i""",! j ...... ' . .v-..Jr,,..-.r... .- . -'-w-i.-1 ...,t. mujmsrmmmitm . . cjn m,..,-... .iii.niii i Tf"; wiS'rv;1', ,-uT;f II ' ' ' f , ,. -'. '" ' - f v" .'.- ,- -"ir--"?," ',. ..-w-'u- - v, VM "' f . ' '''?''"' .j ? THE SOltVNTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. Ui I il rcr BM it it i'. r K l II.?. a , r; A If rf V 1 1 ff"'"yt'rt"f1'"r'' ff The News of Aits sisstsiioaci TWO FAMILIBSARE, . HOMELESS PROM FIRE ,".. ) fierce Blnze in ihe Italian Sottle- ,inent on Belmont Street Destroys .Dwelling Owned by Frahlc Wells ynnd Tenanted by Mrs. Ellen Hous 4on and Joe Younallt Tenants -Lose All Elffhl; Hundred Dollars Insurance on House. .Fire yeatortlny'itftornoon destroyed a icncincnt In the Itnllnn settlement on Belmont street, below Clarlc. leaving two families berr-ft of the Iiouhcs that Were tlu-lr sholter. The vlsltntton Is doubly severe on one of the fiimtllrn. ds.tlu mother, Mrs, Kllen Houston, and litir chtldreri, hnvo no father's support td 'depend upon at present. iThO iluclllufr. "whloli was owned by Frank 'Wells, the carpenter, was In fiilrod for $S00. The house he valued at $i;ooo. .;':,:; ; " There was 'no Insurance on the effects ol" the tenants, Mrs. Houston and .lop Younnlll, or YMiiiff as lie Is railed. The loss of these Is eolnplete. They arc nut nnly without homes, dependent unim tlie charity of nelchhors, but they saved none of the lielonfrliiBX, have the eloth liiR they wore, The llames made such headwav that In a few minutes Ihe house was a sinall-sl.cd Inferno, and there was no chance to save anything. Their HlRht to safety was the chief con corn of the (wo families. In which thcie wore several small children. The orlRln of the (Ire Is apparently a mystery. One family, ,the Younnlll, or Youiir, say, the lilnze oi1itneuced In the cellar, under. thej'rjartr,Kr,the house oc cupied by'Mrs!"lloustA'n.' Mrs. Houston s.j's she has no knowledge of Its origin. She was In the front "room paperlns when one of theYnuiiH8 hiolte In on her with the alarn'iltiK-cry of Are. The llrst UnowJe(lj;e,.of tliojhe was a matter of illHintte,iwaWer,linjjVifliM?nwhlle the llames wcie destroying their home, as warm arf t"luT-Cl?.v:""rrserC Tb'c Youurk Insisted In Impressing on Mrs. Houston that the blaze had Us start In the Hous ton cellar. Mrs. Houston, however, sremed to satisfy them towaids the end of the heated oxcliaiiRethat she knew within? of tlie Ire's oilcin. and that It whs, 'oncSgfe'.'ottSijr5;(ain'll5- ;ho lulo n UwK'W)wf;ecVtr.'S&.ft,in in- t;::ess ni:timNVdn'i(IWC "initWaircrm was sent .in fro-S7J1fc'3y4S?2,,,Sl,'-rA'et and ("lark nveiWIBUifttt3,15tiaiclMihen the atitchell TOpfvWitTivtey A'ccne, tlie houftSltt'"'',ftf5ftlVI''klndlfid fuiMiace."Tl;ii"c,W"fo(?''niti(,li for one company .Ifl.cfimiuer' and the- nearhy dwellings weie In ilriiiRer, A second alarm wnV accoi (Tlilfiij' s6nl In. which InotiKht the I'olumhias to the burning house, 11 y the time the .second hticam was on, llames were leaphiK from every part of the house. There was then no hope of pjivIijs It; tli.; aim was to Keep the llames; down sd as, to pioserve the numeious tTfnscly-lmllt dwellings on cither side. The lironleri'tind iinioh to (outend with In quenching the llames. The water pressure was uiuk at (list, owing to the cliiRKln; of the lire hydrants, a dose of mud and stones spitting: out ot the nozzles when the streams were turned on. The smoke rolled from the house In clouds and blinded and choked the men at the nozzles, while the heat was fairly blistering. The hou'e was a lilK-sized tenement and offered splendid materialsfoiuUMlire Hint might get any headway on the fire companies. There was. iio'isalvntloa for the house, and after biini'injr for a" couple of hours, ihe taps for out were i ting- In by Chief McNulty, who was one of the llrst on the scene, and who dlrectuU tho. firemen. Tlie house was litu,illy destroyed, though sonic ofthe partitions remain. It will ImVe'to' be'TelJtlllffTiioughout. No other, .dwelling; was damaged, lIoweeriH ijs ntj.'e,ssary ,to kep them ra'lrjy, wittked Iwlth water fioin garden ltViscs; TheJ de'ftj;oye.d house stood In tne-iri'tdst of thv Italian colony, and If tlie ilames spread, it is hard to it'll but what .iju.', wlnjll'' settlement would have been' U IjJeil obt. THfi BEBt IS CRACKED. Methodist Congregation Disappoint ed Ovcrljio, Discovery. The ofUelnls of "tlie -Metlmdlst church wore sorely dlsappoliited. this. week, ivhen tliOftowcr In the cliurclj was vls ted for (he llrst time since the fit l-. jind the bell -.was Jfoiuid (o'be lnoken, J'he rrncturn of tho much-prized bell, because It wiis a ryllc. is a severe one. A fairly blg-slz(-d pieeo has been chipped out and there Is a crack of sev eral Inches. The betl Is "tisehVH and Is now of no value to the chinch, except for the sen timental Importance that attaches to Its posresslon, The hell has an Interesting- history, having been used to call various Important meetings and ussem- Just Sensjbbj Eood Cured Him. f'oiuotlmcs a good, healthy commcr- -jfipl:trjtylppksuffv'i'H mnv poorly seeet- fd food and Is lucky If ho knows that ; .Hie'iits-Hrrnicfast-yood'-wlll put nlm right. A Cincinnati traveler, John N, Case, Jr.. mijs: "About a year ago iny stom-rtn-fiotlnnjbrid -way. 1 hnd;,a Jiciul ihe most of the tlmo and suffered ujlsery. For Bevorul moiiUis I x down ufttll l lost about 70 potfnds-In'wolght add lliiajl&.hafl (to eJLxo,un-n flood posi tion mid 'go liome.' "AnyTtfort that I night use Repined to nauseate- me. v'.My wife hardly krtsvj: Wiaf.;tff.;do u)tll one day sho brouelJt'JipOie iVn.lCU-v nfee of arupo-Nuts and Coaxed "nio to tfy them, 1 tQliL,b,erJt,wiui iift,uat but mially, to hulrtdv her. I tried rt'llttla' Jd they just struck my taste. "It was ife first food'thnt.i hud eatep u pearly p i- nun u m iiui caubo nny suaering, well, to mnkdidloiiir.-Htorv tlinrt. I joian to Iniproviaiid 'stuck to flrape- .3Iuj3. I wentvn' frfim 135 founds 'on fWember 24, WWsioaiaipuhds.pn oc- er e, isui. .r-i'a, .. K, Uun hroln la linn?. 'Mn.l'n If ..I.Ali i J W.fcMM M VfV,... Mt.'U.. ,, Itjlti .lllli petite, too ;inujl Viot,miy .nuiu'H Utetbook. In fact. I uin thoroughly nkha over and owo It nil ta ni-imo. tuts, I talk so much about what maii.M,-pretty wt tho right kind You can pi this f youjvant to. iaa t 3smqw. .frlll-" y.. warned lirxitHlftamHjBiinixmu.io-miHue to stivp Mimttizks '4"...5.""rt Hmv nvf-K-tlTMiwijRl'.irltfflMlevPloTjed MPvtftHWiU, do that some of the rnfn on tho Mqd-liavo nlcknanjenie QraM-Nuts.' but .1 stand todav'. a rf ..-." .1 r ' .T.-I.1 . . eaiiny, -royycoe.Kea vsiysum m 4 4 4' CabonciaIe biles during Its career, which the disas trous fire of hist November brought to un end. WAYMART SMALL-POX SEQUEL. Erod Woodley, -Who Attended School There, Supposed to Have the Dis ease. A sequel to the siunll-nox cage, which kept tho village or Wuymnrt quaran tined for several weeks, Is the taking down of Fred Woodley, a young man who attended school In Wtiyninrt. Woodley Is sick at his home in Alco, Damascus township, Wayne county. Ho went home 111 about n week ago. Dr. CuscUer, of Nurrowsburg, who was called to attend him, diagnosed Wood ley's aliment as small-pox. Dr. Dtuln bcrre, of Honesdale, who has had ex perience In small-pox cases, has been called Into tho cuso to watch its pro gress. This Is the first stirplclotts case from Waymnrt since the Hull case and the other lighter ones In that village, A YOUTH CAUGHT ROBBING A STORE Hubeit Brcnnan, of South Main Strcot Hill, Accidentally Discov ered by Merchant C. W. Scamans in His Store on Church Street. Was Hiding Under Cash Drawer. The Boy Arrested Has Been in Various Scrapes Before. Hubert Ilrennnn, of South Main street hilt, a lad not more than fifteen years old, was caught hist night rob bing the grocery stole of C. X. Seaman on North Church street. Hrennan was accidentally discovered In the store by Mr, Seaman, himself, who returned to the store about 9 o'clock, to balance his cash. When he appionched the cash drawer, tho pro prietor noticed the lad almost under his feet. He was trying his best to draw himself back tinder the counter, where the cash drawer whs located, in oidor to escape notice. Mr. Seaman nabbed thp youngster. His pockets were filled with cigars and some sweet meats. If-left undisturbed it was his Intention to tackle tile cash drawer, w hich would h:tve 'yielded good results as the day's rcceijit were there. Mr. .Seaman marched the youthful burglar out of the -tore, and meeting Patiolmdn Bell handed him over. Tlie boy was locked In a cell in the city sta tion and will be given a healing this morning. Hrcnnun gained an entrance to the stoie in approved burglar style. He sought the rear of the building and af ter surveying tlie ground, decided on breaking a window as the most effec tive means. lie smashed a pane, breaking enough glass to admit his small body. As there are no tenants close to where he cracked the window the noise of the scattering glass was not heard. Once inside, he made for the tilings that were mo't attractive to him, tobacco and sweet meats, stuffing his pockets until the bulged. The cash drawer was about to be tampered with when Mr. Seamans came on tlie scene and brought about a climax that was wholly unexpected and unlooked for by Brennnn. The boy had nothing to say and did no whimper when Mr. Seaman and later Patrolman Bell took him in charge and locked him up. Brennnn has shown thieving propen sities for the past year or more. He has been associated with a crowd of youngsters who have broken Info sev eral stores, making away with it load of toysTvand sweets. Tlie police look upon Biennaii as the leader of the gang. In fact his companions poached on him as such last summer when tho fair store was robbed. Brennan was arrested at the time, but, with the oth ers, he was allowed to go on the prom ise of his parents that his behavior would be corrected and regulated by them. Several weeks ago Brcnnan ran away from home, going to Wllkes I'.arre, where he was taken and re turned to his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Michael Brennan. . A few weeks later he ran away again, but came home himself within a few days. Stops will probably' pr. taken to have.' the lad com muted to, fi" reforma'tory. CONCERT- BY LQCAL TALENT. tJiJ. Successfully; Given nt-Dundaff Meth- . od'is't Chuich. .The concert which--was ,sp success fully given at the Methodist church, Dundiiff. on Tuesday, wits participated in largely by musicians, from this city. The programme was as follows: "Tho Sailors' Glee"r.,...'....C. K. Leslie Choral . society. "Annen IJolka" Strauss Aniiii and Itoso Tinker. "Flee as a-TIIrd" Mrs. M. B. S. Dana Stella Montgomery and chorus. Petite Symnhonlo M. Moret A. P. Thomas and M. Rivera. "Back 'Mid tho Clover and the Corn," Orpheus quartette, Cornet solo, selected. ,.G, H. Ackerman "Wo Rock Away on tho Billows Cay," Cliorul society. Mnsurka do Concert Ovldo Musln Prof. Thlele. "Tho Sleigh Hide" Rnndcll Choral society, Cornet solo, selected. ..G. H. Ackornian Chorus, selected. "Mermaid's Kvenlng Song"..., ..Glover Flora Uurdlck, Mrs, Decker and Mrs, Perry, Popular Air ,,..,U. Vieuxtemps Prof. Chicle, "Bonn yo cry ma Honey" Orpheus quartette, America. Tho Orpheus quartette Is composed of W. M. Clark, Jlrst tenor; K. O, line, second tenor; A. P. Thomas, baritone; R. M. Shepherd, basso, Miss Carrie T, Bronson Is accompanist, Prof, Thomus ulso directed the choral society, A Remarkable Picture. Mark Kennedy, of South Muln street, nn attache' of tho Delaware, Lackawan na and Western Railroad company's car accountant's otllce, s In possession of n picture of the Lackawanna yard ut Scrunton, showing over 20 deud en gines, the consequence of tho coal btrlke, U Is u lemurkably Interesting picture, New Century Club's Year. Perhaps tho pleasantest assembly of the New Century club, of the season, was on Monday afternoon at tho home of tho Misses Moras, at Simpson. It wu "President's Day" for tho clujij and the lust of tho year. Mrs. Will's A. Mnnvltto, the retiring; president, gave the nnnlial address, which comprehend ed the work of the year, and the re port of Mrs, Raymond II. Reynolds, secretary and treasurer, was presented. Tho officers elected for 1002-03 wero ns follows: President, Miss Alice But ler; vice presldeittT Mrs. Gilbert M. Sampson! secretary and Ireasurer.Mrs. Maurice G. Wait. The following served during tho past term: President, Mrs, Willis A. Manvllle; vice president, Mrs. Rollln A, Sawyer; secretary and treas urer, Mrs. Raymond H, Reynolds. CONDUCTOR JOHN HARVEY. Compliment Paid Him by" the Wilkes-Barro Record. The Wllkes-Biirre Record shows n proper spirit of appreciation In the no tice which It gives John Harvey, ot this city, one of tho most efllclent passenger conductors on the Delaware and Hud son, and one of our highly esteemed townsmen. The Record snys: "On the streets of this city may be seen almost any after noon John HarVey, of Carbondule, a well known railroad man. Mr. Harvey entered tho service of the Delaware and Hudson company twenty-nine years ago last April and hits been a conduc tor for tho past twenty-four years. Ho understands every detail of railroading and Is familiar with tho traveling pub lic. Mr. Harvey litis a home In Car bondule, where ho resides, and has an Interesting family. He may be Heen on the river common almost every after nooon when oft duty,, enjoying tho fresh air." BASE BALL FRIDAY. Alerts, of Electric City, to Get a Drubbing on Duffy's Eleld. Ho! for Duffy's field on Friday! Tho Alerts, of Scranton, wnnt a drub bing. At least they wnnt a game with tho Crescents, which means tho same thing. They will get tho ga'me and tho drubbing, maybe, on Duffy's Held on Friday afternoon. This will bo a good opportunity for Cnrbondale cranks to appreciate a live ly game of ball. The Crcsc'ent3 are In splendid trim, and the Alerts, wc are told, are likewise In condition for snap py playing. Wo hope so, at any rate, for we would regret to see the Cres cents waste their efforts on a weak team. It Is incidentally hoped that there will he a generous response to the offering on Friday, as the expense of bringing tho Scranton team here is considerable. PETER L. NEARY FAILS. An Old Carbondalian the First to Succumb Under tho Strike. The agitation of the coal strike and tho strike Itself was responsible In a. largo measure for tho assignment yes terday of Peter L. Neary, of South Main street, who has conducted, not a large, but fairly profitable business In Cnr bondale over fifteen years. Mr. Neary's business being largely credit, he found It Impossible to realize on his debts to meet the Importunities of his creditors. The assignment was made to C. N. Bronson, Lynch & Bronson, T. J. Kelly and C. Dltchburn's Sons, In trust for themselves and other creditors. Installation of Officers. At a regular meeting of the St. Aloy sius Total Abstinence society, Tuesday evening, tlie following olllcers were In stalled: President, T. J. Gilhool: vice president, William Burke,; recording secretary, James Conerton; treasurer, Frank Nealon. President Gilhool, on taking the chair, delivered his inauguration speech, which was received with repeated applause. Ho reviewed the history of the society and impressed upon the members that by their elforts alone was success to be attained. The regular order of business was then taken up, and the entertaining committee was instructed to prepare an entertainment for the next regular meeting. There Are Others. The Wayne Independent of Wednes day reprints under the caption of "Car bondule Appreciates," the "Public Eye" mention given In The Tribune to Geo, F. James, of the Cnrbondale Cycle club, with tho following preface: "It Is safe to say that all of Carbon dale's best citizens are natives of Wayne county. Among the number Is George James, son of John P. James, of Honesdale. The Scranton Tribune said of him tho other day," etc. Wo would suggest that there are enough of the "best" citizens of Car bondule to be passed around among more than the splendid Wnyne county contribution. Some of our Honesdule friends have met them, Miss Gerrity Resigns. Miss Mary Gerrity resigned, this week, as compositor on the Evening Lender, a position she held for nearly ten years. Miss Gerrlty's resignation Is prelimin ary to her entrance into another state of life, sometime during the month of roses and brides. This news will be met with many wurm-heartod congrat ulations' from her numerous friends. Valuable Colt Stolen. Klsowhero In todnv's Tribune Is nn advertisement offering a reward for tho return or Information of a colt that was stolen from tho Patterson farm in Wny mart on Tuesday night. There was a duo to Its whereabouts, but It has not led to tho colt's recovery as yet. The Youngs in Trouble Again. Hannah Young was put under ball by Alderman Atkinson on tho charge of maintaining a disorderly house on South Archbald street. Hor sister, I.lb blo Young, was likewise accused, but sho has successfully evaded tho con stable for several days. Another Firm Dissolves, Another Carbondalo fl'rm dissolved partnership this week. Moon & Sle bold, who hnvo been conducting u meat market on South Muln street, have made a change, Mr, Slobold retires, tho other partner. N, Moon, jr continuing the business at tho same location, At Convention In Olyphant. Among tho delegates attending the Total Abstinence Union convention at Olyphant are; T, J, Gilhool, J, V, De laney, William MoIIale, Kdward Gol den, St. Aloyslus society; M. J. lloran, Frank Kllpatrlck, Mark Campbell, of the Knights of Father Mathew. Didn't Want Non-Union Men. Because It was learned that Contrac tor John O'Neill, of Scranton, proposed to hire non-union men to place tho iron Klrders on tho new Fell Brewing com pany's plant, President Krantz, who mJL TbJi Why thfrbfst family lax&tiv It is pure. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. t t It is not expensive. ' ' It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is .perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. i was so informed, refused to allow the work to progress without union labor. As the union price was $2 per day, O'Neill abandoned the job as he had fig ured on labor costing him $1.50 per day. Union men will be employed and the work resumed. Meetings of Tonight. George Randolph camp, Sons of Vet eran5!. Branch 39. C. M. B. A. Cnrbondale canton. Patriarch's Mili tant. THE PASSING THRONG. Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert visited In Scranton yesterday. C. F. Whlttemore, of L. B. Powell & Co., of Scranton, was in the city yes terdnv. Deputy Factory Inspector E. W. Bishop, of Dunmore, was at the Ameri can, yesterday. William Crago, who has been visit ing his mother for some time, will leave today for the Adlrondacks, where he has a position as civil engineer on a new railroad there. Michael Murphy, who has charge of the men who load and unload the para phernalia of the Forepaugh-Sells Bros", circus, visited at the home of his moth er on Sand street. Martin Flynn, proprietor of the Lack awanna Valley bouse, Scranton, and his son, John, were at the Harrison house yesterday. Mr. Flynn' made an Inter esting visit among his legion of friends In Carbondale, which Is his former home. JERiWYN AND MAYFIELD. Hev. nuil Mis. M. D. 1'iillcr left oBtenljy for IIoini'HsUllr, N, V., where tliey will Bpeml sev ci. 1 1 dilri. The Marine b.inil, mnnbrrinff twenty-two mu fici.un, under the lcideitlnp of Thonm Doutli wjile, nude their appearance on the streets en tenljy afternoon and plajcd a number ol Ec'lec tiom in a thoroughly pnjovabla manner, the band is composed ot playcis of Jermyn and Mayfleld and we hope to hear thvin frequently while the strike lasts. Ailhtir Jones, James Owen, l'cter Simmers (ledge Jones, Thoinai Moicom, Km man Will iams John femilh, Maitiu CoIe and William Vllliani3 are camping; at Lake Chapman. I'atikk I,ouglmey, of Ilcndham, is iaiting Iiii parents here. Thomia Kenwood, of Second street, t!io has been quite 111 for the past week, is improving. Thii'O of Jiajtleld's young men, James (Juinn, William Ktaiu and John faulllvan, left jeaterday for Xew York, K. l' MiC.nty, of Majfleld, has eccured a posi tion as telegraph opcutor on the Boston and Maine railroad. J, It. Vandermaik, of Caibondaie, n former Jer. mjii leiMcnt, was a caller hero jcstoulay. Will Fljnlg.ni, a. well known lcstdvnt of tho i:at Side, left jrstrritiy for New Ymk City, John Feeney, nf N'orlli Main lrcjt, has seemed u position in Plttslnirir. Kliool Direiloi Hunter and Waters are hint 1'ng to get the new Hag pole in position at the school jard, TAYLOR. A pleaiant leeeption was tendered Arthur Mor gans tlie popular joung bautone, at his home in West Mlnooka on TucwJay Helling piciiotu to bis departure for IlulT.ilo, N, V. 'Mr. Morgans added much tn tho pleasure of the oceuslon in leiidcring t,eeral pleasing tolas and reficahments were scued. Tho gucts piesent wero Miss (,'erlrude Thomas Dal.y and Giile Heinhardt, Alice Nicholas, lleitlu ltosc, It.iv, Jessie and Alice Morgans Slia Gibson, Miss Hush and Miss Miller, ot Sciunton; and Messrs John and Will lam Morgans, Cl.enter A. Iteesc, John Crane, Harry Thomas, Albert Hose, Arthur Moigans, l'rcil ami IMsar Hose, Tlia funeral of the laic Joseph Hall will Hike place from the homo of Mrs, James Njj.1i this afternoon. Services will be held in the home. Interments will be made In the Prcsbj tcrian cemetery, Tho funeral of the .oiig child of Mr. and Mrs. John Wclbel, of Main street, took place j eater day afternoon, Srnicrii were lielil at the li'iuse, Itcv, A. Weber nffUlatrd, llurlal was made In the 1'prest Home cemetery. Today the Heds will battle with the West Seran ton Aleits on tho Jtlmxldo base ball grounds at :U0 p, hi, Tho rafllo fnr (be hfiuflt of John K. Matthews will be held next Tuesday evening In Llewellyn's hall. It has been requeued tint' all tickets ami money be in the hands of the comndttce by Men day cu'iilng, May Uit. All inembcis of Minonka tribe, No. 217, Im oraicd Order of llcil Men, are requested to be present at their rooms (Ids afternoon at 1 o'clock to attend the obsequies o( their deceased brother, Joseph Hall. PECKVILLE, Mrs, Ilattlo Ilarber. iriict of the late IMgar Ilaibcr, died jc.terdjy morning at lirr home on Main street, aged U .U'ars. Deceased was ill only a few dajs and succumbed to pneumonia, The funeral will t.'ko place from the lata icsl dvneo at -'.SO o'clock Friday afternoon, Hev, !' Cendall, officiating. Interment In Prospect ceme tery. Tlie Ladies of tlie Women's ChrUtlan Temper ance union, also of tho Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church, will meet In the lecture room of the church on Friday at 2 p. in., to attend the funeral ot Mrs. L'dgar Dirbcr. ''lie Mount JvMiip Coal company have removed their mules from their mlncj ami put tlicm out to pasture. iJraatara Is oa boifi'flM I Laxative uromo(juuuaeTntt , 55 18 tfe,,, C MYER OAVIDOW. Extraordinary Sale of High Grade Shoes and Oxfords Today, Fortunate circumstances 10,000 ' The newest styles fresh from the shoes. We place them on sale It Will Pay MEN'S SHOES. ITS pairs Men's Velour Calf, Vicl Kid and Patent Calf Hand-S-wed Shoes; made to sell at iiiM). Sale price CO A U only iP6.40 ::"d pi lis Men's Dox Calf and Wine Huiset Shoes, heavy soles; made to sell CI (k at $.-1.50. bale price 4J 0 67U pairs Men's Light Hot Calf, Viei Kid, Patent Tip Shoes; made to sell at CI fjtj $2.50 and $3.00. Sale price ' " 1T0 pairs Men's Hiissla Calf Fine Shoes, con gress and lace; worth $2.50 and CI (C $3.00. At 91.411 and iPl.iJO lS'J pairs Men's Shoes, light and heavy double sole, congress and lace; woith 07 $1.50. Sale pi ice Mt Call and Examine Our Goods MYER DAVIDOW T H E HONOR 1500 IK 1500 Cross and Crown . i Cross and Cr0WQ Emblems I l .Emblems for I for Home, Office I Home, Oflce or k or Store V Store Decorating 11 Deeorating ioc rn 10c Each t Each Size, 20x20 I See Onr Inches Window IWIY 129 WYOMING AYENUE, Its component parts are all wholesome.' , It nets gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which arc agreeable and refreshing to the teste. All are pure. All arc delicately blended. All arc skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by s San Francisco, Ceil. Louisville. Ky. Now York. N. Y. FOR SALE STALL LEADING 4E MYER DAVIDOW. THE CHEAPEST SHOE STORE, 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Friday and Saturday. enabled us to buy in the Boston, Lynn PAIRS of High Grade and Desirable Shoes and Oxfords. the manufacturers in need of ready cash, at less than cost of making of at prices less than merchants pay direct from the factory. You to Read the Amazing Low Prices. CO pairs Men's Tan Shoes; made to Op Fellat?l."j. Sale price V j Hojs' Shoes at 07e.; Youths' Russet Shoes at "lie.; Childicn's Shoes, :!5c. up. LADIES' SHOES AND SLIPPEES 128 Mirs Ladies' Fine Vicl Kid Hutton, Pat ent Hp, $-'1.00 Bhoes; narrow- CI Ai nidthfc At $1.29 and fA.TO VO pairs Indies' Patent Kid Button and Lace Pine Shoes; made to sell at C IJC) $J.00. Sale price !. a 47S paiis Ladies' Vicl Kid Hutton and Lace, Kid and Patent Tip Flexible Sole Shoes; made to svll at .00, SJ.50 ami $3.00. CI AC Sale price, $1.40, $1.70 and PJ.iJO and Prices and See for Yourself the m DRUQQ18T3. MYER DAVIDOW. and Brockton shoe markets 00 pairs Ladies' Patent Leather 1.T5 Qfln Shoes at O IV 5S0 paiis Ladles' Dongola Button and Larc Shoes, Flexible soles: made to sell at OOi $1.50; kid and patent tips. Sale price. , 293 pairs Lidles" Hutton Ties, hand tinned; made to cell at $2.00. CI 4U Sale pric '. Pl.atftf 96 pairs Ladles' Southern Ties, pat- i ent tip; worth $1.75. At Jlli Ladies' Oxfords at 75c. and 08c. Misses' Shoes and Slippers, all prices. Greatest Values Ever Offered. 307 Lackawanna Ave. AMBITION We are ambitious and de termined to keep all the time, The Best Flour, The Best Oats, The Best Feed, The Best Hay, In Scranton. Dickson Mills Grain Co, Scranton and Olyphant. Old Phone, Green Eldge, 31-2. New Phone, 1103. GENUINE Best Qualities $5.00 and upwards. Straw Hats of Every Description. 413 Spruce Street 300 Lackawanna Avenue. Dr. Uelmd's Llneu Uudei Mfl 1 4 1'V ,,.v