B$g, v ft ? 'N' ft., $ Wmwiwm '( ' O )'J" ' VTOTW6'nVW.,, ft ' r JV tt'fiKMBWivat Wv-JBWJW'VVJ frr: " 1 T "' ffP';'?'5Fv f it i VJ, . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1902. I. mmmmsmm-J't mmmEm.L."M ''mu-w '-- wwi!'fx.W' . vihmwxte-M''?u'r,T':i I 'Ml y w mobim ardwam trow. Cortland Screen Doors that will Ueep out tho flics nnd other Insects, nnd that will stand the Blam nnd banpr which most screen doors aro subjected to, nro what wo have for your Inspec tion. Four styles, varn ished nnd unvarnished. All sizes. Prices 83c., $1.00, $1.25 and $2.50. Foote & Shear Co. H9 N. Washington Ave Q :xxxxxxxxxxxv THE Scranton Investor WEEKLY. iVol. 1. Connoll Building. No. f. STOCKS AND BONDS. We have Pennsylvania Central Brow ing company bonds at $85, yielding over 7 per cent. We have four and ten shares o the International Text Book company stock Cor sale. We will exchange Clark & Snover Tobacco company stock for Title Guar anty and Trust company stock. If you have securities In bank as col lateral and want to sell them we will buy them. We have for sale $750 worth of the Clark & Snover Tobacco company Btock. It yields 8 per cent on par. We will exchange Telephone company Hrst mortgage bonds for Pennsylvania Central Brewing company bonds or al inost any good bonds. Wc have some rights to purchase the hew issue of stock of the Title and Guaranty Trust company for gale. We have for sale 8 shares of the En terprise Powder company stock at 5107.50 per share, eight per cent, divi dend. Tho seller needs money. If you do not caro to take your al lotment of the Title Guaranty and Trust company new issue of stock, come and see us. Wc will pay you more than par for rights. Will be pleased to have a talk with you about the matter. We have a number of other good se curities for sale, which we can recom mend as a good Investment. The selling of stocks and bonds is our business. We have made no mistakes thus far In dealing with our friends, and we de sire to keep the good reputation we have. i Our ofllccs have been removed to handsome quarters in the Connell building. Phone, 109. It. EUNEST COMEGTS & CO. The flardenbergh School of Mfisic and flrf Offers tho exceptional advan tages of piano and organ study with Mr. Summer Salter, an artist teacher of recognized standing in the musical world. Only a limited number of hours being available, pupils may register now for fall. 604 Lin den street. STRIKE OFF SHORTLY Values in 9$ co g Shoes and Oxfords CO -AT- MJ NETTLETON'S 09 5 I 134 fe Washington Avenue J5 GREEN TRADING STAMPS Mothers BABY'S OUTFITS here awaiting YOU. Tho most Comfortable and easily dressed BABY is the one clothed In the little gar ments that you buy at the BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming nnd General Sraylng. New Stables, 1415 Mulbery .Street. New 'Phone 2057. Cost Is Small to Launder Your Lace Curtains, , . Por,'t jpu want to try our way this once? Wc fciurjntcc artistic lico effects and rarelul lunj work, tier laundering 1 a specialty. ACKAWANNA THB .AUNDRY, 808 310 Penn Avenue. J wmmmmmmmm Dr, LIndabury, Surgeon, diseases of fvomen a specialty, 215 Connell building, flours; , a a. m. to i p. m.; 7 to 8.80 p. in. . ITS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY HIRAM LODGE PASSES HALF CENTURY MARK. vent Was Celebrated with a Banquet in tho North Scranton Auditorium last Night Judge H. M. Edwards Was Tonstmaster and T. F. Wells, Judge A. A. Vosburg and Col, E. H. Ripple Responded to Toasts, Auieresung xiiaiory ox mo iigago. Read by Secretary Thomas S. Morgan, ' Prominent Masons from all parts of the city last night sat around the fes tive board In the auditorium In North Scranton and assisted the members of Hiram Lodge, No. 261, In tho celebra- UK. V. 11. JENKINS, AVorshlplul Master of Hiram Lodge. tion of the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the lodge. The spacious hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and potted plants and covers were laid at tho long tables for 200 guests. The tables were decorated with green foliage and at euch place a pink enrnation was laid. Each of the lady guests received a sou venir cup and saucer decorated with tho Inscription "18B2 Hiram 1902." During the progress of the banquet Bauer's orchestra played a number of selections; at its conclusion a formal list of toasts wore responded to. Dr. D. II. Jenkins, the-worshipful master of the lodge, made a few re marks, introducing Judge H. M. Ed wards, who acted as toastmaster. The judge made one of his characteristically clever speeches and was followed by T. S. Morgan, secretary of the lodge for the past twenty-five years, who read an Interesting resume of its history. SOME HISTORY. The charter of the lodge was grant ed on March 1, 1S32, and on May 27 it was constituted and organized for work. There were but ten charter mem bers and the initiation fee was but $6 as compared with $10 at the present t,ime. The past master's roll, comprising those who attained to that office and who have retained their membership to the present time, or till removed by death, Is as follows: E. S. M. Hill, first mayor of Scranton; John W. Caldwell, Dr. Agustus Davis, of Hyde Park; Joseph GotUrey, John H. Smith, Jos eph M. White, John B. Gillespie, Wil liam J. Lewis, Jacob C. Bowman, 'James W. Gillespie, Thomas S. Mor gan, Alex. L. Francois, William A. Bunting, James W. Pike, Jonathan B. Nicholas, George W. Wilder, Joseph It. Silkman, Frank L. Taylor, Dolph B. Atherton, C. Joseph Gillespie, Emllne Morris, E. P.. Morris, W. W. Simpson, Daniel M. Jones, Samuel H. Swingle and Joseph Fidlam. Among the prominent men of this city who have been members of the lodge, Mr. Morgan mentioned John Jcr myn, Dr. Horace Holllster and Dr. Ben jamin H. Throop. He referred, also, to the men from tho lodge who fought In the Civil and Spanish-American wars. THE TOAST LIST. District Deputy Grand Master Thomas F. Wells responded to the toast "The Grand Lodge," and Judge A. A. Vos- burg'told of the "Free Mason in Peace." JUDGK H. M. EDWAHDS, Toastmaster of tho Banquet. Colonel Ezra H, Hippie, tho last speaker, spoko on "The Free Mason in War." After tho banquet, dancing was enjoyed by muny of those present until mid night. The committee of arrangements which had the affair In charge comprised the following members: Dr, D. H, Jenkins, Hon. A. A. Vosburg, D. B, Atherton, J, C, Baumun, A. L. Francois, W, W, Simpson, Isaac 8. Jones, Fiulay Ross D, W. Iteeso and J, B, Olllesple. Tho present officers of tho lodge are as follows; Worshipful master, Dr. D, H. Jenkins; senior wurden, D, U, Reese; Junior warden, I. S. Jones; treasurer Charles W, SJIegler; becretary, T, B, Morgan. Summer Weather, Calls for summer clothing, Our stock Is new and up-to-date. Skeleton suits, shirt waists and straw hats at fair prices. Richards & WIrth, 326 Lackawanna avenue. Get Beady To honor the Knights. 1,500 Cross and Crown Emblems, for decorative pur poses, 20x20 Inches, 10c. each. Williams & McAnulty, 129 Wyoming ave, J nrntTJ In Sf. Hike's Parish floiise Uidifortom, Tuesday Evening, June 3. flsThis recital will take the place of the two recitals announced for May 27 and June 3 in Guernsey hall. Tickets issued for next Tuesday will be honored June 3. Mr. Pennington will be assisted by MRS. LOOItE THOM SON, Contralto Soloist or Elm Park Church, and MR. F. II. WID.UAYEIi, Violinist. THE MODEL RAILROAD. Party of Nowspaper Men Enjoyed a Rldo Over It to New York and Return. That the Jersey Central, since Its In corporation ns part of the Reading sys tem, Intends to enter into more active competition than In the past for busi ness In all the communities that It serves was plainly and forcefully stated In an address made by General Mali nger W. G. Besler Thursday afternoon in tho cabin of the steamer Sandy Hook, to a party of newsmmer worknrs on- Joying a day's pleasant outing as the guests of that comnanv. Mr. Eeslcr said that the new manage ment had adopted as Its motto: "The Jersey Central, the model railroad," and would proceed as soon as possible to make that motto a recognized fact. As a token of good faith, tho statement may be added that new passenger coaches of handsome design and spaci ous accommodation have been ordered and an overhauling of the entire motive power and rolling stock begun. "A pleased patron the best advertisement" was Mr. Besler's way of emphasizing the company's purpose. The excursionists to whom these re marks were addressed had left Scran ton In a special train at 7 o'clock on ihursday morning, and they returned shortly after midnight yesterday morn ing after a delightful run to Jersey City, whence a ferry had taken them to Pier 8 on the Manhattan side, and a, ride enjoyed down the bay to Atlantic Highlands. The guests included repre sentatives of the newspapers along the line, with sisters, sweethearts and wives, and their comfort was gener ously ministered to by General Super intendent W. C. Huntington, whose pri vate car had been attached to tho sn. clal as an observation car for the ladles; General Passenger Agent C. M. Burt ana ins assistant, Mr. Hope, and Dis trict Passenger Agent J. S. Swisher. Dinner was served on the Sandy Hook during the outward voyage and supper at the station restaurant at Allentown. General Manager Besler was asked by a Tribune reporter what plans he had In view for the upbuilding of passenger and freight traffic in the Scranton dis trict. While not caring to disclose these in detail, he said that if first-class ser vice and the most modern equipment could Influence business the road would surely get an increased share of it. The new Quaker city express, he said, has more than fulfilled expectations and a new and greatly Improved schedule for local and New York traffic Is among tho early possibilities. Accompanying the party on the boat was Mr. Besler's father, general man ager of tho C. B. & Q. railroad. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Penna. Thlq institution was founded by the Society of Friends, and has always been conducted with a view to promot ing the principles for which that re ligious body stands. Its work, how ever, Is by no means sectarian but Is intended to promote, In tho highest de gree, that sense of individual responsi bility which makes for true manhood or womanhood. Having no desire to make It anything but a "Small Col lege," Its management has been able to maintain that intimacy of contact between professor and student which is rarely possible In a great university and which Is probably the greatest force In any institution tending to tho development of character. The situa tion of the college helps In the same direction. Beautifully located, sur rounded by two hundred acres of lawn and grove, It overlooks a superb stretch of country extending away to tho Dela ware, while clustered about the camp us Is tho village, occupied largely by families connected In one way or an other with the Interests of tho college, and by the elevation of its moral tone presenting a strong contrnst to tho communities In which somo less Va vored Institutions are placed. Still an other assistance in the maintenance of healthy college life is the natural grouping of young men nnd women, under tho samo roof, maintaining as WHAT CASH WILL DO T A. & P. Elglm Creamery But ter, per lb 25c A. & P, Blended Coffee, per lb, 13o Choice Drinking Teas, per lb,, 40a A. & P. Rice, whole grain, per lb ,,,, ,,,, 70 A. & P. Pearl Tapioca, per lb, 5c A, & P, Corn Starch, Mb. pkg, 7o A, &. P, Tublo Salt, Mb, sack,, So 20 pounds Fine Granulated Sugar ,..,...... , ,1.00 Tho ONLY HOUSE that ac tually saves you cash for cash. Tbe Great Atlantic And Pacific Tea Co. 4U I.uckawanna avenue, 321 North Main avenuo. 'Phone, 73-2. Prompt delivery, New 'Phone, 123. ; Mr. J. Alfred Pennington Director of the Conservatory, Will Give a Pianoforte Recital , nearly as possible the condltIons"vhIch obtain In n cultivated home, and free from the unnatural elements, which so frequently make college life destruc tive of the liner traits of character. Each of tho four courses of study of fered by tho college provides a liberal range of electlvcs, nnd whether one enters classics, letters, science or en gineering, ho cannot receive the Swarthmore diploma without having achieved a liberal education. Then there is Intelligent physical training. The college has not only maintained an excellent record in competitive ath letics, but has given careful Btudy to the problem of building up, In the best possible manner, the bodily vigor of each Individual student. This has given Swarthmore a remarkable health record, and, what is still better, has in frequent instances rescued from dan ger young men and women about whose future health and strength there was Just cause for ' concern. There may be better places for young people who merely want the fame of "going through" college. Swarthmore Is for earnest people, with the serious pur pose to make tho most of life. THE VIADUCT ORDINANCE. Changes of Procedure That Have Taken Place Since It Was Passed. The Supreme court has decided that the viaduct ordinance passed a year and a half ago Is legal and binding, but no definite action looking toward the erection of the viaduct will be taken at once. The ordinance directs tho city clerk to advertise for bids for the construc tion of the viaduct Immediately after Its passage. City Clerk Lavelle said yesterday that he has given the mat ter no consideration as yet but it is probable that ho will consult the re corder before doing anything. The lat ter Is expected home from Virginia today. The ordinance now declared Jegal was framed when Scranton was oper ating under third, class, city laws and complications mayf result in this par ticular. It provides 'that tho bids for the construction of the viaducb shall ho received and opened and the con tract awarded by couiicils. The "rip per" bill took the awarding of con tracts entirely out of the hands of councils and vested It solely In the re corder and head of the proper depart ment. The ordinance In question provides for the construction of a viaduct from curb to curb on West Lackawanna avenue between Seventh nnd Ninth streets, the cost of construction to be borne jointly by the Scranton railway and Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern companies, the city to pay all re sultant damages. A BIG SEASON ASSURED. Lodore Will Be the Mecca for Ex cursionists the Coming Season. All Indications point to Lake Lodore as the most popular of all excursion re sorts for the fast-approaching season, and to even surpass its immense busi ness of last year. The individual ex cursionist prefers a lake resort, and the Kcenlc beauties of Lodore itself, Us far- spreading grove, Incomparable dance pavilion, its merry-go-round, the de light of the children, Its well-equipped kitchens, clam oven, refreshment booths, Spalding ball grounds, naphtha launches, steamer, largo excursion boat and varied other amusements render It a summer paradise, and at tho same time tho most profit-making resort for churches and societies. There are some splendid dates left, for the privilege of which please appply to W. L. Pryor, district passenger ngent, Delaware and Hudson Railroad, Scranton, Pa. Lieutenant Ezra S. Grlffln nobt. Col onel William Monies post, Camp 8, Sons of Veteruns, and their auxiliaries will attend divine service at the Penn Ave nue Baptist church on Sunday evening. Members will meet at Memorial hall ut 7 o'clock sharp. Order Cream from Handley. Deliveries made at the desired hour. Orders should bo left or 'phoned to 420 Spruce streot. GOURSEN SELLS Golden Rio Coffee 12c, 5 lbs 50c. Breakfast Java 20c a lb Special Java and Mocha 25c, lbs $1,00. B, F, Japan Tea and For mosa Oolong Tea at 50c, worth 75c. E. G. C0URSEN E BIG DEMAND PORTICKETS EISTEDDFOD HEADQUARTERS A BUSY PLACE. During the First Day the Diagram Was Open $1,800 Worth of Courso Ticket Reserved Seats Were Mark ed Oft Other Diagrams to Open Next Monday Brief Mention of the Out-of-town Men Who Are to Act as Adjudicators of the Musical and Literary Competitions. The diagram of scats for holders of courso tickets to the national eistedd fod and tho preceding night's concert opened yesterday at the executive com mittee's headquarters, 003 Linden street, opposite the court house. Be fore the day was over 600 of the 1,800 reserved seats were marked off. Three hundred of the?o seats have been set aside for out-of-town patrons. This leaves only 600 of these seats still avail able, On Monday the diagram for the single ticket reserved scats will open. Thoro re 2,000 of these. Altogether there will be 8,000 seats, and from all Indications there will bo none of them vacant at any of the sessions of tho eisteddfod or the concert. The com mittee will give notice In the papers when the scats ure all disposed of. It is a surety there will be no vacant scats the night of the concert. To hear Mile. Belle Newport, Gwllym Miles nnd H. Evan Williams for 25 cents is an opportunity fev will want to miss. The committee Is priding Itself par ticularly on the prominence of tho men It has secured ai adjudicators. .No eisteddfod In this country has had such an array of Illustrious musicians and literary critics to judge in Its com petitions. THE ADJUDICATORS. Of Walter Damrosch suffice it to say that he has been recently engaged as conductor of the New York Philhar monic society to succeed Emll Paur. J. W. Parson Price, a prize pupil of Garcia, is now recognized as the lead ing musical artist and teacher of all Welsh-America, and New York regards him as one'of the greatest composers, directors and teachers of voice culture. He was recently paid the nice compli ment of being selected from among all of New York's musicians to compose the music to the "Cloth of Gold" song which Miss Julia Marlowe sings in "When Knighthood Was In Flower." Mr. Price has been musical adjudicator at more elsteddfodau than any other living man. Jenkln Powell Jones, of Painesvllle, O., while not very well known In the east, Is nevertheless a noted musician. His only appearance In these parts ns an adjudicator was at the Robert Mor ris lodge eisteddfod. He made such an excellent impression that he was one of the very first picked upon by the committee of the national eisteddfod when It was casting about for adjudi cators. The Cincinnati, Racine and Denver elsteddfodau each had Mr. Jones as one of the adjudicators. JUDGES OF LITERARY CONTESTS. G. H. Humphrey, who with Judge H. M. Edwards and Prof. George Howell, will adjudicate the literary contests, is a Utica lawyer. Besides being a lead ing member of the bar he Is a noted Welsh writer and in English literature has attainments 'of the highest order. An evidence of his versatility Is found In the fact that in the McKinley campaigns he delivered political speeches in English, Welsh and Ger man. Photographs Made at Night. At Schriever's every Saturday even ing, portraits are made, with the aid of the new artificial light machine. Pictures equalling sunlight expos ures are guaranteed. Ice Cream at Its Best. Pure ingredients and expert making leaves nothing to be desired, in Han ley's cream. Served by the plate at 420 Spruce street, or delivered promptly to your order. Easily Convinced. If some one should tell you flfty times that Chamberlaifi's Pain Balm relieves rheumatic pains and that many have been permanently cured by It, you might still bo only half convinced. Give that liniment a trial, however, and ex perience tho quick relief from pain which It affords, and you would bo fully satisfied of its great value. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. 20 Per Cent. Reduction on Straw Hats On account of our mov ing to the corner of Washington Ave. and Spruce Street (June 1st) We are selling $2 Porto Rico Palms at $1.60 Other hats reduced propotionally. Negligee Shirts, either white or fancy colors, $1.00 kind 80c. May Heaven Help Despondent and Hopeless Sufferers from Kidney Disease to Accept the New Life Offered by Paine's Celery Compound The dreat Medicine Cures Brlght'a Disease, Diabetes, Neph. rltls and Albuminuria. Thousands of people suffer through a living death from some form of kid ney disease, In tho majority of cases, tho poor sufferers have been Informed by physicians that there Is no hope. If you are a victim of kidney dis ease, take courage, dear sufferer! There Is a mighty saving agent that you have not yet called to your aid; It Is Palne's Celery Compound. This grand medical prescription has con quered as desperate cases as yours; It has power to pluck you as a brand from the burning, If you have but the faith to give It a trial. You may perchance ask, "What will Palne's Celery compound do for me, that other medicines have failed to ac complish?" Palne's Celery Compound will ac complish vastly more for you In your distress than you" can Imagine. Its first great vital undertaking Is the pur ification of the life stream from waste matter, the result of decomposition of the tissues. It will remove all morbid materials, saving you from uraemlc poisoning, which so often proves fatal in kidney disease. In addition to all this, Palne's Cel ery Compound will establish nerve force and new nerve fibre; It will nourish the weakened system and re store the full vital functions of the kidneys. If you value life, delay not the use of Palne's Celery Compound a single hour. Your present critical condition de mands the immediate use of this great life saver. Emma Doty, of Red Bultcs, Wyo saved by Palne's Celery Compound from fatal kidney disease, writes as follows: "I had a terrible pain in my side owing to kidney troubles. I could hardly lie down; but the trouble has all left me through the use of Palne's Celery Compound. Last spring I had mountain fever and was sick a long time; since taking Palne's Celery Com pound I am strong. I feel very grate ful for your medicine. I am glad to say anything that would encourage people to use it." niamnnd lltfOC tolor am'"''" any color. UldlllJlIU UJBO Never fall. Never fade. Honor the Xnights By decorating your homes, offices and J stores. 1,500 Cross and Crown Em blems, mounted on heavy card board, 20x20 Inches, 10c. each. Williams & Mc Anulty, 129 Wyoming avenuo. The Bride of Juno should see that tho wed ding invitations aio ordered on time. It's about June now. Our ongiavlng plant Is nt your service for quick work. Wo don't slight the work though, however promptly we get it out. We do It right and wo finish all our wedding stationery with a touch of stylo that is indispensable on such occnblons. Will you como nnd soo our sam ples of Wedding stationery? May wo send you samples. Our prices are as right as they can bo for good work. Wo attend to the matter of proper form In tho wording nnd so on. We guaranteo satisfactory woik. All Kinds or EngraYlng Are In Our Line. Reynolds Bros., STATIONERS, Scranton, Pa. A GAS will remove all anxiety as to tho Coal Supply iov your kitchen, and will also save your wife much of the drudgery of housekeeping. Cooking with 6as gsJS & more convenient. We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking Ranges for $p.7S and up. This price Includes putting them In your kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor. How About Hot Water ? A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers that question. We have them. Price connected, $10. Fuel gas, gross $1.00 ; net (tonnes and Hot Water Heaters on exhibition at our sales room. No, 126 Washington Avenue, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK, Scranton Gas Lubricating Malnnpu Oil & iManlifarfUrintf Combanu. ' 141-149 Meridian Street. OLD 'PHONE OS'S, NEW 'PHONE SBBl ,We solicit your trade la : Wheelbarrows, : Goal and : Dirt Picks, i : Shovels, Sledges and Drag Scrapers. : I BittenbenderSC : 126-128 Franklin Ave. Don't Wait We will not hare as good an assort ment later. We have a lot of new and choice patterna and we have marked them at prices that insnre their immediate sale. T '. John D. Boyle, Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. GENUINE I Best Qualities $5.00 and upwards. Straw Hats of Every Description. 413 Spruce Street 309 Lackawanna Avenue. Dr. Deimel's Linen Underwear You Can Save 30 per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer. Our Upa of Umbrellas and Parasols is large and complete, and embraces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all our goods. Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co. 313 Spruce Street. Far Osteopathic Treatment , In Scranton, Consult Dr. Herbert 1. rurman KormtrRabra resuit in gnronic ana Lingering Diseases. Consultation and Examination Free. Lady assistants. Both 'phones. Green Ridge Sanitar ium, 1530 N. Washington ave,, or City Rooms, Caxtca JUdg. coUb &,dama and Linden. RANGE 90 and 80 cents per thousand. 3 & Water Co. J and Burning : H 1 if 9t mlrmsffj oils j ' il1"'