The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 23, 1902, Image 1

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    S cmnf on fitfiBlSi Srilntnt
No Incidents Have Developed That
Would Tend to Change
the Situation.
Nothing Done by the Members, of
the District Executive Committees
atv Wilkes-Barre Headquarters.
Prominent Mining Superintend
ents Give No Information as to
Their Flans President Mitchell
Reticent Regarding the Indian
apolis Convention Conditions at
Other Points.
By Kiclinh c Wire from The Associated Press.
Wllkcs-Bnrre, May 22. The tenth day
of the anthracite coal miners' strike
passed off very quietly, not a single In
cident developing which would In any
way tend to change the present situ
ation. Rumors were rife that some
thing was about to take place that
would alter the status quo conditions of
things, but these were promptly denied
by both sides to the controversy. The
actions of the three district executive
committees today, no doubt, had much
to do with these rumors. The members
of the committees spent the greater
part of the time lounging about strike
headquarters. Absolutely nothing was
done. They went Into session shortly
after 10 o'clock and In less than half
an hour a recess was taken until 1.30 p.
m. It was nearly 2.30 o'clock, however,
when the district leaders were again
called together, but before all of them
ould get up to the meeting room, final
adjournment was announced, and most
of the members of the three committees
Immediately left for their respective
homes. The three district presidents are
still here. Mr. Mitchell said that ut the
morning session the committees took up
general business In connection with the
suspension, but he did not care to say
wl?ut the nature of it was.
The briefness of the meetings gave
rise to the storv that the union was
waiting for some information, possibly
.from New York, upon which action was
to be taken. This was emphatically de
nied by Mr. Mitchell. Prominent min
ing superintendents, who were ap
proached on the situation, said they had
no Information from either New York
or Philadelphia, or anywhere else. One
of them went so far as to say that he
did not expect anything that wouia
alter the situation would come from the
operators' side for some time.
Regarding the demands made by the
engineers, firemen and pumpmen, a
prominent labor official said today that
hn had received indirect information
which made him feel almost sure that
one of the big coal companies had de
cided, or is about to decide, to grant
these men what they have asked for.
When the attention of the superintend
ent of one of the largest companies in
the field was called to this, he said:
"As far us I know, this is not true.
Speaking for our company, I can say
that a deilnltc plan has not yet been
finally decided upon. We have two or
three ways In which to meet the lutest
move of the union, and we have ten,
days' time to think the matter over."
Another official of one of the large
coal companies, whose duties ate such
that ho must be kept Informed of what
takes place In the coal fields, said to
night the big coal companies have
quietly been preparing for a strike of
the engineers, firemen and pumpmen,
mm mm u uie men were to go out to
morrow the operators would be pre
pared to keep their pumps In operation.
This would be done, he said, by re
placing the strikers with non-union men
and mine bosses. He further added ho
had no information that would lead him
to believe that these companies would
accede to the request of the union.
Regarding the nction of the individual
operators, he said:
"When the firemen struck a year ago
for on eight-hour day without a reduc
tion In wages, the individual companies
agreed to pay the firemen what they
nsked for, providing the large com
panies would do the same. The big
concerns refused, and the agreement
foil through. Judging by the past, I
think that before the Individual oper
ators would permit their pioperty to
become ruined by the withdrawal of tho
engineers, firemen and pumpmen they
will grant the men whut they have
asked for,"
President Mitchell kept close to his
office all day. He would sav nothing
regarding tho call for the Boeclal na
tional convention which will meet In In
dianapolis, probably threo weeks hence.
Not a Found of Anthracite Passes
Through the City,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated rers.
Reading, May 22. The Reading com
pany has about 6,000 of Its cars lit the
bituminous trade, and tho volume of
that coal that Is now coming In from
these regions, both In Pennsylvania
and Virginia, Is unprecedented. Many
of tho (trains from tho West aro made
up principally of soft coal. Much Is
also coining down from the Clearfield
regions. v
Not a pound of anthracite coal is
passing through Reading, The com
pany has about 3,000 cars side-tracked
at different polntB. This, together with
some little stock at Port Richmond,
Philadelphia and Landlngyille, near
Fottsvllle, and what Is stored at "the
coal chutes In this cly, Is about all tho
Block that, tho Reading has I
It Is estimated that tho company con
sumes about 3,000 tons of fuel every
day for locomotive use. This would bo
equivalent to nbout elghty-flvc carloads
a day. With few exceptions, all of tho
engines are now burning soft coal,
while some use both buckwheat and bituminous.
Operators Frightened Out of Busi
ness by an Army of Strikers.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Tamaqua, Pa., May 22. Led by a
drummer and a bugler, several hundred
striking miners marched on the Smith
Meyers washery this morning. A sentry
posted in a tree fired his gun us a warn
ing to tho men at the washery that the
strikers were approaching. Operations
were at once discontinued.
When the strikers were within fifty
yards of the operation they were met
by Charles Meyers, one of the oper
ators. Mr. Meyers appealed to them not
to damage any property or to Injure
any of the men. He said he would
pledge his word that not a pound of
coal would be washed until the strike
had been settled. The marchers then
appointed a committee to meet the em
ployes nnd the latter promised not to
work until an order to do so is issued
by the United Mine Workers' officials.
After the men had nsreed to do this
the marchers returned to town.
Strikers to Be Paid.
By Kxclusive Wire from The Associated l'rcs.
Shamokln, May 22. The Mineral Min
ing and Railroad company posted no
tices today announcing that employes
now on strike would be paid In full
tomorrow, and Saturday. Individual
operators will also square up accounts
with the miners. Between $200,000 and
1300,000 will be paid out to workmen be
tween here and Mt. Carinel by Satur
day night. Mine superintendents say
they will man the pumps at any cost
after June 2 If the firemen go on
Erie Washeries Closed.
By Kxclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
PIttston, May 22. A new phase de
veloped here In the mine strike today,
when all the washeries In this district
controlled by the Erie company shut
down. They have been running stead
ily, turning out 6,000 tons of coal dally.
The shut-down was due to orders re
ceived from New York last night, a
conference of the railroad presidents
having been held In that city yester
day, when It was decided to cease all
washery operations.
Will Fay Union Frices.
By i:clusie Wire from The Associated ftot
Hazleton, May 22. Mathlas Schwabe,
an Independent operator, today started
up his colliery at South Heberton. All
of his miners are to receive the wages
demanded by the mine workers. The
output will be for home consumption
exclusively. It commands 16 a ton at
the breaker.
John Robinson's Circus Goes Down
in a Stprm at Rldgeway.
By Exdushe Wire from The Associated Pioss.
Rldgeway, Pn., May 22. Tonight dur
ing a severe rain and wind storm 'John
Robinson's circus tents were blown
down upon a lurge audience. Imme
diately after the collapse of the tents
the canvas caught fire from gasolene
lamps and while the struggling people
were trying to get out of the trap In
which they found themselves, fire, wind,
rain and fright added to the prevailing
Nearly everybody In the tent was
bruised more or less seriously. For
tunately nobody was killed.
Republic Will Never Forget
Debt to United States.
By txclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, May 22. The secretary
of war received the following message
from the president of Cuba:
Havana, May 21, 1902.
Bllhu Boot, Secretary of War, Waih
itiRton 1 am deeply moved by your heart
felt message of congratulation on tho In
angulation of the republic of Cuba, to thu
birth of which tho people and tho gov
ernment of the United States havo con
tributed with their blood and treasure
Rcat assured that tho Cuban peoplo can
nover forget tho debt of gratltitdo thoy
owe to tho great republic, with which we
will always cultivate tho closest relations
of friendship nnd tc the prosperity of
which wo pray to tho Almighty.
T, Kstrada Palma.
By Kxclushe Wire front The Associated I'rcs.
AVashlngton, May 22. Secretary Hay
has requested tho Danish government to
enter into a protocol extending for (die
year tho period of tlmo allowed for tho
ratification of tho tieaty of cessation of
the Danish West Indian iBlands.
This uctlon is necessury to keep allvo
i in nc.iijf a liuuii'u oy me united States
henato until tho Danish rlgsdag can act
on It at tho noxt session In September,
To Remove the Maine,
By Kxiluslve Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington. May 22. A bill inim.
duced by Senator Lodge today providing
for tho removal of tho battleship Malno
from tho haibor of Havana and tho re
covery of the bodies of tho American
sailors who sank with the vessel. Tho
bill uppropi lutes foNtho purposo.
'Father and Son Hanged.
Ily Eiclushe Wire Irom The Associated 1'rca.
Tulladcga, Ala., May 22.-Chaimer and
George Wood, negroes, father and sou,
were hanged today for tho murder of
Jack und Iteuben floyd, while near Chll
dcrsburg on last Christmas day.
Leaders Will Follow Orcasy's Finn
to Strengthen Party.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, May VS. Democratic lead
ers of tho flvo counties lit tho ninth divis
ion of thoistatu organization nsucmbled in
tho city commlttco licadqiiartein today to
consider the best plans for effecting Htato
Chairman Crcasy's plan to strengthen
tho party. Thoso present were Chatrnrin
Creasy, Scciotary .Randolph Shirk, Coun
ty Chairman Ashcr K, Anders, of Ducks;
W. H. Roscnberry, of Montgomery! J.
Howard Loom I r, of Chester: William II.
Nelson, of Delaware; City Chairman
Charles P. Donnelly, of Philadelphia, nil
cx-offlclo members of tho state exectltlvo
committee and Stato Central Committee
man Ralph P. Shatter, of Montgomery;
Rlnaldo A. Lukens, Dallas Sanders, Pat
rick Donohoe, Commissioner Thomas J.
Ryan, Magistrate John A. Thornton, of
Philadelphia, and J. XV. Moyer, of Schuyl
kill. Chairman Creasy said tho Democrats
throughout the state felt, that, as har
mony prevailed In the party, oven In
Philadelphia, where conditions a year ngo
were less encouraging, they could make
an unusual good fight this year. The
school district plan, he knew to be gen
erally acceptable, and tho 'Democrats of
many counties were already, preparing to
put It Into operation. Tho conferees hav
ing agreed to begin work at once on tho
Creasy plan, Dallas Sanders said that
tho committee of lawyers appointed by
tho stato chairman to preparo election
bills to bo submitted to the next legisla
ture, would hold their first meeting for
tho purposo two weeks hence.
The next meeting of tho conforccs will
be held here Juno 11.
Mr. Hoar Makes a Notable
Contribution to the Ora
torical Efforts.
By Hxclusho Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, May 23. A notable con
tribution to the discussion of the Phil
ippine question was made In the sen
ate today by Mr. Hoar, of Massachu
setss. His views on the subject are
well understood, but his expression of
them today was profoundly Interesting
and even impressive. When the ven
erable senator began to speak, every
senator at the capitol was In his seat,
and for the two hours and a half his
uddress consumed, he was accorded the
most careful nttention, not only by his
colleagues on the floor, but also by the
people In the thronged galleries.
Mr. Hoar confined himself closely to
his manuscript, lie c'onounced the at
titude of the government In the Philip
pines as one of the most wicked" and
toollsh chapters In American history.
He urged that the United States should
withdraw from the Islands and permit'
the people there to erect their own
government, as had been done in Cuba.
He sharply arraigned General Funston
for the methods he pursued in the cap
ture of Aguinaldo, and intimated
strongly that had the senate been awaie
of the facts, Funston might not have
been confirmed in his recent promo
tion. He hoped that, as the irrevoca
ble step had not been taken by the
United States, better counsels would
yet in e vail and that this government
would leave the Philippines.
Spontaneous applause swept over the
senate and the galleries at the conclu
sion of the speech. Such a demonstra
tion Is very unusual on' the floor of
the senate. So pronounced was it that
the presiding officer called the attention
of senators to the rule preventing any
evpiession of approval or disapproval.
Mr. Teller, of Colorado, delivered a
speech In the nature of a history of the
legislative proceedings through which
the new Cuban republic was erected.
In the House.
The house today resumed discussion
of the immigration bill. Almost the en
tire day wns taken up with the amend
ment offered by Mr. Underwood, of
Alabama, requiring an educational test
for immigrants to this country. It was
adopted. The house disagreed to the
amendments of the senate to the omni
bus public building bill, and It was sent
to conference.
An amendment to tho rules was
adopted, requiring that conference re
ports should be printed in tho Congres
sional Record before being presented to
the house.
By Kxcluslvo Wire from The Associated Press,
Longviev, Texas, May 22. Tho cul
mination of a man hunt, which has
been in progress since last Saturday,
wns icached today, when Dudley Mor
gan, colored, who assaulted Mrs. Mc
Kee, wife of a Texas and Pacific fore
man at Lansing. Texas, was burned at
the stake, near Lansing.
Bail for Alleged Bank Wreckers.
By Exclusive Wire horn The Associated Press,
Detroit, May 22,-Frank C. Andrews and
H. R. Andrews, vice president and cash
ier, respectively, of the City Savings bank
and who are charged with tho collapse of
that Institution, were held for trial m the
recorder's court by Judgo Whelan at tho
closo of tho police court examination to
day and tonight at n special session of
tho polleo court they woro admitted to
oau in i no sum or. each.
Monument to Elizabeth,
fly Kxcluslvo Wire from The Astoclatcil Pre.
Geneva, Muy 22. A monument to tho
late Empress Lllzabcth of Austlla. who
was assassinated hoio September 10, 1M3,
was unveiled In this city today In the
presence of tbo Austrian and bavarian
mlnlstem and leprcscnutlvcs of tho Swiss
authoiltles. The orators at tho unvullliig
al) dwelt uron tho fact that tho memorial
wits Intended to muik for all tlmo Switz
erland's detestation of unarcliy.
Erie Men Will Resume Work,
By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Picas.
Susquehanna, May 22. It Is stated here
that about 8,000 men on tho Kilo railroad
syetcn) who wcro suspended May 14 on
account of tho coal miners' stilko, will re
sumo work at onco. About 300 men will
bo affected In Sii&quchauna.
Presbuterlan n&semblu Approves
Report of the Commit
tee on Revision.
Only Two Dissenting Votes The
Changes Proposed Will Now Go to
the Various Presbyteries for Rati
fication In Anticipation of a
Lively Debate the Galleries Are
Crowded with Spectators Those
Who Discussed the Question.
By Exclusive Wire from The Assoclatod Press.
New York, May 22. The general as
sembly of the Presbyterian church to
day adopted the report of the commit
tee on creed revision making changes
in the confession of faith. This action,
which was practically unanimous was
taken with little or no debate. The
changes proposed will now go to the
various presbyteries for ratification.
When the report was presented last
Friday a motion for Us adoption was
made at once, but the vote was deferred
until today. As was to be expected,
the prospect of an Interesting debate
on creed revision attracted a crowd
which filled the galleries solidly and
when the djoors of the ground floor were
opened, all tho seats not reserved for
commissioners wero occupied at once.
The Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, the
moderator, before the hour set for con
sideration, spoke for a moment.
"I do not believe that my task as
moderator Is to be a difficult one," he
said, "but It is a delicate one. In this
chair where you have put me, I want
to say that I am not a member of any
organization or any committee. I am
a plain Presbyterian and your modera
toryour servant. I want to plead that
this discussion be carried on in the
spirit of good-fellowship. Have noth
ing either rushed through or delayed.
The matter before' us is u simple prop
osition. The assembly of 1891 appoint
ed a committee to do a particular
thing. What you have to pass on is
not whether that -Certain thing should
be done, but whether the committee has
done it to your satisfaction."
Oo motion, the privilege of the floor
wns extended to the members of the
committee who were not commission
ers. On motion of the Rev. Dr. David G.
Wylls, speeches on the report were
limited to ten minutes, except that of
the committee chairman.
The Rev. Dr. James D. Moffatt then
moved the adoption of the eleven over
tures to be sent to the presbyteries.
The Speeches.
The Rev. Dr. Henry C. MInton, chair
man of the revision committees, spoke
for the report. He would not, he said,
argue the merits of the whole report,
but would speak of the especial condi
tions which Influenced the committee.
They were guided, In the first place, by
the work of the committee of 1892. The
presumption was. of course, always In
favor of the explicit orders of last
year's assembly. There were two ele
ments on the committee, he explained,
those who preferred to make all
amendments bv verbal modifications,
and those who wished to make the
changes by separate declaratory state
ments. Obviously there had to be some
yielding, and It was not all on one side.
"The misapprehensions as to the con
fession," continued Dr. MInton. "have
come from two causes, first, the un
guarded statements In the confession
itself, and second, unwarranted Infer
ences from the confession. In the first
case, verbal changes would be the rem
edy. In the second, declaratory state
ments were necessary."
Dr. MInton then took up the various
points on which the committee had been
nsked to pass. "Regarding the pope of
Rome," he said, "the confession dis
tinctly says the pope Is the anti-Christ
and the son of perdition. Now, if that
was true nnd if we want to say It let
it stand. If not true, or If true und we
do not wish to say it, take it out.
"I may believe that the pope is anti
christ on general principles, I am quite
willing to declare In the face of the
Vatican or the whole world, for that
matter, that tho popo using tho crown
rights of Jesus Christ, is anti-Christ
nnd the son of perdition. The commit
tee followed the only proper course to
pursue, by broadening tho statement."
Dr. MInton resented the accusation
brought that the Presbyterian church
believed In Infant damnation.
The critics and enemies of the Pres
byterian church have rolled it under
their tongues as a sweet morsel that
we believe In infant damnation. We le
sent tho accusation that this chanter
contemplates any such interpretation.
Dr. MInton was loudly applauded when
he closed.
Tho Rev, Dr. Moffatt urged the as
seinbly, In a brief address, to decide the
question quickly by a vote to adopt.
Tho Rev. Dr, R, Russell Booth, of
this city, who has been known as a
strong nntl-revlslonlst, asked the as
sembly to adopt unanimously and at
once the report.
As ho closed Ids short remarks there
cumo loud cries of "Question," "ques
tion," from all over the assembly.
The Rev. Pr, Fleming Q Ralley, of
Klssirmnee, FJa., opposed revision. "I
am against the adoption of the report,"
lio said. "I havo never found any dif
ficulty with the old standards. They
havo lighted tho way fop me and mlno
across the river, all tho way. I feej
that this revision Is the entering wedge,
and huw far It will go, no one can toll."
Hero the sepaker broke down and
Only Two Dissenting Votes,
The question was then put, and tho
iiDuiuduu uruviiut, me iciJuit puDiisneu
wns eairlod, with only two dissenting
The motion for adoption of the sup
plementary statement wns made by Dr.
MInton and seconded by the Rev. Dr.
Howard Dufllcld, of the old First Pres
byterian church, this city. "Wo aro
face to face with a Babel and a Pente
cost," paid Dr. Duflleld, "a Babel of
confession nnd a Pentecost where souls
will be won and blessings gained.
Which shall It be.
"It would bo a great thing If by a
unanimous vote we could take out from
our vocabulary the words liberal and
conservative and merge them Into that
glorious name 'Presbyterian.' Let us
tell the world that the Presbyterian
church Is not only the reverend guar
dian of tho past, but nlso the sympa
thetic Interpreter of the present and
the heir-apparent to the throne of the
future. I hope the statement will be
unanimously adopted."
Ur. Richard S. Holmes, of Pittsburg,
said he represented the conservative
clement of the church. He said he had
only voiced the sentiment of that cle
ment when he asked the assembly for
tho unanimous adoption of the supple
mentary report.
The entire report was adopted and
the session was closed with an impress
ive devotional service, In which the
Rev. Dr. Johnson, of Chicago, and
the Rev. Dr. Dickey offered prayer, and
Dr. R. R. Booth, of this city, pro
nounced the benediction.
President Welcomes Visitors
Attending the Rocham-
beau Exercises.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, May 22. Surrounded by
the members of his cabinet and by offi
cials high in all the branches of the
government, President Roosevelt to
day received as the guests of the na
tion, the distinguished Frenchmen
sent by President Loubet to take part
In the Rochambeau exercises. The ar
rival In the city of the brilliantly uni
formed French army nnd navy officers,
and their escort through Pennsylvania
avenue by a troop of United States
cavalrymen, gave picturesque interest
to the occasion and to this was added
the international significance of an ex
tremely cordial exchange of greetings
between the representatives of the two
After the president's reception at the
white .house, the visitors exchanged
calls with members of the cabinet and
Lieutenant General Miles and Admiral
Dewey. This afternoon 'they journeyed
to Mount "Vernon, wher- General Bru
gore, of the French army, placed a
laurel wreath on the tomb of Washing
ton, and Count de Rochambeau plant
ed a tree taken from the battle ground
of Yorktown. Tonight President Roose
velt had the French party as his guests
at dinner at the white house.
A stale dinner was given at the white
house tonight by President and Mrs.
Roosevelt, in honor of the distinguished
visitors from France who are in this
country in connection with the Roch
ambeau statue ceremonies. The com
pany invited to meet the &isitors was a
thoroughly representative one, includ
ing the members of the cabinet, sena
tois and representatives in congress,
and high officials of the army and navy.
Owing to the large number of guests,
tho table, seml-clrcular in shape, was
sot in tho historic east room, which was
appropriately decorated with the
French and American flags and with
palms and flowers and crotons.Maiden
lialr fernn, meteor and bridal roses and
carnations, were used, in the tuble de
corations. The Marine band played
specially selected music. The president
and Mrs. Hoosevelt met their guests in
the blue parlor.
An interesting event of the evening
was the presentation to Mrs. Roosevelt
of a rare collection of sketches and en
gravings, a gift from the premier of the
Frencn cabinet, M. Wnldeck-Rosseau.
Lee Ii. Grumblne, of Lebanon, Ac
cepts Second Honors Conferred
at New Castle.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New Castle, Pa., May 22. The annual
convention of the Pennsylvania stnto
Prohibition convention ended Its labors
here tonight, and many of the delegates
have already left for their homes. It
was derided to raise $10,000 for tho
coming campaign, and much of 'the
morning was consumed in raising this
amount, which was finally secured. Tho
platform wus taken up at tho afternoon
session nnd long consideration was
given the various plunks. Lengthy dis
cussion resulted over that relating to
woman suffrage, but the effort to place
one that was openly and unqualified In
favor of It wus finally lost.
The central state committee met nnd
organized bv the re-election of Slate
Chairman Charles E, Jones, of Phila
delphia, George Hoffman, or Philadelphia, wns
elected secretary, and A. Foster Mullen,
of Philadelphia, wits chosen stato treas
urer. Rev, Silas C, Swallow was nonil
nated for governor, unanimously. l.?o
L. Grumblne, of Lebanon, was also
nominated, but withdrew In Swallow's
favor. Grumblno had no opposition for
lieutenant governor, Captain Milton S,
Marquis, of this city, was nominated
for secretary of Interim! affairs, with
out opposition. Swallow, Murquls and
threo othcis each pledged ono thousand
dollars to tho campaign fund.
Landia Nominated,
Vj Exclusltc Wire from The Associated Press.
Wabash, Jnd., May 22. Fred J. Landia
was nominated for congress by the Re
publican convention of tho Klovcmh dts
tllct on tho 112th ballot. Congressmm
Sleelo held his own till tho break came
at noon today. Landis Is tho brother of
Congressman Charles Landis, of Delphi. .
Body of the Principal of the Mont
rose High School Found Hang
ing to a Trett in the Woods.
Special to the Seranton Tribune,
Montrose, May 22. A terrible blow
has fallen upon this town in the tragic
death, by his own hand, of Professor
Benton E. James, principal of the
Montrose High school for the past
twelve or thirteen years, and one of
the ablest and most distinguished edu
cators of this county.
Prof. James has. shown unmistakable
signs of Insanity at different times dur
ing the last year or two, and these havo
been most noticeable during the last
month or so.
This morning, soon after awaking,
Mr. James was violently ill and suf
fered Intense pain; when It left him, he
fell In a faint, but soon recovered and
ate a hearty breakfast. Going to the
barn, he gave instructions as to the
day's work to his hired man and started
him for hU form, just below this bor
ough. Soon after, about 8.30, the pro
fessor started off over the Cemetery
hill and was seen by a neighbor going
through the cemetery. He was not
again seen alive, and when It was
found that he had not reported at the
school-house his family and friends be
came thoroughly alarmed, and about
noon the first searching party started
out to find him. They were unsuccess
ful, and soon after dinner the High
School pupils turned out in a body to
scour the woods beyond the cemetery,
many citizens joining in the quest.
Finally a horrified cry came from one
of the searching party Walter Bene
dict. He had found the professor,
wedged In between two trees dead. His
feet were about two feet from the
ground, his body being suspended from
a broken tree-top by means of a rope
halter tied about his neck. This made
plain the method in which the death of
the afflicted man had been accom
plished. Justice Van Scoten, acting coroner,
gave direction for the body to be cut
down, and it was taken to the under
taking rooms of Billings & Van Cam
pen. The announcement of Prof.
James' death was made to the school
just before the close of the day's ses
sion, and the pupils, of all ages, even
to the little tots, were visibly affected,
and as they journeyed homeward their
tear-stained faces attested the grief
that was within their hearts.
Professor James had been working
very hard of late, with matters con
nected with the closing examinations
and other things Incident to the com
ing commencement of the school.
He was about 50 years of age and is
survived by the widow and two chil
dren, a grown-up daughter and an in
fant son.
Second Day's Session Held by the
Philadelphia and Baltimore Con
ference. By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Presa.
Hurrlsburg, Pa May 22. The second
day's session of the Philadelphia and
Baltimore African Methodist Episcopal
Zion conference opened this morning
with devotional exeicises conducted by
Bishop J. B. Small, of York, who wub
assisted by Rev. H. B. Wales, of Wil
mington, and. Rev. R. H. Allen, of
The reports of finance from the dif
ferent churches showed a great Im
provement over those of last year.
This afternoon Bishop Clinton deliv
ered hip episcopal address before the
This evening the anniversary of tho
Mite Missionary society was observed.
Non-Union Employes of the Wyo
ming Valley Will Discuss Situa
tion. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'rca.
Wllkes-Barre, Moy 22. The engineers
employed at tho collieries In tho AVyomlng
legion who nro not afulluted with nny
union will meet In convention In this tlty
next Friday to illscuss what stand thoy
shall take on the 'ultimatum issued by tho
oxectttlvo committees of tho United Mlno
Piesldont Davis, of tho Central Labor
union, bus Issued a call to all railroad
men to meet in this city tomorrow night
to discuss tho strike question and take
such measures as may be deemed proper
to prevent tho handling of bituminous
coal by the ralhoaders.
Tho oxecutlve officers of tho Stationery
Firemen's association stated tonight that
they had not heard anything of un order
suppoxed to havo been Issued by the op
erators requesting nil firemen who In
tend to glvo up their positions on Juno
2 to send their names to tho office of tho
gcucrul superintendent.
Steamship Arrivals,
Ily Kvclusite Wire from 'I he Auotlatrd Press.
Now Ynik. May 2.'. Sailed: Frederick
dor Grosse, Bremen via Southampton; Au
gusta Vlctoila. Hainbuig via Plymouth
anil Cherbourg; Lu Totiralne, lluvro.
Glasgow Arrived; Ethiopia, New Yoik,
Genoa Arrived; Lahn, New York via
Naples; Phoenicia, New Voik. Itottcr
dam Sailed; rtyudlmm, Now York la
Uoulogno Stir Mcr, Havro Arrived; La
Lorraine, New York. Queenstown Ar
rived; Get manic, New York,
By Eiclushe Wire front Tbt Auocltted Prec
Heading, May 22. Colonel David C. Kel
ler, died ut his home hero tonight, uged 63
years. Ho served with distinction dur
ing tho Civil war and was prominent in
Grand Army and Masonic circles. Ho
was formerly commissioner of Dorks
No General Exoduk of the Populacff
from Martinique Seems
Liable to Occur.
Franco Instructs Governor to Taks
Precautions in Case Necessity,
Arises Inhabitants of Fort-de-France,
in Frenzy of Terror, Had;
Been Beseeching Ship Command
ers to Carry Them to Safety In
vestigations at Mont Felee Dixie
Lands Stores Going to St. Vin
cent. j
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
Paris, May 22. According to the Iat
est advices received here, quiet has
been restored at J?ort-de-France. No
general exodus of the population has
taken place, though 1,000 persons have
gone to Guadeloupe and St. Lucia, and
3,000 more have removed to the towns
and villages in the extreme southern
part of Martinique. '
The ministers, do not believe that the
necessity of evacuating the island, or
even Fort-de-France, , will arise; but
they are taking all the necessary meas
ures to meet it if it does.
The minister of the colonies, M. De
crals, has cabled to Governor L'Huerre,
at Fort-de-France, Instructing him to
make all possible arrangements for the
embarkation of the inhabitants of Mar
tinique in the event of circumstances
necessitating the evacuation of that Is
land. Following Is the text of the dis
patch "Make known It the situation seems
to you to necessitate partial or total
evacuation of the island, the means at
your disposal of those you may nepd."
Fort-de-France, Martinique, May 21,
4 p. m. Mont Pelee seems to be rest
ing after yesterday's manifestation o
energy. Streams of frightened refugees
have been pouring Into Fort-de-France
from all the surrounding country. vThey
are not destitute, but terrified. They
want only one thing to be taken far
away from this island, with which, they
say, God Is angry, and will destroy by
fire, before It sinks under the sea. The
consuls here and the officers of the war
vessels in the harbor are waylaid by
scores of persons crazed with fear, and
begging to be carried away.
The weather is now calm and beauti
ful, but the mountain is veiled In vol
canic clouds, which often assume a
threatening aspect. Occasional rum
blings are heard. Heavy and very wel
come rain felb this morning.
The United States steamship Dixie,
Captain Berry, from New York, arrived
today, after a quick and safe passage.
Her passengers Include several famous
scientists. Prof. Robert T. Hill, gov
ernment geologist; Prof. C. E. Borch
grevink, the Antarctic explorer; George
Curtis and George Kennan and many
magazine writers end correspondents
nre among those who arrived on tho
The Dixie began landing her enor
mous cargo of supplies early, and the
storehouses on shore soon became con
gested. Thnt Is the greatest difficulty
of the administration.
The people are convinced that God is
angry with the island and means to
scourge it with fire and then sink it in
the ocean. Utter and unreasoning fear
possesses every one. Even Fort do
France is believed to bo unsafe. Tho
presence of the relief ships, howver, Is
helpful to the people, who say "tho
American flag makes safety."
The Dixie will sail tomorrow for St,
Vincent, but the other vessels will re
main here.
The scientists who havo arrived will
examine Into the question of the dan
ger of the peaks of Carbct, near Fort
do France, becoming active volcanoes.
The outburst of yesterday probably
means a tulned Island, as nil confidence
Is lost,
"Wo want not food, but only to
leave," Is the single and unanimous
cry of all, rich and poor alike.
First to Fly Cuba Libre Flag.
By Kxcluslvo Wire fiom The Associated Press,
Now York. May 22. Tho steamer VIsIN
nncla, which sailed for Havana today Is
tho first ship to leavo this port (lying tho
flag of tho new Cuban republic at her
fore. Herbert G. Squlers, tho first United
States minister to Cuba, accompanied by
his wife and daughter, sailed on the Vlg
Mr. McCormick III.
By Exclusive Wire from The AsiocUted Press.
Wllllamsnort, Pa., May 22.-Hon, H, C.
McCormick, ex-attorney general and one
of tho best known lawyers In Pennsyl
vania, Is very seriously III at his' homo
hero today. After a consultation of phy
sicians this evening, it was announced
that his condition Is critical.
Local data for May 22, 1903.
Highest temperature 83 degrees
lowest temperature ,,....,,.,., CO degrees
lielatlvo Humidity; -
8 u. in. ,..,.,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,, 76 per cent,
8 p. in. ,.,,.',,...,.,,,,.,, ,,.,. ST per cent.
Precipitation, 2t hours ended 8 p .ra.
-f Washington, May 22. Forecast
4- for Friday and Saturday; Kastern
4- 'Pennsylvania, partly cloudy Fit-
day; probably showers and cooler -fi
4- In north and west poitlons; Sulur- 4
day fair, light to fresh south winds. -i
. tttttt.t.t.-3
4-' , I
, K
i SHi