The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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IMMUned Billy, Rxcepl Sunday, br The Trlb.
Bae PublUjilnit Company. tt.Otty Ccntt a Month.
0. F. nYM)i;i:, Business MiMRCf.
Kew York Offlctl 150 Kmu 8t. .....
8. a. vnF.r.rAm
Bole Agent for Foreign Advertising.
1 ' --"
Entered t (1ier6stofllc(Ent)Pornnlon,
S6nd Clan MallMutter.
Pa., os
'When space will permit, Tho
Tribune la always glad to print
short lotters from Its friends bear
ing on current topics, but Its rule Is
that theso must bovBlgnod, for pub
lication, by tho wrUcr.'s real name;
and tho condition precedent to ac
ceptance is that nil contributions
shall bo subject to editorial revision.
Tlin FLAT HATE FOll AtVi:tlTlStNO.
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fich Insertion? space to be mod within one cir.
trsi tlnn CO inches,
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have urged Upon the administration a
policy so cowardly, Inhutnnn, and dis
astrous. The question whether wo
could lawfully and honorably withdraw
from tho Philippines, uinnlntf away
fidm tho responsibility which wo had
iKsii tned for tho iiiutcctlan of life and
piopeity, a rrsponslblllty which could
have been enforced against us by tho
governments to which the foreign mer
chants ami residents of Mnjill.i owed
allegiance, was Instuntly answered In
the negative by the administration! and
to tho policy to which that nnswer
necessarily committed us tho Amcilcan
people have given their firm support."
Tho opinion of tho senator from
Massachusetts that tho American peo
ple are Incapable of dealing justly with
tho Filipinos Imputes to his countiy
inon n lower nioial standard than they
possess. It is a mistake of Judgment.
years too tender to yet fully nppreclato
tho dangers ahead, Under tho restrain
ing guiding hand of an ofTlcer of tho
court. The leslr.ilnt Is that ot over
sight, tho guidance that of kindly ad
vice Inched by that power every w hero
recognized, tho power of tho law."
Tho o ci throw of this act, unless a
better stthstltttto should bo provided,
would biMt public calamity;
"Dull" Andiows has declared for
Pcnnypackcr. This is Indeed unkind.
For r.inli of thnnto, resolutions of condolence
and tlmlljr..coi)lrlbutIns In tho mturn of nil
ertl9injj ThiJ Tribune "makes a charge ot G cents
a line.
ItnlM of ClissIAcd Adtcrtlslng ftimlshrd on
SCIIANTON, MAY 2(1, 1002
'For governor of Pennsylvania, on tho
Issue of an open field and fair play,
JOIIN P. EKIW, of Indiana,
subject to tho will of the Republican
Usually Plttabuig Is accepted us a
synonym for divci sided industry.' It 13
roinethlng .of a surprise, thoicforc, to
learn that In piopoitlon to Its nlzo
Keinnton is moio of nn Indttstilal center
than Pltlslniiir. Wo have one industiy
for every 1,309 inhabitants, while Pitts
burg has only ono lor every 1,597 por
tions. Plttsbuig's lndtistiics may bo
linger, but when tho piesent uiibcttlcd
conditions in the labor murkot subside
Scrnnton will bo In lino fettle to push
The Juvfcnllc Court Law.
The Third Week of the Strike.
,CnUN against the best judg
ment of the most Intelligent
men' In the miners' union,
'.and, as nubile opinion veiy
genernlly docldrs. Inning back of It no
grievances of 'ufllelent weight to jus
tify the suffering which it
is causing, tho jutht.tiitc stiike today
enteis Its third week.
There U no visible enthusiasm among
tho better,s of the English speak
ing stiikcis: simply u grim waiting for
the end, The nqwsp.ipeis print numer
ous mmois oi clfoits to cecum .i le
ojicnlnrr'of tho case by the opeiatois;
and many men ot high and low dcgieo
ate busy with plans to win public ioc
ognition by contributing to a settle
ment. theio Is In thcbo mmois
we do not know: but It would seem
leasonablfeito Mlppote that If the opei
utors re.-tljy wanted to compromise they
would hnye done to before the strike
began; and that, even now. if they
should want to end the stilko by giv
ing In, there would bo little necessity
for them flist to fill the nowcpapeis
with rumors. That has not been their
Tho strike is nheady beginning to
pinch a number of good men who want
to work but dare not. The longer it is
continued the worse this pinching will
become "Iilfd the'moie men, women and
children it will agonize, Fiom u humane
point of Icw, at first thought it could
bo wished that the operators might
7ield upon the Instant so that this pios
ective long nightmaio of suffciing by
innocent, victims might bo aveited. But
If a stilko" ordered this year oer tho
neacls of tlio conseiv.ithe union leadei3
and, as wo believe, without substantial
cause, should immediately succeed, it is
dlfllcult to tee how it could fall to in
vite other demands, one quickly follow
ing tho mother, until finally the patience
of the opeiatois and coal coiihuinlng
public wpultt alike be exhausted and the
postponed fight would come, after all,
in intensified bitterness and with aug
mented hiiifeiln?. f, therefoie, a test
of ctiength In ineItable, it deal I v is
better to have it now, to the end, than
to have the piospect of It susoended
indefinitely as a swoul by a hair over
the business life ot the anthracite com
A leading Republican club In Judge
rennypackers home waul in Philadel
phia bv unanimous -sole has declaied
for John Klkin. It is tho signal gun of
a l evolution. Keep jour eje on Philadelphia.
A flictnke of Judgment.
a H -nr: American people,"
11 .says Senator Hoar," have
JL. got this one question to
answer. They may an
swer it now; they can take ten yeais, or
tw-enty years, or a generation, or a cen
ttuy to think of it. But It will not down.
They must answer It In tho end Can
you lawfully buy with money, or get by
brute foico of aims, tho light to hold
in subjugation an unwilling people, and
to impose on them such Constitution as
you, and not they, think best for
This Question epitomizes the honest
opjiosltlonUo Ameilcan lotention of tho
PHIllpnies J3ut,( us tho Now York
Tfhies says, Jliere Is another question
which mubt be'consldeicd In advance of
thj qupstipiv -piopoundod by Senator
Ilflar; ..Van you lawfully send your
ships of w'ar and jour hoops against
thg coasts of ybiirenemy, sail Into his
pefcts and harbors, rt-sjr.qy his defenses,
ovi throw hh power, compel him to
haul dmvnjds iin.B nnd depart, and
thjn order your waishlps and your
tiinspotts to .sail ayay.'sQlenelJ, leav
ing a country without a go'vornmeiit,
a people without a head, and the llfo
anjd pr.pporjyjpf foreigner , and native
allfce without piotectlon?"
Jrhafc" says tho Tlm'Js tho ques
tion th fesHpnt vMcKlnloy and his
adtlseis answered"uiider a deep sense
ofjresponslullity which" they could not
esajipe, and had tho courage, the wis-
domtvand qignianyjo assume.
Whcji.SpaJiudSDartfid.tliero Wfla no
Kovcrnmenr left In tho Philippines
sap4tit7o(P'OuV4ihiiltay authorities.
Thf has beep no other'slneo until wo
erected tho civil government, with
Judaic Taft utjts head, la slmro in and
carrjr on th35vvo1uflt5t-tho nillltaiy
authority had begun. Thero has never
been 'a time when it would have been
possible to set P a native government
to yjfhlch we coud lawfully and honor
ably, tiansfer ouj resporislpllity. Thero
has hever been a day, jinaJ rnnment,
when any responsible 'qdyjs'oV of the
Kovfcrntnent, fiavlngfuirkna1edgo and
ft iiottWjMjJau, would
N VIEW of the attack which has
bsen made upon tho constitution
ality of tho law establishing a
sepal ate court for jucnilo offend
eis, a statement of tho law's purpose,
scope and effect lecently picpaied by
Judge Iieltler of Philadelphia should
have educational Intel C3t.
"The act," he explains, "deals only
with chlldien under sixteen yeais of
age, and of these only with tho unfor
tunate and the cirlng. By Its terpis It
applies to 'dependent or neglected' chil
dren and 'delinquent' children. The
first class, tho act says, shall include
any child who Is destitute or homeless,
or abandoned, or dependent upon tho
public for suppoit, or who habitually
begs, or whose home, bj- leason of neg
lect or ciuclty or dcpi.uity of the par
ents, is an unlit place for a child, or
any child under eight jears of ago
found peddling on the stieet. A 'delin
quent' child, tho act cays, shall mean
n child who violates any law of tho
state or any oidlnance. The couit's
jurisdiction may be Invoked by a peti
tion which must allege that tho child
theieln icfeiicd to is cither dependent
or neglected or delinquent. Upon the
filing of the petition tho judge may
issue eithoi a summons or a wairant.
The former requites tho party having
the custody of the child to produce It
in comt; the latter imposes the duty
of biinglng the child into couit upon
tho officer aimed with tho wairant."
As a mattoi of fact, the judge con
tinues, eiy few cases aie bi ought Into
court upon summons oi wairant. "Tho
police aie constantly turning over to
tho Childi on's Aid society and similar
organizations chlldien who have no
homes or caretakei s. These chlldien
find their way into tho juvenile couit.
Then each cas,e is caiefuliy inquhed
into. The judge has the assistance of
the piior examination into the facts
of each case by the society and Its
agents. Sometimes the power of the
comt is imoked to compel the atten
dance of iclatlves or even ot patents.
After a c.tielul healing the ea&e of
each child Is decided and a decieo
made. The testimony ho.ucl is taken
down by a stcnogiaplici, and then typo
wiitten, and Hied for fututo icfeience,
If the judge is satirfled that the patent
or patents of a child ought not to lmo
tho custody of the child, but are able
to contiibuto to its suppoit, ho may
make an oider requiting tho payment
of such sum as tho circumstances var
iant. Chlldien aie sometimes turned
oer to lei.uives ana .sometimes to a
chat liable society, tcg.ud being had al
ways to the icllglon of tho child In se
lecting the soqluty.
"Delinquents gcneially come Into
couit from the maglstiatcs' offices,
sometimes diicctlj-, sometimes liom
piison. It is In the handling of these
cases that tho judge has the most deli
cate and dlfllcult tasks Imposed on him.
What to do with a bad boy is a ptob
lem as old as ume. If the wisdom ot
tho past had given us ono formula to
follow, the task would bo simple, but
tho question, evciy time It arises, Is as
new as when It was fiist piesented.
That some hoys, would bo better olf if
spveicly punished the fiist time they
lie or steal is undoubtedly tiue. The
met that tho way of the ttansgtessor
is haul ought to bo taught both as a
moial piccept and an actual fact. Still
tho question In cnciy case Is, How shall
this boy bo handled.' With the best
motives and the most caioful and pa
tient inquiry the judge can, at best,
but guesM. To send tho boy homo, and
do nothing more, ns was ttequently the
old way, is peihaiu to teach him that
the law Is not stem but lenient; to give
Use lu him to a feeling that after all
to olfend, to bo caught, to be taken to
couit, is not a seiious matter. To ro
fuso to send him homo Is perhaps to
tuko fiom him just tho Inllueuco which
will, with some ou'uido bupei vision,
make him a good mun.
"It is just heio that tho juvenile
couit act, In my Judgment, olTcts Its
.gieatest good, and opens up a now
ciliunca to deal Intelligently with the
boy's case. Instead of making the boy
piomlso to bo gooil and sending him
home tho court places him In chaigo
of n piobdtlon oillcer, and then lets
him go home,, Tho probation officer Is
tho child's fiiend, but tho court's ad
viser. Each boy Is kept under sur
veillance. If, after tho piomlso ho has
made to the court, ho staj-s away fiom
school (If puients can send him) or re
fuses to work, or goes with his former
associates, If they aiu bad boys, ho Is
warned, and If ho will not mend his
ways ho Is lu ought back to court, und
then the Judge has, more knowledge of
tho case to guide him in acting InteWl
gently in tho matter, Oho piobatloA
oillcer to whom slnco last July nearly
ona bundled chlldien have been com
mitted, told mo recently timt slio had
but one child backslide. Tho whole
scheme or tho uct Is towards prevent
ing delinquents, from becoming crimin
als. It is the ounce of nrcircntlon which
is tar, tar uetter than pounds
H aims to piaeo tho erring child
In a Nutshell.
(Mmlllo Kline in Philadelphia Record,)
f-ITAOnAY the sum total of Cuba's
H Impoits from tho United
I States is $20,000,000. .They are
chiefly lard, Hour, salt meats
and some machinery, fho remaining
$.10,000,000 of Cuba's Imports Is from Uio
F.uropcan countries.
All tho machinery which comes from
Great Bi Italn the foundries nnd machine
shops of the United States could sell.
All the rlco that pours Into Havana
fiom India, tho fields of tho Carolines
and Louisiana could supplj'. All tho
cloths that roll from French and Ger
man looms could find their wny to
Cuban wearers from tho factoiies of
Xcw Englund and tho Middle States.
California glows better wines than the
slopes of Castillo and Catalonia have
produced for centuries: while the shoe
fuctoiles of Massachusetts make high
class footwear that looks os well and
wears longer than the output of tho
factories of Majoica.
Tho offer of Cuba in her trade of to
day is cent per cent, for a clear ex
change. But this is for the present
alone. It is the calculation of the Cuban
government that within the next ten
years Cuba's imports will amount to
$200,000,000. Tho full volume of that vast
trade awaits tho giasp of the people
who are her neighbors. She Is today
the best customer of tho United States
on the AVestern Hemisphere. She asks
only tho opportunity to be a better and
u more pi oil table ono in the yeais to
Fredoiick Land Is, of Logansport, who
has just been nominated for congress
In the Eleventh Indiana district, like
his elder bt other. Charles B. Landls,
the congressman fiom the adjoining
distiict, is a newspaper man. He
worked on tho same paper from which
Charles . graduated into national re
nown: and, like Chatles. his sliver
tongued eloquence has gained for him
a place among tho most popular of
campaign speakers and lecturets. Fred
for a time served as Charles' private
societal j'. A third bi other, a Demo
ciat, is a candidate for congress in an
Illinois distiict. Should he win, the
Landiscs would come pretty close to
forming a quorum. Theirs is a con
spicuous case of meiit finding its level.
Each of the Landls boys has been the
unaided aichltect of his own tiiumphs.
Rato the continct? Hardly. If such n
proposition were advanced, thero would
bo no limit to their Indignation.
0o Public Hurt Worst,
fium tho Terre Haute Gazette.
For every coal minor theio are, wo
should wiy at a tough rucks, 100 coal
Users. That Is to sa', ono miner digs
os much conl n 100 persons use. For
theso H,700,000 UKerB of anthracite conl,
tlilrf Is the natural and proper fuel, as
nearest to llicni. Other coal exists, to bo
-lire, and it obtainable by them and If
they do not like tho prices charged by
tho iinthriu'ltu ctnl companies and rail
roads thny can buy elsewhere. That Is
true. Hut our point remain-) that tho
chief vlcllnm, tho most numerous- and
most helpless, of tho coal combines nro
tho Uhcib of coal nnd our sympathy goes
out inojt to them. A victory over tho
anthlaclte ccal comblno by tho striking
Illinois would not help tho condition of
those mmo numerous nnd helpless vic
tims. On tho contrary, It would mako it
worf-e. Awl the greater would bo their
misery, for they, when they havo pur
chased coal, would have to pay for this
inci caned cost of mining.
"Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania,"
saj-s Charles Emory Smith In an inter
view in the Washington Post, "will
agioe upon a good man for governor
and will elect him and support him loy
ally after ho is in office." Wo thought
so. And you might add that his name
will be John Elkin.
Candid Coirtmenf
About the Strike
Fiom tho Albany Journal.
OMINALLY tho big strlko In the
nthiacito coal regions Is against
the coiporatlons that aro engaged
In the business of mining, trans
porting and belling coal: In fact. It Is
against the general public. That is be
coming clcarci each day. Alieady, in
sonio places, retail dealers havo taken
advantage, with unseemly haste, of tho
op,iui utility to ndanco tho price of coal.
Homo thousands of railroad employes who
mo lu no way affiliated with the miners'
oiganizntion nic out of emplojment be
cause thero Is no coal to bo hauled from
tho mines Other thousands will bo out
shoitly If tho Illinois' strlko continues,
Iioforo ninny weeks havo passed, not a
few ImHistilu establishments will be
compelled to shut down bocauso of lack
of luel, and thus still other thousands of
workliigmen will bo deprived of their
means of livelihood. Should tho miners'
oiganlzatlon buccred In cutting off also
the supply of bituminous coal, or In
ci citing a shoitngo therein, theio Is no
telling to what ptoportlons tho army of
the unemployed would grow. Thousands
of Innocent holders of tho shaics of the
conl companies, who hiuo nothing to do
with the management of their business,
sie the mniket vuluo of their holdings
slulnk, da." after daj In tho meantime,
the men with whom tho miners' repre-
sriitatlvoH had their dealings aro Buf
feting no particular liiconveiiienco, and
for the temporary loss that they will
sustain they cm, and douhtless will, soon
lelnibuiho themselcs by increasing the
pi no of coal. And any Increase that
thoy make will promptly bo transferred
by the uiullcis. to tho consumers. Thus
tho public may still suffer from tho
stilko long after It la settled.
In view of tho Incvliahlo lesult of such
a strlko In which the miners' union has
engaged tho imposition of a hut den
upon tho people at laigo tho officers of
tlin I 'nltcd Mine Workers owe to the
public a bitter explanation of the rea
sons for the com so pursued by their or-g-inlzutlou
than thoy havo thus far
gicu. They havo made known, In a gen
ei il way. that thoy want a shorter
woiklng dny. Increased wages, nnd somn
(hunger. In tho methods of weighing their
output: but they have not shown that
tho conditions under which they were
woiklnj, woo such thnt refusal to grant
their demands Justifies a strike thnt
tlucutcns to unsottlo tho business of the
wholo country, Thoy havo mndo no
clear, explicit statement that would en.
able those who are not familiar with
mining nffnlis to understand exactly
what their demands mean and what the
leason aro on which they are based.
Tho United Mlno Workers would stand
in a lar sironger position ir, before bus
ponding voi it, It had mado a clear and
full t-tatciv.eiit to tho public Bnd. after
making It. hud delnvcd tho strlko lmm
Mich statement could havo had u. chance
to produce the effect which. If It had set
fcith a Jus-t cause, It would have been
neiuly certain to pioduce.
Just now, tho inlnoia aio dangerously
near to malting tho same fatal mistake
that was mndo by the Amalgamated
Association of Steel and lion Wot Iters,
when It called out on strlko men who
hud enteied into a contract with their
omplojtis, under tho terms of which they
hid iigiced to work for a year. Most of
tho men employed lu tho bituminous
mines nio uiidoi contiact with their em
plojerb lu"r the current year, yet tho offi
cers of the union talk of calling them out
on a byrtapnthetlo strlko. When their at
tention lsN called to tho existing contract,
they reply thai that makes no difference;
that :i national convention has power to
abiogate that contract. Such an usser
Ikwi Indicates a decidedly perverted idea.
of cure "' ordlnaiy business honesty. Would
1,11,1 r,,.elr m1m,t Ul rleht or -no bituminous
nild, oMmbit operatoic to get together and obro-J
Editor of Tho Tribune
Sit: Tho "antl'lmperlnllsts" meet us,
ns they did Alexander Hamilton In his
day, with tho accusation of "Imperialism"
lu connection with our Cuban pro
gramme, past present and future. What
nro tho facts? In 1831 wo offered Spain
$120,000,000 for Cuba. In 1S98 wo fought
Spnln-and freed Cuba nt an expenso of
$100,000,000 (all bills paid and nobody any
tho poorer.) Wo paid tho traveling ex
penses homo of tho Spanish soldiers. Wo
made tho Cuban soldiers a present of $3.
000,000 gold, and gavo tho suffering people
millions upon millions of rations. In less
than four jears wo rebuilt and extended
railroads nnd constructed hundreds of
miles of wagon loads. Wo brought order
out of dlborder, protected all Cuban
rights, kept nn army there to preserve
order, Banltated Havana, Santiago and
other cities and towns, opened 3.GC0
schools, and on May 20 we turned It all
over to the Cubans, without money and
without price. Where does the "Imper
ialism" ccme in?
These same "Httlo Americans" or
"anti-lmpcrlallsts" nlso say that we
threw away the $20,000,000 which we gae
for the Philippines. But did wo? Let us
seo what wo got for it, in valuable prop
ertj. to say nothing of tho Indirect ad
vantages of such ucres of immediately
good public lands, and many millions of
uercs or otner, lands which will largely
be good In time. The twenty or twenty
five larger and hnbitablo islands cover
150,000 square miles, equal to all our
states south of the Mason and Dixon line,
ana east of tho Mississippi, except tho
Virginias, Florida and Louisiana, with a
population of about the same. All this
adjacent dominion got nt ono time. All
Canada or Mexico cannot compare. Con
sider ono island Mindanao not ono of
tha latgest, nor best developed islands.
The same size as Ohio, with a soil as fer
tile os the Island of Java. Fifty millions
of acres of valuablo irgln timber to pay
for the clearing of tho land then to be
ured for sugar and other plantations,
producing ten-fold tho present pioduct of
tho island. Many trees 200 feet high nnd
often four feet in diameter, consisting
of maghognny, sandal wood and other
varieties of tho most valuable timber In
tho woild.
In their present undeveloped state, tho
islands suppoit 10,000,000 pcoplo In luxur
ious case. A few j-eais hence and those
Islands will bo as peaceful and product
ive as any of our states. Wo shall then
own a property worth as many billions
of dollars, us we paid millions. In other
woros, our investment will havo in
creased a. thousand fold in their' combined
intrinsic, pioducthe, 1 stiategical and
trading aluo.
-Walter J. Ballard.
Schenectady, N. Y May 24. I
in Special Rewards
Scranton Tribune's dreateat of All
Closes October 25, 1902. x
The Scranton Tribune's third great Educational Contest la now open. Thora are offered as Special
Rewards, to those who scctiro tho largest number of po!nt3, TH1RTY-THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In some
of the Leading Educational Institutions In tho Country.
List of Scholarships.
Sc1iohrtilp3 In Syracuw University, nt $132
rach 3 sni
Scholarship In Buckitell University 520
scnuiarsmp in mo university oi uocliralcr.. si
Seholirshlp In Wahlnntnn Hcliool for Ilnja.. 1700
ocnoianiiip in itiniamspori uicKincon scml
rnry 7C0
Scholarship In Dickinson ColIcRlato Prepara
tory School TOT
Scholarship In Newton Coliottlito Institute. 720
Scholarship In Keystone Academy 000
Scholarship in llrown College l'rcpiratory
School C00
Scholarship In tho School of tho IuKiwanna. 400
Scholitshlp in llkci llirro Institute 270
Scholarship in Cotult Cottage (Summer
School) 2:0
Scholarships In Scrinton Conservatory of
Mu-Oc, nt 12' eacl SCO
Scholarships in Ilardcnbcrgh School of Music
and Art 460
Scholarships in Scranton fltulnCM College, at
W c.icli S00
Scholarships in International Correspondence
Schools, iner.iRP value ?57 eich 233
Scholarships in Lackawanna Dullness College,
at i5 each 170
Scholarships in Alfred Woolcr'3 Vocal Studio 125
Rules of the Contest.
Tho special rcwirda wilt be given to the person leeur.
Intr the largest number ol points.
l'olntn will be credited to contestants securing new tub
criueri 10 ino scranion Tribune as lonowi:
One month'n subscription.... ....$ .CO
Thrco monllu' subscription...... 1.2S
Six months' subscription........ 2 SO
One vpar'ii RiiKscrlntlon A 00
The contestant with tiip highest numhr of notnffl will
be trlvcn n choice from tho list of special rewards', tho con
testant with the second highest number of point will be
given n choice of the remaining rewards, and to on through
the list.
Tho contestant who secures the highest 'number of polntt
during nny calendar month of the contest will receive a
special honor reward, thin reward being entirely Independ
ent of tho ultimate disposition of the scholarships.
Hach contestant falling to secure a special reward wtlj
be ghen 10 per cent, of all money he or sho turns In.
All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
Only new subscribers svlll be counted.
ltcnewals by persons whose names Are already on our sub
scription list will not bo credited. The Tribune will investi
gate rich subscription and it found lricgutar in any way
reserves the right to reject it.
No transfers cm be made after credit has once been given.
All subscription! nnd tho cash to pay for them must bt
handed In at Tho Trlhlme ofllco within tho week In which
they nre secured, so that papers can bo sent to tho sub
scribers nt once.
Subscriptions must be written on blanks, which can be
secured at The Tribune office, or will bo sent by mail.
EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships
will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest.
A new feature is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those "securing the largest num
ber of points each month.
The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday, May 31, wiix
receive A H ANDSOflE dOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years.
Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later.
Those wishing to enter the Contest should send In their names at once. All questions concerning the
plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to
CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
t r - siv 1
Spring and Summer Oxfords and Boots that con
tent tho mind and comfort the feet.
Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00
Ladies' "Melba" Oxfords, $2.50.
Lewis 8c ReiUy,
114-116 Wyoming Avenue.
Porch Rockers
Ever shown in Scranton
A strong but true state
ment. We have nearly every
thing in summer furniture
including the
Prairie -Grass
Artistic in design, rich in
appearance and very prac
tical. We want every house
keeper in Scranton to visit
our store and inspect our
stock you'll find prices
right and goods the best to
bo had.
Hiil& Cornell
121 Washington Avenue.
m. ' I
A Series ol delightful Sketches Just Is
cued by tha Lackawanna Railroad. These
sketches are contained In a handsomely
illustrated book called " Mountain and
Lake Resorts," which describes some ol
the most attractive summer p lacs 3 In tho
Send 5 Cents In postage stamps to T. W.
LEE, General Passenger Agent, New York
City, and a copy will be mailed ou.
Matchless Splendors
of the
On a spur of the Alleghany Mountains. I.ehlch
alley rallioads near 'Jowanda. Bathinir. fUVilne.
sports, etc. Excellent table. IteasonoMo rites.
P. O., Apc-f. Ta. s:d for booKlct.
O. K. HAHR1&
Atlantic City.
The Westminister
Kentucky ae.. near Beach, Atlantlo City. Open
all the jcai, bun Parlor. Elevator and all modern
Improvements. Special Spring Jtatcs.
Kentucky Acnue.- Pirst Hotel from neach, At.
lantlo City, N, J,; CO Ocean iew roomi; c.
paclty 400; write for special ratcj. J. B. Jcnk.
ins, Prop,
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Gas Lamp.
Gunsterli Forsyth
327 rnn Avenue.
rilfiDi 1 iifn
We are ambitious and de
termined to keep all the
The Best Flour,
The Best Oats,
The Best Feed,
The Best Hay,
In Scranton.
DicksonMillS Grain Co.
Scranton and Olyphant.
Old Phone, Greon Ridge, 31-3.
New Phone, 1133.
Canadian Rockies
CIER a region described by Whym
per, the conqueror of the MRtterhorn,
as fifty or sixty Swltzerlands rolled
into one reached only by the
Canadian Pacific Railway
Dally transcontinental train service
throughout tho year from Toronto
crossing the continent In 97 hours,
leaves Toronto and Montreal (com
mencingr Juno 15th next, evety Sunday,
Wednesday and Ftlday. Sleeping and
dining cats attached to all tluough
Flrst-clas hotels In tho mountains.
Swiss guides at tho principal points.
For rates, etc., apply to nearest ngent
of tho C. P. It., or to E. V. Skinner, 353
Broadway, New York.
Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a thort course, nor in nay course,
nor a cheap course, but the best education
to bo had. No other education Is worth
spending time and money on. It you do,
write for a catalogue ol
Easton,Pa. V.
which offers thorough preparation in the
Engineering and Chemical Professions as well
as the regular Collcgo courses.
I When in Need I
L'aot Stioudaburg, Pa.
Tho examinations for adinitsion to the Mlddlo
Voir anil benior car classes will he held June 10
Iligli school graduate will ho permitted to tale
both iiJiiilnition:! and enter the rcnlor claos
wleie their orl has cowicd the Junior and mld
dlo jean comso of the normal. This jear will
be the last opportunity gltcn to da so, ns tha
thico car' course Is in full (ono and all will
come under the state regulations of oainlnatlons.
1'or full particulars address at once,
Q. V. Ilini.K, A. M., Principal.
During tho summer of 1902, in-
struction in all the subjects required
for admission to the best colleges
and scientific schools will be given
at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer
School of Secondary Instruction,
Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the
direction of Principal Charles E.
Fish. f The courses of instruction
are lor the benefit of five classes of
1. Candidates who havo received
conditions at the entrance examina
tions. S. Candidates who have postponed
examinations until September.
3. Students in Secondary Schools,
who, by reason of illness or othei
causes, have deficiencies to make up.
4. Students in Secondary Schools
who wish to anticipate studies nnd
save time in the preparation for
5. Students in college who have
admission conditions which must be
removed before the beginning of the
next Scholastio Year.
For particulars address,
CHARLES E. FISH, Principal
School of the Lackawanna,
Scranton, Pa.
T. J. Foster, President. Klmcr II. Lawsll, Trejv
8. J. Foster, Stanley P, Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
Of anything in the lino of
optical goods we can supply it.
Spectacles tl
j and Eye Classes j
& &
Swarthmore College
f The Course in Arts
l The Course in ScencQ
j The Course in Letters
I The Course In Engineering
Offers Four Courses of Study
Leading to Decrees)
Properly fittod by an expert
From $1,00 Up
Also all kind3 of incscrip
tion work and lepaliing.
Mercereau & ConneH,
133 Wyoming Avonuo.
Character Always the Primary Consideration
Extensive Campus; Beautiful Situation and Surrounding!:
Sanitary Conditions the Boat; Thorough Instruction J
Intelligent Physical Culture.
t Wm v H&mt4, Jh? g -js -, tK j, , jfl
r-M X TvVPfcMMtea us. jA&VWx- l - tehi