The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1902, Page 6, Image 6
) "' &i Kr ,?.". i H 1? " . I' t THti SCRANTON TRIBUNIWEDNJLfe&AV, MAY 21, 1&02. : I MBSff Wedding of Alfred Cox and Miss Jane Harris Last EveningFuneral of Miss Margaret Hoskins Other News Notes. 'A very tiroUy wriUlinK occurred Inst evening at S o'clock nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Coyne, 113 North Kvorctt avenue, when tho lnttor's brother. Al fred Cox, wan united with Miss Juno A. Hurrln, of Darwin, England, by the Itev. tidwnnl Jnincn McHenry, rector of St. David's Knlscopal church. The hnppy couple wcro unattended, unvo by two little flower glrlH, MIsfps JMitrguret and Hannah Davis, nnd en tered the parlor to the strains of Men delssohn'fl wedding march, played by Trof. T. Davis. The ceremony was wit nessed by a large number of friends of the contracting parties. After congratulations were extended, the newly wedded couple and tho guests sat down to a bounteous repast, served by Mrs. Coyne and her assistants. The bride was becoming attired In a gown of blue poplin, ' and carried a bouquet of white bridal roses. Mr. Cox Is n well-known young man, nnd his bride recently arrived In this city from Europe. They will reside In a newly furnished home on Price street. Funeral of Sirs. Hoskins. Tho funeral services over the re mains of the Into Mrs. Margaret Hos kins were conducted yesterday after noon at the home of deceased's daugh ter, Mrs. Noah Lewis, 1332 Lafayette stieet. Hew Thomas deOruchy, pastor of the Jackson street Baptist church, officiated, and the Interment was made In the Forest Hill cemetery. The pall beareis were John Davis, William Samuels, William Allsop, and Theo phllus Phillips. Events of This Evening. The young people of tho Jackson street Baptist chinch will conduct their strawberry festival in the dining rooms of the church this evening. Ice cream will also be for sale. The Men's League of the Plymouth Congregational church will meet In joint ses-slon this evening with the Men's League of the First Welsh Bap tist church. Ladles -will be admitted to the meeting. The ninth annual public day exercis es and exhibition of tho Scrnnton Training school will bo held this af ternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock in their rooms in No. 1t! school building. Electric camp. No. 33, Patriotic Or der of Americans, will meet this even ing In Washington' hall. The resuluy meeting of Local union, No. 1273, of the United Mine Woikers The Best Family Cough Remedy, Dufoufs French Tar, Ibr SaTe by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. The Fan, the Sunshade I the Hammock . . . . f '0 2" 5 As grateful and comfortine a (5s g trio as the heart of lovely woman H 5 could wish for during the pleasant & H stunmer weather. They're all here f at their best and in their most ' fas- j H cinating moods. Come in and get S introduced to them. fe iS f- 35 , t t riaybe You Think f 3 That you've seem thein all before. Pardon us & $ for saying that this is a fact, than yon can imagine and carefully considered j ability to serve you well. It The Hammocks Are seen in the Globe Warehouse for the first titne. New ideas, new color schemes, new thoughts for adding to the restful comfort of the owner; , new Hammocks of the highest possible grade. Prices from 1 s 9 3 The Sunshades 35 9 Parasols, Coaching Umbrellas, Pretty Umbrellas in colors for brilliant sunshine, passing showers. Every fad and fancy of the hour, as well as the popular styles that are to be had in every good store. Prices from 4- The Pan So full of silent eloquence in skilled hands, and an absolute necessity to every woman with leisure Hours or moments, More fans here than anywhere "else in Scranton and more pretty fans to pick from, Prices from $5.00 down to 5c each Globe Warehotis?. SCRANTON of America, will be held In Co-oprr-atlvo hall this evening, when nil mem bers nre roauested to attend, The Scran ton Choral society will meet for rehearsal this evening In St. Dnvld's hall. All members nro requested to at tend. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Jacob, the ll-j car-old son of Ilr. nnd Mrs. B. P. Sutton, o( North Main (urnuc lolt jcitcrday for Pnrriinccton, where ho will mend the cummer with hit ftrandfalhcr, Dr. Sutton. The brlik pirnient on North Hyde Pari ae nue, la In had ahape at different points and nrcdi repairing1. Tho local firemen (rate an exhibition drill on It.vdc Park atcmio jestcrday afternoon, which va ttltnewed by a lartre number of spectator. U. K. Jolui-i, Frank Phillips, Timothy .tone, Jacob KlnRsIey and Wllllnm Lewis constitute the committee of arrangements in charge of (he de-tiilti-for he Columbia l!oe company ball at Music halt next Momljy evening. The biji arc looking fornnrd to an enjoyable ccnt. St. Leo's Battalion have completed the arrange ments for their excursion to lllnithamton on Me mortal Day, May .10. and anticipate that a large crowd will accompany them. Tiie doling; Infonml soelal of the season, under the ampltcs of the Klectrlc City Wheelmen, will be held at Mcara' ball on Wcdmcday cciinfr, M.i -Jit. Bauer's orchestu has been engaged to play for them. A labor bureau lias been c'lahli-iticd by mem bers of the Cilhollc Total Abstinence unions of the Scranton diocese, the object of whkli is to secure cniplojment for temperance men. The Children' Day exercises at the Stmdiy school of the Plymouth Congicgational 'thumb will be held on June 0, when the cantata, "The Garden of Life," will be presented. The Ancient order of Foresters of the World will conduct an excursion to Mountain Talk on Saturday, .Time 2i. St. Ilrendeit's council, Young Men's Institute, aio arringlng for an exclusion to Binghamton on July 4. 'Ihe Oxford Mine Accidental Fund line fixed upon .Tune 10 a the date foi their anmnl excur sion to Mountain Park. Friends of t'.iradoo James, of Luzerne street, are arranging a benefit conceit for him. which will tike place .it the Tabern tele Congregational ihurch, South If j ill- I'jrk nienup, on June !). lie Ins been l luftcrer fiom rheumatism for a lui-g time. Itev. Wllllim Dnies, pitor of the Bcllevttc Welsh CaHinl'tic Methodist church, is busily en gaged in making arrangements for the nnninl C.imanfa of the c- CahlnUtie Mellmlist ihurches of Pcnnsjh.inia, which will be held In the Bellcuic church the coming Triday, Saturday and Sunday. The Alumni Base Ball club will play the St. Thomas Colleirc team at Athletic Park this after, noon. The game will be tilled at 3 o'clock. The funeral of the late John Burkctt will take plice at 0 o'clock this morning from the houe, 340 South Ninth street. Sen ices will be held .it St, Tatilik's Catholic church, and interment will he made In the dihedral cemetery. The emploies of the local Delaware. I.arka wanna and Western collieries will be paid Fridiy and Saturday. The day men of Tocal No. "TO, engineers, pump-runners and fiicmtn, of the United Mine Workers of Aniericj, met in Jajnc's lull l.i-t evening and heard the report of their delegate to the Ilarleton comeollon. The n'glit men will meet at 10 o'clock this morning to hear the ic port. Some interesting bowling contests were (started great mistake greater, in g; until you hive seen them, g their inviting beauty and & e- a? & 6 $6.00 to $1.50 each $12.50 to $25c each 6. e & Beware of a Cough. Now Ib the time to get rid of that cough, for If you let It hang on no one can tell what the result may be. Others have been cured of their coughs very quickly by using Chamberlain's Cough Itrmedy. Mr. A. J. Da Costa, of Gaines ville, Tin., says: "A friend of mine, a painter, of this town, who was nearly dead with a cough, was cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Jtcmcdy. Itc also roconnnende,d It to a lady here, who was suffering front grippe nnd n, severe cough. She grntllled him by try ing It and was cured by one small bottle," This remedy Is for sale by ull druggists. yesterday on the Becker alleju. Prltca will te offerrd for various cents. Itlchird A. Irfuls, of Decker's court, Ij spend ing n few daa In Wtlcn, N, Y, George Horrington, of South lljde Tarlc avenue, has accepted n portion with the Keystone laundry. Will Gallagher is also cmplojcd by the new company. Ilr. ami Mrs. William Deekelnlcfc, of South Main avenue and Luzerne street, hate gone to SI. Paul, Minn,, for a few weeks Mt with friends and rclathes. Bert lllclnrds, of T.wcrnc street, is spcndlns few ilnjs with his friends In Moscow. Mr. and Sirs. B. (1. Morgan, of South Main aenue, entertained Itev. N. C. Najlor, a former pastor of the JacLion Street Baptist cliurch, at their home on Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Boldry, of Acadcmey street, are circulating among friends In Hew York state. Master Kdward Buntim, of Hallstcad, bos re turned home from a Ilt with his grandparents, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Kern, on Washburn street. Joseph Olldorf, of Karchlld's hotel, ,has re turned from Ilonesdale, where he called rccenlly by the death of his sister, Mrs. Elmer Ferguson. The Christian Workers' League licit nn interest Irjc meeting last evening at tlie home of W. J. Jacoby, on Roundc ncnuc, Lincoln Height'. Mm. Henry Kcrcst, of Meridian street, lift yes terday for New Yorl, and will sail today for a two montliV islt in London. Samuel Jones, of North 11 de Park avenue, was bitten by a dog )csterday. The animal is owned by William Trostel. The Injury was not serious. Mlsa May Davis, of Llntoln Heights, was ten dered a birthday'party recently by a laigc num ber of her fi lends, " William Farrell is having ceded a substantial new stone building on Wasbburun street. MNs Jennie IMuards, of Luzerne street, has re turned home from Philadelphia, where her father is undergoing treatment at the Wills Ee hospi tal. Mrs. William Jonej, of Xorth 11 de Pjifc ave nue, is rccovciing from a serious illness, Mrs. Harry Young, of South Bromley avenue, has returned home fiom a visit with friends in Xanticoke. George Snow, John Loomls and Harry llurriu arc on a fl'lilng trip to Halt Acre. Boland Oliver, of l'lttston. has returned home fiom a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen, of Xoith Park avenue. Mrs. Thomas Carson, Mrs. D. P. Elias and Miss Davis, of Washburn street; Mis. John Williams, of Tenth street, and Mrs. Annie Phillips, of South Main avcmie, have gone to Ocean Crove for a few weeks' sojourn. Mrs. W. J. Kvans and son, of I.if.ijetto street, attended the funeral of a relative at Paltcn re cently. Mrs. George Sae, of North Main avenue. Is entertaining Mis. Henry Djmond and Mrs. Van Tjle, of Loel.port. Thomas Connor, of West Lackawanna avenue, is seriously ill. V. M. Eagen, of Buffalo, Ins returned home from a visit with his family, on West Lackawanna avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Kleppinger, of Tamarpia, are visit irs their daughter, Mrs. George Fielder, of Sum ue nvenre. Mrs Oimsbie and daughter, Mamie, of New Albany, arc gueiti of Mi- Maine Burlingame, of fcouth ll.vde Paik avnue. The Colonial club held a meeting in their rooms in Wa-hington hall laft evening and nom inated officers for Ihe ensuing term. A son was boin jesteidaj to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Llndksy, of 1(521 Jackson street. William, an aged ieidcnt of Contin ental Hill, died at bis home on Monday evrnlng, after a protiacted illpcss. lie was a widower, and is survived by three chllchen. Ijeccased-was a member of the Continent ll Mine Accident li fund, the members of which are reo.ue.ted to attend the funeral torvioes at the home tounui'v afternoon. Interment will be made in, the Wash burn street cemetciy. Benjamin Griffiths, the well known fire bos aid elocutioiiKt, i- attc-nding the sessions of the Grand lodge of Odd Fellows, nt Krle, Ii. The number, of the bond of school routiol are miking' one of their periodical visits to the various Mliool buildings on lie Wet Mde, A bu-liic-s meeting will be held tomor low evening by tie nieinh"H of Ihe l'ir-t Hip-ti-t (buiih In the aviiiibly room. All are ie quelled to be prct-cnl. Mis. Mull Kronici, of Si Imlln illc, is vNitlng at the hiime of her son. Maivin G. Kiomei. h- coinci of Ihomlev avenue and l.ifavctte stuct. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The (uuir.ll of the late I'rJiil; Itclmer, whose ilcitli ik cm uil List Sitiinljy, took plnco jcslcr iliy liioi'ilii'r with unprc lu Tniie?, IImih"iN nt fi lends mi'l niquilntniiroi low 1 thi iriniliu in lor to 0 a. in., mIioii tlio riAit a- dos'il anil rcmoirrl to St. M.ii'd iliuuli nn Hlvfi stliit', wliprc .1 muss ot ri'nukiti i e lcln atiil. Ht'V. lVtcr (Inist uttlii'ate'l, and lip paid .1 trilMitc it piai'e nml ..rll limited eilccm to tlie wnimy of Hid t'l'iartril. Iiitrniiont ji mule in ht.'s Cii-rniJii C.itlulla iciiptii. Tliu pallld'-ir-cis won: Jolin Tl poluld, ,)olin HIciikc, rinllp I.CHCit nnd John Klo '1 lie u-miln. ot the Lite Mr-. f'Jtlin Ino Ilimn nc laid .it rtft o-lpulay inornln',', and tlu if mains wen.1 followed to tho' by a multi tude of snipatlilliu frliw's and neinhbors. In St, IVtviV i.ithcdul .1 icipilem ini'-s .is iclo liiatod at P..'I0, and inlrrniont was aftciards nude in tlie cnnctciy. The new St. .lolin's rhurcli Jt Tiff street ami Pltlston avenue, h rapidly nearlnsr loiiiplellon und the lutheis and pUilnrrs h.ii' about ttnUlied their Ijbois. A hue imps of skilled worknu'n aie einploed on the liiiL-liluy work. ThevJtoiuid X c lull, a nettly nrxanleil body alon social lines, lu.-i cent out lu nations .Hid Mill ionenu in foclil session at Hotel Ilosur on Cidar avenue, 1'rldjy evenlnK, Miy if. The tlioral union of the Iliikory Street Prrby teiian ihuich held a relicirial last eieninir. They will take part in lliu Knlfhts Templar leienuny net week. Comet lodue, Knights of P thins, met in regu lar session !at cvenln-r. William Iliidinbaeh, of Cethr avenue, who has recently enlarged hU, was tendered a concert cvenln-r, the inusia liclnu furnlsli'.-d by Mr, Uolilnnon. I)r, F.hle'8 I.unfj Heillnsr Dil-atn is Riiaranlred to Hire nil comlb. "So cure, no pay," Vot wlc by all dealers, William rinlth, until rrerntly employed in tlie recouler of deedi' ofllre, lias (rone Into the hotel biulneKi, having foimrd a pailuenihip with Charted Wapcvvsky, on l'lttston u venue. GREEN RIDGE. The ladles' chorus of (iiccn Ridj-e, under the leadership of Mrs. Maxwell Chapman, will give a concert, June 2, at the Orccn llldge llaptlst ijluircli at S o'clock. Miss (iraco Bpeneer a ml Mlis Klcauor lie nobis will be the bnloUts, und a full orchestra will accompany. Tickets at the low price of 23 cents. The Green Hldgo Wonuii's ClirUlau Temperance union will meet at tho homo of Jlra. Volght, of 31!) New York street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Subject, "Hallroad Woik." A full attendance U desired. The Orccn Itldgc Wnmaii'a Christian Temper, ancc union will meet at the home of Mis. Vought, 310 New York street, IhU afternoon at 3 o'clock, 'Ihe subject for diseuion Is "Railroad Work," A largo attendauco Is desired. Mrs. li, Stanley HUtr, of Kaston, in (he guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Dunn, ot Dcliwaro street, Mr, and Mrs, How-man, of Newton, and Cieoigc firct'ory, of Lake Winola, were quests ot Mr, LADIES CAW WEAR SHOES one size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into tho shoes. It makes light or pew shoes feel easy; gives liutaut re lief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age , Cures and prevents twolleii feet, blisters, callous and soro spots. Allen's Fooi-Kase is a certain cure for, sweating, hot, uch tng feet. At all druggists and kIioc stqrcs. 2V. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package l-'IIKK bv ualL AiklifM Allen 8. Olsuteail, LcLoy. N.Y Silk Sale For Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Including all this season's newest weaves and shades, go at one-fourth and one third below actual value. Here is the list read it and you will find bargains. This sale will be a record-breaking event in the history of silk selling. They are matchless prices that high price stores cannot touch. Our guarantee goes with every yard we sell. To make it easy to locate the kind of silks you will be interested in, we have placed them in lots with number on ticket. LOT NO. 1 Yami Silks, 19 all colors, 45c This sale inches kind. wide, 36c LOT NO. 2 19-inch Taffeta apii Washable Cashimere Taifeta, all shades, 75c kind, this sale OoC LOT NO. 3 19-inch colton-back Satin, All colors. 50c kind. Sale price 30C LOT NO. 4 27-inch cotton-back satin. 59c 75c kind. This sale. LOT NO. 5 19-inch Silk Poplins, beautiful snade, best quality. 09c 63c khd. Tins sale. FXTPA A sP,end,d Inducement to the Shirt Waist Girl twv vr terns, Come in 2 1-2 yards to a pattern. During This sale will close posltlTcly Friday at G p. in. Remember the sale days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday or this week. A rare chance to buy high-class Silks cheap. JONAS LONG'S SONS. and Mrs. Horace Smith, ot Mousey avenue, es tcrd3j. At the regular meelinE of Green Kidge lodse. Patriotic Order Sons of America, in Masonic hall, Dickson avenue, two candidites wcic initlued, and Dktriet President fi. S. Pelleit, who was present, deliveied a ery instructive and helpful nddics-s to the larae number of members picsiit. A cow was struck bj a car on the flreen P.hUe People's line at Dehware htieet and Sandtrsaii avenue, jc-terdjy morninp; about 8 o'clock, and so badly injuieil tint it was neiessary to shoot It. Some one teliphoned to pollie heidquartcrs, nml a vv.iRim was ient out to take the dead .'.ni mal away. NORTH SCRANTON. flreat interest is belli: minlfolril in the romin; of the celebrated lciuo Ihtih 1'lectio Mii-IimI, which will tppcar at the North Miln Avenue tabernacle, tnnioirovv evtuin,-r, under the auspices of the Institute. This Is the shth innuil tour of this lonipiny and duilns tint time they hive appealed in all the luse cities throughout the eatein stairs. The compiny consists of the following artist: .Monro llutili, tenor; Itilpu V. l'.irle.v, lurput; Ilciward T. Collins, pianist; fieoigo T. llane, electrician. The Ladies' Aid toeiety of the I'lovidcnce Pres b.vteiiin eliuiih will, on 'Ihursdiy evening, ten der a rrccptioioti behalf of the oung peopli of Ihe ihurcli. William 1". Htnr ami wife lnve Just returned from a Irlp to New Yoik and other plaee of in terest along the coast. Hev, unci Mrs. 1". K. Tliomis inj daughter, of Mont lose, Pa., are vlsillnvj iclatlves htie, COURT MATTERS. Common Fleas Court. When tho evidence for tho plaintiff wns all In yesterday In tho case of E. lilngold Depuy against M. M. Spencer It appeared that the proof did not come up tn tho nllcrrutjons made. In the dec laration In the case, An effort was made to amend the declaration, the de fendant pleaded surprise and the case was continued, The trespass suit of Miss Alice M. Dunn afjalnst the Scranton Railway company was on trial all of yesterday before Judge Purely. When court ad journed It was ready for the charge of the court which Vlll be delivered this morning. The defense Is that Miss Dunn was not Injured In the accident of September, 1900, and that the trouble she had with her eyes and ear existed prior to the, accident. It is denied that she suffered nny Injury to the spine. Before Judge New-comb tho case of Fred C, Walter against Fred Drower, nn action In assumpsit is on trial, Walter seeks to recover $12S, which ho alleges Is duo him. Part of It is an unpaid balance on a contract for the ecectlon of a houso for Grower and part of It Is for alleged extra work. Tho defendant says that during tho con struction of "tlie bouse he paid certain workmen at the request of Walter nnd If tho account between him and tho defendant was accurately rendered It would show that tho plaintiff was In his debt instead of as stated by tho plaintiff. In the case of A. nildenger against Mary Pollskey, a verdict of $31.06 for tho plaintiff was taken by agreement. No appearance ymn made for tho plain tiff in tho case of 8. 0. Uazlett against Mr, O. A, Kvans and a non-suit was granted, A verdict for the plaintiff for $18.20 was taken yesterday in tho case of Justus Hlahop against Qeotgo Mantel. Orphans' Court Hatters, Judge A, A. Vosburg, In the Orphans' court yesterday, handed down reports as uudltlng Judge, and adjudications in the estates of George Philip Klrst, de ceased; Jolin B. Smith, deceased, and 8, P. Stevens, deceased. In each of these estates distribution was awarded, and there being no exceptions (ilea to mw m .. . . . m 1 Mrfawl Jm m mJm Jmfl. A (sm tf ouii "fc news t Thousands of LOT NO. 6 1 Peau de Lavant Washable Silks new shades, durable nnd last colors, 25 inches wide, $1.00 kind. This sale. 79C LOT NO. 7 20-inch pure Silk Peau de Soie and Louisine, the best in weave and colotings 1.00 z. kind. This sale OvC LOT NO. 8 Fancy corded Taffeta SiJIcs in plain colors. 65c kind. ! This sale 42C L0fN079 Brocade Satin Finish Silks in all colors, including evening shades and fancy striped taffeta open work effects, $1.25 0 kind. This sale ODC LOTNO. 10 Fancy Novelties in striped, corded and dotted waist patterns come in 3 1-2 yard lengths. $1.50 kind. Sale price pl.lU JONAS LONG'S SONS. any of the accounts, the payments therein made were approved. In the estate of S. P. Stevens, certain preferred claims vero allowed, and dis tribution awarded to others pro rata. In the estate of George Philip Kirst, the parties in interest agreed that cer tain articles of personal property should be awarded to each, in lieu of the cash distribution, and this agreement is.ap urovrd. The estate of John B. Smith, deceased, it is found that the securities in the hands of the accountant, the Uirnrd Trust company, have been placed In tho hands of tho proper custodian for the respective parties in interc&t, and this distribution is ttppiovcd. Two Prisoners Released. The clerk of the courts' ofllce was untitled yesterday of the release from the Eastern penitentiary of Thomas Durnlng and Joseph Van Dyke. Durn ing was sent down for two years for feloniously wounding Stephen Hughps. Before that he had served a term for killing Peter Martin In this city. Van Dyke had served two years for the theft of wine, turn and brandy from the hotel o'f O'Connor & Walsh, on Lackawanna avenue. Ho drove his wagon up to tho rear door one day und carted the stuff off to hl3 home In South Scranton. An Ejectment Suit. Annie T. Gllmartln yesterday began an action In ejectment ngalnst James Kennedy, through Attoiney T. P. Duf fy. A lot on Church street In Carbon dale Is the mutter In dispute. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Jimes Taylor Ruth Phelps Scranton Charles A. Uussell Old Force Amanda I. Datnljrldgo Itrndliam LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. Met of letters rrinjinini uncalled for at ((ie Strantou, Lackawanna county, i'a., postoftiee, May 21, J0Q2. I'er.nns calllni? for throe letters will please My advertised und give date of list. Kr.i 11. Hippie, 1 ii. M. A, Allen. Miurlce Jennings. II, J. Allen. John Jones, tnrvvnrded John Allen. from Lemon, Pa, Mrs. I". Mone Arther. Mrs. Jamri Know Irs, Miss Oille Picon. William lilrmey, Mrs, J. nu-li. Ml-s Nell Kavanach.x Mrs. Kllzalielh Drleg. Jllfhacl Holing. II. V. Ilutler. J, II. Krillilinr. Mrs. Maggie Drown. Jmo Klrkendall. J, L, Currier, Miss lllanchc Kennedy, Ada A. Cooper. Itobeit Lacey. O. J. Clarl.M.11, Mrs. Annie M.MeKlnley. Mrs. ('. J. Carr, Mrs. Ilert MacDonahl, Kdnard Compton. Mrs. Julia Mctzlielacr. John Caivlily. I'. W. Miller. Jay A. Clark. d'eorge Morrison, Mrs, Mirgaret Case. Albert Mnrls. llalph I). Oapon. Mis. Annie Knjcli. i:. Palstonlnts, Mrs. II. K, Orr, Wm. Dufrnme. Miss Kuto O'llara, Mrs. Ursula O'Dmr. T. T. NcellU. Thomrcs Dougherty, William P, Potter, John llalircstead. Mis. Yettin like. Stanley I'tans. Henry Si litlT Ic Co, M. OreHsell. Mrs. W, 0. Solomon. Miss Ada (loo.ill. T, Summcrcalcs. Gardiner "Printer" (!) John Sonatina, Mis. Ilariiet A. Herring, Ilert Simpler, Mrs, Howard Hall, Doctor Shrrntin. Win, Hughes. ( has, O. Wells, holla Holler, MUs J. (i. Whltmire. Jolin Herrou. Mr. Wooliver, Itev. (I. I!. Jacobs. llony White, (las Jaeolis, Miss Jessie Wright. Wm. Jurlscli, Mrs. Louisa Vohe, ' West Scranton Station. Arthur Ilailey, Leroy (laringer, rid. llinsland. Mlw Anna Smith. Miss Florence Wclse. John Wagner. D., L. AND W, BOARD FOB TODAY.1 Following is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western board for today: WEDNESDAY- MAY SI. Pmhcrs S a. in., liouscr; U.43 a. in., Moran; 7,50 iv. in., Murplu; tl p. in.. W, II. Bartholomew. AAjVV Yards of LOT NO. 1 1 Linen effect Pongee, plain and fancy. Waranted washable. Fancy striped and corded. This fabric is very scarce today in New York. Plenty here. $1 kind. This sale.... 75C LOTNO. 12 Very best washable Pongee and linen effects. Plain and fancy, embroidered open work. Always worth $1.25. 0 A This sale o4C LOT NO. 13 Printed Foulards, a rare bar gain. 55c kind. This sale 39C LOTNO. 14 ' 24-inch Printed Foulards, this season's newest designs, . 85c kind; this sale 5oC LOT NO. lT 24-inch satin-finish Foulard, extraordinary values, attractive and exquisite patterns and colors; $1 kind. This sale 59C A thi special new lot of All-Wool Challies, handsome and exclusive pat- sale 98: per pattern.- Regular value 82.00. JONAS LONG'S SONS vs The Reliable Specials Chair and Pillow Covers We have placed on sale in the Drapery Department two hundred agents' samples in Chair and Pillow Covers. Beautiful patterns in Tapestry and Silk Damask that would sell, if cut from piece goods, at 1.00 and $2.ociva pattern. Should you have a chair or a pillow to cover, here is a golden opportunity. $1.00 Patterns, 50c 2.00 Patterns, S1.00 IPnrtlPrPC Lar2e assortment of ready llfl llt-l t3 made goods, or if you wish you may select and have made to oraer irom exclusive patterns in mercerized tapestry, or the beautiful new Frew-Frew fabrics. fhill'l flASPtQ On the third floor we 1 11111a V1U-3L13 are showing a new line of China Closets in richly finished quar tered golden oak. These goods have just ar rived and represent the newest to be found in the furniture market. HUM k MIILTT 129 Wyoming Ave. AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre U. 1IKIS, Lessee and Manager. A. J, DUFFY, Dui. Managlt. s.mmim' matinkk and N'ir.iiT. Amelia Bingham lucscnts her NO, AND ONLY COMPANY In C-I-YPU riTCIl'S licst Way, The Climbers I'HICKS-Ilvenlnir, 23c. to fl.Hfc Slal Matinee, 23, DO and T5 tents. beats on sale Thursday at 0 a. in. Helpers 1.30 a, in.. McCiomn; 7 a. m., Gal re)' ; 10 a. in., bvcor: 3.S0 . in., Stanton. JsOTICK. U, Cloley uitli J. 11. McC'ann'a crew will run Ko. CI, May SO, one trip, In place tit J, J, Kear ney and crew. Silk Sale For mtM4 M Wednesday, Wl4J Thnrsday and Friday Silk LOT INO. 16 24-inch high class Satin Fou lards, exclusive designs, the kind sold elsewhere at . $1.50. This sale 79C LOTNO. 17 New Polka Dot China Silks and Corded Kai Kai Japanese Silks, the newest and most de sirable silk for the shirt waist. 50c kind. This . sale 39C LOT NO. 18 Silk Mousseline de Soie. scroll and stripe effects, all new shades, just the thing for even ing gowns, 75c kind; this sale 59C LOT NO. 19 Guaranteed Black Taffeta and best Satin Duceess. Dur- ing this sale at 03C LOT NO. 20 China Silk in plain special for best quality, 43c kind, this sale colors, 33c JONAS LONG'S SONS. Home Furnishing House. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Husic M. 1I1US, Lcucc and Manager, A. J, DL'l'l'V, nu-.lnc;a Manajer, am. this vi:i:k MABEL PAIGE and the Southern Stock Company Dig auiIclllo features, includln; tlio famout I'ltKN'ilfeS TWO. t-ncclal feature, nKDAItl) and li:i)Ill, the lale.t European imiiortation in the acrobatic line, VRltTS-lO, 20 and SO centa, Matlneej, 10 cents till J -reek. ' V. tV. Ilbar and crew v.111 run No. 50, May 21, one trip, in place ot J. Murphy and iren. 1'. i Kiel cm and crew will run Ht. ii, May 21, in place of J, Winter and crew, Tuoinaa Leonard und crew nlll run Xo. 01 ar.J 82. commencing M 21. two round trio. 1, . 5. t -. -'- . .ia; . , i w f r .-A .