plain com
mon bcnso. At least this seems to bo tho
only explanation that can bo given for the
flurry In tho anthruclte market. In Apill
thero were shipped, In round number.
5,000,000 tons of coal from tho mines; tho
production to way u piooaDiy amounted
to about 2,000,000 tons more. But a very
small part of this has been held by the
railroads, and the largest part of the re
mainder has not been consumed. It Is
held by dcaleis and Individual consum
ers. Talk of an Impending coal famine
and a general suspension of all Industrial
activity conies from overheated brains.
If the strike lasts till August 1, or if,
as seems unbelievable tho bituminous
mines In a number of districts deliberate
ly violate their agreements with opera-
torn, then the situation will te eeriousi
until that time or occasion there Is no
reason for the public to ret excited.
There Is more coal on hand than certain
dealers would havo people think, nnd with
warm weather ahead nnd consumption at
a minimum 6,000,000 tons should satisfy
nit actual necessities for fully two
months. The action of tho retailers' as
sociation In Now York city In .raising
prices II per ton and the raises of 25 to
B0 cents per ton by dealers In other cities,
whatever may bo said In condemnation,
havo at least tho merit of restricting buy
ing and making supplies last longer.
As all the collieries are Idle nnd a num
ber of washerles that wero running last
week havo since stopped, to avoid riotous
demonstrations from strike sympathizers,
the production of anthracite Is very small,
In fact, too Bmnll to cut any flguro. As to
the probable duration of tho strlko opin
ions differ.
Great Throngs That Will Attend
Next Friday's Event in tho
New Armory.
On Friday next comes the great com
petitive test of merit In song and lit
erature, In the first of which the Ger
man and Welsh singers are the partici
pants, while In the latter ambitious
bards and literati from all parts of the
globe have spun their poetry and proso
to comport with the several themes, or
subjects, In the prize competitions at
the great national eisteddfod.
At 0 o'clock on the morning of the
30th tho great army of contestants In
solos, duets, quarettes, male and fe
male chorus, and mixed parties hailing
from Utlca, Bangor, WIlkes-Barre, Ed
wardsvllle, Newcastle, Brooklyn, Ohio,
and other places, will assemble in tho
armory to pass the Initial or prelimin
ary tests before J. W. Parson Price, of
New York, and J. Powell Jones, of
Cleveland, O.
The decorations of the Knights
Templar will be held over for tho
eisteddfod so Its patrons will witness
this added scene of splendor and mag
nificence. Practically all hotels have been en
gaged for competing choirs frgm afar,
and a great many others will sleep In
their chartered railroad sleeping cars.
Arrangements have been made with
the railroads to hold all excursion
trains until after the eisteddfod and
excursionists from Binghamton.Wllkes
Barre, Carbondale, and nearby towns
and cities may remain to witness the
eisteddfod and return home the same
The great Brooklyn Arlons, winners
of the Kaiser $25,000 trophy, will come
120 Btrong, with a host of admirers to
accompany them. Some 1,500 seats will
be set aside for competing choirs.
The committee in charge of seats has
provided sufficient for all patrons, as
every available space has been appro
priated. The reserved section for sub
scribers for the entire session has been
well-nigh marked off. It is expected by
Wednesday this section will be filled.
The other sections on the diagram will
not be marked on'the diagram as the
seats are not numbered. A large num
ber of these are already sold and It
would be well for those who intend to
attend to mark their seats at once.
For the convenience of others who
may wish to avail themselves of sub
scription ticket at $2 for reserved seats
for the entire three sessions and the
concert, a limited number have been
set aside.
An erroneous Impression seems to
have gotten abroad that the concert
preceding tho eisteddfod would be held
at the Lyceum. All sessions of the
eisteddfod and the concert will be held
In the armory. All information may
be obtained of the secretary at 505
Linden street.
Court Had to Discharge the Men
Sworn to Try the Ridgeway
Divorce Case.
The jury in the divorce case of El
mer H. Ridgeway, of Benton, against
his wife, Mrs. Mary Ridgeway, report
ed to the court Saturday that It was
unable to agree and was discharged.
The jurors had been together more
than twenty-four hours and told the
court that an agreement seemed Im
possible. When the jury came into
court it is understood nine were for
granting tho divorce, three againtt It.
The Impression prevails that the
case will not bo tried before a jury
again. Mrs. Ridgeway receives ali
mony from her husband while the suit
Is pending.
Another Jury Trial.
The divorce case of George Traugor
against Vera Trauger is also to be
tried before a jury, an issue having
been framed on Saturday.
The llbellant asks to be divorced on
the ground that his wife was unfaith
ful to him. She denies the charge and
Insists on her right to have the case
heard before a jury.
Orphans' Court.
In the Orphans' court on Saturday
Judge A. A. Vosburg heard the adjudi
cations on the accounts of executors,
administrators, trustees und guardians
which were confirmed nisi at the be
ginning of tho term. Exceptions wero
filed to the accounts in the following
estates: Estate of Nora Golden, de
ceased; estate of William P. Connell,
estate of Daniel Howell, deceased; and
estate of Frank N, Sennerfeldor, de
ceased, In the estate of Sarah, Nathan and
Anna Pearlman, minor children of
Abraham Pearlman, deceased, a hear
ing was had upon application for the
discharge of George Spitz, guardian,
and the appointment of Dr. Halpert In
his place. W. H. Roe, esq., appeared
for the petitioner, and Ralph Levy,
esq., for the old guardian.
A number of other orders and decrees
were handed down In different estates.
There will be another session of the
Orphans' court today at 10 o'clock.
The third weelt of common pleas
court opens this morning. Noah Mosh
er on Saturday began a suit in divorce
against his wife, Catharine Mosher,
He alleges that she deserted him on
January 1, 1809, and since then he has
persisted in her desertion. The couple
were married on May 25, 1875.
Judge Newcomb took testimony Sat
urday In the matter of the lunacy of
Annio Durr, Tho pstltion for the In
quisition was mado by her husband,
Thomas Durr. He alleges that his wife
has been insane about seven years. The
Jury found that she Is Insane,
In tho case of tho German Building
association, No. 9, against Michael Gre
cula, a rule was taken on the sheriff
Saturday to show cause why ho should
not pay oyer the purchase money.
A rule for divorce was granted Sat
urday In the case of Louise Kittle
against Harry Kittle,
Seventeen Contestants Out of Thirty
Mads Returns During the Week.
Burns of Vandling Mado tho Best
Showing, with Kellormon Second.
Not a Slnglo Lady Contestant Im
proved Her Scoro Some Minor
Changes on Saturday The Entry
List Is Open.
Standing of Contestants
1. A. J. Kollorman, Seranton. 144
3. Charles Burns, Vandling. 141
3. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez,
Seranton 106
4. Herbert Thompson, Carr
bondalo 101
6. Maxwell Shepherd, Car
bondale 87
6. Albert Preedman, Belle
vue 64
7. Harry Madden, Seranton. 85
8. Wm. Sherwood, Harf ord. . 54
0. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 38
10. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
11. A. J. Havenstrite, Mos
cow 31
12. L. E. Stanton, Seranton.. 29
13. William Cooper, Priceburg 28
14. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 25
15. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 20
16. Lee Culver, Springville. . 17
17. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 10
18. Walter Hallstead, Seran
ton 15
10. C. J. Clark, Feckville. ... 15
20. John Dempsey, Olyphant. 13
21. John Mackie, Providence. 13
22. Hugh ' Johnson, Forest
City ............... xx
23. M i s s Edna Coleman,
Seranton 8
24. Chas. W. Dorsey, Seranton 7
25. Emanuel Bucci, Seranton. 7
26. Chas. O'Boyle, Seranton . . 5
27. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest
City 4
28. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3
29. Edgar Wilson, jr., Seran
ton 2
30. R. D. Dorsey, Seranton ... 1
31 O
32 O
33 O
There were no changes of position
among the first eleven leaders on Satur
day in Tho Tribune's Educational Con
test. Kellerman, although In Imminent
danger of losing first place on Saturday
morning, still holds It by 3 points, and
Rodriguez keeps third by only 5 points.
Four of the contestants now have over
100 points each, while a fifth has almost
that many.
L. E. Stanton climbed up another
notch yesterday and is now in twelfth
place, and Emanuel Bucci and Edgar
Wilson, jr., both made gains In their
positions, the latter going up from last
place In the list.
During tho week ending Saturday
evening there were seventeen contest
ants who scored points, as follows:
Charles Burns, Vandling, 61; A. J.
Kellerman, Seranton, 40; William T.
S. Rodriguez, Seranton, S8; Herbert
Thompson, Carbondale, 3S; Leroy Stan
ton, Seranton, 29; Maxwell Shepherd,
Carbondale, 21: John Mackie, Provi
dence, 13: J. A. Havenstrite, Moscow,
12; Albert Preedman, Bellevue, 12;
Harry Madden, Seranton, 12: William
Sherwood, Harford, 9; Homer Kresge,
Hyde Park, 7; Lee Culver, Springville,
7; Emanuel Bucci, Seranton, 4; Charles
Dorsey, Seranton, 4; Edgar Wilson, jr.,
Seranton, 1; C. J. Clark. Peckvillo, 1.
It will be noted that In the above
summary not one younzr lady returned
points, although some of the most at
tractive scholarships are for them.
Quite a number of entries have been
received from young ladles, but only
three have thus far returned points, nnd
the highest position any of them has
attained is seventeenth place. The total
of tho points returned by these three
young ladles would give one of them
thirteenth place. The young men are
doing so much better that It Is sur
prising. Thirteen of the names printed in the
above table failed to report n single
point lust week. Some of their owners
may havo been busy In other fields and
will do much better this week.
Today begins tho hist week of the
first month of the contest. The contest
ant who returns the largest number of
points for May will receive as a special
honor reward a handsome gold watch.
Thero should be great activity among
the leaders, for the prize Is certainly
worth the getting.
Our entry list has not been closed yet.
The particulars are printed on the
fourth page of Tho Tribune, or a letter
addressed to the "Contest Editor. Tri
bune, Seranton, Pa.," will be promptly
followed by detailed Information.
Sir Knights.
Purchase your photographic supplies
and have your finishing done at Horn-'
baker's, 211 Washlngton,avcnue.
Cut Flowers
For Knights Templar ball, at Clark's,
florist, 201 Washington avenue,
Golden Rio Coffee 12c,
S lbs 50c.
Breakfast Java 20c a lb
Special Java and Mocha
25c, ? lbs $1,00,
B, F. Japan Tea and For
mosa Oolong Tea at
50c, worth 75c.
lia,:.,-'JiBl..if..& 44r-&. -.
Tinu Lost at This Season Moans
Incraasid Suffulng, Per
haps Death.
Paine's Celery
Is the Never Failing Health Re
storer in Springtlnu
It is now an established fact that ner
vous prostration, insomnia, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, and blood
diseases are curable, If Palne's Celery
Compound Is honestly and faithfully
used at this season. It Is well known
that many of our most successful phy
sicians are dally prescribing and rec
ommending Palne's Celery Compound.
This fact proves the superiority of the
great medicine over all the regular
drugs usually prescribed for the troub
les mentioned above.
Palne's Celery Compound Is pre-eminently
adapted for correcting un
healthy nerve action; It feeds the nerve
centres with elements needed to
strengthen them and build up healthy
tissue. It purifies the blood, taking
away every trace of poison, and en
courages a rapid growth of red corp
uscles upon which the vigor of the en
tire system depends.
Weariness, tired feelings, despond
ency, and unrest, so prevalent In the
last days of spring, are banished after
a week's use of Palne's Celery Com
pound, and full vital energy and
strength take the place of lassitude and
Now Is the time to strike at the root
of your besetting troubles. The work
of recuperation begun today will save
you future weeks, perhaps months, of
torture and mental agony.
The Immense and unprecedented de
mand for Palne's Celery Compound
earth's best medicine Is an indication
that thousands are throwing off disease
and seeking health. Past experience
and the happy results given by Palne's
Celery Compound, all combine to make
clear your path of duty. Begin today
with Palne's Celery Compound If you
would establish health and vigor for
the coming summer season.
Always Ask Tor Diamond Dyes
Second Annual Convention of State
Federation of Boys' Clubs Held
at Wilkes-Barre.
The second annual convention of the
State Federation of Boys' clubs was
held Wednesday afternoon at the Boys'
Industrial associutlon hall In WIlkes
Barre. The clubs represented were:
Calvnry club, Hazle Street club and
Boys' Industrial association, of WIlkes
Barre; Anti-Cigarette league, Edwards
vllle; Keystone Debating club, Forty
Fort; Boys' Excelsior club, Plymouth;
Boys' club, Philadelphia; Boys' Friendly
Home, Beading, and Boys' Industrial
association, Seranton.
Two representatives from each club
and the following superintendents were
present: Lincoln E, Brown, Wilkes
Barre; Harry M. Sherwood, Philadel
phia; William McCormlek, Reading;
Lincoln ,W. Barnes, Seranton. Mrs.
Henry W. Palmer, who for eleven years
conducted the Wilkes-Barre Boys' In
dustrial association and is still enthusi
astic In the work, was also present.
After a very Interesting session In the
afternoon, when reports from the sev
eral clubs were given, supper for
twenty-five boys and eight adults was
served at Becker's, where tables were
arranged to form a T, 15x25 feet.
The three visiting superintendents and
three of tho boys from Philadelphia and
Reading were entertained until the af
ternoon following at Mrs. Palmer's resi
dence on Franklin street. The follow
ing programme was rendered Wednes
day evening In the Boys' Industrial as
sociation auditorium:
Invocation ...Rov, Henry I Jones, P.D.
Address of Welcome. Mrs. H, W. Palmer
Piano Solo Edgar Butler
20 Per Cent.
on Straw Hats
On accountof our mov
ing to the corner of
Washington Ave. and
Spruce Street (June 1st)
We are selling $2 Porto
Rico Palms at
Other hats reduced
propotlonally. Negligee
Shirts, either white or
fancy colors, $1.00 kind
?. .
Flvo Minute Speeches by
The Outgoing 1'rcslclont of the Fed
eration. The Incoming President of the Fed
eration. ,
Tho President of tho Wllkes-Barrro
V. I, A., John Williams.
The President of the Bcranton B. I.
A., James Medium,
Club Song tho Audience Joining.
Addftss "Tim Need of Boys' Clubs
and the Kind of Clubs Needed,''
Itcv. W. D. Johnson
AdJresr, "literature for Boys,"
William McCormlek, Editor of tho
Evening Herald, Beading, Pu.
AcrobaNc .Exorcises
Tho Seranton B. I. A. Team
Selection Forty Fort Quartette
Benediction Bcv. B. P. Itipley
Largely Attended Yesterday After
noon from the Residence.
The funeral of the late Miss Teresa
Cuslck, which was conducted yesterday
afternoon ut 3 o'clock from St. Paul's
church, Green Ridge, attracted an ex
ceedingly largo throng of the dead
young woman's admirers.
Tho services were conducted by Rev.
P. J. McManus, the pastor, who de
livered a brief eulogy of the dead girl.
Interment was made In the Cathedral
cemetery, the hearse being followed to
the grave by an unusually, large num
ber of carriages. Tho pall-bearers wore
as follows: Bartholomew Judge, Frank
Judge, W. F. Vaughan, John Vaughan,
William Bradbury, John Ollllgan, Syl
vester Gillespie, of Pittston, and Barth
olomew Lynch, of Olyphant.
neapolis Flour, a A ,-,
Bpi $4.25
Elgin Creamery But-
ter, per pound .... j6oC
Fancv Fresh Eggs ,t 0
per dozen , loC
Choicest Sugar Cured
Skinned Hams; per M .
ib .. 14c
Fancy Smoked Ba- t
con, per pound... lxC
Fancy California Hams i
per pound 92C
Choice Light Salt Ba- t -i
con, per pound,. IU4C
Fancy Regular Hams,
per pound loC
of June should see that tho wed
ding invitations are ordered on
time. It's about Juno now.
Our engraving plant Is at your
service for quick work. Wo don't
slight the work though, however
promptly we get It out.
We do It right and we finish all
our wedding stationery with a
touch of style that is Indispensable
on such occasions.
Will vou come and see our sam
ples of Wedding stationery?
May we send you samples. Our
prices are ns right as they can bo
for good work. ,
Wo attend In the matter of
proper form In tho warding and so
on. Wo guarantee satisfactory
All Kinds or Engmlng
Are in Oar Line.
Reynolds Bros.,
Seranton, Pa."
will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for
your kitchen, and will also save your wife
much of the drudgery of housekeeping.
Cooking with 6as StfSftS &
more convenient
We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking
Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price includes putting them in your
kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor.
How About Hot Water ?
A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers
that question. We have them. Price connected, $10.
Fuel gas, gross $1.00 ; net 90 and 80 cents pox thousand
Ranees and Hot Water Heaters on exhibition at our sales
room. No. 126 Washington Avenue.
orEN eyewmjs
Seranton Gas
: Lubricating anfl Burning !
oils f
Maloney Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street
JStwjfcJartn,v, -w!i..fcjfcK-j
T "r n1i4'tikit trmAm t
: Whoelbarrows,
: Goal and
I Dirt Picks,
I Shovels,
1 Sledges
: and Drag
I Scrapers.
: Bittenbender&E.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Don't Wait
We will not have
as good an atsort-r
meat later. We
have a lot of new and
choice patlerna and
we have marked them
at prices that insure
their immediate sale.
John D, Boyle,
416 Lackawanna Ave.
Best Qualities $5.00
and upwards.
Straw Hats
of Every Description.
412 Spruce Street ' "
309 Lackawanna Avenue.
Dr. Delmel's Linen Underwear
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
you purchase direct from the
Our lino of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large and complete,
and embraces all the latest pat
terns. We guarantee all our
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.
313 Spruce Street.
ForOsieonathlc Treatment
In Seranton, Consult
Dr. Herbert I. rurman
TtehTarTcama results tn Chronic and
Lingering Diseases. Consultation and
Examination Free. Lady assistants.
Both 'phones. Oreen Ridge Sanitar
ium, 1530 N. Washington ave., or City
Rooms, Cartes Bldg, cor. Adams and
unhl, a uixuin.
& Water Co.
.. .