Wl NuCV TV"' TH' V 'F" " v v '"VT "V"- -' 't.-- K T " vf r, "- " ' , , ' ;vr"'i r , - ,r "I , y' 4 I i .J 3 J " JT'i - - i? ix i -Try .. T " 13 J " III l tfHE SCRANTON TMBUNE-SAfUHDAY, MAY 24, 1902. 'H NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA o PITTSTON. , Bpfcll lo the Sctanlon Tribune. PlttBton, May 21-F.Urlck O'nilon, of Iflilmmi o tunltilinr nf tllC BtOClt CX- Ichangc of tlutt city, was united In nmrilnge yesterday motning 10 " ki....f Mniiv. nf iiin nitv The ceremony t..i. Ht,.n i.. uf Tntin'a Itnmnn Cntho- lie church at 6 o'clock, Rev. l-uthor 3'Mnllcy oniclutlng. tiic gioom ittendcd by Edmund J. Burke and the irldcstrmld wan Jllw Dora Moffat. Mr. md Mrs. O'Brien left Immediately for Chicago, n,. t n TVfnlmn. of this city, has been elected delegate from the Luzerne County Medical poclety to the annual meeting of the American Medical asso ciation which takes plate at Saratoga in June. 1,1 t-v T.nrtls and Miss Carrie N. Nuss, both of Wyoming, were united In marriage Wednesday evening by Squire Ehrot of the west sine. David A. Davis, the West Side shoe maker, was united In marriage Wed nesday evening lo Miss Mary A. Price, Of Set an ton. The ceremony was per formed hero by the Rev. D. M. George. Thieves broke into Company H's ar moiy Wednesday evening and stole $80 woith of uniforms and other property. Dial Rock'Chapter, Daughters of the American Reolutlon, were entertained last evening nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Peck, on Luzeine avenue, Mr. Hawk, supeiintendent of IJob son & Co ' wagon works at T.itamy, Pa., was a business caller in this city this afternoon. Mi. Hawk was here to confer with Mi. V. H. Booth, of the West Side, in tegaid to the construc tion of a wagon for the mountainous country of South Africa. A few years ago Mr. Booth was in charge of the Kirkwood wagon works at Kirkwood, N. Y and constructed a wagon of spe cial design for a South Africa gentle man. A duplicate order has been re tched and as the Klrkwood company has since gone out of business, their entire plant having been completely de stroyed by fire. It depended entirely on Mr. Booth to draw up duplicate plans, which he cheerfully did. William Scott, a colored young man, ., ,b uirnatnri tnrlriv charred with hav ing stolen a gold watch from the home nf a n. rose, bv whom ho had been cmplojed for a few days last week to assist during the house-cleaning penoa at the Case homo. Considerable commotion was caused loct mnninir -it the norformance of tho TVniinr rii f us heie. During the hip podrome racing act a lady driving five horses was unable to swing me ani mals out at the ring entrance at the close of her act and the animals be-,.r,.-v-,o nnfnoml The double four-horse chariot race had commenced and the I lady and her horses were crowded among the seats occupred by the au dience. Fortunately nobody was se iinnaiv iniurpil nlthourrh a number of I tho audience received bruises in their I scramble to get out of the way. i Bishop Talbot has notified the St. L.Tames Episcopal church of tho appoint ment or a ltev, air. waiaer a reuiur Imo 1.. All thf jipnnev rreated by the feslgnatlon of Rev. T. M. Johnson, who tas gone to scotlana. Thnio nrn nn nntt develonments What- lic- in tho strike situation hero today. All the washeiles closed down yester day. This morning about 120 or me Pennsylvania Coal company's mules fiom the Barnum colliery wcie taken to tho company's farm at Inkorman. The Bainuin colliery is to be closed down completely. Tho fires in tho boil er loom will be drawn and the mine ripening and entrances to the breaker boarded up. Tills action is taken at this colliery because theie- Is little or no water in the mines theie and It Is unnecessary to keep the pumps run ning. There seems to be some dissatis faction among the pump runners and cnglnecis cmplojed at the small com panies In regal d to the action by the executive committee meeting at Wllkcs-B.il ic on Wednesday. We have It on good authoiity that these men would be better pleased If a uniform wage .scale was adopted, that Is, if they would bp paid the same wages as are paid by tho large companies for tho same class of work. A meeting of the pump lunners, englneeis and fliemen will bo held in St. Aloyslus hall heie next Saturday evening. FOREST CITY. ptelal to the Scranton Trltnint. Forest City, May 23. Mrs. Frank Col bur n, one of Potest City's most estimable residents, was laid at icst in wm It Cure Me? That's the personal question a woman asks herself when she reads of the cures of Womanly diseases by the use of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Why shouldn't it cure her? Is it a complicated case? Thousands of such cases have been cured by "Fa orite Prescription," Is it a condition Rrhich local doctors have declared in curable? .Among the hundreds of thou sands of sick women cured by the use of Dr.Pierce's Favorite Prescription there re a great mauy who were pronounced incurable by local doctors. Wonders have been, forked by "Favorite Pre scription" in the cure of irregularity, weakening drains, inflammation, ulcera tion and female weakues3. It always help) It almost aluavs cures. Three years ago," writes Mrs John Graham, of2oi8 Plumb Street, (I'ranVford) Philadelphia, fa , "I had a very bad attack of dropsy which left me with heart trouble, and also a very weak tack. At times I was so bad that I did not Lnow what to do with rmself My children advised me to take your Favorite Prescription,' but I had been taking so much medlciue from the doc tor that I was discouraged wuli everything. I Smc to Philadelphia two years ago, and pick t up one of your little books one day began to I read what your medicine had done for others, I Idetennlned to trv It mvself. I took seven bot flies, and to-day I am a strong, well woman, weighing i6j pounds. Have gained 34 pounds Since 1 started to use ' favorite Prescription.' Dr. Pierce'f Pleasant Pellets clear Ui Miiolcxion sad sweeten the breath, p y Hillside cemetery, yesterday morning. She had been 111 with stomach trouble and her demise on Tuesday tvvas not unexpected by her relatives and friends. She was a member of tho Baptist church, nn energetic and alnccie Christian woiker, a good wife and mother and a kind neighbor. 8hc was boiti In Dalovlllc, Lackawanna county, forty-five years ago, her maiden name being ElUabeth Blackmnn. She was united In marriage to Frank 'Col burn In Scranton In June, 1883 and for fifteen years had leslded heie. She Is survived by her husband, one daughter, Nellie, two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Dopue, of Dalevlllo and Mis. O. H. Pearl, of Mooslc, and three brothers, E. T. and C. R. Blackman, of Scranton, and Nell Blackman, of Atlanta, da. Rev. J. L. Williams, of Susquehanna, had charge of the funeral services. Tho death of Prof. B. E. James, of Montrose, which was announced in this morning's Tribune, was learned with regret by many people in this vicinity who had come In contact with the pro fessor In educational work. The Delawaie & Hudson pays today and It Is leported that tho Hillside will pay Saturday. Many people nro guess ing as to when the following distribu tion will come. The past two weeks have made a considerable change In tho population of Foiest City. Fully two dozen have gone to the old country for a sojourn and as many moio are seeking employ ment in other 'places. Charles Wildensteln and family have moved to Binghamton. Frank Darrow, of Plttston, and Harry Rudan, of Scranton, attended the funeral of Mrs. Colburn yesteiday. Roy Bai tholomew, who left Forest City two weeks ago to seek work at Atlantic City w rites home to his father that he found employment in the Mathison hotel as day clck on the day he landed in the big summeiing place. Roy although only seventeen years of age is a manly, self-reliant jail and his fi lends are glad of his success. Mrs. J. F. Doyle and son, Frank, of Connecticut, are guests of the formci's sister, Mrs, Frank Meddleton. TUNKHANNOCK. , Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, May 23 Miss Helen Lewis, who has been .spending the past month at Binghamton, N. Y., letuined home on Fiiday. Attorney O Smith Klnncr was a bus iness man at Wllkes-Barre on Fii day. Miss Margery DeWitt has returned from a several days' visit with Wy alusing friends. Harry Welch, of Sayie, is visiting his father at this place this week. Dr. C. H. Stevens, of Laceyvllle, was a caller in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harding, of Patterson, N. J are the guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Jennie Thompson, on West Tioga street. The next teim of court in this coun ty will commence Monday, June 16. The Tunkhannock Rod and Gun club will hold an all day shoot on the fair grounds on Friday, May 30, at (lying targets. The Ballistete trophy for the two men championship of Northeast ern Pennsylvania will be one of the chief events of the day. There will be a legular meeting of J. W. Rejnolds Relief corps No 147, on Tuesday evening, May 27, at 7 o'clock. Mrs. G, W. Scutt, of Caiboiulale, who has been visiting relatives In town tho past two weeks, returned home today. William Race, of Vernon, has been visiting his daughter, Mis. John W. Gray, at this place, this week. Twenty new members were initiated in the fourth degiee at the last meet ing of the Tunkhannock giange. Mis. Fied Hewitt and thlldren, of Pittston, who have been visiting her patents at this place, retuined home on Wednesday. Rev. Samuel C. Hodge will pi each tho annual memoil.il sermon to the mem bers of the grand ai my on Sunday morning, May 23, at the Piesbyterlan chuich, Dr. A. D. Tewskbuiy and wife left on Friday for California, wheie they will make their homo In the futuie. ) THOMPSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, May 23. Mrs-. David Ton ell and daughter, Stella have been visiting their many Thompson ftlends this week returning to their homo at Uptonvllle today. Sir. and Mis. Eben Claik, of Hones dale, weio tho guests of Mi, and Mrs. W. W. Messenger, Tuesday anil Wednesday, and while hete put c based a house and lot in Honcsdale of Mr. Messenger. N. L. Foster was ut Como, yester day. Mrs. Leonard Colo and Mrs. Ira Spencer, are in Caibondalo today. Mrs. Reba Wllmarth is a caller In Susquehanna today. Fisheiman, native and foreign, ato numerous and patient, but tho fish mo shy and few aie taken, Dr. W. W. McNamaia was profes sionally engaged at Buinwood this morning. F, K. IJdwards, of Sci anion, lepre sentntivo of the Lelghton r:tract com pany, was the guest of his cousin C. C. Wtlmurth while In town yesteiday. K. K. Gelatt did business in Susque hanna Wednesday, C. M. Lewis was doing business at White Valley, Wednesday and Thuis day of this week and will not letuin until this morning, Mrs. A. C, Foster hns hats for little gills who wish to go to Sunday school but are not able to buy hats. Call and get one. The Stonlson ttoup will play Undo Tom's Cabin heio this evening, Kills Htimpson, night operator at Unlondale, Is In charge of the station heio today, In the absence of Station Agent I.ydon. A maibleman from Binghamton Is putting up a monument at the giave of the Juto John Washburn, HAWLEY. Special to the Scranton Trlbuhe. Haw ley, May 23 The C, E. society, of the Baptist church, will hold a strawbeny and ee cream botlal at the paisonage next Wednesday evening. Rev, W, H. Swift, of Honesdale, will preach the Baccalaureuto scimon for the Halcy high school at the Piesby teilau chuith Sunday, June 1. I'rcu vv, bcnuun, representative qf WangUm Lodge, No. US. O. O. O. F.I is attenaing tnc urnna l.ongc, which meets at Erie, Pa this Week. The Jr. U. ii. of the Piesbyterlan church gave a very pleasing entertain ment at tho Manncrchor hall last even ing. Mrs. Jesse Collom. of Port Jcrvls, N. Y who has boon very seriously sick, Is Improving. ' m FACTORVVILLE. . Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvlllo, May 23. The 13. J. Rice post, No, 211, Grand Army of the Re public, will nttond dlvlno service tit the Methodist Episcopal church next Sab bath morning at 11 o'clock, to listen to a sermon by Rov. J, N, Lee. Sunday, May 25, the union temperance service will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church nt 7.30 p. m and Rev. G, R. Smith, of the Baptist church, will preach tho sermon. 9 Theatrical, J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. LYCEi;M-"Tlio Climbers." Afternoon and night. ACADEMY Mabel Paige company. Af ternoon and night. "The Climbers." "The Clltnheis," by Mr. Cljdo Fltr-h, which ran for 200 nights at tho I31nu tlitatpr, New York, will bo prcsentcd'tor the first time in this tlty at the Iijceum (his afternoon and tonight, Mr. Fitch's play treats of contempor aneous Now Yoik life, but Its themes anil sltiiutlons are cnslly understandable; they nro native lo any cltv in the t oun try. A coterlo of members of a fash ionable set In New York society furnish, bj their amusing tactics, much divert ing and original comedy. There nro tnentv-onc speaking parts in Mr. Fitch's billbant play and they have been as signed to actors whoso names are known to stand for tried abtllt.v. It has been given a tasteful and lavish mounting. Tim Murphi. The craze for romantic diama Is dying out, and while- It has been Interesting to sec our favorite uctots in the dress of past centuries, the plays have been in a manner disappointing and, among tho gieat number produced, not one will live or probably ever see the footlights again. Actors and managers are search ing, both at homo and abroad, for plass of today and thoso having a heart in terest that it natural and, above all Ihlncs else, modern. Mr. Murphy pre sents "Old Innocence" again this bpring, in answer to a popular demand, and bis 'en'-on of eight weeks In this little clas tic is all but too short to meet the re quests fiom managers who want It Mr. Murph's appearance In this city will be at the Lvceum on nc.vt Monday ilium. Great Plays and Company. For the past four jc.irs the Kcj stone Dramatic companj hns made a. gteat success by its complete pioductions of famous plnjs This season, the manage ment have selected at great expense oinc of the latest New York successes, Ineluaing "The Senators Daughter," "Round by an Oath," "Utah," "The Mvsterv of Woodlawn," and others of equal piomlnence. Its roster includes manv representative stoik artists Among its members aie Mr. Lawrence B. McGiU, one of the best leading men of the present da, and Miss Gertrude Shlpman, ono of the most charming leading women on the stage. The. company will appear at the Acad emy the week of May L'filh and present "Home and Honor" on Monday night. Special scenerv Is carried for each pio durtion, and decided novelties in vaude ville Is piomised nt each perfotmance A eliango of play will be presented every day, Willi mallncc dally. "The Vagabonds" at the Star. On next Mondav, the patrons of tho Stai will witmss for the first time this SLion one of tho grandest burlesque piiiduetlcns evei piescnted before the plav-golt.g public Tho attraction, "Tho ngaboi ds," has few equals and no su- peiioip, and it incut counts foi anv thing It should do an ecellcnt business here. An olio second to none Is presented, to gether with two grand huilettas, and the most magnificent production of living Futures ever presented in Scinnton. The bmlisiaips aie full of comedy and catehv n.elodles, and "-eivc to put tho audience in a good humor. Tho cos tumes aie elegant. Many elect! leal ef fects aie Introduced, and altogether it Is a grand show, and will undoubtedly give satisfaction to the pations of thu Star. lids Is po.dtlvelv the Inst builesquo prrfoinmneo to bo seen in Stt.inton this season Matinees will bo given evety dij. Manager lleiilngton has given these three dajb over for the benefit of his employes, who will receive the cntlio icccliHs. STAGE NOTES. rinnctlQ Lynch, the voung snclct wo man of Philadelphia who tcctntlj went on tho stage, will retire June J to many n lieutenant In tho navy. In tho opinion ot many London ciitlcs, Edna Muv saved tho "Thieo" Lltllo Maids" from falluie. The stoiv of tho plcco Is said to bu flimsy and the music commonplace. Klrko La Sheila muv not build a Now Yoik theatre after all. Ho tan clear $100,000 by i diminishing his hto on Droadnay and thinks seiiously pf taking the offer, Loulso Gunning has been engaged to play the pilma, donna lole in "Sir, Pick wick," tho piece in which DeWolf Hop per will star next season, Ernest 1 IJoddlngtou, who has drama tized Maiy Johnson' popular novel, "Audiey," has delivered tho completed manuscript of the play ' to Manager Geoigo Tler, PICTURE " ' IlKSr si fllWiwgrMIM A ft a7 K fBk.il I Eoirss is naturally contented with llu co still dv sons Wheie ujo they? ( BASE BALL. 1 STATE LEAGUE. Bosult of Yesterday's Games. Rending, (1: Scranton, G. Lantastct -Lebanon. No game. Standing of Clubs,' I t'lavctl. Won, Lot. P.O. Lancaster .,,. 12 s 4 ,(W7 Lclmnoti ,.., 13 S S .fill Scranton ..,, 14 8 6 .571 Reading , 13 1 9 ,308 Today's Games, i Scranton at Rending. , , Lebanon at Lancaster. PLAYED AGAINST 10 MEN? Scranton Club Claims That the Um pire at Beading Was Unfair, Decisions Provoked Blot. By fxcltHlve Wire from The Associated Vrcm. Rending, May 23. Scranton and Rend ing put up a hot tcn-lnnlng game this afternoon and the lutter was victorious by the score of 6 to 5. Tho contest al most terminated In a llot. The visitors were in an ugly mood from the begin ning of the gunio, owing to alleged un just decisions by the umpire. Gorton tore the Indicator out of Schl's hands early In tho game, and In the Inst round because Sehl called Stroh out for cut ting third base, Blukey rushed in and shook and struck the umpire. Hundreds of people surged on the field, nnd it re quired a squad of police to restore order. Tho offending player was put off tho Hold, and he was nearly mobbed after the game. Tho score: SCRANTON, R. H. O. A. E. Gorton, cf 1 0 2 0 0 EWke, 1 f 112 0 1 Logan, 2b 0 2 14 3 Olll.in, r.f 10 2 0 0 Schmaltz, 3b 0 1 l o I Stroll, ss 1112 0 Stcrnbeig. c 1 o fi 1 0 Ralnev, lb 0 2 9 0 0 Wnltsc, v 0 114 0 MtGutij, l.f. 0 0 0 0 0 Total) 5 8 27 11 6 "Stroll out for cutting third base One out when winning inn was scored READING. R. H. O A. E Barker, lib 0 0 0 1: Jordan, lb 0 0 10 0 0 llnitman. c 3 2 ( l o sscr, i f Olloo Cole, c.f 112 0 1 Liwson. ss 1 2 2 1 2 L'ouiscv, 2b 12 2 0 1 t'omov. It 0 15 0 0 Klii'-el, l.f 0 10 0 0 I .1 1 oiitainc, p 0 2 0 2 1 Svmons, p 0 0 2 0 0 Totals 6 12 SO 13 7 Score by Innings: Snanton 1 00000110 0-,, Reiding 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 1-6 Two bnso hits Logan, Klnsel, La Fon taine. Tlnec biso hits Hartman Home riin-Ul.ikcy. Sucrlflce hit Sternberg. Stolen bases Ralncv , Wiltse 2, Barker, Lsslesr, Law son. Left on bases Rtadlng, b; Sci anion, 10. Stiutk out Bv Wiltse, 3: b La Fontaine, l, I'iist on balls Off Wiltse, l: on. La. Fontaine, 1 lilt by pitchei Stcrnbeig, Glllen La Fontaine, Itaikcr. Umpire SCIil.1' Time of game 21U. Lebanon Did Not Appear. Lam a1-1 ci, Muv 21 There was no base ball pamc here today, Lebanon falling to appear. Ameiican League. At Chicago- It H U Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 .; 1 0 0 ', 10 0 Chicago OOOOOOJOO J 7 2 Batteries 1'iazer and JatKlitsch, Gard ner and Chance, llmplio O Day At Pittsburg 11 ICE New Yoik OOOnniOOO 1 7 2 Plttsbmg 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 J ." J Battel ies Spa ks and Howciman, Do hen and Smith. Umpire EmsIIe At St Louis- R II E. Boston 0 0 0 ". J 0 0 1 0 (, 1', 1 St Louis OOOJJOoO" 10 17 -' Bnttciics Easou, Plttingei and Kltt ildgo, Mmpliy, Wicker and Nichols. Um piies Poncis and Blown. Clnelnnatl-Btooklvn, not scheduled. National League. At Philadelphia RUE. Cleveland 0 0 n o 0 0 n 0 2 .' ( 1 Philadelphia 0 2 o 0 o i 1 n i, u s Batteries Stieit and Itemls; Plank and Powers 1'mplic Connolly, At Boston R ii.E. Chicago 12 0 100000110 4 Boston 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 I, 10 2 ButUiles-Gilfllth and Sullivan; Young andCilgcr. Umphcs Johnstone and Cat uthcrs. At Washington-, R,1I E. St. Louis 2 00 2 000 0.17 11 1 Washington 0 sooonooo sio 2 Batteries Haipor and" Sugdeu: ratten and Claike. Umpire Shcildan. At Baltlmoio RTl.E. Detiolt 000300 0003 7 .1 Baltimore 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 7 3 Battel Ies Slovers and McGulic: McGln Inlty and Brcsnahan. Umiilic O'Lough liu. , Eastern League. Piovldeucc, 1) Jersey City, 1. Won ester, 11: Newark, 6, PUZZLE. to mind tho fuim. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mere Than Four Lln, 3 Cents far Bch Extra Uns. For Bent. KOIt RENT Dm bur the mimmor season nicely furnished house, ten rooms, modem conveniences, abundanco nf shade and pleasantly located on Dunmoro Su buibnn car fine. Addicss J, C, caio Scranton Tribune. FOR RlSNT-Elghl-ioom house, 1514 Ca pouso nveniio. nil modem Imntove ments. Alt. I Clark, J10 Mears building. t EOR RENT No. fiOO Dudley Bticot, Dun moro, i-a , ten rooms, rurnisncu or un furnished; nil modern Improvements; wddo porches and lino lawns, fruit, garden plot; convenient to all tiolloy lines. Call or ad dress D. E. Barton, 221 West Drinker street, Dunmorc, Pa. FOR RENT Finely furnished house fo tho summer season; steam heat; 600 block Madison avenue. M. H. Holgatc, Commonwealth building. i FOR RENT House for tho summer, nice ly locuted near station; hot and cold water and bath; will partly furnish If so desired. Address W. B. Sladc, Dalton, Pa, FOR RENT To desliable party,furnlshd flat In dcalrabln location from Juno 1st, Including electric light, telephone, and all conveniences. Address F. H., Tribune office. FOR RENT 021 Gieen Rldga street, nlno rooms, modem Improvements; steam heated, vciv lcasonablo nnd desirable, Inquire F. E. Nettleton, 1536 Washington avenue. FOR RENT-fi-mom furnished cottago for tho season at Harvey's Lake. Apply H. A. SIKius, 1012 Jones street. BARN FOR RENT-J12. April 1st. threo box and three slnglo stalls and wash lack, tear of 324 Mudlson avenue. In quho at UI4 Madison avenue Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RENT Ono furnished loom, with impiovements; also one on third floor, cheip 027 Adams av enuo , FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern Improvements; private faruilv; gen tlemen prefeiied, at 637 Adams avenue FOR RENT Fin nlshcd room; heat and bath C25 Linden street FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat gas and bath gentlemen pro fencU. at 3JD Ad.ims avenue. For Sale. PIANO TOR SALE-Alniost new: used less than five months; elegant upright piano: will saciliice 'Call day or even ing .121 Fiaiiklln avo j FOR SALE-A1I the buildings at W1 and fill Lackawanna avenue, to bu iemoed fiom the piPinlses Bids received until Mav Gl Call ut ofllco foi fuithcr Infoi matlon The Lackawanna Ironind Coal Companj TOR SALE-1J13 Hairlsbuig automatle engine In A No 1 condition; ndmlr.iblv adapted foi cleetlle lighting Can be seen nt the woiks of tho Seianton Bolt and Nut companv JUST ARRIVED with 10 hoises, good woikcis and ilihets, wiight troni 1,100 to 1,700, sevqial closely mntctuJ teams; taji be seen at 3J1 Rnvmond court. F. M Cobb FOR SALE-Hand silk doublers Bam foul Bios, Patcison N. J New. Real Estate. TOR SALE; Lot, tornei Mu!berr and Wheeler avenue. S010: finest (location on the bill I'oi turns address S. Kline, Plalnlleld, N. J FOR SALE Houso mid lot In the best lesltlent section of Green Ridge at a baigain Alt V Clark G10 Meats bldg FORCED SALE of one thousand teet ot choh c South Buffalo building lots at less than one-hilf actual value, location the best on diiect eai line to Lacka wanna Steel plant. Foi par tlculirs write oi wile mo at onee V. V Voigainnie, No 201 Morgan building, Buffalo, N Y. FOR SALi: niegnut sites tor homos ill nppei Gieen Ridge, choice nelghbn hood; most desirable loc.illtv for homo In LackRwanni county J. A Maivlio, 17ij Sandeison avenue Lost Strayed Stolen. STRAYED To the undersigned's prem ises, cow and calf, tho foimei is black nnd whito with ono long and one shoit hoi n Ownei can havo same bv paving eppnsej Charles H. Shcdd, GrG Keys avenue, tltj. LOST A ladles' gold watch, n 111 eial icwnid will bo given If icturncd to Hotel Ton ace LOST Steel beaded pmso containing small sum of monev, on Lackawanna avenue, near Wvomlng. Finder pie iso return purse to Tilbuno office and keep contents. LOST $2". betw cen Peck Lumber Co , East Muikct street and Pi csbj tei Hn church. Rowuid it icluined to ofllto of Peek Lumbei Co Found. FOUND In front of Tilbuno office, puisa containing memorandum Ownei can havo sumo by calling at Tribune Blndeiy, city, Board and Booms. ROOM AND BOARD for gentkmen; fitst class accommodations; all conveni ences, at 411 Vinu etieot. Toims reason able. VERY' DESIRABLE Biilto of looms with tlrst class tablo boaid, tan bo obtained at ii3 Jefferson avenue, Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Two communicating i noma with boaid, piivato family preforiad. Two ladlea and a gentleman: state full partlculuis, Addiess C. II. D Tilbune offlro. Summer Resorts. COTTAGE on Susquehanna liver at Black Walnut, for rent by weok or month; furnished, cots, stovo. dishes, tlueo boats, apilng water, best fishing. Addicss T, J, Relnhart, Black Walnut, Pa, Summer Boarders. SUMMER BOARDERS wanted at Dal- ton, ten minutes iiom station, good water, excellent location, with plenty of shade, Addicss box lit,, P.tlton, Pa, Rheumatism. niifHirimiait All n, !. u. .. I -t. can bo speedily and permanently fined of all vaiiotles of Rheumatism by a vege table compound; emes guaranteed. In qulio or address J, E. Tuylor, Seianton, Stilkeis' Notice. WE 3KLL tickets and checks to all parts of Em ope. Consult us be foi o puro (us ing transpoitutlons. Wo will savo ou money, Union Tlckot Agcnej, 2u3 Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa Opposlto Scranton House, Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS-For two adults, thieo or (our rooms, iiirnisucu or uiuuinlsli ed for veiy light housekeeping. Hist flooi pi cf oi red. Address M, U, Tilbune office, WANTED Fin nished houso of foui or fto looms for housekeeping. Address A. U, E , Tribune ofllco. SITUATIONS WANTED FRBB. Branch WANT Offices. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. I i Central City ALDKRT SClllir.TZ, corner Mulberry ulreet nnd Webitcr aunue. GUSTAV riCHEfj, 650 Adams avenue. West Side OEOROB W. JENKINS, 101 South Mala avenue. South Scranton FBED L. Tfcttl'PE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OtO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main aicnuo and Market street. Oreen Bidge CHAKM.S P. JONES, 1557 Dickson venue. . , F. J. JOHNS, 020 Grcon Rldce street. O. IOI1ENZ, corner Washington ave aicnue and Marlon ttrcet. Petersburg V. H. KM.PFKI,, 1017 Inlng avemtt. Ihinmore J. G. BONE & SON. Help Wanted. ARE YOU willing to work for $2 50 dally? aieauy position, utanuaid, 4 wells, Chicago. EARN 23 cents an hour wilting for us at home. No experience necessary. Wilto at once for paitlculais, enclosing " cent stamp Phlla. Manfis. Specialty Co, .1 N. 10th St, Phlla., Pa. i I Help Wanted Male. SALESMAN WANTED Enoi getlc sales man; school supplies; tountiy woik; $100 salarv and commission. R. O. Evans & Co . Chicago, III. TREVEL1NG salesman for Tennsjlva nla to sell letall tiade Attiactlvc, saleable line Established high latcd house. Box 2J3, Detiolt, Mich WANTED A boy about lfi jeais of age Apply at stoic. Louis Isaacs, 41J Sprute sticet AVANTED-A laigc boy at Oci son's mll llncry. WANTED A v oung man or ladv to stai t endless chain Wiltc me, or send 10 cents foi tltkets A.. J. Mcrtz, 953 Pino sticet, Allentown. V ANTED A gentleman of good chai-ie-tei and addicss, to do soliciting foi financial institution Write and state foi mci occupation, refeicnces, etc., to P. O. Box 337, Seianton, Pa WANTED Good stiong laboreis. wages 11 to 10 cents pti limn , steady woik. Bcllvvood Manufacturing Co , Bcllwood, Pa CIVIL SERVICU GOVERNMENT POSI TIONS!) S89 appointments made last cai; piobably 10,000 required this vear. only common school education required foi examination eataloguo of Informa tion fiee. Columbian Coiicspondente Col lege, Washington, D. C. Help Wanted Female. LADIES wanted to eppy letters at homo duiing spate time evenings and lctmn to us We furnish papei fiee and pay $10 per M. Send nddiessed envelope for pat tic ulai s and eopv. F. M. C, Dept. 1J5, Box 1411, Philadelphia. YOl'NG LADI15S, $(,00 casllv earned at homo evenings wilting for ua Vai particulars send addiessecl envelope Pil beit Mfg Co, Dept. 133, Box 1411, Phila delphia. WANTED Glil tor goncial housework. Call 6J2 Qulncy nvenue. WANTED Gill to go to Stroudsbuig: light gencial housework Call Hotel Ten ace J to i o'clock afternoons. Becrults Wanted. WANTED FOR I'.S ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of Jl and 3",, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who tan speak, read and wilte English For In foimation apply to Rcci lilting Offlccr, No. 1.U Wyoming avenue, Seianton, Pa. Situations Wanted. AN EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant deslics employment b the day or week Beat refeicnces. Terms modciate. B , Tilbune ofllee, Seianton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED By a widow at washing, honing oi house cleaning oi day woik. Mis. P. Miller, .712 Schnoll couit. SITUATION WANTED-Diuggist, regis tered, competent, doslies position, or relief work. Addicss J. E Stuui t, 240 E. Noithampton sticet. Wllkcs-Bai re, Pa. SITUATION WANTED to go out bv tho day washing and honing. Call or ad dress, L B , 331 Sumner avenue Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Wilto for our special mui kct letter. Frco on application. S M. Hlhbaid & Co, membcis N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, II and 4fi Broadway, New York. Established 1864. Long Distance 'Phone 23SS Bioad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MQNEY TO LOAN Qulck. stiaight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom l to l per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building.1 Notice. NOTICE Appeals from tho state tax as sessment will be held In tho oflico of, tho county commlssloneis In tho comt houso on tho following named days; For townships mid boroughs, excepting Dim moio boiough, on June 2, 190.'; for Seian ton, Cmboudulo and Dunmoie, on Juno 3 and 4, 1902. JOHN J. DURKIN. J. COURIER MORRIS, JOHN PENMAN, County Commissioners, Attest:-W. G, DANIELS, Cleik. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho petition of tho William Council Hoso company, No, 10, of Seianton. Pennsylva nia, a torpoiation chattered under the laws of the Stato of Pennsylvania, asking for a decieo of dissolution of the said corporation, as piovidcd In tho act of as sembly appiovcd Am II Otli, 183(1. and Its supplements, will bo presented to tho Court of Common pleas of Lackawanna county, on Monday, tho 16th day of June, 1902, at 9 o'clock a. m. V. W. STOKES, Attorney. NOTICE IS heieby given that Blttenbcn der company, poisons having a lien under tho laws of Pennsylvania upon goads, wuro and merchandise of W. H. Campbell, consisting of one. sot of biugy wheels on account of stoiuge and labor bestowed on suth goods, tho ovvueis hav ing failed, neglected and refused to pay the amount of suth chaiges upon said pioperty within sixty days after demand thereof, mado pcisonally, will exposo tho said set of buggy wheels to sale at public auction at Bittcnbendcr Company's stoic, 120 Franklin avenue, city of Seianton, Lackawanna county, Pa., on tho 5th dav of July, A. D , 1W2, at 12 a. m . and icll the samo or so much theteof us shall bo sufficient to dlschuige said lien, together with costs of sale and advertising. JUTTKNBENDER COJJl'ANW DIRECTORY. V 3 Insertions 25 Cents MorThM Pour Lines, a Cents for Uachniln LHs. SEALED PROPOSAL. SEnKPril0FP.8AI'3 will hoTJ)c1TeTlJi Dire Ln!? V,r tho Cltv Recoi del- by th Tmin , ttL3. O'clock, ! n . on Mom! iy. woik- iwuLfm,.t.ho fo'luwlliff ninu-ci m?oer t. mTF t"ttll Iioitlons of CarbJit Siui r'nm'i0. n.C0 l,?1"., Diamond avo.itiu Siim ?,l,Ui sl,cc:- Willi vltt lied bllck on u concieto Imso, In accoidancn with plans EngKlng! 11 Illa '" th0 Bwtio ninSSi,,l,Jer 8,la11 c"closo with their pioposiil, cash or certlllod check In tho BJ' u hunch cd ($too) dollars as a 5VSt-iMitO40Xec.ut0 ll contrnel for tho work within twenty (20) davs If uwaidcd tho same. In cusp tho bidder, to whom tho contNjct phall havo boon.aw aided, re fuses dr omits to oNecuto a contratt for tho woik'wlthln twenty days fiom tho date of, tho awaid, lltol rnclosuro accom panying the proposal shall bo forfeited to tho use of tho, City of Seianton. Proposals shall cover tho entire work, and shali stato sepaiatelv tlta prlco for sottlng-.or resetting curbstones, tho prlco foi living per square y.ud, which is to lncluclo the cost. of mailing as shown en profile,, and tho price for "keeping said pavement, in repair for tlvo years, from the acccptanco of samo, by tho city. System of snweis. Section '"h". Sovon-tecnth-Dlstrlct, In the Twolfthmnd Nlino teenthLwarcls. Bidders shallionclosa wllth each proposal, cash pr certified check in tho sum of threo hundrccL($300) dollars an a guarantee Uo cxecuto a, continct If awarded tho same. 'In case tho bidder to whom .tho i contiact shall havo been, awarded, refuses or omits to execute a contract for tho work In accordance with tho plans and specllicatlon thorofor-with-ln ten .(10) 'dayst from tho datai0ftho award, tho enclosuro accompanying a bis proposal .shall bo f oi felted, to tho, uso 'oC tho City of Scranton ' ' ' System of-sewcrs, Section' "Aj" Seven-, tcenth District, Irii tho Elovonth ward. Samo conditions as section ."F." Svstem of soweisriii' Webster' avenuo, Kollum court, Taylor avenue, Bucnzlt couit, Irving avenue, Picscott avenuo and Ash street, in tho Tenth wurd. System of Fovvers In Wyoming avenuo. Ash street, Oakford court. Forest come and Brock coui t, In tho Seventh and Thir teenth winds. Bidders shall enclose with each proposal cash or certified check In the sum ot ono hundred ($100) dollais as a guarantco to execute a contiact It awarded tho same. In case the blddei to whom tho contract shall havo been awarded, lefuses or omits to CNCcuto a contract for tho work In ac coi dance with the plans and spucllicatioim therefor within ten (10) days from tho date of the award, tho enclosuro accom panying his proposal shall bo foi felted to tho uso of tho Cltv of Seianton Plans and spcclllcntlons are on lllo and can be seen nt tho Bui cut of Engineering. Bidders will bo furnished with proposal blanks at tho Bui can of Engtnoeiing and no others will be accepted. All proposals shall bo tiled with tho Cltv Conti oiler, in his office In the City Hall, Scrantfcn, Pa . not later than I JO o'clock p m , Inn Monday, Juno 2, 1902. The.t'ltv lcserves tho right to reject an oi all bids JOHN E ROCHE, Dhector. Department of Public Works. Scranton, Pa , May 22, 1902 OFFICII OF THU BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS WILLIAM A. STONE, T L ETRB. Govcinoi Supeiintendent. E B. HARDENBERGH. Audltoi Gencial. FRANK G HARRIS. Stato Ticasuier. PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationery, Fuel and other supplies In compliance with tho Constitution nnd tho laws of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, wo heioby invito sealed propos als, at pi Ices below maximum lates lled in schedules, to furnish stationeiy, fuel and othei supplies for the sovoiaL de partments of tho state government, end for making repaiis in tho eveinl depart ments, and for the distribution of tho public documents, for tho vear ending tho first Tuesday of Juno, A. D. I101 Sepal ato proposals will be lecelvcd nnd sepaiato contracts awaidcd as announce I in said schedules Each proposal must bo accompanied by a bond, with at least two sureties or one suiety company, np-, pioved by a 1udgo of tho couit of com mon pleas of tho county In which tho person oi poisons making such proposal may leslde, conditioned for the faithful pel foi mane o of the contiact, and od riiesscd .mil doliveied to tho Build of Commissioners of Public Gioundi and Buildings before twelve o'clock M, ot Tuesday, tho Hid day of June A. D 1902, nt which tlmo tho proposals will bet opened and published In tho Reception Room of tho Exccutivo Department at Hairlsbuig, and contiacts awarded na soon thereaftci as pi ac tic able. Blank bonds and schedules containing all neccsuy Information can bo obtal tod at this department T L E RE, Tor tho Boaid of Commissioners of Public Giouuds and Buildings PROFESSIONAL. Cei tilled Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAI'LDING, C. P. A.. 23 Tiadeia' Bank building Old telephone. No lSul Architects. FREDERICK L BROWN. ARCH B, Real Estate Eschango Bldg, 12u Wash ington avo Civil and Mining Engineers. H L HARDING, SJ3 CONNELL BLDO. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONNELIi building. Dentists. DR. C E EILENBIIRGER. PAULI , building, Spiuco stieot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACU, 115 WYOMING ave. Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT touieys and Coimsolloia-at-Law. 60J to UI2 Connell building. JESSUP JESSIJP, ATTORNEYS AND CouiiHclloiH,- ut - Law. Commonwealth, Building, Rooms 19, 20(nnd -'1. L A. WATRES, ATl'ORNRV-AT-UAWi: Board of Trado Building, Scranton, Par PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Bank building; A. W. BERTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO No. 2U Wyoming avenue. t. II -i Patent Attorneys, PATENTS sSJSsf12- Tiade Marks nnd Labels leglstoied. Tlia" only licensed Patent Att'ys In Seianton.' Rcploglc & Co., Mears Bldg. ..-.,..., t Hotels and Restaurants, '; THE ELK CATi:, LT, 'AND 127 FRANIvi" lin avenue. Rates leusoinblc, ; 1-, (illiuiil.il, 1-41111; u'liir. f SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L, & W, Passenger depot. Conducted on tlio Eu. lopeuir puui, vu-iur jue'ji, i-iupuuiiii-, Scavenger, r A. B BRIGGS CLEANS PRJVV YAUJrft. and cess pools; 110 odor: only Ihu j.rctj, pumps used A. B Brlggs. piopiiotoiT Leave oidoia 1100 Noilh Main uvoiiuw. or Elcko's ding stole, corner Adams and. Mulbeny, Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSBPUl'Kl'ETTEL. REAR JU LACKA. ayo.. ,bpiantoii(,ift,ffti. of Wire Bcieeng Miscellaneous. MF-GARCiEE BROS. PRINTERS' Sup plies, envelopes, paper bugs, tvvltio. .NVutclioub.lWttJiJyfvcsiH -N ' '4 1 ' K ii'feLl!fi jjgwfefr tmml &h ac-.. mt