The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 19, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    V(5l,,.JWPMMMV IU .1 I WOT
' w-Ti
MiV1 B
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1, VA .L , - A, I
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W t i . .
"Fizz Bizz"
we will have our
Opening Day
at the
Tuesday, Play 20
not lio beat ."':."..'.'.',!,' u0
CIIUSIIKI) KlIl'lT (lre) 'I ItlMMIS.
vrty ntir y
riNKAi'i'r.i: pihwiiati:
l'.fifl MAI.T (lirw) I Jo
Ni:V UltlSKS ''
Mint Nectar
Ginger Fizz
Florida Fruit
Our service is unexcelled.
320 Lackawanna Ave.
Attractive Features
Of our tork ! Hie low ct ami ecu Unit quality
truly boiiiI failure; ilon't jcii thinuV
Our line IV
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Avenue.
Y Tin: iirT v.xi.n: run .-. t kts.
Morris' Magnet Cigar 8
V "'HlO ill. I A ttl-11 " A
0 A" flio liopulji ."i. CIsjh .il l.7." per a.
A ho, oi li foi J'm . y
0V The ljiitcl .iin-ly cif Minikinir TiiIi.ui us 0
ami Pipes in Su-iulim. a.
V 325 Washington Avenue. 0
Chorus Rehearsal.
-Mill T. N.ltkill-,' HLll.ll llmlll, m imu'I till'
cIk.hmiI tonight.
Song Service Tonight.
Mis'. KMl' PllVCll Will Clllllllllt till- Mlllf Mi
ll ( :il llio ItevLiie .Mi-Miin Jlunilij im-ht. .--u-iu
ill o'clock.
Taken fjo the Hospital.
I'Iuhim-. l,., of l.easett'h .iiii.t, ulni .is
unil to In- M-IUiinir fimn mii.iIIio, li.i- lirwi
emocoil to the Kim-iiHiii-.c li(.iij on il- .,l
Charged with Larceny.
' Mifiu-goi, ot Pru'iliuiK, delil i.ii
Jii I(IU lull liy Alilciiiuii Rwlily, mi !sdtuicl.iy,
on tlic iluiite ot ktoalln,. a w.ildi fioni (ieoige
Long Trip on a Bicycle.
Ilnciil ltobiii-nm, of i. We-I t tc i,liui flihiinj;
juilor?. will l(uw In t lit- I,,.., iutuip foi liia
lijnip in Atlanta, ;,,. 1,. i 1o ,lltt t)u. tl ,,
on u Lilielo,
Perry Taken Away.
H. II. Pony, clio lus Iwn In jj i,,,,. tlucp
Apiil l'j, aualtini; the tall of the aiitlioiltic of
Owcgo, .V, V wIipii" lie is wanted for l.iicenv,
wjj tukeu theie on SjIiiiiIj.v on leiiuisitlon papu,
Record and Identification Clerk.
'Die Ifnlleil .States ciil m-iIc-,ti .in.
.i.iunces tliat on June 17, I'lOJ, an eauiliiilion
till lie lield for tlie pckllion of leioul noil Id, n
tllieatlon c-lerk in tlie railed States pe.ultentl.ui
mice. Five Calves at a Time.
County Controller .tones is responsible for tlm
i-Mlnnt-iit that a cow belonging to Peler .Mu.
laikey, of Arililulil, Raw birth to Ihe i.ihes mi
Friday nlitlit last. Thij Is bomcllilnts of a U'i-cmI
Capitalization Increased.
The Title (iini.inly and Trust lonipjiiv had u
ftoeliholders" mretliig Sjtiuilay, at whlrh It was
iletlded to Inm'js-e the capital ttoik from iSOu,.
00O to is;.V),0OO. Del. 1, 1801, the capitalisation
of $160,(100 doubled,
Fire nt Dickson City.
The rralilrmp of Coiincilman .lainej fleed, of
UUkuin L'lly, was iartl.illy burned on Saturday
inornlin; by a Arc, which broke nut In the cell.ii.
uiy. The llanieu ucrc cNtinguUlied alter a i-tiiig-Rio,
A lighted lamp K bcllced to lute oet lac
to a partition.
Mail Thief Arrested.
Deputy Unite,) Males Murtlul Sn.wler retiuned
on Satuidoy fiom Hector C'otmia, Potter county,
wheio he uirctlnl a joung nun lumeil Hay Ab
bey, who was belleml to luc lobbed tlio past.
Users of
don't care how
hiorh mpni- nrnos
wMb ftuwa,
J Strength
t all Grocers
In and About
vxThc City
olflce tliere on tiy R. Abbe tTontoMcd ntler hll
arrest and w committed to Jail,
Two More Baptisms.
0er 1,801) persons wltned two luptlms In
Hie (touring Drook )psterila,v uftrrnonn, when
Mh. Mctlulnn and Mm. Pmltli, (no new tuemlPM
of Hie Sliltoh llaptNl tlitireh, cntntril. were !in
tnetiied In the water by llev. Mr, llnildle, the
pastor. Ptophet .lonei made a brief inlilto".
Forepaugh's and Sells Brothers Cir
cus Will Exhibit Here.
TIip Atliini Forcpniish nnd Sella Broth
ers UnorinoiiH Sltowu United are tlio
only elrcURes', tuenagerleH nnd hlppo
tlromef! Hint ever exhibit In New York,
Brooklyn nnd Philadelphia tin well ns
other piiHtern cities. I'onsetiueiitly they
nrc the only metropolitan shown In this
frank Oakley, the kltiR of clmviiH, Is
one of tin1 best bareback rlilcvH In the
circus buslnesH. He rltles a burlesque
net that Imitates In the most cxitKRer
iitetl nntntier the rldliiK of a principal
ettuestrlenne. The fact that he Is over
six feel lull makes his appearance In
the short ttirltnn skirts of an etiuestrl
eiinp nil the more absurd, nnd when he
uses a ladder to mount his home the
fun of the scene mny be imagined.
Once mounted !u falls all over the
horse, but remains on Its back In u
most marvelous manner while the atiill
eni'o shrieks Us delight nt his excruci
atingly funny comedy. Ho will be seen
here with the Adam Forenaugh and
Sells Hi others shows, which exhibit
here tomorrow.
'Of nil the trained elephants In the
world there Is only one that can walk
upon his two "hind" Icks. He Is called
Mighty nnd Is a member of one of the
four herds of elephants being curried
with the Adam Fore pa ugh nnd .Sells
Rnormous Shows.
Pontifical High Mass and Confirma
tion at Cathedral.
Pentecost was celebrated at St. I'et
et'.s cathedral yesterday morning: with
u pontlflcnl high mass, and In the af
ternoon, with the administration of the
sacrament of confirmation.
I5lght Rev. Bishop Unban was assist
ed In the celebration of the pontifical
mass by Hew J. A. O'Reilly, ns nreh
prlest; Rev. P. K. Lavelle and Rev.
Matthew Boy ne, deacons of honor;
Rev. I). J. Bustln, deacon of the mass;
Rev. B. O'Hyrne, sub-deacon, and Rev.
J. J. Cit'lfllu, master of ceremonies.
A sermon on the gospel of the day
was preaeled by llev. Father Boyne.
He argued that theie could be but one
true church as Christ is only once re
corded ns having commissioned dis
ciples. The Roman Catholic church,
he said, is the only one that can trace
Its origin to ChrlM and as ClirNt
founded but one church, the Roman
Catholic church must be the true
At the conclusion of the mass BIMiop
Unban Imparled the papal benediction
and spoke bilelly on the strike ques
tion, which Is leported elsevvheie.
I'pwaidw of 00 children were con
firmed by Bishop Hoban at 4 o'clock iu
the afternoon. He Mas assisted by
Rev. Fathers O'Reilly. Oriflln, Lavelle.
O' Byrne and Boyne. The bishop de
livered an address to the children on
the significance of the saci anient and
outlined for them the pious praetics
necessary to sustain them In a lively
These children will receive their
communion next Sunday.
A Special Sermon on Presbyterian
Home Missions.
Rev. Dr. Ceorge E. Guild, pastor of
the Providence Presbyterian church,
preached a special sermon yeslerda
morning on the subject of "Home Mis
sions." It being the one hundredth an
nlveisary of the oiganlzatlon of the
Home Missions board of the Presby
terian church.
He tiaced at some length the inllu
ence which the C'lnlstlan church has
had upon this nation's growth and his
tory. The foundations of Protestanism
were laid by the Puritans, Moravians
nnd Huguenots, who tied from perse
cution in Kurope, he said, and these
people were all fired with the mission
ary f-phit.
Action along misslonaty lines was
first taken as individual churches, then
as presbyteries, then as synods, until
finally, in 1S02, the general assembly
appointed a "committee on home mis
sions," which was organized Into a
permanent board in 1S18. The money
expended by the board since 1816 has
amounted to $23,000,000. The amount
expended In 1!)00 by all the boards ot
the church was $3,G27,5riJ, as compared
with ?2,u00 In 1S01K
First Clasg Tickets to San Francisco
and Return at Less Than One Way
On account of the Impeilal' Council,
Nobles of the Mystic Schrlne, San
Francisco, California, June 10th 14th,
1901', the Lackawanna, lailroad will Is
sue first-class excursion tickets from
Scrunton at the low rate of $66.25 for
the round trip, on sale good going May
26th to June 7th Inclusive and for re
turn to reach original starting point
not later than 60 days from original
date of purchase of ticket. See Depot
Ticket Agent In regard to stop off priv
ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull
man reservations, etc.
Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore.,
and Return.
On account of the National Convention
Travellers Protective Association of
America, Portland, Ore., Juno Urd to
7th; the Supreme Lodge A, O. U, V
Portland, Oie Juno 10th to 20th, 1902,
the Lackawanna railroad will Issuo
First ChiBs round trip tickets for $70.30
on sale good going May 26th to Juno 7th
lucl. and for return passage to reach
original starting point not later than
60 days from original date of sale. See
Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as
to stop-over privileges rout ex und train
Intercollegiate Regatta, Ithaca, N.
Y., May 30th,
For the above occasion ticket ngents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
first class tickets to Ithaca nnd return
at regular one way fare for the round
trip. Tickets will be sold good going
May Silth nnd 30th limited for return
to May 31st, Children between the
ages of li and 13 years one-half the
udult rate,
, m i
Reception to Irish Commoners,
Washington, May 18. Senator fieoine Y. Hoar
of Massachusetts, presided and made the opening
address ut u largely attended and enthusiasilu
mass mcctlnu; at tlie I.alatl(e Opera home to.
nlvht, when the chief tubjetl of talk iui pros
cut conditions In Ireland, 'flic icnator was jiwn
u liea'tly icceptlon, as was aba Messrs. Ited
nioud and PeWin, the hisli members of parlia
ment, who hate been tourini; the United State
for some time Iu behalf of Ireland' cause.
Charles R. Pitcher Is an Enthusias
tic Wheelman, as Well as a Suc
cessful Lawyer Record of Colonel
Phillips, Head of the Catholic
Total Abstinence Union Lancers.
Captain William H. Burke Is One
of the Youngest Old Men in the
City. '
One of the best known and most pop
ular organizations In Northeastern
Pennsylvania Is the Kleclrlcs City
Wheelmen, an excellent picture of
'$ k " .
- WHC"' -- V. '
iiiH 'Bb BB8
lll.Vltl.l. It, I'l
I'icvililfiil of the i:iectllc City Whirlnr-n.
whose newly-elected president, ('has.
R. Pitcher, Is here presented.
Mr. Pitcher Is a member of the Lack
awanna bar, and enjoys a large prac
tice, and will bring to the wheelmen
years of executive experience which Is
always helpful to any young oiganlza
tlon. The K. ('. V. lioys pride themselves
upon Inning the best amateur minstrel
talent In the state, and their bowling
alleys and club house In West Scrnnton
Is second to none in the city. The club
contains some or tlie best known legal,
professional nnd business men in
The new legiment of lancers, formed
within the lanks of the (Ailhollc Total
Abstinence t'nlon, has at Its head a
man who has made military life a
close -study during the past twenty-live
yeais. and a leader In whom every
subordinate officer and private has the
most Implicit confidence.
Colonel Phillips was born in Ilnzle
tou and is 40 years of age. He enlisted
In the Ninth regiment, N. f. P., on
July 7, 1S79, ns a private in Company
V, and was advanced to coiporal Au
gust 3. IS,!): seigeant, August 3, 1SS0;
right general guide of the regiment
July 21, 18S2; color hergeant fiom JS91
to 1S93, and was made first sergeant
October 8, 1893.
On January 17, 1S96, he was elected
second lieutenant, and resigned July
16, 1S96, after a total service of eight
een years in the guard. Colonel Phil
lips was detailed drillmaster of Com
pany f, of Plymouth, In 38SS, until Its
officers were able to take command.
Mil.. .1. P. PIIII.I.II'M.
Removal Sale. 20 Per Gent. Reduction
Owing to our increased business, we haven't facilities to handle our trade in
our present quarters.
About June ist we will remove to the more commodious (corner) store,
201 Washington avenue.
To stimulate trade and reduce our stock to a minimum, thereby making
moving easy, we will close out our entire stock of Hats and Furnishings at a
Reduction of 20 per cent.
Sale Commences Monday Morning,
This is not a sale of old stock that is undesirable, neither is it a stock of
merchandise bought expressly for a sale, but all good, clean, seasonable goods.
Hand &
K i? W
N, C n V 5 A
S fi
"-' tfpi Mc
o N
x u
.He was also drillmaster of Company
W for seven years, In which company
he originally cnllnted. Three years
ai?o he organized the Young Men's Drill
Organization ut Wllkes-Barre, which
Is now the senior company of the First
regiment, C. T. A. t;. of A.
This regiment will go Into camp at
Lake Lodorc on July as, for eight days.
It Is the first genuine military organi
zation to be formed exclusively of
Catholic Total Abstinence workers, and
the prospects are that Its success Will
be Instrumental In the formation of
other similar regiments throughout the
United States.
How many persons seeing Captain
W. II. Burke, the sanitary officer, rid
ing by on his horse would say that he
Is iiS years old. Surely no one but a
SliPi'lock Holmes would be able to de
duce It from his appearance. As
straight as the proverbial arrow; as
active as a man of 25 years old, and
as healthy as a horse, Captain Burke
Is one of the youngest, If not the
youngest, old man lu this city,
ills hair nnd moustache ate as black
as coal and he can give a man about
as tough a tight as he would wish for
if necessity tlemnlids. Tlie captain Is
one of the oldest men on the police
force both Iu years on earth and In
years of service. He has been sani
tary officer now for many years and he
has held the position with remarkable
success. It Is no sinecure ns many Im
agine but a position which not only
entuils much work but which also re
quires good judgment and lots of It.
The success In old Mexico of men
from the Luukiiwnnnn. and Wyoming
valleys will probably attract to that
country many young miners who "will
leave here because of the strike. M.
W. O'Boyle and John H. Foy, of Pitts-
ton, and Edward F. Blewltt, of this city,
are examples of this success. These
men have constructed for the city of
fitiadalajara a sewage system that is
said to be the most perfect In the
world. Guadalajara Is about the size
of Scranton. It never had a sewer of
any kind until the contract was award
ed to O'Boyle & Foy. TTnder Mr.
Blewltt's supervision a complete sys
tem of trunk ami lateral lines was
planned that will accommodate any
Hood and give perfect satisfaction dur
ing a drought. Mining and other con
cessions have also claimed the atten
tion of these men, and it Is likely that
upon these properties employment may
be found for many strikers.
Will Deliver It at Pittsburg on
Fourth of July.
Hi Km luslve he tioui 'Hie Assmiated Piess.
Washington, May IS. President Roose
velt Is to deliver an address at Pitts
burg on the Fourth of July, which, It is
believed, will be one of the most im
portant speeches he has yet made.
It Is understood that Mr. Itoosevelt
will take occasion to defend the admin
istration's policy in the Philippines in
a manner suiti as he lias not hereto
fore attempted and will take the ground
that Democrats, as well as Republicans,
should see to It that the government is
upheld in the course it Is pursuing In
the Oilent.
A iiih- was ki !i tp,, SatmiJai. on motion of
At lumpy John F. .S(i.ikk. to alum tau.e why the
iioii-miIi foi lioii-upiM-iiiaiKp Ki-mleil iu the' use
of Hamuli .1. J.pi, ae.aliiM William Van Colder, J
Miouiii not op sirlckpii on. Mr. Scumr explained
that the ie.ison there'w-is lio appearance foi tin;
plaiiitil) was becni-i! he was (iitraged lu court
loom So. S when t lie asc was called in Xo. 1.
Mi- .Minnie Tiuinpoie, if this city, was want
ed .1 dhoue fmni William Timupoip, by couit,
on Nil in clay. They weie niauied here iu lanu
aij, tall. He detcrted her ill Philadelphia two
.scant ago. On similar giouuds, Mis. Idi lle.wion
weuied ,i dlcoice from l)aii-l Hejnon, to whom
hhe was mariicd in Mo.iMe ten years oo. A inle
for a decii-p iu divoiio was planted in the iio
of A. I). I'lauur .isr.iiiwt K. I.'. Cramer. Publica
tion was diii'Ucd lu tup c-i-e of Maiy ll.iih
aur-ilu-l Michael I!. .ill. A rule for alimony vos
inanled iu the case of Ilcruy'Sclieuer against
I'aulluc .Scheui-r. Publication was lil.-o tlliected
iu Ihe cae of Alice llallock Many agiiiiit
Tliom.i-. Ilany.
Present it at our store and get Ten Green Trad
ing' Stamps FREE with your purchase if, it
amounts to fifty cents or more.
It Is to Come In 1005, nnd None Will
Escape Suffering Except the Elect.
Atlantic City and Other Seaside
Resorts Are to Be Visited with De
struction, Because of Their Dese
cration of the Sabbath Claims
That He Has God-Given Powers of
Seeing Into the Future,
The strange colored man from Phila
delphia, who claims to have God-given
powers of prophecy, and who has been
preaching for the hiHt two weeks In
this city, delivered his farewell sermon
last night In the Shlloh Baptist church,
and prophecied dire disaster for this
land three years hence.
The little room In the basement at
the corner of Adams avenue and Mul
berry street was crowded to overflow
ing with a mixed gathering. Colored
persons, of course, predominated. Many
of the whites seemed to be more than
Idle curiosity seekers. One woman
stood when (he prophet asked those
of the unconverted who wished to be
prayed for to rise.
Not some but all of the colored peo
ple seemed to hove a deep and abiding
faith In everything the prophet said.
They leaned forward In their eager
ness to hear his every word and ex
pressed their approval In frequent out
bursts of "Amen," "That's right."
"Praise the Lord."
The prophet himself is rather a dif
ficult person to form an estimate of.
He profeshes to have no very large
amount of learning, and makes no pre
tense while preaching of knowing more
than lie does. He seems sincere und
succeeds, at any rale, In impressing
countless people with his sincerity. His
prophetic powers have been given him
by God, he says, and his visions ot
future things generally come to hint
as he lies lu bed. Accompanying them
is a voice telling him to warn the peo
ple of the impending- danger.
As he stood in the pulpit of the little
church last night and said with a
naive simplicity, "I am a prophet and
you may never hear me again, so lis
ten to my message." Many of the col
ored people gazed at him with a sort
of awe. He made the statement with
as much carelessness and lack of egot
ism as if he was simply saying "I am
a clergyman," or some other common
place tiling.
"I am a prophet," he continued, "and
God has sent me to warn you of your
danger. Three years from now a fam
ine will sweep this land and the people
who have denied God and who have
heeded not His commands will suffer.
The crops will fail and there will be
droughts thai shall cause the fields
to burn up and the cattle will die for
want of grass nnd water.
"The millionaires who have ground
the poor man under their feet and who
have sucked his life blood will no longer
ride In their automobiles and laugh at
the passers-by. They shall wail and
suffer from lack of food even as the
rest. The poor man, too, shall suffer
and shall perish from hunger, unless
he have faith in God. But God's elect
shall be saved. He will sustain them
and they will pass through unscathed.
"I go from here to Atlantic City to
warn the people there of the visitation
of God's wrath which is about to fall
on them. God is going to destroy all
those seaside resorts on the Atlantic
coast just as surely as I am standing
here, because they desecrate His Sab
bath and violate His commands. They
shall be destroyed even as were Sodom
and Gommorah."
After the service t' prophet held an
Informal reception and shook hands
with n number of those present. To
a Tribune man he stated that his abil
ity as a prophet has been conclusively
demonstrated on several occasions. He
said he prophecied the Johnstown flood
five yenrs before it occurred and the
Charleston earthquake as well. He's
been making future predictions for over
twenty years, he said.
"I warn you personally of this fam
ine," said he as the Tribune man was
leaving, "and 1 trust for your own sake
that you'll be one of God's elect in
1905. If you are not you shall suffer."
Continuing for
Ten Days.
the Square,"
Washington Ave.
French China Dinner Sets
Theo. Hauiland's & Co,
No commeuts are necessary on FRENCH CHINA you know th
predominating features. At prices such as these we should not have
any trouble in disposing of them quickly; nt double the price they
would appear cheap alongside of what you have seen in other
stores. New shapes and decorations.
112 Pieces $2,).00
g A Trip to the j
K Different Stocks
ir What thrifty, bustling, go-ahead stocks they are, to be sure.
J5 It's keeping the honest sorts and selling them at right prices n
SC that has made these departm ents what they are. J
Jff All the little necessaries that
belong to such a stock are here.
0 Small things, to bo sure, but
JsJ they are just as disappointing
if when the quality Is bad, as other
P and greater things, Fans and
35 Pockotbooks are at this counter.
JJC Pretty nearly every known
S style and shape anionic the
Ladles' Neckwear. Chiffon,
jg-U Moussellne de Sole and Silk
Ties. Stock Collars, Jabots and
s3 the like.
0n .Ribbons lu plain, fancy ami
omblnntlons. Veilings of all
55 kli
55 There's a constant stir at this
busy counter. Where? Near the
iff door, east side.
jj Shopping experts who have
peen them, say they never saw
handsomer things. Our selec-
tlon.s are wisely made.
There's lots and lots of them
t o choose from. And there's
more value In them than usual.
Your coming here for such
things will be a benefit to you in
moie ways than one. Take a
look at the "Little Beauty" tape
girdles. Pink, blue, white anil
the price should he $1.00; here It
Is 69e each.
A collection of plain and fancy
hosiery that some people don't
know about; the pi Ices just as
low as they could properly b'e.
Underwear of all the summer
No small item In our dry goods
selling. Special lot of handsome
Neckwear, all made for us from
picked designs.
Negligee Shirts in great variety.
1 McConnell & Co. p
S? The Satisfactory Store
5 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. j
FOR A . . . .
Punch or
Green Valley Rye Whiskey is unsurpassed.
It lends a delicious charm to any beverage of
which it forms a part.
If you take the best whiskey, when you do
drink, try Green Valley Rye.
$1.25 a Bottle.
Casey Bros.,
Sales Department, 210 Lnckuwannn Aveuiie
For the Boys and Girls
Also the Grown People.
134 Wyoming Ave.
Walk in and look around.
This section seems to gain In
popularity dally. Look at the
range of fine goods; everything
Seasonable and fashionable.
Just received more of the 48
Incii Black Taffeta Silk at $1.25
tlu yard. It's guaranteed, you
Handsome lot of New Dress
Goods for street and evenln;?
w ear.
Warm weather sets you think
ing of the gauziest, airiest, most
breeze-coaxing of nil the dress
stuffs. They're here, and lots of
them, too.
The satisfactory Lining Stock
Is next to this one, and the
goods are all in plain sight.
This stock occupies half the
length of the store and is
crowded with the finest assort
ment of these goods obtainable.
The better your knowledge of
values and qualities, the more
we will welcome your trade.
The nsMirliuent of fresh, de
sirable, up-to-date goods, baf
fles description, and the prices
render competition out of the
question An Immense collec
tion of these white things, and
they look most tempting.
No matter how good we may
say these garments are, it is to
your own interest to use your
eyes and your lingers, too. Still
buying and showing the newest
suits In tlie market, and our line
of Shirt Waists well, come In
and look. It's the only way you
can tell.
- S
'it? ,
cut represents a
new novelty the 20th
'Century Air Ship. De
lights everybody, durable
nnd harmless 'in every
respect, will fly from 50
to 300 feet in the air, and
may be used hundreds
of times. One of these
Air Ships given with
every 1.50 purchase or
more of Shoes or Ox
fords. All the new
Summer Styles now in
The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Co., :
Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves.
J F, S, We Also Give Green Tradlnsc Stamus. . ,
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