i hi iii ' i ' rmm 1 1 h'hmi in n miiii H i i M i ii mi i hi i i in i mm : -i . -.k i-.r'"r i vr . r. y- T'. u; :w ; ,,s whWwffi: w?W'7; ; ' '' n. "; r.- l'v ',!-.3.i I -f' " r l 1 i , . i . t '? V, i Iv.f ' l' . mbute fed ttfflwx a THL-ONLY scranton paper receiving the complete news service of the associated press, the grea test news agency in the world. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1902. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. rwcmwr !i!MfWtl HtoNk SCIENTISTS A Theu Think That Martinique Mail Expect New and More Violent Eruptions. MONT PELEE IS AN EXPLOSIVE VOLCANO It Is the Unanimous Opinion of the Visitors Now at Martinique That a New Period of Best Is Now on, but the Next Outburst Will Be Far More Disastrous Than the Former Eruptions Inhabitants Leave the Island as Bapidly'as Possible. By Exclusive Wire from Tfie Associated Tress. Fort do France, Island of Martinique, Muy "2 (Thursday). A torrential downpour of rain this morning washed off the ashes from the vegetation on the mountain. The United States steamer Potomac made her usual trip to St. Pierre to day with another party of scientists. She found the conditions there un changed from yesterday. The top of the mountain was clearly visible for a considerable time. Captain McLean, of dio TTnltnrt Rr.-itpR cruiser Cincinnati. 1 y who has carefully observed Mount Pe- lce, agrees with other experts in re porting that a new crater has been formed below the old one. In the new crater there Is a great cinder cone, more than a hundred feet high, from which steam and volcanic matter is constantly pouring. It is now the unanimous opinion of the scientists that this is an explosive volcano, no real lava or moya rock ma terial having been emitted, only mud, steam, gases and fragments of the old crater beds. The scientists compare the mountain's outthrow to the steam of a boiler in which the pressure rises to bursting point, and they think it possible that a more violent outbreak may occur. The scientists remark that the explosions have occurred at pro gressively longer intervals, and that they have also'been progressively more violent. Thus there had been three light eruptions of ashes. On May 5 there was an overflow of mud which caused the destruction of the Uslne Guerln,on May 8 there was the out burst which destroyed St. Pierre, and on May 20, or after an interval of twelve days, 'the last tremendous out burst occurred. A new period of rest is now on, and one of two things may happen. The pressure may be confined for a still longer period, and then ex plode with still greater violence, spreading destruction over a vast area or the mountain may remain quiescent for another half century. Scientists at St. Vincent. AtXs o'clock this afternoon the Poto mac left here for St. Lucia and St. Vin cent. The United States steamer Dixie, having landed 600 tons of supplies, sailed at'0 o'clock for St. Vincent. The "United States cruiser Cincinnati has also sailed,md there are no American warships here now. They all probably will return toFort-de-France in two or three days, pearly all the scientists and newspaper correspondents have gone to St. Vincent. Many of the shops have been forced to' close by the flight of the employes. In addition trade has practically been killed by the free distribution of sud plies of all kinds, foods, clothing and medical stores. The patients In the hospitals are Im proving. Very high praise Is due to the doctors, their assistants, the nurses and all employes, both civil and military, of the hospitals, for the prompt and skil ful attention given to all the sufferers, and this care has been and is unremit ting. The latest reports show that the ex plosion of May 20 did not result In any casualties. As this dispatch is closed Mont Pelee Is slowly emitting heavy clouds of smoking steam, but otherwise the vol cano is quiet. Notwithstanding the favorable change In the sltuutlon today many families left by the French steamships Ver sailles and Ville de Tangier, for Trini dad and Cayenne, in French Guiana. They, with the 1,200 persons who have gone to the Island of Guadeloupe and many others who have sought refuge at St. Lucia and other islands, have, less ened the population considerably. In addition to those who left the isl and 2,000 persons departed from this vicinity for the southern portion of Martinique, where 3,000 lefugees have assembled, POLITICS IN KANSAS. Democrats and Populists May Unite on a Ticket. By Inclusive Wire fiom '1'lic Asiuclatcd Tress, Wichita, Kan., May 23. Tlio Democratic tuto convention lias adjourned after nom inating six of tho fourteen places to bo 'illled ut tho November olectlon. W, P. Cinddock. mayor of Kansas City, was punted for governor. A commlttco of this convention will meet with tho Populists at Topoka Juno 21 with power to ratify tho balauco of tho ticket expected to be Illled out at that time. Haytl Quiet Again. By Kicluslio Wire from The Associated Press. Port au. Prince, Haytl. May Kl.-Tho Haytlan warship Crete A. Plerot arrived here today and landed Autonor Flrmin, the foimor IJuytlan minister at Purls, who was recently at tho head of tlto army of the north, which advanced until within two days' march of Port au Prince, lo was uccoidcd a very sympathctlu icccp tion. All danger of civil war uppcara lo buvo disappeared. FEAR NEW PERIL EABTHQVAKE IN GUATEMALA. Business Entirely Suspended The Coffee Crop Destroyed. By Excluslie Wire from The Associated Press. Hamburg. May 23. A special dispatch to tho Hamburger Boersenhallo from Guatemala says that the town of Quez altenango has been wholly destroyed by nn earthquake, which lasted three-quarters of a minute. Business is entirely suspended in Guat emala, and a great part of tho coffco crop thcro hns been destroyed. It was reported from Guatemala City, Guatemala, April 20, that earthquake Hhocks, which wcro general throughout that country April 18, 10 and 20, partly obliterated tho town of Quezaltenango and badly damaged Amatltlanfl Solola, Nahuala, Santa Clucia and San Juan. Two hundred persons wcro reported killed, mostly women and many pooplo wero Inujrcd. Quezaltenango has a population of about 2.",O0O people, Is handsomely built, and well paved and has a richly decorated cathedral, several other churches and a fine city hall. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY Moderator Rebukes Some of the Commissioners for Lack of Interest. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Now York, May 23. At today's ses sion of the Presbyterian general as sembly, during the consideration of the report of the special committee on Sabbath observance, R. M. Garothers, of Grand Rapids, N. D., moved to strike out a part of the report in which card parties on Sunday are condemned. It would convey the Idea that the gen eral assembly of this church approved of card parties on other days of the week," said Mr. Carothers. The amend ment was accepted. After the adoption of the Sabbath observance report, the moderator ad ministered a rebuke to some commis sioners, who, he said, were members of a judicial committee and yet could not be found when called. "You are here to get through with the work of the assembly,"1 he said. "That is what the church sent you here for, brethren, and-not merely to have a good time." The report of the standing commit tee on church erection was next called up. The report which was presented by the chairman, the Rev. Dr. Arthur C. McMillan, of this city, opens by say ing that 35 per cent of ull churches established sooner or later cease to exist, but that this is no reason to cease to aid in building new ones. The report commends the work of the board of church erection during tho year. The board commenced the year with $103,375 and spent $205,269. The board begins the coming year with an empty treasury, and only contributions received after the annual report had been completed enabled to report no debt. Two hundred and flfty-nlne churches were aided during the year to erect new structures. The report with its recommendations was adopted. The Rev. Dr. Hubbell, of the New York Sabbath committee was, then in troduced and briefly described the work of that organization. Dr. Hubbell sold the police department had helped them very much in their work. "Even Devery used to help us," he said. Judge Robert N. Wilson read the re port of the special committee on va cancies and supplies. The committee on bills and overtures reported adversely on the report of a committee, asking that a protest be sent to congress against tho printing at public expense of Thomas Jefferson's "Life of Christ." In spite of the ac tion taken by the committee on bills and overtures, the nssembly, by a vote of 205 to 139, decided that tho protest should be sent. The Rev. George Du gan, of Troy, N, Y presented the re port of the standing committee on be nevolence, which reviews the contribu tions Elven to tho various branches of tho benevolent work of the Presbyter Ian church In the United States. It generally finds fault with the small contributions, The report was adopted. Tho j f port of tho committee on church policy was next presented, It states that a communication from the committee of tho general association of tho Protestant Episcopal church had been received, making a request for the appointment of a committee of confer once on marriage and dlvorco and that overtures on tho samo subject had been received from the Presbyterians of Bal timore and Washington, in accord ance with' the request, a conference committee of nine was ordered to bo appointed. Rev. Dr, Marcus A, Brown son, chairman of tho special committee on the twentieth century fund, then piesentcd his report, Uev, Dr, William H, Roberts, stated clerk of tho general assembly and treasurer of tho Twentieth Century fund, reported a grand total of receipts during the last two years for tho fund, amounting to $7,652,801.81, In addition to this, Dr, Roberts said that about one thousand churches had paid oft their mortgages and freed themselves from debt, This wus greeted with great applause and a vote of thanks given the committee, Alfred Hamilton Hanged, By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Whatcom. Wash., May 23. Alfred Ham ilton, alias Fred HuwKIn, was hanged to day for tho minder of D. H. Woodbury at Anacortes, September 7, ISM. His nock was biokcn by the fall, ilo cuucd the slim Iff when lie ivud tho death warrant to hint and rushed up tho scaffold sUtrs two steps at u time. FBESIDENT BEVOXES OBDEB. War Department Without a Hoad in Absence of Secretary. By Exclusive Wire from The Asocinlccl I'rcw. Washington, May 23. The president hns revoked the old executive order of August 29, 1901, by which the lieutenant general commanding the army (Oenernl Miles) and the adjutant genernl (Gon ernl Corbln) In turn arc to assume the duties of secretary of war In tho nb sencc of the secretary and the assist ant secretnry. The president's order of revocation, which Is dated yesterdny, leaves the de partment without a head In the event of the absence of the secretary and as sistant secretary, unless such head is specifically designated on each occasion. Both the secretary and nsslstant secre tary were absent today, but Secretary Root, before he left this morning, Is sued a special order designating Chief Clerk John C. Schofleld to "sign requisi tions upon the treasury and other papers requiring my signature, during my temporary absence from Washing ton, on the 23d of May, 1902, and until my return or until the return of' tho assistant secretary of war." It Is oresumed that similar special orders will be made designating Mr. Schofleld to perform these duties when ever the secretary and assistant secre tary are absent in the future. PBOCEEDINOS OF THE A. M. E. CONFEBENCE Will Publicly Express Disapproval of Lynching. By Kxcluslve Wire from The As.-oclnlrd Prcw. Harrisburg, May 23. The Philadel phia and Baltimore conference of tho African Methodist Episcopal church, now in session In this city, will pub licly express its disapproval of the kill ing of Dud Morgan, the colored man, who was burned to death at the stake In Texas yesterday. Tho commitee on the state of the country was instructed at today's session to frame a resolution of disapproval of the act, to be sub mitted tomorrow. This morning Bishop J. W. Hood con ducted the devotional exercises, after which a fraternal address was deliv ered by Rev. D. S. Bentley, of Scran tnn. Rev. J. W. Phillips, of Wilmington, Del., was reported as having received $24.80 and having failed to report to the general treasurer. Bishop Clinton, after reprimanding Mr. Phillips, declared that unless the money was paid over at once he would not receive an ap pointment from him or any other Zion bishop. DU B0IS DISCUSSES THE PHILIPPINES Believes the Retaining of the Islands Would Be a Disadvantage to Our People. By Exxlusive Whc from The Associated Press. Washington, May 23. A temperate and carefully prepared speech was de livered in the senate today on the Phil ippine bill by Mr. Dubois, of Idaho. He confined himself almost entirely to a discussion of the commercial and in dustrial aspects of the Philippine ques tion, his purpose being to show that it would be a disadvantage to the people of this country to retain the Islands. Whatever of profit there might be In them, he said, would accrue to a few capitalists who, by their development of the resources of the archipelago through cheap labor would come into competition with the agriculturalists und manufacturers of the United States in the markets of the world. This government's activity in the Phil ippines also would serve to arouse China from her lethargy and once aroUsed, the dragon would devour the trade of tho world. An earnest and forcible reply to Mr. Dubois was made by Mr. Beverldge, of Indiana, who con tended that the development of China's resources would be of advantage in trade and commerce to the United States, as the Industrial development of other nations had been. w The house devoted the day to private pension bills and to a few other minor measures. Mr. Loud (Cal.) criticized the special pension legislation us a dis grace and drew emphatic responses from Messrs, Sulloway (N. H.), Sulzer, (N. Y.) und Mlers (Ind.). In nil 105 private pension bills were passed. Tho house adjourned until Monday In or der to participate In the Rochambcau ceremonies tomorrow. LEBANON MANAGER ACTS. Insubordinate Ball Flayers Are Dis charged and Then Arrested. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated press. Lebanon, May 23. Munuger Hyues, of tho Lebanon league club today discharged every player on the team for refusing to go to Lancaster to fill the scheduln en gagement today, Later ho had warrants issued charging nlno of the men with lar ceny as bailee of tho suits, gloves and hats. Tho players say Hyncs refused to pay them for an exhibition game ut night on Wednesday and they refused to work whereupon Hynes lined them soven days' pay for Insubordination. Hynes went 'to Lancaster and says ho will got an entlio new team and complete tho schedule. Tho men luivo retained counsel and will contest tho matter with tho manager. Mr, McCormick's Condition. By Kxcluslve Wire from 'll.c Awsiiatid Prcsu, Wllllamsport, Pa May 23. Tho condl. tlon of formor Attorney General H. C. Mc Cormick H somowhat Improved ovor yes terduy. but Is .still regarded as critical. His ullment Is acute Brlght's dlst-dbo, complicated with blood poisoning. Mr, Hamblln's Promotion. By i:clublvc Whe from The Associated Press. Milwaukee May 23. M. W. Hamblln, manager of tho Western Union Telegraph company In this cty for tho past threo years, has been appointed mauugcr of that company') main ofilco In Now York city. Ho will leave for New Yoik within a day or two. On tho Governor's Staff, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Harilshurg, Muy 23. Governor Stone to day appointed G. Llndsey, of Allegheny, h member of his staff, with the null; of lieutenant colonel PEACE RUMORS ARE DENIED The Struaole Between Mine Work ers and Operators' Liable to Be Prolonged. NEITHER SIDE SHOWS SIGNS OF WEAKENING Yesterday One of the Dullest Days About Strike Headquarters Tho Haddock Coal Company Will Grant Demands Made for Engineers, Fire men and Pump Runners President Mitchell Keeps an Eye Upon Soft Coal Shipments The Bituminous Miners Not Likely to Be Called Out. i By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wllkes-Barre, May 23. It becomes more evident as each day passes that the great struggle between capital and labor In the hard coal field of Pennsyl vania will be a protracted one, and that only utter necessity Is likely to force either side to weaken In order to avoid absolute ruin. Each day brings forth Its crop of peace rumors, only to bo promptly denied by either side, and each day finds the miner and the mine owner still nt work perfecting plans to carry on the war. This was one of the dullest days around strike headauarters that has been experienced since tho suspension began, a week ago last Monday. The three district presidents, Messrs. Nlch olls, Duffy and Fahy, held a long con ference with National President Mitch ell in the morning, after which the three district lenders departed for their homes. As in the ense of most of the conferences that have been held, the nature of the discussion was not di vulged. President Mitchell had no In formation to Impart upon any phase of the situation. He said he had received no communications or overtures from any ono that could in any way be con strued as bearing on a settlement of tho difficulty. Senator Hanna's name is Invariably connected with every rumor that Is telegraphed or telephoned to headauarters for -verification. The -miners' leader 'spent' the entire day at tending to his correspondence. He had only two out-of-town visitors, who came to sec him on business which had no bearing on the strike. The only Information received from the operators' side during the last twenty-four hours was tho announce ment that tho receivers of the Haddock Coal company, nn Individual concern, had instructed the company's superin tendent to grant the demands of the engineers, firemen and pumprunners, to take effect June 2, the date fixed by the union for the Inauguration of the strike of this class of employes. The company operates the Dodson colliery at Ply mouth and the Black Diamond at Lu zerne. About fifty men are affected. This action by the Haddock company has been looked for, as It was known that the company had made overtures to President Mitchell at Hazleton last week looking towards some arrange ment by which its pumps could be kept in operntion in the event of a strike. The mines of this concern are very watery. The decision to grant the union's demands by the Haddock com pany will not have any effect In In fluencing other companies to do the same. Several other individual concerns In this district, it Is known, will give the men what they ask, but are not ready to make the announcement. Watching Soft Coal. President Mitchell Is keeping a very sharp watch on the shipment of bitum inous coal. This was shown today when he denied a published report that there was an unprecedented movement of soft conl Into the anthracite territory. Ho said that If such a thing were true he would surely know It. The United Mine Workers have a complete system, It Is known, by which tho national president Is kept informed of the exact number of curs of soft coal that are shipped from tho mines and also as to their destination. This is made pos sible by the co-operation of miners und railroad employes. L. M, Beutty, of Barnhlll, Ohio, a miner employed by the Mldvale and Goshan Coal company, was one of Mr, Mitchell's callers today. He came cast at tho Instance of his employers to get 150 striking anthracite miners to go to the company's Walnwrlght mines on the Cleveland, Loruln nnd Wheeling railroad In Ohio, where steady employ ment will be given them. Soft coal miners are scarce, Mr, Mitchell re ferred Mr. Beatty to District President Nluholls, at Scranton. There are other agents In the region on a similar mis sion, but they are not meeting with much success, because unthraclte min ers, as u rule, do not care to work in bituminous mines. Mr, Beutty said that there Is a feeling among the bituminous miners In Ohio that If the special natlonul convention Is held It will not decide to cull out tho soft coal men, He added that If such a step Is taken tho order will be pret ty generally obeyed. President Mit chell will leave for Chicago late to morrow afternoon where ho will meet his family, He will remain there only ono day and on his return to the east will stop at national headquarters ut Indlunapolls for one day. Ho expects to bo buck .hen3 by Thursday, IN A DILEMMA. Many of the Mine Engineers at Hazleton Do Not Wish to Strike. By Excluslte Wire from The Associated I'rc.i. Hazleton, May 23. Many of tho mine engineers In tho Hazleton region whq have been in the employ of their re spective companies for years are In a serious dilemma us to what tu do If the operators do not grant the demands of tho miners' executive board on behalf of the engineers, firemen and pump runners for an eight-hour day on Juno 2. A largo number of the engineers arc men past middle uge and they fear that If they quit they will not bo re-employed. If they remain ut work they dread the annoyance that will follow their refusal to obey the summons of the miners to assist In the tatter's fight. The firemen nnd pump runners arc more independent nnd the majority of them will strike If necessary when the time comes. Thejcompnnles have a list of all the firemen and pump runners who arc suspected of being In sym pathy with the latest move of tho min ers and the companies' officials say their places can be filled nt short notice by foremen and other company hands. The members of the executive board of this district visited all the mlno workers' local assemblies In the Hazle ton region today but for what purpose is a mystery. It is believed they 'car ried Important instructions from Presi dent Mitchell and the executive boards, which met at Wllkes-Barre Wednesday and Thursday. It appears that the miners are about to make some new move but what It Is cannot be learned. The Hazleton Iron works employing about fifty men will be closed down to morrow until the strike Is over. Supply Depots Established. Shamokln, May 23. The Ninth Uni ted Mine Workers' district headquar ters today granted permission to local 1403 of Shenandoah to purchase flvo car loads of flour tomorrow at whole sale. The flour will be sold from a supply depot to strikers In order to save the storekeepers' profit. Supply depots are to be established In the principal towns and townships of the district where flour, potatoes and canned goods will bo bought by the miners and If tho latter win the strike co-operative stores will be organized. WORK FOR STRIKERS. Labor Bureau to Be Established. Municipalities to Be Urged to Make Improvements Now. The district executive committee of the United Mine Workers met, yester day, in the headquarters in the Paull building and among a number of other things decided to establish an employ ment bureau. A circular is to be sent broadcast asking for employment for the strikers. As fast as requisitions are received men will be supplied. Applicants for work will be taken care of according to the order of their names on the application list . The Idea was suggestecfearly In the strike. It'was adopted as a. practicable and' expedient measure, yesterday, when a letter was received from Ohio asking for one hundred men to work in the soft coal mines. It Is also inteded to have a committee appointed to wait on the officers of the different municipalities and urge them to proceed now with any Improvement or repair work they may have In con templation, such as sewering, paving, grading and the like, that the idle miners may be given employment. In the city of Scranton alone provision is being made for nearly three-quarters of a million o0"ars worth of sewer, paving, grading and park work. Under the law the lowest wages that can be paid on this work is $1.50 a day. President T. D. Nichols, of District No. 1, said, yesterday, that the miners are proceeding with every strike ar rangement on the assumption that the struggle will be a long one. He would not venture any speculation as to how long It would last, but averred that no matter how long It lasted It would only end in a victory for the strikers. President Nichols further announced that the request of the People's Coal company, the Gibbons Coal company and other smaller operators In various places to be allowed to work their mines to keep local trade suppplied had been one and all refused. The street car men's union met, yesterday morning, and decided to as sess each member ono day's pay a month and contribute It to the miners. The contribution will amount to about $475 a month. Resolutions were adopt ed endorsing tho strike and speeches were made expressing appreciation of the assistance the miners extended the trolley men during the hitter's strike. The Erie company collected ull of Its 600 mules at Dunmoro yesterday and shipped them at mldnlzht to Susque hanna, where they will be pastured. LIQUOR CAUSES STRIKE Opinion of Rev. Mr, Lansing Ex pressed Before the Presby terian Assembly, By Kxtluslvo Wire from The Associated Press. New York, May 23. Strikes and strike leaders were discussed at a tem perance meeting held tonight by dele gates attending the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, In Central Presbyterian church. Tho Rev, Dr, Isaac J, Lansing, of Scranton, Pa., said; "I, who reside in the coal regions, where 140,000 men are an strike, have Investigated strikes for a number of years, Investigated them closely, and I have never known a sober, Industrious man to be the leuder of theso strikes, I will say nlore, Even tho half-sober, Industrious workman does not upprovo of the strikes, "Tho liquor trufllc is affiliated with nil labor troubles, If the saloons of that district wero abolished I do not think wo would have strikes." DEATHS OF A DAY. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Danville, Ky., May 23.-The Rov. Dr. J. L, McKce, u piofcbsor emeritus of Cen ter college, and ono of tho best known Presbyterian teachers and preachers In tho bouth, died today from the effects of u caibuuclo on thu neclt. Ho wus 75 yearn old. Chlcugo, May 23. Former Lieutenant Governor Thomas Jl. Duncan, of .Michi gan, died tonight ut tho, Auditorium. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR IS AT AN END HUNTINGDON FOB ELKIN. Perry Lytle Bef uses to Begister Pen nypacker as a Candidate. By Exclusive Wire from The Aoclatcd Prci. Harrisburg, May 23. A. S. Welsh, chairman of tho Huntingdon county Re publican committee, has announced that the registration of candidates In that county closed Wednesday and that At torney General Elkln will be the only gubernatorial candidate who will bo voted for ut the primaries on May 31, This insures Elkln the two delegates to the state convention. Senator Quay last Friday telegraphed Perry M. Lytle, surveyor of the port at Philadelphia, asking him to register Judge Pennypacker In Huntingdon, but after a review of the situation Lytlo Informed Ouay that the Elkln senti ment wns too strong and a fight would be useless. AWFUUVHNE DISASTER Over 100 Men Are Either Dead of Imprisoned at Vancouver. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Vnnco'uver, May 23. One of the most terrible mine disasters In the history of the frequent accidents In British Col umbia occurred last night In the Crow's Nest Coal company's mines at Fernle, B. C. Over 100 men are olthe dead or imprisoned in tho mine, and little hope is entertained of rescuing any who may yet be alive. Fernle is 300 miles up country, and the limited telegraph facil ities have not enabled complete details of the disaster to bo sent out. A spe cial from Fernle tonight says the ex plosion took place last night ut 7.30. The management has a list of 133 men who are known to have been in the mine, and there are probably others. Only twenty-four of these are known to be safe. It Is feared that few of the remaining 109 are now alive. What caused the explosion is not yet definitely ascertained. NINE DISASTER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Only 35 Out of 200 Men Working in Crow's Nest Pass Mine Escape. Results of an Explosion. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pres3. Vancouver, B. C May 23. A special from Fernle, B. C, says: "In the terrible explosion at 7.30 last evening In No. 2 shaft of the Crow's Nest Pass Coal company's mine, near Fernle, which also extended to No. 3 shaft, only thirty-five of the 200 men working In the mine at the time are known to have escaped. Nine dead bodies have been taken out up to this writing. Of the 100 men entombed It is feared the majority are dead. The scenes at tho mines and in the village of Fertile are heart-rending. Hardly a house has escuped affliction. Tho work of rescue Is being hurried nnd perfect order prevails, and assistance Is coming from every available source. The presence of coal damp Is adding to the danger of rescue work. A feur has become general that the mines may ditch fire at any time and tho survivors arc being besought by their relatives not to venture Into tho shaft even for rescue work. The Jefferies and Fitz Fight. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. San Francisco, May 'ii. James J. Jef fries and Robeit Fltzslmmons havo agreed upon tho final detail, for their battlo hero on July 23. Tho amended ar ticles of agreement were signed lato this afternoon. The contest Is to be under straight Marquis of Qucensberry rules, tho winner Is to rocclvo CO per cunt,, and tho loser 40 per cent, of tho puise. Ed ward M. Cniuey Is to bo referee. Steamship Arrivals, By Exclusive Wire from The Anoiiatid Press. New York, May 2J. Anlvcd: I.a Savolo, Havre. Cleared; Campania, Liverpool; Statcndam, Rottoidiim via lloulngnc; Al ler, Genoa nnd Naples. Plymouth Ar ilved; Patricia. Now York, Sailed; Cel tic, Now York; aenigic, New York, Ch'T bourg Sailed: Columbia, from Hamburg and Southampton, New York, fble of Wight PiiRsed: Itymlam, Rotterdam for Now York. Lizard Passed: Southwarlc, Now York for Antwerp. Town of Clover Destroyed, By Kcluklve Wire from 'flic Associated Press. Richmond, Va May 23. Tho town of Clover, on the Southern lallwuy, In Hali fax county, wus almost completely de stroyed by fl ro lod.iy, Tho tiro started tn Payne & Gregory's tobacco factory, The loss Is about J-W.OOO; paitlally covered by Insurance i For Belief of Coal Creek Survivors. By Kiclushe Wire from 'Ihc Atsoclatcd Press. Wubhlnton, May 23. Representative Gibson (Tonn.), today IntioducoU a lesolu tlon appropriating $10,000 to bo expended for tho bonellt and rellof of tho widows, minor children nnd dependent parents of thoso men killed May 19, 1003, by an ex plosion In the Coal Creek, Tenn., mines. President's Nomination. By Exclusive Wire from The Auoclttcd Press. Washington. May 23. The president to day bent to the senate me; nomination or Francis W, Ralston, of Pennsylvania, to bo a lieutenant In tho ortUlery corps of tho urmy The British Government Regards Hostilities with the Boers as Practically. Over. BURGHERS MERELY SAVING THEIR PACES" Botna, De Wet and Other Leaders Who Attended the Peace Confer ence Will Fight No More A Few; Irreconcllables May Continue tho Struggle for a Short Time Brit ish Cabinet's Precautions to Pre vent Premature Elation Downing Street Officials Believe All Is Over. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. ' London, May 23. Tho British cabinet meeting, which was summoned hastily yesterday to consider dispatches from South Africa, adjourned at 5. p. m.' to day. The Associated Press has ascer tained that the government regards tho war as practically ended. Advices received by the war ofllce in dicate that whatever decision the Ver eenlng in conference may arrive at, the majority, If not all, of the Boer leaders who went to Pretoria will discontinue the flght. The present negotiations were merely for the purpose of enabling the Boer leaders to "save their faces." After they learn the result of this afternoon's meeting of the cnblnet, the burgher leaders, it 3 expected, will announce their reluctant acquiescence with the British terms. Tho war office does not expect any serious defections of the rank and flic from the line taken up by Generals Botha and De Wet. Kvery precaution is being taken at Downing street to prevent premature public elation, in view of the possibility that a portion of the Vereenlng dele gates miaht bolt and continue the struggle without their leaders. Pri vately, however, confidence Is expressed in official circles that everything Is over but the shouting. The stock exchange early fully made up its mind how things were going In South Africa. It declared this morning that the bases of peace with the Boers; had been agreed to and that the papers defining them were signed yesterday. The country generally persists In lt3 belief that war has been ended, not withstanding the fact that nothing offi cial has been published to support It. The Cabinet Meeting. Greater public interest was mani fested in today's meeting of the cab inet than had been shown In any meet ing since the earlier stages of the war. Tho ministers arrived In Downing street, where the foreign ofllce, colonial and other government offices are sit uated, from all parts of the country, and were greeted by hundreds of peo ple nnxious for some sign of the prob able trend of affairs. Opinion Is dfvided as to whether a statement on the situation will be Is sued tonight, after the cabinet meet ing, or whether it will be reserved for the meeting of the House of Commons on Monday. It seems, however, at the best, that only the bases of the peace terms will be before the ministers, and that if they are accepted the discussion of the details may still occupy soma time during which, presumably, an armistice will be declared. Interesting references to peace are contained In a letter from 'Klersdorp. southwestern Transvaal Colony, dated April 25. The writer says: "Seventy to eighty thousand British troops are here, waiting for General De La Rey's answer from the peace conference. Every hour we are expect ing them (the Boers) to march In and surrender. We have actually sent out wagonlonds of clothes to enable them to come In tidy, so there is every pros pect of peace. Lord Kitchener cornea hero from Pretoria every other day, and seems to be In particularly good spirits. He actually smiles, and that's a thing lie not often does. We attach great Importance to those smiles, In re gard to peace," In the meantime, outside the Boer commands Immediately connected with the peace negotiations lighting, con tinues. Lovat's scouts surprised Foucho's command, In Cape Colony. Wednesday last, und captured most of the Boer supplies, Berlin, May 23. Tho foreign office hero bus been advised tonight from Pretoria that peace In South- Africa Is piuctleally concluded. Tho artloles of surrender tiro ready to be signed, with the exception that the approval of tho British cabinet of the wording of the secondary provisions Is awaited, The suspension of hostilities may be an nounced at any hour. This Intelligence, it Is understpod, reaches Baron Von Rlchthofen, the for elgn secretary, through a, prjvajtecphei cablegram from the German, co.nsP.1 Pretoria. YESTEBDAY'8 WBATBiJJB, " Local duta for May 23, 19021 Highest temperature .....,,.,.. M degree Lowest tomperatu.ro, .,..,...,,, 6 degreed Uelatlvo Humidity: , . a a. m. ,,,,,,,,, ,.. u per cent, 8 p. m. 73 pef cent. Precipitation, 21 hours ended l,p.,ut .37 Inch. & . if. MM f .WEATHER FORECAST,' ? "f. -f Washington, May S.-Forecast -f for Saturday and Sunday: Eastern 4- Pennsylvania, showers and thunder if -f storms Saturday; cooler In south, 4 f portion; Sunday. fair; fresh south 4 4- winds. -M (f&4drfcfc&&;y .,..........f,..,. 41 '".-