rarer '"rr"v,y"r; jpwr;c ;- Y tvyry" WFTnFyr Wp ' 4 4 ' ? A Tttti soiiAnton tribune-Wednesday, may 21, 1902. . 1 All r Tirea -s WmM t&fG-im . nrW. fc fyfllv Hm' llfjfjWI Ik & Wl'lIMS r v ItaLV llAillBa of o Jr tr Mn.'L.Lnlf a.v&S8rri rff. I i n o. WM'A 1 kill m M J& jy III 71 twm titi .r ffc) mam r J mv mfThWm lift & ri W ml A r . vUfiidUMiyWMfiK "."rJU- JJ I , 'II' '-'J' It IsTi good thing to bo tired wlion It's tlio healthy all-over tiredness which is the result of exertion. For this tired condition brings its own compensation in sound, refreshing hIccd. But when n woman is always tired when bJio iifntfnno in tnn inririiintT from her dream disturbed Bhunbers as tired as when she went to bed, her tired feeling is a symptom of ill-health. Ilio g 1 !3 -t.! ... inAinnll fnnl IQ lint. consistent with a licalthy condition and is often tlio forerunuer of scrioiiB womanly Hiannan. Generally tho woman who feels tired and worn-out all tho timo is advised to try Borne elmplo tonio which can do no more good than act as a tern porary stimulant Tho woman's need is deeper tban this. There is a causo for tho weariness, and until that causo is removed her condition cannot be perma ncntly improved. Tho common cause of a woman a weakness and weariness is to be found in somo disorder or disease affecting tho delicate womanly organism. t i- i ! t. !. mli tn fins a weak irregularity aionc is viiuugu. " -y - " , oniiig drain, the fevor of inflammation or the cpYrod ing or ulceration, anu tuuiu .o . " - -causo for all her languor and weakness, l'or, gen erally, tho woman who feels constantly urea ieeis weak also. She feels weak because slio is weak. Discaso is eating up her strength. Tho first step toward ueauu strength is to enro tho womanly diseases which waste and weaken tho body. Dr. Pinrco's Favorito Prescription cures these womanly diseases; it makes weak women strong and sick women well. "Four yeara ago my health began to fail," write3 Mrs. Nellie M. Reycraft, of Glcnwood, Washington 'o., urcgoii. "i had a heavy draeffinE and weight iu the region of the uterus, pain in back and loins, could not lift anything heavy, rest at'night .verv noor: stomach deranced. One rhvsician said I was overworked, another saidJI had congestion and fallinz of uterus. He treated me nine months and said I would not be well until I had passed the change of life. I was only twenty-seven years old then. I became discouraged, and began using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Took a teaspoonful three times a dav; becran feelint? better ricrht awav. Have used the third bottle, and feel I am in good health. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has restored me to health. If suffering women would give it a fair trial they would give it praise." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes women strong and well by perfectly and per manently curing the womanly diseases which sap the strength and drain the vitality. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cares femalo weakness. As a tonio and nervine for weak, worn-oat woman Favorite Prescription " is unexcelled. Its effects are promptly apparent, in increasing strength, a healthy appetite, and sound rest ful sleep. It is especially valuable to mothers weakened by maternity, and unable to regain the lost strength. " I think Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery ' the best medicines In the world," writes Mrs. Amelia Dougherty, of Kerrigan, Wayne Co., Mo. "I gave birth to a baby last summer. After confinement I became very ill, had the best physician that could be got, and he diagnosed my case as womb trouble, tending to dropsy. Medicine seemed to do me no good. I lingered between life and death for quite a while, every day growing weaker until I could not walk across the room. My friends were looking for my death every minute. A friend wrote and told, me about Dr. R. V. Pierce, and I at once wrote to liim for medical advice. He replied immediately, giving me full instructions as to what to do. I at once followed hi9 advice, and when I had taken his medicine about a week I felt a good deal stronger. When I had taken it about one month I felt as strong as I do to-day. I took four bottles of each kind and two vials of 'Pleasant Pellets,' Many thanks for the medicine. It has permanently cured me." Reference is made in the letters printed above to correspondence with Dr. Pierce. This ' privilege is open to every sick woman without cost or fee. Dr. Pierce invites any suffering women to consult him by letter, free. All correspondence is strictly private and sacredly 'confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.'Y. The offer of free consultation by letter, made by Dr. Pierce, should not to be confused with spurious offers of "free medical advice" made by irresponsible people who are without medical education and knowledge, and are legally and orofessionally disqualified for tho practice of medicine. In a little more than thirty years, Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women. bometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious meuicjues, win oner mo customer a miusuuue as oeing "just as good" as the "Favorite Prescription." It is better for him because it pays better, but it is not as good for you, if you want the medicine that has cured others, and which you believe will cure you. ES Drnni s'C' fi I feiM3 I Be Well and Keep Well. You oan leant how by tho study of Dr, Plorco's Common Sense MedloaS Ad" vlsorw This great work, containing more than a thousand large pages. Is sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY, Send 21 one cent stamps for the book In paper oovers, or 31 stamps for the cloth "bound volumot AtroaT Op. ?. V. PIEROE, Bullakt, N. Y. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONJftOSE. fe'rccUl t? tlig Scianlon TiiUunc. ' Montrose, May 20. Bishop A. Wnl tcrs, D. D of tho A. M. 13. .Ion church and a trusteo of tho United Christian Kndeavor society, will picach In tho Haptlst church iu this place on Sunday, June 1, and on tlio evening of the same day he will preach In the A. M. 10. Klou church. , There has been a cluingo for the worso In the condition o William D, 'Idisk, esq., and his death Is momentar ily expected. Mr. and Mis. W. D. B. Alney was In Blnghamton on Friday. Mrs, W, N. Barnes and children, who havo boon visiting at the home of her parcnta In Cohoes, N, Y have returned to jhelr home In this place. The dogs of this borough must be ncsessed and the taxes thereon pnld-on or before May 26, and each canine must YOUR our if you U9: FAITH will be " troag jjp Shilohs Consumption fT hA 8ud our ' B0 JtronEr we ..III VT Kuurantccacureoriefund L uioucy, aud we geud you J.free trial bottle If ou write for it. . ' MtHILnil'S Mils ficentaan.llll mir. fl -$uptlou, FucuinonU, Bronchitis and all ..ung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold J day, and thua prevent tcrloui results. It has been doing these things for to year. B.C.Wm& Co.. Ia Roy.kv. ' JCari'a Ctovcr toot T cwrtct tt Stvaack he furnished with a tng as n certificate that Its owner has complied with the requirements of the law. Dogn not thus piovlcled with tags) will be hilled, by order of tlio boiouglt authorities. Anson D. Bliehard, of Ellnlra, was In town on business last week. Captain William II. Dennis, Jr., was a guest of friends In Dlmock over Sun day. Claude Sncll, of Wyaluslng, epent Sunduy with friends In this place. Tho death of a. Utile child of Mr. and Mrs. Buy Men 111 occurred at their homo, on High sheet, Katurduy even ing. .The funeral was largely attended from tho house yesterday nfternoon, Bev. A. W. Cooper, pastor of the Meth odist Kplscopal church, officiating. At the Methodist church Sunday niouilng, Bev. I.. U Sprague, D, D., president of Wyoming seminary, at Kingston, preached an eloquent and soJioluily set man, and In tho evening ur, npingue maae a lino address on "C'lulstlau Education," at tho same chinch, William Sherwood, of Harford, who Is ii leading Uguio iu Tho Tribune's Bieat educational contest, was hustling for subscribers In Montrose last week. The dates for Dlmock camp meeting have been fixed. The meeting will open on August 20 and close August 28. Greenwood & Fish will conduct the dining hall this year. Hairy B. Dennis and wife, of Lester shire, spent Sunday at tho homo of Mrs. Dentils' patents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Payne, In ihls pluce. There was a lurge attendance at the game of buse ball played In this pluce on Saturday, between tho Keystone Academy nine, of Factory llle, and the Montrose, team. The game was an In teresting one throughout, and was ab solutely free from any "kicking." The result was nnother victory for the homo team, tho score being 12-3 In favor of Montrose. Adelbert Darrow, of Great Bend, spent Sunday at tho homo of ills par ents, Mr. and Mi 3. Georgo Darrow, near this slucc. The county commissioners havo closed a contract with Messis. Sullivan & Bailgley, of Blnghiimton, for tho erec tion of a fireproof addition to tho court house, as recommended by tho last grand jury. Tho contract price Is ?467. THOMPSON. Special to His Scrjnlon Tribune, Thompson, May 30, Tho W. C. T. X!, will hold Its monthly public mooting In the Methodist Episcopal church next Sabbath evening. A programme of se lect readings and inuslo win bo ten dered. Ten new members have recent ly been added to tho union. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sumner, of Unlondale, visited relatives in town yesterday. Mr. and Mis. William Douglas, of Rochester, N, Y have moved Into the house with her mother, Mrs, Willaid Tucker, and will bo welcomed by our people. Prof, and Mrs. E. M. Campion left yesterday for Springvlllo for a visit of a week or more. i 15. E. Gelatt, who buys wool, bought 250 pounds yesterday, tho first that hus been offered this beasou. Ho pays 17 cents per pound. The warm lain for tho past two days was a timely blessing, as vege tutlon was suffering for tho want of t. "Uncle Toin's Cabin" will ho played In a tent on D. E. Wlttus' lot. See bills. Bev. Leonard Cole has not been quite so well as usual for the past few days. Yet no alarming symptoms appear In his case. Hand bills, announcing the Free Methodist camp meeting tn Pickering's grove, commencing August 20, have been posted at this early dale. Thanks to tlio management, w-o nre not to bo cursed with a Sunday camp meeting this year. Ladles' Aid of Iho MWhodlst Episco pal church give their regular month ly tea In Grand Army hall tmnorrow afternoon, Bow and Mrs. 11. M. Pascoo will at tend tho fiftieth anniversary of her parents, Bev. 'and Mrs. Joseph Madi son, wedding, Thursday of this week, nt their home In Scranton. , Miss Mabel Walker, of Port Jervls, N Y Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Foster, at this writing. They are placing a mammoth churn In the Thompson creamery to meet the demands of tho business. Mrs. Brown, of Scranton, is visiting her niece. Mrs. L. Cole, this week. Frank Hall Post will observe Mem orial day with appropriate services in the afternoon of May 30, and the school children and people generally are cordially Invited to attend and as sist in these exercises. r v.. BASE BALL,""! POUR CLUB LEAGUE. j j Williamsport Sid Not Put Up Its Forfeit and Mt. Carmel Was Dropped. By l.xelurhe Wire from The Associated Treat. lleaillny, Pa., May 20. ThU afternoon nnother meeting was held hcio by the St.Uc league ot baie ball clubs. Liter President W'ltman said: "Becjuse Williampnrt failed to lomii up with It foifolt wo dropped that town, and to that then; Tiilcl bo :in cmii number of teams and to mold unc ilub being Idle nt also discarded Mt. Cirini'l. Wc Oder ted a nc.v schedule to July 4. Wi! nr ccifio'cn' that tho new circuit will bo a su.eess." 'Hie new circuit M composed ol four clubs, Linrjitcr, I,cbunon, Reading and Scranton. The schedule at arranged follows; May 21-22 Scranton at Lebanon; Lancaster at Reading, May 2121 Scranton at Reading; Lebanon at Iiiincaster, Mi 2(1-2" Lebanon at Reading; Scranton at Lancaster. May 23 20 Reading at Scranton; Lancaster at Lebanon. May 30, n. m. Reading at Lebanon; Lancaster at Su'nnton. May 30 p. m. ami May 31 Lancaster at Scran ton; Lebanon at Heading. June 2-3 Lebanon at Scranton; Lancaster at Reading. June 4 5 Scranton at Lancaster; Reading at Lebanon. June 8-7 Scranton at Lebanon; Heading at Lancaster, June II 10 Scranton at Reading; Lebanon at Lancaster. June 1M2 Reading at Scranton; Lancaster at Lebanon. June 1.M1 Lebanon at Reading; Lancaster at Scranton, June 10 Open (hie. June 17-18 Lebanon at Scranton; Lancaster at Reading. June 10 Open date. June 20 21 Heading .it Lcbinon; Scranton at Lancaster. June 2J-21 Scranton at Lebanon; Reading at Lancaster. June 2V26 Scranton at Reading; Lebanon at Lancaster. June 27-2S Lebanon at Reading; Lancaster at Scraiilon. June !0 Ouen date. Jul 1-2 Leli inon. alScranlon; Lancaster at Reading. July 3 Open dale. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORS 1 iirf r a " 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Line, 3 Cf nt (or Each Extra Lin j. SITUATIONS WANTBD FREE. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mom Tim Pour Line, ft Ctnttlor Etch Bttr Un. For ZUnt. KOIl ItllN'T 0 room furnUlied collage for Kcawn at Hancy's Lake. Apply II. A. lm, 1012 .lone street. Iho HII- BARN VOn R1:NT-I12, April 1st, three box nd , It'S ln,l! la3 ""d ' ra?1,', roar 324 Madlaon svenui. Inquire at 034 Madison nve. ron 1 RBJiT-StoTe building for rent In DIckon City. Pa. nullding M feet by 21 feet, cellar under all, and second story can lie arranged lor family. Ml ln g00l r (r rp(iy (at use. Two coal brcaUra and mines rlov by employing oer a thousand people. An rnterprlilng niercliant can Bet a largo trade. Apply to William II. Richmond, Richmond Hill, 3123 N. Main aunuc, Scranton. Pa. Furnished Booms for Bent. KOIt RENT Large lurnWied front room, at 121 Adams acniie. FOR RENT One furnished room, with Improves tncnts; also one on third floor, cheap. C27 Adams aenue. FURNISHED ROOMS tor rent, modern Improve. mcnt.; private family; gentlemen preferred, It S3 Adams nenue. FOR BUST Furnished room; 625 Linden street. heat end batik FURNISHKD ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, PH and bath, gentlemen preferred, at &W Adinn. venue. American Xeague. At Roston R.ll.i:. Philadelphia 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 01 4 0 Boston 00000101. 3 C 1 Iiattcrie Plank and Steelman; Young and Cn ger. Umpire Ciruthers. At Washington , R.H.r. Baltimoie 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 14 9 1 Washington 0 10 0 0 0 0 118 9 3 Ratlerieti McOinnlty and Tires nahati ; Towniend, Oi tli and Drill. Umpires O'Loughlln and Shell dill. Other chilis not scheduled. For Sale. bPECIAt SALE FINE HORSES. MESSRS. JEWELL 4: PATTERSOy. of Lexington, Ky., will hold a special sale of lino hornet at the Sale, Exchange and Cab Stablei ot C. L. Njgle & Co., South Washington street, Wilken-Barre, Pa,, on TIIUItsmY. MVV 2J.1W A. M. They consist of matched pairs, single drivers, Mdclleri mid a few choice woik crs. They me tho rpal Kentucky stock, teldom seen in this fpctlon of the Stale, and are conceded to he the best bred lot of henscs ever nought to this allcy. Call on Wednesday und look them over. Try one or all. Will bo sold on Thurs day, 2Jd ot May, nt 10 'o'clock a. m., rain or shine. Don't miss this chance at C. L. NAGLK & CO.VS Sale and Cab Stables, South Washington Street, Wiikes-Barre. Branch WANT Offices, Wont Advertisements Will Bo Becelved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AM1E1IT RCIItJLTC, corner Mulberry street and Webuler avenue. aUSTAV l'ICIlEL, 650 Adams avenue. West Side OEOIini: W. JENKINS, avenue. 101 South Main South Scranton FRED L. TERIU'E, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market atrcct. Green Ridge ClfARLKS P. JONES, 1557 Dickson avenue. K. J. JOHNS, 020 Oreen Ridge street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington avc avenue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. K.EP1T.L, 1017 Irving avenue. TJunmore J. 0. BONK k SON. Help Wanted Male. v a.m r,u oood strong laborers; wages, 14 to 10 cents per houi; kteadv work, llell.vood Manufacluilug Co., Uellwood, l'a. SALESMAN WANTED - Energetic ilcmin; school supplies; country work; $100 salary and commission. R. O. Evans k Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED The services ot two mcclutilcal draughtsmen to whom steadv work and good wages will be paid. Address "Mcehanlial Draughtsman," Tribune office. 1'Olt SALE 1518 llarrisliurg automatic engine In A No. l condition; admirably adapted for electric lighting. Can be seen at the works of the Scranton Bolt and Nut company. FOR SALE flood voung horse for light driving. Inquire at 'Ml Washington avenue. JUST ARRIVED with 40 hcrses; good workaia and drivcis; weight fiom 1,100 to 1,700; un cial closely mitched teams; can be seen at 334 Rajinom! court. F. M. Cobb. PIANO FOR SU.E Almost new: vised less than five months; elegant upright pluno; will r.ic-J rlflec. Call day or evening. 324 Franklin ave. FOR SME Hand silk doublers. - Bro , Patcrson, N. J. New. Bamford Theatrical. DM ATTRACTIONS TODAY. ACADEMY Mabel and night. Paige company. Afternoon National League. At Pitlsbure R.II.E. Philadelphia 2 0 0 10 110 0511 1 Pittsburg 0(12001111017 1 Rattencs White, and Dooln; Lccvcr, Chesbio and O'Connor. Umpire Emslle. At Chicago Boston 0 0000000 1 1 Chicago 0 0 110 0 1 0nI! Bilteiles Pittinger and Moian; Tajlor Chance. Umpire O'Djy. Other clubs not scheduled. R.1I.E. 9 0 9 2 and Eastern League. Montreal, 8; Providence, 3. Toionto, 8; Worcester, 3. Other games, rain. College Games. At Cambridge Harvard, 2fl; Lehigh, 1. At Ithaca Cornell, 12; Carlisle Indians, 3. Other Games. At Alloona. 1M R. 11. E. Altoona 7. 2 0 0 0 0 13 3 0 t 11 4 Clev child (Am. league) .0 0 110 10 1 0-7 S 2 Batteries Veil and Lee; Yasblndvr and Ilemls. Umpire Ward. m Lackawanna Railroad Popular Ex cursion to Niagara Falls. On May 29th the ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets to Niagara FallH good going on any train on the above date and for return up to and Including June 1 at tho extremely low rate of $6.55 for tho round trip, which will bo from Scranton. Children be tween the ages of live and twelve years one-half of tho adult rate. "The Climbers." "The Climbers," which by reason of its per fection in acting, mounting and costuming, es tablished it in the fiont lank ot theatrical pro duction., will be seen for the first time in this city at the Lyceum on Saturday, matinee and night. In this play Mr. Fitch his presented some very effective pictures of New Voik wcloty with well drawn l.vpcs of New York people. Thioughout the dromi he In lugs comedy and tragedy into close and brilliant contrast. Ills chief motive conccrni itself with the ruin of a Wall street imn. The comedy deals with several bchemes for siclul advancement, and nn uncommonly divert ing and clever comedy it is, 'Iho action passes in four acts, three of them interiors which convey 4he impression of genuine luxury, and one, a pretty eterior, representing the Hemltage, a quaint little re&oit on the Bronx. "The Climbers" will be picsented here with the same scenic and sartorial appointments a at the BIJou thcitre, New Yoik, whcio it ran for 200 nights. The company of distinguished American placrs includes Charles Kent, James drew, Den nett Sturgis, Frederick Peters, George Stevens, Edmund Liston,Chailcs Master, George Klnard, Jftseph Roblon, Harry Wright, Jr., Marguerite St. John, Jennlo A. Eustace, Elizabeth Harry, Marian llerg, Ethel Wlnthrop, Marlon, Glrou, Maude Ream Stover, Lillian Wright, Maizle Oliver. m REDUCED BATES TO SAN FBAN CISCO AND LOS ANGELES. CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POslTIONS- U,8S9 appointments made last jenr; prob ably 10,000 this jcar; only common school edu cation requiied for eaminatlon; catalogue ef information tree. Columbian Correspondence Col lege, Washington, D. C. WANTED Painters; only good men need apply. ' Call at Charles Wagner's, 3.11 Adams avenue. elp Wanted Female. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 022 Quincy avenue. LADIES WANTED to copy letters at home .'tiring spare time evenings and return to us. Wo fur nish paper free and piy $10 per M. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars and copy. 1 M. C. Dcpt. 413, Box 1411, Philadelphia. . YOUNG LADIES $0 00 easily earned .it home evenings, writing for us. For particulars send addressed envelope. Filbert Mfg. Co. Dcpt. 443, Box 1411, Philadelphia. WANTED Girl to go to Stroudsbuig, light oral liou'cvvoik. Call Hotel Terrace 2 o'clock aftcmoons. gen to 3 Experienced operators and examiners on MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Imperial Underwear Co., 132 Washington Ave., and 339 Adams Ave. Agents Wanted. THE NUDE IN ART Wanted agents; M'rles of 10 pictures; send 25 cents for prices and sample. S. J. Mertz, 9"3 Pine st Allcntowii, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED to go out by the day washing and ironing. Call oi addicss, I,. B., 331 Sumner avenue. SITUATION WANTEH-Dofng general woik by lespcctable colored man. UJ1 Peiin avenue. COLORED WOMAN desires washing to takf home or go out bv tli day, oi doing house cleaning, 12.12 Pcim avenue. Business Opportunity. WANTED Party that would be willing to n-it young man lln.incl.illy to perfect amUplacc invention on market. Address C. H., cue Tribune. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbbard It Co., members N. Y. Ccniolidated and Stock bxchange. 44 and 46 Broadway, New York. Established lgili. Long Distance' Phone 23S3 Broad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck. straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 814-315 Connell building. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Imperial Council, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. On account of the Imperial Council, Nobles of tho Mystic Shrine, at San Francisco, Cal Juno 10 to 14, 1902, the Pennsylvania Railroad company will soil excursion tickets to San Francisco or Los Angeles from all stations on Its lines, from May 26 to Juno V, Inclusive, at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will be good for return pahsago within sixty days from date ot salo when executed by Joint agent ut Los Angles or San Francisco and payment of fifty cents made for this service. For bpeclflc rates apply to ticket rfgents. MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. Find tho sou and daughter of the fat inun of Bombay whose pipe was stolen by the gqpse. Strikers' Notice. wwfthvi WE SELL tickets and" checks to all puts of Europe. Consult us bcfoic puicluliig tuns portatious, Wc will tave 0u inonev. ITnbn Ticket Agency, 203 Larkavvamu avenue, Scianton, Pa, Opposite Scianton Houtc. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, thrco or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished for cry light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Addrcis M. II., Tribune of Bee, WANTED Furnished houe or four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. U. E., Tilbune office. Boaid and Booms. VERY DESIRABLE suite of moms with first class (ablo bond, tan be obtained at 321 Jeltcrson avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Tvvj ccir.munleatlng rooms with board, private family picferrcd. Two ladles and a gentleman, btatn full particulars. Address O. II. !., Tribune office. Summer Resorts. COri'Adi: on SurfiH li.imu liver ut Black Walnut, for rrnt by week or month; fiiuiMied, 'cols, stove, dlfchex, (line linits, spring vvatu, best foiling. Address T. J. llelnhart, Iliac k Walnut, Pa, Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST A ladles' gold watch; a liberal irvvjid will be given if returned to Hotel Terrace, LOST btccl beaded pura containing small sum ' of money, on l.ticl.auaium avenue, near Wy. oming, Finder please return puna to Tribuna olncc and keep contents, LOST 2.". between Peck Lumber Co,, East Mir. ket street and PresbvterUn church, llcvvaid If returned to office of Peck Lumber t.'o. Miscellaneous, WANTED To adopt, n bright, healthy gill S tu 10 rais of ugc. For particulars addiess Box 11, Tribune pltlce. WAVIEII-The addiess of Mr or Mis. Ilitclurd, I'rltcbard or relatives, hci intun, by Mrs. Helen Jeffrey, lur ststu, 7J 'iieiuont avenue, New VoiU city. Intercollegiate Regatta, Ithaca, N. Y., May 30tb. For the above occasion ticket agents ot the Lackawanna uillroad will sell llrst class tickets tu Ithaca and return at regular one way fare for the round tilp. Tickets will be sold good going May 29th and 30th limited for return to Muy 31st. Children between the ages of S und 13 years one-half the adult rate. LEQAL. J.01? K hereby given that application will bo m. TiJ.1, "V "pvernor of Pennsylvania, on i'y,,28-.1. by David L, Emanuel, John M. Si- ?i ,nd '-""d I'eckltt, all resident! ol Pennsylvania, under the Act of Assembly, en-Ii- ' An Ac.', t0 I'fovlde for the Incorpora tion and regulation of certain corporations, ap proved April OT.1S74, and the mipptemehU thereto, for I he clutter of an Intended corpora Ion to he called "The Emanuel Stone Compony." the charter and object of which Is the Miirrylna; and crushing of stone, slag or other material and the aelllng of the same, and for these purpose to have, pome, and enoy all the rights, benefit ami privileges of raid Act of Awembly ami sup plement, thereto. ALFA. N L'f.ltlCH, .May 3, 1002. Solicitor. NOTICE Is hereby given that an application will lie made to the governor bf the Slate of PrntLulraiila. on Wednesday, the 28th day of May, 1002, by William L. Connell, Kdwrd S. .lone and James S. McAmilty, et l under the Att of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act to provide for the Incorpora tion and regulation of certain corporations,'' ap proved April 20, 1874, and the supplements theri to, for n charter of on Intended corporation, tt ho called "North End Coal Company." the ehiracler nnd object whereof I mining, prepar ing, shipping; and selling anthracite coal and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, hencfltM and prl liege of the laid Act of Assembly and Its supplement. II. C. REYNOLDS, Solicitor. NOTICE Is hereby given that Blttenbcnder cora pany, persons having n llerl under the law of Pennsylvania upon goods ware and merchan dise of W. II. Campbell, consisting of one set of buggy wheels on account of storage and labor bestowal on such goods, the owners having failed, neglected and lefuscd to pay the amount of such charges upon said property within aixtv day alter demand thcieof, made personally, will expose the said set of buggy wheels to sale at public auction at Ittttcnbcndcr Company's store, 12(1 Franklin nvenue, tlty of Scranton, Lacka wanna county. Pa., on the fith day ot July, A. D., ItXH. nt 12 a. in., and sell the same or so much thereof as shall be suffirlrnt n iHrl.ru said Hen, together with costs of sale and adver tiling. BirTENBKNDEU COMPANY. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONEui OF PUBLIC (MOUNDS AND BUILDINGS. WILLIAM A. STONE. Governor. E. B. HARDENBEHail. Auditor (lencral. FRANK O. IIARRI1. State Treasurer. T. L. KYnr. Superintendent PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationery, Fuel and other supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and tli laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, wt hereby Invite, sealed proposals, at price below maximum rates fixed in schedules, to furnish ta tioneiy, fuel and o:hcr supplies for the several de partment of the state government, and for mak ing repairs in the several departments and for the distribution of the public documents, for the year ending the first Tucsdav of June. A. D. 1003. Separate proposals will be received ahd separate contracts awarded a announced in said schedule. Kach proposal must be accompanied by a bond, with at least two sureties or one surety company, approved by a Judge of the court of common plea of the county In which the person or person making such proposal may reside, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and ad dressed and delivered to the Board of Commission ers of Public Grounds nnd Buildings before twelve o'clock II., of Tue-.d.i, the 3rd day ol Jun, A. D. 1002, at which time the pioposals will be opened and published in the Reception Room of , the Executive Department at llarrisburg, and ion tract awarded as soon thereafter n practicable. Blank bonds and schedules containing all neces sary Information c.ui be obtained at this Depart ment. T. I,. EYRE, For the Board of Commissioners of Publla Grounds and Buildings. Notice. NOTICE ppr.ila fiom the state fax ossessm-nt will be held in the office of the county com mlsslouei in the court home on the following named da.v.s: Kor townships and boroughs, ex cepting Duiimore Borough, on June 2, 1002; for Scranton, Caibondalc und Dunmotc, on June 3 and i, 1D02. JOHN J. DURKIN. J. COURIER .MORRIS, JOHN PENMAN, Countv Commissioner!. Attest: W. O. DANIELS. Clerk. Beal Estate. FOR SI.I Lot. corner Mulberry and Wheeler avenue, MKUO; finest location on the hill, ror terms address S, Kline, Flainftold, N. J. FORCED SVI.l; of one thousand feet of cholcf South Buffalo building lots at le than one half actual xalue; location the best, on direct car line to Lackawanna Sleel plant. For particu lars write or wire me at once. W. P. Volgamorc, No. 201 Moig.in liiilldin'. Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE Elegant site for homes in upp-r Gicen ltldgc; choice neighborhood; most de sirable locality for home in Lackawanna county. J. A, Man Inc. 1730 Sindcrson avenue. Rheumatism. vyw RHEUMATISM All uaitlea that wish can be spcedllv and permanently cured of all va rieties of Rheumatism by u vegetable compound. Cuies guaranteed. Inquire or address J. . Tay lor. Scranton. ' PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SI'AULDING, C. P. A., 2J THAU m" Bank building. Old telephone, No. lbfll. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. "B., REAL Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BUILDING. STEVENSON k KNIGHT, 720 CONNELL BLDG. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBEItfiER, PAULI BUILDING, Spiuce street, fccranton. Dli. O. O LAUBACII, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. WII.LAItD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellori-at.Lavv. fii'J to 012 Conaell Building. T. D. II. lti:Pl.O(U,H AITORNEY-LOANS NEOO tlatul on real estate neurit-. Mears Building, eoiiivr Washington avenue and r-piuev,streetv JESMM' k .lKsbllViATWinNiaa AN'P CODA". srllors-at-law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 10, 20 anil 21. ,. . r. L. A. WATRES. AVIORNEV-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa, ' PVITEIMA" A' WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAL Ilmk Building. . - A. W. BEI1TI10LF, OFFICE MOVED TO HO. 2U Wjomlng avenue, Hotels and Restaurants. AVife. 1IIK KI.K CAFF. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN nuc. Hates icasonahle, r P, ZIEGl.EII, Proprietor: T SCIIAMON HOUSE, JvKVK D., L. k W, PJS. eengrr depot. Conducted on the Kuwptjso plan. VIC-IOR KOCH. Pioprletol? v. : Scavenger, A, H. BIWSGH CLEANS 1'IIIVV VAVll? AMD m pools; no odor; only improved pumps iKu A. II, Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders U4v North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adams ami Mulberry. Both telephones.?!. Wire Scieens, JOSEPH KUKriEL, REUI Sit LACK. AVE, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire bcreeti. Miscellaneous. MEdARtlEE DUOS'., P.HIMEHS' M'l'PI.IF.S.-KV. v elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 139 Washington ivenue, Scianton, Pa. THE WILKES UARIIK RECORD CAN BE MAD In Scranton at the news stands of Rclimtn Bros.. 40t) Spruce und 60J Linden: M. Norton. SJ-J Larkawauni avenue; -I. 8. Scbutier, Jil Spruce street W . 1 Vil (, y:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers