The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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the Tribune Offers Two Such
Courses as Its Lead
ing Scholarships.
The University Has a Campuo of
Eighty-four Acres Beautifully
Situated Its Grounds and Many
Imposing Buildings A Host Ablo
Faculty and Complete Equip
ment Ample Provision for Ath
letic Sports Board and Other Ex
penses What The Tribune's
Scholarships Include What They
Did Yesterday Kellerman Holds
First Place by Only Four Points.
Thompson Wins Back Fourth by a
Good Day's Work Lcroy Stanton
i Keep on a-Glimbing.
FOK the past two years, or since
The Tribune Inaugutntod the Idea
of Educational Contests In the
history of American newspapers, ft
has been Its custom to give from time
to 'time a brief history of each of the
educational Institutions in which Its
scholarships have been offered. These
articles have been written with the
Idea of bringing to the attention of
Its contestants the character, history
and educational systems of each of the
universities, colleges, preparatory
schools, conservatories and other edu
cational institutions in which It Is pro
posed to Introduce scholars through its
Educational Contests.
This year there Is a very large
number of institutions of learning on
the list of The Tribune's Educational
Contest. In some of them a number
of scholarships have been arranged for,
In' others but one. From time to time
each. of them will be depicted at some
length in our columns, and their spe
cial chaiactqristlcs. described for the
benefit of tlio contestants who expect
to have a selection of the special re
wards at the end of the contest. These
articles may help them to form an idea
as to what Institutions they may de
sire to go, or for which they may be
fitted to enter within as short a time
as possible.
Its History in Brief.
Syracuse University, founded In 1870,
Is, In its academic department, a con
tinuation of Genesee College, which
flourished at Lima. N. Y., fiom 1849
to 1871; and In Its medical department,
of the Geneva Medical College (1S33
1S72), which was in part successor to
the Fairfield Medical College (1812
1839.) The faculty of the College of Liberal
Arts was Inaugurated Aug. ,11, 1871, and
the college opened in the Myers block
Sept. 1, with 41 students In attendance.
The College of Medicine opened the
following year, and in 1873 the College
of Fine Arts was organized. The latter
was an experiment in American educa
tion. Its decided success has justified
the wisdom of the departure. The
College of Law opened In 1893 and the
College of Applied Science was author
ized by the trustees on Jan. 22, 1901.
The University.
The university Is situated on the
heights in the southeastern part of the
city of Syracuse, overlooking Onon
daga Lake and Valley. It has never
had an epidemic or fatal accident. The
location fpr healthfulnoss and beauty
of scenery Is unsurpassed.
The College of Liberal Arts Is espe
cially strong, having in its faculty rep
resentatives of forty different colleges
and universities of this country and
Europe. The courses have all been
reorganized and expanded to meet the
demands of the most progressive edu
cational thought of the day. The
elective privileges are liberal, but are
f such a character as to guide the
Btudent into consistent and logical
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I'ouisca of study and to secure th6 best
possible results.
Attention Is culled to the fact that
while the university presents excep
tionally stiong' courses In tho Liberal
Arts, it offers peculiar advantages to
students In these courses by the prox
imity of Its professional schools. Un
dergraduate mlndH arc constantly aid
ed in the choice of their life work and
, .
receive valuable hints after their
choice Ik made, by contact therewith,
besides having the advantage of that
Inspiration which conies from associa
tion with graduate nnd professional
workers In these schools.
Grounds and Buildings.
The University campus contains
eighty-four acres and Is beautifully
situated upon the heights, command
ing an extensive view of the surrpund
lng country.
The Hall of Languages, occupied by
some departments of the College of
Liberal Arts, is a tlresrcd limestone
building, ISO by 9G feet, four stories in
The Charles Demurest Ilolden Ob
servatory Is built of rock-fated gray
limestone. It is equipped with an
eight-Inch Alvan Clark telescope, a
three-Inch levcrsiblo transit, chrono
graph, clock, chronometer, mlciomoter,
spcctioscope, etc. It Is also provided
with apparatus for meteorological ob
servations. The Library Building, constructed of
limestone and Trenton brick, with
tcrra-cotta trimmings, has shelving In
the stack room for 13."),000, volumes.
The John Crouse Memorial College
edifice, built and furnished by the late ,
Jonn urouse, and nis son, v. ungar
Crouse, Is of Long Meadow red sand
stone with granite foundations. - It Is
four stories high, 102 by 190 feet In
extreme dimensions, und Is one of the
most Imposing of college structures.
The College of Fine Arts Is in this
The College of Medicine occupies a
new and elegant building constructed
for its use on Orange street. It is built
of brick, trimmed with Onondaga
limestone, 60 by 100 feet on the ground,
and is four stories high above tho
The Gymnasium nnd Christian Asso
ciation building Is constructed of brick
with limestone ti (minings. It is 101 by
70 feet and contains all tho appoint
ments for a first-class gymnasium;
also, pallors, ofilee and assembly room
for the Christian Association work of
the university. Tho Young Men's
Christian Association nnd the Young
Women's Chiistlan Association are
both 'very flourishing and effective or
ganizations, holding their frequent
meetings in this building.
The Esther Baker Steele Hall of
Physics was erected In 1S9S of Onon
daga rock-faced limestone, with red
tile roof and Is 130 feet long by 70
wide at tho greater diameter. The
building Is three btorles -above an am
ple basement and contains dynamo
room, machine and woodworking
shops, laboratories, lecture rooms and
apparatus rooms. It Is equipped with
the latest and most approved appara
tus. Wlnchell Hall, named for the first
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Chntichellor, the famous Prof, Alexan
der Wlnchell, was erected in 1900 and
is an Imposing four-story dormitory
building, of red brick and Indiana
limestone, It contains thirty rooms
which can bo used singly or In suites
with bath.
The Lyman Cornelius Smith College
of Applied Science The main building
is of Ohio sandstone and Onondaga
limestone, It In of unusual strength
of construction. Tho ample and per
fectly lighted basement provides for
the various laboratories and their
equipment, Thorc nto several largo
lecture and .smaller recitation rooms,
drafting rooms and departmental li
braries. Shops arc furnished for metal
and woodwork. j
Tho Athletic Field Through the
generosity of one of the trustees a
flrst-cluss athletic field with a quarter-
' ' ' A , . ' ' A v 'XJ
mile cinder track and a grandstand has
been recently constructed. The athletic
exercises in the gymnasium and in the
field nro under the direction of the very
competent and efficient professor of
athletics and dliector of tho gym
nasium. ,
The Libraries.
The General Library contains about
47,000 volumes and 13,000 phamphletE
and is open to students dally except
Sundays. A reading loom, abundantly
supplied with current literature, Is
connected with It. In April, 1SS7, the
great historical library of Leopold von
Ttanke was purchased by Mrs. Dr.
John M. Held and presented to Syra
cuse University. The College of Medi
cine has a valuable professional lib
rary -accessible to medical student1--.
The College of Law has the William C.
Ituger Law Library, tho gift of Hon.
Lewis Maishall of New York; and it
lias also the free use of the magnifi
cent Court of Appeals Library, lo
cated on Clinton stieot.
The university museums contain ma
terial for illustrating the subjects of
geology, zoology, botany, chemistry
and archaeology.
College of Liberal Arts.
Thtce general courses of study are
offered In the College of Liberal Arts,
viz.: the Classical Course, the Phllo-
sophlcal Course and the Course In
Science, leading respectively to tho de
grees of Uachelor of Arts, Bachelor of
Philosophy and Hnchelor of Science.
A student may elect from 201 courses
In tho College of Liberal Arts, besides
having the great advantage of contact
with the professional schools. The
proximity of the Colleges of Medicine,
of Law, of Kino Arts and of Applied
Science, aids In choosing a life calling
and contributes materially to tho de
velopment of the undergraduate mind
by contact with a large number of
professional nnd technical students.
Tho college student Is peculiarly fa
vored In ways that cannot be described
In this space by association with these
professional schools.
It has been thu policy of the univer
sity from tho first to give to the classi
cal languages that prominence In tho
curricula that tho beat scholarship
recognises ub Indispensable to a llbernl
education. In addition to the work
prescribed for the degrees of A, 13, and
Ph.D. elective courses are specified for
tho remainder of the undergraduate
period, covering a wide range of utility
and Investigation. Lectures are given
on history and on antiquities, illustrat
ing public and private lllo, Institutions,
laws, monuments, etc.
College of Applied Science.
Four-year courses uro offered In
Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Ingl-
noorlng leading to the degrees of Civil
Engineer, Electrical Engineer and
Mechanical Engineer.
Civil Engineering.
Tho subjects treated of In this de
partment may bs grouped broadly un
der three heads: Geodetic engineering,
structural engineering, nnd hydraulic
and sanitary engineering. The neces
sary foundation for a successful In
vestigation of nil these branches Is a
comprehensive study of technical
mathematics. This Is pursued In the
first halt of the four years' work nnd
includes courses in trigonometry, an
alytical geometry and differential and
Integral calculus, each subject being
treated strictly fiom a technical stand
point. Equally necessary for the pur
poses of the engineer la an acquain
tance with the theory and practice of
draughting. Consequently, work In
this line Is carried on parallel with
that In mathematics. Courses are giv
en In mechanical, perspective and free
hand drawing, together with mapping
and letteilng. Thoso are followed by
work In descriptive geometry, shades,
and shadows, stereotomy, machine
drawing, topographical drawing, struc
tural plans antl higher mapping and
plotting. Courses In pure science,
upon the principles of which depend
most engineering operations, are given
uh follows: Two yearn in physics or In
chemistry, with one year In' tho cUpr
nato subject, one year, each In metal
lutgy, mineralogy and geologj, and
one-half year in botany, the work be
ing given by lectures and recitations,
supplemented by a great deal of labor
atory piactlce. A courso in Hhopwork
extending through one year insures
the familiarity with tools necessary
for tho piactlcal engineer. Tim spe
cial woik In steam engines covers ono
Under tho head of geodotlc engineer
ing Is heated tho wholo theury and
practice of surveying, beginning with
tho elementary principles, Including
tho use and adjustment of field and
ofilco Instruments; the various methods
of land, topogniphlcul, hydrngtaphlc,
mine, road, railroad, and city survey
ing; tho computation of earthwork, tho
economic theory of railroad location,
baromotrlo and spirit levelling, and
ending with the higher ustronomlcal
and geodetic, operations, Tho field
wink comprises extensive- practice In
nil of these lines,
Structural Engineering embraces the
study and practical application of the
principles of mechanics upon which
aro based the design of bridges, build
ings, walls, arches, dam3 und other
Hydiaullo and sanitary engineering
Includes the discussion of systems of
Irrigation, drnlnago and water supply;
the prpsuro of water ngalust dams,
tho iTirIku of reservoirs; tho flow
through pipes, conduits and canals,
and the measurement of flow by weirs;
the calculation of hdraullu power; thu
uieory ui morauliu nioiuis; tho design
of sowers und of sower systems, und
the dlbpusul of sewage The apparatus
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Is such ns to permit the making of the
ncccssaty experiments and surveys,
Tho observatury Is especially well
equipped with astronomical appliances'.
Among these may be mentioned sex
tants, transit Instruments, chrono
graph, chronometer, etc.
The' degree of Civil Engineer Is giv
en on the completion of the pre
scribed woik.
Electrical Engineering.
The course In Electrical Engineering
alms to give tho student n knowledge
of tho mechanical and electrical prin
ciples Involved In tho cnostructlon of
electrical machinery, to render him
competent to Iny out a system for dis
tributing electrical energy under speci
fied conditions and to present, in gen
eral, the economical principles govern
ing tho Installation and operation of
elettrlc plants. Work In dynamo design
Is carried on extensively. Electrical
engineering Is to a large extent me
chunlcal engineering, and accordingly
the two cdurses have many subjects
in common. The following electrical
courses are given: Direct current ma
chinery, alternating current machin
ery, dynamo design, electrical Installa
tion, principles of electric lighting nnd
calculation of network, telegraphy and
telephony, construction and manage
ment of electric railroads, mechanical
and electrical laboratory and Industrial
Kechr.nical Engineering.
The course In mechanical engineer
ing alms to give the student a practical
and theoretical knowledge of those
principles which govern tho design and
construction of machines. After se
curing a thorough foundation In math
ematics, physics and drafting, tho
student cnteis upon those subjects
which are distinctive of his profession.
Beginning with a general study of the
simpler modes of doing work, he ad
vances gradually to the Investigation
and design of the steam engine and
other intricate machines.
Great importance Is attached to free
hand drawing, with the expectation
that before completing his course the
student shall bo able to draw rapidly
and accurately any given piece of ma
chinery. Shopwork begins with the
sophomore year and Is carried on to tho
end of tho couise. The first year's
work consists of carpentry, wood
turning and pattern-making. This Is
followed by instruction in forging,
chipping, filing and scraping, and then
by lathe, planing and milling machine
Tho work In tho cnglneting labora
tory Includes the testing of steam en
gines, boilers, pumps, tho woik In tho
hydraulic luborutory and practice with
tho testing machines for tensile
A regular system of required gym
nasium exercises Is arranged upon
sclcntlllo principles for thu freshman
and Hophnmuro classes. Ample pro
vision has been mado for college nth
letlu sports. By tho generosity of Mr,
John D. Archbold tho university has a
superb athletic field with olghteen-foot
quurter-mllo cinder huck with bevelled
turns for the bicycle, nnd a largo
grand stand and ample tennis courts.
The university is supplied' with ball
cage bathrooms, showers und needlo
baths with it and cold water, lockers,
and tho usual equipments of u flrst
class gymnasium. All guinea and
snorts uru under tho control of a com-
1...tt4n.i l,lnh l'AlirPPlltR tllO fflPllltV.
alumni and student body. The wishes
Ildtvvw ......... .vl..v...- ...- -",,,
of parents und guardians are strictly
rcgurdca in tnese mailers, una biu-
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dents are examined by competent phy
sicians before being assigned to gym
nasium work or permitted to engage
In exciting games. College athletics
arc encouraged. History and expe
rience Justify this. Those who con
demn them have never seen them, ns
a rule, and know about them only from
exaggerated and sensational newspa
per reports. Athletics at Syracuse are
wholesome and meet with encourage
ment. Expenses.
Living expenses are very moderate.
Students obtain board In clubs at 2.25
and upward per week Many of them
belong to the college fraternities nnd
board at very reasonable rates at the
chapter houses.- Students who need to
Increase their Income while In college
can frequently find employment of va
rious 'kinds In tho city. It Is seldom
thnt deserving nnd capable students
cannot find tho means of earning mon
ey in occupations not inconsistent with
their college duties. A young man who
wishes to provide an Income for him
self sufficient to pay his expenses while
studying at Syracuse University should
apply to the secretary of the University
Y. M. C. A., for information about em
ployment or about the location of low
pi Iced board and rooms with a re
spcctuble family. Tho University does
not provide board or rooms for Its
students. They select their homes In
families with the advice of the fac
ulty and become amenable, like other
citizens, to tho laws and ordinances of
tho city. Last year, however, Wln
chell Hall, an elegantly finished and
furnished dormitory, facing the cam
pus, was erected and is now occupied.
The Tribune's Scholarships.
The Tribune, through Its Education
al Contest, offers to two young men
scholarships In Syracuse University.
Each of these scholarships is valued
at $432 and will be awarded In accord
ance with the rules of The Tribune's
Educational Contest. In each case
the student will be entitled to select
any four-year course In the Liberal
Arts College, or, if he prefers, can take
an Engineering Course. If a course
In the Liberal Arts college is selected,
his tuition ($7! per year) and incidental
expenses ($33 per year) will be paid for
four years, amounting to $432. The
Engineering courses aie more expen
sive, the tuition alone costing $100 per
year, and if one of these courses Is
preferred Tho Tribune will pay the
tuition for four years and Incidental
charges for one year, amounting to
$133. making the value of the two
scholui ships offered practically equal.
Energy aud Persistency Sure to
Win The Danger of Waiting Too
Long Yesterday's Results.
The first five contestants all returned
points yesterday In The Tribune's Ed
ucational Contest. Herbert Thompson
advanced from fifth place to fourth, for
the third time this week. L. E. Stan
ton also Improved his position in the
fleldv going from fourteenth to thir
teenth place. A. J. Kellerman now
holds first place by only four points,
Chailes Burns of Vandllng having suc
ceeded in almost closing the gap be
tween them.
Seven contestants in all reported
points yesterday, having a total of 58
points, of which Herbert Thompson
had the most, 17 and Charles Burns
second, with 1G.
i i
ma. v . -""V.;, 7. . ; ".&.
Standing: of Contestants
Points. .
1. A. J, Kellerman, Scratnton. 138
2. Charles BurnB, Vandllng. 137
3. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton m. ... tOQ
4. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondolo ....,..., 08
8. Maxwell. Shepherd, Car-. ,
bondalo . . . .M?87
0. Albert Ereedman, Belle-
vue 64
7. Harry Madden, Scrnnton. 68
8. Wm. Sherwood, Harford,'. 64
0. Homer Kresge, Hyde CPaflt 38
10. Grant M. Decker, Hair-
stead ,.,,.. 37.
11. A. 3. Havenstrite, Mos
cow ,. . . 31
12. William Cooper, Prlceburg 28
13. L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . 27
14. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 28
15. Louis McCusker, Park
Place , 20
16. Lee Culver, Sprlngvllle. ., 117
17. Misa Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson, ........... 36
18. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton , 15
19. C. T. Clark, Peckville . . . 114
20. John Dempsey, Olyphant. 13
21. John Mackie, Providence. 113
22. Hugh Johnson, Forest
City ,11
23. M i s a Edna Coleman,
Scranton ...'.., 8
24. Chas. W. ,Dorsey, Scr&ntonl 7
25. Chas. O'Boyle, Scranton. M 5
26. Miss Nellie Avery, Porest)
City 4
27. Emanuel Biiccl, Scranton 4
28. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3
29. B. 3. Dorsey, Scranton. . . 1
30. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran
ton ................. 1
31 ., O
32 O
33 O
One noticeable feature of tho contest
thus far Is the fact that only a com
paratively few of the contestants are
really working as if they meant to do
business. Of the thirty contestants who
have reported points thus far In the
contest, fifteen of them have apparent
ly relinquished all idea of attempting
to get higher in the list than they are
at present. For thlsi lassitude they
may later be sorry for there are new
entries almost every day, and some of
them will get to work before very long
and thoso who are now down near the
bottom will have the mortification of
finding themselves too far below tho
limit of scholarships to obtain one.
It Is only fair to say to those who
have started and then stood still that
the Infusion of new blood like this into
the contest will make their small scores
look ridiculous.
One young man haunted The Tribune
ofilco several days before , the contest
began In .apparent fear that ho would
not get hl's outfit in time to begin work
on the. first day. Tho outfits were sent
out In order to reach the contestants
on the Saturday evening before the
opening day. By a coincidence thl3
young man's outfit failed to reach him,
and he camo to Tho Tribune office in
great perturbation on Monday after
noon to inquire why. He was given one
then, and departed apparently anxious
to make up for lost time. He has not
been seen since nor has he given the
slightest indication of his great desire
to win a scholarship. His Is not an Iso
lated case, however. Others who have
repeatedly written to ask questions
pertaining to the- contest, after having
their names and addresses recorded,
have subsided mysteriously.
The young mon, however, who really
mean to make a success of this under
taking and have consistently kept at
work are now showing splendid results.
Day after day, almost without fall,
they contribute a few points to their
score. They seem to hnve grasped the
idea that every little helps and that It
does not pay to relax a single effort If
they mean to attain their desires.
In the previous two contests a largo
part of tho winners did not enter until
the contest was well started. In tho
first ono ono of tho contestants did not
enter until within two weeks of the
close and then finished In fourth place.
Another started fifteen days before tho
closo and wound up In seventh posi
tion. If a contestant should begin today
with one yearly subscriber, counting
12 points, he would bo 1n twenty-second
place with two yearly subscribers,
counting 24 points, he would go to four
teenth; with thre.i yearly subscribers,
to eleventh; with four, 48 points, eight
place; ' five yearly subscribers, 60
points, seventh, It will thus bo seen
that there Is nothing in tho contest,
so far as It has progressed, to discour
age others from coming in,
1 -