The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 20, 1902, Image 1

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M flid Will Be Needed in St. Vin
cent Tor Six ' Months
to Gome.
Paris Hail Advices from St. Pierre
and Vicinity Received Prior to the
Terrible Upheaval Give Graphic
Pictures of Nature's Forewarning
nnd Show That tfce Pear of Death
Ead Already Settled Upon Many
of the Inhabitants.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prcs.
Washington, May 19. The following
statement was alven out at the white
house today:
On Saturday, Immediately on leeching t'omnl
A.tinc's dispatch, sating' no more aid wjs
needed, the president directed tho scctrtarles nt
xxar and the naty to inquire and leport as (o ilie
true condition of affairs in Martinique nnd SI.
Vincent. These lcporls will he nude ptihllc .is
soon as received. All the supplies and .ill the
money fcutncribcd liitherto have been urgently
reeded, but unlil fuither infoimation is reiiod
it is deemed best that the lecclpt of biilnuiptions
be suspended.
Secretary Hay today received the fol
lowing cablegram from United States
Consul S. A. McAllister, at Barbados,
W. I., dated today:
Sixteen hundred deaths M. Vincent; i.000
destitute. Immediate xants riipplicd. Aid need
ed for t.i' month". Tina .uithculii'.
The navy, department received the
following disoatch from Commander
McLean, of the Cincinnati: ,
1'oit dc Trance, May TO.
Water barge not needrd. Ashes anil tukimic
rluit falling thickly here. Nun like thick fog;
decks coured.
Letters from Victims.
Paris, May 19. Martinique malls, for
warded just prior to the volcano dis
aster, arrived heie yesterday. The
newspapeis print a number of private
letters from St. Pierre, giving many de-'
tails of events immediately preceding
the catastrophe. The' most Interesting"
of these In a letter from a young lady
who was among the victims, dated May
2. After describing the aspect of St.
Pierre before dawn, the town being lit
up with flames from the volcano, every
thing! covered with ashes and the peo
ple greatly excited, yet not panlo
etiickcn, she said:
My calmness astonished me. I am awaiting
the etcnt tranquilly. My only suffering is from
the dust which penetrates etcowhere, even
through closed windows and doors. We are all
calm. Mamma Is not a bit anxious. Kdith alone
is frightened. If death awaits us thcic will be
a numerous company to leave the world. Will
it be by fire or asphjxia? It will bo what find
wills. You will have our last thoughts. Tell
brother Robert that we arc still alite. This will,
perhaps, be no longer true when this letter
rcaehci jou.
The Edith mentioned was a lady vis
itor who was among the rescued. This
and other letters enclosed samples of
the ashes, which fell over the doomed
town. The ashes are a bluish-grey im
palpable powder, resembling, newly
ground flour and slightly smelling of
Another letter, written during the
afternoon of May 3, says:
Tho population ol the neighborhood of the
mountain is flocking to the city. Business is
impended, tho inhabitants arc panic-stricken and
tho firemen are sprinkling the streets and roofs,
to scttlo tho ashes, which arc filling tho nlr.
These and other letters seem to indi
cate that evidences of the impending
disaster were numerous five days be
fore it occurred. It is difficult to under
stand how it was that a general ex
odus of tho population of St. Pierre did
not take place before May 8. Still an
other letter says:
St. Ficrre presents an aspect unknown to the
natives. It Is sprinkled with'grey snow, a winter
scene without cold.' Tho inhabitants ot tho
neighborhood arc abandoning their houses, villas
and cottages, and are flocking to tho city. It
Is a curious pell mell ol women, children and
bare-tooted peasants, big black fellows loaded
with household goods. The air ia oppressive;
jour nose burns.
A St. Pierre paper of May 3 announ
ces that an excursion returned for the
next day to Mont Pelee, had been post
poned, as the crater was inaccessible
adding that notice would be issued
.when the excursion would take place.
The Emergency Over,
Although Whit Monday Is a public
holiday, the ministry of tho colonies
was open as usual and all the officials
were at their posts, The advices re
ceived from Martinique this morning
indicate that the loyal authorities are
no longer anxious regarding food and
other supplies, which are now reach
ing Fort de France in sufficient quan
tities to meet all demunds until the
arrival of the supply ships now on
their way to the Island und those pre
paring to sail. The government be
lieves that the emergency is over,
The correspondent of the Associated
Press learns that the ministry of the
colonies totully discredits the report
of the destruction of Saint Marie, Mar
tinique, by lire which has reached here,
as today's despatches do not mention
the fact which they certainly would
have done If the town had been burn
ed. The congregation completely filled
the fashionable church of St. Augustine
this morning, on tho occasion of the
olemn service organized by the league
of French Women In memory of the
Victims of tho Martinique disaster.
Bishop Cormon, assisted, by the clergy
of the parish celebrated mass and pro
nounced the absolution. This was the
first inemorJal for the dead of Mar
tinique held Jn Paris. Another will be
held n the new basilica of the Baaed
Heart, tomorrow, nt which Bishop Cor
mon will again officiate.
The officials show that the sympathy
with France abroad Is Increasing. The
latest royal subscription Is that of the
former queen legent of Spain, who
has given 10,000 francs to the fund,
which now amounts to over 700,000
London, May 19. The Mansion House
West Indian Relief fund now aggre
gates 100 and Lord Strathcona, the
Canadian high commissioner, 500.
New York, May 19. Cornelius N.
Bliss, national treasurer of the West
Indies Relief fund, had received up to
noon today a total of $94,000. Gustav
II. Schwalj, presided at a meeting of
the executive committee of the asso
ciated relief committees of this city
today and presented the following
cablegram, received by the New, York
chamber of commerce from the cham
ber of commerce of Barbadoes:
Ascertained conditions St. Vinrent. Djtinge,
50,000; 1,600 death; 160 wounded in hospi
tals; 4,000 dcililute. Imniedhlc wanU supplicJ,
but help required for the next six- months.
The following reply was sent:
Chamber ot Commotio, Itjrbadoes!
Cable rccrltcd. Our agent on uaj to Islands
authorized to a'-slst.
(Signed) (iustav II, Schwab, chairman execu
the committee, relief ioinmillcc3.
Mr. Schwab reported that the Ma
dlana reached Fort de France Satur
day and that A. E. Outerbridge, agent
of the Quebec steamship line, had re
ceived a cablegram from the captain,
which did not indicate that there had
been any hitch oxer the landing of the
supplies purchased by the New York
chamber of commetcc and that he
therefore presumed that these supplies
x pro In the hands of those who needed
them. The committee decided to go on
with its work and to continue to re
ceive subscriptions.
On a Sad Errand.
Fort dc France, Island of Mai Unique,
May ID, R a. in, A. party from hero has
gone to St. Pleirc on the British cruiser
Indefatigable, carrying with them cof
fins, for the put pose of recoveilng the
bodleb of the family of Thomas T. Pren
tls, the late United States consul at
that place, who were killed In the dis
aster. The Interment of tho remains
will take place here and xvill be con
ducted with military honors. The In
defatigable brought 120 tons of supplies.
There was another eruption from
Mont Pelee yesterday. Ashes fell here.
The volcano is still violently smoking
"nnd there are no signs of ceasing its
The United States cruiser Cincinnati
and the . United States government
Potomac xvill be stationed here indefi
nitely. The Potomac will shortly go to
the island of Guadaloupc to bring to
this place the furniture, books, etc., of
the officeis of the United States consul
there, Louis H. Aymc.
Cuba Ready to Take Over Govern
ment Havana Commemorating
Martyrs' Deaths.
By Ezclushe Wire from The Associated Pi ess.
Havana, May 19. Havana today paid
a tribute to the memory of Cuba's
patriot dead. The anniversary of the
death of Jose Marti, the hero of Dos
RIos and the father of the last revolu
tion, who fell as General Wan en did
at Bunker Hill, at the beginning of his
people's war for Independence, was
commemorated by masses celebrated
in all the churches.
Under the auspices of the city coun
cil, a crown of flowers was deposited
on Toscs de las Laurels In Cabanas
fortress, where the Cuban prisoners
"were shot. Gcneial Gomez xvas pres
ent at tho ceremony and paid a touch
ing tribute to the memory of the mur
tyrs. Last ntglvt'3 festivities xvere con
cluded with a great torchlight parade.
All tho political clubs were repre
sented. At the head of each contingent
was a big Cuban flag and many of the
banners displayed bore pictures of
President-elect Palma and General Go
mez, Half a dozen Cuban bands xvero
In the procession, which xvas two miles
Special trains began arriving today
from different parts. The provincial
governors, alcaldes and all the civil
officers who could get away from their
posts are here. The attendance of the
people Is somewhat restricted, owing to
high railroad fares, but It Is believed
that ut least 20,000 persons from the
provinces xvlll be here tomorrow.
Final reports show that General Wood
will turn over to the republic tomor
row $DG7,709 In cash and also 91,308,607
In bonds, against which the current lia
bilities nro charged, The final figures
of the expenditure of Insular funds dur
ing General Wood's administration,
which began December 21, 1899, are
J,1591(S55.94, During the whole period
of the Ameilcan occupation th amount
expended has been $59,753,523
Resolutions adopted by many munici
palities of the Island, expressing grati
tude at the American administration
of Cuba, jeoched General Wood today,
and Jose Gomez, the governor of Santa
Clara, came personally to present a
memorial from the Inhabitants of his
province tilled with expressions of pro
found gratitude.
Results in Northumberland.
Dy Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Cress.
Suubmy, I'ii., May JP, The Northumbarland
county llepubllcan return Judges today nominated
John I, Klkln or goternor; Fred A. Godcharles.
lor tho long term In congress, and W, K, Lord,
for the unexpired term. Colonel V, U. Clement,
of this city, was endorsed (or lieutenant gover
nor, New Coa Company Chartered.
By Kxclmlte Wire from The Associated Press.
HarrUburg, May 19. Among charters isiucd by
the Mate department today was one to the
fxhutlklll Coal aud Iron lompany, ol Scrautooj
capita), 1,000.
Says Some Persona Need Dipping Ten
Times Instead of Three.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Alsoclalcd Press.
llarrlsburg, May 10. Cloiornor Mono addressed
the Herman Baptists In the Auditorium at Pax
tang park, tills afternoon, Immediately before
the tegular religious kcrtlco. '1 lie building,
which seats 0,000 persons, was filled entirely nnd
thousands of people on Ihc outside prevd
around the sides to listen to the executive. Ho
complimented the brethren upon the trcmrndoiu
convention which they have been londuitlni
with such marked elder and success. Ilc.rcf'rrcd
to tho fact many ol the German lljpllsts
at the contention, who hate tome Irom all parts
of the country, ttcie oilglhally Penny hanlans
and he extended to them a welcome home.
Speaking of Immersion, which Is the custom
at the baptismal srlces of the Merman Haptlst the goternor said he xvas heartily In
favor of Immersion, ami that It would not hurt
some people to be dipped ten times Instead ol
thrie times.
Attracted to this citv by the thousands of
German Baptists a gang of pickpockets has In
taded Poxtang Pntk. John Bennett, of Ai tenuis,
Bedford county, reported to the police that his
pockctbook containing 32 was lilted. .Tohn
l'reeland, of Kinsas, lost a pockctbook containing
$141 and promlsory notes amounting 1o about
$000. Seteral othc. brethren xvero robbed today.
Welcomed to Erie by Postmaster
Sobel Officers Chosen One Is
a Scranton Man.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pres.
Erie, May 19. This is the opening
day of the Odd Fellows state conven
tion. The streets and hotels are throng
ed xvlth visitors and the store fronts
are gay xvlth flags and bunting. The
crowd now numbers about two thous
and, but as many more are exepected
tomorrow and Wednesday. The boards
of trade, chamber of commerce and
other otganlzatlons are keeping open
house for -the delegates.
The convention opened today xvlth tho
annual meeting of the grand encamp
ment, sessions being held morning, af
ternoon and evening. The address of
welcome xvas made by Postmaster Isa
dor W. Sobel," the response by Thomas
F. Gross, grand patriarch. Tho busi
nessif the meeting Included the adop
tion of several amendments to the con
stitution. The per capita tax was in
creased, and the date of the annual
meeting xxas changed to the third
Tuesday In October, thus making the
encampment independent of the grand
lodge body.
The annual election took place this
afternoon, folloxved by the installation
In the evening. The officer are as
follows: Grand patriarch, F. C. E.
Mllhouse, Pottstoxvn; high priest, H.
B. Sheppard, Philadelphia: senior
xvorden, C. G. .Iquolais,'! ' "Pittsburg ;
scribe. V. A. Hall, of Philadelphia;
treasurer, J. H, Beltol, Philadelphia;
Junior warden, H. W. Roller, Pitts
burg; representative, E. C. Dean,
, m "
Senator Dollivcr Declares the Philip
pines Will Be Retained.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Jlay 10. Only a brief time was
dctoted by tho senate today to consideration of
the Philippine goxernment bill. Mr. Dolliver
(Iowa) supported tho bill, which he said, was
one of the most important pieces of constructive
legislation prevented since the citil war. He
arraigned the Democratic minority for its oppo
sition to the measure. lie insisted that the
Philippine insurrection, as a military proposi
tion, was a thing of the past and declared in
no circumstances would the United States re
linquish the Philippines,
Before adjournment today the house passed the
natal appropriation bill. The feature of the de
bate was on the amendment offered by Jlr. Jtob
crts (Mass.), protlding that three of the ships
provided for in the bill, a battleship, cruiser and
a gunboat, shall be built in gotcinment yards.
Mr. Adams (Penna.) made a point ot order
against the amendment, which Mr. Sherman sus
tained, but on an appeal by Mr. Roberts the
chair was oterrulcd and t lie amendment xtas
agreed to. Under a suspension of the rules, tho
bill for eight hour work on all government con.
traits was passed, also a bill authorizing tho
construction of a national sanitarium (or disabled
soldiers at Hot Springs, South Dakota,
John Elkin Will Enter the State
Convention as a Delegate.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
llarrlsburg, Mat) ID, It was announced tonight
at the Elkin headquarters that the attorney gen
eral would be bubstituted for one ot the delegates
from Indiana county so that he may have per
ianal charge of his forces In the body ot the con
tention. m
Hot Times in Tennessee.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Mlddle.boro, Ky,, May 10. A bloody Unlit be
tween Sheriff Broadwater, ot Scott county, Va,,
and the Wright gang of outlaws has taken place
in the mountain of lUncoik county, Teun. Two
members of the gang, John Van Sant and John
Templcton, were killed. Sheriff Broadwater and
his puss is still In puisult ot the gang.
Earthquake General,
By Exclusive Wire from The Atsocluted Press.
San Eranilsco, May 10, Beports Jioni nearly
fiery section ot northern California, indicate
that the eaithquake which was felt here at 10.SO
this morning was gcneial. Slight damage is re
ported from one or two towns, but the shake
was not heaty enough to cause apprehension.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presa.
New York, May 19. Cleared; Kaiser Wllhelm
tier Grouse, Bremen, via Plymouth and Cherbourg.
Bremen Ai rived; Itheln, New Yoik. Gibraltar
Sailed; Uohen.ollrin (from Genoa and .Vajilci),
New Yoik, Miard Passed; llotteidaui, New
York for'ltotlcrdjui.
i. i .
Saved by the Bell.
By Excluive Wiro from The Associated 1'rete.
Philadelphia, May It). "Kid" McCoy xvas twice
saved by the bell In a l round bout with "Kid"
Carter, at Industrial lull, tonight, He xvas
knocked down Die times and was much the
weaker at the flnUh, although Carter was badly
Erie Starts Another Washery,
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
PllUton, May 10. The Eric company started
up No, 8 washery today, This gives it three
xtashcric in operation. There were no other
strike developments and no trouble has been
Headquarters Are Moved Irom
Hazlcton to the Capital
Gltu ot Luzerne.
The Nearest Approach to One Was
the Seizing of 800 Pounds of Meat
from a Butcher's Wagon by a
Group of Hungry Italian Strikers
at Lattimer John Mitchell on the
Use of Soft Coal Train and Shop
Men Suffer.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Wilkes-Barre, May 19. President
John Mitchell, of the United Mine
Workers of America, v arrived here
shortly after 9 o'clock tonight and es
tablished strike headquarters at the
Hotel Hart. He xvas met at the station
by several of the local leaders xvho
held a brief conference with him. The
national president spent a quiet, though
busy day In his quarters at Hazteton.
He had no visitors and said tonight
he had no news to give out. He added,
hoxvever, that as far as the miners'
side of the contnrvery was concerned
the situation had not changed in the
On the run up from Hazleton, Mr. Mit
chell's attention was called by an As
sociated Press representative to the
fact that the city of Philadelphia had
contracted for a supply of bituminous
coal to take the place of anthracite
which had been cut off by the railroad
companies furnibhlng It. In reply to a
question as to whether the mine work
ers would attempt to prevent the ship
ment of soft coal to places where" hard
coal Is u&ed, he said:
"Considering tho proposition In a
general way, I will say that xve do not
desire to make any city a victim or
have any person suffer because of our
quarrel with the coal companies."
He was pressed for a. more explicit
statement but he,i refused to go Into
it any deeper, except that iH xvas a
matter which would have to be settled
by the three executive boards of the
anthracite field. They xvlll, meet heie
on Wednesday.
Judging fay tho actions of the union
during the last strike when efforts
xvere made to stop the shipment of
soft coal into anthracite territory, It
It is not unlikely that the mlneis may
take similar action xxithln a fexv days.
Down Hazleton Way.
Hazleton, May 19. Hundreds of men
engaged In employment not directly
connected with mining are being laid
off every day and most of those not
suspended are being placed on 'shorter
hours, as a result of the strike. Notices
were posted today at the Weatherly
repair shops of the Lehigh Valley Rail
road company, announcing that the
plant would be In operation only four
days a week until further notice. Of
the eighty crews on the Hazleton and
Mahanoy division of the Lehigh "Valley
railroad only txventy-elght are work
ing. Not a pound of hard coal Is being
shipped by this company.
It is unofficially stated that the Le
high Valley company has enough soft
coal on hand to keep the road In oper
ation for six months. The company
has thousands of tons of bituminous
coal stored along Its lines and If tho
stock of anthracite held at the sidings
since the strike was inaugurated be
comes exhausted, the supply of soft
coal xvlll be utilized.
President Mitchell, of the United
Mine Workers, left hero at 7.42 tonight
over the Pennsylvania railroad for
Wllkes-Barre, where he will establish
About fifty striking Italian miners at
Lattimer this afternoon confiscated 800
pound3 of meat belonging to a Drlfton
butcher, who refused to sell any beef
to the strikers unless they paid for It
In cosh. Heretofore the people got their
meat on credit and the Inauguration of
the cash system xx-as tho cause of the
raid on the butcher xvagon.
More Shopmen Suffer.
Easton, May 19, As a result of the
anthracite coal miners strike, the C00
men employed at the Lehigh Valley
Railroad company's Bhops here have
been put on short time. The present
order Is for forty hours' work a week,
but tho belief Is that If tho strike con
tinues this week u further reduction In
working hours xvlll result. The Lehigh
Valley has taken off all its coal trains
and only about three of the fifteen
crews usually employed In making up
trains here are at xvork.
Bituminous Is Used.
Philadelphia, May 19. The dliector of
public works wus notified today that
no more anthracite coal xtould, for the
present, be furnished the city for use
In operating the water pumping sta
tions, The contractors xvho supply the
municipality with hard coal are the
Reading, the Lehigh Valley and the
Lehigh Coal and Navigation company,
The city's contracts with these com
panies contuln a strike clause which re
lleves them of all responsibility when
such a contingency arises, Immedi
ately upon receipt of the notification,
Mayor Ashbtldgo held a conference
with the officials of the department of
public works, and later the director
contracted for a supply of bituminous
coal. The contract fixes the price at
3 u ton, Five ' ruinated tons of coal
are consumed dally ut the five, pump
ing stutlons and tho largest Bupply noxv
on hand at any of the stations will be
exhausted within tthlrty days. , i
Eight of the txvelvo trains taken. off
the' Shanjokln division by the Phlla.
ueipnta ana ueaaing icauxvay company
last week have again been put In oper
atlpn. At the office It was Btated that
tho change xvas made for the purpose
of adjusting the train crews. ,
National Convention Probable.
Indianapolis, Ind., May 19. W. B,
Wilson, secretary and treasurer of the
United Mine Workers, of America,
thinks It probably that a national con
vention of the miners xvlll be held In
Indianapolis, to decide whether or not
tho entire organization shall take up
the fight of the anthtacltc men.
Mr. Wilson said: "I do not know
xvhat our position would be under the
circumstances. It has always been a
point xvlth us to keep our contracts
xvlth the operators, but I can't sny
what action a convention might take
In the matter."
Huntington, W. Va., May 19. A
meeting of West Virginia miners and
operators' has been called for this city
next Friday. At this meeting It xvlll
be determined whether a general strike
will be ordered in West Virginia.
Albany, N, Y., May 19. Five hundred
drivers and handlers employed by the
coal dealers of this city went on strike
today. They demand a uniform rate
of two dollars a day which the dealers
refuse to concede. The rate hereto
fore has been $10 a xveek.
Rochester, N. Y., May 19. The effects
of the anthracite coal strike are being
felt seriously by the steam transporta
tion Interests on Lake Ontario. A
large number of Bteamers are in Char
lotte harbor waiting to be coaled. The
coal supply Is exhausted at Oswego
and the chutes ot the Delaxvare, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad company
are all boarded and nailed up In readi
ness for a long strike. The statement
H made today that the coal supply In
Charlotte is practically exhausted.
This and the Negro Problem
Engage Presbyterian As
sembly's Attention.
Dy Kxclusit c Wire from The Associated Pi esi.
New York, May 19. The devotional
exerclsics at the opening of today's ses
sion of the Presbyterian general as
sembly xvere conducted by the Rcx Dr.
Moffat, of Washington, Pa. Rev. Dr.
Van Dykq, the moderator, presided at
the business sesfcn. $rafe
dayftnarked 'ie tSeglnnlng of tho
centennial celebration of the Presby
terian home missions, which is being
held in connection xvlth the general as
sembly. The Rev. Dr. "Samuel A. Mar
tin, president of AVilson college,
Chambersburg, Pa., chairman of tho
standing committee on freedmen's
missions, presented the thirty-seventh
annual report of the boards of missions
for freedmen.
The Rev. Dr. F. P. Cowan, corres
ponding secretary and treasurer of the
board for freedmen, said that the Pres
byterian church xx-ould -have to bestir
Itself and do Its share of the xvork
among the freedmen If the day xvas to
be ushered In xvhen freedmen could
take their stand, not only as political
but spiritual equals of the whites.
The Rev. John N. MacGonlgle, of St.
Augustine, Fla., also made an appeal
for the freedmen's missions. He com
menced by saying that the negro xvas
not religious by nature. He xvas only
emotional and superstitious. The
average colored preacher in tho
South, he said, was ignorant.
"They play upon the emotions of
their people on Sundays," he said, "by
preaching about a paradise of lazlne&s
as a reward for the good, and a hell
for the wicked. On week days they
set examples which xvlll lead thope that
follow them to eternal perdition.''
Mr. McGonigle said the best 'negro,
ethically, In the South, xvas the Roman
Catholic or Presbyterian. He offered
on amendment to the report of the
standing committee, recommending
that tho contributions of the church to
tho Freedmen's xvork be increased fifty
per cent, during the, coming year.
The Rev. Levi J. Melton, a negro
preacher, of Charlotte, N. C made a
plea for the xvork among his race.
Tho report of the freedmen's board,
xvlth Rev, Mr. McGonlgle's amendment,
xvas accepted and adopted.
The Rev. Dr. R. A. McKlnley, of
Steubenvllle, Ohio, presented the report
of the board of education. It shoxved
a decreased number of candidates for
aid, and recommended increase effort
to recruit tho attendance at qualifying
schools. The Rev. Dr. Edward R.
Hodge, secretary of the board, pleaded
that the church should maintain the
high standard of education in the Pres
byterian church. Rex-. John II. Hat
field, of Pomplac, 111,, said the lack of
certificates was due to a lack of piety,
prayer and the great restlessness that
pervades the age. Dr. Van Dyke, the
moderator, closed tlie discussion by
saying that tt xvas the duty of the
minister to find out a candidate for the
ministry from his (lock. "The man
xvho finishes his ministry," ho bald,
"without getting other men Into the
ministry, has not had a full ministry."
The report of the board of education
xvlth Its recommendations, xvas then
adopted, and the assembly adjourned.
The centennial celebration of tho
Presbyterian Homo Mission society
was begun today, The Rev, Dr, Wll
pon Phraner, of East Orange, N, J
presided. The principal speakers xvere
the Rev. Drs, Henry McCook, S. T,
Nlccolls, and E. V, Hill, who reviewed
the work of the home missionary board
In the East, middle and extreme West,
the three sections Into which the coun
try Is divided.
President1 Roosevelt wr( address the
meeting tomorrow night' In Carnegie
hall, in celebration of n century of
home mission' work.
O'Gorman Elected Grand Sachem,
By liiciuilve Wirt from The Associated Press.'
NewTork, Hay 10. JuatUe James O'tionnan,
ol the fcuprunie court bench, was tonight elcjtjed
grand sachem of 'he Columbian onvr of T,
.many' hqll, the deliberations, lastlngi Icis'fl
hajt an hour. Conner Majpr Van Wl' .a
also a candidate for the uusition.
Dauphin Delegates from City District
Told What to Do.
By Hxcluslto Wire from The Associated Press.
llarrlshurg, Jlay !'. District Attorney Alhert
Millar, cx-Henrcsentallvo George Kuiikel and
William S-, Tunis were elected delegates from
n.urUbiirg to the next Republican stale conven
tion at a meeting tonight of tho ltepublican rlly
convention. There was no opposition to their
election and the resolution Instructing them to
tote for Attorney ficncral Elkin tor governor and
lo join with liN friends In the state convention
In all matters that will adtinee his interests.
Tlie county contention will he held tomoirotv
for the election of four delegates from the Second
Dauphin district.
Latest Reports Give the Number of
Dead at 79 and the Number of
Injured at 95.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Houston, Tex., May 19. The latest
repoits fiom Goliad state that 79 per
sons xvere killed and 93 Injured by tho
tornado xvhlch passed over that city
yesterday afternoon. The property
loss in tho city and surrounding coun
try xvlll probably reach $200,000. TJo
storm swept tho city fioin end to end,
demolishing ll0 stores and residences,
many of xvhlch cannot be repaired.
There is only one telegraph wire
xx-orklng Into Goliad, and oxvlng to the
crush of official business it is Impossi
ble to obtain u ll.t of the dead and in
jured at an early hour tonight.
The tornado, xvhlch x-as preceded by
a terrific downpour of hail, lasted only
a fexv minutes. The hall-storm dro-e
the people Into their houses, xvhere they
xx ere caught like rats In a trap and the
death-dealing xvind came upon them
xvlth terrific fotce, leveling everything
In Its path. The tornado swept an area
2."0 yatds xvide for n distance of a mile
and a half. Houses collapsed as If
built of cardboard, covering the dead
and injured xvlth debris, xvhlch neces
sarily makfs the xvork of rescue sloxv.
PSoirte flocked tof the toxvn f i om all
of tho surrounding countiy. Many pf
them had relatives In tho city. The
xvork of rescue has been carried on all'
day, und the funeral of several of tho
victims took place this afternoon. Tho
supply' of coffins has been replenished
from other towns, and a. large foice of
laborers is still at work digging graves
for many of the unfortunate victims.
The citizens have perfected a relief
organization and everything Is con
ducted In an oulcrly manner, the xxork
of caring for the dead and Injured now
being on a systematic basis.
Tho storm xvrought severe havoc to
tho surrounding country, but no lives
nre leportcd lost. Governor Sayers to
day issued an appeal to tho mayors of
all cities of 3,000 population and over
In tho state of Texas, asking them to
send food to Goliad and to raise funds
for the sufferers.
Detroit Railway Employes Will Re
ceive S3 1-2 Cents Per Hour.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Detroit, May 10. A settlement of the tiouhlo
between the Detroit United lailvtay and Its em
plojes over tho wages to he paid conductor and
inotormen was readied this afternoon. They will
icceite 'I&V2 cents per I10111, an Increase of 2',a
cents. Acting 115 sole fihltrator with tlie tount
of both sides. Pi evident .Tames n. Angell, of tho
I'nitcrslty of Mlchlgin, tills afternoon fixed 2JV4
cents as the wages to be pild tlie men. The n.o
torinen and condix tori, had demanded an incrisc
fiom 21 cents pel hour, the present wage, to
25 cents.
This the Detroit United rcfucd, but It pruent
cd 11 counter oflci lo the men of HVs tents. The
nun'', representatives plaivd this oficr before
them ut 11 meetli'g the night of May 10, and the
men lefiard to uuept It. lliey decided to otter
to leate the inattci to nibltr.itlon. The c 0111
pany agiecd to do this, with the result that tho
matter settled today.
A Preliminary Injunction.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated 1'iess.
Heading, Mjy 10. Judge Endllih, of the ccm
tnon pleas com t. today declined to Issue a pre
limiiuiy Injunction aUed for by the Amerlun
Iron and Steel company against their striking
cmplojes who gathered near the works, fcomo
tistitleil they lued in the tiUnity. The iom
pany alliged that the defendants and others tveie
liittrteilng with mill win tv-ntid to work.
Stabbing Affray at Sturmerville.
Special lo the Si ran ton Tribune.
lMIUton, Jlay 10, CharH Pedorovtlc, a Po.
laudtr, was iijiluusly stubbed by Peter Vaske.
tvlcz, In a row ut htuinieivllle, thU morning.
Tiny vcre nt when a dUputu arose,
und Vaskiwlcs uttucUd Fcdorowlin with 11 table
Knife, Inflicting uu ugly gash behind the iar.
The nidi had hem dtliiklng. Vutkeivliz was
held In 1,000 balb
By Exilusltc Wire from 'fjie Associated Press,
Washington, May 10, ienator Tiller, of Colo,
rado, said to Senator Piatt, ot Connect kut, to.
dav, that the wsslon ol conguss would he likely
to continue slxtj dats fiom Ihc first of June, '
Tienton, N. J,, May 10. The United Etales
Slec corporation tonight tiled with the secre
tary of state a certificate s.'ttlnj forth (lie action
taken at a stockholders' meeting today, outhoiU
lug the retlrtmsnt of $200,000,000 of tlie pieferred
stock o tho company und the luuaiiic Instead
of ?230,000,COO of Q per cent, bonds.
Orange, N. J May 10. Mrs. Suzan I.azcllo
lleverc Sampson, widow ot tho late William S.
Sampson, fotmeily of llridgiwater, Mass., U
dead ut the homo of her sifter, Mis. btaat3 K,
Morils, In E.ut Orange, She xvas Si years of
age and u great gianddaughtcr ot Paul llcvere,
who gate the ulaun at Lexington and Concord.
Tution, Ails., May 10. J, A. Bradley, a young
attorney of Ncttaik, Jf, J., was murdered, .tup.
pooidly by Mexicans, at a email stage MatUn,
thirty miles lromv Tuscon, yesterday, Ho had
been xlsitinc friendu at the minis and was
awaiting a stage to Tuscon. The body 'shows a
deep cut on tho head. AH tho money and lew.
try had ..Jjccu lauen irom xne uouy. uraaicy
nad been in Tuscon a month soil bad Just been
admitted to the bar.
Between 175 and 225 Men and Bous
Killed Outrloht bu a Terrific
Explosion ot Gas.
Men Were Three Miles from the
Mouth of the Mine When the Ex
plosion Occurred Rescuers Were
Hindered by a Pall of Roof and
Did Not Get to the Scene of tho
Explosion Until Nina Hours Had
Elapsed Not a Sign of Life-Was
Pound The One Man Who Escaped
Happened to Be Near the Entrance
and Was Blown Out Into the Air.
Ventilation Was Not Vp to the Re
quirements. (
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Coal Creek, Tenn., May 19. The worst
disaster In the history of Tennessee
mining occurred at 7.30 o'clock this
jnornlnp;, xvhen betxveen'l75 and 225 men
and boys met death at tho Pratervllle
coal mine, two miles fiom this town,
lis a result of a gas explosion.
Out of tho large number of men and
boys who xvent to 'xvork this morning',
developments at 10 o'clock tonight show
that only one Is alive, and he is so
badly Injured that he cannot live. This
man xtas William Morgan, an aged
Englishman, xvho was a road man In
the mine und was blown out of the en
trance by the force of the explosion.
One hundred and seventy-five miners
weio checked in for xx'ork this morning
by the mine boss. In addition to these
xvere boys xvho acted as helpers and
drivers, road men and others to the
number of perha'ps fifty.
Fratcrvllle mine is the oldest mine In
the Coal Creek district, having been
opened in 1870. It is fully three miles
from the mine's opening totho point
where the men xvero at work. They
had not been at xvork long before tho
terrible explosion occurred.
There xvas a fearful roar and in an
instant flames poured out of the en
trance und the air-shafts. As soon as
possible, txvo rescuing parties were
started in, one at tho muin entrance,
the other through Thistle mine, xvhlch
adjoins and In xvhlch no men xvere at
xvork. The Thistle party xvas unable to
enter the Fratervllle shaft.
List of the Victims.
Tho Pratervllle party xvent fully txvo
miles under the earth, until a heavy
fall of slate xvas encountered. At
this barrier men worked like demons,
hoping against hope that those be
yond might be safe. Tho scenes at tho
mouth of the mine while the workers
xx'ere xxithln xvere beyond description.
Business had been suspended In Coal
Creek and all its mines, as soon as
nexYS of the disaster became known,
and men, xvomen and children gather
ed around the Fratervllle enterance.
Women xvhose husbands and sons were
xvlthln were xxild xvlth grief. All day
long the rescuers tolled at the slate
obstruction und not until S o'clock this
evening did they force an entrance
through it. Up to that hour only flva
dead bodies had been recovered and
hope was still high that many within
xvere safe.
The hopes of the living were doomed,
hoxvever, for xvhen onco the rescuers
could enter and proceed they walked
through a continuous tomb of death.
There xvas not a slga of life. Every
man had perished, they believed, al
though It xvlll be tomorroxv morning
before all the rooms can bo entered.
Eight dead bodies xvere first recover-"
ed, and these xx'ere sent to Coal Creek.
Twenty-six more xvere soon found.
They xv,ere not disfigured beyond lden
tltlcatlon nnd each corpse, as It xvas
bome from the mouth of the gigantic
tomb, xvas surrounded by eager crowds
of relatives of the men xvho were en
tombed. The mine xvas not on fire,
except In remote portions and all bodies
pet haps muy be reached before' day'
Fall Buried Them.
A partial list of the victims, scarcely,'
one-third, Is as follows;
(leoige Alkeius, mine foreman, head blown-off;
James lllghtovver, Hobert Smith, Robert ,.Prio,
James Sloter, William. Price, Itoscoe. Bradley,
William Bradley, Thornton McQhee, Charl
Vandegilft, W, J. Evans, Oharlea Kvans, Charles
Brooks, Oscar Murray, William Murray,' Harlan
Wlbon, lialtey Wilson, Mandy Webber, Carl Dla
ceru, Samuel Discern, James White, John ..White,
Walter White, Mandy Vowell and two tsona,
ltlchard MasscngUl, Scott Hudson, Jamea'Whlt(ci
and 10-t car-old eon, Ed. Sorrel and 15-yoarold
son, John Alkens and two ions, James Strickland,
Peter Children, William Childress, John Child
less, Joo Smltley, Edward Smlttty, Charles,. A ,
kins, Joey Atkins, frank 'Sharp, Oscar Sharp,
ltufus Webb, Leon Miller, Itoscot Mllleri-Ben
Sharp, Albert (Joodman, Cit Hlghtowcr, Thomas
Dianey, '
Local data for May 10, 1802 f H
Highest temperature ,,.,,-.,,,, 73 dtgrW
hottest temperature , ,,,...,,.. CO degree '
ltclatlte humidity; , .. ...,,,
8 a. in, , ,,, ,,,, .,,,., ,,,,, ,. 83 irenji,
b p. ro, ..,... 00 per cent,
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m., ,21 inch,'
Washington, May 10. Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesdays Eastern Penn
ayltania Partly cloudy Tueday; prob
ably sixotvere. neuiicwiay, JM ixn .
to fresh south winds becoming xarUble,
. Jt
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