The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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XI ... "1I1111
Tubllilioi! Baity, Except Sunday, by The Trlli
ate Publishing Company, at fifty Cents, a Month.
,. MVY . IT1CMM1D, Editor.
O. K. HYXDEK, DusIiicm Manager.
laic Agent for Foreign Adertlslng.
1'ntcreu at ths Postofncd nt Pcrnnlon, V., M
Second Claw Hall Matter. .
When space will permit, The
Tribune la nlways glad to print
short letters from Its friends bear
ing on current topics, but Its rule is
that these must be signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's real name;
nnd the condition precedent to ac
ceptance Is that all contributions
shall bo subject to editorial revision.
The following 'table shows the prlrc per Inch
tath In&crtion, space to bo ued within one jeir.
Itun ol'lsfillns onf l'lilj
less thnnfio Inches.
CO Inches
10O " '.
MO " .......
3000 " i
lrtM) "
!) "
Paper. I Rpnillnv,
.fifl ."
.10 .41
.: .n.t
.20 M
.11! .175
.1", .17
.IS .in.'
Tor cards of thanks, resolutions of comlol'nc".
and similar contributions in 1ho nature of ad
vertising The Tribune males a charge of D cents
' Kili of Classified Advertising furnished on
SCKANTON, JIAY 21, 1002.
For governor of Pennsylvania, on tho
Issue of an open field and fair play,
JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana,
subject to the will of the Republican
masses. ,
The Sanctity of Contracts.
IT MIGHT 1UHt ns well be recog
nized first us last that the anthracite-
miners will make a seri
ous mistake if they wko their
soft coal brethren to break their writ
ten contracts hi order to .loin in a sym
pathy strike. There Is no principle more
deeply looted In business life than the
sanctity of contiacts. It is at the foun
dation of all credits; virtually at the
base of all honorable dealings between
man and man. The labor organization
which should het the example of disregarding-
ut Its pleasure a contract that,
if( broken by the other side, could be
made the basis of a successful suit in
.laniages woijld as certainly destroy it
self as If It should draw a razor acioss
its throat.
There Is some talk now In favor of
arbitration. Yet if a contract vith the
miners' union is something which can
be set aside at the will of the union
.egardless of the rights or equity of
the other parly to it, what assurance is
there that the findlnsr of an arbltraf
tribunal would have any binding force?
AVe repeat that the very worst blow
which the organized labor movement
rould receive would be to establish be
fore the world the character of a con
tract breaker. That was what killed
:he last strike of the Amalgamated As
sociation. An agreement was entered
Into between the Association oflicials
and Plerpout Morgan, and later this
agreement was coolly repudiated by the
Association as a body Morgan was a
responsible factor. Had he broken faith
he could have been sued, and a verdict
obtained against him, or against any
corporation for which he was author
ized to act, would have been financially
as good as a government bond. But
President Shaffer of the Amalgamated
Association had no such responsibility.
His signtaure to a contract, whatever
Its good faith so far as he' personally
was concerned and this is not ques
tionedhad behind It absolutely no
guaranty of fulfilment by those for
whom he was nominally but not legally
acting. It was as a rope of sand, to
bo broken under the first strain.
At the time of Shaffer's humiliation
John Mitchell made a public declar
ation which gained for him the ap
plause and respect of men in all parts
of the country. He declared without
qualification in favor of the sanctity
of contracts and Intimated that organ
ized labor .'had jiio .other honorable
Tiathway than to observe its contract
agreements in scrupulous good fulth.
AVe believe that this Is his thought and
llxed belief today. It certainly must
be the guiding principle if labor organ
izations are to command public respect
and retain public sympathy and ap
nroval. "With Senator Quay aspiring to be
chairman of tho convention and John
Klkln going on its floor to take per
fcomii charge of his candidacy, Harris
burg ought to bo an interesting pluce
on or about Juno 11.
No Occasion for Anger.
FTKR telling the Washington
correspondents that John Kl-U-
Jl. kin hadn't tho ghost of a show
I i and t,lmt Unit little upset In
pave1 was' merely 'a local ebulll
qon, 'Sealalbv "Quay 'goes, and spoils
1 all by notifying- IiIb lieutenants that
ft In a light tu the death.
I Wodon't look upon it in that light.
Jobocly"'ls going to get killed In this
Canvass. Some reputations may suffer
through Instability and apparent disre
gard of plighted word, us alvuys hap
pens in political contests. And some
temporary disappointments may be
fjplt, as is Inevitable when there uie
iot enough ofllces to go around. But
Upurt fiom these Incidental fcutures we
Ijereelve no basis for unybody getting
iiugnj or excited,
I Sen&tor Quay knows full well that
when h ordered John Klkln out of the
IJght for governor, after encouraging
Him Ip the first- Instance tp becomo a
candidate and letting him go forward
wlHvhlH cuitdlducy until it Was too
biterta-lax uow without loss of seif
nttPBGtjUiet.Qak tho. chance that Klkln
inTghT refuse ' to bo dictated to and
mfght carry the Issue before tho pea.
plfy fig-had had .ample proof of El
Ultf's ability as a lighter; In fact, his
own return to the senate was a eon
prete evidence thereof. It, therefore,
wns the senator himself who Injected
Into the canvass whatever elements of
disappointment, 'to himself AH v since
Appeared, if lie Is angered because of
this ie must look. In the mirror for the
reason, -
Vej. kn,ow positively ,Uiat there la no
111 will or angry feeling- among Elklu's J
friends. They are not after Senator
Quay's Hcnlp has not Quay said that
his political race was run7nor do they
have In mind nny measures of retalia
tion for what Quay has done to Klkln.
They simply propose to lot the ttopub
llcnn people of Pennsylvania pass upon
the proposition that Colonel Quay can
usurp tho functions of a stute conven
tion and stlile party preference at will.
They have a clear right to make tills
appeal and they are making It not
without encouragement, as the returns
show. If beaten they will acquiesce In
the verdict until such flmo as the jus
tice of their cause shall win clearer
recognition, If successful they will bear
no multce.
Consequently, on with ttic battle and
let the best man win.
"Unless there shall bo a volcano In
Philadelphia," says tho Press, "John
Klkln cannot secure a majority In tho
state convention." He can and we
think he will. But even Philadelphia is
not volcano-proof.
m i
The Cuban Republic.
IX A OENEHAIi way the frame
work of the Cuban republic re
sembles that of the United States,
but there are Bome points of dif
ference deserving of notice.
As in this country, the president is
elected for four years; but a constitu
tional provision ngalnst third terms re
moves the temptation to establish a
dictatorship the rock upon which so
many T.atln-Amcrlciiii republics have
split. The election of president is by
direct popular vote. There is a vice
president who, us in this country, has
nothing to do.
The legislative power is vested In a
congress of twenty-four senators four
f 10111 each province and a house of
representatives composed of one mem
ber for every l!5,000 or fraction of more
than IL',000 Inhabitants. The senators
are elected for eight years, one-half re
tiring every four years; and the lepre
sentatlves serve for four years, one-half
retiring every two years. There Is up
discrimination in pay and any Inhabi
tant In any part of the island who is
otherwise qualified may represent nny
district. Congress is to meet a
year, each session to be not less than
forty days long, llevenue bills may
originate in either house.
There are many other features of the
Cuban constitution of interest to stu
dents of civil government but unavail
able for mention here. As a paper con
stitution it presents some admirable
and few dangerous pulnts; but. after
all, the real proof of a constitution is
in the manner in which the people
apply it. That is the uncertain factor
in the Cuban problem.
It is amusing to see the Philadelphia
Press relying on Durham's city ma
chine to pull Pennypucker through.
Recruiting the Ministry.
higher rate of assistance
was paid last year by the
board of education of the
Presbyterian general assembly to stud
ents preparing for the ministry than
ever befote, the number of candidates
was smaller than In years and, in pro
portion to the gain in church member
ship, is steadily declining. It has be
come a problem In tho Presbyterian as
in most Protestant churches how to le
cruit the ministry, and its solution is
vexing the best minds in all denomina
tions. The only recommendations which tho
board of education had to offer before
the assembly were these: (a) Prayer
ful effoit to promote a general revival
of religion; (b) the enlistment of min
isterial influence In the urging of
young men to qualify for the ministry;
and (e) a greater recourse to prayer.
It being the board's thought that pray
er should be encouraged in the closet,
in the family and In the social gather
ings, as well as In the more formal
congregational devotions. By means
of praVer an atmosphere of nlotv
might, it was thought, be created
which would incline the minds of
young men away from the material
things of life and toward tiling spirit
ual. This would stimulate ambition to
do ClHlstian service in the ministry.
All of these recommendations are
sound 'and timely. We recall no pe
riod in the world's recent history when
there was gieatt-r need than at pres
ent for a revival of religious Interest
and spirituality us a wholesome check
upon the predominance and immense
multiplication of material concerns.
Although the figures show tiiat church
membership and attendance are keep
ing pace with the progress of tho times
thero is unison to believe that the spiritual-llfo
of the chinches Is not what It
should be. In tho wave of liberalism
now sweeping over Protestantism, u
wave especially high in the Presbyte
rian denomination, as Illustrated
among other ways in. the election of Dr.
Van Dyke to the nioUeriitorshlp, there
are numerous signs of a relaxing of the
hold which a chinch ought to have
upon tho life and conduct of Its mem
bers. From possibly tn excess of aus
terlty und self-mortification the pendu
lum heems to be swinging to an equal
excess of indulgence and worldlness.
But tho material fact must not be
lost sight of that the minister of tho
gospel, whatever the degree of his
bplrjtuul exaltation, must have food,
shelter and the means of maintaining
at leust modestly the growing intellec
tual and soclul requirements of his
position, Tho system of eccleslustleal
government In tho Catholic church has
eliminated this problem so far us that
church Is concerned, but 1'iotestant
denominations must face It frankly,
No amount of praying and no revival
in spirituality can permanently recruit
the ministry unless tho material con
ditions me equitably adjusted, So long
as in tho mujorlty of pulpits tie pay
Is less than that earned In secular pur
suits calling for neither special educa
tion nor extraordinary skill, and the
opportunity offeied for rearing and
educating a family Is less than hi most
of tho mechanical trades, just that
long, while human nature remains us it
In, will tho ranks of the ministry be
depleted. It Is tho pocket book as well
oe the soul of tho Christian church
which needs a revival of j-ellglon.
Tho first country after the United
States to appoint u minister to Cuba
was Clreat Britain. These two coun
tries have been close together through
out the Cuban Incident,
According to Mrs, Belva fcockwood,
the war In the Philippines "Is making
more drunkards In a week than tho
temperance women can save In a year;
prostituting more young women than
tho Florence Crlttcnton mission can
save In 11 lifetime! overthrowing till
that the peace people and tho Univer
sal Alllnnco of Women for Pence are
doing for harmony, education, culture,
and progress In tho arts and sciences;
until It begins to look as though tho
Woman's National Suffrage association
would meed to como In and assume tho
reins of government to prevent our
lawmakers from going wild on expan
sion, imperialism and the accumulation
of now territory." Isn't It sad?
Senator Teller threatens an Indefi
nite filibuster ngalnst Cuban recipro
city. Teller Is worse In the balk than
In tho bite.
For the benefit of anxious thousands
the Sum-erne court should furnish a
diagram with Its viaduct decisions.
All In all, tho Cubans behaved well
while under American rule. We hope
the habit Is fixed.
There seems to be always money
enough for a prize fight, a chicken
fight or a circus.
Opponents of the Administration
Continue Their Back Biting.
Busy Day in the House.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Washington, May 20. The subject of
the concentration of the Inhabitants In
the Philippines into camps was a lead
ing topic of the discussion of the Phil
ippine bill In the senate today. Mr.
Bacon (Georgia) attacked the policy of
concentration, likening it to reconcen
trado camps established by General
Weyler In Cuba.
Mr. Foraker (Ohio) defended the ac
tion of the military authorities in es
tablishing the camps in the Philippines
ns wise and proper and as a means of
piotecting friendly Filipinos from as
sassination at the hands of roving
bands of insurgents, He read a de
scription of the camps to show that
they were really camps of Instruction
and sanitation.
Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, spoke
briefly in line with Mr. Bacon, criticis
ing the concentration camps and point
ing out the difficulty in getting army
offleeis to testify regarding the situa
tion. --,
The day's debate was closed by Mr.
Clapp, of Minnesota, in an eloquent
speech, in which lie urged that the
Filipinos ought to be taught to admire
and respect the United Stntes as a na
tion which always had stood for liberty
and progress and never had broken its
uoul to any people great or small.
For a third time within a week, the
house has instructed Its conferees on
matters of dispute between the senate
and houpe. Today the Instructions
were given on amendments in the
army appropriation bill before the con
ferees had even considered the matter
in controversy. The motion to instruct
was made by Mr. Cannon (Illinois)
chairman of the committee, on military
affairs, and the somewhat protracted
TURE. Extensive pioparations have
been made for this great selling
In ladies' SILK JACKETS and
Never have we been so thor
oughly supplied with all the
latest and be3t styles, and never
has its presentation of values
been more pronouncedly invit
ing. Indubitable evidence of the
strength of these offerings may
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items, which considering the fact
that they aie at an average of 50
PER CENT. LESS than could
have been quoted on same goods
three weeks earlier, makes them
manifestly tho greatest, from a
value standpoint of view that
you've known in a year. Here
you have
0.50 Silk Jackets pad Silk
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$10.50 Silk Jackets and Silk
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$15.00 Silk Jackets and Silk
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25.00 Silk Jackets and Silk
Etons at SIS. 50.
All beautifully silk lined.
Both 'Phones.
Best Qualities $5.00
and upwards.
Straw Hats
of Every Description.
412 Spruce Street
300 Lackawanna Avenue,
I)r, Uelmel's Linen Underwear
debate which followed developed an
tagonism between the committees. The
amendment ut which Mr. Cannon alinyl
ed was that Which Increased tho apVup-T
priallon for military posts from three
to four million dollars.
A resolution offered by Mr. llltt,
chairman of the foreign affairs commit
tee, congratulating Cuba on her Inde
pendence was adopted unanimously.
A bill amending tho papspurtihtw was
passed, Tho remainder of the Vlay was
devoted to private claim bills.
'i. w
Spring nnd Summer Oxfords and Hoots that con
tent tho mind and comfort tho feet.
Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00
Ladies' "Melba" Oxfords, $8.50.
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JrVeiv York Announcement.
Horner's Furniture.
Summer Furniture Needs
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with latest designs in all other fash
ionable woods, are here in super
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everything marked at convincingly
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White Enamelled Bedroom Suites, plain
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Dining Room Suites in all woods
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full line of Venetian Carved Furniture.
R.J. Horner & Co.,
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(AilJolnlnK Ellen
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Distributors of Cubanolas
UJWfcL-JW.UW Mill I g
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
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253327 Penu Avenue.
On s tptir of tlm Allenliany Mountains, l,iH!fh
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all the j car, bun I'arlor, IMewtor anil all modern
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Kentucky Acnue. first Hotel from Ueach, At
lantic City, N. J,; W Oceau kw loonui ia
fuclty iCO; writ, for tpecM ratc ' n, Jenk
ins, hop,
NjjCubanola cigars 'fa
MH h&ve no drugs A OR
!H nor flavorings y hR
H which intory ; fp
fcre vithX 1 $m
i health X H di'ili
D vs smoke jflj
J fj? Fivo Cent 9
ar cigar that docs? 9j
The Scranton Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. There are offered as Special
Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY-THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In some
of tho Leading Educational Institutions In tho Countrv
List of Scholarships.
2 Scholarship! In Sjncurc Unlvcraltv, nt Ki
cadi , , $ Ml
1 Brholirriilp In nutknell tliilvcnllv 61
1 Scholarship In The University of Rochester.. 321
Scholarship In Washington School for ttojn.. 1700
Scholarship In Wllllamsport Dickinson Semi
nary 7o0
Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate I'repaia
lory School 700
Scholarship In Newton Collegiate Institute. 7J0
Scholarship In Ke stone Academy 000
Scholarship in flrunn CoIIcro l'reparaloiy
School GOO
Scholarship In the School of tho Lackawanna 4(10
Scholarship In Wllkevtlarro Institute 2T0
Scholarship In Cotult Collage (Summer
School) i.... 2.10
4 Scholarships In Scranton
Conservatory of
Jiiiiic, at M i'.iu
4 Scholarships In llardcnlifrRli School of Music
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3 Scholarships In Scianton Utisincw College, at
?100 each
C Scholarships In International Coi rc-pondento
Schools, average value ?flf each
1 Frlinlnrnlilns In Lackawanna Business Colleze.
nt $& cadi
2 SdiolJiehips In Allied Woolci's Vocal
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A new feature is added this
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The Contestant scoring the largest number of points Bti-oKt
receive A HANDSOHE OOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years.
Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October
Those wishing to enter the Contest should send in their names at
plan will be cheerfully answered. -Address all communications to
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A strong but true state
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Grass Goods
Artistic in design, rich in
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BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships
money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest.
year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest num-
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For rates. eti, apply to nearest agent
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Passenger TraiHc Manager, Montreal,
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Tho examinations (01 ailiiii.hlun to the JlUIdlo
Vur ami hsritor Year tlasai's will bo lielil .luno 10,
llitih K'liool jrrailualca 1)1 be pennllled to tulo
bolh fjaniinatlons aiul enter tho fenior Uaw
svlicic Iheir vvoik Iuh i ov citil the junior ami mid
dle yean course of the normal. TliU year will
bo the last oppoitumty given to do to, us tlm
thiro ,o;us' iouino id in lull force und all will
come under (he stale regulations of examinations.
Kor full paitlcuUri oddites at once,
C, l nmi.i;. A. SI Principal.
LITERATU RES; for the physician there is special work In BIOLOGY;
for the lawyer or business man there Is the course In ECONOMICS
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CAL ENGINEERING. Joined with all this there Is Intelligent
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dent, which is probably the greatest force In the development of
character and which Is possible only at a small college, Under
Management of friends. Catalogues on application.
WM, W, BIRDSALL, President.
in Special Rewards
5cranton Tribune'! Grotcat of All
Closes October 25, 1902.
Rules of the Contest.
The special rewardj-nlll bt clven to the person leour
Ins the largest number of points.
Points ulll ho credited to contestants (touring new rub-
scranton Tribune u toiiowti
One month's iibscrlpllon........f .fiO
Three months' nuUscrlptlon 1.2S
Sit months' subscription 2.S0
One year's subscription COO
une year a Kunscripuon ..,.. u.uu ia
, The contestant with the highest number of points will
he Riven a choice from the list of special rewards! the con
testant w'th the second highest number of point) will be
Riven a choice of the remaining rewards, mil to on through
The contestant who secures the highest number ot point
during nny calendar month of the contest will reeIv
ppeclnl honor leward, this reward being entirely independ
ent of the ultimate rilspo'HIon of the tcholarshlps.
Ilach contestant falline to pecure a special reward will
be given 10 per rent, ot all money he or she turns in.
All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
Only new subscribers will be counted.
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o r. w. jaiukuai, m 01, wili.
will be announced later.
once. All questions concerning the
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Do You Want
a Geod Education?
Not a short course, nor art tuy course,
nor a. cheap course, but the best education
to be had. No other education Is north
spending time and money on. It you do,
write (or catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
which offers thorough preparation In the
Engineering and Chemical Profusion a well
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During the summer of 190a, in
struction in all the.subjects required
for admission to the best college
and scientific schools will be given
at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer
School of Secondary Instruction,
Cotuit, Massachusetts, under thr
direction of Principal Charles E.
Fish. The courses of instruction
are lor the benefit of five classes oi
1. Candidates who have received
conditions at the entrance examinM?
2. Candidates who have postponed
examinations until September.
3. Students in Secondary Schools,
who, by reason of illness oriothel
causes, have deficiencies to make up.
4. .Students in Secondary School)
who wish to anticipate studies and
save time in the preparation for
5. Students in college who havi
admission conditions which must hi
removed beforo the beginning of ths
next Scholastic Year.
For particulars address,
CHARLES E. FISH, Principal
School of the Xackawanna,
Scranton, Pa.
T. J. Faster, Pfesident. Elmer II. Laws.ll, lies
B. J, Foster, Etsnley P. Allen,
Vice frestdent. Becretiry.
vSwarthmore, Pa. Pro
vides, first of all, the broad cul
ture of the COURSE IN ARTS;
then there is the practical field
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