The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Bath Tub
Enamels . . .
No tedious process can be
applied by ANYBODY BVC
SOESSFULI.Y. It Is very easy and Inex
pensive to Impart a real en
amel finish to old shabby and
worn bath Tubs with
Neal's Bath
Tub Enamels
They resist hot and cold
water. Form a hard, smooth,
lustrous surface. Easy to keep
clean. Makes a bath Tub an
ornament to the home.
Price, 26s, 40c and 70c Cans,
(Concluded from Piga 1.1
320 Lackawanna Ave.
The values we offer are exceptional
because we are the largest dealers
hereabouts in the line of
Wall Paper, Pictures,
Frinns, Paints,
Mouldings and Shades.
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Avenue.
Morris' Magnet Cigar
"TIipv Ataw wMl
) All the popular flc. Cigars at $1,75 per
dox, or u lor z-ivt
Die largest variety of Smoking Tobaccos
nnd rines in acranton.
Y 325 Washington Avenue.
In and About
-The City
Donation Day.
Wednesday, May SS, the diiectors of tho
Hahnemann hospital ylll bo ut tho hos
pital during tho day, nnd will gratefully
receive donations of money, food, cloth
ing, provisions nnd household supplies.
At the Star.
Tho cmploych of tho Star theater will bo
glvon a series of benefits for tho first
thrcq days of this week beginning with a
matinee toduy when tho "Vagabonds"
Burlesque compuny will glvo what Man
ager llerrington says is an "Al show."
Horse and Buggy Found.
Threo young men found a whlto horso
nnd black top buggy near Mountain lake
on Saturday night and drovo it to South
Scranton wheto they turned it over to tho
police. Tho owner can have tho outfit
by calling at EvoilU's livery stablo and
proving his claim to ownership.
Nurses to Graduate.
Tho graduating exorcises of tho nurses
who havo been taking a course of study
in tho training school connected with tho
Moses Taylor hospital, will bo conducted
nt that institution next Thursday night.
There are cloven young ladles in the
class. The nddress to tho graduates will
bo made by Miss Maxwell, hiiporlntondent
of tho Presbyterian hospltnl In Now York
Technical Point Baiscd.
Superintendent of Building liihpect'lon
Brown swoie out n wan ant for tho
of former Mayor John II. Fellows on tho
chargo of violating the building regula
tions of tho city In failing to tako out a
permit for reconstructing his residence on
Tenth street which was partly destroyed
liy fire some months ngo. It is undor
Hood that Mr. Fellows claims that ho Is
exompted hecauso only alteration nnd
construction aro provided for by tho or
dinance nnd not reconstruction. A hear
ing will he conducted beforo Alderman
Knsson today.
Attention! Society Men.
An Interesting featuro incidental to
the Knights Templar conclave Is tho
beautiful display of Knights Templar
supplies, by tlio M. C. I.llley & Co., of
ColuinbtiB, o now occupying tho largo
display window at Williams & McAn
ulty's, 120 Wyoming avenue. All goods
pohl by this well-known Ohio house are
jnude in their own factories, and ure of
superior quality and workmanship. All
noelety men should moke nn effort lo
nee this mugnlllcent display, as it Is a
sample of tho ouallty of work which
tho M. C. Lllley & Co. put into all their
various lines of society uniforms, re
galias, etc,
Vases and Flower Beds
Pilled beforo Decoration day, at Clark's,
Luke's Parish house, on Wyoming avo
nuc, from 8 to 11 p. m.
itpcpption to Sir Knights nnd their la
dles, by St. Albans commandery No. il,
In the parlors of the Hotel Jcrnun. from
8 to 11 p ,m,
Reception to Sir Knights nnd their la
dles by Dion Lo Vent commandcry No. 43,
In Guernsey hall, on Washington ttvenuc,
from 8 to 11 p. m.
lfnso ball game. Athletic nark, Scran
ton vs -Lebanon, State league, nt 3.15 p. m,
Annual review and parudo nt 10 o'clock
a. in.
At 11.30 p. m. Cnrrlngo rldo uround Lako
Scranton, for visiting ladles. Carriage at
Wyoming uvenuo entrance to Hotel Jer
myn. At 2.30 p. m. Parties will bo taken to
tho Button woiks.
At 3 p, m. Session of tho Grand Com
mnndery In tho Lyceum theater on Wy
oming avenue.
At 4 p. m. Parties will bo taken to tho
D.. L. & W. mines, at nellevuo.
Visitors will bo welcomed at tho Inter
national Corespondence School buildings,
nt nny time on tho 2tlth, !7th nnd ISth,
between 0 nnd 11 o'clock a. m. nnd 2 nnd
4 o'clock p. m.
)3aso bnll game, Athlotle pnrk, Scranton
vs. Lcbnnon, State league, ut 3.1. p. m.
Tuesday ovcnlng a grand reception and
ball will bo tendered to tho Grand Com
mnndery, visiting Sir Knights nnd their
ladles, by Coeur do I.lon commnndcry
No. 17, nnd Mclltn commnndcry No. OS, in
tho Now Armory of the Thirteenth Regi
ment, National Guard of Pennsylvania.
Sir Knights wll take notice that admis
sion to tho ball can only bo had by wear
ing full Templar uniform (without
Grand march at 0 o'clock.
At 9.30 a. m. Session of the Grand Com
mnndcry and election of ofilcers in tho
Lyceum theater.
At 10 a. m. Trolley ride through tho
city and suburbs.
At 3 p. m. Installation of officers-elect
of the Grand Commandcry at the Ly
ceum theater.
Admission by Templar uniform or card.
This will bring the conclave to a
Tonight's Beceptions.
Tonight there will be four receptions
given by visiting commanderlos. Mary
commnndcry, of Philadelphia, will en
tertain at St. Luke's parish house;
Kadosh and St. Albans commnnderies,
of Philadelphia, at the Jermyn, and
Lieu le Veut commandery, of Wilkes
Barre, at Guernsey hall, Washington
avenue. Baldwin II commandery, of
Wllliamsport, will entertain at the
Scranton house with a band concert
by tho celebrated Fish Military band,
of Willlainsport. There will also bo
a continuous run of informal concerts,
serenades nnd exchanges of visits dur
ing tho afternoon and evening. It can
be taken for granted that the central
city today will bo filled to overflowing
with music and sociability.
Gethsemane commandery, No. 75, of
York, will attend the conclave in a
body and will participate In the par
ade. They will leave York this morn
ing at 10 o'clock and will come by way
of Sunbury, arriving here at 5.24 p. m.
Quarters have been secured at the
Hotel Gunster, 415 Mulberry street.
Temple commandery, No. 60, of
Tunkhannock, will arrive this after
noon and will have headquarters at
the Valley house. It will be accom
panied by tho Leek Cornet band, of
Plttston. A large percentage of Its
seventy-four members will attend. The
most prominent men of Tunkhannock
and vicinity are members of this com
mandery. The parade tomorrow morning is to
be made espelally attractive by a novel
feature introduced at the suggestion of,
Grand Commander Penman: After the
formal review takes place, tho forty
bands will mass and tho sir knights
will form Jn a solid body, with tho
banners assembled in one great group.
The reviewing stand will bo passed a
second time, with all the bands play
ing In concert an arrangement of "On
ward Christian Soldier" and "Ave
Marie," the music for which was sup
plied each bandmaster two weeks ago.
The commandery sessions will be
made especially Important by reason
of the fact that amendments to tho
constitution are to be passed upon.
There will be probably Home onliven
ment added to the sessions by reason
of the fact that three very popular
Templars from three different parts of
tho state aro being discussed for the
ofllco of grand junior warden, the one
oflice for which there is an actual elec
tion. There three are Sir Knights
Frank McSparren, of Erie; David O.
McCullum, of Wilkes-Barre und An
drew S. Stayer, Altoona
Want tho Next One.
Philadelphia, with Its big delegation,
will strenuously urge tho grand com
mandery to give the fiftieth annual
conclave to the City of Brotherly Love.
This being tho semi-centennial con
clave, It Is, argued, the largest city in
the state should have it. The fact that
a Philadelphia man, V. K. Sir Ezra S.
Bnrtlott, is to be the next grand com
mander, Is put forward as another
reason why tho conclave should go to
Deputy Grand Commander Bartlott,
Grapcl Aecorder W. W. Allen and Sir
II, AV. Simen, n member of tho llnanco
committee, will arrive hero early this
morning to attend to tho preliminary
vork, Tho first commandery to anivo
will bo Mt. Olivet commandery, of Erie,
which Is scheduled to anivo nt 10 a.
m., over the Lackawanna. A delega
tion of thirty past eminent comman
ders or Pittsburg will also anivo early
this morning. Big street banners of
Corinthian "Chasseur" compiandery
and St. Alban commandery, of Phila
delphia; Chester commandery, of Ches
ter, and Baldwin commandery, of Wll
liamsport, havo already been swung to
the breeze In front of their respective
good lo meet A feller what grcots Voti
with a smllo" sort, that makes you want
to "Ho to 'cm." Tho ladles aro fascinat
ing, and they havo bo arranged matters
that our ladles won't have an Idlo mo
ment They will bo taken to Aqueduct
lako, whore they will rocclva an ample
water supply; tho Country club, and bo
pormllted to go "down 111 tho coal mines
underneath tho ground." Eight hundred
rubber milts and air Invlgoi-ators havo
boon provided for tho ladles accompany
ing tho various commiuideiics.
Tho Grand Tournl and bull on Tuesday,
May 27, will bo hold In the Armory of tho
Thlrtconth regiment, N. G. P., tho largest
armory In tho state. When you stand at
the west and look to tho east end, "a
six-foot" mnn Is "out of sight." Flvo
thousand people will bo comfortable In
It, nnd ten thousand will Just bo a "nlco
family party." Ladles desiring lo rucog
nlzo their friends should bring opern
glnsses. Tho souvenir progrnrnmo will bo
"a thing of beauty nnd Joy forever." It
will contnln some" sixty odd scenes of
Scranton, Including It. 13. Sir T. Frank
Penman, ,our handsome, but retiring, E.
Grand Commander, who everybody knows
when ho Is at home, and wnnts to know
when ho Is away from It, because ho Is
tho Prlnco of Good Fellows.
All nrrangemonts have boon mado for
pleasant weather during tho conclave,
nnd for Sir Penman to go out In tho sun
light. A special halo has been provldc'd
for our Ezrn, nnd "Mnry" will halo, or
"Halloa" In the day of his Installation.
"We'll all cheer for htm."
Our own commandcry will hold a recep
tion on the night of Monday, Mny "ij, In
tho handsome parlors of tho Hotel Jer
myn. Bcnutlful flowers, beautiful girls,
beautiful Sir Knights nnd beautiful music
will glvo nn entrancing thrall, with pipes
and cymbals great and small, nnd all Sir
Knights will want to call.
Think of what you will miss If you aro
absent and of what you will cnoy if you
nro present.
"So Jolly girls nnd Jolly boys,
"Come Join with us In nil our Joys;
"For in the pleasures so Intense
"You'll find delightful recompense."
Baldwin II commandery, No. 22, of
Wllliamsport, will come with a largo
membership. It will be stationed at
the Scranton house, where its big ban
ner has been flying In the breeze since
This commandery is accompanied by
tho famous Flsk Military band, of Wll
liamsport, which will give an open
air concert at the Scranton house this
evening. It will bo assisted by Tom
Clark, of New York, the well-known
cornet soloist and composer, who
comes from New York city especially
for this occasion. Thcj following pro-
tiiuiuijit: win ue prcsenieu:
March. "The Strollers" Englander
Overture, "Stradella" Flotow
Cornet Solo, Selected Mr. Tom Clark
(a) A Lesson in Fliitation....DoKovcn
(b) Hungarian National Dances,
Arr. by Myrcllls
A Cavalry Chargo (Descriptive). ...Ludcrs
Cornet Solo, Selected Mr. Tom Clark
Selection, "Maid Marian" DcKoven
Albion, Grand Fantasio on Scotch.
English and Irish Airs Bretons
t r mate )m
Q n N
A Farmer Straightened Out.
"A man living on a farm near hero
came In a short time ago completely
doubled up with rtieumutlsm. I handed
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Puln
Halm and tod him to use it freely und
if not satisfied ufter using it he need
not pay u cent (or It," Bays C. P, Ray
dor, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few
days later he walked Into the store us
tralght as a. string and handed me a
dollar saying, ''give me another bottle
pf Chumborluln's pan Balm. I wunt
It Jn the house all the time for it cured
Pie."' For sale by ail druggists.
St. Alhan commandery, No. 47, of
Philadelphia, will hold a reception In
the parlors! of tho Hotel Jermyn tonight,
from S to 10 o'clock, and it extends a
cordial Invitation to nil visiting sir
knights and ladles to attend. The floral
decorations are in the hands of Clark
& Co,, and the music will be under tho
direction of Prof, Allan Lawrence, Tho
ladles, who ure always to the foo in
everything thut pertains to the Interest
of St. Alban, will help to entertuln the
guests nnd make the reception n de
lightful meeting of fraters, their wives
und sweethearts.
This is tho way the circular of St.
Alban commandery, No. 47, relating to
the Scranton trip, speaks of noma
Scrunton persons and things:
Sciuntou Is a charming place to visit.
Tho air Is bracing, tho people aro hos
pitable, and tho fratcrr nro of that "It's
One of the oldest and strongest com
manderies in the state Is Coeur de
Lion, No. 17, of this city. It was insti
tuted April 28, 1S5S, by Right Eminent
Grand Commander Sir Benjamin Park.
The following sir knights were installed
as tho first officers of the commandery:
Eminent Sir Robert C. SImDson, emi
nent communder: Sir W. H. Perkins,
prelate; Sir George S. Kingsbury, senior
warden; Sir A. E. Hunt, sword-bearer;
Sir Thomas Dickson, generalissimo;
Sir E. H. Kirlln, treasurer; Sir Edward
Kingsbury, junior warden; Sir N. F.
Mursh, warden; Sir Joseph Godfrey,
captain general; Sir W. P. Carllng, re
corder; Sir R. S. Searle, standard
bearer; Sir Hezekiah Fisher, sentinel.
Since that time the following have
served as eminent commanders:
Past Commanders E. Sir Robert C.
Simpson, 1S5S-39; E. Sir William II. Per
kins, 1SC0-G1; "E. Sir Joseph Godfrey,
1SU2-3-1-5-U; E. Sir Charles A. Stevens, M.
D.. 1SU7; E. Sir Edward P. Kingsbury,
1808-69-70; E. Sir Asa B. Stevens, 1S71-72;
J'., bir Fredcilek J. Amadou, 1S73-74; E.
Sir James Ruthven, 1S75-7B; E. Sir James
E. Brown. 1S77; E. Sir Edwurd L. Buck,
1S7S; E. Sir Thomas Barrowman, 1S79; E.
Sir Charles IJ. Dcrmnn, 1SS0-81-S2; E. Sir
Ezra H. Ripple. 1SS3-SI-S5; E. Sir John S.
Ferguson. 1SS0; E. Sir Charles M. DoLong,
1SS7; E. Sir Joseph E. Payfair, 18S8; E.
Sir Clarence L. VanBuskirk. 18S9; E. Sir
Charles D. Sanderson, 1S90; E. Sir Edgar
T. Wheaton. 1&91: 13. Sir Frank S. Barker.
1892; E. Sir Franklin J. Powell. 1893; E.
Sir William L. Connell, 1894: E. Sir Fred
crick L. Brown, 1895; E. Sir Androw B.
Holmes, JS9G; E. SIr'Chnrles W. Gunster,
1M7; E. Sir Arj.i AVilllnms, 1898; E. Sir
William S, Menrs, 1899; E. Sir J. James
Tnylor. 1900; E. Sir Walter L. Honwond.
1901; E. Sir George L. Dickson tadmltted
from No. 14, Pa.) 1SG3. Deceased. Ro
signed. The grand commandery has been en
tfiialned by Couer do Lion comman
dery on three different occasions, June
0. ISfiS, at which tlmo the first parade
of tho grand commandery was held;
May 31, 1SS1, and May '25, 1886. Again
on May 26, 1896, Couer de Lion jointly
with Mellta commandery, No. CS, enter
tained tho grand ommandcry.
Throe of the Coeur do Lion knights
have served In grand commandery off-cos.
E. Sir Edward P. Kingsbury
was grand warden in 1875; E. Sir Ed
ward L. Buck was grand captain gen
eral In 18S1, nnd E. Sir Ezra. H. Rlpplo
was grand standard bearer In 18S6.
Appended Is a roster of the present
oflicors and members of Coeur de Lion
Eminent commander, E, Sir Edward
Evans; generalissimo, Sir David J. Davis,
first; captaln-geneial, Sir Frank M. Moy
or; treasurer, E. Sir Edward P. Kings
bury; recorder. E. Sir Edward I,. Buck;
trustees, E. Sir Ezra H. Rlpplo, E, Sir
Frederick J. Am.sden, E. Sir Clinrles 11.
Appointed Ofilcers-SIr George L. Perk,
prelato; Sir AVIIIIam R. McCiave, senior
warden: Sir Frank G. Wnlfo, nlternato;
Kir John W, 11, Coleman. Junior warden:
Sir William S. Boyd, Jr., oltornato; Sir
Silas W. Finn, standard hearer; Sir Thus.
E. Lyddon, sword bearer: Sir Jnines l.
Wnrdle. warder; Sir Joseph J. Curt, alter
nnto; Sir Hany C. Barker, captain of tho
Bunid: Sir Hcilry J, Schubert, first guard;
Sir William L. Pryor, ultoinato; Sir Al
bnrt Davis, second guard: Sir Alfred K.
Lister, alternate; Sir Robert Peek, third
gunid; Sir W. Haydn Evans, nlternnto.
Surgeons-Sir Alexander J. Connell, M.
D Sir A. A. Llndabury, M. D,, Sir Frod.
crick D. Browster, M. D.
Musical director, R. Sir Charles B. Dor
man; sontlnol, Sir Jncob F, Iletzel; repre
sentative on hall committee, K, sir Chas.
W. Gunster; quartermaster, Sir John M.
Kommerer; commissary, Sir John W,
Commltteo on Drill E. Sir Ezra II. Rlp
plo, E. Sir Charles AV, Gunster, Sir Will
iam A. Raub, Sir Charles R. Connell,
Commltteo on Uniform E. Sir Charles
B. Dcrmau, Sir Frank W, Beavers, Sir
Jacob It. Schlugpr, Sir James F. Wnrdle,
Sir Willis A. Kemmeror.
Trl-Guard-SIr Bradford A. Hill, Sir
Harry N. Dean, Sir Henry G. Dalo, Sir
John U, Wngner, Sir William D. Zohn
dor, Sir Wlllnrd Matthews, Sir Zlba M.
Smith, Sir William McK, Marple, Sir
Richard Welsenlhtc, Sir Alfred H. Con',
Stewards E. Sir Frederick L. Brown,
Sir Edmund B, Jermyn, Sir Rufus J. Fos
ter, Sir Frank W. Beavers.
Superintendent of Floor Work E. Sir
Walter L. Henwood.
Members-Frederick J. Amsden, Joseph
Anslcy, Jr., Edwin A. Banflold, Frank S.
Barker, Hnrry C. Barker, Thomas Bar
rowman, John W. Barnes, Edmund A.
Bartl, Frank W. Beavers, Georgo W
Beemor, Frederick W. Bleckley, William
S. Boyd, Jr., Frederick D. Brewster; Em
met Broarihcad, Nlnl C. Brondhcnd, Fred
crick L. Brown, Edward L. Buck, Evcrott
A. Bush, Frank Carluccl, Joseph L, Chap
man, Morris A. Clark, Harry C. Conrad,
Alexander J. Connell, Alfred E. Connell,
Charles R. Connell, Harry A. Connell,
William L. Connell, John W. B. Coleman,
John M. Courtrlght, Joseph J. Curt, Ever
ett E. Dale, Henry Griffin Dale. Matthew
It. Dole, Joseph H. Danner, William M.
Darling. Albert Davis, David J, Davis,
first; David J. Davis, second; Charles W,
Dawson, Hnrry N. Dean, Wlllander A,
Dean, Wilson S. Docker, Charles B. Der
man, Georgo L. Dickson, James M. Eaton,
Edward Evans, W. Hnydcn Evans, Geo.
P. Fclenser, Silas W. Finn, Rufus J.
Foster, Alexander L. Francois, Georgo
W. Geary, Charles Graham, James C.
Gross, Chnrlcs W. Gunster, Joseph H,
Gunster, Edwin L. Harrington, Walter L.
Henwood, Jacob F. Iletzel, Charles Hues
tor, Bradford jV. Hill, Charles L. Hill,
Erastus Hill, Georgo E. Hill, George B.
Hotlcrnn, John L. Holiday, Androw B.
Holmes, John Horn, B. M. Hoxworth,
Daniel II. James, Georgo W. Jenkins,
Harry S. Jenkins, Edmund 1. Jermyn,
Frank H. Jermyn, Nowton Johnson, WII1
lnm F. Jones, -Luther Keller, John M.
Kelly, John M. Kemmeror, "Willis A.(
Kommerer, James W. Kennedy, Edward
P. Kingsbury, Georgo S. KJngsbury, Louis
Koch, Victor Koch, A. A. Llndabury, j1
frcd 13. Lister, Thomas 13. Lyddon. Ed
ward II. Lyndo, William R. McClavo,
William McK. Marple, John J. Marshall,
Walter L. Matthews,, Wlllnrd Matthews,
William S. Monro, William S. Millar,
Chnrles II. Miller, Gustavo A. Miller,' Da
vid L. Morgan, Davy Morgan, Frnnk M.
Moyer. Georgo Obcrdorfer, Justin E. Pnr
risli, D. E. Parmeter, Georgo L. Peck,
Robert Peck, Jncob Pfclffer, William C.
Price, Thomas E. Price. Wllllnm L. Pry
or, Francis G Rarlck, William A. Raub,
John G. Reese, Gustav Renner, John W.
Richie. Ezra II. Ripple. Samuel AV. Rob
erts, Philip Robinson. Charles D. Sander
son, Jacob R. Schlager, Henry J. Schu
bert, James G. Shepherd, Eugeno II. Shlf
fer, J. Frank Slcgcl. Zlba M. Smith, Jas.
R. Smith, Frank M. Spencer, John A.
Staats, Asa B. Stevens, Charles M. Stroet
er, Eugene M. Strong. Thomas Thomas,
Edward J. Trimmer, O. E. A'aughan, C.
S. A'on Storch. John Urban AVagner, Jas.
Francis AVardlc, Frederick AVarnko,
Louis A. AVatres. George M. AVatson,
Richard R. AA'clscnflue. Frederick R.
AVhite, ArJn AVilllnms, David G. AVill
lnms. Robept J. Williams. AAilllam R.
AVilllams. Frank G. AVolfe. Henry AV.
Zeidler, AA'illlam D. Zchudor.
Mellta commandery was constituted
In May, 1S90. Its first officers were Jo
soph Alexander, jr., eminent com
mander; Charles McMullen, general
issimo; John G. McAskie, captain gen
eral, and AA'illiam L. Carr, recorder.
Since tho last grand conclave, held in
Scranton in 1S9G, aiellta commandery
has had a remarkable growth, having
increased its membership from twenty
seven to one hundred and twenty-eight
and she now includes among her mem
bership many of the most prominent
business and professional men of our
Her roll now Includes two past grand
commanders, the division commander,
the deputy grand high priest of the
Holy Royal Arch chapter, and the dep
uty grand master of Free and Accepted
This commandery has been an active
participant in every annual conclave
held since its constitution, nnd at the
conclave held at AVilkes-Barre, two
years ago, captured tho first prize
offered for superior numbers and ap
pearance. Mellta commandery will be active in
the present conclave. It has established
headquarters at 220 AVyomlng avenue,
where on Tuesday all sir knights and
their ladies may rest und refresh them
selves, and from which point their
tnlly-ho will make hourly trips about
the city.
The present ofilcers and members of
Melltn commandery aro:
Eminent commander, E. Sir Charles R.
Acker; generalissimo. Sir jfred H. Shop
land;, Sir Thos. Palmer:
treasurer, R. E. Sir Joseph Alexander, Jr
P. G. C; recorder. Sir Frank E. Shedd;
trustees, Sir George n. Jermyn, u. Sir
Clnrcnco L. A'anBuskirk.
Pabt Commanders-R. k. sir Joseph
Alexander. Jr.. P. G. C; R. E. Sir Thomas
K Penman, O. C; E. Sir Reuben A. Zim
merman, division commander; 13. Sir
Roswell II. Patterson, K. Sir Clarence L.
AanBusklrk, E. Sir Andrew J. Colborn,
Jr 13. Sir Charles S. Senmans, E. Sir
James S. Portous, E. Sir Fred AVarner,
13. Sir John G, McAsklo. E. Sir John AV.
Dusenhury, 13. Sir Charles McMullen E.
Sir Joslah T. Fear, 13. Sir Ezra C. Brown
ing, E. Sir Judson B. AVnol&ey, E. Sir
AAilllam II. Brutzman. 'Deceased.
Appointed Offlcrrs-E. Sir Clarence L.
VanBuskirk, prelato; Sir AValter L. Schla
ger, senior warden: Sir Georgo S. Atkins
Junior warden; Sir AAilllam L. A'anBus
kirk, sword bearer; Sir Henry Phillips,
standard bearer: Sir Georgo E. Saxo, war
der; Sir Jacob F, Honzel, sentinel,
Red Cross Gu'ard-Slr Marshall Keller,
eaptnln of the guard; Sir AVIIIIam W, Ber
ry, first guard; Sir l.rnest I. Paino. innH
Sir AVIIIIam AV. Jones, muslral director;
Sir AVnltor Davis, organist; Sir Alfred II,
Shoplnnd, representative on hall committee.
Medical Blaff-13. Sir James S. Portous,
Sir John L. Wentz, Sir Horace IJ. AVnrc,
Sir Walter . Pier, Sir Athcrtott B. Slov
ens, Sir Herbert F. ltcllner, Sir Georgo A,
Kerllng, Sir Frederick L. Van Sickle, Sir
FicdC. lfctll.
Members It, 13. Sir Joseph Alexander,
Jr., P. O. C.J It. E, Sir Thomas F. Pen
man, U. C.j 13. Sir Roswell it. Patterson,
E. Sir Clnrcnco L. VanBuskirk, 13 Sir
Androw J, Colburu, Jr., 13, Sir Judson U.
AVoolsey, 13. Sir AVIIIIam II. Brutzman,
13. Sir Fred AVnrnrr. 13. Sir John G. Mc
Askie, 13. Sir Roubon A. Zimmerman. 13.
Sir John AVi Duscnbury, 13. Sir Joslah T.
Fear, E. Sir James 8. Portous, 13. Sir
Charles S. Seamans, AVIIIIam 11. Taylor,
I la lion P. Woodward, Jacob B. Brouson,
Alfred If, Sliupland, Samuel I, Smith,
AVIIIIam S. Dlohl, Myron Kanson, Harry
C. Reynolds, Georgo li. Jermyn, Schuyler
C. Gernon, AVIIIIam 13,'Corrcllt John AV.
Bullock, John Brlcgcl, Edward P. Kings
low, Conrad Schroeder, Thomas IJ, Howe,
Frank L. Phillips, Athcrton B. Stevens,
Theodore C. Von Stoich, Georgo S. At
kins, John P. McCnbe, Jacob D. Fcrber,
Tiomns Moore, Fred M. Francis, Walter
M, Jermyn, Horace IJ. AA'aro, AVIIIIam Ij.
Cnrr, Georgo Sanderson, Fred S. Godfrey,
John A. Schndt. AVIIIIam D. B. jVlnoy, Al
ton F. Kizcr, Rccso A. Phillips, James
AV. Onkford, John Ij. AVontz, George F.
Smith, AVIlter B. Pier, Charles 13. Hale,
John Morris, Frank 13. McComb, Charles
R. Acker, Thomas Palmer, Charles R.
Klngsley, John T. Cooper, AVIIIIam AV
Klzer, Henry Phillips. John D. Peck,
Charles O. AVolfe, Hubbard S. Gorman,
Floyd R. Grclner, Eurlo L. Merrlmnn, An
drew Kennedy, AVIIIIam II. Chandler,
Marshall Keller, AVIIIIam R. Pierce, Evan
J. Evans, AValter Ij. Schlager, John S.
Reed, Herbert F. Hcllner, John a. Sher
wood, Harry AV. Seamnns, Frank E.
Shedd, Reuben L. LnBar, Henry II. Har
ris, Harvey B. Bush, AVIIIIam D. Ed
wards. AValter AV. Simpson, Harry A.
AA'rlgloy, AVIIIIam L. VanBuskirk. Geo.
A. Kerllng, Georgo A. Saxo, Theodoro C.
Miller, Archibald F. Law, Theodoro B.
Hlncs, AValter Davis, Harry K. jVeker,
Theodore A. White, Sampcl C. Snyder,
Everett T. Howe. Frederick L. A'nnSlckle,
Frank M. Vandllng. John S. Luce. Ever
ett AVarren. Jerry B. McPeek, Thomas 13.
Northup, AVIIllnm AV. Jones, Rev. Fran
cis R. Batemnn. Harry A. Colic, Morton
L. AVngo. Benjamin F. Laudlg, Edward
V. Bcardsley, AVIIIIam S. Gould. Herbert
S. Kramer. John F. Scragg. AVIIIIam John
Neave. AVIIIIam A. Sprout, Joseph E. Ev
ans, Ernest I. Paine. Thomas F. AVells,
David Spruks, AVIIIIam AV. Berry. Fred
erick AV. Fleltz, Rev. Hither II. AVaiing,
Orlando B. Partridge, AVIIIIam R. Man
ners, Fred C. Hall, Dalbys L. Flckes, Ma
thlas Stipp, Harry H. Sproat, John L.
James, Alpheus C. Lippincott, Harry AV.
Sexton, F. A. Hopper.
Following Is a list of the local execu
tive commltteo and the chairman of
the several sub-committees, composed
of members of both commanderlos, to
whom were committed the arrange
ments for tho conclave:
Executive Committee 13. Sir Charles D.
Sanderson, chairman. 130 AVyomlng ave
nue; E. Sir Frederick L. Brown, secre
tary, Prico building: Sir Frnnk M. A'nnd
ling, treasurer, AVilllams building; Rt. E.
Sir Thomns F. Penman, G. C: E. Sir
Ezra H. Ripple. E. Sir Edward P. Klngs-
oury, K. sir Edward L. Buck. 13. Sir AVII
llnm L. Connell. E. Sir Frnnk S. Barker.
E. Sir Charles AV. Gunster, E. Sir AA'nl
tcr Ij. Henwood, E. Sir Roswell H. Pat
terson, E. Sir Andrew J. Colemnn, E. Sir
Charles S. Seumans. E. Sir Fred AVarner.
E. Sir Charles B. Derman. E. Sir Renhen
A. Zlmmermnn, E. Sir Judson B. AA'ool
sey. Sir Conrad Schroeder, Sir Rufus J.
Foster, Sir Edward Evans. Sir David J.
Davis, Sir Alfred H. Shopland. Sir Chas.
R. Acker, Sir Georgo B. Jermyn, Sir
AAilllam H. Taylor, Sir J. Frnnk Slcgcl,
Sir A. J. Connell, M. D.
Commltteo on Finance E. Sir Charles
D. Sanderson, chairman.
Committee on Printing Sir Rufus J.
Foster, chuirman.
Commltteo on Decorations E. Sir Jud
son B. AA'oolsey. chairman.
Committee on Hotel and Rallroad-SIr
Georgo B. Jermyn, chairman.
Committee on Entertainment of A'islt
Ing Sir Knights nnd Ladies E. Sir AValter
L. Henwood, chairman.
Committee on Arrival and Reception of
Commanderlos E. Sir Reuben A. Zim
merman, chairman.
Bureau of Information E. Sir Androw
J. Colburn, chairman.
Red Cross Corps Six Alexander J. Con
nell, M. D., chairman.
Commltteo on Reception and Ball Sir
Frank M. Vnndllng, chairman: Sir J.
Frank Slegel, mnster of ceremonies.
Floor Directors Sir AVillls A. Kommer
er, chairman.
Reception Decorations E. Sir AVIIIIam
H. Taylor, chairman.
Music E. Sir Charles B. Dorman, chair
man. Refrcshmcnts-E. Sir Charlc3 R. Acker,
n ho
You do not buy a DINNER SET to use for a month or a year,
you wlll uso thorn three times a day for years to como, Choose
carefully as there nro many qualities of diBhes the poor kind
that looks well whon you buy It nnd after a little use crackles
and turns yellow, then there is tho hard vitreous white body that
looks as well after years of use ns the day you bought them.
SET' as cheap as you can buy a Porcelain or a White Granite set
elsewhere, that is saving you money.
100 piece, dainty flower decorations, .
gold lines $15.00
CVixiaCHd. 134 Wyoming Ave.
Walk in and look around.
I We Are Taking Chances
0 There's an element of speculation in the dry goods business
SB hardly noticeable to the sam o degree in other lines.
5k Fashion is responsible for it. We have everything that
Kj fashion smiles upon, nnd half a glance will show that they are
5 new comers.
Get Your Hosiery Here
Your hosiery may as well be right as wrong when It costs
nothing extra for correctness. Wo have an excellent stock of
Hosiery and can fit almost any size from the infants to the out-
CHILDREN'S HOSIERY From 8c to 95c a pair. 8, 12 1-2,
15, 10, 25 up to the fine silk at 05c.
LADIES' HOSIEBY from 10c to $2.75 a pair, and all the
prices in between.
Special Super, 2 thread Lisle Hose, drop stitch, at the absurd
price of 21c a pair.
Lace Lisle and boot effects, extra fine lustre, and the price
only 50c.
There's a vast variety of Hose in this stock and you'll do us
a favor by looking at them any way.
Most ladies appreciate the difference between fine underwear
and the common kind, especially when the choice is free. All
tho needful kinds and we make a specialty of large sizes for big
CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 12 l-2c upwards. Knee pants
plain and lace trimmed.
LADIES' UNDERWEAR 8c to $1.75 a garment. We make
it plain to you that this Is the place to buy ribbed Underwear.
Tho following arc tho prices of ad
mission to tho National Eisteddfod und
Concert, May 2 unci 30, 1002:
Season Tickets , jo.OO
These tickets aro good for specially
reserved seats at concert, May 29 and
tho three sessions of tho Eisteddfod
May 30:
Reserved seat at concert only $ ;o
General admission to concert 25
Reserved seat ut morning session
of Eisteddfod 75
General admission ut morning ses
sion of Eisteddfod,
Children's tickets for morning ses-
slon only ,.,, ..,...,..,.,,,,
Reserved seat at afternoon session
of Eisteddfod ,.,,
Qeneral admission nt afternoon
session of Eisteddfod,,, ,,,.,
Reserved scats at evening session
or Eisteddfod
General admission ut evening ses
slon of Eisteddfod, ,.,.,,,,,, ,50
Reserved seats for tho threo ses
sions of Eisteddfod,,,,,,.,, 1,50
General admission for tho threo
sessions of Eisteddfod,, 1,00
Tho diagram for the sale of reserved
seats Is ut the Eisteddfod headquarters,
wo i.inueii sireei. ja tneao seuta ure
limited to 1.D00, Intending purchasers
should bo prompt In making application
tor sumc. cw 'puone, i.
AA'hat Is doubtless the prettiest, most
artistic and incidentally the most ex
pensive souvenir publication over issued
in Scranton Is the souvenir programme
which the local sir knights will present
to their guests. It is in book shape of
a size that will snugly fit in a coat
pocket, contains seventy-five pages of
heavy calendered paper and is enclosed
in an illumined cover, on tho front page
of which Is beautifully designed repre
sentation a body of Temrtlurs emerg
ing from a castlo to greet a band of
pilgrims. A sunburst forms a buck
ground for tho Templar motto, "in
Hoc Slgno Vlnces," Inscribed beneath a
passion cross.
On the first page following the fly
leaf in red and black old English type
appears the following greeting: "To yo
brave knightes and ludies fayro so
journing for yo tyme In yo goodlio cltyo
of Scranton bo peucc, a niosto gracious
welkom und a snfo departure wltlio
memorys mosto pleasant of yu towno."
Half-tone portraits of grand com
mandery officers and local Templurs of
prominence adorn tho front pages. Tho
programme of tho conclave, tho rosteis
of tho locul commanderles und Infor
mation concerning tho grand command
cry fill 11 dozen pages. Tho last llfty
flvo pages each contains a half-tone cut
of some buildings or beauty spot In or
about Scranton.
On the last pago is printed tho follow
ing acknowledgments;
Tho commltteo on printing, having In
churgo tho preparation of this souvonlr
programmo, deslro to acknowledge tho
help received from, and to tendor slnccro
thanks to;
Mr, Louis Allen Osborno. nrlnnlnnl nf
tho School of Design of tho International
Correspondence Schools, for tho design of
tho Illuminated front cover,
Mr. Charles J. Hayes, chief Illustrator
for tho International Text-book company,
und his usMlstuuts, for tho finished c0.
ored drawing of Mr. Osborne's design
from which tho plates weru mudo.
The-Clectro-Llght Engraving company,
Pearl and Now CTiumbers streets, jow
Vork, for special com testes nnd euro i
tho production of tho excellent half-tnua
cuts from which tho Illustrations In this
souvenir woro printed,
Rufus J. Foster, Chairman.
The visiting Knight Templars will
no doubt devote some tlmo to sight
seeing while in Scranton. The beauti
ful homo of tho International Corres
pondence schools, on AVyomlng ave
nue, is one of our most interesting at
tractions, and there Is no working day
In tho week that does not bring to this
building u ecoro or inoro of visitors
from out of town. Some, of these peo
plo uro interested In tho schools, as
students, but tho majority of them
know very little about tho working of
J this sjilendld institution until thev
Men's Hoisery and Underwear
Bf An ample supply here for your choosing and the qualities are
first-class; the prices modest and fair.
g McConnell & Co. 8
400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. jjg
L m
The Peerless Table
Minister and Bohemian
Brewed from Halt Exclusively.
A trial order will do more to convince you of their ex
cellence than a newspaper page of commendation.
A case of two dozen AA
pints delivered for P V1F
Sales Department 216 Lacka. Ave
Both 'Phones.
ltt Kttt? P.Ctr.Ktttir.KKP.P.KKMtttKKieitKKItltltltKKtSKIt
If You
Walk Much
You can do it more comfortably
when time is spent in getting the right
shoe for the right foot.
Our shoes have a reputation for
GOODNESS, Style, Perfect Wearing and
Fitting Qualities not found in ordinary
Our $3.00, $3.50 and
Alen's Shoes have no equal in the city. J
VI 'A U '4 iJ 'A ' m ' 'A m '4 '4 '4 ' "4 4' U '4 ' il '4 H ' '4 '4 ' "4 '4 U U
$4.00 x
Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy,
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
haw visited It. Tho visiting Knight
Templars will bo welcomed during
their stay In the city, and they will
Hud competent guides on hand to es
cort them through tho main building
ami the fifteen or twenty other build
ings which nro occupied in whole or In
part by departments of tho schools.
One of these annex buildings Is the
Wymbs building, 011 Wyoming avenue,
next door to St, Luke's parish house.
Here tho schools havo a very attractlvo
and interesting display In tho windows
of tho store room. This display was
especially arranged for the beuellt of
this week's visitors, and It consists of
an exposition of tho text-books written
especially for courses of study taught
by the International Correspondence
schools; the outfits used by students;
spesclmens of work dono by students
of tho schools, and placards contain
ing Interesting Information concerning
tlm trrouith uiwl uni'lr nt tba Institution
dining the past ten years. In addition
to this display, thero will be conducted
In this building demonstrations of how
tho schools teach French, Spanish ojid
German with tho aid of tho Edison
Slumlord phonograph. This system of
tt-achlng tho foreign languages is de
cidedly one of the most remarkable de
velopments of tho Twentieth century,
Whllo tho attempt has been mado to
teach modern foreign languages by tho
alii of the graphophone, the system
of tho International Correspondence
schools is so perfect that It has been
endorsed by authorities In all parts of
tho United States and Canada. Dur
ing tho stay of tho Knight Templars In
Scranton, these demonstrations will bo
held, and the visitors uro cordially in
vited to attend nnd sec for themselvps
how It is possible to learn to speak
French, Spanish and Uerumn cor
lectly without tho expense of a per
sonal teacher! . - ,
1 ..u .Lsa:., .m:.:?..,.-.