The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Two Men yVaylaid and Assaulted on Luzerne
Street Sudden Death of Two Resi
dents E. C. W. Tally-ho Party.
Lon Honshock, of Taylor, and a com
panion named William Kuteher, also
of that borough, were waylaid and as
saulted about 10 o'clock Tuesday night
on Luzerne street, while returning
homo from a visit with the former's
brother In Kelly's patch.
At 11 o'clock the same night Hon.
nhock aroused Alderman Kellow from
his sleep, nnd caused it warrant to be
Issued for Daniel Davis, his son Wil
liam, und Christmas Ilandall, who he
charged with assault. The victim pre
sented a very dilapidated front when
ho appeared before tho alderman.
The warrants were served on the de
fendants yesterday morning, and at
tho hearing they alleged that Honshock
hud Insulted one of their number. They
could not prove this allegation, and the
alderman held the father In $200 ball,
the son In S3C0 and Randall In $300 for
their appenrnnce at court.
airs. Davis, the wife and mother of
the accused, was' also arrested nt the
Instance of Andrew Honshock, n broth
er of one of tho victims, charged with
complicity In the assault, but thoio was
not sulllclent evidence to hold her, and
flio was discharged.
Walter Van Wurl was also arranged
before Alderman Kellow yesterday at
the Instance of Sarah Nuvln, of 631
Cordon street, whee face he threat
ened to dlsflguie. lie v.'nn held In $200
ball for court.
John Hc.vos' Sudden Death.
John Dawes, a well-known and high
ly lespccied icsidcnt of 221 Xorth Sum
ner avenue, died suddenly at Ills homo
yesterday morning ai 7 o'clock. De
ceased had been a sufferer for a num
bnr of years from Hrlght's disease, but
bad not been nlllnjj to any particular
I'stcnt until three weeks ago. Since
1 then, however, lie had suffered several
attacks, which llnally culminated In
his death.
Mr. Dawes was born In Cornwall,
Kngland, r.S years ago, and had been a
resident of this city about tlilrty-Ilvo
years, lie was prominently identified
with tho Jackson street llaptlst church,
and had bten one of Its deacons for a
number of years, lie was also a mem
ber of tho Knights of Malta, and prior
to his illness had worked for many
years in tho Oxford mine.
He is smvived by bis wife, two
daughters and three sons, namely, Mrs.
H. D. Swnrts, of Dalton: Mrs. David
T. Evans ami Frederick Dawes, of
Hackcnsaek, N. J.; Stephen and Rob
ert Dawes, of this city. The funeral
Tlia Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufoiir's French Tar,
For Sal? by
101 S. Main ave.
And the demand for
if ninipf Skips
thingn to wear is iu full blast. Many people, g:
however, seek for styles and fabrics that are a $"
little off the common rttu of hum-drum fash- 5S"-
As a new dress
a welcome
1 Grenadine Hippique
novelty are admirably combined. The A
fabric is light and breezy looking, as its name
implies, and comes in a full range of solid
colors, with fancy silk stripe,
Price, .58 Cents
2 Snow Flake Batistes
Avo cool nnd wonderfully
dressy when mado up. Lnce
Stripe Ginghams offer tho
charm of sweet simplicity
that is renewed in perfection
every time they come from the
laundry. The range of pat
terns is unlimited.
j Two Handsome Skirts
Uk White Walking Skirts of
Ia rnvo beauty and raeylt. JJovely
fSt skirts, with full 15-inch cam
bric flounce, lace insertions,
etc, The newest materials.
Models in an endless assort
ment. Prices
$8.50 to $3.25
Fine Imported Blend Em
broidered Skirts, made from
specially fine cambrio with
full 84-inch flounce. The em
broidery is beautiful, and more
good taste or style for the
money Is impossible.
$9.50 to $4.50
1 Globe Warehotis?!
services will be conducted at tho house
at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon by
tho Itev. Thomas deQruchy, D. D., and
at the Jackson street Baptist church
at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will be made
In tho Dunmore cemetery.
E. O. W. Tally-ho Party.
A large bunch of the Electric City
Wheelmen enjoyed a moonlight tally
ho trip on Belles' carry-all last night,
over tho Elmhurst boulevard to Schle
bel's, where a lunch was served, danc
ing, singing and other diversions were
enjoyed, and a general good time wan
had, ns Is generally the rule when this
Jolly crowd got together.
They left the club house shortly after
S o'clock, nnd made merry over tho
road with songs from the recent min
strel performance. In the party were
"Billy" Williams, Herbert Chntfleld,
Qus Eynon, Ben Allen, Fred Welnss,
Harry McCrackon, Barry Davis, An
drew Mtilr, Tom Skerrett, Lou Howell,
Km. Joseph, Dave Owens, Tom Steph
ens, John P. Williams and Henry Mor
gan. Men's League Meeting.
The Men's League of the Plymouth
Congregational church nnd the First
Welsh Baptist church met In Joint ses
sion last evening In the rooms of the
latter and enjoyed a Joint discussion.
A number of ladles were in attendance
nnd enjoyed the treat as well as the
The discussion was on tho subject,
"Will Sociability Be a Benefit to a
Man." The orators from the Plymouth
church were Hy. A. Parsons nnd Prof.
John T. Jones, while Prof. James It.
Hughes and Dr. David J. Jenkins spoke
for the Baptist Men's League.
Tho nrsuments were productive of
much good and were thoroughly en
Joyed by all present. A number of
others spoke on the subject. Refresh
ments were afterwards served by the
lady friends of the league, under whoso
auspices the meeting was held.
Red Men Will Attend Church.
A sermon on Redmanship, or the mot
to of the order, "Freedom, Friendship
nnd Charity," will be preached next
Sunday evening at 0 o'clock, by Broth-'
er Edward Howell, at the Sumner Ave
nue Presbyterian church.
All Red Men In the uitv are invited
to attend the services, with ranookn,
tribe, No. 111. The tribe will meet at
their hull at 5.30 o'clock, and nrocced
lo the church In a body. All Red Men
me invited to go with the tribe.
Annual Strawberry Festival.
The members of classes Nos. 14 and
1!, of tho Jackson street Baptist Sun
day school, taught by Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Davis, held their annual straw
berry festival In tho dining rooms of
Once More
seasonable comfort in
change, in which beauty 2?
"Smart Set" Waists 1
In White and Brown Linens
are attracting much attention
among women of taste. AU
Over Embroideries, Embroider
ies, Tucks and Lace Insertions,
Tucks nnd Laces only. Won
derful creations of seasonable
beauty. Ohoice,
Fancy Cotton Blankets
In small plaids nnd other
novel effects. Just the thing
for the summer cottage, be
cause they are pretty nnd inex
pensive. Sizes 10-4 and 11-4,
with prices ranging from
T5c to $1.25 Each
Ribbon Specials
Sash Ribbons in Liberty
Satins, Taffetas, Moire, Taf
feta Boyal, FJorodora, Polka
Dots, etc.
No, 60 Liberty Satins, , , . ,25c
No, 40 Liberty Satins, , , , ,20c
No, 60 Taffeta Ribbons, .18 ',&e
No, 40 Taffeta Bibbons, , . , lOo
5-inch Voire Bibbons , , , . , 25c
From the Treasurer of the
Young People's Christian Tem
perance Association, Elisabeth
Calno, Fond du Lac, Wis.
"Dkah Mns. PiNKiUMt I want to
toll you nnd all tho young ladies of the
country, how grateful I am to you for
all tho benefits I havo received from
using Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. I suffered for
eight months from suppressed men
Btruatlon, nnd it effected my entire
system until I becntno Weak and debil
itated, nnd at times felt that I had a
hundred aches in as many places. I
only used tho Compound for a few
weeks, but it wrought a chango in me
which I folt from tho very beginning.
I have been very regular since, have no
pains, and find that my cntiro body is
as if it was renewed. I gladly recom
mend Ijydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to everybody."
Miss Elizabeth Caink, 69 W. Division
St., Fond du Lac, Wis. fBOOO forfeit If
abooe testimonial Is not genuine.
At such a time the greatest aid to
nature is Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It prepares
the young system for the coming
change, and is the surest reliance for
woman's ills of every nature.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all
young women who are 111 to
write her for free advice. Ad
dress Lynn, Mass.
the church last evening, where a large
number of patrons were served.
Tho young ladies in charge of the
tables were: Misses Elizabeth Davis,
Ksther Hughes, Addle Lewis, Bessie
Beddoe, Annie Thomas, Jennie Glen
son, Sadie Davis, Margaret Griffiths,
Ida Hughes, Jennie Jones, Mary Jen
kins and Elizabeth Fox.
Bitten by a Horse.
William Evans, of Luzerne street,
met with a peculiar accident yester
day, and is now suffering tho conse
quence. He was engaged In handling a
vicious horse, and when Evans was not
on his guard the animal snapped at
him nnd severely bit his hand.
Ho was taken lo the West Side hos
pital, where the nurses cauterized the
wound, and a short time afterwards he
was able to return to bis homo.
Another Sudden Death.
Martin Ilnrrlbon, of 136 Cameron
avenue, died very suddenly at his homo
last night. Coroner Saltry was notified
of his death and will make an investi
gation today. Deceased is survived by
his wife and four children, Patrick,
John, Mary and Mrs. Anthony McNulty.
Tho funeral announcement will he
mado later. Pittston paiicrs please
TIip "Hod Sulc" of Ciinti 1". l'.iliiollo Order
ifoiw of Amcik.1, mc ivuctnl to meet in thi'ir
lull tlih cm nine, ;h Muni" niatlcis of importance
lo them will be conilricieil.
Tl.e inrinlicis of Hie Kir.l II.ipli-.t church will
Imlil nn importJiil liualiiot meeiiiitf this etenlnj;.
The Colninbi.i Nose (ompnny will hold nn ini
purlnnt ii'.eelins Ihla evening in their loonu un
.Nouli Main .lU'mic.
Imil.iliorn vveie issued jolcrdiy for the wed
ilinit of Samuel .McC'r.ickcn, of .South Ilydo Park
nvenue, and Hiss Philip I'nelcrt, daughter of Mr,
anil Mr-. G'eoige Hubert, of 110 llutler street,
Diinmoie. The ceremony will t.iko place at tho
home of the hitter's parents at 8 o'clock Wed-'
nculjy evening, June I.
John IllKKins and Hubeit n.imi, of Meridian
street, have gone lo Xevv- York to reside.
I.oi .il union, Xo, 21.1, United Mine Workers of
Anierka, met cvenlns and heard the lcpnrt
of their delegate to the llaslcton convention. No.
VZ1S met in Co-operative hall for a similar pur
pose, MI'S Mllilieil Wrigley, of Mullein street, enter
tained the missionary committee of the Junior
Kpvvorth league of the Simpson Methodist llpis
copal cliurih at her home Tue-jlay cvenlne;,
A rcRiilar meeting of Camp 3.1, Patriotic Order
of Ameiican, was held in Washington hall last
evening, and several matters of importance to
them transacted.
The night thifts of pump-runners, engineers and
fin men of local Xo. 601, met in Jajne's ball jei
trnl.iy morning and received the report of their
delegate to the llarleton cvnventlon,
Isaac Ite.v nobis, Itobert Matiion, Joseph P.Ich
arils and I' Muiray, all of this Bide, arc
(pending n few da.vs at Lake Micridan.
Misses Dil.y Case, Cairlc Brill and Florence
Drill attended the lla,ll-Itaht wedding at Uloouu
binjr je-lcrdJ.v.
Miss Kdna D. Sae, of Wjoinlng seminary, is
spending a few days with her patents, Mr, and
Mis. Ceorite Sae, of Xoith Main avenue,
Mrs. I'ranlc Decker, of llvans court, will leavo
tomoirow frr a few days' visit nt Sayrc, Pa.
Mlfs Maigaret Taj lor, of Osfoul, X. V has ie
tinned horn from a vUlt with MJiS Mzzie Need.
ham, of I.umnc btreet.
The Alumnls defeated the St. Thomas college
feam at Athletic park yesterday by a scoro of
21,1, A report of the game will be found in an
other column,
The Wahneta dancing class will conduct their
final dance of this season at Meats' hall this even
ing, commencing at U o'clock, Diner's orch"s.
tra, ataUted by Miss ncardon, will lender the
William, the 10- ear-old sen ot Mr, and Mrs.
William Prrliacll, of 145 Moiris court, died jes
tcrday. The funeral will take place at 2..10
o'clock Sunday afternoon. Interment will bo
made in the Washburn street cemetery.
(irant Keller and family havo taken pos,esolon
of their new home at G30 North Lincoln avenue,
West IMrk.
Thomns Team Badly Beaten by
The St. Tliomas college base bull
team wns completely out classed by tho
Alumni base ball association nt tho
park yesterday, Williams did the
twirling for the Alumni team and his
pitching was so effective that St.
Thomas obtained but four lilts. Only
one runner crossed the plate.
On the other hand Hurdlng proved an
easy thing for the heavy batters of tho
Alumni. Phillips and Hopkins espe
cially distinguished themselves by their
batting und clever fielding.
The Alumni hud their opponents at
their mercy and the score would have
been 20 to 0 hud notO'Hellly made an
error which permitted the St. Thomas
team to score. The game resulted
Alumni ., 3 2 0 6 0 1 3 5 C-2C 23 5
St. Thomas, ., .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 4 14
Batteries Williams and Hopkins;
Harding, McCann and Kane,
Services Were Conducted by the
Pastor, Rev. R. S. Jones Recep
tion Tonight In the Presbyterian
Church 'Benjamin Bowen, of Edna
Avenue, Tendered a Surprise Party
by His Friends Last Evening.
Match Game of Hand Ball to be
Played This Afternoon.
The remains of the widow of the late
Thomns D. Jones, of Parker street.were
laid at rest In tho Washburn street
cemetery, yesterday afternoon. At 2
o'clock services were conducted nt tho
homo by Rev. R. S. Jones, of the WelBh
(Jongregatlonnl church.of which tho de-
.ceiiBeci naci oeen a memocr ror mo last
fifteen years. Dr. Jones spoke feelingly
of the deceased as a good woman nnd
an active church worker.
Evan Gabriel, William Slmms. Thos.
Evans, Henry Jenkins nnd Richard
Hughes acted us Dallbearers. For
muny years past Mrs. Jones acted as
Janltress of No. 27 school.
Surprise Party.
Benjamin Bowen. of Edna nvenue,
was pleasantly surprised by a few of
his friends nt his home last evening.
Singing and dancing, with the usual
party diversions, were Indulged ,ln until
a seasonable hour, when refreshments
were served.
Among those present were the Misses
Bessie Evans, Mnrguret Wills, Alice
Leonard, Anna Davis, Nellie Tllson,
Bessie Etterly, Mame Jones, Jennlo
Jenkins, Marlon Lewis, nnd Messrs.
Lewis Peru, Rlchnrd Sharpies, William
Reese, James Richardson, David Rich
ards, Thomns Morgan, George Coyle,
John Richards and William Bowen.
Beception Tonight.
The young people and children nnd all
who call themselves younR, of the
Providence Presbyterian congregation
will this evening be the guests of tho
Ladles' Aid society In the social rooms
of that church. It's .a reception even
ing of the adult people to the young
The musical features include a male
quartette consisting of Harold Battln,
"Will Meyers, Pred Petry and Harry
Smith. In the social rooms will be
tables for ping pong, crochlnole, wicket
and other family games. A dainty col
lation will be served during the evening.
Tho Aid society will ho prepared to
entertain a large attendance of tho en
tire congregation.
Two Meetings.
Tho Women's Christian Temneranco
union will mpet In the Younp "Women's
Christian association patlora tills after
nooon fit 3 o'clock. All members aro rc
qurotcil to be nresent.
A special meeting of the North
Scrnnton Gleo club Is called for this
evening, to make preparations for the
formal opening of their rooms.
Thomas Folkes, of Margaret avenup,
Is attending the Odd Fellows conven
tion at Krie, Ta., sphere lie represents
Lincoln lodge. No. 402.
Sirs. C. P. CroFsmun, of Tliroop
street, is entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
Snyder, of Port Jcrvls, and Mrs. Grant
Hell, of thift city.
William Perry, ot Hollistfr avenue,
nnd David Aloxnnder, of North Main
avenue, have left for Pittsburg.
Isaac Mills, of Mulley's store, is suf
fering from a severe attack of rheu
matism. Miss Jennie Smith, of North Main
avenue, has returned home, after a few
days' visit to Wllkes-Barre.
A match game of hand ball will bo
played on the Henry alley, Brick ave
rt ub, this afternoon, between Jennings
and Maloney, of this part of the city,
and O'Boyle and Plannery, of Dunmore,
for $50 a side.
The following persons aro In the lead
for the prizes to be given at the North
Scranton bowling alleys, a week from
Saturday: High score, Bert Sand, 244;
second high score, Dr. Sureth, 240; high
average, William Davis, with 200 3-5
for five games.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety of tho Providence Methodist Epis
copal church served tea at the parson
ngo last evening from G.30 to 7.30. Af
terwards an excellent programme, both
literary and musical, was rendered.
Cake and Ice cream was on sale. The
olllcers of the society are as follows:
President, Mrs. Sarah Gardner; first
vice president, Mrs. O. E. Bennett; sec
ond vice president, Mrs. S. M. Coursen;
third vice president, Mrs. J. Vipond;
secretary, Laura Hawke; correspond
ing secretary, Mrs. S.W. Nyhart; treas
urer, Miss Florence Walker.
cuitED mr
Dr. Pierccs
"I watweaV, nervous nd dizzy, with a
falutlug scntatiou when wallclug-," write
Jcmc Childress, Eiq., of Samuel, sulllvsu
Co., Tcnu. "Could Dot walk auy distance;
always ick oaci auer caiiug; icn aa wougn
somctliinr was stlckinir lu tnv throat, at.
ways uneasiness in stomach. Doctored
with three physicians but tbey did not
relieve me. I crew -worse and used
everything I could think ot; was nearly
ready to kive up aud then some one tola
me tbut Dr. Pierce's medicine was food,
so I becnu takinir his 'Golden Medical
Discovery." I have taken seven bottles of
inai now ana am as aioui as ever, buu en
lovluir health aa much as ever before. I
worked all aummer and tbta winter as
much as any one. My case wa liver dis
ease and nervous dyspepsia of which your
medicine has cured mc. In September
i8oS my weight was about 93 pounds, now
it is 195. Heme accept my sincere thanks."
The Frcuen Vcroln of Cliriat Lutheran church,
on Cedyr avenue, met In iocUI ixwlori id. the
church bMcinenMitt evening, and n ury ))lcaMnt
eienlnR wa tnjhjccl. There nts ft Urge tltnJ'
ncc, and after Rood programme of voeal and
nstrumenfal minlo had lieen listened to, an ad
journment at made to the atipper roonu, where
an piietltlnff fepait was nerved. The arrange
ments were carried out tinder tho uipcrrhlon of
tho iator, Mev. Jacob Wltke. ,
Alderman John Lente, who fills In Ma tplrc
moment writing fire Insurance for scverat corn
panic;, hfl. formed a nirtnrnliln witl. n.i,,i n
Langan, wllli whom he formerly worked at the
Lackawanna atcel mltli. The judicial duties t-f
the alderman liavo Increased so much during the
iu.i mrivc immini mat no has no time for out
door work ai Insurance agent. Sir. Ungan will
Blvo his entire time lo canvassing, while Mr.
Lcntes will do the office work.
The Starlight haw ball team held It annual
aoclal and ball In Worklntinen'n hall, on Alder
street, last evening. The hall was well filled and
a prognmmo of twenty numbers wai gone
through, music being furnished, by Rcnnle'i or.
Dr. Schley's I.ung Healing Dakam is guaranteed
to cure all counlu. "No cure!" no pay," Tor
cale by all dealers.
Charlci Thlel vva arrested bv nmo.
Joseph Greenbergcr yesterday, on charge pre-
feircd by lit wife. He wut brought before Alder
man Lento, but wa too intoxicated tor be irlien
a hearing. He was nmandnl to tho station houc
nnd will be given a hearing today.
The Junger Mucnnerchur met for rchear4l la't
evening In Oerminla lull. The society U nuk
ing good and Falls-factory iirogics with the nrize
eoni to bo sung at the new armory .May 31).
Michael Albrceht, of llltkoiy street, is serious.
ly 111.
'J ho Kiilvjlits of Jfulta will meet In weekly ses
sion ut llirtmaii's lull, on t'ittstou avenue, to
morrrow evening.
A baby girl lias come to gljdden the home ol
Peter Xeuls'oii Willow street.
The funeral of tho late IMward Conway took
place yesterday morning at 0 o'clock. A ie
qiilem high mass was celebrated at St. Mary's
church by Itev. SI. II. Donlaii. A large con
courte of friends followed the remains to their
last resting place In Mt. Cormel cemetery. The
pall 'bearers were Thomas (Mines, lllchard
Crimes. Patrick Conway, .lames Conway, Michael
Dotid and James McDonald.
The little Ron of Borough Clerk If. B. tlilllcan
was kicked by a horse yesterday, while playing
In the fields near Ids' home. Ills face was badly
rut and fears are entertained that ho may lose
the sight of one eje as tho result.
Michael Whalen, of Wilkcs-Barre, was a visitor
In town yesterday.
'JOSEPH CONNOR, nged 25, died yes
terday at G.30 p. m., at the home of his
mother, G16 Washington avenue, after
an Illness of eight weeks of pneumonia.
He was employed in the Durland shoe
factory at Honcsdale. Surviving him,
besides his mother, are a brother and
four sisters, William, Bridget, Angcllnc,
Rose and Helen, the last named, of
Now York.
son of Mr. and Mrs. James Downey,
died at 721 Orchard street yesterday.
The funeral notice will appear later.
Bewnro of a Cough.
Now Is the time to get rid of that
cough, for If you let )t hang on no one
can toll what the result may be. Others
have been cured of their coughs very
quickly by using Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Mr. A. J. Da Costa, of Gaines
ville, Fin., pays: "A friend of mine, a
painter, of this town, who was nearly
dead with a cough, was curpcl by one
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Ho also recommended it to a lady here,
who was suffering fiom grippe and a
severe cough. She gratified him by try
ing It and was cured by one small
bottle." This remedy is for sale by all
This quotation is aa
index to prices on all
kinds of sterling gro
ceries and meats, that
save the money of Joyce
Every 50c purchase of
either groceries or meat,
entitles you to a chance
to secure a part of the
$300 00
In Prizes
offered for the best
cuesses on the great
strike's duration.
No limit to the num
ber of guesses, one may
register at auy of the
AM. O, Harrington Manager,
Monstrous benefit for tbo employees
of this theater.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
May, 86, 87, 28.
One big burlesque attraction
Don't forget tbe boys.
I Fancy
I SugarOured
Something for Mothers to Think About
EVERY CHILD born into the world with an Inherited
or early developed tendency to distressing disfiguring
humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object
of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suf
fering but because of the dreadful fear that the disfigura
tion is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and
prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of
such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the
best, the purest, and most effective treatment available,
Warm batlia with Ccticuha Soap, to cleanse tho skin of crusts and scale
aud soften the thickened cuticle, gentlo anointings with Cuticura Oint
ment, to Instantly allay itching, Irritation, and lnflntnmntlon,'and soothe and
heal, to be followed In the sovcrer cases by mild doses of Cdticuua Resol
vent Piu.s (see below), to cool and elennso tho blood, are all that can be
desired for the alleviation of tho suffering of skin-tortured Infants and
children nud tho comfort of worn-out, worried mothers. A single set cost
Ing 91.00 is often sulllclont to cure when tho host physicians fail.
Millions of Women
Assisted by CrjTicun Ointment, for preserving, purlfvlng, and, beautifying tho skin, for
cleansing the. scalp ot crusts, scales, nnd. dandruff, nnil tliu stopping of falling hair, for
eoitemng, wnltonlng, and soothing red, rough, nuit soro hands, for baby rashes, ltchlngs,
aim rnannga, In tho formnt baths for annoying Irritations) nnd inflammations, or too free
or onpnslro porsplrnttou, in tho form of washos for lilocrutlvo weaknesses, nnd for many
sanative, antiseptic, purposes which readily micgcst themselves to women, especially
moUicH, and for all tho purposes of the tollot, bath, and nursery.
COTieurtA ItnsoLVEjrr Paw (Chocolato Coated) nro prepared to meet tho wants of
woinon and children, aud aro pure, swoot, tastolcss, and odorless. Thoy aro boyond ques
tion t no most successful skin and blood purifier and humour cures yot compounded, and
especially appeal to all having the care of children.
9TIr..0.A..?",",i", ! "t thmmhmil i Hi. orM i BoAr. Mc. Oihimist. S0e., Pitu, Me. BrlUh Jfcprfi
su;Sp!Il'tel'.'1L5n,!.n;,,Fnl.h.J,'i"," d"J,..,f '?Pr"- " Ioo ASD ohs. coin.
Bole rroiu., Union, U.S.A. " AU about thBkui,l):.lp,uiclHlr,"ltct.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Vyw and best of Americas
A Continuous Display of Marvelous Performances by Man and Beast.
A Glorious Conclave of Original Notables, most of whom are seen this season
for the first time in America, consisting of the
An Incomparable, New and Original Creation. No act too good
to show; no performer too expensive; no rare animal too costly for this show.
The Street Parade A Stupendous Combination of a Magnificent Street
Pageant, Spectacular Street Carnival and Mighty Street Fair at 2 o'clock daily.
Bronson's Concert Band plays two Concerts from Center Stage begin
ning at 1.15 and 7.15 p. m.
Two Performances daily, beginning at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open one
hour earlier. Excursions Run on Every Line of Travel. No Gambling De
vices Tolerated. Never Divides. Never Disappoints. Not in the Circus Trust.
Lyceum Theatre
U. KUIS, Lrse and Manager.
A. J. DUrTV, Bus. Mame".
sATUiuuY M,vrtxi:i: ASD NinilT.
Amelia Ulugliam presents licr
In CIADi: I'lTCirS nest Way,
The Climbers
rillCKS-Kvnilnfe'. 2". to $1.50. Special Matlucr,
'J3, M ami 73 irnU.
Scats on sale Thursday at 0 a, m.
One Night Only,
Monday, May 26
Mr. Tim Murphy
lu hl Krtatcst mcicsj,
Old Innocence.
I'ltccS! 25c, 50c., TJC, ?1.00, 1.50.
Scats on sale l'rliby mornlnj at 9 o'clock,
Use Cuticura Soap
Academy of flusic
JI. 1IUIH, I.esfcc ami Manager.
A. J. I1UITV, lluslnesa Manager,
n.M.ANcr. oFtiiis WT.KK,
nnd the Southern Stock Company
I'llcfs I0c 20c. anil 300. Mats. lOo to any
part ot tlicane. Amati-ur night Friday,
ai.i. x:.vr WKUK,
SuppcrlliifT Lawrmic I). Mcflill unci Mini llnf
UuiV bhlpinaii.
Prlics-liV,, 1.0c., 20c. Jlatn. 10c and 20c,
I,aUle' Ticket (or Monday night only.
S. J. Fuiirman & Bro
Manufacturers ot
Store and
Our celebrated
Strap Roller for
Awnings a Specialty
328 Lickawauna Ay a,, Scranton, Pa.
jo,.: e-wfett .. !
sli fttMhhtiwwwafc. ! wUfcjMfetw Im