HJrKt! &tsi'&n2i.Y"-f? 3L'rsrt.rBjs "T.WY , "' ".. T" .4mr"v . t. . (WW ' ,, r 1 1 A 1, - A ,l 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBtlNE-WEDNESDAYj MAY 21, 1002. 4 J TLK & ft THE MARKETS Wall Itrtet Review Kcw York, My 20,-Prlcc of atocki cored ljultc a substantial rccomy today and enowi the day pretty Hear the lop level and '' There a muih morn cheerful feeling ii regard to the outlook for uluc and none of the rather urgent pressure (o sell which .was o fea ture cteriliiy. The shsrp and sudden decline among high priced but seldom active stock gave iilacc to equally sudden recoveries tn the tunic Rtrurltlc. fnternallonal Tower recovered 5 polnla of Its 13 point break of yesterday, and thcic were wide gains scored by the electric and express stocks which were notable sufferers yes terday. There M not much news on which to luse the rle. Sentiment was favorably affected by the large absorption of United States btccl st rising price. TliU soothed the anxieties which were caused by jesterdaj'a rumors that ft formidable bear party bad been formed in the stock as on outgrowth of the criticism of the mock tonvcrlon and bond Issue plan. The no table strength of Canadian Tactile and Its subsid iary roids, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Sault bte Slarlc and llulutli, South Shore and Atlantic, also bud a notable sympathetic effect on the whole market. Ibis movement began abroad before tlio opening here and was not explained by any pe ilflo news. London wai a bujer on a consider able wale after the hnllihv there, and confident predictions were beard tint pcicc would be dc i bred at an early day in South Africa. The lormal announcement nt the terms for the taking nver Jointly by LoulsWllo and Nnhyllle and botilliern Railway of the Chlcigo, Indianapolis ami Louisville slocks In return for lour per lent, bonds was chlelly reflected In the price of Louis lllc Tlio terms of cvhanic of the stool: or 78 for the common and IX) for the preferred ed to some recession In their prices, as the Joint lioiius, Juilgeil lv the precedent oi inr i ciclungcd bonds, aie lint likely to command a full par value. 'Hie pn-ence In the Wall street district of Vcrctarv l'jsloy, of the Civic Icdeia tloii and his ioniiltntlon with Important repre sentatives of the anlliMilte liiensts gave rise to oiijccturei that measures vvero in progress for Hie settlement of the antlirnclle miners' strlue. Wall (.trcet opinion remains confident that n set tlement lies within reich at almost ntiv time. Tlieie wus-aNo lauch les appiilieindon today of n spread of the 1 ibor liouble Into the bllinnlnim tout Holds, u tilth was considered l foutiidable prospect jcsttrdiv. hngar was helped by the lcports of nn agreement upon a Cuban reciprocity iiieiMiri- and iualgainnted Coppir was Him on tin- bclltr conditions loportod In the copper tndo. The inail.et tloetd q ilet and steJtly. To I li nti, M)S,m shires. Ilonils were dull but were stead. Total sal"S, pir value, J.II(i,(KX) I'nlted Mites rofiimlin? 2-s and new i't were 'i pir cent, on the last call. The following quotations are fnvnlsheJ The Tribune lij Haigbt k Krcesc Co, 311 J13 Mean building. tt. D. Ituiion. manager. Open. IIIcli Low. Close. 71. t ottf, No. 2 while, 44ali4c.t Ko. 3 white, 43a44Wc No. 2 r.ie, !)!4c.t fair to choice malt Ins;, 69a72c.l No. 1 flaxseed, l.60 No. 1 north Western, 11,761 prime timothy seed. fffl.30aO.Ti! mess pork, per barrel, )17.15al7.20t lard, per 100 lbs., 10.17H10.20t short ribs, sides, 0.03al.76; shoulders, 8a8Vic.j short clear sides, tlO.tOalO.00. Chicago Live Stock Market. tftloflrrn. Mv WV .Csttlivnorotntjt. 4.000. In (eluding 400 lexans: steady! good to prima steers, $7e7.CO; poor to medium, M.23aJ80 etocKers anci iceuers, ja.i.iaowi cows, i,uuausi ficlfcni. !(i!.7Ja0 00 canners, sM.60a2.riil; bulls, t.Tsal.7A calves, fi.OOt"; Texas fed steers, f;Voao m. rtogs ltecetpts, today, 21,000! tomorrow, 15, 000!11 li to 10 cents lower! mired and butchers, 8(l.Di'uV.40 good to choice heavy, $7.a0 17. 1 3 1 rough heavy, S"a7.!3 light, 80.7617,13! bulk of sales. 57.0.-.I7.2J. Hhce.v llecelpts, 11,000! sheep, steady In 10c. lower! lambs, steady! good to choice wethers, Mad CO! western sheep, JfliOSO; native lambs, fJ.OOa"; western limbs, So.Mki". Buffalo Live Stock Market. ftist Duffalo, May 20-Cattlc-Ilccclpts, light;; firm. Hogs llceelpls, .1.10; slow- for light grades' steady for others, and fiilOc. higher! Iieav, $i.tO 7.30i mixed, S7.ROi7.40j pigs, ftO.OOa?! rouijlu, Sf(l,7ui7! stags, $S 2'iaft 7.r. Sheep and lambs Receipt, l,SO0j steady nt yesterday's prices. Oil Market. Oil Clly, Jhy 20.-Credlt balances. $1.20 cer tlfloitos, no bid. Shipments, 127,601! average, JtM.lUK. lluns, Si.770; average, 7B,S.11. Ani.ilgamnttd Copper. ,. OS I.'1; (i"i di'i Amor. Car. & I'oundrv. 20':. 2M 2''j 2H American he ts In'i IS 1? Aincricnn Ire, l'r lit Id 01 , t , Amor. Ioeoinotie l)"s ..u's .'O'i ."OVj Amor. Locomotive. I'i.. l tH'i Ofil HIs Am 'molt. . Het'!;. I ,i. 4V2 Vi ' 4'i'a Anioilcin Sugii 127' U"j 127'i 1277. Anuonilu Co p-r II n llPt H2'3 lj-i's AI(lil-on 71'i 7S1 7M "t Atilii-on. l'r '17'ft 0T'2 07H W! liill i Ohio m, KiilU 10.V ion Iliook. ltrtp luin-il .... iil'. 00 fiVA Ifi (anidiin I'k ilk 17S 1-1 12ias W (ins k Olmi Ill tii' 40 -Soli rhie. , Alton onc !I7, .mi T! (hit. . !t. Wit 277, 2r 27'H 2S's (hie. Mil. i. M. l,aiil..lW.Ts ll.'i l!i I''"1 llilo.. It I A Puiflc...l70ij 171'.. 170 171'J Col. l'uol . lion 'I" t SO or tol & Siiilhei -jo-, -nt't l"ir, rflij I ol. & South. Pr Il'i tiH "'i -'' Hoi. A. linden Kt'i IT'. 17.!'- 17i, I'lie It It .Ml'', M'H .''i'a 'ir1 lilo, 1st. T'r 1.7 GPa 07 ""'a 1 rlo. 2d l'r fil'i W fills "'-" Hot King VjIIov si 2i SI t-t llllnnN Contrnl liPi ri2'i IIP, 11J InVrmll'inil I'owti .... V SO 7.-i fO Komas ( its A s-niiili ...U'v; ti'i .'J'i at Ioni. K Naslmll" .. . 117'. lll'i H7'l 110'i Alniiii itian Ill '4 112 1.1 H1H Mil. Sll.et Its It74 It1 It"1! If Jlixli in Cent nl 27'', 27',i ?J',i 27',i Mo, Km K lr., l'r.. .Vi ,", .". .V, Mi'ourl I'aeiflf 0's '" 'is 'x N. V. feiitril IV, IV. i, Ill's lV.'j Norfolk ,r Weslom ".! ,Vi :' frfo orlli Anierinn 120 Ul li1 121 I'ntann .V e--tern M2H II 12 .!! I'eniM It. II Wi MOH IIS 140'i l'onplo's l!is ..., inn, llll", Jlll'i 0I'4 Vieved Steel t lr 11 H"J 1 1"4 ll" Itenling lit II", ii2'3 Pl'd ii2',f. lteidin-, i-l I'i S2'i W 2'3 M Holding, 2d. l'r I.7U l-S'i 07 Os'l Ilepublir Stool 10 17' IRT 1714 Ilepnhlif Stool. Pi 72 7l' 72m 7.1j Sf. Louis A siM p, in... Mis 07 Ml. l7 Soiitlioin 1'idtif 1.1 fit'A IU' fits, Siutliern It II i7i ."114 '1111; :'iia4 Smith. It. it, P tM's 'if- IH14 Otis T11111 Coil K Inm I.2H MVs ?xa Wis 'li,is A Pintle '.mi, 40'i .VII, 40U I'tili.n I'.itific Wis; 10114 KUi, lfll'i 1 ninii Pit Hit, l'r h7i8 R71g S7 87 1. S Ltallier I 1 1'4 11 H14 V S Steel I04 W io"i 40'4 1 S Moil, l'r 110 t)ii fO 00 Wabisl 2?i 21,'a 20 201A Vabash. l'r 41i 41 42"4 4 HJ AVtt. I'nioii Til SOU U014 S0i no IMiecl. A Lal.0 Lric .... 2lli 21', :'H2 2l'i i 1-rniiMii (cnlral 201a 2iir,, 20 2014 'total wiles 118,700. Mono l)s. CIIIOACO CHAIN' AND I'ROVIIOK MARKtrr. WIIEVT- Open High. low. Close. Jly 7lli 7". 743 7434 fccpti ruber 7.1' 71 Ui 73Ts COIIK liilv Oils 0U Ot'l f2 September 59f OOii SOU COU OATS Jul! tl'i ."., 31 ."PI Scptcmliei 2S 2a 2sTs 2J PORK .lull 17.20 17.27 17.r 17.21 Siptenibti 17.o7 17.40 17.30 17.M i.nu- .liilv 1022 1027 1017 1017 September 10 21 1025 1020 1020 WHS .liilv , 007 072 001 00.1 beptcmber U.72 0.72 001 005 NKW YORK COTTON' MAItKLT. Onen. High. Low. Close. Jills- 88.1 8F0 SSO R.ffl August Slid 8.1S 8.10 81S Siptmibei 807 MVI 800 SOT Oilubcr 7.0(1 7.00 7,00 7.M Bcranton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. ' STOCKS. BM. Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co., lr. u) Coiinl Savings Hank & Trust Co,. Soo l'lit Nilloiul II ink (t'arbondjle) tW 'llilrd National flmk ftV) Dime Deposit and l)'-cotjnt Rink... lua ,,, I'cnnom) Light, II. k 1', Co jg 1'irht National llarl liOO ,,, latkJ. Tiust k tiifo Ucposlt Co,.,, iai ,,, Clark & Snover Co , Pr 21 ,,, Scranton Sivlngs Dink soo ,,. 1iader' National Dank 225 ,,, Scrunton Roll d: Nut Co 125 ... People's Dank ,,. 135 ,,, BONDS. fcranton Parkins Co 35 bcranton Pas&engcr Rallvva, first Mortgage, due 1020 us .,, People's street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1018 115 ,,, IVoplc's Street Hallway, General mortgage, due 1021 115 ,,. Scranton Traction 0 per cent 113 4.. l'conomy Light, Heat 4. Power Co 07 North Jeisey it Pocono Ico Co,,,,,, ,,. 07 Consolidated Water bupply Co 101 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II, a. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) I'lour-W.40, llutter Fiesh creamery, 25c; fresh dairy, 21c, Chefsc-l.lJl312c. " l-'ggs Nearby, ISc.j western, 1714c, Harrow Heans Per bushel, $2.35a2,10. Green Peas Per bushels, 1,7J, Potatoes Per bushel, $1.00. Unions Dermudas, $2.25 per crate, New York Drain and Produce Market New York, Jlay 20, Flour Quiet all day, but steady and unchanged. Wheat Spot steadyi No, i led, SSHc. elevator, and UOlic, t. 0. b. utloat; No, 1 Northern Duluth, K)-,c. f, o. b. utloat, Whtat was dull all day, but ktiad. The elite was steady at a paitll e, net dvance, Jlay closed SO'Je.j July, SOHC! Sept., i'JHcj Dec, bO'lc. Corn SHit Hrnij No, S, 60c, elua. tor, and 70c, f. 0, b, afloat. Option market 10HI un sharply. 'Die market closed flun at Sialic iidiancc. May closed t!4c July, 07c; Sent., U5?4c Dec. 61 lie Oats Spot steady! No! 3, 40c; No. J, 45!ic; No. 2 white, 61c: No. H white, oOlic; track mixed western, 4 7a 13c; track uliite, 60aS5c. Options fair, active; moving wilh com all day. Butter Steady; creamery, lMHa22c.; factory, UalOljc; renovated, 18a 20',ic; imitation creamery, 18Ka2013c; stats dairy, ISHailc Cheese Quiet and Htm; new state, full cream, small, colored, choice, 12a 1214c,; white, 1214c; large colored, 111,; white, 1114c Fsrgs Klrm; state snd Pemu., 17c; vvebtern, 187iaI714c) southeni, IlilSc. Chicago Orain Market. Chlcaeo, May 20. Corn took the lead In srahi speculation lae today sod relieved the sutlon from tbo dull hot weather fnonotoue that has prevailed for several dsys. Other (rains worked up In syinpathv. snd July wheat closed 14c. up; July corn, sialic, higher, snd July vats, Vsc. higher. Proylstou lacked tone snd dosed 2!a$ to 7H ctnta lower. Cash quotstlonj rre as follows: t'lour tirntj He. 9, 7iUMttc-i K. S tti, Easily Convinced. If some ono Hliould tell you fifty times Hint Clmtnberlaln's Pain Bulm relieves Rheumatic! paints and that many have been permanently cured by It, you might still be only half convinced. Gle that liniment n trial, however, and ex perience the quick relief from pain which It affords, and you would bo fully satisfied of Its great value. 25 and G0 cent bottles for sale by (ill druggists. FINANCIAL. Rare Opportunity tor Conservative Investment Mr. Win. J. Douglas, 432 Connell Building has for sale at par, an Issue $750,000 5 per cent. Gold Bonds of the Buck eye Engine Co., of Salem, Ohio, This company has had an excellent bmlnew standing for fifty ears' and Is now making large dividend. Purpose of this bond Issue I for en largement of capacity to meet tho growing de mand of It hiislnt'V. Ask lor pro.pectii. Thee bond are guaiantectl bv the Prudential Life Insurance Co., of .Newark, N. .1, FINANCIAL r When Will the Strike End? $300.00 In Prizes For the closest guesses as to the date of its termination. Bvery 50c cent pur chase of groceries or meat entitles you to a free guess, Buy where the prices are lowest; as for instance on Potatoes, 75c a Bushel, We do not have to charge you for Trading Stamps. We offer, to yield About 0 per cent,, $250,000 (Total Issue, $1,000,000) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Oold Bonds. Denomination ?10OO Maturing 1 to SO jears. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, WEW YORK CITY. THIRD NATIONAL BANK . OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center 1 23, 1 25, 1 21 and 1 29 Washington Ave. Nothing in the world brings so many people to this store as the feeling that whatever happens they will be fairly treated. GREAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! WILLIAM B. K INd & CO. Membcra of Houston (Texas) Oil Stock lix cluingo solicit orders, ferny HPT I -MM CiHl ' Hi m' flH'l Tni. v.mmmmfm H'jan mfsSajKmM Nature's SWeet IKjestorer Is the name applied to "sleep." Sleep of' tho most restorative i kind follows the use of , Batiste Corsets. With warm weath'er neoole are In vine aside heavy corsets of coutil and putting u 5"i wcijjul v.uiacis maae 01 net or batiste. There are dozens of good batiste cor sets made in this couutrv the rirrlih shapes, of course, or you wouldn't find, them here. R. & G. Corsetsof batiste, bias cored, straight front $1.00,$1.50 $2.00, $2.50. W. B. Erect form $1, $1.50, $2.50. ( J. B. $1, $1.50, $2. There is a time for all things. This is the time for bargains, and Connolly & Wallace's is the place to get them. The people know it, too. Jouvin Gloves, $1.50 Fresh lots from Greuoble of these beautiful light-weight French Gloves. Colors are as dainty a3 anything you can imagine and you can take the workman ship fot granted. Mode, tan, grey, brown, pearl, beaver, black and white, Women's lace lisle Gloves and Mitts, 25c and 50c pair. ANHEUSERtBUSCH'S aftfSu?ane .' Ul Auntl INTQxirxi.- : Uh..?PAWKUMG "Li , wlvEHT8An.9iioufOKiw ka f..rMALT.iW'unDC w ,:rss (j Joyce Stores (J Popular Piced Provisions. TIUOI MABIC ' Bfl Recommended by leading physi cians as a pure tonic with wonderful building-up properties. Not a "darR beer," but a real malt extract. All druggists sell It. Prepared only by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. Brewers of tht famous Budwelser, Mlchelob, Black 6 Tan, Pale-Lager. Fauat, Anheuaer Standard, Export Palo and Czqulsite. ft" JgQjSzv tttKKKetcttti;iektititetttttttittitititit If You Walk Much You can do it more comfortably when time is spent in getting the right shoe for the right foot. Our shoes have a reputation for GOODNESS, Style, Perfect Wearing and Fitting Qualities not found in ordinary shoes. Our $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Shoes have no equal in the city. tt tt tt it 330 Lackawfltinn Avenue X K 5 Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Cotton Duck. Duck for skirt9 and dresses has been popular many season's but never more so than now. It wears well and washes well, and when you are getting a dress that has to go into the tub every week or so, those things are worth considering. We have colored ducks in all sortsof dots, rings and stripes at 10c a yard. For those who prefer white we have au excellent quality at 12$c yd, it is the best weave and the best finish of ady we know of at the price. Galatea, 15c a yard. About the same weight as cotton duck, but very much like the English Galatea at double the price. It comes in plain colors, stripes and dots nothing better for knock about suits for boys and girls. Lace and Embroiderie3-Qreat Showing. Wash lyaces, with inserting and galoon to match. Swiss and Nainsook Embrdideries with inserting to match. Beadings in Swiss, Nainsook or Cambric. Double edge Bead ing Galoons in Swiss and Nainsook. Galoous of all kinds in Irish Point effects. Colored insertings in pink, blue and black and white. At Our Well Known Low Prices. SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THKBK ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEOS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY ANO SATIS' PACTORILY. FOR SALE BUGGIES snd WACOXS of all kinds; iIto Houses and Dullilinpr Iits at bargains. HORSES CLIPrKD and GUOOMBD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. Matt The Wrecked Ship "Sydnia's" ing Cargo Sale- Is creating a furore among Scranton' best buyers for the home; We said last week this would be the Greatest Matting SeHing Event that ever happened and it is. Had it not been, that in order to secure this elegant lot of mattings, we were compelled to invest heavily, the entire line would have been cleaned yes terday. As it is, the invoice was so large that a very good assortment yet re mains, in spite of the vast amount sold but it won't last long. If you need matting, and like real bargains, make your selections with out delay. This schedule of comparative values will give you some idea of the price differences. i 17c China Matting, Sale Price, per yard 9Jc 25c China Matting, Sale l'rice, per yard 15c 27e China Matting, Stile Price, per yard ISc 80o China Matting, Sale Price, per yard 19c 85c China Matting, Sale Price, per yard 22c 40o China Matting, hale Price, per yard 25o 45c China Matting, Sale Price, per yard 29c f BR1NQ ROOM flEASUREMENTS, IP POSSIBLE. See Our matting Window Display Credit Yoa? Certainly! TrT 'C0W4Y LNTON.FA. 221-223-225227-229 Wyoming Ave. Ask About "Old Hick ory" Porch Furniture ' is i i aeiu f I J : II , I f ft-- -.- ' mfaww Ma c. E3. Woolsey c Co CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber OP ALL HINDS. SECURITY BUILDINO f S4WV39 UVOV Homo Office, 208-209 Hears Building. VCe aro maturing shorn carh month which show a net train to tlio investor of about 12 per cent, We loan inonev. Wo also iisue 1 VU, PAID STOCK $100 00 per share. Inter est payable semi-annually. SHORT SEA TRIPS ALBURT BAU,, Secretary. I E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear fill Lackawanna aenuc, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepared for the sprini scasou. We make all kinds of porch scrcera, etc. peter'stipp. General Centmctor, Builder ami .Dealer In lliilltlliiR Stone, Cementiae of cellars a spe cially. Telephone 2592. Olfke, S27 Washington atenue. the scranton vltripibd brick andTilb Manupa cturino Company Makers of raving: Brick, etc. M. II. thle, General Bales Agent, Office 320 Washington avc. Works at Nay Ausr, Pa., E. & W. V. B.tl. FINANCIAL THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It 1b the best known mining property in tUe etate of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement iu equipment and gener al development of the propeity. Awarded Bronze fledal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season, Stock now selling at $ .50 a share. The pi ice will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor, Wilte for full particulars, SIX EAGLES 1H, CO 1803 Orozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. St4.fi CfiOPflU ii-:X2Nq A few days can be pleasantly spent In a trip to Norfolk, Va.' Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE OLD DOMINION LINE Steamers sail daily except Sunday from Pier 26, North River, foot of Beach street, New York. Tickets, Including meals and state room accommodations, ?8.00 one way, $13,00 round trip, and upwards. Send stamp for illustrated book. OLD DOMINION STEAHSHIP CO. 81 Beach Street, New York, N. Y. H. B. WALKER, Trafllc Munager. J. J. BROWN, General Passenger Agent. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District for Dupont's Powder Ulnlng, Blasting, Sporting, Smokeless and tb Itepsuno Chemical Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Eafety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Boom 401 Con nell Building .Ecraatcn. AC112NC1ES., JOHN B. SMITH & BON Plymouth E. W. MUI.MUAN ,...,.WIIkc-Ilorre Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Pennsylvania Ballroad. Schedule in Effect Juno 2, ISOL Trains leave bcranton: 6.JS a. m., vcek dsy through vestibule traiu from Vt likes Barre. Pull' rnan buffet parlor car and coaches to Fhiladel phia, via Poltwillo; stops at principal interme diate stations.. Also connects tor Hunburj, liar risburg. Fhilndelnhia, Baltimore, Washington anil for Pittsburg and the wist. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Barrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta burg and the west. 1.42 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington ana ruisourg ana me west. 3.28 p. in., week days, through vestibule train from Wilkes Barre. Pullman buffet parlor can and coaches to I'Miaaeipma ia rottsvllle. Bto at principal intermediate stations 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hasleton, Sunbury! uarrisourg, rnuaaeipma gnu riiuours;. J. U. HU1C11JNSON. den. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Qen. Pass. Agt" Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Nov. S, 1S01. Trains leave Scranton for New Sort At 1.40, 8.1S, 6.UJ, 7.00 and 10.05 a. m.; 12.45, 3.40, 3.3i p. m. For New Yoik and Philadelphia 7.60, 10.05 a. m , and 12.45 and 3.S3 p. m. For Toby hanna At 0.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15, 6 22 ant 8.00 a. m. ; 1.65, 6 50 and 11.35 p. m. For Dinp hamton and nay stations 10 20 a. m. and 1.11 p. m. For Osnego, bracuse and Utica 1.15 and 6.2.2 a. in.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse and Utica train at 6 22 a. m. daily, except Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. iu. i 1.10 and 6.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 6.15 p. m. Bloomsburg Division For Northumberland, at 6 35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and 6.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m. ; 3.40 and 9.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15, fl.OJ and 10 05 a. m.; 3.403.33 p. in. For Buffalo 1.15 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.55, 6 50 and 11.35 p. m. For Ulnghamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. Blcomsburg Division Leavo Scranton, 10 05 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect No; ember 24. 1001. Trains tor Carbondalo Kac Scranton at 6.20, 8.00, 8.53, 10.U a. in.; 12 00, 1.29, 2.34, 3 52, 6.29, 6.20, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. m.; 1.31 a. m. For llonesdile 6.20, lO.lSa. m.; 2.34 and 6.3, p. m. For Wilkes-Barre 0.38, 7.48, 8.41, 8 38, 10 41 a. m.; 12.0J, 1.4. 2.13, 3.Jtf. 4.27, CIO, 7.43, 10 41, 11.30 p. in. For L. V. It. It. Po!nU-0.39, 0.33 a. m.; 2.18 4.27 and 11. So p. m. For Pcmujhanla It. It. Points 6.08, 0.38 a. m.; 1.42, 3.2S and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 6.20 a. m, and 3.52 P. in. SUNDAY TltAINS. For Carbondale 3.00, 11.3J a. m.; 2.34, 3.5J, 6.62 and 11.17 p. m. tor Wilkes Baire 0.33 a. tn.; 12.03, 1.68, 3.23, 0.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany nnd points north 3.53 p. m. For Honcidalo 8 60 a. m. and 3.62 p. tn. ' W. U I'lUOH, D. P. A bcranton, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. New Jersey Central. COItlilXTCD TO NOV. 17, 1U01. ' Etatlom iu New York, toot of Liberty street and boutli lero'i N. It. Trains leave bcranton for New York, I'lillad.l. .'liunk, White Haeu, Ashley and Vilkei.Bjrr at RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In cftect Muy 13, l!Wi. 'trains leuo Sirsnton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. i II. It. H-, at 0 38 and 0.3S a. m and 2.13, 4 27 (lliack Diamond iiireo), und 11.3 p, ro. bun days, D. i. II. It. It., 1.63, 8,27 p. in. For W hite Haven, llazleton and principal points in tlio co j I legions, via D. i 11. li. II., i)Js, J. 18 and 4.27 . in. Fii Pottsville, O.Jb a. in., 2.19 P. m. For Bethlehem, Taiton, Heading, HarrUburg, and principal lnuiiuidlale nations, via D. 6. II. (. II., II J3. 03l j. in.; 2.18, 4 27 (HUck Dia mond i:prcss), 11:30 p. m. hundjjs, D, i, 1, II. It,, V3S a. in.; 1.0 o.27 p. in. For Tunkhannoik, 'lonanda, l.lmira, Ithaca, Qeuca and principal Intermediate stutlont, til D., I'. & W', II. It , U 35 a. m. and 3.40 p. iu. tor Uuicw, Itoche.ter, Ujtlalo, .Niagara Falls, Chliaco and all points west, tiu D. k II. II. It, 7.48, 12 0:1 a. in.: 3 23 (lllark Diamond f.x prio), 7.49, 10 41, 11.39 p. lit. bumU, D. L II. It. It., KM, 8 27 p. in. Pullman parlor and tleeplng or Lehigh Valley Parlor isra on all trains bctwetj Wilkes Usrre und New ork, I'hiladjlpliia, Buffalo and &upen sUn Bridge, UOLUN 11. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 25 Cortland street, New York. CIIAULES S. Li:i:. Coo. Pass. Agt , 9 Cortland kticct, Nen VorU. A. W. NONI'.UACIIER, Dlv. I'asi. Agt., South Ucllilehetn, Pa. For tickets snd Pullman reservations apply to city tia uiku. 00 1'ublls b)uare, Wilkes lisrre, UiunK, mr.ie una, " """" - i . m.. 1 r,. m. and 4 p. m. bunday, 2.10 p. m. Obakcr City Kxprcss leaves Stranton at 7,30 a. in., tlnougli solid vestibule trail. 1th Pullman. Buffet Parlor Car, for Philadelphia, with only ono change of cars for Baltimore, Washington, D. C. and all pilnclpal points south and west. 'o.- Avoca, I'iltntou and Wilkti'llarre, lp.ll, ... .. . c.mlav 9.10 n. m. For Loni Brandi, Ocean Oiove, etc., 7.30 a. "Vor" Blading, Lebanon and llarrisbnrg, via AN icntown, at '.SO a. uu and 1 p. ui. buudsy, 2.1 J '''For rottnllle at 7.S0 a. m. and lp.ni. 1 For ratis and tlcUU i pplv to agent at station, ' W. (I. BKSLEII, Oineral Manager. C. M. BUltT, Cm. Paas. AgU New "Vork, Ontario and Western, in Lffect luesdjy, Sept. 17, ICOl. w Mltltlt UOUDf Leave av Arihe Tialns. birunion. Carbondale. Csdo,la. H, x ...10 ' 'n- " "' 1 00 p. : k-o" 7 ........ -lu!'- "' Ar- Carbondale 0,40 u. ro, 1 SsOUltl HOUND. Lcava Liavo Arrli Trains. Cadosia. Carbondale. Scranton, &.::::::::-. t1!l I-t bU.MAVS ONLY, NOIIlil HOUND. ' Leave Leave Arrlvs Sraulon. Carbondale. Cadosia .,... 8 JO m. A 0.10 p. in. jo a. m ,,,,,.. 7.00 p. m. Ar. Carbondale 7.10 p. in. SOUTH BOUND. ' " .eavo uat Arrivt Trains. L'adosu. tariwnuaie. Scranton, Nr.. ........ 7.00 a. in. 7.40 a. ni. No. 10 430p.m. 0 (Mp.ro. 045p.m. Trsim Nos. 1 on eek ds)s, und U on bundays, make main Hue connections for New York city, MiddletOKii, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, O.wcga nd all points west. For further information consult ticket agents. J. C. ANDEItiON, C. P. A., New York, J. E. WELSH, Tt A., Sainton, p. ( Trains. No. 0 , No. C . Connolly & Wallace. l lidL Mwbim i. ', ,' Iff , ,r & K tf. .2.