The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 19, 1902, Image 1

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Boat and Grew in the Thick of
the Fieru Downpour
at St. Pierre.
Under Circumstances of Inconceiv
able Suffering nnd Difficulty He
Superintends the Voyage of Escape
and Kefuses Aid Until All of His
Surviving Men Have Been Cared
For Official Beports Say That
Martinique Needs at Present No
More Belief Supplies.
iy I'.M'IikIic Wile fiom Tin' AwiuUteil I'ri.
New York, May 19. The Norton line
Ptrumer Etona arrived here today from
Ihe Kiver Plntte, via St. Lucia, whore
she called for bunker coal on May 10.
"At St. Lueln on Aluy 11," says Cap
tain Cantell, "I went on board Ihe
British steamer Kodduni, which had es
caped from the terrible volcanic erup
tion at Martinique three days before.
The stale of the ship was enough to
show that those on board must have
undergone an awful experience. The
ltoddam was covered with a mass of
fine bluish gray dust or ashes of cement-like
appearance. In some parts
it laid two feet deep on the decks. This
matter had fallen In a red hot state all
over the steamer, setting lire to every
thing it struck that was burnable, and
when it fell on the men on board,
burned off limbs and large pieces of
flesh. This was shown by finding por
tions of human remains when the
decks were cleared of the debris. The
rigging, ropes, tarpaulins, sails, awn
ings, etc., were charred or burned and
most of the upper stanchions and spars
had been swept overboard or destroyed
by fire. Sky lights were smashed and
cabins were filled with volcanic dust.
The scene of ruin was deplorable.
A Terrible Experience.
"X visited the captain of the Rod
dam in the hospital at St. Lucia, where
lie gave me an account of his terrible
experience. He had just arrived and
anchored at. St. Pierre, Martinique, on
the morning of Thursday, Alay 8. The
captain was standing near the accom
modation ladder talking to the agent
of the vessel, who had come on board,
when he saw what appeared to be an
j enormous black cloud, like a wall with
patches of lire In it, approaching the
, sea from the land. With it came an Im
mense tidal wave of boiling water ac
companied by a loud and terrible noise.
He shouted, "take shelter" to the crew.
Immediately the steamer was caught
and tossed over on her side almost cap-
Izlng. Darkness fell like a pall and
olumes of red hot matter showered
wn, while the air was thick with
ulphurous fumes and dust. The sea
was a confused mass of boiling mud.
"Fire broke out In different parts of
the ship. Screams, groans and shouts
of agony from the Injured people,
mingled with the terrible noise of boll-,
ing water and rushing air, together
with the falling lire, caused a most hor
rible confusion and frightful din. This
shock lasted for a few minutes.
Engines Failed to Work.
"The captain of the ltoddam, know
ing that his vessel had steam up, and
instantly realizing the necessity of es
cape, rushed to the engine room an
nunciator and signalled below to start
the engine at full speed. The anxious
moments, Increased by his sufferings
from burns and agony of mind, were
relieved by the vibration of the engines
and the reply from below. It hap
pened, fortunately, thut although the
crew had 'been running off from duty
at the engines, some of the engineers
were nearby. The terrible tidal wave
which had swept over the Roddam and
nearly capsized her, had parted the
cable and the vessel was adrift.
When the engines started It was
found that the steering gear hud be
come disabled in some manner and
could not be worked. For more than
' ' nn hour the Rodduin'.s engines were
worked, backing and going ahead, with
the hope of bringing her head toward
the sea and away from the land. Once
she got dangerously near the steamer
Jtoralma. Both vessels were In ilames.
Some of those aboard jumped Into the
boiling water; some fell dying to the
deck. All this time the red hot matter
was falling and the water, was hissing
and steaming dense masses of vapor.
Smoke ami dust tilled the uir and pois
onous fumes spread about,
Piteous Cries of Victims,
"After some time the RoddauVs steer
ing gear moved a little and enabled
the captain to head her out to sea and
With considerable dltllculty, he man
aged to steer her a little distance from
the land. As the air cleared the scene
on board the Ill-fated Itoddam became
all the more ghastly, The ship steam,
ed on through thick hot dust. The
creams from the Injured became more
audible. Home rushed frantically about
with their clothes on lire and large
pieces of flesh burned from their urnis;
others In their agony laid writhing In
the red lio( dust,
"In about two hours the air became
gradually clear, An Investigation of
the casualties nn hoard showed that,
besides the captain, who was fright
fully Injured, only two engineers, two
sailors und the boatswain were able to
do duty,
"Fire was still burning about the
ship and the rigging was In flumes. The
contain decided to try to reach the
Wind of St. Lucia, forty-live miles dis
tant. This he succeeded in doing by fi
o'clock on the evening of May 8. The
steamer was dlftlcult to handle owing
to partially disabled steering gear.whlch
could not he made to work properly.
One of Nature's Noblemen.
"In the time occupied on this terrible
voyage, the experience of the survi
vors was still worse that that already
gone through. The brave captain and
his few men lighting the fire, exhausted
and scalded, straggled and worked try
ing to do something to assist their dy
ing shipmates. Those working below
Ht rived to keep up the steam. The
captain, suffering the greatest agony,
succeeded In navigating his vessel
safely to the port of Castries. St. Lu
clu, with eighteen dead bodies lying
on the deck and human limbs scattered
about. A sailor stood by constantly
wiping the captain's Injured eyes. I
think the performance of the Hoddam's
captain was most wonderful, and the
more so when I saw his pitiable con
dition. I do not understand how he
kept up: yet when the steamer arrived
tit St. Lucia and medical assistance
was procured, this brave man asked
the doctors to attend to the others
first and refused to be treated until
this was done.
"My Interview with the captain
brought out this account. 1 left him
in good spirits and receiving every
comfort. The sight of his face would
frighten anyone not prepared to see It.
Island's Contour Changed.
"We sailed from St. Lucia on the
morning of May 11, and at - o'clock in
the afternoon passed the island of Mar
tinique. The weather was perfectly
clear and we had a good view of that
part of the Island which had suffered
by the volcanic eruption a few days
before. The formation of the island Is
quite altered nnd the whole northern
part where the town of St. Pierre once
stood, is covered with a mass of ashes
and lava. At about 2.G0 o'clock, as the
Etona was passing the island, a tre
mendous upshoot of smoke and dust
took place and In a few moments the
ship was covered with fine dust like
cement. AVe were about three miles
distant from the Island at the time.
The ship's engines were put under full
speed and for a time considerable anxi
ety was felt on board. For an hour or
two the ship wus covered with dust,
and enveloped in a thick cloud, and the
air was filled with sulphur fumes. It
must have been another eruption, and
the dust must have been sent a great
distance in the rhv because it traveled
against the wind and at a tremendous
ly rapid rate."
The Lamport and Holt steamer Hor
ace arrived today from Santos, Rio de
Janeiro and St. Lucia, and reports thut
before the ship arrived at St. Lucia
dust began falling In an unaccountable
manner. This was on the morning of
Alay 8. During that day there was a
heavy thunder and lightning storm.
The dust became so dense that the crew
were obliged to turn their backs to it.
At one time the dust covered the decks
to the depth of three inches. When
the dust was first noticeable the ship
was 12,1 miles from Barbados. Captain
Byrne said that at the time of sailing
from St. Lucia very little was known
of the details of the disaster beyond
the account given by the Roddnin's
Belief Supplies Sufficient.
Washington, May 18, Secretary Hay
has received a cablegram from United
Stutes Consul Ayine, at Fort de France,
announcing that the relief supplies now
afloat are quite sufficient for the Mar
tinique sufferers, and suggesting that
while St. Vincent may be In need the
public subscriptions in the United States
should cease at once.
The president has requested the sec
retaries of war and of the navy to ask
the officers of their respective depart
ments now on relief duty In the West
j Indies to report immediately their opln
i Ions as to the necessities of the Inhabi
tants of the afflicted Islands.
In view of Consul Ayme's report Jt Is
probable that this government will now
abate Its efforts, and that no more sup
plies, at least, will be shipped.
Visiting Presbyterian Preachers Fill
Various New York City Pulpits,
Committee Report.
U,v Kxiiuilvp 'he from The Aoi'lated I'reot.
New York. May 18. The pulpits of
the Presbyterian churches In Greater
New York, were, for tho most part,
filled today with preachers from other
places, all of the speakers being In at
tendance on the sessions of the general
The Rev, Henry Van Dyke. I). I) the
newly elected moderator of the assem
bly, preached the assembly sermon at
tho Fifth avenue Presbyterian church,
This Is the largest Presbyterian church
In the country and Its cupaclty was
taxed. Or, Van Dyke was Introduced
by the Rev, J, Ross Stevenson, U, 0
the new pastor uf the church,
The moderator's sermon was uu ap
peal to Presbyterians to come from
behind their denominational barriers
and do battle for (lod.
"There Is good lighting," he said, "all
along the Hue, on I'lfth avenue as well
as nn the lower Hast Side."
Three lurge gatherings were held dur
ing the day. At one or these the re
port on Sabbath observance presented
to the assembly was dlscusseil, The
leport had come out Hut footed against
Sunday golf, Sunday excursions, Sun
day (raveling and nearly every other
form of activity un Sunday, not abso
lutely necessary, The committee criti
cized the entertainments given I'lince
Henry of I'russlu on the several Sun
days during his recent visit to this
Happened on Saturday at Lattimer
Through a Misunderstanding.
Ily Kxelmlve Wire from The Avodnteil l'ii".
Unzleton, May IS. The first trouble
of the present strike occurred on the
property of the Coxe Coal company, at
Lattimer, where n number of laborers
were roughly handled. Contractor 011
lesplu Is engaged ul this point In dig
ging a large trench leading to his strip
ping, and although having been given
authority to continue the work by Dis
trict President Duffy, the Idle men at
Lattimer had not learned of this, and
when the men reported yesterday morn
ing they were beaten with stones and
clubs, and several were badly injured,
There was u slight Hurry at Cran
berry, where the. men employed about
the .holler house refused to haul coal
for tho firemen and quit work. These
men, however, were ordered back to
work by the district ofllccrs when they
learned of their action.
Pledges of Sobriety Given in
Churches Visit of Sec
retary Easley.
Ily Kxiiioiip Wile fiotn Tli Awieluted 1'ies".
Hazleton, May 18. The visit of Ralph
M. Kasley, secretary of the National
Chic Federation, to strike headquarters
and his conference with President
Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers
last night was the only Incident of any
Importance that claimed the attention
today of the lnbor leaders and others
around the Valley hotel. As neither
Air. Easley nor Mr. Mitchell would say
anything regarding their matter, there
was much speculation ns to the object
of the visit of the secretary of the Civic
Federation. Mr. Easley laughed at the
stir which his arrival caused and said
there was not the slightest significance
attached to his visit here. He reiterat
ed that he came here merely to look
over the ground and to keep himself
informed of the general situation. He
denied that he brought any plan for a
settlement of the strike or message
from Senator Hanna , or any other
member of the Civic Federation. Air.
Easley. also said he carried no message
back with him from Air. Alitchell. He
would not discuss his visit to the Ohio
senator at Washington on Friday. Ills
talk with the miners' national leader
last night lasted two hours. He again
suw Mr. Alitchell for a few minutes
this morning and lefl for New York at
10 a: m.
Despite the denials of the labor lead
ers, the members of the Civic Federa
tion and the cpaloperatprs( allot whonv
have thus' far regidly-' adhered -to the
policy of absolutely refusing to antici
pate any move in connection with the
strike, it Is believed here that the Fed
eration is quietly preparing to receive
any proposition that might possibly be
offered by either side.
Absolute Quiet Belgned.
Absolute quiet reigned at headquar
ters and throughout the Lehigh Valley.
Although this was Sunday there was
little rest for President Mitchell and
his two secretaries. Excepting Mr,
Easley he had no visitors and he give
his uninterrupted attention to a large
batch of mall" pertaining to the strike
In the anthracite Held and to miners'
business in bituminous localities.
Clergymen of nearly all denomina
tions in their sermons today touched
more or less on the strike. The trend
of remarks was that of forbearance,
frugality and temperance. The great
struggle was generally deplored and
the hope was held out that, though tho
strike may cause much suffering for a
time, It may In the end result in great
good for both capital and labor. There
was an Impressive scene at each of the
musses at St. Gabriel's Roman Catho
lic church, In this town. This Is the
church of which the late Rev. E. S.
Phillips, the miners' champion in the
strike of 1900. was the rector. Follow
ing out President Mitchell's request
that all mine workers abstain from vis
iting saloons, the Rev. James V. Hus
sle asked all the members of the parish
to take an oath uhsluiuiug from the
use of Intoxicating liquors dining the
period of the strike. An extremely few,
if any, refused. At the principal ser
vice at 10.30 ii, in. every person in .the
church, which was crowded, stood up
and took the oath. At vespers the oath
was administered as at the morning
service. Father Hussle delivered a
strong sermon to the mine workers. He
told them that now that they have
struck, they must stand together for
tho cause.
Headquarters at Wilkes-Barre,
President Atltehell will establish
headquarters ut the Hotel Hart, at
Wilkes-Barre, tomorrow afternoon or
evening, where he will probably remain
until the strike Is ended.
President Alitchell said today that ho
could not say when the national con
vention, to be called for the purpose of
considering the advisability of Involv
ing the bituminous miners in the an
thracite strike, will bo held. He has
not yet received the consent of the two
districts still needed to make up the
live taut are necessary under the rules
to call u special convention.
All the local trades unions In this
region met today and decided to stand
by the miners In their struggle,
Another Gulf Storm,
U,r Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press,
Ilon.ton, Tex,, May IS. A telegram (loin Su
peiintendenl I'uiheo, of the ,cv Yolk, Teut ui'il
Albican, to 1,'eneral Hjiukit Van Yield; jit tl.U
thy, that fililu lil'n ks of luMm home
tteie Mown down ut Sullad. Thllly lu'irmra nnd
twenty white people veii killed ami mu'iity.llve.
or eighty other Injuieil, .Mole than ISVI.MX)
wiiilh of iropily w.u flctlo.wil hy wind at Sail
Bishop Kenny Consecrated,
lly Inclusive Wins Itoin The Aksoeiated I'rcsj.
St, AiiRtMiiie, I'Ij., JIj.v IS. With the. Iinprei.
lie irremoiiy wliUii thai '.uierltc important
flllKlion.i In the Itom.m Catholic ilnnch. UUhup
W, .1. Kenny wu lunaeeruleil in the nld i.ithc
dial this nioinlni;, I'aiilinal J.non Ullihona, null.
llihup of Ihe piuyh'.ic, ullliiatlny.
The Goronatlon Ceremonies Are
Impressive Yet Simple as Such
Tilings Generallu Go.
Madman Approaches the Royal
Coach with a Love Letter for the
Infanta .Maria Teresa, Begging
Her Hand in Marriage, but Is
Quickly Seized and Squelched.
Lukewarm Reception Accorded to
the Young Sovereign by the Spec
tators Along the Boyal Pathway.
By IJvelinlvi Wlrtj'ftom The Antoclatotl I'm:
Madrid, Alay'fas. The splendid cere
monies In connection with the accession
of King Alfonso yesterday were at
tended by an Incident which, while In
significant in Itself, for the moment,
created considerable excitement among
those who witnessed ' It and In the
Chamber of Deputies.
.lust as the royal coach entered into
the square in front of the palace, amid
the sound of cannon, a young man
among the sightseers behind the cor
don pushed through the ranks of sol
diers and rushed toward the door of
the chariot with his hat in one hand
und holding outstretched In the other
a. paper. Before he reached the door
the equerries overpowered him, and
gave htm a severe mauling.
The prisoner was taken to the guard
room of the palace, where he was In
terrogated. The letter he, had in his
hand proved to be an address to the
king, stating that the Infanta Alalia
Teresa, who was with the king In the
royal coach, had promised him her
hand, and begging the" king, as the
brother of the Infanta, to accede to the
marriage. The prisoner was carefully
searched, and it was found that ho car
ried no weapon. His remarks regard
ing the Infanta Alalia Teresa left no
doubt as to his mental condition. He
gave his name as Jose Pniz, and said
lie was 23 years of age and came from
the province of Alcante. He had in a
pocket a piece of poetry, in which he
declared his love for the .Infanta Maria
On arriving at the,' chamber it devel
pped jlalerthe king..viUiyrared tothe
"president of'the liouseundJ,ilie' hfifeK
turned pale. 'When the king entered
the hall the president cried to those
present: "Re reassured. A madman
or ti miscreant has attempted an out
rage on tho king. Happily no Injury
was done. The criminal was arrested."
The assembly then burst forth into
a prolonged cheering.
The Coronation.
The royal procession, which formed
In front of the palace at 2 p. m.. was
a magnificent spectacle. Eight grooms,
on horseback, opened the march. They
were followed by four buglers and cym
bal players from the royal stables,
whose horses were led by grooms on
foot. Then came twelve outriders, who
preceded a line of quaint, historical
coaches, emblazoned with armorial
bearings. The coachmen and footmen
wore Louis XVI livery ami the trap
pings of the horses were gorgeous.
The lirst vehicle, drawn by four black
horses, was occupied by four masters-at-arms.
After it come the so-called
"Paris" coach, occupied by the court
chamberlains, and twelve state char
lots, belonging to grandees of Spain.
The next carriage, having six sable
horses attached to It, was occupied by
the Infantas Isabella and Kulalia.
A detachment of horse guards sep
arated the foregoing carriages from a
pretty tortoise-shell coach, In which
were seated the prince and princess of
the Asturlas, the brother-in-law and
sister of the king. This vehicle was
drawn by six chestnut horses. A de
tachment of the royal body guard rode
in front of the massively-gilded chariot
termed the "royal crown," having alle
gorical figures standing out In relief
from the panels, and whose roof was
surmounted by a heavy, gilded crown.
The king and tho queen regent were
seated side by side in the royal coach
and were accompanied by the Infanta
Alnrln Teresa, youngest sister of his
majesty. It was drawn by eight llne
speckled grays, In dark red harness,
having heavy ormolu ornamentation.
Immense white ijstiich plumes waved
from tho heads of these horses. The
oillcers of the king's military house
hold and three squadrons of the royal
body guard closed tint parade.
The procession, which emerged from
the palace unild the booming of camion,
proceeded through sunshiny streets gay
with tings and bunting, nnd beneath
festoons of evergreens, to the chamber
uf deputies, before the steps of which
hud been erected a purple canopy.
Received by Senators,
A delegation consisting of 13 sena
tors and 12 deputies, received their
majesties at the steps, and, preceded
by the inuce-benrers, they were con
ducted through the unte-cliainbers.
The king, queen regent, and the prince
nnd princess of the Asturlas ascended
a plutform failing tho glided hull,
iirouud which sat senators, deputies,
courtiers, ministers, foreign princes
and other special envoys. Glided nrm
chuirs far the king and queen regent
were placed In .tho front of the platform
beneath a red canopy, On the left of
the king stood a table, on which was
a Rlble, with a silver crucifix beside It.
On the other side' of his majesty was a
stool upon which was a golden crown,
blazing with jewels and a scepter.
As the royal party entered the hall
every one present rose and remained
standing until the queen regent pro
nounced the words: "Ho seated." '
'JIm trident of the chamber, Seuor
Vega Armljo, who approached the table
on which the Bible rested, then said,
amid Impressive silence:
"Honor, the cortes, convoked by your
august mother, assembled to receive
from your majesty the oath, which, In
accordance with tho constitution, you
come to take, to maintain the constitu
tion and laws."
Alfonso Takes tho Oath.
Senor Armljo then drew near to the
king nnd held out the Bible, at the
same time keeping open a' book con
taining the rormula of the oath. Ills
majesty, plating his tight hum! on the
lllhle, then uttered - the following
"I swear, by God, .upon the Holy
Bible, to maintain the constitution and
laws. If so I do may God reward me.
If 1 do not may He call mo to account."
The queen regent, the royal party
and all others present listened to the
foregoing standing. King Alfonso then
agnln seated himself on the throne and
the others also reseated themselves.
The president of the chamber return
ed to the table and from there, atl
dreslng the king, said:
"The cortes have received the oath
your majesty has8 taken to maintain
the constitution and laws."
At the same moment the booming of
twenty-one guns was again heard, an
nouncing to the city that the king had
tuken the oath.
Solemn Te Deum in Church.
Scnor Armljo then drew near to the
the prince and princess or the Asturlas
then proceeded ' to the Franciscan
church. King Alfonso was met at the
portal by the primate of Spain and the
cardinal archbishop of Santiago, and
twenty bishops, all In magnificent
robes. Eight priests bore a canopy
over the king, as he took his seat on
a throne placed beside a crimson velvet-covered
altar, specially erected in
front of the grand altar. A Te Deum
was chanted, accompanied by a grand
The king lert the church with the
same ceremonial ns on his entry, and
returned direct to the palace.
A lukewarm reception was accorded
the king by the Immense crowds. Them
were some cheers from the people in the
streets, and hats were waved, but many
men did not even uncover their heads,
King Alfonso, who wus seated on the
light of his mother, smiled continually
and acknowledged the cheers by bow
ing and waving his white-gloved hand.
Madrid, Alay IS. An anarchist plot
against King Alfonso has been discov
ered and six arrests, including that of
Gabriel Lopez, an employe of an in
surance company, have been made.
Dynamite, cartridges were found on the
premises where Lopez was arrested.
Lopez says he received a package of
cartridges from another nnarehlst with
instructions to throw them at the mo
ment of the passage of the royal car
riage In yesterday's procession.
Philippines Bill to Occupy the Time
of the Senate Busy Programme
of the House.
By Exclusive Wire from The .Wool a led l'tf.
Washington, May IS. The entire time
of the senate for the present week will
be devoted to the consideration of the
Philippine government bill, and there
Is no reason for changing previous pre
dictions that the debate upon that
measure will be practically completed
before the dose of the week. The fact
that there will be an adjournment of
the senate covering next 'Saturday In
order to permit that body to partici
pate in the unveiling of the Roeham
beau statue probably will have the ef
fect of postponing the final vote until
the following Monday or Tuesday.
There Is, however, no longer doubt In
any quarter that the minority will per
mit a vote as soon as the debate on
the bill shall be exhausted. Under the
present arrangement the bill will oc
cupy most all the time of the senate
this week, and the prospect Is against
the sandwiching In of much other
business. Speeches In support of the
bill are promised by Senators Burrows,
Dolllver and Spooner and In opposition
to It by Senators Hoar, Hacon, Patter
son and others,
After finishing the naval bill this
week the house will take up the bill
reported from the committee on for
eign affairs relating to passports. One
day will be devoted to claims, the reg
ular day for that business last week
having been postponed. Under a spe
cial order a bill for the lestrlctlon of
immigration will be taken up and it Is
expected will cause quite u lively de
bate. There also Is u prospect of tak
ing up the Hill bill relating to subsid
iary coinage. This measure will be
strongly antagonized by the minority
and may precipitate u discussion of
the currency question. Early in the
week tho committee on rules will hold
u meeting to decide whether or nut
time shall be given for the considera
tion of the bill for a Pueltio cable,
Splendid Showing Indicated in the
Auditor General's Report.
By K.tilinUe Who from The Auailatril I'iwi,
Hariisburg, May 18. The annual re
port of Auditor General Hardenbergh
for the year 1801 shows that thirty-four
counties return an Increase In valua
tion aggregating J"r,373,388.77, while
thirty-three counties show a decrease
of $4,315,069.23. being a net Increase of
$71,057,719.54 for tho year as compared
with 1900, The tax received during the
year for personal property was $3,l"u,
B95.50, three-fourtlis of which was re
turned to the counties nnd (he balance
covered Into tho state treasury.
The total receipts for the year was
$17,727,432.40. The expenditures amount
ed to $16,660,399.05. The puWIIc debt on
December last was $6,85,299.02. The
report states thut the sinking fund con
tains the sum of I4.9SS.060.00 to be ap
plied In payment of the public, debt us
U becomes due and payable.
Lord Pauncefote Better.,
By Kxiitulte Hire Jiom The AmocIjUiI J'lrtn.
Wellington, Mj; IS. Lord l'junciiute, Ihe
llrltl.-h unikjs.nlor, j iciorleil It) le etlgli'.ly
iiiiiirou'il I oil J v.
Wilkes-Barre Team Disbands and Is
Succeeded by Mt. Carmol.
By lltilirdrt' Wiie from The Awoeijtfil l'lest,
Heading, Alay 18. The managers of
the Slate League base bull clubs met
here today. After some discussion the
Wilkes-Barre team was disbanded and
Alt. Carmel, an Independent team rep
resented by John Dreher, was substi
tuted. Lloyd Miller, manager of the
Wllllamsport club, was relieved from
further connection with that team and
Peter Herdle appointed In his place.
Alanager Morgan', of Wllkes-Bnrre,
was chosen manager of the 'Heading
club. He will bring with him the pick
of the Wllkes-Uarre players with a
view of strengthening the local team.
All scheduled games us previously ar
ranged will be carried out beginning
Wednesday, Alt. Carmel assuming the
schedule games assigned to Wllkes
Harre. '
Elkin Has a Clean Majority of Nine
Delegates Over the Combined
Field Stampede Predicted.
Sii' to the Semnlon Tribune.
Harrlsburg, Alay IS. Including the
twenty-one chosen at Saturday's prim
aries, a total of 161 delegates has now
been accredited to the state convention
which Is to meet in this city June 11
to nominate the Republican candidate
for governor. Of these 86 are com
mitted by Instructions or pledge to
John P. Elkin; 25 have been instructed
to favor Judge Pennypacker; 11 are
credited to Colonel L. A. Wntres and
39 are unlnstructed. Elkin thus has a
clear majority of 9 over the entire field.
The three delegates from Beaver
county, Including Senator Quay, were
saved from Instructions to support El
kin by Elkin's expressed wish. In re
membrance of former friendly relations
ho did not wish thus to humiliate the
The belief obtains In well-Informed
circles that the rush to Elkin will now
assume the proportions of a stampede.
It Is considered certain that he will
have practically the solid support of
.the. .Allegheny, county delegation and
there Is talk of a break to him In Phila
The Elkin Forces Sweep Dauphin,
Northumberland and Crawford.
Special to the Sctanioii Tlltimo.
Philadelphia, Alay 18. Republican
primary elections for the selection of
delegates to the state convention were
held yesterday In Crawford, Dauphin,
Erie and Northumberland counties, and
In Monroe county the state delegate
was elected by the county committee.
The result of the elections is given
as follows:
Crawford Four delegates for Elkin.
Dauphin Six delegates for Klltin
and one for Pennypacker.
Alonroe One delegate unlnstructed.
Northumberland Four delegates for
Erie Five delegates unlnstructed.
Schuylkill County Quay Worker Ac
cused by an Elkin Man. to llii Siianton TiUnine.
Pottsvllle, Alay IS. Alexander Kauff
man. of Gordon, charges the Quay men
with attempting to kidnap him on the
five of tho delegate convention, as ho
Intended to aid the Elkin men. Knufl'
lnan has caused the arrest of John
("miners, of Ashland, a Quay worker,
who Is charged with assault and but
tery, nnd was held under bail for court.
Kuufftnnn says that after lie broke
away from the Quay men who were at
tempting to help him from the conven
tion hall by force he encountered Con
ner, who struck him. Kauft'man hays
that an attempt was made to tnku him
to ii town llfteen miles away,
It Is now asserted that Elkin will re
ceive the support of seven of the eight
delegates from this counl.v,
Snys Quay Was Too Tardy In Sand
bagging John Elkin.
ivilal lo the Siianion Tilliime.
Harrlsburg, Alay IS. Mx-Senutor J,
Donald Cameron assured his friends
dining his visit hero thut while he was
anxious that Quay should control the
nest slain convention, he would do
nothing ugalnst Elkin. He said that ho
felt very kindly tuwanl the attorney
general, because he had voted for him
for United States senator when u mem
ber of the house of representatives,
(Vimeron also said that Quay had
made u mistake in allowing Elkin to
make his light up until less than two
mouths before the convention before
telling hlni that he could not support
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily Kielntlle Wire fieiuilie Auuiijtrit t'rrtf.
Xew Vmk, Mj.v IS. Arrived) MuicihIjiii, Hot.
lenJuni ami lloiiisnf, lliliiulur -Airbeds I.jIi:i,
Xew Yott for (ieiu.u jml .Naples land pioeeeiloil).
Movllle Sailed: Culttmhli Itioin lili'Ki'wl, New
Yotk. (u'ciiktown-Sjilfil: Uinbiiu drum
etpunl), Xew York. Southampton Sallei: Kios.
bee Kuifiiii't (dniii llremen), New Yolk,
Ily llu'hulre Wire from The Associated i'leai.
I.inuttcr, May 18. John W. Mender, aed CS,
died loday at his home in thl city, I'or innny
eur he wan prominent In Republican politics,
ami at uitferent tiinea etrvtti u jail ktrper, pro.
thunotary, etiect ccuimlasioner and councilman,
Distlnoiilshed Group ol Frenchmen
Here to Help In Rochambeau
Statue Unvelllno.
His Visit, Should It Take Place,
Would Be Upon the Occiwion of
the Unveiling of Hia Gift Statue of
Frederick the Great Grand Duke
Boris, Cousin of the Czar, to Fay
Visit to This Country Interna
tional Incidents Crowd Thick and
Fast. j
D.r Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prctt.
New York, Aluy 18. On the French
steamer La Tourulne, which reached
this post yesterday, were a number of
distinguished French visitors who cume
to tuke part In the ceremony of unveil
ing the Hochambeau statue at Wash
ington on Alay 24. In the party besides
the Count and Countess De Rocham
beau were her brother, the Vleomte De
Chambrun, who Is great-grandson of
the Alarquls De Lafayette; AI. De Billy,
who represents M. Delcasse, the French
minister of foreign affairs; AI. Crolset,
dean of the Sorbonne, and member of
the Institute; Ferdinand Humar, the
sculptor of the Rochambeau statue,
who is accompanied by his father; At.
Lugrave, commissioner general from
the French government for the St.
Louis exposition, and AI. aullleinln,
representing AI. Delcasse. The party
entered carriages and were driven to
the Waldorf, where they will stay till
Tuesday. The following day the party
will go to Washington.
An Informal dinner1 In honor of the
visitors will be given by former Secre
tary of the Interior Cornelius N. Bliss,
at the Union club on Monday evening.
It Is expected that the French bat- ,
tleshlp Gaulols will be at the entrance
to Chesapeake Bay on Tuesday next
and will go to Annapolis. On 'board
this vessel are General Brugere, and
Admiral Founder, .with their staffs,
and they are to take important parts
in the unveiling of the statue.
The visitors .will be received Alay ,22
at the white 'houslr. On Friday ,the
president is to be tendered a breakfast
on board the Gaulols by Ambassador
Ciimbon. After the unveiling of the
statue the purty will return to New
York on Tuesday, Alay 27. Here a re
ception by the mayor will commence a
round of sight-seeing and entertain
ment that will last until Alemorlal Day,
when they will go to Newport News to
decorate the grave of the French ad
miral, De Terney.
Banquet at the White House.
Washington, D. C, Alay 18. The sec
ond International event of the Ttoosevelt
administration will occur during the
coming week, when the Rochambeau
statue will be unveiled.
The state banquet at the white house
on Friday es-enlng Is being planned on
elaborate lines. The table will be laid
In the East room. It was planned to
have this banquet a men's affair, but
the presence of the Countess nocham
beau, who will unveil the statue, and
of Alme, Oambon, who journeyed lo
this country especially for the event,
would make such an arrangement seem
discourteous. About eighty guests will
be asked to the banquet and the com
pany will be selected from the ambas
sadorial corps, the cabinet officials,
some members of the senate and house,
prominent army and navy officials and
their wives and the chief executives
of various slates.
To See His Statue of Frederick the
Great Unveiled.
Ily Kuliiilve Wiie from The A-vSoclaled IVm.
Berlin, Alay IS. Emperor William's
court marshal has telegrapher here as
follows; "The statue of Frederick the
Great will be executed, by his majesty's
command, by l'rof. Uphues, after H
bronze statue standing In the park
grounds at Fotsduni."
The expectation Is that when the
statue Is unveiled at Washington a
member of the Iloheussollern family
will be present, possibly the crown
prince, Frederick William. The Idea I
even mentioned that Emperor William
himself might be In attendance.
Cousin of the Czar to Visit This
Country Unofficially.
By l.xc lualre Wire from Toe AuocUted Vrtm.
AVashlngton, May 18. It Is announced
ut the Russlun embassy that the Grand
Duke Boris, first cousin of the czar,
will arrive in this country about July 1.
After his arrival in the United States
im will come direct to the Russian em
bassy at Washington, where a series of i
rotes ure planned in his honor, He will
be presented to the president, but will
not expect any public functions in his
honor, as he Is traveling unofficially
although not incognito, , j
While In the United States he expect!
to devote considerable time to invest);
gallon of the Immigration problem and
th condition of American citizens of
Russian extraction In thejUnlted State"!;
,-f t ' :WH
f- Washington, May 18. Forecait for Mon ,.4)i
4- day aud Tuesday: J'jutern lcnruiyanla iMfr
4" I'artly clondj Monday; wanner in
4- fcouth portion; thowera aud looler at -
night, or Tuesday, in north portion; fair -
4- In south; irch south wind. -ti
rf 4 t .trt to,
'Si - (
1 W',
- -i-,