The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    .M'-V1' l'r , ' v , ' . " ' 'v ' ' j ' ! ' fV
Bath Tub
Enamels . . .
No tedious process can bo
applied by ANYBODY SUC
It is very easy and lnox
ponsivo to impart a veal en
amel finish to old shabby and
worn bath Tubs with
Neal's Bath
Tub Enamels
They resist hot and cold
water. Form a hard, smooth,
lustrous surface. Easy to keep
clean. Makes a bath Tub nn
ornament to the home.
Price, 25s, 40c and 75c Cans,
320 Lackawanna Ave.
Attractive Features
Of our stock Ii the low cost and excellent quality
' tmly good features; don't o think
Our line is
Jacobs & Fasoid,
209 Washington Avenue.
tih: bi:st vai.ui: rem 5 ckxts.
$ Morris' Mapet Cigar
"Th.-y draw well."
All the popular 5c. Cigars at ?1.75 per
liov, or R foi 2ic.
The largest Anilely of Smoking Tobaccos
and Pipes in Scianton.
325 Washington Avenue.
These Concerns Are Giving
Free Tickets
to the
National Food Show
Now being held in the Scranton
Bicycle Club Hall, Washington
Free Tickets
To the Food Show
For Wednesday
And Thursday
Afternoon and corning, can lie oh
tallied lln appling personal! ) of
i:, a. tVuiitcn, WJ r.irkaniinna
acnnc. 'Ihc number is liniitrd,
and caily application should ho
Call and Get Free Tickets
l'aney Ciroccilc anil Market Supplies, FI1.I1,
0;tcrj and Ciqirnt.
Ilolli 'phone. a Adam ac,
In and About
The City
Carroll Held in Bail,
Stephen enroll, who ii chaigrd with enibej.
rllug funds fiom n West Side iiiino, was
held under lull rsterd.iy by Aldeiman Kabon.
Malicious Mischief Charged.
Ida bliaw, of I'ruiikliii hkiuk, jentrrday caused
the arrest of Tannic Quint, a next dooi neighbor,
whom the limited with Li raking in her dour
malicious!), Alderman Ituddy held her under
.00 hall,
A Deserter Arrested,
Frank (J. llogroi. of holiultzUilc, who ilejcrtcd
the United States Miilno roiru at Norfolk, V.i.,
tonic three months ago, lumight Ids gill to thU
city yesterday to tot! tho i.licui. lie wag spotted
by unite oiiu who knew him and ua.s placed under
nest by Superintendent l.i, who ha lOiiimj
Dilated with Hi'.' piopor aiillioiitles, ,
Car and Wagon Collide.
A Rood Shepherd laundry wagon was struck by
trolley iar, at the miner of Vine fctrect tud
l'nn avenue, at noon, jrdteiday, Tho wagon waa
ocr turned, and the ihlwr, lMivard Tallnun,
thrown (o the pavement. Tho rear whceU of
the wigon were demolished, but tho driver es
caped injury. The fender of the iar was slightly
Wandered to Duryea.
Clara It) an, an 8)w-old little girl, living on
Jones ttrtct, North ticranton, wandered away
from bonie yesterday to tec the tiivus and lost
k way, gl.o walked all the way to Duryea,
which 1io rcachcil tt niplit. Rho w InKm
In cliirRe hy oomc kindly illfponctl tieoplc Vim
frnt her huh In IhU ill) on it ltcct car. Pho
wai Inter rralorcit lo her lmnnht.
Trouble Tonight. (
At the llmyanl Wire African Melhdht rplvo
put tliurch, lonlRht, n white Inan will lie Hied lor
luir(rlarl;lnB n Imnk, while n colored man will
he exeuitrd for dealing n clilcKen. Judge John
A. Walker, of New Vork tlty, and Jefferson ))iul
l.Mich will prrhle, while Holier! Cox, Hlmeoli
Knrorv, 0. C. hmllh, I.omIi II. Morton, A. I'or
tri, Harry t.'olnell. Marnh.ill Tinker, Cuinphelt
lliighea nnd nllirn from cery patl ol the loiinty
will have Iniporlnnt parla to play.
W. C. T. U. Mooting.
The Centinl Wunun'i fhrMlan Temptranre
union met an iisinl at (liicniwjVi hall cteiday
afternoon. Alter tiiuiMiitly linpreiwle ilctotloiial
txercUc, Mrs r.mlly Worm gate a nihle .reading
on the euhjoct of I lie meeting, "ChrMlaii nepon
slhlllty In. the Temperance Work," all participat
ing. Two articles were tend from the Knlon
Klgiial on "Ohrlsllan Clllrcmhlp." Letters were
read from the pr.'Mdrnt and from Mr. Kllrabclh
Howell, ul Orcen llldge, In regard to the coming
ol Mr. Loulm Hounds, to glc a merles of ton
prrante meetings In Scranton and lclntty In
June. She will give a Bible leading at the regu
lai meeting, Juno 10.
Described, by Scrantonians Who Were
Among the Eight Hundred Pas
sengers on the Big Boat.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Jones, Miss Helen
Jones, Mrs. J. O. Shepherd and Mr. and
Mrs. R. Q. Brooks have returned fiom
a four months' trip to the Orient und
across Europe. Miss Graee Norton,
who accompanied them, remains In
New Yoik for a few days. Fred Jones
arrived by the Celtic a fortnight ago.
The Scranton party hud a delightful
tour, although with one accord they
admit that traveling en masse has its
disadvantages. The enormous steam
ship, the Celtic, carried 800 passengers
and while the vessel was palatial and
moved with so little vibration that our
townsfolk repeatedly forgot their sur
roundings and when the faint sound of
the engines reached them on deck,
would think that it was the bubbling
of city steam heat of Scranton.
As to the consternation which this
invading army of tourists was alleged
to create, wherever they landed, the
Scranton contingent is inclined tothe
opinion that like Mark Twain's declar
ation regarding the statement of his
death, "the report was exaggerated,"
and that It chiefly existed In the Imag
ination of the, newspaper people. If
sleuths and Turkish armies and sus
picious consuls encamped on their trail,
the travelers were blessfully unaware
of the fact or Indifferent to the conse
quences. The disadvantages consisted largely
In the delay experienced whenever
landing was effected. The passengers
would be routed out at 6 o'clock in the
morning, and before the entire ship
load could be landed In the small boats
it would be far past 10 o'clock. Then
the dining room arrangements, while
perfect In their way, necessitated tak
ing meals by relays and exactitude in
appearing at table. A month of this
was quite a long time.
But the chief drawback of which the
passengers complained was that when
ever the army of 800 strong landed, up
went the prices of everything. Articles
that had been a reasonable sum the
day before ascended skyward when the
Celtic arrived and the tourists found
It very inconvenient, and could not con
vince the tradespeople that weie not all
multi-millionaires voyaging by their
own private vessel.
The Scrantonians left the Celtic at
Naples and with a party of 20 went
across Euiope to London. Of all their
tour they found that up the Nile to be
the most charming, the Anglo-American
river boat being the perfection of
The Jones party were sui prised to be
met at Mount Pocono on Monday night
by a merry company of friends, includ
ing Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sanderson, Mr.
and Mrs. I. F. Megargel, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Spr.igue, Mr. -and Mrs. G. V.
Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wool
worth, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Powell, Mr.
and Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Roll, Mr. and
Mrs. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. La Bar.
Later in the evening the same party
visited the home of Mr. and Mr". C. D.
Jones on Olive street, each lady bring
ing a pie, as the tourists had bitterly
lamented the dearth of pie abroad.
It Is Universally Endorsed Because
It Keeps Its Advertised Promises.
Tho Great Wallace Show, which Is
extensively advertised to exhibit In
Scranton on Friday, May 23, is highly
commended by tho press from every
section of the United States. In faot
wo have never seen an adverse critic
Ism of It.
The State, the leading and most In
fluential paper of South Carolina, pub
lished at Columbus, commented at
greut length on the merits of the Great
Wallace Show, From the favorable
and lengthy notice wo clip the follow
ing extracts:
"Tho Great' Wallace Shows' were In
Columbia yesterduy and gave a street
purudo and two performances. They
were witnessed by thousands of people,
many of whom enmo from a distance
to seo this circus which has mado such
a flno reputation for Itself In these
parts on the occasion of previous vis
Its, Those who saw the performance
of this year pronounced It superior to
those of the last few years, und they
were right. Tho show given this year
is worth a few hours of the ttmo of any
man or woman. It Is thoroughly clean,
and highly entertaining, and altogether
Reduced Fares to Scranton via the
Delaware and Hudson Company.
On account nf the Knights Templar
parado at Scranton, Tuesday afternoon,
May 27, the Delaware and Hudson will
sell tickets at the low rate of one fare,
for(the round trip, fiom all stations be
tween Wllkes-Barre, Carbondole and
Honesdnle, good going and returning
on nil regular passenger trains, on
above date, For' further particulars
consult agents,
People Who
can't eat meat
can eat and
grow fat on
G rape- Nuts
Addresses Were Dollvercd by Rev.
Luther Hess Waring, A. B. Dun
ning, Mrs. Wnddell, M. D. Lath,
rope, Henry L. Peabody, Rev. G. L.
Alrlch nnd Thomas Thorburn.
Plan on Foot to Have the Conven
tions Annually Instead of Semi
Annually To Be Considered in
One of the most enthusiastic conven
tions ever held by the Christian En
dcavorers of the county was conducted
at Klmhurst yesterday afternoon and
evening. The Scranton contingent lcTt
this city on the 2.20 Krle train nnd ar
rived In this city again at 9.20 last
night. There were sixty delegates pres
ent, and a number of spirited addresses
were delivered,
The social feature from 5 to 7 was a
complete success, and was the result of
the combined efforts of the Bnptlst and
Presbyterlun societies of Elmhurst, the
collation being served by the Juniors.
The appreciation of the efforts of the
homo societies was made evident by
the delegates when they voted on the
resolution of thunks offered by Rev.
Luther Hess Waring at the evening
session. Notice was given at the after
noon session that an amendment would
be presented at the fall meeting to
change the meetings from semi-annual
to annual.
The officers of the union nre: Presi
dent, M. D. Lathrope; vice-president,
Rev. Mr. Young; recording secretary,
D. L. Flckus; corresponding secretary,
Miss Helena Clark; treasurer, H. H.
The afternoon session opened at 3
o'clock in the Presbyterian church, and
was presided over by Rev.W. P. Young,
of Mooslc, the vice-president. After a
service of song, led by Dr. Knedler,
Rev. Mr. Cole, of the Elmhurst Baptist
church, gave a Bible exposition, which,
wns followed by a greeting by the Rev.'
Mr. Nye, of the Elmhuist Presbyterlun
church. .
Miss McGaughey gave a Bible read
ing. She took the words from Luke,
xxiv, "And their eyes were open nnd
they knew Him." She said we want
our eyes open that we may know the
Savior at all times. We want enthusi
asm and we want to keep steadfast.
An interesting feature of the meeting
was four flve-mlnute addresses on the
general topic, "What Will the Ideal
Society Do for Causes Outside Its Own
Church?" The first address was by
Rev. Luther Hess Waring and was en
titled "The World." Mr. Waring said:
If wo love Chrit, we will obey III commands,
do His will, and spread the gospel, lie who
thinks only of saving liimclf will not bo saved.
The past fhows that until 181:! all Christian teach
ing was prohibited in India, l'ntil 1W4 th" Fiji
Islands hid never seen a missionary. Until 1341
only six Protestant Christians could ho found
in China. l'ntil 1S72 Japan had but eleven
converts. If a bundled thousand missionaries
were sent to the foreign field tomorrow, each
one of them would have ten thousand souU to
Japan has but one ordained missionary to cery
200,000 populition; Africa lias one to every 250,-
000; India lias one to overv .SOO.OOO; South
America has one to every 410.000; while China
lias only one to every 700,000 population. All
we hive and are is God's. Let us vlcld unto
Him Ills own. Give a tithe of your income frr
the extension of the kingdom of God.
"For tho Country" was the' next ad
dress delivered by A. B. Dunning of
this city. He referred to the cigarette
habit so prevalent among young men
nnd even young women and advised
parents to investigate this evil and
save their children from this pernic
ious habit. He advised that parents
should make a determined effort to
have the law against selling cigarettes
to children enforced.
Civic duties should be taken up by the
societies and the members should In
form themselves on what the duties of
a good citizen are. Laws are not en
forced, the speaker said, because of the
remarkable Inattention of the officers
charged with the execution of the law.
They obey the politicians rather than
the people and the place for the latter
to register their protest Is at the ballot
box. He spoke strongly In favor of
cleaner bill boards and theatres and re
ferred to some of the reforms that had
been wrought In this city by protesting
against existing conditions. Mr. Dun
nlngs ndvlsed against performing un
necessary work on Sunday and nd
vlsed parents to keep a watchful eye
on the reading matter that goes Into
tho hands of boys and girls. Good cit
izenship ought to be taught in the pub
lic schools by practical Illustration.
Mrs. Waddell spoke "For the Home,"
She told of the Influence of kind words
and kind acts In tho homo.
President M. D. Lathrope spoke "For
the Individual." There Is only one
book, the Bible, he said, and In this
age of hurried reading a man with that
one book Is a dangerous man to attack.
Ho advised Endeavorers to spend a
part of every day In becoming better
acquainted with that wonderful book.
Henry L. Peabody, of this city, de
livered a very forceful address on
"Why every Kndeavorer should be nnd
how every Endeavorer may bo a soul
winner," Ho said n part:
Ho tint winneth souls is wle, Wrt nil long
for wisdom, no let lis be wise, CliitMtan llnde.iy
or c6iictir.s are mill winning agentb, Thouauds
hive been brought into tio church by the work of
three kooietles The member believes, and It is
no wonder that they win touls. The net should
lie drawn at the close of every meeting, Iho
question I, how may I be a konl winner, not
what my neighbors ah ill do. We do not .ill of
us realize that souls aro about tint have not
coiifcfscd God. IIcw we should e.eit ourselves
to tac these, we should not be ashamed or
afiald In speak to a lost one. I'eiliaps oi may
be tho first one to utk a man tn come to Christ.
It is a piivllegw tu ask ono to come to Clulst.
We are needed by God to du this work, W
tail do this hv diieit Invitation or by a consist
rut life. It is right we should seek sunk
If it is a great honor to sue a nun fiom a
terrible accident, bow much more honor it Is
to tavo a soul.
Soul winners aro nude, not bom. They aro
trained. It Is like a school, We thould seek to
he trained aright. Hy Ills spirit lit quallths i.,
Let us study the quallf))ng power ami obey tho
The evening service w as presided over
by M. D. Lathrope, of Carbondale, and
opened with 'a Bible exposition by Rev,
G, L. Alrlch. This was followed by a
superb address bv Thomas Tliorburn,
of Wllkes-Barre, on "Life More Abund
ant." He emphasized the thought that
It Is necessary that wo should glvo
obedience to ChrlsU
Tho Democratic Legislative commit
tee of the Fourth district met tn
O'Brien's holel,.Olyphnnt, yesterday af
ternoon ami fixed dates for thci com
ing primaries ahll conventions.
The convention to elect delegates to
the state convention will be held Juno
Ii, "at the Mott Haven hotel nt '2..10 p.
in. The primaries will be conducted
June .1.
The convention to nominate a candi
date for representative will bo held Au
gust 28, nt 2.30 o'clock at O'Brien's ho
tel, Olyplmnt. The primaries will be
held August 26.
Hon. T. J. Duggatt, of Dunmore,
chairman of the district, presided nt
tho meeting and William Ji Gordon,
of Carbondale, acted as secretary, The
motion fixing tho dates was made by1
James Bell, of Peckvllle. and seconded
by Joseph Langan, of Wlnton.
Among those mentioned as candidates
for representative nre T. A. Hendricks
and Hon. P. E. Tlmllni of Jermyn: W.
F. Sullivan, of Olyphant, and Prof. P.
J. White, of Archbald.
Will Be Celebrated in the Auditorium
Fiday Night.
The members of Hlrnm Lodge, No.
261, F. and A, M., of North Scranton,
will celebrate 'Its fiftieth anniversary
by a banquet to be held on Friday
night In the auditorium. It was found
Impracticable to entertain the very
large number of Free Masons In this
vicinity, so the attendance will be lim
ited to the membership of the lodge,
and one guest to be Invited by each.
Each member and guest may also be
accompanied by a lady. A special In
vitation Is also extended to the wor
shipful masters of the Masonic lodges
of the city, and of Dunmore. Handley
will cater, and Bauer's orchestra will
furnish the music. The responses will
be as follows:
Introductory llcuiarks. .Dr. D. If. Jenkins, V. it.
Address by Toaslnuster Hon. II. M. Kdvvards
Itesume of Histoiy 'of Hiram I,odge,
Thomas S. Morgan
"The Grand Lodge" Thomas F. Wells, Vju.
The 1'iiP .lain. in I'eace"..lIon. A. A. Vosbuig
"The 1'ice .Mason lu Vai"....l!on. K. II. Hippie
Twentieth Annual Convention
Father Mathew Men Opens To
day in Olyphant.
Today and tomorrow, at Olyphant,
will be held the twentieth' annual con
vention of the Catholic Total Abstin
ence union of the diocese of Scranton.
It will be attended by upwards of 200
delegates representing 80 societies and
14,000 members.
The sessions will open at 10 o'clock
this morning in the Falher Mathew
hall and will be presided over by the
diocesan president. Rev. J. J. Curran,
pastor of Holy Savior church, Wilkes
Barre. Addresses of welcome will be
delivered by Burgess John J. Manning
and Rev. P. J. Murphy, pastor of St.
Patrick's church Olyphant, and spirit
ual director of the Catholic Young
Men's society of Olyphant, under the
auspices of which the convention Is to
be held. Rev. Father Curran will make
the response. Preceding the opening of
the convention the delegates will at
tend a high mass at St. Patrick's
church. The local society will receive
holy communion In a body.
The convention will be ono of unu
sual interest, us a number of Import
ant amendments to the constitution are
to be passed upon, and several lively
fights for offices are scheduled. Rev.
Father Curran will probably succeed
himself as president, t and Secretary
Timothy Burke will likely be unop
posed for re-election. ,
Wednesday night a ball will be given
for the delegates, and Thursday night
they will be entertained with a supper.
a euchre and a performance oy tne Ly
ceum Stock company.
The suggestion made by Rev. N. J.
McManus, of Holy Rosary church,
Providence, at the last quarterly con
vention of the second district of the
diocesan union, that a labor bureau
for aiding the members to better posi
tions be established, was discussed
Monday night at a meeting of the pres
idents of the different societies In tho
office of D. J. Campbell. AH agreed it
was a wise and practicable plan and
the committee decided to take steps to
put It In operation,
I For the Sweet f
ifiirl Graduate I
1 We have made a special preparation j
ji for the demand for this class of goods j
It and offer the best values obtainable. gj
!.. J
White Persian Lawns asc to 75c 5
'9 White Paris Muslins .' 35c to $1.35 S
jg White French Uwns 39c to 95c g
3 White Lace Stripe Peau ds Soie asc to 65c g
2 White Open Stripe Grenadines 50c up g
'$ White China Silks, Crepes, Glorias, Etc.
1 For Glass Day Gowns i
Silk Peau de Sole and Mulls with beautiful colored figures .,50c g
Lattice Grenadines, Linen, white ground with stripes of g
green, blue, rose, trmlze, etc., 50c to $1.35 g
;-f Mercerized Mousseline de Sole, in stripes of ribbon effects, g
J solid blue, green, pink, maize, etc 35c g
g Silk Mousseline da Soje,',in serpentine stripes of solid colors. 50c g
' Pans, Parasols, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Etc. -'
3 P
f I
1 Mears & Hagen,
415-417 Lackawanna Ave. t
I , g
Appropriate Exercises Conducted
Last Night in Memorial Hall in
Honor of the New Republic, Which
Wns Born Yesterday Civil War
Veterans nnd One Old Survivor of
the Mexican War Were Present.
Lewis P. Carter Made the Address
of the Night.
The new-born republic of Cuba yes
terday took her place among the na
tions of the world, and In celebration
of this event the men who volunteered
their services to the United States In
the recent war which marked the close
of Spanish dominion over that beauti
ful Isle of the sea, met last night In
Memorial hall and gathered around
them the men who fought for the pres
ervation of the Union forty years ago.
The affair was conducted under tho
auspices of General Gobln command,
Spanish-American War Veterans, and
the members of Ezra Griffin and Col
onel Monies posts,, of the Grand Army
of the Republic, attended In a body.
First Lieutenant Richard J. Bourke
acted as chairman. nnd a number of
the Civil war veterans were first called
upon for remarks. Among those who
responded briefly were Attorney Henry
Harding and LeGrand Wright. Com
rade Hatl recited "Keeenun's Charge"
In a way thut provoked much applause.
Captain Thomas P. Murphy, of Com
pany C, Thirteenth regiment, who
served for two venrs as a volunteer
officer in the Philippines, gave a most
Interesting talk, In which he recounted
many of his experiences In these new
Island possessions of the United States.
First Lieutenant Lewis i. carter
made the address of the night. He re
cited at some length some of the re
sults of the Spanish-American war be
sides the freeing of Cuba from the
thraldom of Spanish tyranny. The war,
he said, resulted In the placing of the
United States In the thentre of world
politics, a thing which might have re
quired long years of endeavor along
peaceful lines.
The strengthening of the bonds be
tween the north and south Into an in
dissoluble union has been another re
sult of the war, he said. He took oc
casion to denounce the stay-at-home
slanderers of tho United States army,
who seek to cast odium upon all of the
brave defenders of "Old Glory" because
of the acts of the few.
Dr. Heath, the only veteran of the
Mexican war living In this city at the
present time, made a brief address, and
was loudly applauded. Hon. John R.
Farr also spoke, and Tom Miles pUiyed
a cornet solo. Others who entertaUncd
with recitations and songs were: Frank
Lathrope, Thomas Ellas, Fred Evans
and David Jenkins.
Immediately following tho programme
the guests repaired to the banquet hall,
where a delicious lunch was served.
Among those who contributed to the
affair were tho following: P. J. Mc
Cann, Clarke Brothers, John T. Porter,
p. P. Wentz &- Co., Kirkpatrick & Co.,
J. D. Williams & Brother, Ablngton
Dairy company, W. C. Brunlng, Clark
& Scott, Frank Fraunfelter, M. Zeld
ler, P. F. Cawlcy.
Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore.,
and Return.
On account of the National Convention
Travellers Protective Association of
America, Portland, Ore., June 3rd to
7th; the Supreme Lodge A. O. U. W.,
Portland, Ore., June 10th to 20th, 1902,
the Lackawanna railroad will Issue
First Class round trip tickets for $70.30
on sale good going May 26th to Juno 7th
incl. and for return passage to reach
original starting point not later than
60 days from original date of sale. Seo
Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as
to slop-over privileges routes and train
A Much Talked-of Improvement.
The Btlr the New Jersey Central's re
cent announcement made In regard to
Its hourly trains between New Ynrlt
ami Philadelphia was fur reaching.
Very few cities 'can boast of such a
trnln schedule and the beauty of It Is.
that It's easily remembered a train
every hour on the oven hour from 7 a.
in, to 6 p. in.
The locomotives, cats und Pullman
Half the furnishing of a bed room
is the TOILET SET. Every woman
wants something that will command
admiration nnd reflect her good taste.
Plenty of stores have TOILET
SETS, but if you want something
that is prettier and more serviceable
you will come to our store, becauso
we have n large assortment. You
can make your selection from 150
o pikci: i)i:coitA'ri: si:ts
, 10 PIKUK KCOIlATi:i SI'.TH 2. IK
5? "A Thing of
g Beauty Is a Joy Forever" ?
ft At no time of the year does this quotation impress Itself more gj
gZ forcibly upon us than at graduation time when we see the groups of gZ
charming young maidens assembled in the halls of .knowledge, each M
J2 one trying, and successfully, too, to look her best. ff"
5 We have all the aids to the adornment of tho youth and beauty 0m
V about to graduate. , AM
S Fine Wool Dress Goods p
These touch the susceptibility of the Fair Sex. And why not? M
5 They're the things that are much wanted und they are here. Jrti
l Voilles, Albatross, Mistral, K
h Tamese, Etamines, Batiste, O
Silk Wrap
H Wool Crepe
F These are In black and delicate evening shades; a full assort-
a5 ment. Xot only fit to wear, but fit to be seen, good to look at as well
as good to wear. i
You cannot help but admire the Inviting goods at tho still more
Inviting prices.
q Dress Trimmings and Fine Laces
JJ All widths and prices, and the choosing Is at Its easiest here.
gy Variety, beauty, elegance and completeness found In this stock. Not
a wanted style missing. Quality tells and price sells. AVc invite you
55 to look at them. '
H The Pick of Wash Goods
nt All the world will wear them and you of course will want them,
V too. Wo have a collection of stunning, fashionable fabrics, just as
25 neat, just as sweet, just as dainty and fine as you ever saw. You
3 wouldn't want a bigger or finer assortment to choose from than wo
B show now.
3 McConnell & Co.
SJ The Satisfactory Store R
Removal Sale
20 Reduction on
Hats and Furnishings
On account of removing to the corner store, Washington
avenue and Spruce street, all of our stock is reduced 20 per
$2.00 Straw Hats $1.60
3.00 Straw Hats 2.40
4.00 Straw Hats 3.20
Hand & Payne,
Green Valley Rye
Kimwa no siinerior amontr me uest
1 a. iL
wliisiceys, 01 wic uuivciac
All of the really high grade whis-
' kiea have a peculiarity of flavor, which
distinguishes so has Green Valley
Rye. We repeat: Regardless of price
it is the limit of distilled excellence.
Try a bottle it is worth 1.25,
Casey Brothers,
Sales Department 216 Lacka. Ave
cars urc the most modern, the roadbed
Is rock ballasted, 4nnd ah, only hard coal
Is used Ihoro Is no smoko or cinders.
Every trnln runs direct to Rending
Terminal, Philadelphia, "without ehango
nnd many' of them cover the distance In
two hours. The Reu'dlng route by which
the Phlltuletphla line la often known, Is
not" only ti short way to Philadelphia,
but It Is likewise the scenic route. This
service goes Into offeot, on May 18, but
In no way does Itf Impair the fast nnd
elegant service of the Royal Blue line,
which will run .Independently of the
Philadelphia line.
134 Wyoming Ave.
Walk In and look around.
de Chene.
51.00 Shirts 1 80c
$1.50 Shirts $1.20
50o Neckwear 40c
203 Washington Ave,
. n
?BV r ' It
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