miwn ,,? $ivyf:$ A, ' "Tf iiXSMM t M 'lAffl frr, v '"'' ' ' I '1 - . 1 u THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MAY 24 1902 Bath Tub Enamels . . . No tedious process can bo applied by ANYBODY BUC SGESSFULLY. , , It Is vory easy find inexpensive- to impart u real en amel finish to old shabby find worn bath Tubs with fell's Bath Tub Enamels They roslst hot tind cold water. Form a hnrd, smooth, lustrous surface. Easy to keep clean. Makes a bath Tub an ornament to the homo. Price, 25c, 40c and 76c Cans. MATTHEWS BROS 020 Lackawanna Ave. Two Attractive Features Of our slock Is (he low cost and excellent quality truly Rood fcjtuics; don't you think? Our Hue is WALL PAPER, PAINTS MOULDINGS. SHADES PICTURES, FRAMES, ETC. Jacobs & Fasold, '209 Washington Avenue. poooooooooooooooo 9 0 0 Morris' Magnet Cigar A' .,....,, Y "They draw well." All flic popular 5c. Cigars at $1.75 per io. nn u inr M e. 0 Tin- l.uecst ailuly nf Smoking Tobaccos and I'ipcs in Sciauton. o E. C. ORRJS, X 325 Washington Avenue. O JT-RATE CIGAR STORE. V OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO These Concerns Are Giving Free Tickets to the National Food Show Now being held in the Scranton Bicycle Club Hall, Washington Avenue. Call and 'Get Free Tickets FOR FRIDAY ASD SATURDAY. H. A. P3ERCE Hincy Groceries and Market Supplies, Fisli, Ojsters and Clams. Doth 'phone's, 7n Ailanu ac. In and About The City iXiX'JS Wooler's Studio Chorus. AlCied Woolor's .studio chorus meet ut 7.13 this evening. will Will of Joseph Heap. Tlio will of Joseph llcan, Into of Car bonclale, wan yi'htunlay ailmltteil to pro linto anil Icttei.n testamentary woro Kiiintcil to Saiwintha Heap. Park Committee. Tint park commlttco of select council will niiet cm Monday night to consider the ordhianco providing for tho purehato of additional land for Nay Am,- park. Assistant Examiner, Patent Office. Tho United States civil servlrs com mission announces that an examination for tho position of asslstum examiner In tho- patent pllico will be held on Juno 10. ' jj 2 Funernl of Miss Cuslck. Tlio funtfrnl of tho Into Miss Toresa Cu Bleltl will bo hold tomorrow nftornoon at SSOJi'clock from, fit. Paul's church, Qro-sn Ridge, with Interment In tho Cathod'al cemetery. ' Graduates of Bucknell. There will bo forty-nlno candidates In tlioclaas that will bo graduated from Bunnell university on Juno 18. Anions tho ."members of it ixo Frances Anna Rait, of , this city; Frank Whlto Htanton, of (Jhinehllla, and John Davis, of Naittl- Life Insurance Figures, Figures' compiled i,y tno jnBUMI1C0 I're Dhow that during tho year wot tho total amount of, Ufa tiiburanco .paid by conilanlcsjn sptlllm; claims In I'eniiByl. vnnii wan ftt.SBI.lftl. Of thlH amount, IttS.MQ.wati paid In Scranton and 1202,320 Jn W.ilkc-JJurrc (-;-4)..L.& WPay Days. The; employes of tho Diamond ami BtuirsKmlncs wcro paid yesterday. Today IHOTHER GRAr'UWEnBS for Children. Mother Cray, for jcars a nurse In the Children's Homo In New Yl, Heated chll. Ureu tuiteisfully with a remedy, now liicpjicd and p)ced Ja llif druu .tforcn. filled MMIicr UrayV Bweet lWdm 'for Chlldren.'Thfy j,J lurmlca uv milk, phMuut to tA'9 am) uqver tilt A." certain cure (or fccrUrjm, toiijUpa. lion, Jicjd aiho, tvcthlus 1 ktomach dlsor. dim add remove worms. ,t M tlruggUu, Sic Don't accept any substitute. Sample tent I'llt'L'. t&VrSr ;sr eshwi MP fPr m tlie cmplnyes of tho Archbatd, Hcllrvue, Cu.itliicntitt, DoiIrc, Hamilton, Hyde l'nrK, Iloldon, l'ytie, Sloan, Taylor, Cayuirn, llrlshln and Oxford will bo paid for thu first half of liny. An Afternoon Blaze. A RllRht lllo ocetti'i-cil yesterdny nftor nonon about 'J o'clock at tho I.nclcawntiiia Woolen mills, It was canity oxlliiB"lihud by tho Century, who leHpoiuled to nn alarm finm box Kl. Tho ilnmnRo ilone by the llnincs was eIIkIU but thcro was n. cottHlitrrttblo umoimt of stock damaged by smolcQ. , Original Stato Flag. , Comrailo a. W. Itond Inst nlr?ht pro. Rented tlio Kara atlllln lioit, rlriiud Army nf tho Hcpuhllc, with tho oi Initial Ht.tto Ilap; of Pennsylvania. This Ih the llrst slato IIiik over deslKiicd and mada In this slate, it was timilo lit 1SI0. It will un doubteilly piovo to bo of Hi" moat Inter eating icllca In Memorial hall. Eyesight Injured. OeorRo 1'felffor, of Tenth ntreot, met with a set Inns accident on Tlmi'H ilny whlto at work In tlio Scranton Stnvo works, lie had occnnlou to iiho somo Utrnl dlirliin; his work, and acci dentally It' splashed and Homo of It reached hl3 eye. The hIrM was affected, and It may bo a liinj; tlmo before ho recovers It. Candidates for Degrees. John Thomas Gavin, of this city, Is a candidate for tlio dojjreo of civil cnpl nocr nl Lehigh University next month. Tho Hubjoct nf his thesca will be "Tho Railroad Orado Crosidnps In South netlilchom, la., and tho Methods of 1'rotictlon AKiilnst Accidents." William Taf-'Kntl fnrpenter, nf t'lttston, Is a can dldato for a similar deitree. Ills theses will boon "Thu TlHchnrno of the T.chlRh l'lvov at Ilethlehcni. 1'a., fiom Novem ber, 1301, to Juno, 1!2." Memorial Day Sermon, r.ev. Ilobert V. Y. 1'ieicc, D. D., of tho IYnii Avenue Haptl.?t church, will pi each the annual hcnnon tn the Grand Army posts of tho city at tho IVnn Avenue church tomnrow cvenlnw. All orpanlza tlons of soldiers and patriotic societies nre imltcd to pattlelpato In this ser vice, that proper inspect may bo shown the honored men who pledged tliolr lives and service for tho country In tho Kreat Civil war. Dr. 1'lercf has announced to speak on the topic, "A Nation's Hemes," and the choir of the church will render special nuiblc. TWO IMMENSE AUDIENCES Saw the Wallace Shows Yesterday Afternoon and Night-time Performances. The Wallace circus, the second big show to strike Scranton this week, played here yestetday and drew two Immense uudlcnces. At the afternoon performance, des pite the threatening nspect of tho weather, every seat was tilled at 2 o'clock and one entire side of the hip podrome track fiom one end of the tent to the other was tilled with squatting men, women and children. At least the majority were standing. A number didn't want to dirty their clothes by sitting on the ground and refused to sit down despite tho constant chorus of cat calls which were sounded Into their ears. The heavy shower which came up didn't Interfere at all with the ciicus performance and very little rain found Its way Into the tent. Theio were several novelties that took well with the big audience. One of these was the performance given by the Four Colinis, a troupe of what might bo called acrobatic dancers from Austria. There were two men and two women all attired In faultless eve ning dress and they went through a series of most lemarkable dances. They danced mostly In couples to waltz mu sic and both the men and women would swing each other around through the air with as much apparent ease as if they were tossing around pieces of cloth or something else as light. One or two of the movements were adopted more to European nudlences than to American but the act was loudly ap plauded. Another splendid feature was the wire act done by the Sllvorton trio, Tho piece de resistance of this act came near the end when the two male per formers stretched n, slender polo from shoulder to shoulder. The young wom an performer stood on this and the two men then walked across the wire with their hands outstretched. It seems to be quite tho proper thing nowadays for circus performers to pur posely miss doing some especially dlf llcult feat for the (list two times and then successfully accomplish It on tho third attempt. This young woman's great trick was to jump over a chair and a table while on the wire. She failed twice but the third tlmo she did It with consummate case amid thun derous npplause. The St Irk family of bicycle riders re peated their splendid bicycle net and several of the members of tho troupe rode on the "cycle whirl" or Inclined track, This part of tho performance produced the same sensation that It did earlier In the week. The cquestiiun feats performed by William HoIIls Is probably tho best ever seen In this city, especially his back soniersaults with the horse going at a lerrifto rate of speed, side a ball and rolls It up and down a spiral track was again seen nnd the tiniest of till little Japanese, perform ers, a wee ml to of nn almond eyed brownlo only four years old, gavu a peiforiiianco on top of n ban el bal anced on his mother's feet. At tho night performance tho ciusli was even greater than that of the af ternoon. The selling of tickets was stopped llvo minutes before tho show begun, NEW MINERS' SAFETY LAMP. It Has Been Invented by Miss Dando and Frank H. Stair, Through Heplogle & Co,, patent law yers of tills city, a patent has been obtained on u miner's lamp Invented by Miss Anna M. Pnndo nnd Frank II. Stair of the American Safety Lamp company of Capouso avenue, The feature of tho lamp" Is the lock ing devlco which makes It Impossible for the miner to open It and thereby prevents explosions in tho mine. The locking and unlocking of the lamps I? done by an electrical device, tho nature of which is kept a secret from tho min er. Tlio lamps are all locked and un locked in Uio superintendent's otllce, Seasonable Clothing, Wo arc showing the best line for the least money In skeleton suits, shirt waists and straw UutH. Richards & Wlrth, 320 Lackawanna avenue. MARRIED. STONrM'ARLU-At tho Chonango Sticct Methodist Kplscopal parbouutse, ,VJ Clicnungb street Illnghamton. N. V May 22, by Itov, Qeorgo Forsyth, Her bert F. Striae, of Scranton. J'a.. and Murearet Hurlc, of VilUvs-Barrc, i'u. J EVERYTHING IN READINESS PREPARED FOR INVASION OF SIR KNIGHTS, They Will Begin to Arrive nt Noon Monday nnd Will Be Taken in Charge by E. Sir R. A. Zimmerman and the Members of His Reception Committee Where tho Visiting Commanderles Will Havo Their Headquarters Big Parado Will Be Hold Tuesday Morning. Willi the exception of street decora tions, everything Is now In readiness for tho coming of tho Templar hosts to the forty-ninth annual conclave of tho grand commandery of Pennsylvania, which opens hero Monday, to continue tin eo days. The work on tho street decorations is being pushed with all possible rapidity and by Monday morn ing will be complete In all details. Last night tho local committeemen, assembled at tho armory to view the decorations nnd illuminations. The electric lights were turned on for the first tlmo and wcro found to work per fectly. The committeemen wcro great ly gratified at the artistic and beau tiful embellishment of the armory In terior and feel satisfied that those who view It at Tuesday night's ball and to monow will be filled with admiration. Tho carpenter work on, the reviewing stand on court house square opposite tin. nnalnfllpp wns nrnctlcallv complet ed last evening. All that yet remains to bo done. 13 the draping, xnis siu.nu will be for" tho exclusive use of tho re viewing officers and the ladles of the visiting and local knights. A number of the commanderles will ut-irf fnr Snraninn tndnv proceeding toy well arranged itineraries which Include brief stops at various points or interest en route. WILL AUniVE MONDAY. Tho visitors will begin to nrrlve abodt noon, Monday. E. Sir R. A. Zimmer man, chairman of the rcceptton com mittee, has issued tho following notice: Attention Sir Knights: The committee of Knights Templar on anival and reception of commanderles, will assemble at tho Armory In tlio Ma sonic temple, Spruco street, In full Temp lar uniform nt 11.30 a. m. Monday, May 20, As many of the Sir Knights appointed on this committee may not bo able to at tend tlio chairman invites all who can, whether on the committee or not, to como out and assist. It, A. Zimmerman, Chairman. The visiting commanderles and their headquarters are given below: Grand Commandery, Pennsylvania, Ho tel Jermyn Philadelphia No. 2, Philadelphia, Hotel Jermyn. DeMolay No. 0, Reading, St. Chales Ho tel. Mountain No. 10, Altoona, Hotel Ter race. Pilgrim No. 11, Harrlsburg, Pullman Sleeper. Lancaster No. 13, Lancaster, Hotel Ter race. Palestine No. If, Carbondale, on cars. Coeur dc Lion No. 17, Scranton, Masonic hall. Hugh De Payon No, 19, Easton, Coyne House. Allen No. 20, Allentown, Lackawanna Valley House. Baldwin II No. 22, Wllllamsport, Scran ton House. Packer No. 23, Mauch Chunk, Pullman Sleeper. Hermit No. 21, Lebanon, Cbyno House, Lowlston No. 26, LewlstoHvn, Pullman Sleeper. Kadobh No. 29, Philadelphia, Hotel Jer myn. Jit. Olivet No. 20, Drie, Pullman Sleeper. Ivanhoo No. 31, Mahanoy City, . Ilutchlngson No. 32, Nonistown, Hotel Jei myn, Cyicuo No. 31, Columbia, Conway House. Mary No. 30, Philadelphia, Hotel Jer myn. Heading No. 42, Reading, St. Charles Hotel. Dlcu Lo Vcut No. 43, Wllkcs-Barre, Guernsey Hall. Hospitaller No. 40, Lock Haven, Con way House. St. Albans No. 46, Philadelphia, Hotel Jermyn. Corinthian Chasseur No. 53, Philadel phia, Hotel Jermyn. Kensington No. SI, Philadelphia, Lacka wanna Valley House. Wyoming No. D7, PIttston. Temple No. CO, Tunkhannock, Lacka wanna Valley House Chester No. CO, Chester, Arlington Hotel. Mcllta No. CS, Scianton, Masonic Hull. Mt. Vcinon No 7J, Hazlcton, Hotel Schndt. Getbseninno No. 7.", York. St. Andrew No. 70, Susquehanna. Malta No. 11, Ulnghamton, N. Y. THE ENTERTAINMENT. Cnnlago drives and visits to points of Interest in and about tho city will occupy Monday afternoon. In the even ing there will bo receptions by Mary commandery, of Philadelphia, at St. Luke's palish house; Alban and Kadosh commanderles, of Philadelphia, at Hotel Jermyn; Dieu lo Vout commandery, of Wllkes-nnrro, nt Guernsey hall, nnd numerous band concerts by the visiting bands at tho various headquarters, Tuesday morning will occur tho parade; Tuesday afternoon the open ing session of tho grand commandery nt the Lyceum, and Tuesday night the ball and lournol ut tho new armory. Visiting knights not members of the grand commandery und nil visiting ladles will be escorted about the city, to the mines nnd over tho mountain boulevards, Tuesday nfternoon, Wed nesday morning the grand commandery THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD. Tho following are the prices or ad mission to the National Eisteddfod and Concert, May 20 und 30, 1S02: Season Tickets , $2,00 These tickets are good for specially reserved seats nt concert, May 29 and the three sessions of the Eisteddfod May 30; Reserved seat at concert only ,50 General ndmlsslon to concert 25 Reserved seat ut morning session of Eisteddfod ,., ,,,, ,75 General admission at morning ses sion of Eisteddfod,,,, ,.,,,, ,50 Children's tickets for morning ses sion only ,..,,....,.,,,,,,,.,, ,25 Reserved sent at afternoon session of Eisteddfod ,,,,, 7s General udmisslon at afternoon session of Eisteddfod,,.,.,,,.,,,, .qq Reserved seats at evening session of Eisteddfod .,,,,.,,, ,,,, 1.00 General udmisslon at evening ses sion of Eisteddfod., ,.,. .50 Reserved seats for the three ses sions of Eisteddfod,,..,.,,,,,,,,,, 1.50 General udmisslon for the three sessions of Eisteddfod,. ,,,,,,,,,, 1.00 Tho diagram for tho sale of reserved seats Is at the Eisteddfod headquarters, 505 Linden street. As these seuts ore limited to 1,500, Intending purchasers should bo prompt In muklng application for same, New 'phone, 16H, AMUSEMENTS. will have a session, and in the nfter noon tho conclave will come to a close with a public installation of officers In the Lyceum. Fully three thousand visitors will bo here during tho three days, not count ing those not affiliated with tho Tem plars, who will run In to look on at the parade Tuesday. KEYSBR VALLEY MAY GET THE CAR SHOPS D,, L. & W. Company Considering a Tract of Land It Owns in That Part of the City. On account of the uninviting lay of the land, the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western company has practically decided not to build Its car shops nt the southern end of tho city, near Tay lor, and for several days Its engineers have been casting about for a more favorable site. Chief Engineer McFarlln was In West Scranton one day this week and examined the large tracts owned by tho company in Keyscr valley. Ho was well pleased with this location and It Is thought he will recommend that It be bhosen as the site for the new shops. An announcement can be expected any day that Keyser Valley is to be made the scene of one of the biggest of tho city's industries. At Schriever's Photos at Night. As a convenience to the multitudes of wage earners who havo previously been forced to loose a half day's work, to have photographs made, Schrlever has arranged to make sittings by his new artificial light process, every Sat urday evening, or week nights, by ap pointment. Results equal daylight work. Cut This Coupon Out Good for ten extra stamps, upon a purchase of $1.00 or more, Saturday or flonday, flay 24 and 36. MEARS & HAG EN. 1 3 DAYS' SALE Silks Dress 9 0 9 New Wash Silks, colors and white; 50c goods. Sale 5l Price 30c ? Black Taffeta Silk one that we recommend; value 65c. & Sale Price 40c S Black Taffeta Silk, full yard wide. One that will wear. r" Sale Price 98c & Black Taffeta Silk, Cheney's best grade; value S1.25. 5 Sale Price 08c 6? Black Taffeta Silk, Clifton mills; $1.25 value. Sale & Price 08c ! Black China Dress Silk, full yard and n quarter wide. 35? Sale Price 81.25 & Black Foulard, Cheney Bros.' $1.00 value. Sale Price. 75c ! Figured Fancy Foulards, beautiful work, all colors. 5" Sale Price 45c $ Foulards our best $1.25 goods. Sale Price $1.00 g. Foulard our best $1.00 goods. Sale Price 75c ' Taffeta Silks, Fancy Stripe and figured; all 75c and $1.00 goods. Sale Price 50c ; Taffeta Silks good range of colors; pure silk goods. 5" Sale Price 49c tf: Albatross, full range of colors; 50c value. Sale Price. 30c S Henrietta, 45 inches wide, all colors; 75c value. Sale " Price 50c &. Tannise, Batistes, Whipcords, Baskots Cloths, Etc.; & value, 60c to 75c. Sale Price 45c 55 Poplins, Armure3, Coverts, Granites; value $1.00 to 1.25, SP Sale Price 75o & Fancy Plaids, were 50c to 75c. Sale Price 25c '. Pedestrian Skirtings, greys, browns, blues; $1.00 to & $1,25 goods. Sale Prlco .' . . . . 75o SZi Heavy Melton Skirtings; $1.50 and $2.00 goods. Sale ! Price $1.25 C? Black Cheviot Serge, Whipcord, Granite Serge; value 75c. & Sale Prico 50c . Black Cheviot Serge, value $1,00. Sale Price 75o Black Cheviot Serge, value $1.25. Sale Price 05c fe Mohair 45 inch blues, red, brown, grey; value 75c. -. Sale Price .... 50o Mohairs 40 inch blue, blue, red, brown; value 50c. jj" Sale Price , 30c C Linings Genuine German Hair Cloths. Sale Price 15c J- Shrunken Duck, blacks, grey and white; value 12V&C. g Sale Price Oc ; Percaline, colored, thirty shades; 12',&o and 15c goods, bale f tico .. t... ....... .............. . . . . . oo ? Percaline, fast black, 12Uo grade. Sale Price 8'jo j Percaline, fast black; 15c goods, Sale Price .,, lie & Percaline, fast black, 25c grade. Sale Praco 18o ; Percaline, black, silk warp; 60o goodB. Sale Price...., 30c S! Mercerized Linings, black and colors; 35c goods. Sale & Price , , , 25c t; J These prices are positively fj for THREE days only. ! Mears & Hagen, -- - j 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. si a a a a a a a a a a '2 ' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR ALLEGED DEAL BETWEEN D. & H. AND THE ERIE. Explanation of It That Is Given in an Article Printed in the Philadel phia Stockholder It Means That the Erie Is Hereafter to Handle n Certain Portion of the Coal of the D. & H. The Board for Today In struction Car Here Erie's 600 Mules Shipped to Country. Tho Stockholder of Philadelphia, yesterday contained the following: "Rumors havo been current of late relating to an alleged deal said to bo In process of negotiation between Erie and Delaware & Hudson Inter ests, and which purported to be tho In centive behind tho recent buying tn those stocks. Commenting there upon tho Coal Trade Journal says: 'There Is excellent reason for believing that tho rumors in regard to Erie and Delaware & Hudson matters mean this: Tho Delaware & Hudson now sells upward of half a million tons an nually from mines at Wllkes-Barre and vicinity to the Pennsylvania Railroad company for shipment south, nnd tho plan Is probably for shipments to points reached by the Erie railroad to bo sold by the Erie sales ugents on a slmllur basis. Thus it will be seen that thd Dela ware & Hudson In no wise loses Its Individuality, and Its general sales agency remains as before to caro for lino business. The advantage to the Erie lies in tho fact that it will abso lutely secure for the future tho freight upon the large amount of coal now shipped west by it for the Delaware & Hudson, and, which might in the event of futureresults, go to tho New York Central, the Ontario & Western, or any other road which In future years might secure control of the Delaware & Hud son. "At the same time the coal depart ment of the Erie will derive such benefit as may accrue from sale of the Delaware & Hudson cool, and tho prestige arising from such representa tion is an asset of no such importance. There Is good reason for denying that there is any truth in reports regarding Continued on Page 8. and Goods Friday, Saturday I and Monday ft raK:o::rattuttxx:xxKKXXx; Cheapness Is. Not Lowpricedness There Is a limit to low price nnd high price and below the one nnd nhovc the other are both extravagance. There's another thing worth knowing we offer you the best Value for the money Invested. Suggestions for And tho best wo ever offered interests with a nrm wnicn never misrepresents. Ladies' Hosiery Here Is particular value for tho price. Ladles' Drop Stltrh 2 Threml Lisle Hose, fust black, double soles, high spliced heels and toes. Wo make tho price 21c. , Ladies" Vests Pino Whlto Ribbed Vests, Richelieu rib, silk tnpes, extra good quality. All sizes; usual twcnty-ilvc cent garments. Our price 21c. Tape Girdles Light nnd comfortable for summer wenrlng. Ladles' Tape Girdles, In pink, blue und white, nil the fIkcs, every excellence of make and ilnlsh. These Girdles were Intended to sell at 1.00 each. Our price 69c. Fans and Pocket Books Tho touch of tho designer's art Is shown In thoso fans. Customers tell us this Is tho most charming stock of Pans they ever saw. Fans from the modest palm leaf tn the dainty Silk Tissues. Pockctbooks of all tho fashionable kinds. Ladies' Neckwear Take n minute or live minutes nt this counter and you'll know ex actly what wo are doing. Ribbon Hows. Violet Clusters and all tho other new things. Ruffs and Ruches, sweetly pretty and charmingly tiricnn. Men's Furnishings The fashlonnblo world, that Is. with much favor on our new and Immense stock of Men's Furnishings. Fine Neckwear, Negligee Shirts, Suspenders, Night Shirts, Hosiery and the like. The articles express the very height of style. McConnell & Co. The Satisfactory Store 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. khsou::kkkkkkk$kkukkukkkxkkk 4 This Elegant ONLY Made of .clear white maple, varnished, and is large, heavy, strong and durable We onlv have a limited numberand you'll have to came early to get one. 1 hey sell regularly from $2.50 to $3.oo. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co., J Registered, 406 Lackawanna Aven ue. smSSS Minister and Bohemian Hade Exclusively from Malt. Munster and Bohemian beer possess just those nutritive and thirst quenching qual ities that make them pre-eminently The Family Beer The date of bottling is stamped on every bottle, insuring absolute freshness. Cases of 2 Dozen Pints $1.00 Delivered. CASEY 4 BROTHERS, Sales Department 216 Lacka. Ave Old 'Phone 2162. New 'Phone 2974. Mm 'ilium Ehref s Slag Roofing Has been on a building in Phila delphia, used for manufacturing acids, ior 28 years. Still in good condition'. WARREN-EHRET CO. 311 Washington Avenue, Contractors. Saturday In point of quality. Better trust your the fashionable men. are looking 4 4 Porch Chair! 91.30 Kr . -- : iiiiiiiiiiii'ii NSv-- B The beers that sparkle in the glassand soothe worn-out nerves. 11 A ,' ,-.it-.1, ,. ,i .1,-., ,i,-,,-riv ?ov ! nt ' t ' ' ' pi- 5 V i to- '. iv ' -..