" "VR" v "A, '''" t,-"r" 'c'l 5''T.-?TvJ')SJi1fti,T.'rSP?' w TTOTn-jH J ., , t V. 'tf I f I ' f ' V '!f 1 r n ,, l hy j 'VVt 4i. THE SPAOTQJf THIBtJE-ipPAV, 3H 10, J9P2. - ,U 0e kcratiton rifiune fnbllnnpel ftalir, Kxrfpt Sunday, hy T Tr)!" me publishing Company, at Kitty CnliJJIJnlh. UVV S. tltCHAntl, Editor. O. V, tlYXDKK, llmlnrm .Manager, New York Offlcet 150 Nissan St. . . H. S. VIJtXtiASI). Bole Jigtnl for TorulBii AtliertUltiR. Kntered et tlie Poitotnce itl Si ronton, fccroiid Class Mill Matter. 'i at When space will permit, The Tribune la always glad to print Rhort letters from Its friends bear ing on current topics, but Its rule Is that these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name; and 'tho condition precedent to ac ceptance is that all contributions shall be subject to editorial revision. Tim rr.AT ijatk nut Anvr.itTisiso. The following tabic tliowa tlio prior per Ineh elt Insertion, space to be mod ivltlilii one jear. """ Him iini7finB pr" I'!'1,' IJIMT.W. Jiprr. llteiilltuT. JM-ltJojl! iVd tlinn Oflndiet. .fit) .IT. " ." M Indies . .in . .f 3iK) " mi .it ,t B.VI -, ,;,, .r.O r.'xi " ii ."j ,"ii 3IK " 1(1 .1". .1''. WW " IV, .17 .T fiW ,,.,,,, .,;, .i,v-, .11 Pur ronl of thiinlc. resolution of iom!olon." mnl i-itnil.ir iniilrlliiitlon In tho nituic 'it .in ii-tlWnsr The Tilliuua nukes a clnrge of ft wills a lino. ItnlM of CliluVcl AihrrlMiiK fiiinlilinl on application. SVKANTO.V. MAY 10. 1002. For governor of Pennsylvania, on the Ifslie tif nn open flclil ami full' play, JOHN P. E1KIN, of Indiana, SMibjPi-t to tilt; will ()r tlio Itcpnbllunn masses. I'jelter Reconsider. ui: SAXDiJAfusiNt: or .loim ! KlUin N nut lneetln'ir with tln f-iK'fi'ss that w.ti nntlel- liiiteil. Qu.tv lje.ilcn to a FlumNtlll In Ills own tcniiuv of I5imct unci i-ucil fiuni the lmniilliitlon of having to take Inytuictlolih for Klkin only l,y the i'otii le.sy or Clkln's fileml; 1 lie Mcmcpi- rlelilsatt". who h.ul been piomlsed to Quay by .Major Mt-Dout'U, oilier chMlt of tile house of leuicsenta tlvif. InMiiii'leil lor IJlkin bv a nloio than two-thlioN vote or the loiinty com mittee; the lonlennil.Ued ilelheiv of PehliylklH's elht delef,'.iten lo the Quay rump Middy Intel inpted by Klkin eap ttulnsf five outilnht, with propeets of KettiiiK the other thtee; and finally ICI klu lctoilei In O.uinhin. Northumber land and I'luwfoid tlies.0 i (Institute developments enough to make last week hlstoiie In Pennsylvania political an nals. . llut for Philadelphia, ihcie, ntconl Iiik to tin: testimony or Judge Penny p.ioker'M insmiveiil mippoiteis. jniinar ies have no meaning as expiesslons of public Hcnlimcnt and delegates aic named and oted without, legaul to popular opinion, the opposition to John Klkin would not amount In the June cninentlon lo a torpoial's gu.ud, AVe ate not so sine that It, for piactkal jmipot'cs, will amount to ninth more as the case stands It Is evident that the young Republican stalwaits of the in terior counties .ue awake and deter mined. Not only June Ihey helped the candidate of the people to win every contest waged In open pilmaiies wheie public opinion could be legisteied. but they aie rapidly conalling for Klkin the uniiii'ti acted delegates upon whom Quay Iuih been l dying to give hlin con tiol. Nor is It certain that Philadel phia can be held in hand bv Klkin s opponents. The smpii.se in this contest may not all lie located in the countiy districts. As u matter of tact, Plilladelphians as well as otheis ale opposed to the kind of politics which would s.ieiiifiio fidelity at the dictation of ooiporatc in tluemes and cast oiV ti lends tiled and tine in a aln lllitatlon with unlmpoil ant enemies. The louiiilatlou ol city machine poiitiis is loyalty: and when tlilri Is dlscaided bv tho-e in (inmiiand, involution in the innks Is cerinlu to inateilnjiite noom-i' or Inter. The leal . iriemlH or Senator jim lme wained hlin lepoatedlv of the mistake he was making In b's attempt to set aside the lawn in- of the puity. Kor the icvcims he is undergoing lie has nobody lo Maine but himself. Then- Is yet time, howevei, lor his mlstnku to be ior Ji'iicd wllhuut appreelable Injury to the P'Ut.. llut If he pm sues michi into the i oiv ntlim ami s Iiemen, then wheie will his boasted picstigc be',' And even tliuiiBh he fhould manage to cousum inatu the defeat of l.s most clliclenl lieutenants in n,,. ,IS au,j aPmtt0 them I'.iievn- limn his sumdaid by the iioiuiimtlon of some man whom the peoplr- ,lo pot know, wherein would lie his gain'.' Senator Ouay should r consider. JlRlttcr, loyal to his word and never per fidious lo a filcml, ihblliili toilliastlng strangely wlllt Ills action In this catn P.iIrii, ciihim for hltn the right to lit) heard In his own defense before con demnatory' Judgment Is pronounced. Tlim1 Is no need of bitterness nmoiig any tf the1 hclllgetents In this canvas". It I" 'i light for a nomination, After the nomination shall he. made there will rone the election, and the Itcpithllcan pally will have room and woilc for bvery member, Ihe vuiitiulshcd as well as tlie victors In the convention. AVo hope ami believe that .lohn Klkin will win, nml wo shall do everything that can properly be done to further that end: but It would be unfair to Mlkln to be unfair to his opponents, lie has no bitter feeling against Durham. Wo doubt that he has any bitterness to ward Quay, In spite of tile shabby man ner in which Quay treated hint, lie Is too L'heeiful ami too big n man to wony with grudges and his example. In this lespect Is recommended lo his supporters. Neaily I'OO.OOO.OOO tons of coal of all kinds veie mined In the t.'nlted .States last year. That coal Is one of the two legs on which our prosperity stands, Iron being the other. To knock this leg fiom under would tlnow every work Ingmun In the country out of employ ment, AVill they consent V Tor anoHier emergency, Philadelphia has seen the benefit of a Permanent llellef association, with fuitds ready on the Instant wlfen a great calamity calls for Immediate aid. If out of this mighty West Indian tragedy llic nucleus of a permanent national teller fund should bo established a residuum of good will be left out of this gteat misfortune. Aluei leans haVf been dial god with being controlled by a commctclal spirit and devoted to the worship of the al mighty dollar, Americana are willing to hustle, to loll, to risk much to get that dollar, but they get It to use it, ntid they have never htslsted on using It exclusively on themselves. It Is be cause they get It that they are able to give It. That they tiro willing to give It to alleviate distress promptly, liber ally, without prodding or prompting or walling to see what others will do, shows that this spirit of commercial Ism in the acquisition of weajth giver, place to the spirit of the good Santai'l tan in Its disposition, The ue.M Into eating development scheduled fur Pennsylvania politicians will bi ne.M Saturday's open piinmrles In Tiogu county, wheie Watres, Penn packeraml l.'lklu mo all leshtcied. ts outcoinu vviI be Intel cstlllg. ' With Malice Toward None." WK OHSUnVK In tin. Lan caster New Km ,, t.,j. itoilal seveiely censuring ImucI V. Durham for his upostacy noni the Klkin tanks, and predicting that It spells the bcslnnins of Dui ham's ilcclluu and fall as a po litical lender. Tlio Lancaster puper ifays that "at thy whim of hlH master, ho cast behud him every pledge good men hold dear, and thiew away the friendship of a lifetime." ' ,e lutva lip Knowledge) as to the mo tives or impelling forces behind .Mr. Duiluim'H action, but wo aie not liv iillned. to bliAi-o the Lancaster papei's bitterness, u would savor toq much ojjspnp Judgment. Theio Is good tea son to believe that Durham took his hostile stand tovvaul Klkin with the greatest personal leluutaiue and In obedience to Influences, which ho dared not combat, Ayiiat these were lemalns to be divulged. That they may im traced to tie he.idiimrterH of ceitaln puwetful corporations fearful of John lilhlu'H independeiicc and seated by (ie loud yellig of a few Insurgents ijeher In in9iiey than li votes we strongly suspect; bu( of this we have ijo ptouf. Time uloua can tell Jhe story, Iu the meanwhile. Dut ham's estab. llsjiea churacter as a fair and manyl How Long Will the Strike Last? P11KD1CTIOXS aie being made in many quarteis as to the length or tin coal strike. They vary widely. This Is natural. Theio Is no precedent later than "77 to guide, and londltloiis now aie in few lespeets p.uallel lo condi tions then, it, however. Is ti lie that long strikes, like long wai.-, aie less piobahle now than In foi mer years. The interdepen dence or industry Is greater. The ma chinery for holding in check dlsoideily teiuleiicle- Is much supeilor. We aie inclined to believe that the spirit of thilft and ol leluctame lo tolerate the gieat waste ol a piolonge'd strike on a huge c.ilu Is mine potent today than iu the e.nly pel lod of labor stilkes. I'nder the new conditions surtound Ing the anlhiacite industiy those who live In the vicinity of the mines know the least about what is going on among rhe poweis that be. Consequently their piedletinns liavc no moie value than those made at a distance and fre quently have le-s. They aie in the trying position of helplessness to pio tect their own inteiests or to have a guiding hand In the steering or tlie ship which caiiles their weKaie as ca i go. Hut looking at the matter dispassion ately, as one would look at it fiom n distance, we should be inclined to pie illet that the question or tlie duration of the anthiaeite strike depends almost wholly upon the ability of the strike leadeis to senile effective co-opeiatlon among the bituminous woiker". To do that they must swing out of comfoit able employment JiOO.OOO men without gilevaiues as an auxlllaiy to the one bundled and lorty-odd thousand an thracite vvoikeis now idle. Kven waiv ing the bleach of valid lontiacts whlcli this w ou lil necessitate, and consideiing it meiely as a mas movement, its success looks pioblemuttcal, to say the least. .Should It succeed, we do not doubt that the mineis' union would soon loice the opeialors to terms. Hut should It rail, and should soft coal come. In wheie anthracite belongs, cutting both opeiator and stiiker out olhis rutiut, it is Inciedible that the stilke would not hieak speedily. It is possible that the pioposlllun of a Joint convention of soft and haul io.il mineis to ute on the question of a complete tie-up may be held up beroie the anthracite vvoikeis as an encour- agemei.: not Intended to mateiialize but we do not take such a view of the oiganUatlou leaders. Vet we aie it nuk lo lonfess thai we never expect to see a lomplete suspension or coal mining in this country not. at least, until the io.il Is exhausted or Oabilel blows his tiump. "It seems to ine, Mr, President, wo must look at the situation as It Is. AVe have, the Philippines. AVo have taken title. We have possession. We have established government. AVe are estab lishing law and order. They ate ouis mils ngalnst all the world: and the thing for us to do Is to set that house In order heroic we talk ubout malting it, disposition of it. AVe 'are doing our part, and, as i believe, doing It ns well as we known how, laboring honestly and faithfully to accomplish just and pioper lesults, and It will be for those who como after us In the congress of the Tnlted States tor a creat many will come lifter us before' this question Is acted upon to determine what shall be done by the government of the United Slntes; and when they come to take action the conditions .existing In the Islands, the feeling or friendship or of hostility, whichever the case may be, of that people will undoubtedly have much to do in determining tlie congress of the Tolled States as to what action It shall lake." Senator Foraker. AVe notice that some supportcis of Judge Pennypacker aie ciltleizlng Quay lieutenants In counties which have gone for Klkin. That is baldly fair. Quay's lieutenants aie doing the best they can. Their dllUculty is that the people, are doing mine. The Democratic leaders are having dlfllculty these days in convincing the Democratic "come on" Unit fusion gieengoods will be the popular cuneney iu Pennsylvania. There Is very little leason to doubt that labor unionism has come to stay. Hut It will succeed better by obeying the counsel of Us conservative leaders. It Is a pietty thin-skinned kind of Ameiicanism which finds fault with the acceptance of Kmpeior AVIIliam's prof feied statue of Frederick the Great. Good luck to the joung king of Spain. May he equal the sagacity and human ity of bis distinguished mother. It may yet become necessary to put a tinift on piincely and grand dukely visltois. Harking back to ancient times, John Klkin Is not a GlIke-oii. Candid Comment About the Strike Tic in Vc r As u war measuie the calling out of bituminous mineis in u sympathy fitlike would, If successful, be Napole onic, llut what If it should lull'.' American Generosity. ll'llilll III,' l'llll,lllllllll.l I'HM.) T1IK I'nlted States consul at I'oit de Franco tables that the needs of tho Maillnbitic sul'l'eiei.s will be satisfied with the supplies already alloat and that Iheie Is no occasion for further subset iptlou If he Is right In his esti mate of tho situation and tho volcanoes do not lenevv their work of desolation the demand on the geneiosity of the vvoild has been met and tho survivors of the Mm Unique and St, Vincent calamity can be left to their own" re sources Nothing could be liner than the te sponso which the people of this country made to Urn cry for help riopi Mai Un ique and St. A'lncent, The niompt ac tion of the gov oi pment at AYuHhlngtou, In which It led all the world, Is reflected by private beiiellceiico all over the country, other governments might hesitate and look for a precedent. Other peoplo might remain Ineit and uuiespouslve befoie the gieat calamify which overlook many thotiguuds of human beings in the AVcst Indies, This Is not the American habit. 'Ju tho pies ence of gieat misfortune nml human distress Ainei leans see a duty befoie them to icllevo that dlstiess ami miti gate tho calamity to that etent at least. This has come to be a fixed prin ciple Ingrained In their nature, so tie news of great mlsfoituue ami ,ione spondlug dlstiess s mot by subscrip tions befoie there s time even for ie lief organization and appeals top aid. The American I espouse to the AVest Indian calamity illustiutecl this Iu a striking manner. Donations hinu been coming In In an uninterrupted btreutn of magnificent proportions fiom eveiy fiiarter. This Is us It should be. Thete Is little danger of the consu) being linubleil with an embarrassment of l Idles through the excessive liberality of the people, if the jellet oiganUu tlon shall leeelve more money than Is requlrec for the pipsent n?ed no barm can come qf t, Th.e money cat) be kept Unli.'s l'li'd 1'ii'v.. til: .MAN wlio .uliot at s tin- KiiUiii:iuu l iln luc-iiit mini' ftiil.0 Is mi fin ml cl Hit' iiinifi Jiul .in funny of lii ur'iul.. Jim. "I lit- I'lir I'levi h iu mlthei uto SHI V. llm- lining of tin? n.i n win nun loiiipiidL' Me nuk .mil tile of tin' I nileil Mini- Huikii. of Ainuk.i weie in tills fly in 15:77? Wit unit wjIUiii; fin mi jiitwi'i iho rice Pus M.ilia villi- out ti a of being iioml by atij piiiun, lli.it fin as many l -.iiili nun .u flic i - uu in the pit'ciil nijiuition. jui mi iii.in, ole ucic tlii'U' iriiihI tlie plilke in Ilie loials to .vlilcli thi-e nun In lunged. 'I lie in. ill wliu would vote oilniwi-e with nili :i lion before linn, must Ini belli so tluil of milking lb.it be illil nut a ii' stHiv Hum fm hlniM'lf in lin, f.iniil., 'Ilie t'ice 1'ic-s w,i against Ilie Muke la-t Siintla,, anil 11 U :ualn.it It toilay, 'the 1'iee lii Hill not blow lint anil i ilil In the Mine hiiMlh. This is a inonieiitons qiinslion, hi. in liny j-i.iiicljiiiim, foi a lu'w.-papu'. 'Ibn-e whom it Is ilnii',1 In lii'iitlil aie l'ul ill '- limoil to be nppto i Utile, while tho-e who are not interestiil aie iinllUtli'iit. The inn.-clciiiimi-i niupajiiiiiiiii e.iii'.i iiiuillil for the fullns'M uf iltlier. Tneie U or ouitht l be a lulliir imriKis!', ami thai In II1I1 i.ie Is the kooiI of the iiininiiinlty tint the i.i'fnpcr seivis. Utile was a Miike hue in Ie77 in ivlil.li not onh the mill li.indj but the Illinois wi'ie in velveil, 'I line wire xtriki'4 here jnlor to Unit ime, but that i- leinote ciioukIi to ult tho pin lioe. It was iiiie..a, to hue inilltaiy prolw lion fm the men who neie wllllni; to work, but lluyi workeil, 'I Ik cnuipaniM whuse men are l.ow m Ml ike in ly fell like opcratini; llnir 1 olllerles, Will tln ill II f Yts. Anil If it be necetary lo till Iu the 1 utile Hitular nnny In aieomplUh t lils puipoM', 'Ihe ime uhu duubts rbls etatinrnt i4 dull of coiupiclii'ii'liin, 'Ilie i'lte I'lc-i hud lln'e tkfniiK in mind wlicn It nppoMil the Uiiinue of a otiike oulor iu In Ul lne, Von cannot diprhe a man from the i niiijiin 111 ol III-, nnn propcrlv. You may iorii- lute lion 11 iieiron 111.1v u-e een what H hi) own, but the )n' will not toleiate a ilepiivalloii which would jirart ieil l,i amount lo 11 ccinflse.itlun. llii'H' biii bcui nil 11 ill too 111111 h i-iiitlm'iit i.i'l ubout IliM iUMou of onf.mlalioii, nml while the mine H 01 ken a were not the paint ' 1 - tianlalloii, Ihe micci'.n hey liail attnliied made it possible fm oil'er cuds ami tailing to us vUliuis of Iikh'.uihI pitispulty iu ciiiulatlni; the eMiuplf of the mini wnikeii Tlie u.iiilt 14 that today tbeiu me all Mudi of oiuaiilJtlon. 'Ihe mil) purpoMi in I'vldeiiie tu far hnwi U Iu Uemauil 1111 liuit.i-e in waufs. Homy i nol the nnlv thlnir In life, A ivlsa man would milier niin Ills bojs the opportunity to make a good elut In mine leiiltlmale )nis iici!., than to strustrlo (or ie pittance thit he liilKht be able to ieipirath In (hi 111 when be iIIoj, iilln 11 life of ftugalit.v nml I'lOiioinj, uiu II1I1 lu.4 bun the I ule, Itegiullesi of the alary that the major pait of iiiiiikiud leriinv, or any In (rciiMi that 111J.1 oblaln, volunliiiy or tiaoliii'itary, the mode of llvlut; uiidigoeJ 11 cli.niui' (hat wiei loiupairi'il tu the 1111 tbocN tli.it piruiled la the pat, lender- is linpc.s.llilii to aiiuinulate any moie llian wa possible iimliT the futiuer ilreinn. btauus. 'I lie 1'iee 'iei wan uppoied to a liilue (tliko and for the ria.on that we felt llut the men 1011I1I not iiuiler any ilrrunittuuici, win, v'o fJt llm Iho lompauiea were fori Ins the flelillnit, W'u IhouBht we kiew what the ultimate result winilil be, the diuioliitioii of the union, the re tuin to vivrk of the l(ikm m liulKlduaN. Thli I1 as j.iMired an though e lait day 9! (he ktrikt were at band, ami iun)nj who hold out niiy otliir liopo are prophets ! eill. llUlory rcpcuti ll.elf. It U not quite two jiari vlnre tho niluo woiken of I'eiiiiijlvjiila weie .ueiesiful In a lojiUla with the tame forte UKaliut wlilih they are now oiraltiped. Iatl they wailed for the set'. oml aimlitrwry (bey mllit ne loped for onie invawrc of mu 1 ii. 'I Ley would not bo Bulijeil by the louuseli of (he man who moie than any one il.e l reinlhle for tlio kplrmbd organUa. (Ion that lhey wce iu po.niilon of prior to l'.it Wiilncxliy and the miner ol Si rant on and. vjf iuity, lb); j:inl,)i tuques inlncrii, dceyl tetjret Iho fct that the wWim of John Mitchell tlhl hot ROictn. , The iiecnt (rlke will not bo fiiuciful, ftul llif nooner tint the turn reallre thl art, the sooner will the) be started aright. Ilie i'ree I'rrxn doe.s not deny lint the innillllniH of tlio tnliifrs will beir niitclloratloii. This paper fun iculi, llut (he iiili'.uiliiftcs that Ilie miners hope to letelle wtlild Inne been (icconipllnhcd lo a leilalnty vvrlc the aihlie offeicd Ust SunJay In Ime bten at ted upon, The 1'iee i'le-a does lint believe tint tlie (nliirt as a tlass are urilerpalil. Pully aware ol the fact that ucli a Malement will be comlilereil rank herey, the fact stilt remain.. The minora Imve grievance, ami the ureatcU Injustlio under whlcli lhey libor I1 the oierch.irge vvlietehy 1 Ion constitutes any thlnir from three thousand to four thousand flio luindrcd pound. Put tliln toulil be remedied by IcKlslathe enactment. Ihe demand that they niadn for eight lioiire Is In force nowhere mvc vvlicrc polltli govern, and while It I a condition lliat Is very delrabto and In evitable, It Is (lilt very far from beliiB a eon aunmiatloii. The tvtnty per cent. Incieaie In wagri tu tontruit iiilrers would be 11 bonaiir-i, were they to receive the name, and Iheic I no doubt that those who voted strike were Iniprened with the I'omlitlon that all lhey hid tu do to oblaln Mtcli nn Inire.ne was In make dcinan't, ac lompanied by a' allow of folio, 'lhey liny be aiittesbful. The l'ree Pies believes to the ton tjary. This thought wa uppermost when the fdilte not Iu strike was given list hutidat. hi felling one's libor, as In selling 1c.1l eitate, the question llirt should be imuldricd Is VMi.it Is Ilia bujer willing to pay" A bo'n-e may be worlli to rllH owner, u vast amount 11101c than Ihe intended uutliaer'ls willing to pay, but (ho offer of lie latter Is the ulandJrd of value. So It Is with labor, And the value of the miner's seniles I not m lunch what he Is emilng for hi employer, but ralhcr what be would be able to earn were he plated In another capacity. This N 11 liuliicsa-llkt view of the situation and may not hive occurred to (hose who are Intticittd In tills stiuggle either as leaders or follow ci. The Free I'im hopes that none of thoe who are liileicslcd may have occasion lo npply this test (0 their services. If tiny do they will dis cover, that while the conditions1 under vrhlth they were foimeily euiplo.ved weio not all that they might ileilie, lhey wire. fur wiperl.ii' to tboe tint would prevail were they to offer thi-lr labor in the maikef where they tould not specify tne Kimi ot Jalior lhey would perform or have a voho In (King the late of wages tint they would receive, it Is lo be hoped that this condition will not tonfront many. There aie -(.liosp who" will not like the lennr ot this aitlile and who will 1 ensure Ihe writer. To tlio.e we fay: There are no apologle. 'Hie wrltci has been engaged iu nianuil libor for the bet pvit of the folly .veil he has -pent en eirlh and in inaiij bI.'.Ics of the I'liion. In no plate where he his ever vvoiked would he be denied cniplnunpiit again. lie was educated along lines that make it impo-ihle for him to believe one thing and give 1 pressiou fn an other, 'the piesent strike Is bound to fall for the reison that the men who me mot impn-t- ant to the iciupaii.v's llllcii-l will not leave their posts. These asked that they be not call;d out. They had an tuiiletandhig that if they were lalled out tbi y would not obey the call. Who an- they? 'Ihe pump nmncis, fan limners, eiigiiieei nml fl'tmen. W'c have no sinipatliv with the nun or set of men who fay tint the gtiikc should 11s well ionic now as mine tiu.e litci. Iliese aie the? men who want to see unions among vvoikliigmen de stio.ied, Weie the reprcscnlalives of corporate inteiests fair men, the unions would have no 111u.se for existence. It was cruelty and exac tion that forced them to adopt organisation as a nieasiue of sflf proteillon. Bccatife tlitjy have olganl7ecl does not neic'oilUr imply that llieir intcret-ts are not ldentifal with thoc of iheir cniplojers, although those who are placed in Imniediile tlnige of iheni would give out this impassion. Tho 1'iee 1'iess upholds organiation among woiknien. It does not uphold such organi sation .1 will illow men whose mode of living illfTcis fiom that in vogue among Atm llian-, vvliosi- stand ird of intelligence is lower and whose education is Intel ior. lo t in judgment n was the case Iu ll.izlilcm last week, on the destiny of the men who aie a put of the brawn and Ihe iiitelbgii'ie of this and adjoining communi ties. The Tree 1'icss was opposed to the sink" hit Sunda.v. It has seen no lea-on to change its views hiine. Were it possible to iiinucnic the miners of Sirantou and vicinlly by our titlei anccs we would mj tu them that it would be the part of pi wiener not to tatify tlie action of Ilie Haleton cnmcnlioii. Their union is moie important than the whim of .111 individual and tlie opinion of .lohn Mitihell is worthy of vveiaht as against the combined judgment of men who aie far fiom being Ameiicauicd, The xtiiko is the result of the preponileiuncp of miiIi senti ment. Tlie nniiers of Sir.iiilon and vicinity would not be teiisurtd for filling to obey the utiike order. THE UNDISPUTED POINTS. Altoum- lor the Defense You aie a black. guard and a blutf, sit ! Attorney for the I'lo'ctiitiiui And jou, elr, are .1 kloMer and a rogue! The f'ourt Coine, come, gentleuicn, f.el ns git down to the disputed points of tills ca-e. Pmait St. $9574 in Special Rewards Scranton Tribune's areatest of All EDUCATIONAL CONTESTS si" ClosesOrfober 25, 1902, The Scranton Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. Thore are offered as Special Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY-THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In some of the Leading Educational Institutions In the Country. List of Scholarships. 2 Scholarships In S.irotuse University, at $IS2 each f(14 1 Fcholarshlp In llucknrll liiiHerUv fiat 1 fetliolorshlp In The University of Kotlic9tcr,, Ui i;oa 1 Scholarship In Washington Siliool for Ilovs,, 1T(K 1 Scholauhlp In Wlllljnuport l)ltklnon Scinl- may Toi) 1 Sihobirshlp In Ultklnon Collegiate Picpara- lory .School... 7,7) I Pcholaishlp In Newton Collegiate Institute., 7JII 1 Scliolarslilp )n Kejstone cniliiny WD 1 Scholarship n III own College I'reparutoiy School , coi) 1 Siholirfhlp In) the School of the Lackawanna 4U0 1 Slliol.lr.lilll n to llkes.ll.irre lnslllille "Til 1 Scholarship in Cotult Collage (hummer Sihoot) l. 0 i Pclinl.li hlps in .Scranton Conservatory of Milic, at (IJi each S0O 4 Scholarships in llaidcnbergli bcliool of Jfusli: and Ail 4C0 3 Scholarship iu hcianlou lliisiuess College, at VI 00 each Kin) B Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, average value $37 each 2S3 2 Scholarsliips In (.ackaVvanna llusincss Collrge, at f"i each 170 2 fstholirslilps Hi Alfred pooler's Vocal .studio la"i OO-.'O S3 IS 10 ?W74 Points. 1 a ft .12 Rules of the Contest. The special rewards will be given lo the person ecur Ing the latpesl number ot points. Points will be credited In contestants securing new sub scribers to The Scranton Tribune as follows: One month's subscription ...? ,fi0 Tluee montlis' subscription...... t,2" Six pionths' subscription 2,10 tine ipjlt-'fl ilitixc rlnflon ,. fi.UCl The rlinli'St.iiit with the hlchest number ot liolnls will be Riven a thoicc from the list of special rewards; fhe con tejtant vv'tli tlie nrcoml highest number of points will bo glien n cjioice ot the lenialnliig ljwvrcls, and bo on fltrough the list. ' The conleitant who serines tlie highest number nf points during anv iiilendar montli ot the lontest will receive a jppt'hl honor reword, till lewanrbelng entirely Independ ent of the Ultimate disposition ut tlie scholarships. I.'nih conletatit falling lo fecme n' spetllil reward will be given ID per cent, ot all money he or she turns In. All siib'cilptlons mut be paid In advance. Oily tew euusulhciH vvt be lounlcd. ltenewals bv per-ons whose mimes are already on our sub scription lit will iipJ be (icdlled. 'ilie Ttlbime will Investi gate each nibscilptloii and If .found Irirgitlar In any way rescues the right In reject It. No tinmlers can be made alter cicdlt lias once been given. Alt Mibtcriptloiw and the lash lo pay for them must be handed n nt The Tribune oirlce within the week In which lhey mo reufred, m (hat papers can bo tent to the aub rcrlbers nt ome. , Siib-erlptlons must be wrltlen' on blanks, wlilih can bo secured at The Tribune ofllte, or will be sent by mall. EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE PAID Each contestant failing to secure one" of the scholarships will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. ' ' SPECIAL HONOR PRIZES. A new feature Is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest num ber of points each month. ' The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday. May 31, will receive A HANDSOHE GOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years. Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later. Those wishing to enter the Contest should send in their names at once, plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to All questions concerning the CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. THE RULING PASSION. don't oie whit she wanted to he has a talk leg, a glas (jo Mis, .lone- 1 ininy -him for; and fal-e teeth. Mis. Smith Well, m.i iloir, jnu know women nlwa.vs did have a liaiikeimg uflei icmnaitU, Sniait Set. AT ONE A. M. "You'ie the light of inj life," she whispered, As he kls-ed her onto moie good night. And then fiom the top ot tl.c staliway Came a voice, "Well, put out the light!" Smart Sft. ALWAYS BUSY. The Finest Line of Porch Rockers Ever shown in Scranton A strong but true state ment. We have nearly eveiy thing in summer furniture including the Prairie Grass Goods Artistic in design, rich in appearance and very prac tical! We want every house keeper in Scranton to visit our store and inspect our stock you'll find prices light and goods the best to be had. EDUCATIONAL. Hill&Connell 121 Washington Avenue. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a short courae, nor an easy course, nor cheap course, but the best education to be had. No other education i worth spending time and money on. It you do, write for a catalogue of Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which ofTcis thorough preparation in tin Engineering and Chemical Professions as well as tlie regular College courses. mis m Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock Spring and Summer Oxfords and Hoots that con tent the mind and comfort the feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3,00 Ladies' "2elba" Oxfords, 82.50. Lewis & Reilly, 114-110 Wyoming Avenue. SPRING AND SUMiyiERJiESpfiTB BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKINO On a tpur of the Alligluny Mountains. I.ililgh Valley lailioad; near 'lowainla. nallilug, hViiug, tporK etc. j:iflltut table. Jleasoiiable iate. LAKE WESAUKJIfO HOTEL I', 0., Ape, l'i. Semi for booklet. 0. K. IIAUItlS. Atlantic City, Tfie We8TMiNiareft Kentucky ave., near Heath, Atlantic Cily, Open 11 the jear. Sun Parlor, elevator and all modern improvements, fpetial Spilng ltatei. CIIAS. BUflKE. Prop. HOTEL fHOHMONO. Kentucky Avenue. Tint Hotel from Beach, At lantic (Jjty, N, J,j to Oteai) vjfw rooms; ca pacity 00; write (or eptiial rates. J. II. Jenk ins, hop. i"i"i"J"l"(,i"i"f,i"i"i"i,,i,,ll'i'ia'$ ! PILSNER ! Hrewjry, . . 435 t" 455 N. seventh at Old 'Phone, 333i, New 'Phone, 2935, Scranton, Pa. r . When in Need i Announcement During tho summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given .it Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts,, under the direction of Principal ' Charles E. Fish The courses of instruction are lor the benefit offive classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. (Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. 5. Students in college who have admission conditions which must be removed before the beginning of the next Scholastic Year. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY t - Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GiiiisteilForsytii 233-327 Penn Avenue. w ( I THE EXPERIENCES For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. ECEANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCK03L3 SCRANTON. PA. T, J. Foster, rieildent. Kjincr II. Lawall, Ireaa, n. j. rejter, uunity y, Alltn, Yl Prcltl?pt. BecreUrr KBBI OF PA A Strlt el dellghtfuf thatches uit If tud by th Lackawanna Railroad. Thau tkatches are contained' In a handeomelif Illustrated book called " Mountain and Lake Resorts," which describes soma ol the most attractive summer places It) the East. mmmmmmm Send 5 Cents In postage stamps lo T. W. LEE, General Passenger Agent, New York Cily, and a copy will be mailed you. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS EDUCATIONAL. STATE NORMAL, SCHOOL, l.'a.t btioud.liurg, Pa, Ilie rJinlli3tlnni foi iidiiiHslon to the Aliclillct Vi'.ir nml Scnloi Year iljiaeouill be lirlcl .tunc , IIIkIi h l.oul hjiIiuIis will lo permitted to (ul.o lintli ixanilnntloiiH unci inter the tciijor ilai ulicici tlieli mrk li.n uneicl t lie junior J in I inlil. llc jr.irs couihu of Hi" iinrinal, Till jear will lie the last iippoiliiiiil,i kIicii la do to, ,i tint Ihiri! ji.iii.' ioiii.p Is ill full fivco unci all nlll lotne nnclcr the Mate rrgnMtluiu of rMiiilnitloni. Tor full l)Jtmlir inlclrei at pine, ti. I'. nilll.i:, A. -II.. I'rlnclpil. Of anything in the line of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles i ;and Eve Glasses; J Properly fitted by an expert J 4 optician, 4. From $1.00 Up Swarthmore College SWARTHMOFIE, PA. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF FHIENUS f The Course in Arts ons FoUr cour.w of study J The Course in Scfenct Leading to ueM, 1 Tne Course in Letters I The Course in Engineering rnepAntria fort business lips, oh for thb 9TU0Y Of THB LBAHNeO fTOraTSSfOVS) Character Always the Primary Consideration Also all kinds of prescrip tion work and repairing. J Mercereau & ConneJI, 132 Wvominir Ivanua I Extensive Campm; 9autiful Situation and Surroundings; Sanitary Conditions the Beat; Thorough Instruction ; Intelligent Physical Culture. CATALOGUE ON APfL(OAT(ON WILLIAfl W. BIRD5ALL, Prldnt' I , .-s v. .. - p a. .-!k .-? Jti JrV ijf-..iit.nitatl faliBii..'lferri4Jj;iajtaM.y1,f ,y