The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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THR SfJAJiTOJf WWflraiipJfpAV, MAY , K)3,
Mistakes the Ferocious Feline for n
Comrnon House Cat nntl Neatly
Loses His Life In Consequence.
Political Prognostications from the
George Washington of Susque
hnnnn Newsy Jottings.
Special lo llic Amnion Tribune.
Susrpioltuuim. May IS. Tom Curler,
of Huntniorsvllle, hail nn cxuIUuk atl
venturo lust Wednesday evening. Com
Inn; over the mountains from Hullsteuil,
he stopped ut the deserted Churchill
house, 0,11(1, hearing a nolso Inside, lie
stopped to Investigate. Looking from
the kitchen Into the sitting room, ho
saw a pair of blazing eyes peering out
of tlip old fireplace.
Supposing I hu nnlnuil to be a com
mon house cat. Carter reached down,
picked up an old horseshoe and sent It
whirling Into the fireplace. Willi a sav
age scream the animal jumped from
the mantel and landed upon Carter's
back. The astonished man knew In an
Instant that he had u big wild cat to
reckon with, and he made a mighty
effort to fiea himself.
Out through the open doorway went
the fighting pair, Tom trying to throttle
the cut. and the beast tearing and lacer
ating Tom's clothing and llcsh. While
thus, struggling Carter stepped upon
some rotten boards covering a dry well
and in a twinkling he was hurled to
, the bottom, twenty feet below, the cut
being pinned beneath him. Curler was
unconscious for a time, but upon re
gaining eonclounes,, he changed his
position, when the cut arose and ut
once renewed the attack.
Realizing that it was a coso of kill or
get killed, Carter, after u hard strug
gle, succeeded in pulling a stone from
the wnll, and, raising It high above his
head, he biourjlit it down with terrific
force upon the cat. killing it almost in
stantly. With a savage scieam It gave
up the ghoit.
An hour Inter a parly of rju.ii rymen
stopped at the well, hoping to quench
their thirst. Cutter called to them and
they soon secured ropes and pulled him
to the surface and curried him lo a
farm house, where' he lecelved surgical
attention, lie wns badly lacerated and
his clothing was in tatters. Later the
nuarrymen pulled the dead wild cut
from the well, and they hope to get the
$: bounty for his scalp.
Ilallstcud, struck hard by the Luckn
wunna people, when It was recently
rubbed off the board us a division ter
minal, Is about to organize a board of
trade, with the hope of securing manu
facturing; industries.
(lev. Mr. Potter has been installed
pastor of the First Presbyterian church
ut Brandt.
Fred Van Loan, formerly of Hiill
hteuil, wus killed at Washington, D. ('.,
on Wednesday, while attending to his
duties us tallroad brakemun. He was
burled at llallstcad.
The next meeting of the Susquehanna
County Medical society will be hold at
The Republican senatorial coinerence
will resume business in Susquehanna
on Tuesday ijext Wnyne.county is put
ting up 11 stubborn light "lo capture the
sepatorship for the third time, but she
will hardly secure it. It is not so writ
ten in the books. Wayne continually
harps upon the fact that Susquehnnna
county has had the congressman for a
long time. Granted, but that has
nothing to do with the seuatorsbip.
Tour counties have a hand In nomi
nating and electing the congie.ssinun.
It Is quite probable that after Wayne
has indulged In her liadltlonal kicks,
she will eventually have to walk up and
take her medicine. It may not tusta
good, but she needs It.
The udjoiirnpd meeting of the Repub
lican conferees from this (Fourteenth)
district will be held ut Wllkes-Burre,
May 27. It is quite piobuble that Hon.
('. Fled Wrght, of Susquehanna, Wl
be renominated. Ho has made a splen
did record In congress, and the rank
and ille of his constituents desire hie
The tiout that escapes Is always the
big one.
A Gieat Hend man went Into a
trance, the other day. and did not come
out of it until the tax collector went
Winter, winter, go away, and come
back faonie other day!
Jinny u woman dusis billiard chalk
oft her husband's coat with meat blr
leafs III her beautiful eyes, us she re-
Hi-cm now mini unu now late he has
10 work at his desk close to that nasty
whitewashed wall.
When buds upon llic tieis appear,
nd w inter da,v uie oVr,
'llieie'o pile (oiiiiii.iii( i seldom ln.ii,
'I lie luisli cue "Mint tlip 1I001"!
For when (lie spilng conies ill her pi !,
And 1 hilly (lavs aie past,
'flip folks who left It vvldc open
Aic hup In ilusn it tail,
About 8,000 men were laid off by, the
Kile railroad company on Tuesday, on
account of the miners' stilke.
Tlie appropriation for the Susque
hanna shops was out In two, and ubout
300 men were affected.
The IlQiinds family reunion will be
held ut Unlondale Juno 4 ,
Are wo to have a meutless full din
ner pall?
As a losult of the coal miners' strike,
inuiiy of the Kile's trainmen ate work
ing on three-quaiter time,
Hev. W, Uollluslied. of Foiest City,
has been appointed piesldem of the
Susquehanna county Hlbln society, and
a depository will bo located ut Forest
"Say," said a Clinton township Re
publican to a News mini today,
"wouldn't It bo funny in see the senu-
KYou Could Look
into the futureaudkeetlieconclitlou
io vviiicn our ioueii, ii uegiccttu,
bring you, you would stek relief st
: oucj tliat naturally would be through
will bring
f4-d4rL Cuarantccd to curs Con
I iMrr suuiptlou, jiroucUltis,
5 Atlirua, aud oil J,ung
Trouble. Cures Cougha aud Coldi in day,
IS cents. Write to B. c. Wblls fc Co.,
Ec Koy, H, Y for free trial bottle.
Karl's CIvrRt Tea urHct tk ltoo4
torlul alid congressional candidates
playing the aastan-Alphonsc role."
"You flist, iny "dear anfton."
"After you, my dear Alphonfio."
"No you first I Implore you, dear
"You precede me 1 beg of you, dear
The thoughts of It, even, makes me
smile. Forest City NewB.
Sunday, May IS, and w'e'ie wcutlng
niiui'.ii thin,
Mheic is the Milinf 1
That iloth m (III
I'niu 3 our wing.
Riimor-tlsm makes many people
"WhlHkey Is good In Its place. That
place Is where they can't water it.
A shrewd man can wotk up a vast
unmount of liabilities on a. very small
Don't cry over spilled milk. It may
ho three parts water.
A Susquehanna merchant who never
advertises, was found nsleop on his
counter yesterday, with the following
chalked on the solo of one boot:
How sweet Is Mdiluile!
lint grunt me some Mend It, my
Mhom 1 may )lilicr "Solitude In sweet"! '
A man In Great Bend told his wife
he "loved her better than his own,
Find Rogers und Molang, who res
cued Putnam us he was about to be
Kb in.
Solution for Last
Mondav, Ma.v 12. 'the gill of the shad
ow, the labbit above the boj's sbouldei and the
guilt at the cxtirmc light of pictute.
Tuesday, May 13. One is above, the other 1 e
ncath the si cm of pipe,
Wcdne.d.iy, May II. One is in e.n h (oilier
above wall, Hie olhci umlci Hiimptv-liuinpl.v's
light hand.
soul." The mun had not been to
church In five yeuis and his wife does
not know how to take the compliment.
The lover who wiltes the sweetest
poetry before marriage doesn't! always
"make the sort of husband who will
bring up the coal and gently soothe
the walling twins after the wedding.
The Krie Itailtoad company has is
sued a citcular to Its employes, re
gretting the necessity of a lay-off of
men, arid stating that, ns soon as the
coal miners strike is settled, the sus
pended men will return to their old
jobs, and the goose will be suspended
ut a lofty altitude.
The Italian boiler tankers (profes
sional strike breakers), who have been
employed in the Krie shops Tor the past
year, were this week discharged and
they have lett town, bag and baggage.
Dm lug their sojourn here they were
feed and housed in the shops, und they
earned big wages from ifSO to $125 per
mouth. They broke no hearts when
they turned their toes eastward.
The Krie shopmen on Saturday le
celved their ducats for the month of
April. The suspended men were paid
on Tlmrsdny.
The Forest City News thinks, with
good reason, that Susquehuuna county
has fallen Into a slough by reason of
sending men of mediocre ability to the
state legislature, und it hopes for a
change in this respect. "So say we all
of us!"
A number of Susciuehanna mechanics
who were laid off this week, have se
cured jobs at West Albany, Mlddletown
and elsewhere.
Michael Hoguti, an old citizen, Is se
riously ill,
Hev. air, Polter hus been installed
pastor of the Brandt Presbyterian
Urlck making has commenced ut
The new chamois tannery at I3rundt
will begin operations on Monday next.
SH(j to the Siunton Tiihuii,',
Tunkliuniioek, .May IS. Mrs. William
N. IteynoldH visited friends ut Wilkes
Hurra the latter purt of last week.
The funerals of the two little boys
who weie di owned here on Friday took
place on Sunday morning, the loftus
boy being Intened In the Catholic
cemetery here, und the Burns boy
taken to Auburn for burlul.
Bev, P. J. aough, of Nicholson, will
deliver the baeeuluureute sermon to the
High scliQol graduating cluss on Sun
day evening, Juno in. The commence
ment exercises will be held at the opera
house mi June 20, our graduating class
this year Is ten In number, composed of
seven girls and three bos,
Sheriff Gray sold a house and lot of
land situated in Nlcliol&on township,
near Lake Sheridan, nt public salo at
the court hou&e on Saturday afternoon,
on nn execution uguliiht i a, Cobb, It
was purchased by A. W. Hunt, the
plalntltf In the will.
An udjourni'd meeting of tho board
of tiude will be held at Harding's law
nlllce next Filday evening,
Liveryman Poylo A, IJiinuell, of
Meshoppen, puld a visit to town op
Yurrtinunter Christopher Culuhun.wlio
was Injured by being thrown from a
fast jrelght on Friday, Is jesting rmlet
ly, but not yet out of danger, Hopes
ure entertained that hid Injuries uic pot
as serious us at llrst supposed.
Attorney Chnrles XI. l,He, of Sciun
ton, Is vifcltlug his parents here.
Mrs. Thomas Munley, an uged lady,
died nt trio home of her daughter. Mrs.
Emma Carlln, on Bridge street, on Fri
day evenlntf, nftpr a long Jness.
Thq Tunfcuinnock Canning company
has decided! not lo operaie ia factory
this year, and has dispensed with the
services or Its foreman, Mr. Pope.
Hollln K, Frear, who has been en
gaged in the stock food business, with
hendquurters at Uuffalo, N. Y Is visit
ing his mother at this place.
Patrick Itoycii, who Is lielng treated
nt a Philadelphia hospitnt, Is reported
to be Improving In health.
MrH. Frederick Hewitt and children,
of Plttston, spent Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Keltcr, on
Putnam street.
Special lo llic S'.mnton Tribune.
Forest City, May 18. One week of the
suspension has gone by. There Is, If
anything, nn easier feeling among the
people thnn when the news was first
received on Wednesday. All realize
that It may be a long and bitter fight,
but they are Inclined to make the best
of t. A large number of foreigners are
leaving town for the old country and
the soft coal regions. Nine steamship
tickets were purchased of one agent
Druggist Frank Johns, of Green
Hdge. was here looking after his prop
erty Interests Saturday.
Miss Tllllc Swnrtz, of Penn avenue,
Scranton, visited her sister, Mrs. T.
Week'a Puzcles:
Thuisday, May 13. The iiuler is above tlie
dog's head, the bov in (lie foliage between two
left bam inverted.
Filduy, May IB. Ciogan is back of GUI, the
othei above hoise's neck.
Satuidav, May 17. One In the fuliage luck cf
Inmtei, the oilier over the shoulder of nun en
Josephs, the past week. Mrs. Josephs
spent Sunday w Ith her parents in
Hev. C. A. Spuuldlng, of the Baptist
church, preached on the labor question
this evening, Mr. Spuuldlng was sta
tioned near Hnzleton at the time of the
last strike, and was very Influential In
labor circles.
Misses Pepie and Sarah Freedman
are spending a month at Atlantic City.
The Hillside company yesterday re
moved its mules from the mines mid
sent them to pasture on the Tinker
farm, north of town.
Hundreds of Forest City men were
fishing tlie past week. The catches weie
not large.
Mrs. W. VS. Styles will leave the early
part of the week for Michigan, where
her husband has secured employment.
She wns given u farewell reception at
tho last meeting of the Women's Clnls
tlnn Temperance union at the home of
Itev. C. A. Spuuldlng.
On Tuesday evening, in the Dundaff
Methodist Episcopal church, the Choral
society of that place will give a con
cert, under the direction of Prof. A. P.
Thomas. They will be assisted by tlie
Orpheus male Quartette, Prof. Acker
man, co'rnetlst, of Carbondnle, and Pi of.
Thlele, violinist, of Setanton,
Jlr. and Mrs. McMlllen, of Nicholson,
visited F. P. Tlngley und family on
airs. Paris Tiffany litis just put up a
new monument, ainthews, of Susque
hanna, did the work.
The missionary meeting met with
Mrs. Hawkins last week.
Miss Rosle Weseott Is working for
airs. Jones this summer.
R II, Osborn and Eugene Withers
were In Blngnanitan lust Tuesday.
airs. Knitting, of Wllkes-Bnrre, Is
visiting her patents, Jlr, and airs.
Hugh atcCounell.
The trustees of the cemetery have
purchased tho land on the eust of the
cemetery of W. B. Guile for the pur
pose of enlarging the cemetery.
The Endeavor society will hold a
social in the lecture room Wednesday
evening, aiay 21.
The annual roll call of the Congre
gational church will he held June 12 on
uccount of the fifteenth coming on
Sunday, the annual roll call day.
JIlss Ilattle Chamberlain Is spend
ing a few days with his grandparents
In Plains,
Our Scranton visitors at present are
air, und airs, Sidney Chappel, guests
of airs, Owen Morguns; Lewis Jones,
guest of his son, John L. Jones; Annie
Thomas, at W. H. Davis',
ailss Etta Wells, of Elkdale, Is visit
ing ot D. J, Morgans.
Beware of a Cough.
Now Is tho time to get rid of that
cough, for If you let It hang on no one
can tell what the result may be, Otheis
have been cuied of their coughs yery
iiulckly hy using Chamberlain's1 Cough
Itemody. air, A, J, Pa Costa, of Gaines
ville, Wa., says; "A friend of mine, a
painter, of this town, who wus nearly
dead with n cough, was cured by one
battle of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy,
He ulso recommended It to a ludy here,
who wus suffering trom grippe ami a
severe cough. She grutltled him by try
ing It und was cured by one small
bottle.1' This remedy Is for sale by all
Result of Saturday's Onmes,
W'llkri-llnrrc, l'J saaiilon, t,
l.cliniinii, T; Wllllmiupoit, 0.
Heading ami I.nnmtei No game.
Standing of Clubs.
i'la.ved. 'Won. J,nst. P.O.
l.unrH.-ter t ...III ' 7 :l ,T(M
Si r.uitun n 7 4 .tun
Lebanon , tl 7 4 .0111
w'llkrvUarro In n 5 ,t0O
Wllllaiiuport til 4 ii ,oo
Iteaijlnir , ,..'..I'J i! s ,;oo
Today's Games,
SLranlim (,t Willlanispoil,
t.ebincii at Wilkc4-tlarie.
Hemline ol Lancaster.
He Had the Local Batsmen at His
Mercy in Saturday's Game at
the Park.
Scranton was defeated, Saturduy after
noon by WHUes-BprrQ because they
were unable to hit Walsh. He hud them
guessing front thp u)lnute tic went In
the box until the lust man wus, out.
Scranton's ragged fielding had u. great
deal to do with the high score.
Sullivan had to retire from the game
In the llfth inning, und Wlltse took his
The locals got their only run In the
sixth Innluff. Nickels was hit by a
pjtched hall, T,ogau drqve out a tyvo
bagger und Nickels came In. Logan
was put out while trying to stretch his
hit Into u three-bagger.
Stroh could have made a double play
In the fifth Inning. Gorton caught a
ily ball and threw It to Stroh. There
happened to be a man on second and
he started for third jiiBt after Gorton
caught the ball. Stroh, Instead of
throwing It to second, stood and
watched the man get his base. The
11. II. O. A. E.
fiorton, if 0 0 .! it o
tl.ike.v, If. ft lloo
.Nk.Kcls, if 1 0 0 li i
Logan, 2b 0 n
Sullivan, 3b II 1 1 2 (I
Schm,tlt, lb 0 II 11 l
Stioh, ss 0 I) 1 i; 1
Itainey, c 0 I , 2 o
Hardy, p 0 (I II 1 U
Wilti.e, :sb (I 1 0 .'I (I
Krelihrr, p li II o tl 0
Totals 1 0 21 13 5
11. II. O. A. E.
("pie, tf (I 1 II tl 1
Kin?, if 2 2 2 11)
Conioy, If 2 2 1 I II
Uinke, c 2 :: 4 I 1
Bakci, Kb I 2 2 2 n
Atheiton, 2b 2 2 :: o
Xeef, lb 0 1 11 li II
foin-y, ss l 0 l :i 0
Walsh, p 1 IOOO
ToluN 12 II 27 II 2
Sir.inton '..(i 0 (I 0 0 1 II 0 01
Wllkra-Bairo 0 1 ,', 0 0 II 2 I 12
1'irst baj.0 on eirois cianton, I; Wilkrvl'.juc,
3. Left on bases Kranlon, 7; Wilkes-Ilaiie, .',.
l"lit base on lulls lift" ll.irdy. 1; oft WaMi, 4;
oil Keeliher, 2. Mtmk out n,v Hardy, 1; by
Kctlllicr, 1; by HiMi, 8. Ilits-Oft Hardy, 8;
off Kepllher, li. 'Iluee bate lilts WaMi, lluike.
Tvvo base hlt.s Athertou, Logan, Binke. bin
mice lilt Klnic. Stolen liasct Rlikey, Xickb?,
King. Binke, Atheiton (2). Hit by pitcher By
WjMi, 1; by Keeliher, 2. Wild pitch-llaidy, 1.
L'nipiie Southard. Tunc 1.4(1.
Lebanon, May IS. 'Hie home club defeated
Willianwpoit in a noll-plajed and cudtlng Rime
Sitmtlav. by llC uore of 7 to 6. Attendance,
l.UOi). Hie 4i.oie:
It. H. O. A. E.
Coitello, if 2 2 2 (I 1
Rollins, c 2 2 S 1 0
Dunn, ,';b u 2 1 I, (I
l.afty, :ib n l l u l
I'hilbin, if. 2 12 0 0
Kline, If 0 2 2 :t I
Hcpling, p li n u i) o
Donnelly, lb n o II 0 II
Abrahams, fu l i a r, i
Fitleicr, 2b 0 1 1 II 0
U 27 13
B. II. O, A. V.
'lempllii, lb 2 .1 12 I 1
Black, If 1 2 2 u 0
lleaul, :ib 2 2 2 2 0
Cioiighan, cf 1 2 4 II 0
WilliK', -vi (I 0 2 11
Killed, ( 0 0 110
'full, if I) I) I)
Cilblej, 2b I) 1 1 2 0
S.Hllons, p 0 10 2 1
Total 1, 12 27 1'
Lebanon I :i 0 I) o 0 o tl 17
Willijnwpoit 2 0 2 U 1 0 0 0 1 II
i:.uned runs Lebanon, 4; illlampoit, 3.
Tvvo base bits Coatello, Templln (2). Tlncc
base lilts Kline, Cioughan. SaciilUp hits Dunn,
l.affy, Templln, C'louglun, Wlllig, Tull. Stolen
bases Kline (2), Dunn, IMillbln (i), Donnelly,
rilteiei, Heard, Klnsel, Led on bafes Lebanon,
II; William-port, 7. Stmck out Hy s,vnionR, 3;
by llrpllng, 2; by Kline, 1. Double pla Kline,
Rollins and Donnelly, l'iist. base nn balls Oft
Dunn, 1 j off Sjipoiu, 2, Hit by piti lied ball
Heaid. Passed ball Kinrcl. I'mplic IMicUn,
Time 1, ID.
National League,
At CintintuU It. II. K.
rinilnuatl 0 1 0 1 6 0 o l ; pi
New Vol k .....0 (I 0 I 0 0 U n 0 1 5 2
Batteries lining and 1'elUs Kennedy, Hvanj
and Bqvveruiaii. L'mplie Ginlllliun, Atlendanco
At St. I.ouN li. II. r
Hi. Louis , 1 o n I ;i o i o-it io s ...II 0 0 U 0 2 II U 0 !i 7 4
Batteries Wicker, Murphy and Rjanj Jlujthei
and Aliearn, llinplies Power and Hi own. At
tendance 3,800,
At Lhlcdgo 11, , u,
Chlt4j ...1 IM) i Q 1 1 Oll-fl S S
I'lttsbing , 10 0 00 0 1 1 5-n l i
llJttciifa Jlenefee and Kilns; l'hllppl und
O'Connor. I'luplii O'Day, Attendance ll.COO,
American League,
At Dctiolt (seven innings, darkneu) II, II, ;,
Detioit ,,,,..., (I 0 I) 4 ."i .r fi 11) lit a
Cleveland , I) 0 ,1 l o o 5 u iu I
llatlcrlcs-Sleter, Mnllin, Mer and Mitiiiiie;
Slrrit, Joss, Luuibloiu ami Ilciula. Umplie
Connelly, attendance ,1,000.
At Chicago (17 lnnln. daikucs.) n, , );,
ciiIuko o 0 o i n u o ii o n o o o o n o 0-2 n 0
bt. Lii'U.O 0 1) I U 1 0 U 0 II 0 0 Q I) 0 II 0-2 0 4
lljIlrrlfk-CilUluil 4lid Mcl'ailjnJi pinili.lo
and hiudm. llinplic Johiiatone, Attendance
Eastern. League.
At .jVury City (13 ImiliigsJ-llullalo, 0; Jcr
6fy t'liy, 4,
At I'ruvldeiuc Toionlo, flj l'lovldcnce, 1.
i . i i
0, A, It. Encampment Gettysburg,
Pa., June 4tU and 5th.
For the above occasion ticket ugents
of the Iaekawunna vnlhoad will sell
(list class tickets to (lettysburg and
eturn at regular one way fare for the
round Hip good going June 1st to 5th
Inclusive with flnul return limit June
7th. Children between the ages pf 6
and 12 i'eurs one-half the adult fare.
4 Lines 10 Cents
Wore Than Four Lines, a Cent for Each Extra Lint.
For Bent,
l'OIt ItlINT Hlx.ronm lilt, with llJtll. slcfllll
heat, Raj nnge, and all Inoilorn Improve
ment) rent reaionable. Call early. 1 rd L.
Hand, 1)03 Mulberiy utreet.
11ARN FOB ItKNT-$12, April lt, three bot and
thrift KlnlA Bn11. ...I ....!. rflrlf. rear 01
.124 Mtdlson venti;. Inquire nt B34 Madison nve.
FOR nENT-Store building tor rent In Wk"
City, Pu. nulldliur 80 feet by 121 . '"
under all. n.i Mn.i ...... mm kn ntranircu lor
family All In good repair ready (or upe. Two
coal brekcr and nilnet Hose by employing ott
a thoimnd people. An fnterplll,m.,!J";",
ton get a larc trade. Apply to William M.
nichmond, nichmond Hill, 3423 N. Mul" avLnvte,
Kcranton, Po.
Furnished Booms for Rent.
FOR ItENT-One furnished rooni. with Improve
ments; also one on third floor, cheap. CJ7
Adams avenue.
FliRNISHED IIOOMS lor rent, modern Improve
ment; private family; gentlemen pi etc: red,
at 6.17 Adams avenue.
FOIl 1IENT Furnished loom; beat and batlt
COS Linden street.
and bath, gentlemen prclcrred, at M9 Adams
For Sale.
l'OH SALE Oood .vouno; boue for light dill Ins;,
inquire ut 33.! Washington avenue.
.lUhf AimiVEI) with 40 lu'iiej good vvorkors
aim drivers; wciclil from l.igo tu l,,uo: sev
eral closely matched Icaim; can be seen at S,)l
Ita.vmond court. V. M. Cobb.
FOR SALE Spinning wheel, 100 old, pei
feet (ondlllon. t-lO;- will eehaii8c for large
minor. Spinner, Tribune office.
PIANO FOR SALE Alpiost lievv; used le than
five months; elegant upright piano; will iac
liflce. Call day or evening. XH Fianklln uvc.
FOR HM.i: CIIEM'-S le.ithei uphoWeicd dliiiug
loom chairs In good 1 ondlllon; also one oal:
bed with bpilug. luquiie between the liouu ot
0 and 11. 413 Clay avenue.
l'OIt SALE Fly 11 private paitv, ,111 Kmci-iOii 1 P'
light piano; large M'e and in pcrfed condi-
Ion. F01 pJlticul.ilh nddic-s "Waldo," Tilbuuc
FOR SALE Hand tilk doublers. New. lUmford
Rroi., Paterson, N. J.
Business Opportunity.
PROMOTER You can make .T0O in thlil.v
by handling 4 block of tiejiuiy stodc of a
company just orrfani?ed to ilerelop one of th"
Clcat Natuial ieurce of the .Noithvvcvl. Xo
outlay. Addict with bank refeiencc-, Xoith
vve.tern Marble Co., Spokane, Wash.
Write for our special market letter. Fret on
application. S. 11, Uibbard li Co., members X.
V. Consolidated and Stock bxchange, 41 and 4t
Broadway, Kevy York. Established WH. Long
Distance' Phone 23SS Broad.
Honey to Xoan.
itralght loans or Building and Loan. At
horn 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
814-315 Connell building;.
f Theatrical J
AC'ADEMV llabel 1'aige companv. Afternoon
and night.
Academy of Music.
'"I ho Deacon' Daughter" h announced a, the
bill in which clever Utile Mabel Paige and the
southern stock company will open their tecoud
week's engagement at the AcJdemy of Music
tonight. Miss Faigo has many friends and ad
mirers in Scranton who will be glad to leain
that the popular llle actieas und bet com
pany have been eniragcd for anothei week.
A number of new and novel audevillc aits
.no .ipnounccd foi tieU week. Principally
among; theni aie those daring cquihbthts (.ml
hand balancers. IleDaid and BcDaid who me
s.i iti to be without a in theii paiticular line
of work. Matinees 41c announced for every af
ternoon, except Monday, and on Monday night
ladies will have the privilege of a half late of
admission if siits .110 bought, before 0 p. 111,
An adiuUsion ptjee of ten tents will picvall
at the matinee pcrfoiinanccs all thib week. Anu-
teui night net Friday.
l'lancis WiUon has gone to Epiope, whcic he
will tpcud the Mimmci.
Andicvv Mad: will close his season at Meud:n,
Conn., next Satuulay night.
Kl.vv k Eilanger will continue their lompany
of tioub.idurs in Hairy 11. binftli'a musical com
edy, "'Ihe Libeity licllcs," ne.L season. ThU
og,tnization closed its 10m in Pittsbmg the Ud
'llio new musical comedy In which Klavv k
Lilunger will piescnt Jerome hvkes ue.t reason
will bo u depaituia in this, class of entertain,
ment, marked by novelty In its ronatiuctlon und.
lemarkable ir.agniflcenco in lis mounting, 'llio
company will rinnber over one hundred people.
The cast of principals will he made up pf a large
number ot plajrrs who havn made wide icpnta
tlons us entertainers iu light musical pioduc
lions. The book is by Hairy II. Smith, and the
inuslo by (lus Keikei,
Mary Manncrlng am) Kjrle llcllevv and thp com
pany that will suppcit them in their Mieclal
tour iu Fiank McKce's levlvnl o 'Tho Lady of
I. v 011s," aio lehearsing at tlie flank k theatic in
.New York, under the dliectlnn of William Sey
mour, The cast Is a veiy talented one n-id in
cludes such widely known playeis ns Edwin Ar
den, Maeljn Arbucklc, Edvvaid Abelis, W. II,
Thompson, Riisjell Crawford, niaudoii T,,uai,
HiTlon ltadfoid, Kale palison Sellon, Ml. W, 0,
Jones and May llavenpoit Seynipui. Allei rrc
week at Ihe Oaillck tlieatr.-, opening (lip 1!
lust,, t In ce weiks will be placed, the rmmi in
iludlng lloston, Haitfoid, New Haven, Philadel
phia, llaltlmoie, VVuihiiigtou, Pittsburg, Chicago,
St, Louis, Indianapolis, Detroit, Uuffalo, Roches
ter und Kviaciise, Willi (lie exception of (wn
peifurmaiicrs In (losiou uud five In Chkago, Mlrs
Mamierlng and Mr. bellow will make but nuc i.p
pearanco ill cull place after leaving New Yolk.
The new play which Heibert Hall winstovv s
wilting for Ezia KrndJll, who is to be st.iired
next season under Llcbler k Co.'s nunageiu'iit,
piomlscs to piovu a "coiker" If tlie ielape nln
tho twentieth century lenncular Is lo ho pvi.
inltled, Jlr, Wiiislow has the peiso.ial J Id of Mr,
Kendall ill adapting the play, ami the diameter
Mr, iNndall is u iinpertonale, o Ills peculiar
capabilities, and with such an oppoilunlly Ml,
Wlnslow8 peculiar taleuii an .1 plavvvilght should
luvo good lesillls. It lias long b.'eu louiciled
that theio )s no more consummate Imperscnitnr
n( humoious cliaractcT 011 the AmeiUun tta;o
tliau Ezra. Kendall, and I.lebUi 4: Co. Iiavu ir
olveil In tupply'lilm with all tho reqiiMles (o
silvers Iu this new pioduetlon, .Mieady Mr, Ktn
dall Is cMci'slvcly booked foi npxt season by
I.hlder k Co.
.Mail iu liuiiej'a uppeaiuiico In Xevv VurU next
Odobei, under tho illiecllon of Klavv k Eilang.'i,
in 'The Clilldifii of the King'' mid a lepeilqlie
which will include '"llio Duly Way," "Tho
Clgaieiteinjkir's llomanie," anl Rev, I'reeiuin
WiHI' "Alter All," u new etMii ol "Eujeno
Al Jin," will intiuii(e in the Aniciiiau public ail
actor whit l one of tlie gicatest pi j vers ou tho
Jhiglish ttagu. "' he Lhiduii ut the Kins" was
presented iu Londoi seme veais ago, befoio Mr.
Haive-y beeamo a star. He uppeared In It, uak ig
a success, Tho action of Ihe ttuiy Is .iccom
paillcil by Kiy beautiful invidental niiwiu by
lluiupeidiiick. Mr. Harvey became famous iu a
night In loiidou Ihe character t)l Sg ,iy I'ui
ton in i"Iho Only Way." It H pieduted that
bis appearance iu tills pail Iu Amulu will at
Had gtcat attention.
Branch WANT OfHois.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALRERT SCIHILTZ. corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV I'lt'llEL, 031) Adams avenuei
West Side
OEOROE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FREW L. TERl'PE, 72'J Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVIS, corner Xoilli Main
avenue and Market street,
Oreen Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1357 Dickson
I'. J. JOHNS, Pit) (been Ridge slrcet.
V. LORENZ, comer Wasliingtun ave-
avenue and Marlon sliect.
1017 Irving avenue.
J. 0. PONE k SON.
Help Wanted Hale.
li AM hi) The crvlccs of two mechanical
diaiightsineii to whom steady woik and good
wages will be paid. Addles "Medianbal
Draughtsinan," Tiibuno oftice.
ll.bfitl appolnlnienU made last jcai; prob
alilv 10,01)0 this, vein; only common sdiool edu
cation lequlicd for oxaoilnition; catalogue of
infoimatioii dec. ColiiHibiau Correspondence! Col
lege, Washington, 1). C.
AM'ED An Al eolltiloi ; good falaiy; nleady
position to the light pally. People's Credit
Clothing Co.
WANTED Agents for "The Mailinique Honor.'
Elalioiately illiistialcd. Sample, enabling ou
In make fioni "i to ifl7 dailv, postpaid free. Ad
dress, Olobe Hible PublMiing compan.v, Philadcl-
phi.i, Pa
WANTED First dass shoemaker, for repaii
woik. 1). A. Davis, Luiernc avenue, West
WANTED Painters: only good men need apply.
Call at Charles Wagner's,-8.11 Adams avenue.
Help Wanted Female.
Experienced operators
and examiners on
Imperial Underwear Co.,
132 Washington Ave.,
and 339 Adams Ave.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED-By a lady to woik in the
country to do gcneial housewoik; can give
good refcience. Address Jane Jones, 1H Svvct
land stieet.
SITUATION WANTl'.l) Ily expert laundiess on
ladici' 01 gentlemen's clothes; will take
them home; be-t of city rcfeiences. 1111 l.lovd
street, tup H001.
WAXTF.D POSITION lie Al stenogiapher; over
ten jeais' experience; all aiouud office man.
Addiess stenogiapher "W," eaie Tribune.
SITUATION WAYIKD-Uy a man. spading g.11
elen., cutting lawns, fixing fences. 1114 Llovd
street, top floor. Rest of Kfeeences.
MIDDLE A(lEl) WOMAN would like woik nj any
kind. Please call or addica 2111 Walnut si.,
SITUATION WAX'IKD Ily a gill as nurse. 411
New sticet.
Strikers' Notice.
WE SELL tiike-ts and checks to all paits of
Euiopc, Consul! us befoie piudiaslug Hans
poitations. We will save hii nioiiev, I'mm
Ticket Agenej, ail Lacknwapna avenue, Scianton,
Pa. Opposite Scianton llpuse.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED ROOMS For two adults, thice or fom
rooms, fuipislicd or unfurnished for very
light housekeeping, Hist floor prefeircd. Address
M. B Tribune oftice.
WANTED Furnished house o.- four or die moms
for housekeeping. Address A. 0, 1-'., Tiibunc
Wanted Booms and Board.
WANTED Tvvd communicating rooms with board,
pilvate family prcfcited. Two ladies and a
gentleman. State full particulars. Addiess C,
11. D., Tribune office.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST A lllooinsbuig Slate Noinial rclinnl dass
pin, '113. Finder please eturn to Mamlo E.
Morgan, 101 Noitb Main avenue,
LOST A tluee months' old fox tenlel, ltevv.ud
of $.! if rettuncd to Wl Mulbeiry slirel,
LOST Soinevv here between llic Siecdwuy and
(J rem Ridge, a gentle-man's open face, Mii'iotb
case, gold watch. Reward lo finder. 1. II. Hums,
Meats building.
LOST At I)., L. k W. depot, Ihursdiy, .vclUw
leather wallet, containing large sum of
money, Llbnal leivaul If letiirucd to Supeiin-
tendent Hlne, 1),, L, k W. ofllee, Scianton, Pa.
LOST Red pocketbool;, containing piduie and
mi.lU change. Finder plcasn leturii pictuie,
to Nash hotel. Can keep pneketbook und ehangc.
LOST A ladies' gold watdi; a liberal tovvaid will
be given If leturned to Hotel Terrace,
LOST Steel beaded purse containing small sum
of money, oi) Lackawanna avenue, neir Wy
oming, Finder please teturn pure to Tribune
oftice and keep contents.
LOST 33, between Peck Lumber Co,, East Mar
ket street and l'reslntcrian church. Revvaid
if returned to office of Peel: Lumber Co.
A 'IHEO-OPIIIST would bo pleased to meet any
incmhe-i of the eult in the city, Call or ud
dies.s TIICO-SOPUIST, t10 Mashlngton avenue,
RELIAIU.E PARTY will caic fur furnished bouse
liming abseiuu of ovvnei, for uiic or two
months; lefeieneci. Addiess Mis, E. M. Sinlt,
llox II, Scianton, I'J.
WANTED The uddiess of Mr
01 Mi-, JtlUliaid,
I'lltcjiaid or relatives, Scianton, by
Helen Jellify, hel silei, 731 Tieniont a
New Y01U city,
lUIEUMATISM All pattlea that vvjl ran be
speedily and permanently cured of all a.
rlelles of llheumatism by a vcgetabla compound.
Cures guaranteed. Inquire or addiess J, L. 'fay,
lor, bcranton.
Mrs. i(, V, Nottliup and sou uccoiii
lmulcel Iter piotlier, Jlrs, Sump.ion, tu
lier home tu StiouilBburg on 'I'uesUtiy
Mrs. 0, Cliupmuu bus tnltou up ciupr
ters with lier daughter, Mrs. Albert fi.
The uuarteily meeting services of tlie
Metlipilist Ihilscopal cliuicli weiu helel
In Wuverly yestfiduy morning.
Misses Helen und Currle Iluilau en
tortalued tliplr lady friends at an af
ternoon tea on Friday lust,
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Tlui Pour Llnei, A CenUlor BachEitn Lin.
Ilrnnrihirn) nt litl,iti, qjIaIi.
v...,.... . ... r"!' ' Scranton, Pa,
NOTICH IS IIERERV (IIVEN lliat iu accord,
mice Willi the provisions of Peddlers Licensa
Ordinaiiro, Fife ol Common Council, No. 40, 1001,
nppiwd April 2, inu-i, till person peddling; or
vending nnj- kli d of inerehanillse wlialcver, iialna;
ho s reels, nnes, highway, or public places In
he city of Ncrniitoii, whether they be metliant,
bulchers, jnaiketinen, or milk peddlers, aid here
by iinllned lo pionu,. a license ut onee from I hi
ilepailinciit, as provided by mid ordinance, other
wise they will be dealt with according to til
law made and provided. Ily order of
, , K. L. 1VOBJI9EH,
Dheelor Depit ment of Publlc'salety.
Scranton, Pa May 17, 1H02.
)N It . inmfer of hotel llcciue of Salratore Cap
,,., I'll'11"; "' I''" Ihinl wuid of tlie Borough of
Villi 011, Lackawanna county, io Vlto CaMvol.
In the (.0111 1 of Quailer Sessions of Lackawanna,
connlv. ha, 7JI, Mntdi term, nvw.
Notice is hercbv give,, that a rule lias been
grunted bv llic 1.1I1I lourt to sbo)v cause why dm
above lleense slioutd not be tiansferrcil ui prayed
for, letuinablo Monday, May 2d, at I) o'doel: a.
in., In eipcn com I,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
NOrif'E IS HERlfuV piVEN of an'lntended ap.
pllcatjon lo tie Auditor Ocncral aud Hi
f.ovcrnor of Pennsylvania, August .1, 1002, foi a
diaiter for 11 banking eonipanj to be called "rhc
South Side Hank," of Scranton, Pa., to he
located In the soutlirily part of the city of
Scianton, Pcnnsvlvanla. The specific oblect for
which , Is to be ehiiiteied is to exercite bank
ing privileges under Ihe piovilons of the Act en
titled "An Act for the Incurpoiatlon and ,egil
lalloli of banks of clheount and deposit," ap
moved May :i, I87C. The capital stock to
fitly thousand dollais.
Welles k Toney, Sollcltoial
NOTICE Is hereby given thai Uittenbendcr com
pany, peisons having 11 Hep under (lie law
(if l'cnm.vlv.inla upon goods ware and mcrcban.
di-c of W. II, Campbell, consisting of one jet ol
buggy wheels 011 account of stoiage and -labor
bestowed on Mich goods, (he owners havlnar
failed, neglcrted und refined lo pay tlie amount
of uch diaigcs upon said piopcily within slxtr
dajs jfiqi- demand Ihcicof, made petsonally, will
expasp ihe said wi of buggy wheels to sale at
public auction at Uittenbendcr Company's store,
120 Frnnklln avenue, city of Sin.uton, Lacka
wanna lounly, Pa., on the uth day of July, A.
I)., 1002, at 12 a. 111., and sell the tamo or mi
much thcicof as shall lie sufticicnt to dlscliara
said lien, together with costs of tale and adver
Auditor (ieneral.
State Ticasurer.
T. L. EVRI'.
PROPOSALS for furuislilng Stationery, Fuel and
other supplies.
In compliance with the Constitution and th
laws ot the Commonwealth of Ponnsjlvaiiia, vvp
hereby invite sealed proposals, at prices ielovv
maximum rates fixed in schedules, lo furnish "sta
tionery, fuel and o.her supplies for tlie several de
partments of the state government, and for mak
ing repalis in the several depaitmrnts apd 'or tlie
distribution of the public documents, for the jeae
ending tlie (list Tucsdav of June. A. D. lOtU,
Sepaiate pioposals will be leeched and separata
contracts avvaidcd as aunoiinrccl in said schedule).
Each pioposal must be accompanied by a bond,
with at least tvvo sureties 01 one surety compan.v,
appioved by a Judge of the court of common pleaa
of the county m which the person or pcrso-is
making such proposal may icsiele, conditioned for
the faithful peiformaiicc of the contract, and ad
dicsscd and delivered to the Board of Commission
ers of Public: (Hounds and Buildings before twelve
o'clock M., of Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, A.
1). 10O2. nt which time tlie proposals will be
opened and puhlNliod in Hie Reception Room of
the Executive Dcpaitmcnt at Harisburg, and con
tiaets awarded as soon theicafter as practicable.
Blank bonds and schedules containing all nei s
sar.v infennation cm lie obtained at this Depart
ment. T. L. F.VHE,
For the Board of Comnii-sloneis oi I'ubllo
Cioiinds and Buildings.
Heal Estate.
FORCED SALE of one thousand feet of choice
South Buffalo building lots at lc.s than one
half actual value; location tlie best, on direct
iar line to Lackawanna Steel plant. For particu
Lets wute 01 who me at once. W. P. Volgamoie,
No. 201 Morgan building, Bulfalo, X. Y.
FOR SM.F. Lot, comer Mulberiy and Wheeler
avenue, StlxOO; finest location on the bill.
For tenus uddiess S. Kline, 1'I.iintleld, N. J.
TOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in upp-r
Oreen Ridge; choice neighborhood; most de
sirable locablj for home In Lackawanna county.
J. A. Maivinc, 1730 Sanderson avenue.
Board and Booms.
FOR REM. with ni willful lioaid, pleasant,
blight and uh.v loom, with all convenience..
412 Moiuucv avenue.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms vvilli first e!as
table boiiil, can be obtained at 831 Jefferson
Certified Public Accountant.
Cis' Bank building. Old telephone, Xo, lb(14.
Frederick l. brown, arch. 11., ri;l
l.'state Exchange Bldg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining- Engineers.
Spiuce street, hcianloii,
and Counsellors-at-Lavv, UJ to 012 CpnncU
Hated on if Jl estate tiniilly, Mears Uulldlng,
eoim;i Washington avenue and Spiucp tre-t,
scllois-atdJ". Commonwealth Building, Room
IU, 20 and 21.
o Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank Biilldiiig.
211 V)omlng avenue.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
Till: lll.K -'AFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVJ
nue. Hates leasonable,
P. ZIEfiI(i:R, Proprietor,
J tengei depot. Conducted oil tlip Europeaii
iiljn. VICrroit KOCH, Proprietor.
a7I." llif(i(is"n,EANfr piuvvrvu"ii,i7'Ai:J
cess pools; no odort onl Impioved pumps lued.
A, 11, Bilggs, )ioiiear. Leave) orders ll
North Main aeuur, or EUke's ding store, cor
ner danw and Mull,'e'riy Botl telephones,
" ' , t -
Wive Screens,
ScraniQu, I'u., piaimfietuiei of Wire Kcrec,M.
velopes, papci bags, twine. Wjielioutcy IvO
Waiingtcm ivenne, Sciaptnu, Pf.
Iu Scranton ut Ihe news standi of Rciimau
Bros.. 4.00 Spline and tVM Linden; U. Sotto:i.
i I.jiUuauiu avenue; I, S. Sebutier, 211
gnruee street,
r-iftiliffitiitif :r rrii iffiiifitfiltM fat
k JmUJi&$a$&&m.hi-thi j l ? f ji, v '. iuth