$3' V"'","H-V t '.,, r-l" 4 1!$1 Vtfrym "'4' HiKff 'v ' '. .; S '.nSrtVi ul - !i . ;H 1 , '4. THE SCRANTON TRIBUTOSATUltDAar, MAY 24, 1902. k, .V" v.. s i. t ,? !v I ' . if . 8 i)x ii ;. I' .' I ' ' '1 f- I fcfyjiitanton :viBtine . iMIhe! DauV, Eyrr-pl Sun.1iy.Kv n7r,,J' any Publishing Coirttptty, t ','lyCc;L.ii- liivy.8. men Attn,. Editor. Kcw trfdBWt.VlKiivt.li St. , H, 8. VIlKIXAMt. ' " " SOle Alrtnt for Foreign iAdvcrtllng. Cii'tirod nt the IVwlnfllcf nl Pcrmiton, I'.( M rj Second Class Hall Malter. When space will permit, The Tribune Is nlwnys glad to print short letters from Us friends bear ing on current topics, ibut Its rule 1b that these roust be signed;, for pub Hc'ation, by the writer's real name; and the condition precedent to ac ceptance is that all contributions Bhall bo subject to editorial revision. A Tim n.AT rati, ron AmT.trnsiNa. Tlie following tattle jhnwj the price per Inch toXh Insertion, space lu lie metl within ono er. ntspr.AV. llian 0 inches Lefsftlian CO Incliea, 1(X 160 COO 10CA soon Ilim of Istitlnrs on Paper. I TlMillng. M . .40 .41 .31 ,ns " .2.-. .573 .?o .23 ' .IB .ITS .1." .17 .IS .IKS mil Position. . .3(1 .SO .21 .m .its .is For rnnto of hunk, resolution of rontlolene". ml lmlljr coniritmllons In Hip nature of ml verlliliiff Tin. Trllniiic nul.es a charge of 6 ccnH line. ..... Bute-: of nijslflcJ Atlvcrtlarni; fiinlhnl on pplleatlon. TWELVE PAGES. V. BOnANTON. MAY 21, 1902. iPor governor of Pennsylvania, on the Issue of nn open field and fair play, ,; JON E, .ELXIN, of Indiana, subject to the will of the Republican masses. ''. The Battle of Butler Hill. WI2, WISH to present for tin' contemplation of fnlr niilidcd men u Dlctuie of an occurrence which took place In Pittston on Wednesday niKlit. Jn order that we may not be accused of coloring the picture, wo hall copy It just as It appeared In that reliable and accurate paper, the Pittston (Sazette: ".'About 5.30 o'clock, the hillsides In the vicinity of the Pittston washery, of the Butler t'oal company, commenced to present an animated appearance. Groups of men lolled on the grass ond smoked, and talked. It was just T o'clock xylien the plant shut down operations for the evening and the workmen started for their homes. Five of them took to the Delaware and Hudson rail road and went to the Cork I-ane depot. They passed through the lines of the strike sympathizers and were not molested. It was different with the other five', however. Their homes were in this city, and they took a short cut across the field surrounding the wash ery. When this party reached the Back Road, every hill emptied Its crowd onto the highway, and the five men were quickly surrounded by a thousand men and boys. Queries weie addressed to the men as to whether they Intended to keep at work or not. Receiving an an swer In the affirmative, the crowd grew abusive, and then stones commenced to fly. -"The non-union men kept steadily on their way and piid mi attention to the stones that came hurtling through the ii'lr In their direction until the crowd pressed them too closely and one or two members of the party were struck. Then they pulled revolvers and fired In the air. This held the ciowd at bay for a minute or two, but several took gp the cry that the cartridges were only blank and the crowd closed In once more, sev eral of the mob producing guns them selves. Then the battle commenced In earnest and was fought on the run from a, point halfway up the back slope of Butler Hill, to a house on Butler street, near the High school building, wheie the five men took refuge. l"AH through the fight the five men were .particular to lire high and rlmply used ' their revolvers to frighten the fcrovvd. but It was not so on the other sjde. -The mob was out for .vengeance, and did not care what happened. Stones weighing u pound or more were hurled n-t the men and thos-e that had revolvers sliot point blank at the little band of workers stniKgllng to get away with thelrllvts. Luckily the bullets found 110 human resting place, due probably to the .fact that the aim was hurried and taken while the mob was on the run. The htone throwers hud better luck, and s-everul of their missiles struck the lleeing men. i "A mile of territory was easily cov ered by the fight, the men finally tuklng refuge In a house occupied by n inan named Miller, who, it Is claimed, works nt the washery. The mob quickly sur rounded the house and stones were thrown at it until windows and doors suffered, but the men managed to es cape from the mob by getting out through the back yard. Several women iffid children, residents of Butler street, 5o were attracted to the streets by tge unusual sceiies,c.huu jiiyrrowelc'apes fjnu the stones tTiatv'tilfeu tfie Sir, und JWiXliNi fHafcrinot threatened to kill several of the men living along there beffirtremney WPre'uVShseil-of having jgsote. the points In this occurrence; 'fie five men who hnil.Upen luwfully nt rk sui)ptyihS'tlHiUlv:GH-farid their iKmllles'gave " provocalloV "to th io wd. They were-jjolng lu a peacenhje" ilanner toward their homes, molesting Ibody. TUey.wera asked o.qult their prk; to' cut off ihelr 'incomes when ley hnd wufcleyanc.es against their! hployersjctoi subject ', themselves and; ase dependent unon them tn ,i,n-i. ltlon'.?.ti!rTJyjtS noltinl.wnnt, for no lod result to themselves or to the law- leakers who assailed tlifem; and, act- V'Wl? 'JWM1 1a tlfelr moral Bhrt MitmGT.'-tve wyon the7 prompting a duty higher than any other earthly illgutlon, the duty enjoined In the lrpfiffiArrihe!njj''8 said "that "he ho doth"' not provide for hl'a own iuschold hath denied the. faith and la. prse inan'Ofl uiihiui, iney retusca. run wiiui result . Jcuwuruy or lircr reats of assassination, a mad scene of ob SicIousnessKJtnil nasflon antUJho' WB!aKWWl rms must stop, ri .cannot ug pain fcd or tolerated. If the leaders of the f i iiO--M33!s?SeSlssJi -. -1 .- slflke movement caiin'ot suppress It, the police power of the government must. The right of a man lo strike Insures by the same fundamental principle of law the right of any oilier man to work. The mob that undertakes by lawless force '.to nullify Hits right must bo taught Its mistake. ,Th(i Horiiiiton Tillmiie, a hearty mm- porter of Attorney (Itinera! Nlkln. while declaring Us liellef Unit lie will be natul imteil, Hives llguri's which tin not support Its Halm. By throwing In Carbon, Cnnv ford nut! the seven Dauphin delegates, l.elitgh, nine Luzerne delegates and Hii.h itueliaiina, a total of ulntyfoiir is footed up for illkln, p nil ln must get elglily-six more. The Tribune thinks he Iiiih a chance to pick up nut less tlinn seventy eight In tlie counties yet-to elect, and he would still be eight short. These, It Is claimed, he would get from the tinlti structed Hit. These HgitrcH completely give up tlie contest for Klkln, lMillnilul plitn Press. Since-our table wart prepared one Dauphin delegate, by peaceful arrange ment, lias been allotetl to Quay In de ference to Dauphin federal officehold ers. The other entries In the Klkln list are anchored, as the. Press probably knows; and more are coming every, week. Has It occurred to the PresM that Philadelphia, with a senatorshlp at stake, will not' dare to solidify Its delegation against the candidacy which Is supported by an overwhelming ma jority of the delegates and county or ganizations as well as tlie Republican voters of the Interior counties? I Our Commerce, Past and to Come. N AX address delivered a few evenings ago before the Manu facturers' ulub of Philadelphia, O. P. Austin, chief of the treas ury department bureau of statistics, analyzed Informlngly the causes of the wonderful recent expansion In Ameri can commerce and gave encouraging predictions as to Its future. The rapid expansion of the foreign commerce of the United States, Mr. Austin said. Is the natural consequence of the rapid expansion of production which followed the great development in railway construction in the closing quarter of the nineteenth century. Fol lowing the construction of the trans continental line which was completed lu 1SG9, came the "extension of other lines through the great Mississippi valley and the South, and this resulted In the opening of the great agricul tural, foiest and mineral areas whose natural supplies have made this the greatest producing country of the world; while the multiplication of rail ways facilitated the assembling of these natural products for use In man ufuctuilng. As a result, agricultural production has doubled, and in many cases more than doubled, and the value of farm products Increased from less than two und a half billions of dollars in 1870 to about 4 billions in 1900. In products of manufacture the In crease has been even more rapid. The production of coal, a prime necessity in manufacturing, grew from 33 million tons in 1870 to 1)0 million tons In 1901; pig Iron, from s than 2 million tons to over 13 millions; and steel, from less than 70,000 tons to over 10 million tons.. Meantime the railways had grown from f.2,000 miles In 1S70 to practically 200,000 miles at the present time, and rates for rail transportation have fallen to about one-third tlie rates of 1S70. The result of all tills Is that the United States has become the greatest exporting nation In the .world, having risen from fourth place in. 1870 to first place in 1901. The value of our. exports during th.it time has practically quad rupled, the figures having been. In 1870. 393 millions; in 1901,' 1,187 million dollars. .Meantime imports have scarce ly doubled, the Import figures being, in 1870, KG millions; in 1901, 823 millions, the per capita of Imports having fallen' from $11.00 to $10.fiS, while those of ex ports increased from $9.77 to $18.81. The causes of this wonderful develop ment In exports, in Mr. Austin's opin ion, are lo be found in the fact that the ("nited States is tlie world's largest producer of the great articles required by man for his dully life. The chief lequliements of man are food, clothing, heat, light, -and manufactures; and of all these the United States Is the world's largest producer. The .prin cipal articles of food" are bread stuffs and meats, and of wheat the United States produces more than any other country, and of corn more than all other countries com bined; while of meats the United States Is also tlie world's largest producer. For clothing the article of largest ro quIt'eiKent Is cotton; and of "ils the United States produces more than three-fourths of the world's supply, For heat, coal Is the greatest require ment, and of this the United States is now the world's 1 urgent producer und our supply exceeds that of any other country; while for light our production of petroleum furnishes a larger quan tity of refined Illuminating oil than that of any other nation, lu manufactures tlie United States Is also the world's largest producer, the value of our man ufactures being nearly double that of the United Kingdom, and nearly equal to that of France, aermany, 'ami Ituhsla combined, This commanding position In the world's commerce Is, In Mr. Austin's opinion, likely to be retained by the United States. The power of produc tion shows no signs of abatement, while, we jnay reasonably expect tfiat the development of iiclence und "inven tion and the application of American energy will sill! further reduce the coat of production and transportation. 'Tlils 'high standing of the United States as an exporting nation will, Mr, Austin said, bo welcomed by the commercial .world rather thai antagonized', as' has Mm Intimated .ami feared in certain quarters. The commercial world buys the products of our fields und factories because It requires thfin for dally use und because It can obtain them more readily and cheaply front, tfie ..United States than from any other part of the world. .Suggestions of the 'exclusion of American products of the Held or fac tory seqm scarcely likely, In Mr. Aus tin's opinion, to bo realized. The effect of the refusal of KUrope to purchase from'. the United States any of- the great articles of which we furnish 'so large a proportion of the world's sup- piy wouiu uu to cause an udyance In tlie price of those articles In other lng Inlo International commerce, three fourths of the cotton, nnrt practically all of the corn, while our proportion lu the meat supplies of Kttrope Is also large. To thus eliminate our produc tion front tlii' world's supply of these great articles of dally requirement would be to cause an advance In tlie prices of the limited supplies which cottld he obtained from other parts of the world, llnice, In these naturnl products, It may lie expected that the demand wilt continue Indefinitely, while tjie fact that the- United States In i01 sold to lOurope alone more man ufneturet than she had ever soltfedo the entire world In any year prior ui ISO.'i shows the progtess that American manufacturers ure making In Kurop, tlie grent manufacturing center of the world. ' Turning to the import side, Mr. Aus tin salt! that It must lie expected that our Imports will continue to grow. In the present fiscal year they will ex ceed those of any earlier year lu our history, nnd the reasons for continuous growth are coincident with our growth In manufactures. While the United States Ir the world's greatest producer In the. chief elements required In manu facturing, It tloes not produce certain articles of tropical and subtropical growth of which the manufacturers are requiring constantly Increasing quan tities, such us raw silk, libers, Kgyp tlan cotton, India rubber, and many other articles of this character. Add to this the tropical requirements for food, such as coffee, cocoa, tea and such portions of the sugar and tropical fruits as are not produced at home, and It is apparent that the Importa tions must Increase, and especially those from the tropics. The value of tropical and subtropical products Im ported has grown from 143 million dol lars In 1S70 to over 400 millions In 1901, and the share which they form In our imports has grown from 31 per cent. In 1870 to nearly no per cent, in 1901, and tills proportion seems likely to Increase. This fact of our growing dependence upon the tropics, Indicates, 1n Mr Aus tin's opinion, not only that our Imports must continue to grow, but that the events of tlie past four years have been of Incalculable advantage to us In the fact that they have brought under the American Hag an urea capable of pro ducing n large share of these tropical requirements and taking an equal quantity of our products in exchange therefor. tnen engaged In keeping tho mines clear of water shall remain at work. No other labor Is attempted, The strtko la simply a test of endurance. Very soon the strlko lender's porcoL'o that the owners inn hold out moiu easily than they, and they icsort to threats, if their itfiiuimlH bo not compiled with tlie will rail out tho -englnreiH ami firemen and strip tho pumps. This means mom than teinpntary Idleness. It means it oi and deMtriiclhm illrilcult to repair. Tho mine owners must prutcrl their properly at any cost. It tho men engaged tin tho pumps quit work, others must bo un ployed lu their plaeei. The strlkct undertake to preient this They begin with marching demonstrations and other means of Intimidation, which gi initially develop Into violence. The mhio owners are compelled to meet force by foiee, to piotcct their necessary work men, nnd rioting ensues. Thus tho whole face of the contest changes. Prom a law ful and onleily discussion upon rates of wnges It quickly degenerates Into a law less and tllsnrdeily attack upon both pri vate rights and public Interests. What ever moial advantage the slithers may huVc started with Is lost. The weight of moral sympathy lu tho public at large Is n determining factor in .tlie settlement of every extensive sttlke. The general public Is the sufferer from tho anthracite suspension, nnd It Is disposed to blame the coal cornoratlons for allow- I mg mis suspctiMoii to tnlte place, rno moment the miners become tho aggress ors, and the mine owners are made to appear as simply defending the source) of co.il supply that are lu their keeping, this sympathy Is destroyed, and tho ultlmato failure of the strike Is Inevitable. This Is not prophecy It Is n slmplo statement of what bus happened again and again In the nntluaclto region. Tho present apparent confidence of tne opera tors Is based on tho expectation that the miners' organization will make Just such mistakes as It Is now milking lu tho threat to Hood the mines, and will thus take upon Itself tho responsibility that has thus far seemed to rest on them. $9,574 in Special Rewards 5cra'nton Tribune's araatest of All EDUCATIONAL CONTESTS Closes October 25. 1902, The ocrantom Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. There are offered as Special Rewards, to those who secure tho largest number of points, THIRTY-THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In some of the Leading Educational Institutions In tho Country. Darwin G. Fenno, formerly manag ing editor of the Philadelphia Times, is authority for the usertlon that the Philadelphia Record's purchaser is Tom Wanamaker, owner of the North American; and that Judge Gordon will be the Record's new editor. The recent gathering of Democratic leaders at Philadelphia indicates that the fact that the party in the state needs a tonic is appreciated, but there is lack of unanimity as to the remedy tiiat should be applied. Candid Comment About the Strike From the Philadelphia. Ledger. PHKS1DKNT M1TCI1KLL has had a reputation for sagacity and moder ation us a t-trlko leader that is greatly injured by the issuance of the older to engineers, firemen and pump men to stiilio on Juno ", unless they shall lie given twelve hours' pay for eight hours' work. The older was Issued at the in stance of the executive committees of Uls- tilcts Nos. 1, 7 and 9; but ns these com mittees act upon tlie advice of President Mitchell, it Is proper to treat It as his or der. The calling out of the engineers, tiremeu and pumpmen Is a powerful means of coercion, for it threatens the de struction of much valuable piopeity. Heretofore It has been considered nece.i-i-ary and right that property should be kept ill condition, so that the htrlkois could retuiTt to work nt will. But this older, ifobeyed by the men, would elosu the mine's against them for a long time, and wholly destroy some of them, unless tho operators should succeed In employ ing non-union men to take the places of tho strikers. Pievious experience tells us that tho attempt to substitute non-union for union men would lead to acts of vio lence uud compel the galling out of tho militia, and that would, lesult in tlio de feat of the stiikers. Fjor In any conlllct that may arise, no matter what Its remote cause may lie, public sympathy will bo with those who am trying to maintain law and order. Tho stiiUIng miners, If they should icsort to violence, would de prive themselves of that must potent Mip poit popular sympathy. Disregarding any leellng that ono may have for or against tho striking miners or tho oper.itms, the Issuance of this or der Is u mistake. It purports to bo "In accordance with tlie well established prin ciples of tliu I'nited Mlno Woi Iters of America to protect and pre.sorve tho piop ertles of the coal opei.ilors," but In this is dihlngeiilou.s, for it provides for protect ing the properties only upon condition that tho operators lecogulzo tho union by giantlug the demand of tho Hhamoklii convention that engineers, firemen and pumpmen shall bo required to work only eight hours a day and receive the same pay therefor as they now get for twelve hours. In other words, the operators, to save their mines from damage or destruc tion by flooding, mu.st grant this demand made by tho union? not by their Individ ual employes,' which Is tho chief point of tho mincis' strike), or elso they must teek non-union help to take the place of those whu abandon the engines and pumps. They will, of 'course, endeavor to save their property, nnd equally, of course, they will claim tho light to havo it in their own way, with any help they ran procuie. Intnrferenco with non-union men by tho stiikers or their sympathizes will lead to riots, the sheriff will be called upon to pieservn the peace and, if ho should be nimble to do so, the military will have to bn called out. That its tho In evitable history or all such stiikes, and the action of Mr. Mitchell and the uxpcii- tlve committees consulting with him promises to bring about the cllmnx within ten days, Tlie committees of the stiikers piesumably acted on the assumption tli.U the opeiatois would yield at once to their demuntlB, but It they should not yield, then tlie mincis would suffer as mileri as tho opeiatois by any nominal success they might guln. If they should succeed In closing down tho pumps, they would depilvo themselves of wink for months to como, T)ioy could not resuma worn at will, but would havo to nwalt tho slow piocess of pumping out tho mines and prepailng them for mining operations, Nothing could be moio fatuous than this older, and it ! wholly unllhe. tho general ly sagacious and conservative policy tilth eito pursued by Mr. Mitchell. History Repeating Itself, From tho Philadelphia Times. Fiom lepcated oxpeilonce It Is not hard to foresee tho piob.iblo cour&o of a strike In the coal luglous. Thu miner.) multo de mands for Ineieiiseil compensation which tho operators r'oi'uie. and tho men leave their employment. Tho mlnu owuors mo Will They Repel Sympathy. From the Rochester Democrat and Chron icle. It was noted In these columns yesterday that tho coul strike was singularly free from excitement, disorder and violence, and that the great public was in an atti tude of 'Indecision as lo tho merits of tho struggle. A few hours later came reports of attempts to inaugurate mob rule. Men at work were assaulted by stiikers with sticks and stones, for no other offense than that of exercising their undoubted light to accept employment mid earn money for the support of their families. If the stiikers dispute that right If, having decided to quit their jobs of min ing coal, they Inaugurate a policy of forcibly preventing others from mining It they will Injure! their standing with tho nubile. Kverv rilrht-mlnded citizen is a prlend of labor and wants labor to receive its just and adequate toward; but tho general public Is not disposed to look with favor upon any movement to destroy tho liberty of a man to work nnd earn a liv ing. It Is to ho hoped that the rioting at Pittston was an exceptional outbreak, and not u sample of the course which tho miners are to tnko as it body. Even If their demands are right, their cause must fail if public sympathy Is alienated, and there can bo no surer way of bringing about such alienation than that of which a regrettable symptom has already ap peared. The stiikers will do well to nip that sort of business in the hud. They cannot afford to antagonize and defy tho great, overwhelming, law-abiding sentiment of the country. Thinks the Strike Unwarranted. From Chnmbcrsburg Public Opinion. The woist enemy of an Individual or class is the person who encourages that individual or class in a wrong. Sucn u foo is nil the mote dangerous because ho hides his enmity under, the guise of friendship, and makes bis. victim bellovo that he Is animated solely by a desire for his good. Such foes are the agitators and papers that make a practice of stirring ill) class hatred by painting the troubles which beset the lot of the poor and In tho worst possible colors or by making toll ers believe that the evils that confront them are the result of their oppression by their employeis and encouraging them to acts of violence. There Is a right and a wrong side to every question, and some people uro too prone to seo only the one side. Jn all the labor questions there uro some who only nee uie mho 01 cue employers, unti outers who glvo to the cause of the ldboier their blind adherence. Theie Is nothing moi'4 dangerous to society than this tendency, whether applied on the side of the em ployer or the employe. The sttlko now in progress In tho an thracite region is u menace to tho tn diistiial piospeiity of the state, anil its etfeets will soon bo jolt in tho homes of dwellers in remoto corners. If this stiiko Is not justified nnyono who encourages It is an enemy of society at large but more puitieulaiiy Is ho an enemy of tho miners themselves who are engaged In It. Jinny stiikes have had Justice on their side, but this will not bear the light of un prejudiced reason. Against Public Sympathy. From tho Tunkhannock Xow Age. Tho coal stiiko was inaugurated, not against galling oppression, not because of unbearable gilevance, but mainly to show the power of the miners' union and com pel lecognltlon in action. If not in words. And this against the advice of tho union's most lesponsiblo leaden hip, against tho better judgment of a largo percentage of Its membership, and against public sym pathy, A credlblo authority states that thu loss to miners In wages for tho lirst six days' idleness was 31,130.5 Tills sum will soon havo to bo multiplied t,evernl times weekly oil nccount of tho loss to other imlustil-'s if the coal supply Is shut off so they cannot continue work. Tho al leged gilevanccs of tho miners Is a trif ling matter In compailsou to even their own losses. List of Scholarships. 2 Scholarship In Ryracino University, nt $1.12 rich , ,.,,i , sol 1 Srlintarelilp In ItucLncll t'nbcr.ltv 620 Scholarship In Tlio University of 'itocliMlcr.. .121 I rVliolnHilp In W.nhlnRton School for finis.. 1700 1 Sciiol.nshlp In WlllUiiwport Dlcldmon Semi- miry 750 1 Scholarship In Dicklnwn ColkulJto Prepara tory School , 7,7) 1 Scholnrhlp In Newton CnllOKlate Institute '20 1 Scholarship In Ki-)lono Academy .,,..,. uoo Jl Scholarship in Drown College Preparatory School ono 1 Scholnrslilii in the School of the I.iHi.iunnn;, Jim j rinoiariup in wiiKes-iiarre institute. Scholarship MCII00I) In (,'otiiit Cottago (Summer U70 230 Scholarship In Scranlon Conservatory of Single, ut M'-'.l earl Scholarships In HardenucrRlt bchool of Music nnil Alt Scholarship in Scranlon UuslncM College, at SflOt) cull Schol.irahlns In Intori-atlonil Correspondence pciiooi. nvrrnffp value ifof eacn -Sj 2 Scholarships In I.ack.ivnnna llusincss College, at $" each 170 2 Scholarships in Alfred Mooter's Vocal Studio 123 C023 COO 4C0 500 S3 1S40 Rules of the Contest. The special revvmls will he given lo tho person teeur lng the lorgeU number of points. Points will ho cirilllcil In contestant securing new tub Ecrlbfcrs to Tlio Scranlon Trlliunc 111 follows: Folnts, One month's stihifrlptlon 3 .W) 1 I'lnrc months' siilxcrliillon , 1.2.1 3 Me months.' snlncrlitlon 2.10 B One jear'. rtih'crlptlon 6.0D 12 The cmitnit.uit with the highest number of points will le given n choice from the list of special rrvvjrclii the con ti'lcinl wr'th tlie nn ond highest number of points; will bo given .1 choice of tho remaining rewards, nnd so on through ths list. The contestant who secure. the highest number of points during any calendar month of the contest will receive a special honor revverd, thl reward being entirely Independ ent of the ultimate disposition of the scholarships. Ilach contestant falling to secure ft rpeciol reward will be given in per rent, of nil money he or she turns In. All siitKcriptlon must he paid in advance. Only new mlmrlljors will be counted. Itenevval by peron whoe name me already on our sub sertptlnn list will not be credited. The Tribune will investl g.ito each MUVcrlptlon and it found Iricgular in any way reserve thp right to reject It. No tiaiisfpr em be made otter credit ha once been given. All subscription nnd tlie cash tn pay for them must h banded in at Tho Tribune office within the week In which thry are rcctiirit. so that papers can bo sent to tho sub ecrlber nt once. Sub-terlptloii nui't be written on blank, which can bs sceuicd nt The Tribune olllce, or will be sent by mall. EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE5. , A new feature Is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largestnum ber of points each months The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday, May 31, wiu. receive A HANDSOnE GOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years. Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later. Those wishing to enter the Contest should send In their names at once. All questions concerning tho plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. wmmnmmmmmanmmnmimKmm ALWAYS BUSY. 1 " I Spring and Summer Oxfords and Roots that con tent the mind nnd comfort the feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 ladies' "Melba" Oxfords, $2.50. L-eAis & Reilly, 114-116 Wyoming Avenue. parts of the world Tho United smtos content to suspend operations, but they 1 " ,,l l" :,"u' no. Unltea otules lm,Bt pU.SOr-ye their property In tlio mean supplies one-Jlfth of the' wheat enter- time. It la ugrecd, at tho first, that tho Canvassing tho Prospect. From tho Olyphnnt llocord. Tho I'nited Jllno AVoikers Is today the most powerful labor organization In this country. It controls tho destiny of about half u million tolleis and by Its strong liillueiico with other otgnnlzatlons, has tho sympathy of many tlrnys that num ber. Such a numerical strength Is not to bo lightly estecinetl by uny combination of capitalists. Yet tho coal compunles havo seen tit to practically chullengo a combat. That these corporations aio ful ly avvaro of tho gravity of tho struggle before them is not to bo doubted for a moment. Tho many conferences held by the heads of tho companies dining thu puht few weeks fully attest that thoy have ninilo preparation. for the Kiniuc'io. lu many lespects tho companies enter upon (be stiiiiiglu butter prepared thun ever before to Unlit for a long tlmo, The season Is fully us favorable to them as to tho nilneis. 'VA'hllfl tlio latter ran h y cheaper now than nt any other tlmo tt companies have less demand for coal. On tho other hand they havo largo supplies on nunu. wover has thero lieni such an output of coal In April as tlio tonnngo of tills year (.bows, More than l,::uo,ll tons In excess of Apt II, 1901, was put out last month. This ceitalnly would not havo been tho cofo If thu companies were simp ly meeting tho noimiil demands of tho trade. The only conclusion Is that they were putting in stock against a tlo up. Their imwillngne.s.s to listen to nny propo. t-ltlnns fiom Senator llunua's coinmtttea showed u deteimliiutlon to make a stand against tho workois. Tlio union has a treasury to draw upon, und each local has its own funds also to fall back upon when thu tlmo of need comes. But with the vast army of unemployed thoho rourcea of bupply would toon run out. Klnuiivl.il aid will probably bo forthcom ing also, fiom kindred organizations, nnd from other sources. Tlio lenders all un derstand thes-o conditions, and havo sur veyed tho Held of battlo, accordingly, It Is claimed that an effort will be mado to call out the soft coal mlneis if It is found necessary in order to win the tight. Such a course is admitted on nil sides to be of doubtful expediency. It would pro duce a condition which has never been known In tlio history of tlie world and thu icsult is doubtful. All kinds of indus try would suffer ut once, and many think that such a courso would produce tho worst financial panic, ever known In this country. If tlio union has power to fol low such a courso It would seem enough to secuio contributions from tho trades that would bo affected by such a general tie-up to support thu anthracite men In their stiugglo and allow tlio bnttlo lo bo fought out hero Instead of extending tho struggle to tho whole country, Such n course would mnko tho suffering much less, nnd that Is something that ought to havo weight. Uesldes lliero Is a possibility of tho poft coal miners not lespondlng to uu order for a sympathetic stillce, and such a refusal, would woik decided disadvan tages to tlio men already out. and might dlslntcgiato tlio union. Tho great ma jority of tho soft coul nilnois nie work ing under contiacts with their employers which are to run until April 1, lflu.1. The breaking of such contracts In order to go on n sympathetic stiiko would estab lish a dangerous precedent that would certainly bo used by omployers ns a rea son for refusing to enter Into 'them in tho future. If tho soft coal men, and other labor organizations will aid tho au tliraclto strikers financially It would bo fur better to have thorn do so than to havo them violate their agreements. Tho honor of tho United Mlno Workers is pledged to thoso agreements, and that honor should bo. held sacred. AVhllo call ing tho soft coal men out might (it Is only a possibility at most), win tho present stiiko it would ultimately bo a serious mistake. No contracts could bo mado in tho futuro. mm. THE EXPERIENCES OF PA A Series ol delightful Sketches Just Is sued by tho Lackawanna Railroad. These sketches are contained in a handsomely Illustrated book called " Mountain and Lake Resorts," which describes some ol the most tttractlve summer places In the ESS!. mm. ''ar I Send 6 Cents In postage stamps to T. W. LEE, Genoral Passenger Agent, New York City, and a copy will bo mailed jou. EDUCATIONAU. The Matchless Splendors or the Canadian Rockies BANFF the LAKES in the CLOUDS. YOHO VALLEY, the GREAT GLA CIER a region described by Wiiytn por, tho couquerer of tlie llatterhorn. as fifty or sixty Sivltzeiiands rolled Into one reached only by the Canadian Pacific Railway Dally transcontinental train service throughout tho year from Tot onto and Montreal. IMPERIAL LIMITED, crossing the continent In U7 hours,' leaves Toronto nnd Montreal (com mencing June 15th next, every Pundny, Wednesday and Friday. Sleeping and dining cars attached to all tluougli trains. First-class hotels in the mountains, Swiss guides at the principal points. For rates, etc., apply to nearest agent of the C. I'. It., or to E. V. Skinner, DM Broadway, Now York. ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal. Do You Want a Good Education ? Not a thort course, nor an easy 'course, nor a cheap course, but the best education to be had. No other education Is worth spending time and money on. II you do, write for a catalogue; of Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which olTera thorough prepiration in ths Knglnccrlng; and Chemical Professions as well as the regular College courses. EliKIN WILL WIN, From tho Towanda Ileporter-Journnl. At present tho tldo Is running strongly toward Mr, Klkln and If tho expectatloa of his friends wio have canvassed tho state carefully Is roallzed, ho will bo nominated. If nominated, ho will sweep tho Htnto with an overwhelming niujuiity. As Viewed at Harvisburg, From tho Hnrrlsburg Cot res,pondencu of tho Philadulphlu Ledger. Whatever may bo said to tho contrary, John P. Klkln behoves ho has inoro than even chanco to bo nominated for governor or Pennsylvania, and thero uro those lu tho Quuy camp who aro beginning to tliliiK tlio samo way, It Is felt lieui that thero must bo somo ginger Injected into tlio nnti-Klkiu campaign very soon, and many think that Insurance Commissioner Dm hum is beginning to weaken lu his op position to tlio attorney general. While a few profess to bellovo that Judge Pen. nypaeaer is tiueiy to bo blilclracKeti, tlioso who aio In tlio confidence of Sena tor Quay say that, while ho may havo been mentioned oilglually meicly lo lest publlo sentiment, ho In now the real choice of Quay. If (bis bo true, tho demoasti.l Hon against Senator Penroj.o will be moro pronounced as tho tlmo diaws near. With Quay nutl Elkin both on tho floor of tho convention, it will bo a gathcilng worthattending. Ijlkiu has been tho ill lector general of tho Quay campaigns tor sovcial years, and is resourceful at all times. lo has' demonstrated sui'prUliig finalities ns n fighter, and oven Quay hua been HurpHscd. HLLCLLBBMiHHHMiBi9K!ui9LLV! fcrjl' cMILLIMGCo.' WJjfl Hv. y npciESTEn.NV. ' 'i'CJ Announcement During the summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles E. rish. 1 he courses of instruction are lor the benefit of five classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received, conditions at the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. - S. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college . 5. Students in college who have ndmission conditions which must be removed before the beginning of tha next Scholastic Year. . For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of tho Lackawanna. Scranton, Pa.' Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffle's SCHOOL SOU OIBLS SStli jear. i'vvciity.flui jeara'tiiiJer tho manage. incut of Jllsa HOWAItl). C'ollese prepjut y and academic courses, ltesldent pupils limited Ir, 20. to glrN nun-resident, lleautllul uround.. Tennli court. Instruction in accordance with lilghret iniulrcnients of let college. Tor par. tlculara nnd'c.italnKtie aildreirf Jsm jiJcDufltc, lii. .. Springfield, Man. S, J. Fniirman '& Bro UUm Fjfll cKiiiwr s Manufactmcrs of 5toreand Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller for Awnings a Specialty STATU NORMAL, SCHOOL, Kajt Stroudsburg, l'j. The examinations tor adiuWon to tho Middle Year nml Siiilor Year classes will bo held June Hi. High kchoot siadujti'i will ho pcimitted to taka both examination and enter the eenlor 'U vUicio their vvoik h.u lovtrnl the junior und mid dle jean couino of the normal. TI1U1 year will ho tho la-t uppoitunitv given to clu. u, us tlw tlmo ,oju' lotutu It til lull forco'and all will como under the tatc leiulatloru ol evainlnatloiu. l'or full paiticulir address at once, lor iuii v (, v )()Ir A M- ft,nclp;lIi S0BANT0H CORRESPONDENCE SOHOOl. SCRANTON, PA. ' t T. J. Totter, Fd'ildeot. Winer II. Lttrtlt, Trcu, B. J, Foster, Stanlejr P. Allen, Vice Prciident. 8ccrttr, Linotype Composition Book or News Pinna nulcklv nnd reainnahlv 328 Lackawanna AYQ., Scranton, Pa. at The Tribune office. :'. 1 & i 1 ( t.,AT - . 'V . 4.-ti, . SJ. J , ' t- Utgfr 'fcSfrx