The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1902, Image 1

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flmerfcan Flag Lowered and Cuban
' Flag Raised-General Wood
Sails for Home.
In Person General Wood Hauled
Sown the Stars and Stripes, and
Assisted by General Gomez, Ele
vates the Lone Star Emblem of
Cuba Libre Letter from President
Roosevelt Bead Prompt Embarka
tion of American Forces at Other
Points in the Island.
ty Kxiliiuhe Wire from The Associated Press.
Havana, May 20. The government of
the republic of Cuba was installed to
day with Impressive ceremony. Punc
tually at noon Senor P.tlina, as presi
dent oC the new nation, alllxed his slg
nature to -a document pieparcd by the
Vnltecl States war department and rend
to him by ficnoral Wood, pledging the
jicvv administration to Immediately pro
claim the constitution, the Piatt
amendment contained in the appendix
thereto, and to undertake all obliga
tions assumed by the United .States in
respect to Cuba by the treaty of Paris.
The following letter fiom President
lcuosevcll was then handed In Presi
dent P.tlina by tloncrnl Wood:
White House, Viasliinclon, Mjv 10, ItKIJ.
Tfi tin- I'lcflririil anil Lungicss of tho Repuliliu of
- Wis-On the :Mlh of III!-, month tlic military
pipcni"r of t'ulii will, b.v my iliiicliou,
to j ou tln iniitrnl ami fiivcnnni'iit of llio W.iihI
of t'ulM, tn lio lipiHofnitli cxerriped imiloi the
provisions of t ho coutilutiou ,ul"pti-d liy .Mi'ir convention a on Hut ih.v nin
Mulcited; ami lie will llicrriipuii ik lure the m Inn of Culm by the United Males to lie at
oil Cllll.
At tin simo tinip I (1iv.irp to cprr to ou
tin- .fincern fiicniMiip and poo.1 vvishcii of the
1 lifted Slflles, and our most chuipsi hopes for flip
.lability iind success of your jovcinment, for tlip
Uifsiugs of peine, juluc, piosperity and md-Tcd
freedom nniniig jour people, and' for cnduilng
friendship between the republic fit the United
blatcs and the rcpublit. of t.'nln.
Tlirlore rtonspvell,
" l'lesulent of the t'niled bialc-.
Our Flag Hauled Sown.
After an exchange of congratula
tions, General Wood add the veteran,
General Gomez, ascended to the roof
of the palace. He was Instantly rec
ognized and met with a great demon
fitratlnn of welcome. General M'ood,
himself, undid the halliards from the
llagstaff and lowered the American
colors. As they fluttered down, the
cavalry below saluted their flag and,
like an echo of the cheers that arose,
came the distant boom of the great
guns of Cabanas fortress, across the
bay. It was followed by others In rap
id succession until 4."! shots had been
fired, one for each state In the union,
As the flist gun spoke, the flags on
Morro Castle and those on the Santa
Clara and P-unta fortresses were low
ered. The jurisdiction of the United
States had ended,
Cuban Flag Hoisted.
In the meantime u Cuban flag had
been bent on the halliards of (lie pal
ace flagstaff and by his own hand,
General Wood raised It, as an act of the
United Stales, Genet al Gomez assisting
As the flag flew free, the streets be
low fairly waved with the cheer that
arose. It was caught up by the people
on the roofs, and, rolled over the city.
Again the cavalry below saluted, and
again the guns of Cabanas spoke, this
time with a national salute of twenty
one guns. The foreign warships hoist
ed the flag of Cuba to their mast headH
nnd bestowed upon it the honors due to
nations. The ensigns of Great Britain
nnd Italy had recognized the republic.
The demonstration was still in prog
ress when the cavalry wheeled and
marched to the wharf, where they Im
mediately embarked on the Morro Cas
tle. Wood Sails for Home,
General Wood and his adjutant gen
eral, Colonel Scott, with two aides, after
a last exchange of good wishes, were
driven to the pier, where they entered
a launch and wero flicked away to the
Brooklyn. Both ships got under way
as soon as possible, and steamed out of
the harbor. The man at the taffrull
of the Brooklyn was kept busy dipping
the Hag In answer to the salutes of the
thousands upon the wuter front who
i watched her departure, A large- flotilla
of various water craft escorted the
Hrooklvn to sea,
While this was occurring at Havana,
n similar scene was being enacted at
Santiago, where General Whiteside, at
noon, turned over the authority to his
Cuban successor and sailed away with
two troops of the Eighth cavalry,
Only eight battalions remained on
Cuban sol), A chapter of American his
tory was ended, and the first chapter of
the history of the Cuban republic- was
Festivities Resumed.
Before the Brooklyn was down ou the
horizon, the Cubans resumed thu fes
tivities. This afternoon there was a
t yacht regatta in the harbor, and on
shore there was a review of 14,000 school
children, by President Palma,
At noon today u solemn high mass In
honor of the new republic had been
celebrated in all the churches of the
island and at 4 o'clock a To Deum was
sung at the cuthedral. At the same
hour the Cuban congress proclaimed
the constitution.
Tonight the whole city was Illumined
and a' great pyrotechnlo display was
made- from the' wall!) of Morro castle
and Cabanas fortress.
Mrs. Wood nnd the children sailed for
Spitln on the steamer Alfonso XII, this
afternoon. They will spend the sum
mer there and in Prance.
From President Palma.
Washington, May 20. President Roose
velt this afternoon received the follow
ing cablegram from the president of the
new republic:
Havana, May ?0.
Theodore Itoosevelt, President, Washington.
The government of the Island of Cuba hiving
jilfc been trdinfemd, I, an chief tiURlsttnte of
the republic, faithfully liitjrprctlnsr the sentlini-nti
of the whole people of Cuba, have the honor to
tend you and the American people testimony of
our profound gratitude and the assurance of an
endurinpt friendship, with vlshc9 and prayers to
the Almighty for the welfare and prosperity of
the United States.
(Signed) T. Kstrada Palma.
Notice to the World.
Washington, May 20. Secretary May,
according to the plan urranged some
time ngo, took the final step today of
acquainting the nations of the globe
that the United States government has
redeemed its solemn pledge to make a
free people in the island of Cuba.
This was done by the dispatch by
cable to every capital where there is
resident either an ambassador or min
ister for the United States, of an Iden
tical note informing our representatives
that the military occupation of the Is
land of Cuba by the United States has
this day ceased, and that an indepen
dent government, republican In form,
has been Inaugurated there, under the
presidency of Tomas Kstrada Palma.
The ambassadors and ministers are
Insttucted to convey this Information
to the government to which they are
Issued by Judge Grosscup on the
Bill Filed by District Attor-,
ney Bethea on May 10.
By llxchisivc Wire from Tin- .taocl.-itcd Press.
Chicago, May 30. The temporary In
junction asked for by the government
against the members oL the, so-called
packers' combine. Is now In force. It
was it-sued this evening by Judge S.
Grosscup, after the close of arguments
in the United States circuit court
room. The order gives the relief pray
ed for in the bill filed by District At
torney Jlethea on May 10. It Is so wide
in Its scope that if the packers or their
agents continue with their present al
leged uniform arrangements, they will
be taken into court on contempt pro
ceedings and the burden of proof will
be on them to show that they have not
violated the order In any particular.
Unless the defendants decide to make
a light at an early date in an effort to
have the order set aside, they will have
until August 4 to make reply to the
complaint. Attorney Miller said to
night that he cannot tell whether a de
murrer, a plea or an answer will be
filed, though the first named is the most
likely to be the form of the packers'
defense. At the same time the order
was entered, numerous affidavits and
other exhibits were filed for the gov
ernment. The most Important affidavit sub
mitted Is that of Daniel W. Meredith,
of Jersey City, N. J. For six years he
was manager for Armour & Co. at Mil
waukee and manager In Philadelphia
at one time. He had been with Swift
& Co. at one time. Since 1S93 he de
clared six general managers for the
big companies have been accustomed
to meet at least once a week In the
city of New York to reconcile the dif
ferences between themselves concerning
the operating of their business and also
to consider the prices which they
should place for the ensuing week, on
the meat products which should be sold
In that territory, and for the purpose
of considering the quantity of meats
which each concern had on hand nnd
"when the necessities of the trade
would require they would agree to cur
tall their shipments of meat from Chi
cago. Their design and purpose being
to limit the quantity of meats In sight
at New York and ndjacent points and
raise the prices. The affidavit covered
at considerable length the manner In
which the alleged meetings were con
ducted. Kunsas City, May 20. Judge John
Whenry. In the Circuit court hero to
day, Ibbued a temporary order, at the
request of Attorney General Crow, re
straining Nelson Morris & Co,, pack
ets, from fixing the price of meats or
from working in conjunction with the
so-called beef trust. The order was
sought because the attorney general
doubted whether tho quo warranto
proceedings instituted last nlijht at Jef
ferson City against other packers could
bo inulutulued against a co-partnership,
such ns the Nelson Morris com
uanv, Jefferson City, Mo., May 20. Attor
neys for the Cuduhy, Hammond, Ar
mour and Swift Packing companies
have filed a motion in the Supreme
court to quash the alternative writ of
ouster Issued several duys ago by tho
attorney general, They allege the writ
was Issued Irregularly because It Is
muile returnable ut a time when the
court will not be In session, The court
will pass on the motion June 4,
Encampment at Indianapolis.
By Eiclutltc Wire from The AxoclaU-d I'rfji.
CUhkotli, Wis., Slay 20.-W. O. Sillier, of IVnn.
.ilvanla, intloiul adjutant ecnc-ral of the Spanish
Amciirjii War Veterans, while on an olScial lslt
to Major !,, A. KcmlU, of (his place, department
commander, unnounti'4 that the thin national
rncainpmrnt of the organization will be held from
tj.-pt. 13 to IS, in Indlantpolla, nd.
Boers Were Bepulsed.
liy Kxclushr Wlie from The Associated Press.
iliddleburar, Cipe Colony, May 20. 1 he (own ol
Aberdeen, about 73 miles aoulli of litre, was at
talked on Sunday lat, by 120 Horn, who were
rvpulicd. Commandant Via I leer den was klllod.
One Dauphin Delegate Given to Quay
for Courtesy's Sake.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlaburg, Muy 20. S. A. rteem, J.
H. Stroup, George S. Keen nnd J, G.
Dlffenderfer were elected by acclama
tion state delegates from the Second
Dauphin county dlsttlct today by the
Republican county convention. The
first three delegates have signed a
written pledge to vote for Attorney
General Klkln for governor and the
fourth, by a concession to the federal
office holders, will be controlled by the
wishes of Senator Quay. The three
delegates elected by the Republican
city convention, held last evening, have
signed a similar pledge.
Mr. Elkln was called before the coun
ty convention and made a short speech
In which he said that he was confident
of his nomination.
Would Be Pleased, He Says, If a
Joint Discussion Could Be Ar
ranged with Other Candidates.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, May 20. Attorney Gen
eral Elkln stated tonight that he had
received and accepted an Invitation
signed by 88 Republicans of Tioga coun
ty Inviting him to visit there before the
Republican primaries on May 3t for the
election of delegates to the next Repub
lican state convention and speak on tho
Issues of the campulgn for the nomina
tion for governor.
The name of Judge Pennypacker
will be submitted along with that Of
Mr. Elkln to the popular vote at the
primaries and the latter states in his
formal acceptance of the Invitation
that he believes in giving the people
tho fullest opportunity to decide be
tween candidates for public office and
woul be pleased if a Joint discussion
of the campaign issues could be ar
ranged "with the other candidates."
Odd Fellows State Convention Is a
Strong Attraction.
n.v Kxcliislrr- Wire from The AfFOriiilril Vrc-vS.
Eric, Pa., May 20. The crowd in'at
tendancn at th Odd Fellows' fctate
convention continues to grow and the
second clay ended with fully 3,000
strangers In the city. The grand lodge
held Its first.schslon in the opera, house,
this afternoon. Addresses of welcome
were given by Mayor 'William Hart
wick, and County Judge Emery A.
Walling. The response was made by
Gland Master Wilson K. Mohr.
Master Samuel A. Steel, of Pittsburg;
grand warden, Robert Graham, of Phil
adelphia; grand secretary, Joseph H.
Mackey, of Willlamsport; grand treas
urer, Charles Muckle, of Philadelphia;
representative to S. G. !., Robert E.
Wright, of Allentown. The delegates
took a lake ride this afternoon and
were entertained at a special perform
ance at the opera house this evening.
Verdict of Coroner's Jury Assures
Her No Further Trouble.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press,
New York, May 20. Florence Burns,
who was accused of the murder of
Walter S. Broooks, Is freed from all
chance of being brought to trial. Tho
coroner's jury today. found a verdict as
We find that Walter llrooks came to Ills death
at the hand of some person or persons unknown
to this Jur.i.
" This verdict means the failure of the
district attorney's office to fasten the
murder of Brooks on Miss Burns or
any one; that the case will never go to
tho grand jury, and that the whole
matter will be dropped.
Say the Railroads Have Not Treat
ed Them Justly.
By Encluslie Wire from The Associated Prow.
Plttf-burg, May 20, The long thrfutencd suits of
the Independent cil operators against the jail
roads operating In the oil countiy. to lecoier
damages for alleged discriminations In freight
rates, were placed op tilal in the (rutted States
circuit court today. The suit of tho Penn He
fining: company end affiliated Hues to lecovcr
$!,000 was selected a.s a test caso and wxs llrot
There are thlrty-fcven other cases, and the re
sult of'the-e will be deteimined by the outcome
of the I'enn company suit. Tho thirty-eight Milts
liivohe about $100,000, which is claimed from
jnost all the railroads in the eastern part-of tho
country. The iiueatluiw of Ian ate the bamc iu
all the c used.
Mine Fire at Mahanoy City,
liy Kxclusiic Wire fiom The Auoilated l'reai.
Muhanoy City, May 20. Early this inninlnif
flru v,ui discovered In the mammoth leln of the
Philadelphia and Iteadlnv Coal ami Iron com
pany')) lolllery at Ollberton. The tlrestatled in
one of the mine breached. ttreams of
water were pUjetl on the flames and men were
detailed to excavate about it with the hope of
preientlnir It from communicating with other
neaniti. Nothing la lnumn of the origin of the
Pops to Meet in Erie.
liy Kicluslv Wire- from Tho AiocIaUd I'reu.
Philadelphia, May U0. At (lie niectlut; of the
late executive committee of the People's party
today, Erie was nelipted as the place, and .liiuu
23 as the date for the People's pattv slate con
vention. i ' m
Japan's Naval Programme.
By Exclusive Wire fiom '1 he Afeoclated Prcts.
Tokio, May 20. '(lie piogiainnie uf Japanese
naval extension fur Ux ears, beginning in loot,
will comprise the building of four 13,000-toii hat.
tleshlps, tno 10,000-tun aiinorcd nulsers, four
5,000-tun cruiscrd, fifteen torpedo boat detrojci
aud tlfty torpedo boat.
Investigating Officers' Arrest.
By Exclusive Wire from The Araodaled Pre.-.
Naples, May -20. A commUsIon met today on
the United fetatca cruL-er Chicago, to organize a
court of inquiry to Investigate the arrest of offi
cers of the Chicago at Venice, on April 25.
Queen Wilhelmina Gets Up.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pi en.
Tbo Higuc, May CO. Queen Wilhrlnilna Is now
able to leave her bed ior a short time each day,
Another Eruption bo Mont Pelee
Almost Gatises Their Instant
. Destruction.
The Party from the Potomac Suc
ceeds in Bringing Away the Casket
Containing the Remains of United
States Consul Prentiss American
Sailors Exhibit Characteristic Gal
lantry Severe Inundation at BaBse
Polnte Relief Movements.
By Pxcluslve Wire from The Associated Pre.
Port de France, Island of Martinique,
Monday. May 10. The expedition sent
to recover the bodies of the American
and British consuls at St. 'Pierre today,
nearly resulted In a fearful horror. The
vessels taking part In the expedition
were the United States steamer Poto
mac and tho British cruiser Indefatig
able. The Potomac, under the com
mand of Lieutenant Benjamin B. Mc
Cormick, ajrlved there first at 11 o'clock
In the morning and landed working
parties. One party went to the site of
tho American consulate, and the other,
headed by Lieutenant McCormlck, went
to the north end of tho town, to the
spot where the British consulate stood,
from where the lieutenant could see
Mont Pclcp, and noticed that a huge
column of smoke and' gas was pouring
out of the crater. In. a manner similar
to the eruption of May 8 last. He
thereupon rushed to the site of the
American consulate and ordered nil
hands to the boats. The American shII
urs picked up a heavy, metallic cofun,
in a. woodVasc, containing the. remains
of thr- United States consul, Thomas T.
Prentls, and carried It to a. boat. Tho
American party was in Imminent dan
cer. Headed for the Sea.
In the meanwhile the Indefatigable
had arrived off St. Pierre, but left the
shore, hendlrtjfCor the sen, blowing her
siren. At that Tliiie a huge stream ot
molten matter was pouring into the
sea, raising columns of steam, and the
whole sea was hideous, having turned
a yellow -green color, while what was
apparently smoke was rushing from
the mountain. The detonations were
continuous and were accompanied by
a fearful storm of lightning, thunder
and rain. The flashes wero of terrific
violence, and during the storm, new
craters opened In Mont Pelee.
Fortunately the. wind kept the clouds
of smoke nnd gas from enveloping the
American and British warships, or the
working party. The coolness and cour
age of the American sailors were most
Will Be Buried Ashore.
The body of Mr. Prentls is now here.
There will be a funeral service on
board the United States cruiser Cin
cinnati, tomorrow, the 20th. The burial
will take place ashore. There will be
no special ceremony.
The volcanic mountain is apparently
In greater activity, and the escape of
the war vessels, and particularly of the
shore party was exceedingly narrow.
This morning at half past five, a thick
heavy cloud, lit up by flashes of light
ning and the rising sun, rose from Mt,
Pelee. The people of Fort de France
at once became panic-stricken nnd In
scant attire rushed excitedly through
the streets of the town. Stones from
the volcano as big ns hazel nuts fell
In the streets. Many of the inhabi
tants hurriedly embarked on the ves
sels In the harbor and it wns with dif
ficulty that they were eventually reas
sured. At 7 o'clock, however, the ex
citement was over and the people be
came calm.
The phenomenon of this morning wns
similar to the eruption of Thursday,
May 8, but not so severe. Governor
IVHuerre will leave here on the French
cruiser Suchet to Inform himself of the
situation at St. Pierre.
Report to Adjutant General.
Washington, May 20. Adjutant Gen
eral Corbin today received the follow
ing message from Captain Crabbs, who
went from San Juan on the Sterling, in
regard to the situation In Martinique:
1'uit de Prance, May 20. Itepoit predent din
ticss lien- exaggerated. Devastated district lies
mirth of line drawn fiom l.a Trinlte to (Jirbet
with center St. Pierre, which is completely de.
Mroyed; no lellef neiewir.v", Inhabitant latter
place all killed, tut our luuplle at present In
port will relieve all suffeilng for next two or
three wecl. All ilepaitmem supplies from San
Juan landed and turned over to governor today
ullh exception of uhout one thousand nulls cloth.
Ing delivered to the captain uf the KngtUli Milp
Indefatigable for relief sufferer at St, Vincent,
Aullienllu lcports later place gieater Immediate
dlutiess there tli-n here; violent volcanic ills,
tuibanee still continues here, but it is thogjht
local autliorltim will have relief well in liaiul
within next month. Leave tomorrow San Juan.
Relief Fund Closed.
Philadelphia, Slay 20. The joint re
lief committee of this city met today
and authorized tho closing of the Mar
tinique and St, Vincent relief fund, No
further subscriptions will be uccepted,
Tho cash donations received by Drexel
& Co, up to the close of business today
amounted to 915,071.
Former Postmaster General Charles
Emory Smith, chairman of tho com
mittee, left for Washington late to
day, He will confer with the govern
ment authorities concerning the dispo
sition of the funds.
Steamship News.
Spec-Ill to the Ecranton Tribune,
New York, May 20. Arrived t Steamers Aller,
(lenoa and Naples; Kensington, Antwcip.
Cleared! Vaderland, Antwerp; Teutonic, I.Ivcr.
pool via Qucentown; St, Louis, (Southampton,
bailed: Kaiser Wilhclm der Gros', firemen ill
Pl.iiuoutli and Cherbourg; Cevlc, Llvcipool;
Cut Waldciscc, llamburir. Bculogiic, Anivcdt
llotterdsui, New York for Rotterdam
(Cruiser Gaulois Passed in Cape Henry
Yesterday Morning.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
Baltimore, May 20. The French
cruiser Gaulois, which was sent to this
country In connection with the unveil
ing ot the Rochnmueau statue at
Washington, pnssed In the Virginia
capes early today. She wns accom
panied by the special squadron of re
ception, consisting of the battleships
Kenrsarge and Alabama and the
cruiser Olympln, which met her out
side, The customary salutes were ex
changed between the squadron nnd the
visitor, nnd the four ships after pass
ing In Cape Henry headed up the
Chesapeake bay for Annapolis.
The squadron arrived at Annapolis
at about 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Philadelphia, May 20. The members
of the French commission, en route to
Washington, stopped In this city for a
few hours this morning. Count and
Countess Bochambeati attended ti
luncheon given In their honor at the
Hotel Bellevue, nnd others of the party
took in the sights of the city, visiting
Independence hall, the , city hall, the
new 'United States mint, Fall-mount
park and other points of Interest. The
commission left for Washington at 6.25
t. m.
President Roosevelt's Tribute
to Work of Missionaries
in This Country.
By L'xcluslve Wire from The Associated Presi.
New York. May 20. Carnegie hall
was crowded to tho doors this evening
with an audience eager to hear the ad
dress of President Roosevelt In the In
terests ot Presbyterian homo missions,
the occasion marking the close of tho
centennial celebration. Many of tho
audience remembered that Presidents
Cleveland nnd Harrison had made ad
dresses from the same platform on the
same subject.
In the parquet sat the commissioners
of the general assembly with as many
of their friends ns could be crowded In.
Thp two tiers of boxes were filled with
men and women who are leaders In
Metropllttan Proslryterianlsm and oth
ers Interested in the meeting. There
were about 400 men and women on the
plntform. There was not. a vacant
seat, not a btt of standing room left in
the entire auditorium. Hundreds were
turned away.
The president arrived from Washing
ton early In the evpnlng. When he
took his seat on the platform at Car
negie hall he 'received a great ovation.
When the applause died away, Mr.
Roosevelt took his seat between the
Rev. Dr. Van Dyke and the Rev. D.
Stuart Dodge, D. D., who was presid
ing. A choir of 125 voices from the differ
ent Presbyterian churches sang the
hymn, "Ye Servants of God Your Mas
ter Proclaim," and the president sang
with them.
President Introduced.
In introducing President Roosevelt,
Dr. Dodge said that no man knew bet
ter than the president the Importance
to the nation of the 'good work of the
home missions. The president in his
address said, In part:
It Is a pleasure ou behalf ot the people of tha
United 8Utee to bid you welcome on this hun
dredtli anniversary of the beginnins of orRantzed
home missionary work by the Presbyterian church.
In one sense, of course, all fervent and earnest
church work ia a part of home missionary work.
Every earnest and zealous believer, every man
or woman who is a doer of the work and not a
hearer only, la lifelong missionary in his or
her field of labor a missionary by precept, and
by what i a thousand fold more than precept,
b.v uractlce.
Tonight we celebrate a hundred years of mis
sionary work done not incidentally but with set
purpose; n hundred earn ot earnest effort to
spread abroad the bop:I, to lay deep the moral
foundation upon which true national frrcatnsss
must rest. The century that has closed has seen
the conquest of this continent by our people.
To conquer a continent u rough work. All really
great work Is roush in the doing, It may
teem smooth enough to those who look back upon
it, or who gaze upon from afar.
It is such missionary worlt which prevents the
pioneers from sinking perilously near the level
of tho savagery against which they contend.
Without It the conquest ol tills continent would
have had little but an animal side.
Would Have Been Unlit.
Without it the pioneers fierce and rude virtues
snd sombre faults would have been left unlit ly
the flame of pure cid loving aspiration. With
out It tho life of tliia 'country would havo been a
life ot inconceivably haul anil ban en materialism,
because ot it deep beneath and thiouifli the na
tional character there urns that power of flun
adherence to a lofty Meal upon which the safety
uf the nation will ultimately depend,
Honor, thiice honor to those who for thres
geneiatlons, during tho peilod of this people's
Kieat expansion, have been that the form of the
living truth expanded as the nation expanded.
They bore the burden and heat of the day, they
tolled obecuiely ami died unknown, tint wo
might como Into a glorious heritage. Let us
prove the sincerity of our homage to their faith
and their woiU by the way in which we manfully
carry tovvaid completion what, under them was to
well begun.
Deadlock Remaius Intact,
liy Exclusive Wire from 'Hie Abo Isted Piess.
Biuquehinna, -May 20. Alter on adjournment of
seveial da)s the itepubllcan senatorial coufeiees
for the Susquehanna-Wjj lie dUtriit again met
heie today. Keveial ballots were taVen, but with,
out tesult. The deadlock remains Intact. It Is
understood that no nomination will be made
until after the loiiglokioiia) iimfeirme to be
held at Wilkes-Ham-, lUy 27. The i onferi-ni e
adjourned tonight to meet here Wednesday morn
ing. Excited Sailors Drowued.
By Ksclusive Wlie from The Associated 1'rcsu.
Philadelphia, May iO. Wlillo tho tug Charles
Klllam was proceeding down the, Delaware river
today her machinery became ununagcablc. In
the excitement, William Trultt, the Hitman, und
William J. Mlnford, the coolc, jumped oveiboard
aud were drowned,
,. I
A Place for John J, Coyle.
By Kicliulve Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, May 20. Among the nominations
sent to the senate by the president ')oday was
that of John J. style, Of Tfiinlvaiinr, to be
j-alstont agent at the Minion nshertosof Alaska,
'(lie senate 'later in the (lay conllpned Coylc's
Stock Exchange Report That Burgh
ers Havo Yielded.
Dy Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Press,
IiOiidon, May 20. Ixml Mllner, the
British high commissioner In South
Africa, It Is said, hus referred some
doubtful points concerning the peace
negotiations In South Africa to the
home government. Tho belief Is gen
eral that a favorable outcome to the
negotiations will be announced In a few
da vs.
Mlddleburg, Cape Colony, May 20.
The town of Aberdeen, about seventy
five miles south of Mlddleburg, was at
tacked on Sunday last by 120 Boers,
who were repulsed. Commandant Van
Heerden was killed.
Hurried Burial of Victims of Coal
Creek Disaster Necessary.
By E-tclualve Wire from The Associated Press.
Coal Creek, Tenn., May 20. The
bodies of seventy victims of the ex
plosion at the Fraterville coal mine
yesterday, this morning lay in an old
supply store ready to be dressed .for
burial today. All of the bodies will be
burled In the Leach cemetery, just east
of the town, on a little mound where
the United Mine Workers of America
have purchased a section. They1 pro
pose to make an investigation.
A fund will be contributed to build a
monument to the dead.
Cincinnati Had a Terrible Visitation
for Thirty Minutes Damage Will
Amount to $1,000,000.
fly Kxcluslve Wire from The Avocialed Prrvs.
Cincinnati, May 20. A terrific, wind'
nnd rain storm, accompanied by a
waterspout, swept over this locality to
day, causing the loss of six lives and
injuring many others. Tho fury of tho
storm continued ony thirty minutes,
but the damage wrought in that time
will amount to more than a million dol
lars in the business section of Cincin
nati and ns much more in other parts
of the city and Its suburbs.
The dead: Clement Davler. Mrs.
Flachner, Willie Wlllen, aged 4; George
Decker, Ferdinand Rapp, D. W. Gllllve.
The waters.oout rolled down the hills
in a wave twenty feet deep In places
and about 100 yards wide. The frame
house of Edward Wohrley was carried
away for a distance ot over four blocks
and finally dashed to pieces in the Cov
ington ball grounds. The house was
occupied by four families. Of these,
Mrs. Flachner and Willie Wlllen were
drowned. The others narrowly escaped.
Davler and Becker, who were driving
teams, were swept from their wagons
by the rush of water and drowned.
Belleville, a carpenter, was carried
away with the roof of a building on
which he was working, nnd killed,
Rapp was caught by the water while
attempting to take his goods out of a
cellar. He waa a neddler.
Many others, whose names cannot be
learned, were seriously Injured. Search
ing parties are" still at work tonight In
Willow Hollow at the foot of I-ewls-burg
hill, where others are reported
All the towns opposite Cincinnati suf
fered damage from broken windows and
houses being unroofed.
White Run Valley Flooded and Many
Houses Swept Away.
By Exclusive Wire fronrThc Associated Press.
Connellsvllle, Pa., May 20. The Break
neck reservoir, four miles from here, in
the mountains, broke early this morn
ing and the five million gallon lake
flooded White Run valley, sweeping
away houses, railroad brldgeu, barns,
fences and crocs.
As far as known there were no lives
lost, but there were many thrilling es
capes. The damage Is estimated at
$200,000, The break was caused by a
Industries at Mahanoy City May
Have to Shut Down.
llj Cxclushe Win- from "Hie Associated Pre,
Mahanoy City, Slay 2'). Scaiclty of fuel threat,
cm a clnio down uf the nou-ial local industries
in operation In this city. Today the United Mine
Woikiis organization luolc exception tu the ar
tluii of tho Philadelphia ami Heading t'oal and
lion cuinpauy In Jeaalug its culm baulis tu these
concerns and an Investigation wji urueiul that
is likely to lesult in the shutting ilnnu uf the
mills, thus thiowing tcicral bundled people out
of euipIo,vinent,
At a meeting today of Hulled Mine Workers,
Xo, 137, revolution wciu adopted calling upon
the two I'nlttd Mutes H'lintou. fium Peiino.ilvanla
and i 'ongrctoiiian (li-cigc It. Pjtteiou, from this
district, to 3uw the Initlutivr at once for a investigation into the pusent tus.
pension of vroik ut colllriles in the antluadte
region, S'lnilUr action Is tu be taken by every
local of the orgaiiitatimi ill UlstrliV ,Vn. U. The
fmprcs.lon lieu- tonight is that tha strike will he
of (lioit duiJtlun,
Old Bill Considered. -
liy Exclusive Wife fiom '(lie Aboclated Piess.
Waslilngton, May 2v)T-Puilng consideration of
bills ou the private calendar, a measuu' tQuy
(leoi-gc- Hushberger, of Johnstown, Pa.j-'W.OuO for
discovering and capturing Mnta. Aa's money
ut Cirro Goriki, X, M. In 1SI7, sf. reached.
The iouse, libwevei-, was..not- In thsj humor to
pass a' bill that extended over such aj(mg pirbd
and (lie enacting clause was stricken out.
Strike" of Rug Weavers. ;
Uy-rlxcijiilo Wire from The Associated Press. -
vjjjlio'eiphia, May 20.-A strlko pfM.WO rug
veWrs, empltyed in this city liod 'Cajndfji, X,
J., ijfoan he (today, for an lp'c;rmsk,ini)igea
ol ia er aultttnc 'wojksthe .weavers
IVjjiijtlully'tiHf pp tho rnllU-iailcli thf""" I
cuiuilojcd ad 7orced 3,000 ptreoos out ot oilc J
Secretary Easleu oT GIvIg Federa
tion Meets a Representative
ot the Operators.
President Mitchell in an Interview
at Wilkes-Barre Says He Is Satis
fied with the Situation Coxe Bros.
Order Shoes Removed from All
Their Mules More Coal and Iron
Policemen Commissioned at Har
rlsburg Strike Meeting in Pitts
ton Other Developments of a Daj
in the Anthracite Situation. '
By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated FreM.
New York, May'20. It Is evident that
the civic federation has not abandoned
Its efforts to settle the strike of tho
anthracite cop.1 -miners. A conferenco
was held here today between Ralph M.
Kasley, secretary of the federation, and
a gentleman who Is the recognized rep
resentative of the operators. Just what
took place Is a matter of speculation.
Secretary Easley declined to make anji
statement, and the representative of'
the coal Interests was equally uncom
municative, but both were In good
humor. Mr. Easley had nothing to say
regarding his recent conference with.
Senator Hanna In Washington and his t
subsequent visit to Hazleton, where he '
had a long talk with President Mitchell.
Mitchell Says He Is Satisfied.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. May 20. Tn a talk
with a representative of the Associated
Press, President Mitchell, of the United
Mine Workers, this evening briefly 're-vlewed-the
progress of the strike up 'to
date. He said he and his colleagues
were well satisfied the movementj-
so fnr nK It hn ornn'p. T-T osrnppttt' n."1
total suspension 'of mining and his ex-. ,- ,.i?,j
pcctatlons have"been realized, .Th--Hifll
present conflict, he said,. Is the great
est In the history of the world In point
of numbers. The union Is strong and
the miners are determined, he says, and
he has no fears of a break in the solid
stand or the men. When asked If ho
still had hope that the coal companies
would voluntarily offer the men some
concessions, he refused to commit him
self, but said, "While there's life there's
hope." He had nothing to say regard
ing the calling out of the bituminous
The principal matter to be considered
at the meeting of the three executive
boards tomorrow Is that of calling out
tho engineers, firemen nnd pumpmen.
No information aB to the probable ac
tion ot committeemen can be had.
There is a well grounded belief, how
ever, that such drastic measures will
not be adopted for the present. The
joint committee will also take up tho
question of Involving 'the bituminous
miners, but iu the absence of the peti
tions of two other districts not much
can be done.
Pardee Goes to New York.
Hasleton, May 20. Prank Pardee,
one of the individual operators In the
Hazleton district, wns In New York to
day, presumably attending a meeting
of the presidents of the coal carrying
railroads. Mr. Pardee represented all
the individual operators in this region;
The local operators have made prepar
ations to resist any attempt on the part
of the United Mine Workers to call out
the engineers, firemen and pump run
ners. Coxe Brothers & Co. today or
dered the shoes taken from all their
mules that have been removed from
the mines and turned Into pasture. This
is an Indication that the company an
ticipates a long strike.
Nicholls Is Hopeful.
Wilkes-Barre, May 20. T. D. Nic
holls, president of district No, 1, Uni
ted Mine Workers, addressed a large
muss meeting of miners at Plttston to
night. He was received with much en
thusiasm. Mr. .N'leliollH said the "out
look for the miners winning their bat
tle was very hopeful.
The fan house at tho Umpire mine of
the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal
company was entirely destroyed by 'flro
tonight. It Is thought the origin of tho
II in was accidental. A number ot
striking inlnera went to the rescue and
helped to fight the flames.
More Coal and Iron Police.
Harrlsburg. May 20, Two hundred
nnd thirty additional coal and Iron po
lice were appointed by Governor Stono
today on application of the coal oper
ators In the anthracite district, fpr.
duty iu the strike region, Over.30i,y
policemen were appointed on Saturday
for similar duty, , I
French Premier Resigns.- - 1
p.v I'.Mliulve Wife from'The Associated Pre.
Paris, May 20. The premier, M. Wlde'ck--Kous.
seau, wlHefgif;hfore June J, leaving President
l.ouhet 'tu form s new cabinet. M. Wsldeck
ltuueau has finished his work.
..oral data for May 20, I003(
Highest temperature ,..,..,.,.,.,.... 70 degree
Lowest temperature ,.,,,..,,.,,,,,,, b'i defrces
ltelatve humidity!
S a, in , , 09 per cent,
8 p. m , ,...,.., W per ccnt.
Precipitation, i hours ended 8 p. m., ,U Inch
-f -fT-T-f"f-f"f4"T-f'fj
-sV Washington, May 20. Forecast for Wed- 4-
f nesday snd Thursday! Eastern Pcumil. -
-f msuU rlr Wednesdays light to ficsli -
-f north t'st winds. ThmnJay, fair. f
l T?
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