The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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MMiTirtrii't Miirn i i -i TJn m ,n -i . ..
Miss Olmstead Said That Tills Yew's
Class nt the Training School Con
tains Fine MaterialPupils Gave
Demonstrations of Their Methods
of Imparting Knowledge Ad
dresses by Dr. Joslln, of the High
School, and Others Members of
This Year's Class in Training
"The Public Teaching Day" of the
fie fun ton Training: school was held yes
terday afternoon at No. 16 school, The
Ions hall In the unfinished top story
was utilized on this occasion and was
crowded by friends of the pupils. Mr.
Jennings quoted Miss Olmstead, the
director, as authority that this class
contained the finest possible material
and the tnost" intelligent results of Its
work. He wished they could all have
schools next year,
The exorcises wcic most Interesting
and delightful. School Controllpr Jen
nings was master of ceremonies and
performed his task with the happiest
success. The exercises were brief and
Allen's Knot Ease. pnudri. It rures painful,
smarting, nervous feet and ingtovvlng nails nnd
instantly takes the sting out of coins and bunions
It's the aicitPdt comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-rase inakrs tight or new shoes (eel
easy. It Is a certain inr lor inciting callous
and hot, tired, aching fret. Tiy It tod.ij. Sold
by all druggy's and hop stoics Don't accept
any Mibstltutc. By mill for 25c in stamp Itiil
package t'RL'L'. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, I.e
hoy, X. Y.
Jhe Jfore of Summer Jhings
We've planned carefully for the people's wants in
everything that adds to comfort and convenience. You
are welcome whether you desire to purchase or not.
Accept this as our invitation to come today and as often
as you can.
lue flame Oil Stoves
Can be operated cheaper than either coal or gas.
Easily moved from one room to another as your work
demands. The best is the "Automatic Blue Flame"
valveless, wickless, made by the Central Oil & Gas
Stove Co., Gardner, Mass.
2-Burner Size $ 9.00
3-Burner Size $12.00
Next best is the "Auto Valve," made by the same firm:
2-Burner Size $ 7.00
3-Burner Size $10.00
Screen Poors
Jfammock Comfort
Strawberry fullers
A unique
hulls from
Ml 1
Green Trading
1 ., . . 1
consisted of actual school work. The
class numbers 46 and a platform full of
prettier girls would bo difficult to find.
They sing beautifully. The musical
numbers were directed by Mrs. tlarncs.
The value of lantern slides fwas Illu
strated In the series of talks on the
formation of the earth, Miss Helen
Wilcox gave an Interesting clucldntlon
of "The Action of Water." MIrs Kthel
Kirk followed with "The Work of
Glaciers," cleverly spoken and Intelli
gently presented. Among the fine pic
tures shown were many of Switzer
land, Including the Mcr de Glace, the
glaclcis on Chamounlx the Jungfrau,
Johannesburg, St. Gothard'a Tunnell,
nnd views In the Selklrks, Alaska and
Miss Anna Clark spoke on "The For
mation nnd Uses of Plains and Val
leys," Illustrated by views In which the
battlefield of Bull Hun was among
those shown,
Miss Mary Neville with a company
of little tots, gave a lesson In music,
The children sang remarkably well, the
time being kept by a metronome which
had every appearance of bavin? been
a golf ball In a previous Incarnation.
When the golf ball, suspended by a
string, was not In motion, the children
hesitated as If at a loss to know what
must bo done. Their work was greeted
with uproarious applause.
Superintendent Howell was not there
to tmiko the remarks scheduled on the,
programme. Neither was Mr. Langan.
School Controller Barker was, but was
too bashful to speak. Mr. Kynon, how
ever, came to the icscue after a humor
ous and clever inttoductlon by Mr.
Jennings and made an excellent llttlh
speech, In the course of which he comi
cally lamented the fact that more of
the older teachers do not "make
choices," and gave these young grad
uates a chance.
Dr. Joslln of the High school, was
then introduced nn spoke In a happy
fashion. He said to the class: "Itls not
Finally he said to the class: "It is not
Nicely Varnished Screen Doors in six sizes, complete
with hinges. $1.25 and $1.50.
The Dime Screen Door Check absolutely prevents the
door from slamming. Price. 10c
A dozen different sizes of the adjustable screens, i8,"
24 and 30 inches high, 21 to 40 inches wide, 15c to 45c
Wire Cloth for recoyering screen doors and windows
in all widths from 24 to 48 inches, 2c per square foot.
We're better prepared to supply your
quirements than ever before. Hundreds of attractive
designs at prices that were made to move the stock
quickly. Special values in our $1.85. $2.65 and
$3.25 Hammocks.
device for quickly and surely removing
strawberries. Free if you ask for one.
This Coupon
Entitles the holder to a double quantity of
sGreen Trading Stamps on any purchase, If
presented when the purchase is made.
Issued May 22, Not jrood after May 31. 9902.
EXPLANATION If you make a 50c purchase you get
ten stamps instead of five. With a dollar purchase you
would get twenty instead of ten stamps.
all of what you know, or your eharm
of manner that will bo your success,
but what you arc In your dally life be
fore these keenest of little mind's, and
sharpest of eyes. Character Is the only
flower that lives and blossoms In tlio
brain, and simple steadfast lives aic
An exhibition of work was given In
the rooms below. It was wonderful In
a way, showing the value of the In
fluence, which this beautiful refined
head of the training school has upon
the young girls who are under her care
for a brief year.
Following are the names of the class
members! Misses Ethel Ttachel Boato,
Buth Eynon Bcddoe, May Uentlcy,
Frances Lynett Bolnnd, Blanche Back
us Butler. Jessie Cavell, Sadie Coslott,
Loretta B. Clifford, Anna Washburn
Clark, Jeannette Grace Davis, Mary
Lillian Donahue, Harriet Evans, May
Margaret Evans, Sadie Fnlkowsky,
Amelia Flora, Edna Freoman, Kathar
ine Godwin, Katharine F. Hnggerty,
Laura Hallet, Mabel O. Harris, Uuth
Penman Honn, Lily Jnmes, Helen
Elizabeth Jones, Emma Kirk, Ethel
Kirk. Mary Larkln, Grace Agnes
Laura, Olive Loretta Mead, Helen
Mario Melvln, Anna V. McGlnnls, Bea
trice Enid Morris, Daisy M. Mulllns,
Olive Harriet Munn, Laura M. Nallln,
Mary Neville, Helen V. O'Mnlley, Anna
May natchford, Carrie Shields, Ger
trude Tripp, Portia Van Vllet, Daisy
Martha Wade, Lillian Dorathy Wat
kins, Helen Nash Wilcox.
Reduced Fares to Scranton via the
Delaware and Hudson Company.
On account of the Knights Templar
parade at Scranton. Tuesday afternoon,
May 27, the Delaware and Hudson will
sell tickets at the low rate of one fare,
for the round trip, from all stations be
tween Wllkcs-Barre, Carbondalc and
Honcsdnle, good going and returning
on all regular passenger trains, on
above date. For further particulars
consult agents.
Hammock re
We Have
Both 'Phones,
Arm YouShtk?
Do you suffer from Kidney, Liver,
Bladder or Blood Diieat or any utltt
ary trouble, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Constipation, or if ft woman nny of
tho sicknesses peculiar to your box ? If
no, send your nddrcss to Dr. David
Kennedy Corporation, Bondout, N.Y.,
and thoy will send you absolutely free
a trial bottle of
the greatest apcrlflo known to medical aclenco
for tno cure of thoao dleenaes or any una Bold
trouble. It hn boon lined by physicians tn
hospitals and sanitariums for nearly thirty
yours with unfailing success. Its. sale Is so
largo to-day it can bo found at any drug store.
$1.00 mmmtHm i Ufi$M.OO.
Concluded from Page 3.1
clergyman, "who think nothing of
sending little Annie tip the alley for a
quart of Ice cream on the Sabbath If
It'a a hot iloy. They'd ought to be
ashamed to nln so before God."
The Sunday newspaper then came In
for general condemnation because of
Its alleged demoralising effect on Chris
tians In distracting their attention from
spiritual things and keeping them away
from church.
"Down our way," said one clergyman,
"tho man of the house tumbles out of
bed on Sunday morning and goes out In
the front yard with Just enough clothes
to cover his nakedness to buy a Sunday
paper. When he's read It It's too late
to go to church and he passes It over
to his wife, and when she's finished
with It, It goes to the children. Instead
of going to church at night the whole
family leans over the back fence and
talk with their next door neighbors
about tho latest missing link and Willie
Astorbllt's new $15,000 automobile. Then
before golns to. bed thoy feci a little
ashamed and they sing a hymn most
likely 'One More Day's AVork for Jesus.'
That's a nice way to spend Sunday,
isn't it."
One lay delegate arose and remarked
that tho Christians who bought milk
and ice cream and read newspapers on
Sunday weren't very much hurt by it,
but ho found no one to agree with him,
though Rev. S. S. Mumey, n clergyman
bearing a truly remarkable resemblance
to W. J. Bryan, remarked that Sabbath
observance is a question which should
be loft to the Individual conscience for
Hpv. AA. J. Campbell read a paper on
"The Liquor Traffic," which he declared
to be tho curse of the nation, and a
general discussion of all the phases of
this much mooted question followed. A
sentiment in favor of absolute prohibi
tion ran through the remarks of all
those who took part In the discussion.
The morning session was opened yes
terday with a devotional service, led
by Rev. E. L. Kessler. Rev. O. F.
Young spoke on the great necessity of
active personal work if the world is to
bo won for Christ and a general par
liament or open discussion followed on
the question, "Business Methods in
Church Finance."
The devotional service-at the opening
of the afternoon service was led by
Rev. J. A. Foss. A most interesting
address on the necessity of keeping the
Christian Endeavor pledge was given
by Rev. E. L. Kessler, and the individu
al responsibility assumed by every
member of the Christian church was
touched upon by Rev. E. E. Shaffer.
The best methods of Sunday school
teaching were dwelt upon by Rev. S.
S. Mumey, and a discussion, of Sunday
school work In general followed.
The convention will be bi ought to a
close with tonight's session.
A small frame barn on Raymond
court between Spruce and Linden
stieets caught on lire in a mysterious
manner yesttuday afternoon' shortly
after S o'clock. An excited person ran
to Pfiin and Lackawanna avenues and
turned in an alarm from box 15 so that
the firemen were considerably confuted
In their efforts to locate the bluscc.
The barn Is owned by Carl Lorcnz
and occupied by Fred F. Lindner, the
baker. It Is situated in the midst of
a inlbcoll.mcous collection of ram
shackle dwellings and the firemen had
some difficulty In keeping the fire un
der control.
The structure was practically de
stroyed and a large quantity of hay
Was mined by the flames. The horses
and wagons wore taken out before the
blaze made much headway. Tho dam
age done will amount to about $300.
A Much Talked-of Improvement.
Tho stir tho New Jersey Central's re
cent announcement made in tegard to
its hourly trains between New York
and Philadelphia was far reaching.
Very few cities can boast of such a
train schedule and the beauty of it is,
that It's easily remembered a train
every hour on the even liour from 7 a.
in. to 6 p. m.
Tho locomotives, cars aud Pullman
cars are the most modern, the roadbed
is rock ballasted, and as only hard coal
is used there is no smoke or cinders,
Every train runs direct to Reading
Terminal. Philadelphia, without change
and many of them, cover tho distance In
two hours. The Reading route by which
tho Philadelphia lino Is often known, Is
not only a short way to Philadelphia,
but it is likewise tho scenic route, This
service goes Into effect on May is, but
in no way does It Impair tho fast and
elegant horvlco of tho Royal Blue line,
which will run Independently of tho
Philadelphia lino.
I UflssssssssssssslissHsssXjl
Mercantile v
The Year of 1902.
The lcndors of foreign nnd domestic, merchan
dise and broker... etc,, in tlic toitnty of Lacka
wanna, Pa., will take notice that In putuiancf
of the several Acta of Assembly of the Com
monwealth to provide revenue to meet the de.
mandi of the tieasury and for other purposes, the
undoislgtied. Appraiser of mercantile and other
license laxes for said county, has prepared a Hat
of dealers In Roods, warea, mnrhiindlsc, patent
medicines, brokers etc wholesale and retail,
In ;ld tounty, ami placed each In that class
whkh appeared to him Just and right.
AnciinAM) noROL'aii.
Bourke, John St., retail.
Ilurkc, .folm M., retail.
Halakttlcr, Wailon, retail.
Bull, Wm. II., retail.
HI.;hop, W. !'., retail.
HjHii-i, Michael, retail.
Brill. Anlhony, retail.
( hotcr, Mike, retail. '
Cawlej, Mailln, lelnll.
t-'oiitiot", John, retail. '
t'tiiren, Anthony, re'all,
Cuci la, Andrew, lelail.
nil, Thomas n lelail.
t)lckon Store Co., retail,
f). & II. Co. (White Oak), letilU ,
Klnneity, John !" lelail,
I'rlediitJii, !:., lelail.
I'ootc, M. A., retail.
tJerhlg-, A. V relall.
Olho.v, m. J., uUil,
fliwcMki, Barney, ictall.
Howells, Abe, ictall.
Keccnti, Patrick, retail.
Krnnj, Thomas M., retail.
Klnhack, A. B letail.
t.oftin, John (Pool), retail.
I.lmle, Christ, letail.
I.lndcinian, H. C. retail.
I.Mln. X.. retail.
Laclle, 1'. .1., ictall.
T.oftm, John., retail. '
Loftus, Mary W., ictall.
McAmlrcw, Michael, ictall.
McLaughlin, J. K., retail.
McDonald. Patrick, retail.
McDonnell. Thomas, retail.
.HiRiin, .lolin, retail.
AMrIIii, Martin, ictall.
Muloiky, Patrick, retail.
Mojlc, Rose A., retail.
NniiRhton, Wm., retail.
Xledplnfcki, Victor, retail.
O'ltourkc, Jl. 11., ict.ill.
O'Bo.ilc, I' J., retail.
Poppeicllo, Joseph, retail.
Push. St., retail.
1'ioljvt, Slu. Peter, retail.
Place and Lewis, retail.
1'addcn, James, retail,
Price, Slark, retail.
Pioltet Bios., retail.
Mn(rdorf, S., retail.
Biiflolnwlrz. .Tnycnli. r,frjll.
ltiiane, F.. J retail.
Ilecdy, Chailes, letail.
Itbcraidc Cool Co., retail.
Khcrclde Store Co.. ictaiU
Sziwok, John, retail.
Stcekcw icz, Kd., retail.
Soanic, And., retail.
Stanlon. John J retail.
Swift. M. J., retail.
Scranton Coal Co. (Raymond), retail.
Timlin, John, retail.
Titrko, Win.', retail.
Witko. Paul, retail.
Walsh, J. J., retail.
Capwcll, A. J., retail.
Virnhrin, R. K.. retail.
Kicenian, George, retull.
(iuinaci. V. :., retail.
Sweet, E., retail.
Vanflcet, W. D ictall.
Arnold, S. W., relall.
Biidd, Mrs. Sti-an, retail.
Banett. .lav, retail.
Belts M. 1)., ictall.
HjRliick, AnllioiA,
BrundaRC, A. W., retail.
Baaalyea, Peter, retail.
Bloe, W. S., letail.
Clark Bios., retail.
Callemler, John, ictall.
Cnnvaith, Rich, retail,
Kiear, Wm., retail,
firucnskl. II.. retail.
Geiman, W. K retail.
Goj lie, Wm., retail.
Gimn, Wm., retail,
flrclnei & Ron, V... rctaiL
Klnhack, J. IT., retail.
Ketihcm, W. F.. ictall.
Kejstone toic Co., retail.
T.ocUin, O. ., letail.
Staines. II. II. , ictall.
Nihait, J. T., lelail.
O'H.iia, Stephen, letail.
Plice, G. A., ictail.
Peck, F. A., ictail.
Peck l.iimliei and Manufactuiing Co., retail.
ltoli-rts Bros., retail
Scranton Coal Co., retail.
Stcirick Creek Coal Co., rctaiL
Sinire., K. V.t retail.
Siep. lolin II., retail.
MialTer, William, ictail.
Watkins, V". W ictail.
Bel and Xcldancl, retail, :!o Salem aciiu.
Ilodon Tea Co., ictall, Pitlston .ieniic.
liiauiiu'i, Sirs, l.erti-, ictail, 7.1 X. Chinch tlrtet.
Butler, Alice, retail, 6 Silcm aennc.
llciiy, (!. W., ictali, ?.i X. Slain aienue.
Beck. John 1',, icltul. Cfi 'alcin nienuc.
Hon cm, W. G., reliil, 2') X. Slain acnue.
Barrett, Thoinis F., letail, Fallhronk sticct.
BndRct, P. IM ictail, hi Dundafl atleet.
( Hwnuicli, Charles, ictail. Diimlarl tJicet.
flarkc, H. 1'., retail, 21 X, Chinch slicct.
CaniQion, J. I... ictall, .'i2 Salem aenuc.
Cmclinsr k Bugrhr, ictall,
Ilnftv, 1. A., ictail.
Dinuulck, J. W ictall, tl'i salem aienue.
Kdnaidt & Recce, retail, Sfi Lincoln aenue.
l'aniou-, Dry Goods Store, retail, 21) X. Churih
Finnpgau, D,, retail, 3 Fall Brook street,
Fowler Steam Mill, ictall.
I'ellowa, Thomas, retail, 43 Salem oticct.
Finercn. P., ictall, Dmidaff stieet,
Geira, Angel, letail,
(iehcit, John. U7 Salcin sticct,
Howard, W. D retail,
llumpliiey, D. W retail. 5.1 Silem street.
HollMer. C. B., retail, 23 Salem meet.
Healey, K. J (pool tabic), retail,
Keiinv k Co., G R., leUil.
Khbt, W. K ictall, "8 X, Chuitli atuet.
Kellcy, B. A., retail, 41 Salem street.
Kilpjtrkk. Annie, ictall, Dindan" ticct.
Letts, A. II., lelail, ,"3 Salem kticet.
Luglana, G ibricl, retail. OH Dundafl fctreet,
Lcwsley, A S ictall, 60 Salem atieet.
Lee, ophci, C, retail, Slain atteet,
Langan, Palilik, ictail, DundarT Kticet.
Lunny, John A,, letail, 12 X, Slain sticct.
Slaiuieis, II. C retail.
Slycrs, A. 11., ictail, &1 Salem aenue,
.Muhrs, Nicolas, lelail.
Slclus, John, retail. 44 Lincoln stieet.
Slawo, Angles, retail, Diuiilaft ulreet.
Slav, II, n., ictall, 40 Lincoln ktrccl.
Slaiiuiou, 1'. L, retail. '
Xoilon, Thomas retail, Pundaff htteet,
Koirls ('has W,, ictall, 60 Belmont stieet,
Oder, J. SL, retail, It Daitc avenue,
l'ugtlauo, Samuel, ictall, DiinclalT street,
PIik licit, Henry, retail, 1.1 Hospital Mieet.
lliilherford, James, ictall.
Itogcic .Nicholas, retail.
Reynolds k Sons retail, R0 Lincoln street. '
Rccc, John G., ictall,
Stamhciv, W. B., lelull. HI Salem aienue,
Slicphard, John 11,, ictall, M Salem aenuc.
Shannon, Win., relall, 4.1 Salem aienue.
Seaman Brn-., retail, 37 fliuuh stieel.
Scurry, W, G,, retail, fl" Slain htrect.
Seaman, A. V ictail. 47 Slain sticct,
Swingle. T. K ictall, Park stieet.
Smith. Louisa, retail, I'lke sticct,
The Israel Ciane Co,, retail.
Van Bergen k Co,, retail, 84 DiindalT street.
Vail. i:.. retail,
White, A., retail.
SMIIIams, S. II., retail. Slain tlreet,
Walker, Geo. Il retail, Dundaff street.
Worklngman's Store, retail, ",l X. Main street.
Walt, M. G., retail, Chuidi stieet,
Walker, Geo. II.. retail.
Hr.uon, It, , , retail.
Ilurkc. Kdward, ictall, S. Main street,
Iliimnln.-, Augusta, ictall, 28 Slain street.
Ilciry, 11. 1'., ictall, SS Belmont tticei,
Brciinan k Iloylon, ictall, 14 X'. Slain sticit,
llrowu, Frank, retail, 2il X, Slain sticct,
IJuike, l.-. P., retail, It X. Mala tticct,
Bunuid. S. 1'., HUH, 7 L'aslciu.
Burr k Sons, W ictall, X, Slain street.
Bell A. Uiunu. letail, 3i X. Main street,
Bingham. William T,, letail, Dundaft tiet,
Dlactus Bros., (ttall.
Barrett, J. W-. retail.
Coddington k Thompson, retail, X, Slain ttrcct.
Coughlln, James, retail, :.U 8. Slain street,
Campbell, 'fliomai ('., ictall, 23 Salem street.
Clarke. II. S., ictail, 21 Salem avenue.
Carroll, I. A., ictall, t'6 S. Slain avenue.
Clemon, William, retail, 31 S. Main stieet.
Collins, Martin, J., ictail.
Corgan Pros., ictall.
CcJIIns J, P., retail,
csey. I. J., retail.
DsUUburu. C. retail, 21 Haltra tliatt.
. IM ,;;' 'm i' ' ' ' mmmmmm
mcKrttn AmktwtMttrr.
Dennis, F, !.' retail, 41 V, Main street,
noiigherly k Martin, retail.
Kdwards, R.i retail, 27 Balem strt.
Kley, B retail, Second ward,
F.lmer. K , rctilt.
roster, Yif B R7 K. Main ttreet.
rulkersdn, O. W.i retail.
Oraham, W, W retail, 21 N. Msln utreM.
tlrsdlllo, Lewis, retail. St S. Mils street.
Gorman, lMuarri, retail, Stain iitreet.
Grand Union Tea Co., retail, M tialtm ittiet.
Gcrhsrdt, A., retail. '? Salem avenue.
nilhoel, J. R retail, 23 Main strut.
Hicks Wm retail,
llealy, K, ,l retail, 0 avenue.
Ilurbert, J, If,, retail, 23 N, Main street.
Ilonle, 3. A., retail, H Hatem avenus.
Klnhack, Itolvert, retail, Sixtk tvinut and Main.
Kelly, .1. II., retail,
Klllmllen. R, J., retail, Main and Seventh streets.
Kllpatrlck, .1, W retail, 40 S. Main street.
Lewis, David, retail, Pike street.
.Mills ft Co., 8. W ictall.
Mills Bros., retail. Main street.
Munne, T. 0., retail, 88 Salem arenue.
Monsgbsn. J. ,L. retail.
.Morgan, .1. K., relall.
Sfaddagc, Nicholas, retail.
Sloon It Slcbald, retail, S7 S, Main street.
Maxwell, Jr., R. T retail, 2.1 R. Main atreet.
McXulty, John, retail, Main street.
McDonald. J. It., retail.
SlcCann Bros., retail. , .
Maug, Peter, retail.
Xieson, August, retail, Main atreet.
Nealon, T. M., retail.
Seaman, R. V retail.
Singer. 8., retail, 10 X, Main street,
Slrlaml, Alfonso, retail, t! 8. Main street.
Stephens, W. t, retail, 64 Salem avenue.
Simpson,, J. J relall.
Sahm, A. I,., retail. 1) S. Main street.
Singer, 8.. retail, 14 X, Main street.
IVthrlck, It. W.. retail, Sixth aenuc.
Reese Bios, retail.
Rejnolds, A. W retail.
Rchkop, I;. II,, retail, Main alreet.
Roberts k Bc holds retail, !S X. Slain street.
Ralgebuth, .1, J., retail, Second ward.
Rommelmcger, A., retail, 24 S. Main street.
lllsenherg. P. A., retail.
Tingley. J. p. A., ictall, 34 X. Slain atreet.
Tratles, R, ll retail, 20 X. Main street.
Tiffany, A. C, ictail. 84 S. Main.
Walker. T. A., retail. 52 S. Sfaln atreet.
Williams. B. S retail. Salem street.
Williams, Samuel, retail, 27 S. Main atreet.
Alfred Msle, retail, 38 X. Stain atreet,
Courhvina;. If. P., retail. 67 Wayne avenue.
Cramer, U W., retail, Zl Lincoln.
uoncn. .1. m ictall, Third ward. .
Devinc, J. A., retail. Define avemre.
Ifagen, Charles, retail, 35 S. Slain atreet.
Judge, Joseph, retail, Slain atreet.
James,. David, retail.
Loftus SL, ictail.
McTlghe, James B.. retail. Main street.
Xeary, P. h, retail, 71 S. Main street
Reese. Jane T., retail. Ninth avenue.
Van Beck Bros., retail. S. Slain street.
Burke, James F.. ictail, .134 Cottage street,
Boyln, ,1. A., ictall, 172 Pike street.
D. k II. Co., mines, retail, Scranton.
Cllhool, T. J., retail, Brooklyn street.
SfcPonouglt Bros , retail, Pike street.
SIcKcnna, P. F retail.
Becker, E. II., retail. Church ttieet.
Bennett, Michael, ictail Main stieet.
Burns, K. J., retail.
Bums, K. J., retail.
Clumc, J. F., ictail.
Cale, John, ictail.
Biunner, Lewis, retail, X. Belmont street.
Tt. k II. Brook mines, retail, Scranton.
Dlx. B. W.. retail.
hwna. J. G., retail, 149 Belmont street,
llealy, T. K., retail, 103 Farview strtel.
Judge, Thos. P., retail, 78 S. Main street.
McGcc, H. F.. retail.
Malnwaring, Wm., retail. 65 Belmont street.
Sloon, Albert J., retail, 83 Belmont street.
Siangan, Thra. J., retail. Pundaff street.
People' Shoe Store, retail. If) X. Slain street.
Pethrlck, John P., retail. Belmont street.
Roberta, Wm.. retail, 128 Belmont street.
Regs, Joseph, retail, 17D Blmont street,
Scott, J. J., retail, 26t DundarT street.
Whvle. H. P., retail, 31 Belmont atreet.
Walker, Annie, retail.
Caffery. John J. Chllds, ictail.
Caanangh. M. II., Carhondale, retail.
D. k II. Co. (Powderl.v). retail,
ltlgglns. Sirs. B., ictail.
Kelly, Michael, ictail.
Mr-Kenna. Jf. p.. retail.
White and Murphy, retail.
Coblcy and ton. ictail.
Bogait. Trank II.. Butler street, retail.
Burkhou-.e. L'duard H., 113 Blakcly street,
I'.iown, John, 711 Blakely atreet, retail,
Blink, John W., retail.
Roland, SI. F., ictall.
Beattce. James, retail.
Biadv k Sons, William, letail.
Bcebc, 51. S., retail.
Baer, Frcdiitk. 'Iliiid street, retail
Bone k Son. J. G retail,
Boland, Charles, retail.
Ilionon, O. W., retail.
Bmke, Michael, retail.
Bronner. John, retail.
Brock, John, retail.
Riogan, J, J., ictall,
Cavanaugh k WaMi, letail.
Ctillen, Frank, ictall.
Coleman, J .J., ictail.
Coleman, J. J. (pool table), retail.
Colboia, Andrew, ictail.
Caffrey, P., retail.
Clark, Thomas, retail.
Conway, U. SL, ictail.
Costella, W. J., retail.
Carney k Brown, retail. ,
Puffy, Kate, retail.
Dougherty, l". J., ictail.
Dandrea. F.. retail.
Domlnick, Paul, retail. ..
Dunmorc Lumber Co., retail,
Doudican, P. J retail.
Hails Biumen, retail,
1a an!, John, retail,
Frcdi, Tonv, retail.
Ferris Anthonj, retail.
Flvnn. Thomas, retail.
Gerrity, Thonns, ictail.
Gicavy. William, ictall,
Gicen Ridge Coal Co., retail.
Gibbons, J. E., retail.
Gaughen, Thomas, retail.
Golden, Thomas J., retail,
Gerordi, V., retail.
Gljnn, M. '.. retail.
Gleichman. William, retail.
Gregory, James, i stall.
Henwood, Thomas, ictail.
Hoffman, Jacob, retail.
House k Sanson, retail.
Hon. Curtis, retail.
HUen, John, retail.
Harrington, Catheilne, iUll
Hughes. F. J letjil.
Harper'a Market, retail.
Henopp, Oscar, letail.
Jackson, Joseph, retail,
Jolem, John, retail.
Knnx, George J retail.
Klas&nei, Henry, letail,
Laurel Hill Store Co., retail.
Laltl, Rlnaldo, retail.
Li.k, .1. D.. letail,
Laubscher. Henry, retail.
Slellitt, Thomaa, retail,
Slalley, M. G retail.
Moffat k Williamson, ictall.
Mullcp, M. M retail.
MurTuccI, Carrlo, retail.
Slanley, John Sf letail.
Morella, Vegenio. retail,
Slapgin, rrank T,. iclkll.
Sluirey i- Co., P, J relall. '
Mason, Kdttin, retail,
3letr, Anthony, letail.
McCarty. W, J., retal I.
SlrPoiiald. M. J letail.
Stcltale. F. P.. retail.
SIcDonald, M, J . retail,
Xacgell, A retail.
Olitskl, George, retail
O'Malley, Thomas, retail.
O'BojIe, P. V relall,
O'llovle, SL ,1 retail.
O'llaia, Kdvvarcl, relall,
Prlen, Herman, retail.
Peniis)lanla Coal Co., Xo, b lelail.
IVnna.vlvania Coal Co., Gipsy, retail.
Pennshanla Coal Co., Xo, L, retail,
PiethcrUk, Kdnarri. retail,
rainier, John, retail.
Prllenz, Cliarles I'., retail.
Pottrr, 0, W ictail.
Powell, John, retail,
Oulnn, Thomas, retail.
Qulnn, 'thomas, letail,
Rankin, R. W ictail.
Reagan, P. J,, rrtjll,
Rvan, P. L, letail.
Ittcllo, Llberato, retail.
Ruane, John, retail
Ruddy, M. .1., ictall.
Ro.ser, William, ictall,
Ruaue, Dennlt, retail,
Robinson, George, ictail.
hnarU k 11 row n, retail.
stallfo, M., retail.
Spencer, A. I), k V. SL, retail
Slcvais, K. A., retail.
hhuller, J. F.., icUIL
hnartx. F, l' reia.
Hravtills. itaflacl. ictall.
bpencrr, li. B. k FianV, iclal'
Shirer, p. J., retail.
Tecvan. P. L, retail,
Union Ch Store, retail,
Union Cath btcre, retail.
Verhlo Veto, retail,
Voojelbachti. K. A., retail.
Valenuuo, 8., retail.
White, Jmw. retail.
Wahltri, K. F., retail.
Wall k Co.. r. B-. retail.
Mhail. C. p., retail. ,
Wellfr, John, tetall.
Vest, Oaear, retail,
Youkaat, J, M., retail. '
Cansrell, H. E., trtall.
Palton' flupply CM retail,
Francia ft pcaa. retatl.
Jenkins, W. P.. retail,
Kellci, Motler Co., ratiil,
Nhoeitiiker, R. a., tetalL
Stanton, Ella, retail.
Saydar Bros., retail,
smith, W. K., raiaa
Tiffany, F. M., retail.
HartfcaTSf. E. r..wtlll.
Kiaji, a. V., retail.
Ruff. J6a, retail.
Shleble, J. W., ratal!.
Barron, ,T. A., retail.
Brtzdtwakl, Frank, retail.
Beithan, John, retail.
Btpstondskl, Frank, retail,
Babusee, John, ratall.
Bplock. Stephen, retail,
Chipn i Oo;. retail. ,
Oa An. f totlia, ratatll
Dickson Store Oo., reUil.
Reajutaa, Andrew, ratall.
v., U Is W. Oa retatl.
Evans, Darld A., ratall.
Fa Ion, Bryan, ratall.
'"nj, inoma rf., fetal. '
Ferls, Oeorw. tatalL
Groraniki, Mary, ratall.
Gallagher, P. reUll.
Groon, Mike, ratiil. .
Oererensky, MMy, maii.
Goodman tt VHm. retiii.
Goodman Welaa, ratall. . ,
Goadmln Weian, ratal). ' ,'
Oroezenski. Btanlataui. ratlJI,
llenne, Albert, retail.
Harea, Frank, retail.
Hall, p. P., retail.:
Hail, Mrs. John, retail.
Hllwlg, John, retalL m
llllwlg ft'Son, Gore, retail,
Jacoby, H. J., reUll. r
Kaslosky, John, retatl.
Koehler, 8. R,, retail.
Kennedy, W. P.. retjtiL
Keifer, Fred, ratall.
Kryiier. William V.. retail.
Kelly, Bridget. retaiL .
Ksleilnskl, Walter, ratall.
SfcUughlin. William, retaiL .
Matthewa, William. retaiL
Msnsrky, John, retail.
Sloskoi-ite, Samuel, re'alL
Veneel, Kaimere, retaiL
Motta, John, ratall.
Slnnford. Ralfth, ratall.
Sfoskovitz, Israel, retaiL r-
Blurk, Joseph, retail.
Xerby, Martin, TetaiLa -
Oliver. W. J., retail. "
Phillips, Joseph, retail.
Pressman, John, retail.
Peterson, Anthony, retail.
Runoitz, S. 8., retail.
Rambeki, John, retail.
Scranton Coal Co. (Johoaon'a miM),
Surnoskle. Jacob, retail.
Shapiro, Abo, retail.
Scliinake, Andrew, ratal).
Surdykoski, Joseph, retaiL
Singer, S. S.. retail.
Shlvtnskl, John, retaiL
Thomaa, W. P., retail.
Turko, Michael, retail. -.
Tryuskawkay, John, rstatt.
Tradesco, Andrew, retail,
William, W. J., nrtall.
WhitaTI. Hatrr, retaU.
Weiland, George W.,' retaiL "
rveisnerger, Charles, retail.
Wontrofiky, Frank, retail.
Kadwski, Andrew, retail.
Brown. W. B., Vandliat, retaiL
Berg, h. F,., Simpson, retail.
Bonham, TV. s Simpson; retatl.
Bozaeh, John, Richmendale, ratal).
Butler, P. A., Vandling, retatl.
Bonos, W. 8., Simpson, retail.
Cidwak, Pentro, Slftrpara, retail.
aavis, vnruiii, aimpvon, rvwii.
Pulsky, Peter. Simpson, retatl.
P. k H. Co., Scranton. ratal).
Farrell, Mary, Forest I3ly, raUIL
Galavitz, A., Simrawn, retaiL
Haakip, Mike. Simpson, retail.
Hawian, Akyan, Simpson, retail.
Hullah, James, Vandling. retail.
Jones', John T.. Simpson, retail.
Kej atone Store Oo.. Riehmondale. raMR.
Kenny. Christina. Simpson, retail.
nenneoy, j. i., tanning, wan.
Kennedy, J. P., Vandling. retail.
Kartney, A.,-Simpson, rotallr
Kearney, P. If., Vandling, retaiL
,1-owrey, E. H.,'StrhpeOn, retatl.
Tjvin, James J., Vandling, retail,
l.avln, James J., Simpson, retail.
Makoakl, Mike, Simpnn, ratall.
Steconchke, Anthony, Simpson, ratall,
Mahoskie, Miehael, Simpson, ratall.
Sladidan, Edwin. Vandlin. reUll.
Malkowskie. J. Simpson, retail.
SIcOloskv, George, Vandling, retaiL
Korth West Coal Co., retail.
O'Holincky, John, Simpson, retail.
Roaa. fleorga A.. Simpson, retaiL
Sullivan, Cornelius, Vandling, retail.
Swanston, Andrew, Vandling, retaiL ,
Scranton Coat Co.. retail. . .. .,;';
Thomaa Axarlah, Vandling, retail. , '
Tj-s1o, Alex,' Simpson, retail.'. . ',
YtM & tZfMMBAt CJAvvjSia wa4-1w
unuihvT, puuiucis siinjjwti, i.tsa
Valiant, Albert, Simpson. rtU- , . . .
SValker. IRobert, Simpson, retail.
WeJlant, Albert, Simpson, retail.
Drum k Bro., B. C, retail..
F.morv W. J.. Wimmarm retail.
McPeck.cFrank, Wmdale, Tetail.
Swingle,1 X. A., Mt. Cobb, retaiL
Allen. Pavid. retail.
Butterworth, A. ,. retaiL
Battenberg. A. F., retail.
Collins, M. S.. retail.
Cook Oo., B. W.. retaiL
Cain fc'Son, P., retail,
P. b H. Co.. raUil. .J
Punn, William, retail.
Ra.vis, S. P., retail.
Pavls, John &. retail.
Punn. 4Serg &. retaiL
Punn, .David, retail. v
Eagan, SI. J., retail.
Frcas k Son, H. L retaiL
Forchncr. T. M retail.
Graves. G. if. to F. SL, ratall
Glsiier, Thomaa, retafl.
Griffith, T. E.. retail;
Gavin, A. J., retail.
Green, I A., retail.
Hendrlck, T. A., retail.
Hill. W. O.. retail.
Hocking, .; retail.
John Jamta, ratall. -
Jonea, Isaac, retail. r
Kutch, Joe, retail.
Laynor, B. M retail.
Murphy, Martin, retail.
Meaiitt, Auther. retail
Maavn. John, retail, ,
McGofl. Jabn. retail.
Xepermou. Jehu. r;taIL
Prior, Walter, ratall. v .
Pasb, John, retail. j. S
Buxinlak. John, retail. v
Rushbiook Prug Store, retaB.
Rich, E, A., retail. (
Roberta, W. T.. retail,
Hennie, Begina, retail.
llcnnle, Thama. retail. ,
Solomon. M retail. i
Snyder, A. U, retail.
Snyder fc Edmonds, retail,
Stocker, J. D.. retail.,.
Tromne. M. B retaiL
Timlin. J. II.. retail.
Wheeler, i. H retail.
Winter k Co., retail.
LA, PW3ME wwoatw "
pUklnaon, V. T retail.
Own.torn. Wallace. TtUIL
Pennsylvania Caal Co., ratajll.
Pilcw. Mike, retail.
Pennsylvania Coal Co., retail
Rosato. Frank. atr. rata 1.
Rostato, rrnk, htel, retail.
Boaenblgtb, M., atore. relall.
Bosenbluth. M., butcher. MtaU
Rosenbjuth, M., hotel, ralalj.
Swartt. Philip, ratall.
htalkowsky, Agnea, rets II,
Smith, Miaa Mry. retail.
Slrana. Louii, retail.
Fommow, J,, retail.
Surber. Joh"". "'" . ,.
Stephens, Thomaa. ralail
Sharak, John, retell,
fcommeri. Joseph, retail.
Swarla. rhlllp, tetall.
Staff. Robert, retail.
Timlin, George, retail
Tonelti, retcr. retail,
Taj lor, P.. ret4.
Trofer, Hry. yUIL
Aniulna.M., retail.
BuiVe, Catherine, ratall.
Chtllne, Anthony, retail.
Coyne, F. B., retail.
CWrn FranV rtSll.
fijnr. P. H., ralail,
cenniuy, cow, it., vfiiii, .
Clatktf, M. K.. retail. '
t'oheu. L.. tetall.
Chapman, J. H-, mUIL
Copeiand, Atron, retail.
Lopneu vvsi cv., i.fuiv si.
Carter, Thomw. retail. frr
.., ... ..,, f.v. , mmmt
Dedesco, fwla, retail, '
gl0 V CIICWUI, rsisu. f
cvighrtv. p. A., rataO, ,
(6lt J. Is. fttatll,'
riralr, Anglo, rttaU.
,s- V
,ir tf .1- i
... ht
. v -