The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 24, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Week's Social News
T 11131113 will be nn unusual profusion
ot Juno weddings this season. In
deed, for some time It appeared
that they would come at the rate ot
two a day. There aro to be at least
tierce on the 11th, and at one time It
was rather certain that two, whose
quests were to bo selected from the
FHtno circles, would take place on the
25th. The marriage of Miss Mamie
Jones, duuRhter of Mrs. Edward Jones,
of oiyphant, to Mr. Frank Wurd will
be on the 11th, as will also the wed
dings of Miss Powell to Mr. Frank
Fuller, and Miss Clrnco Btrdsnll to Mr.
Frederic Staff, of Philadelphia. The
two named last will bo at the Second
Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock and 8
o'clock, respectively, necessitating a
lightning change of decorations.
The marriage of Miss Katharine Ken
nedy to Mr. "Will Sherman, of Newport,
R. I., will be at the homo of the brldc
elect'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. D.
Kennedy, on the 25th, while on the fol
lowing day the wedding of Miss Janet
Dickson to Mr. Everett Tolles will at
tract nil the leading society people to
the country place ot Mr. and Mrs.
James P. Dickson, at Dnlton.
The armory was lighted Inst night so
that the decorations could be seen by
the committee. It represents truly a
gorgeous picture In which emblazoning
ot the Knights Templar Insignia, count
less arc lights and gay banners are
mingled with the bold black and white
of the order. There are many em
blematic designs done In brilliant lights,
the meaning of which is past finding
out as far as the feminine mind is con
cerned. There aro giddy crosses and
crowns; square contrivances that prob
ably mean something soulful to the
Knight Templar, gay little aprons
framed In blue and white, points of
light triangles and other things which
passeth description. In the centre is
suspended a huge bird, which the
Knights allege to bo nn eagle. It Isn't
made with electric lights, but feath
ers, and strung along merrily in even
rows aio white doves hovering over
the dancing floor. Why they have doves
Isn't explained but they are doves,
however doubtful of classification is
the big bird in the centre.
t The bunting is beautifully arranged
;li vast balloon lilto festoons along the
centre. Mr. V. II. Taylor deserves
great credit for the exquisite taste dis
played In the choice of decorations.
Fuhrman will bo busy for the time In
tervening in completing the details.
There are to bo masses of palms and
green trees and scenery from the Ly
ceum stage. The ball on Tuesday night
will be the most picturesque event in
Scranton's history.
With almost tragic swiftness two
lives in the flower of their youth were
ended three years ago, and there were
many to mourn the untimely fading of
the fairest hopes that mortal could
have. Joe Poles was one, whose death
seemed a cruel sacrifice of a life too
much needed In this world. Following
fast after came the death of Norman
McLeod. on the threshold of a noble
career, and the shadows will never lift
from the homes whose sunshine was
thus darkened. Now a third young man
ot the same purity of soul, the same
lofty alms ot character and the same
beauty of daily living has gone away
under buch circumstances ns can only
cause the friends of James It. Dickson
to turn away from the memory with a
shudder. Naturally enough today, we
who knew of the simplicity and fair
blessing of these three lives, naturally
think of each as a type of the others,
and can only feel that it Is a cruel
blow, indeed, and can only wonder how
those to whom thc were dearest can
endure the affliction.
Young people in search ot a new sen
sation arc now planning "coal parties."
They say that the fad for slumming,
going down into mines, visiting the
Rteel mills and trimming hats for rum
mage sales have all had their day. They
want something new. If the strike con
n Low Shoes for Hot
u '
8 "
tinues It will bo an Interesting and use
ful amusement to form a party to pick
coal from not too inaccessible culm
heaps. These parties will bo equipped
with the conventional sacks, and a
horse and trup. The coal may be dis
tributed among tho needy or used for
honio consumption, it will be a very
grubby amusement, but will bo under
taken by moonlight or In the morning,
oh, so curlyl Whether or not It will
have any advantages over ping pong Is
Following Is a partial list of pa
tronesses for Miss Grace Spencer's re
cital with the Symphony orchestra:
Mrs. Alfred Hand, Mrs. W. W. Scran
ton, Mrs. T. H. Watklns, Mrs. U B.
Powell, Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mrs. H.
H. Brady, Jr.. Mrs. T. C. Van Storch,
Mrs. J. BenJ. Dlmmlck, Mrs. E. P. Itey
nolds, Mrs. George Sanderson, Mrs. H.
W. Kingsbury, Mrs. Hlchard Matthews,
Mrs. E. L. Fuller, Mrs. K. J. Foster,
Mrs. W. II. Taylor, Mrs. William Con
nell, Mrs. Gilbert D. Murray, Mrs.
Everett Warren, Mrs. B. E. Watson,
Mrs. James P. Dickson, Mrs. George
duB. Dlmmlck, Mrs. C. B. Penman,
Mrs. L. S. Oakford, Mrs. E. H. Ripple.
Miss Julia lllckok and Mrs. George
duBols Dlmmlck were entertained at
tho homo of Mrs. James W. Oakford
yesterday. Miss Hlckok will leave to
day and will sail for Europe within the
coming fortnight.
Miss Grace Ward entertained at din
ner for Miss Martin on Wednesday.
President William H. Truesdale, of
tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern railroad, who for two seasons past
has occupied the W. J. Smith residence
at Indian Field, Greenwich, Conn., has
purchnsed the property from Mr. Smith
and will reside there permanently. ' It is
a handsome place, with beautiful sur
roundings, and is only a short distance
southwest of Coscob station. Tho pur
chase price is not given, but is not less
than $50,000.
Mrs. George B. Smith gave a beautl
fulluncheon yesterday when tho guests
were: Mrs. Henry Belln, jr., Mrs.
George Sanderson, Miss Anna Sander
son, Mrs. K. Q. Powell, Mrs. Townscnd
Poore, Mrs. George L. Dickson, Mrs.
N. Y. Lcet, Mrs. Lavcrty, Mrs. Richard
Matthews, Mrs. Alfred Hand, Mrs.
Frederick Fuller, Mrs. A. B. Blair, Mrs.
C. W, Klrkpatrick, Mrs. R. G. Bennell,
Mrs. William F. Hallstead, Mrs. H. M.
Messrs. Jamps Blair, jr., and Theo
dore Fuller gave a ping pong party
last night at the Country club.
Miss Esther Rolands will leave today
for a visit In Toronto. She has bo far
recovered from the frightful street car
accident last fall ns to be able to walk
without the aid of a cano.
Mrs. W. II. Taylor entertained Infor
mally nt luncheon yesterday. Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor will give a dinner tonlcht
when covers will be laid for twelve."
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have as their
guests Mrs. George R. Barker and Miss
Barker of Washington, D. C.
SHE was a brilliant, and charming
woman, merry of eye, and kind of
thought, and still young. She
said decidedly: "I have an opinion
about every earthly thing. I suppose
there are those who would be glad If
I hadn't. I'm glad that I have. It Is
nice to have opinions about every
thing: it keeps you alert and alive and
you don't get into a rut. I often won
Today will be 0xfordDay
We have hundreds of styles
to select from. Come and
see for yourself.
The Wellesley," A'mannish style for the up-to-date
young women.
The Spanish Opera" A dainty creation in
light dress or street oxford.
The Princess" An exclusive style for the
dressy young woman. s
"The Aristocrat" -A most elegant conception
for street wear.
The Varsity" Gives a finishing touch to a
smart street costume. .
The Natural" For the woman who appre
ciates ease and comfort,
Queen Quality Oxfords, $2.50 & 3.00
Other Makes, $1.00', 1.25, 1.50 & 2.00
328 Lackawanna Ave
Green Trading Stamps,
der what the woman does who hasn't
opinions but must wait for some one
to make them for her and tack them
fast to the thing she calls her mind.
Dear me, how polky life must bo to
that woman.
" 'Husband thinks thus or so.' Hus
band doesn't believe In psychology, or
potatoes.' Husband snya It may rain
next week.' "
Imagine It! My opinions nrcn't al
ways very bright, neither are they par
ticularly original In character, but
they're mine. I don't make the claim
that they aro oracles, Oh, no, Just my
own Ideas, and I try and see without a
squint. But I'm willing to bo con
vinced, and I like to chungo my opin
ions real often. It's more entertain
ing. "For Instance, last week," she con
tinued, "I was glad wo didn't live In
tho volcano belt. This morning I de
cided that a land of strikes is almost
as disquieting to the mind ns a land
of craters. Night before last I thought
tho sky was very far oft and that the
rim of the moon needed rubbing up
with sapollo or something. Last night
somebody was by my side to help mo
look at tho moon, and there was no
dimness In heaven or earth. I like to
change my opinions," repented this
cheery woman, "but I don't bellevo
there's anything under tho sun that I
couldn't get up an opinion about at a
moment's notice. Yes, I know that you
will say this Is a disadvantage peculiar
to the feminine mind, but with me le
does In the place of a mild variety of
second sight. Tho first opinion that I
pounce on is apt to be rather nearer
the real truth of the matter than those
that aro coddled and combed and
curled Into a state of artificiality. As
long as I don't argue and get red of
face and noisy of tongue. I do hope
you will not mind If I have as many
opinions as there aro moments In tho
People act so funny about that paper
receptacle near Sanderson's drug store.
Those who arc in the habit of tearing
up letters and scattering the pieces to
the four winds, continue rather gener
ally to do the same. It's almost a hope
less talk to reform a paper scatterer.
Ho is like a gossip, and the litter nnd
mess he makes of the streets, like the
litter and mess a gossip makes of rep
utations do not offend his tastes.
But occasionally comes along a well
meaning person well meaning persons
arc always so uncompromisingly ob
struslve who has prepared a quantity
of torn paper and he parades ostenta
tiously to the receptacle and deposits
the scraps as It they were votes. Then
he looks Importantly around like a re
plica of Jnck Horner, and causes the
bystanders to yearn earnestly to kick
him. How much ho resembles those
very correct people who go about
polntfng proudly to themselves and
saying, "Look at us. We are so very
moral, so very virtuous. Why don't
you Imitate us? We don't do this and
thus!" When they are really so un
attractive that even Temptation avoids
Then comes along a school girl who
has been taught to obey those in au
thority. She sidles shyly up to the
paper receptucle and drops therein tho
Infinitesimal bits of a letter from her
plump hand. Then a thought strikes her
a horrible suspicion. She suddenly re
calls the tales of curious people who
prowl in waste baskets, as street gam
ins prowl In gutters for cigar stumps,
to piece together torn telegrams and
letters which are none of their affairs
and she makes a desperate dive Into
that paper tub In the vain effort to re
cover her dissected contribution to the
collection. She will not be happy all
day for worrying 'lest one little bit has
escaped her.
Few listeners at the Stone lecture tho
other night did not rouse with a start
at its close to feel that they had fol
lowed close behind tho calm-eyed wom
an on the platform, during her jour
neys "over hill, over dale, through
bush, through brier," during those
dreadful days of her captivity. There
are many gifts of oratory lips touched
with the blazing coals from the altar,
rich magnetism of personality, rare
jewels of words, noble thoughts sub
limely expressed, but perhaps most or
all is to have a tale of heroism to tell
and to tell It vividly, swiftly as this
woman in her quiet way told It Mon
day night, for people like to hear of
Weather i
bravo deeds and when tho voice that
recounts them la tho voice of a wom
an that has risen plaintively In prayer
from tho awful silence of a loathsome
captivity certainly tho tato enthralls
alt cars.
It Isn't at nil likely that Miss Stone's
dramatic recital of a half year's perils
will Inspire any other woman to want
to go to Bulgaria and get herself kid
napped, but It Is certainty a wonderful
thing to hear hor tell this story of to
day than which nothing more madly
Incredible, more marvellously thrilling
can be recounted of tho dim ages long,
long ago, In the history of wild races
and their struggles. It Is a good thing,
once In a while, for us to be stirred
from our fatuous complacency that
modern civilization Is making suchrad
ical changes In tho human hearj and
Its original savagery that the scenes of
other epochs cannot be repeated with
additional frills wrought out of an up-to-date
fabric of brutality. It Is a
rather expensive romance to thoso who
have brought this woman's life with
their, gold, but It will not bo a great
surprise to those who are watching the
course of events If tho revealmcnt of
such an atrocious deed will result In
tho utter change of such conditions In
unhappy Macedonia. Saucy Bc3S.
Musical Gossip.
director of the Studio club, which
c-k'px Its iintmnl enncprt tills
evening nt Guernsey hall, tho New,
i otk Musical courier una tlic following,
In Its Issue of May T:
"Miss Krceman, while making a spec
ialty of vocal art, Is possessed of a ver
satility but rarely found In this era of
specialization. Together with her well
known ability as a concert soprano anil
teacher of voice, sho Is a most successful
conductor, and her Studio club of wo-
men's voices Is, perhaps, tho finest or
ganization of its kind under a woman's
baton. Miss Kroeman possesses most
flattering testimonials from Georges
Sbrlglla, of Pntis, and from Royal Pro
fessor Julius Hoy. tho renowned Berlin
pedagogue. Br. Helnrlch Rclmann and
I Terr Wolff, of Herlln. and Marchnt, of
Hrussels, praise her unusual ability as a
composer, and songs, choruses, genre
music for violin and piano prove her
originality and gift of melody. Miss
Freeman's concert experience covers
America and Europe, and her repertory
comprises not only tho classics but the
best of rorcnt compositions."
The Studio club, which was organized
by Miss Krccman Ave years ago and has
since been exclusively under her direc
tion nnd Instruction, comprises many of
tho thirst voices In the city, such as Mrs.
Edith Ilockel, Mrs. G. B. Uthman, Miss
;Edith Martin, Miss Elslo Powell and
others well known to both musicians and
tho public. Tho singing ot tho club
made such an Impression upon Mr.
Francis Fischer Powers, tho famous ar
tist nnd teacher, that ho has engaged
Miss Freeman' to teach and conduct a
largo chorus, composed of his pupils, at
his Now York studios, next season. The
club has the assistance of a most charm
ing artist in Mr. Percy Hemns, bass at
St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York,
whoo beautiful voice and pleasing per
sonality have made name and fame for
him in tho metropolis. Miss Julia C. Al
len will also appear In solo work, and
a number of her pupils will play obliga
tes to tho choruses. Miss Charlotte
Bluckman, whoso ability ns a pianist
needs no comment, will accompany both
soloists and chorus.
A Song of Four Seasons ..Leonard Sclby
Studio Club.
Ich Grollo Nicht Schumann
Die Lotus Bin mo Schumann
Had a Horse Korbay
Mr. Percy Hemns.
The Snow Elgar
Studio Club.
My Snowy Breasted Pearl.... Old English
The Pretty, Pretty Creature. Old English
Mr. Hemns.
Old Folks at Homo Foster-Root
Studio Club.
Introduction and PolonalHO..,.Vioutomps
Miss Julia Clnpp Allen.
Nocturne Denza
In Spring Well
Studio Club.
Edward Lowe
Air. Hemns.
The Clgarctto Girls' Chorus Bizet
Studio Club.
It Is with great plensure that the an
nouncement Is mado of tho artists' re
oltal to be given by Miss Grnco Spen
cer In connection with tho fifteenth sym
phony concert of tho Scranton Sym
phony orchestra at the Lyceum, Monday
evening, Juno 9. Tho Symphony orches
tra, Prof, Theodoro Hemberger, conduc
tor, is very dear to tho hearts of Scran
ton people. The concerts of this organ
ization have been the most distinctly ar
tistic successes and liavo brought to the
city much eolebruted talent. This occa
sion will, however, be notnblo for tho
reason that Miss Graco Spcncor will bo
the soloist. Few local singers have, such
n clnlm on tho public as Miss Spencer,
For tho past four years her lovely voice
nnd her brilliant dramatic talent have
been freely given to aid churltles nnd
church societies and various entertain
merits whero special gifts were In do
mand. Sho has been the most gracious
uf young women and this Is tho first op
portunity that hor friends have hud to
hhow their appreciation. Sho bus de
lighted them as "Carmen," and thrilled
them In tho rolo of "Lenorn." Indeed,
her versatility has really rendered her
sen Ices lndlspensablo In all largo enter
tainment where musical features wero
pre-eminent. Sho deserves much recog
nition on this occnslon and will doubt
joss receive It. Sha has studied with
Madame Tlmberman-Unndolph for some
time, and la a great credit to her
teacher, i
Mr. Reeve Jones, tho well-known
pianist, has Just received an offer from
Blausius & Horn, pluno manufacturers,
of Philadelphia, to uppear nt a series of
recitals to be given at their Immense
sales-rooms next full. Mr. Jones has not
appeared In concert for somo tlmo past,
owing to a sprain which affected ono of
his wrists, but has now entirely recov
ered and will doubtless accept the offer
of tho Plilludclphla firm, and will also
bo heard lit concert often during the
coming season. Mr. Jones' next nppeur
anco will bo made at tho National eis
teddfod concerts In thts city, at which
he will bo solo pianist.
The two planoforto recitals by Mr.
Pennington, director of tho Conservatory,
announced for May 27 and Juno 3 In
Ouernsey hall, havo been merged Into
ono and this will be given In Ht, Luko's
Parish house auditorium, Tuesday even
Ins, Juno 3. Mr. Pennington will bo as-
I' cwKLi - .? u- -"' HI
I ' '''i'wtW'- ' ' '""1m
BrcWVaE&jw;v ! - -'-H
B&MHHPC '"'"' .' -jBb
t it n h n n n n 5
Helen S. Buchanan
31a Washing
ton Avenue.
Ho'r, Warts,
& Moles Paln
leisly, Perma
nently, Seen
tf.cally Re
moved by
I'.xctushcmelliodi no scars. Trial treat.
merit free. Cull and be comlnrcJ.
Iidles dcslroils of obtaining perfect
completions, luxuriant lialr, bright ryca
and aliopely bodies, dpuM not fall to call,
Agent for SUMO nclf-rcduclng and Mili
tary belt straight front corset.
elsted by Mrs. Lenoro Thompson, con
tralto soloist ot Elm Park church, and
Mr. V. II. Wldmeycr, violinist. Tickets
Issued for next Tuesday will bo honored
Juno 3.
Tho following musical selections will
be rendered nt tho morning nnd evening
services tomorrow at Elm Park church,
under tho direction of J. Alfred Pen
nington, organist nnd choir muster.
Organ Melody In 13 fiut Clnusman
Choir Anthem, "Let Not Your
Heart" Gardner
Organ Pastorale In F Rcbllng
Choir Anthem, "O Come to Me Yo
Weary" Felorls
Organ-Festal March In D Elvey
Orsan-Offcrtolro In F Wclby
Chair Anthem, Bonum Est In B flat,
Organ Offcrtolre in B flat Deshaycs
Soprano Solo "Tho Shadows of tho
Evening Hour" Draper
Sirs. Ezra II. Council.
Choir Hymn, Selected.
Orgnn Allegro from Concerto In D
minor Handel
Mrs. Lenoro Thompson, contraltos Mrs.
Ezra II. Conncll, soprano; Mr. Alfred
Wooler, tenor; Mr. Philip Warren, bass.
II !l II , ,
Miss Elsie Van Dcrvoort, formerly of
Elm Park church choir. Is now solo con
tralto at tho Washington Avenue Bap
tist church, in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Tho Young Pcoplo's Choral union,
which was organized under Professor C.
B. Derman's direction In October, 1800,
and has slnco made Itself so well nnd
favorably known In concert giving, has
the honor of being chosen to render the
vocal music nt tho installation of the
officers-elect ot tho grand eommandery
of Knights Templar. This Interesting
ceremony will take placo at tho Lyceum
on Wednesday afternoon next.
Tho society carries as, its full title that
of tho Young People's Choral Union of
tho Hickory Street Presbyterian church.
It begun as a class in singing, originally
Intended simply to Improve tho music
ot that Sunday school. Beginning with
twenty members, Sunday school teach
ers and pupils, It grew within four
weeks to thrice that number. It has
hold its rehearsals under Mr. Derman's
direction, on every Monday evening slnco
Its organization, summer nnd winter,
with nn average attendance of nlacty
per cent. Usually every member Is pres
ent. The society has given a number of
very successful concerts, rendering im
portant chora'l works of great composers
Costa, Handol, Haydn nnd Beethoven.
At tho present time the organization
has a membership of seventy-five, ami Is
rehearsing tho favorite cantata, "The
Haymakers," for early presentation.
The selection of tho Choral union, un
der Professor Derman's leadership, to
participate In tho Imposing ceremonial
attending the Installation of tho newly
elected officers of tho Knights Templar
grand eommandery. assures an appro
priate and mngniflrent rendition of tho
beautiful music belonging to that cere
monial, accompanied by Bauer's orches
tra. II "I'
Will F. Burke, the song writer and
vocalist, has been meeting with much
successs ns manager of his own com
pany, upon a recent tour of the valley
Bauer's band ot forty men will appear
on parade Monday as an escort to the
visiting commnnderles of Knights Tem
plar, who will enter our city to the
conclave during next week. On Tucr
day, they will also partlciputo in a
grand parade of all tho commanderiCH.
Tho band vlll appear for the first time
In their now uniforms, mado by John
Simpson. Tho uniform Is of dark blue
mnttri.'tl, with black braid trimming,
and, ns for neatness and finish of work
manship, are as fine ns any. The mem
bers of tho band wish to Btato to their
patrons that they Intend giving open nlr
concerts during the summer months on
tho riatt plct, corner of Lackawanna
nvenuo and Jefferson, nnd, as n means
of rulbtug money to liquidate, their ex
penses, they Intend putting In several
hundred chairs on the grounds for their
patrons, at tho small sum of ten cents
Then. PpEser, music publisher, of
Philadelphia, Pa accepted and will
Phorlly publish Mr. Alfred Wooler's new
song, which Is entitled, "Jesus, I My
Cross Have. Taken." This Is ono of Mr.
Wooler's best songs. It la very melo
dious and will, no doubt, become n fa
vorite with church singers In general.
I! 11,1!
Tho following musical selections will
bo used nt tomorrow's services In tho
Second Presbyterian church;
Organ Prelude Andante In G Merkcl
Anthem "O Bountiful Jesu" Stalner
(Sung by Request).
Offertory-Solo, "O Lamb of God"
Miss Gnragan.
Oigan Postludo Stern
Orgnn Prelude Pautorulo Flagler
Quartette nnd Sltolr.
Anthem "Lord Now Lcttest Thou
Thy Servant" Rowley
Quurtetto und Sliolr.
Offertory Trio, "My God, My Father.
While I Stray" Schnccker
Mltses Black and Guragun
and Mr, Morgan.
Organ Postludo , Hesso
Mr. J. M. Chunce. organist and direc
tor. l
Tho Wllkes-Barre Record Says;
"Tho concert given by the muslo cIuks
of Yntesvllle und vicinity on Tuesday
evening was a success In every way. Tho
class Is under tho direction of Miss Net
tle Nowoll, of Scranton, and was ubly
assisted by Miss Ethel McDermott, pluu
1st, of that city; Howard Freur, of Pitts
ton, nnd Wesley Nuttrass, of Luflln,
vinlinlbts. Tho stngo was decoruted
with terns and flowers, enhanced by tho
softened light of banquet lamps. The
young ladles were costumed in white.
Tho pupils showed careful training and
reflected much credit on their Instruc
tor. Tho violin, piano and vocul trio, by
Mr, Fear, MUs McDermott und Miss
Newell, und tho violin solo by Wesley
Nnttruss received hearty encores. The
recitations nnd pluno duets wero also es
pecially well given.
Miss Spencer, of Scranton, bus ac
cepted tho appointment as soprano at
tho First Methodist Episcopal church, to
fill the vacancy caused by tho resigna
tion of MUs Sadlo Kaiser, Thoso who
were heard from tho city wero Mrs.
Drum, Mrs. Burlclge, Miss Alberta
O'Neill, Miss Bessie 1-uno and Miss Lulu
Gaftney, and Miss Spencer, of Scranton.
Yesterday the musical commltteo ugiccd
that Miss Spencer was their cholco und
offered her tho position. Miss Spencer
will rccclvo $M0 per year for her ser
vices. Wllkes-Bdrro Leader-
. : : B
' ' -. '- i u
Cs I Todau's i News Is,
Shopping Hints.
Are YOU Thirsty 1 For a
soda fountain, NOW OPEN, left of
SunaliadCS Mon(hs ago when you were thinking of furs and heavy
wraps, we purchased this line of pretty parasols, colored and white.
Women's White China Silk
stick, large tassel
At Sl-liO-CHINA SILK, with
wide ruffles, natural stick and
large white tassel, -
at $1.5.0
Many other PARASOLS In white at a range of prices up to $15,
Colored Parasols All shades, plain and fancy corded effects"
also Persian effects. Natural and Fancy Handles, at tf . -
$i.oo up to $1U.UU
Slimmer Gloves Colored Silk and Lisle Gloves Greys
and Tans, at 25c a pair and 5UC
Women's Perfection Kid GlOFe Guaranteed $1.00 a pair,
kind; all colors, Including white and black; all sizes.
White Kid Gloves AH evening shades. Do you need a pair of
Gloves for social events? We are prepared to meet your wants. All
All sizes and lengths.
Plug .Pong The game that is exciting and healthful for Indoors.
Can be played by young and old. Display on Main Floor.
A range of prices from VOC UP
Also Book of Rules containing useful information how to play Ping
Pong, can be had at Book Department.
FLOUR Our Jersey Lily, made from Minnesota
hard wheat. Money refunded if not satisfactory. 50
pound sacks, $1.05. 100-pound sacks, $2.05. Barrel,
in cloth, at $3.99.
Skinned Hams, Stowers & Co.'s, a pound, 14c.
- Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds for $1.00-
Coffee, Fancy Santos, pound, 12c. 10 lbs., $100.
Coffee, our Special Blend, per pound, 27c, or 4
pounds for $1.00.
5 Hayes & Varley,
. A"A nl A1A Cnriim 4frf- Rutwfuin Wahlnrtnn X
424 and 426 Spruce Street, Between Washington
tr and Wyoming
i Summer Sale
f . - r- j v T
tOi White Underwear
Commences today and is anxiously waited for bythe
thousands who have heretofore purchased at these Sales.
The standard established by us for high quality, and
low prices, will be entirely eclipsed at this sale. We
advise early selections.
cimTC Twelve different styles
OIUIV 1 0 at 98-c Most of these
garments are worth $1.50. Others
from 29c to $8.00.
S Drawers, Chemise
! Corset Covers
In immense quantities,
. rsneintr in prices from the
ti the finest made. '
J ' '
; See Our Show Windows
ft' ' "Jc
ft 'A 'A "A '4 'A m ' ' 'A ' ' '4 H "4 fc ' ' " " '
CubanOIa cigars
coat - onoatmra
more to man.
u facture
than other
you not havo
this honofit?
103 LaiLiwanna avenue.
Distributors of Cubanolas
refreshing and cooling drink. Visit our
main stairway.
Parasols, natural wood
chiffon ruffled, natural stlqk han
dle,' large flowing -.-.
tassel tZ.UU
..... X
Avenues. ,
t X
fOWN Ei8ht different styles
XJ IT UO at 59Cf jnciuding the
short sleeve gown. These gar
ments are worth fully 75c. Others,
from 39c, to $6.00.
and a multitude of styles
lowest priced garment to x
for '
Gas Mantles,
Portable LarRpsV
I w
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 reim Avenue.
. '.r