PP'iWwWW.JfyJlf IfSfrgWip 9vhtt. i ' i t 8 THE SCBATON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MAY 17, 1902. w WEST SCRANT0N Grand Lodge of Ivorites Hold Their Annual Convention at New Castle Our New Possessions. The trntlonnl convention of the. Grand Lodge of American True Ivorites was held during the prist week nt New Castle, l'a where delegates from the various lodges throughout the United States assembled. The convention opened on Tuesday evening In the "Vnlnh Congregational ehurch and on Wednesday the business session was held. On Thursday evening the delegates were tendered a banquet In the Hughes hull, where covers were laid for lt.0 guests. A largo number of them wore, from Youngstown, O. The convention was held under the auspices of the Hiar oi wuies locifre, nn. w, which was organized In May, 1607, with fifteen t'harter members, and now numbers above 125 of many of the best known "Welshmen In Vow Castle. The national olllctH of the CI rand lodge In session weie: Grand president, John O. Thomas, of rtlca, N. Y.: grand vlee-prcsldent, John K. l-lvnns, of New York: giand eerctnry, John J, Kvans, of North Scrnntan: grand treasurer, linger J3vnns, of "West Sornnton. The elei'tlon of nfllcrrs occurred yesterday arteinoon. and most of the above named wti e re-eleettd. The ilrst session of the convention Mas openr-d with prayer by Brother j j.:yu. "r i'iui.urg, ami urn mi J'resl di'iil John O. Thoinu"", of rtlen. pre sided, siippoi'led by Solomon Clrlflllhs ii nd Itf'pie .Morgan. ltriithcr Kvans, of Vew Yolk, acted as vice-president, snp porlcil by lhotber Kuivlnnd, of New Yoik, and l'.tctlier Kvans, of Youngs tim n After the credential committee had lii-un appointed and reported all dele F'ltcs In order, short nddi esses were -llvered by the grand olTlcers. John 1. Williams, nf New Castle, then fol lowed with the address of welcome to the isltors, and the convention begun the transaction of regular bUblnpss. A general leport was glen by the delegates concerning the standing of their own lodger, which were encour aging In the (streme. and showed that the I oi Iter, were increasing in num bers ami strength. The appointment of unnniitteoi w.ir then announced. The Tribune is indebted to Orand Tre.is iii er Ttoger Evans fur a report of-the pioeccdlngs. Benefit Concert. A concert will be given at the First "Welsh BaptiM. church. South Main avenue, next Monday evening, under the auspices of the Oxford Glee club, Tha Best Family Coush Kerned', Dufour's French Tar, For Sal- by GEO. "W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. -- $i i ddi il itLft MQS i Timely 1 Bargains for attirday ' By far the must iutcreMiug i3 cials that wo have yet printed appears below. The list is long", 5! i8 .and as time is short, we place, the cold, crisp facts before our fc h- readers without further introduction. :5 Hosiery for JLnriios Fancy 1-t Ribbed Htmis dorf Dyed Iliac!: Hosiery, nil sizes, full fashioned und line gaugf.. Also I'laln and Drop Stitch Hosiery in tan shades. Your choice ,!' these celo biatcd ;."( iitiulitlcs on Sat urday 0 w0m 3 3 Misses' Usle Hose In Ptfveial beautiful Lmu Designs, Sizes (! to S. A ISJ marvelous value at the price 23c g ScMisoiiabloUnderwear iS Ladles' Knee Pants, in id white L'.slo thread or Maco jj yarns. Laco .trimmed and Ci or lino quality. Saturday... 50o g A Jtaro Corset .special 3 "J, B," Corsets, made from fine French coutll, well boned and new straight front t-hape. A corset that will fit perfectly and give entire satisfaction In ser vice. The regular $1.00 cor set for , 69o A Groat Skirt Ynliie Ladles' Fine Tullored Walking Skirts, with full circular flounce. First class In .quality, In every detail.,. f 3,75 Children's Smart Heelers All new and choice styles, trimmed with sill; braid and a full line of colors. Any size on Saturday , JU9 a 1 Globe Warebods?. mmmwmmwmtommmMmmk In aid of William D. Thomas, of Eynon street, one of their members, who wns so' soverely Injured In the mines some time ago. The following programme will be rendered: Selection ,' Oxford nice t'.uly Solo, (.elected ,,, i I'm! tiuwi Solo, selected ..,,. i Thomas )',llu Polo, iclcctrd I Waild Jcnklin Solo, selected Helen ThoniSi Duet, wlerlnl ......Jli-vr. Jcnklni anil Abr.itiH Solo, jcleeted I)J id Stephens Mai" quartfllf Messr. Atram, Stephens .Ionl.ln, Warren. Solo, wlccted Thomas Alirtimj Nolo, Fclt'ctrri Mr. John Kianj Itcrllntlon, selected Mm T, Dalies Ouartrtte. Instrumental duct Lewis Brothers Solo, selected Tohn V, .tones Selection Oxford Gtec I'.irly Our New Possessions. At this time of the year, when nnture unfolds the beauties of the suburbs, it l a pleasure to saunter out into the new openings In West Scranton and observe the many Improvements. On the north side there Is West Pailt, Tripp Park, Purr's Heights, Arlington Heights und other new openings, where many pretty homes have been erected within a few years. Towards the west, many new homes have been erected along Washburn street, Acad emy street and Division street. The Washburn street cemetery and the Cambria cemetery also show the hand of the gardener, and new trees, walks and drives have been made. On the south there is the Hound Woods tract and Lincoln Heights, where many noticeable improvements have been made. Indications point to the paving nnd repairing of .South Main avenue at an early date, and the director of public works gives assurance that other streets will receive the proper attention. It Is a noticeable fact that property owners on many streets are responsible for the wretched condition of gutters, sidewalks and roadway In fropt of their possessions. Waste Paper Nuisance. If there Is an ordinance prohibiting the throwing of waste paper into the streets, it ought to be rigidly enforced, particularly on Main avenue, where so much of U is left to be scattered broad cast. Some merchants complain of this nuisance while others are responsible for it, and something ought to be done by the authorities. In many cities waste paper cans are pUced at inter vals along the public streets, and em ployes ot t! street cleaning depart ment empty the cans on making their rounds. Some such plan should be put in force here. Funeral of William Murray. The funeral services over the remains A iit ilAHd-- -Buyers array of money-saving1 spe- JT Pillow Top Bargains $ tr. Heal works of art, decor ated with genuine half-tone stel piiKriivlngs. The sub jects include famous animal studies by tins srent masters, ir-pioductlons of celebrated landscapes and some humor ous subjects that are mirth provoking. Prices UJe, 73c, and 50c Tr Another Pillow Top 5 That has attracted much attention comes in the high est grade of .art tickings, with unique floral decora tions. The regular price Is r,0o each. On Saturday a limited number at 23u Ladi White Waists S ItPRUlar $1.50 Waists, tuck ed yoke, lace Insertions and other trimmings. For. Sat urday only DSc Cool Negligee Shirts In distinctly high grade novelties.' Plain und pleated fronts, In solid tan and other shades. Also stripes, dots, etc. A top-notch shirt on Saturday at $1.00 & Men's Hosiery, Cheap g Cheun Hoslnrv nt n inn, ' price is worth less, but tjood hosiery cheap Is worth look liiK after. Men's regular 23o half hose, In fancies, blacks and tans , 15c Elegant Blouse Waists Ladies' Gibson Blouses of fine taffeta and molro silks, with white oaUn linings and exquisitely trimmed, Spec ial Saturday only ,....?7.no Handsome Silk Skirts Diess Skirts, with deep circular flounce, in a tine quality of taffeta. Hlbbon trimmings. KxceptomtIy styllsh garments. Saturday. J8.50 & & &. of the laic "William Murray were con ducted yesterday afternoon at the house, 332 North Pllmore avenue, nnd were in charge of Itcv. William Powell, n local preacher. Many neighbors, re latives and friends were In attendance. Alex. Jeffries was flower bearer, and the pull bearers were Isaac Davis, Wil liam ahttgg, James Skeogh, William Owens, Charlea Welda and John Jef fries. Interment was made In the Cnmbrla cemtery. First Baptist Church. At the PIrst Haptlst church tomor row the usual services will bo held at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p., m. In the even ing the pastor, Rev. S. F. Mathews will preadt from the subject, "The Tragedy of the Sea," and at the close of the service there will be a brief business session of the church by tc qucst of the pastor. The Sabbath school last Sunday reached the high water mark In both attendance and collections, nnd the su perintendent, Dr. 1$. a. Reddoe, would like to have every scholar In their place tomorrow, so that the good rec ord will not be broken. The B. Y. P. U. service will be of spe cial Importance tomorrow evening and the president, Miss Eva Phillips, will have something to say regarding the welfare of the society that all members should hear. Church Notices. Itev. W. O. Jenkins, of Pontypridd, Wales, will preach In the Plymouth Congregational church tomorrow. Communion services will be held at L:lo,30 a. in. Ht. uaviu s pansn corner or. urom 'ley avenue and Jackson street. Rev. Kdward McHenry, rector. Celebration of Holy Eucharist, 7.30 a. m. and 10.SO n. m.i evening song and address, 7.30 p. m.i Sunday school at 12 m. Amateur Base Ball. The No. 32 school base ball team challenge the Liberty Hoys to a. game of ball Suturduy morning, May 24. An swer through The Tribune. J. J. Flah erty, captain; A. J. Reese, manager. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Rev. William Davles, of the Bellevuo Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist church, returned last Wednesday morning from his trip through the West. Ho had a very enjoyable jour ney and comes back in good health and spirits. He will preach In the Welsh language tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, and In the English language tomorrow night at 6 o'clock. The Alumni Base Ball club will play St. Thomas college team at Athletic Park -on Wednesday, May 21. The game will be called at 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Jenkins, of South Hyde Park avenue, have return ed home from "their wedding trip, which included Philadelphia, Washing ton and other points of interest. Miss Loretta and Gertrude Cannon, of Jackson street, entertained friends at their home Thursday evening. F. W. Strong and Harold Battln, of South Main avenue, have returned home from a visit with friends In Plttston. Will Lewis, of Eynon street, has re turned homo from a business trip to New York. Richard Lonergan, sr., of Chestnut street, is recovering from an Illness. The young son of Mrs. John L. L. Tra viss, of North Sumner avenue, was tak en sick a week ago last night, and at the present is In a critical condition. The attendance at St. Lucie's church fair last evening wns much larger than on the opening night. Increased inter est 'is being manifested In the event. Vocal and Instrumental music will be a feature of the entertainment this evening. "The young friends of Miss Rachel Jones, of 1101 Morris court, tendered her 11 birthday surprise party on Thurs day evening, and all of them were de lightfully entertained. A large num ber were In attendance. The pupils In Prof. Phillips' room at No. 10 school held a May party re cently in the woods, and enjoyed them selves immensely. They weie chaper oned by Mrs. John J. F. York and Mrs. John J. Hower. St. Leo's battalion will run an ex cursion to BliiKhamton on Memorial Day, and St. Brendan's council will go there on July 4, and the Ethan Allen lodge will go to Mountain Park on June S. The members of St. Patrick's Ladies' Iiish Catholic Benevolent union, held a complimentary reception and social in St. David's hall on Thursday even ing. Miss Nellie Curren played for them, and all present reported having lind an enjoyable time. Mrs. Belles, of North Hyde Park avenue, Is entertaining Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Wllkes-Barre. Mrs. II. f. McDermolt and daughter, Ethel, of North Hyde Park avenue, ni spending a few days with friends In Wyoming. Mrs. John T. Richards, of South Main uvenue, underwent an operation in Dr. John A. Wyeth's Now York prl ato hospital recently, and is reported to bo improving slowly. Mr. Richards Is also in Now York. John Thomas, of Eynon street, has relumed homo from a visit with friends in Johnstown. Prof, lllshley, of the Stroudsburg Si ate Normal school, Is spending a few days with West Scranton friends. Lynn Uoete, of Stroudsburg State Normal school, Is visiting his parents, on Not til Hyde Park avenue. Frank B. Reese returned homo yes terday from Wllllnmsport, where ho at tended the annual sessions of the Orand commandery, Knights of Malta, of Pennsylvania, as a delegato from Anthrncito commandery, James Dennis, of Falrchlld's hotel, has accepted a position in Massachu setts, and will leuvo for the east in a few days. Fred Guest, of Swetland street, Ins returned homo from Cuba, where he served as a member of the Twenty first company of Coast Artillery. Rev. William II. Crawford, of North Hyde Park uvenuo, a graduato of Drew Theological seminary, at Madison, N, J., left yesterday to assume the pastor ate of a church nt North Sanford, N. Y, The remains of the lute Mrs. Elisa beth James, of Dickson, wero intoned In the Washburn btreet cemetery yes terduy afternoon. Rev. D. ! Jones, pastor of the Tabernacle Congregational-church, officiated at the services, The regular semi-monthly meeting of the West Side Central Republican club will be held In the rooms this evening. All members ure rerjuehted to bo pres ent. Mrs. Kuto Urltz, of Mahnnoy City, is Visiting her brother, Nlcholus Bush, of Luzerne street, Mlfcs Ruth Jones, of Morris coiut. Is visiting friends in Corning, N. V. Miss Maud Walters, of Stamford, Conn., Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. "r gnn Lake, of Wasljhnrn sheet. NORTHSCRANTON SURPRISE PARTY FOR GRACE BENSON. MISS Tendered to Her by a Number of Her Friends at "Her Home on. North Main Avenue Important Social Event Has Been Planned to Be Held In the Presbyterian Church Next Thursday Evening Interest ing Meeting to Be Held in M. E. Church Tomorrow. Miss Grace Benson was rendered a pleasant surprise party at her homo on North Main avenue by a number of her friends lost evening. The guests were entertained with recitations by Miss Lulu Constantino and musical bc lectlons "by Edward Collins. Singing and dancing, with the usual party di versions, were Indulged In until a sea sonable hour when refreshments were served, after which the 'guests depart ed nt midnight for their respective homes. Among those present were: Misses George Cure, Lulu Constantlne, Sophia Horr, May Quest, Grace Benson, Pearl Henry, Helen Dunla, Ethel Reynolds, Blanche White, Muud Chlver, Bell Rob inson, Deanna Wntklns; and Messrs. Sidney Langyon, Jesse Stckler, Bert Evans, Arlington Crossmun, Jonas Sand,. William Bright, Daniel Hart sell, Samuel Weston, George Wheeler, Edgar Sanders, Clarence McCallster, Henry Twining, David Bcrtlcy, Ed ward Collins. Notable Social Event. The Ladles' Aid society of the Trovl dence Presbyterian church made the pleasing announcement yesterday that under their auspices and In behalf of the adult people of the ehurch they will tender a complimentary social and reception on Thursday evening next, to the young people of the con gregation. The committees in charge of the va rious parts of the programmes of the entertainment are planning largo things for that evening, they say. Of course all the middle aged and older people of the church will be present since they are the. ones who give the reception. The musical features ,will Include se lections by a mule quartette. In the social rooms there will be several tab les for ping pong, krokono and wicket, and other family games. Refreshments will be served during the evening. It is expected that the young people as well as the older ones will vie in making this a notable social occasion. TOLD IN A FEW LUTES. Miss Marie Louise Russell, a young woman from the west, who is visiting in Green Ridge, will address the vesror service in the Voung Women's Chris tian association parlors Sunday after noon at 3.30 o'clock. It Is hoped that a large number of young women will come to meet Miss Rus&ell. Dr. Austin Griffin will conduct a quarterly meeting service in the Provi dence Methodist church tomorrow morning, commencing with love feast at 0.30. The anniversary of the Ep worth league will be held at 7.30 In the evening. A special programme of music has been provided, and instead of im porting a speaker the usual half-hour address will be dtvided as follows: "The Epworth League and Its Mercy and Help Department," Miss Florence "Wal ker; "The Call of the Church, of Soci ety, of the State, to Young People," Prof. Henry Kemmerling; "Shall We Heed the Call?" Rev. G. A. Cure. In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. J. V. Davles, who will occupy the pulpit of the Welsh Baptist church of Mahanoy City, the Rev. A. H. Smith of the North Main avenue Tabernacle will preach at the First Welsh Bap tist church, West Market street, on Sunday nest, May IS. Service will commence nt 0 p. m. Seats free. Wel come to all. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Body of an Infant Found by Con stable Moran Near Erie- & Wyom ing Railroad Tracks. Constable John C. Moran reported to the South Side police station by tel ephone last evening that he had dis covered the remains of a prematurely born infant, at the head of Mooslc street, in the Twelfth ward, near the Erie and Wyoming railroad tracks. The police were :eady to proceed to the scene at once, but the constable, who lias only one leg, desired the trip postponed until this morning as their was no likelihood of the body being dis turbed. .Moran stated that, In com pany with John Chase, he had been looking for birds' nests, when he made the ghastly discovery. The tiny re mains were enclosed In a cigar box, but he could not say how long they hnd been exposed. The police will investi gate the matter this morning, Arraigned on Serious Charge. Edward Davis, of Old Forge, was ar raigned before Alderman Lentes last evening on a serious charge, preferred by William J. Wntklns. The cuse has been tried before, and the circum stances are well known to the public, in the lower section of the valley. A number of witnesses including Mrs, Tilllo Rozelle and Mrs. David Watklns testified. Another witness, Evan Dan iels, who worked ns a miner with Da vis, testified to certain boastful state ments he made In the mines. Other witnesses present against Da vis were Mrs, Robert Cook, David Watklns, and Bessie Olster. After hearing the evidence, Alderman Lentes held Davis for court in $b00 bull, but he preferred to go to Jail, Aldermauio Doings. Robert Tlmmlns, of Mulberry street, was given a hearing by Alderman Len tes liiBt evening, for Jumping a board bill, the prosecutrix being Minn Drake, of Franklin avenue. An amicable agree ment was arrived at. Mike Yonko was afterwards given a hearing on the same churgc, the prose cutor being MIUo Longucker, of John son's patch. He alleged, also, that Yon- SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES AUrn'f Foot llase, a powder, It cures painful, smarting, nmoua feet and Ingrowing; nill, sml instantly taV.es the Mini; out of conn and bunion It's the great ot t comfort dlcou-ry of tiic ace. Allcn'4 Foot-cas.9 makes tight or new thora ire) riuy. It i a certain rum lor nu-jtlnif callous a iij lot, tired, jelling (ect. Tiy it today. Mil. I by all drugKUts and tlioo ttorra. iKm'l acrrt any eutulltule. Py null for - In ctanipj. 'fiUl packsire KM!!!. Addrcu, Alleu s. Olmsted, J.j AMUSEMENTS, " ".-. ryi i-i n . KKHnMKKnXXnKKMUMUKKXKUKKKKKMKMUnnKKX: iMee t Us at The Free ii C. .t. VAN llOUTE V tr f.OON', New Vorli, X, Cocoa and Kiting Chocolate. ANDERSON FOOD CO., Camden, X. .1., Con densed Soups TIlll PtttlB FOOD CO., New York, N. V., Km? Fluke. Till: HANITArl NUT root) CO., Battle Creek, Mich., I'roioie, Maltose. TUVAniTA FOOD CO.. LTD.. Ilattlo Creek, Mich., Trjablt.t Hulled Com. Till: KOIUMCRISP CO., tlattlo Creek, Mlth., Knin-Krlp nnil Flake Com. JAMi:S CIIAbMI.IIS; hON, Wtlllaimvtllc, X. ,, Chalmers fiehllne, TIIK CJOItOAS PMJttli: MF. Cfl., PlillmM. tilila, Pa., Itoyal I'ennutone nnd 1'iuniil Oil. if: tiik iiattm; unnuK fi.aki: food go.. Kittle Creek, Midi.. V nliot.i. KNTlIltlMtlsr, COl'FKK CO , Baltimore, Md., V JAMES P. SMITH tc CO,, New York, K. CS "Mamrl" Beef Extract. M THE MILLER MANIJKACTUHIXO CO,. JS York Y, I'lvorliiB Extracts. Y New i! Scranton Bicycle Club Hall Ilemnnslriilion ami te-ti ot vaiioui producU golnc, on alt the time. Instruction n l Ill-.L tickets lue been supplied your grocer. Ask him for one. Music, um cults, I National Food Show Co. XSXXS!XMM5!KHMMMSJMBWWWiftwnwwwwM f -v -m - - m v m.r m ko carried off a suit of clothes valued at $ia. He was held for court in 1500 bail. A Complicated Case. A search warrant was issued against E. J. Harrington, ot Fig street, who was charged by John Boettcher with the larceny of a Newfoundland dog. The case, which was tried by Alder man Lentes, proved of a puzzling na ture, and for a time It was hard to prove who owned the animal or vho, It anybody, had stolen It. The dog was found in Harrington's possession, but he proved to have purchased the ani mal from Thomas Hemslnger, of Dun more, for $1.50. He, in turn, showed that he bought the dog from John Golden for fortv cents. Golden was then arrested, and swore the dog had been around his place for some time and he could not chase him aw.iv. After hearing the various and con flicting statements, the alderman dis charged. Hunslnger, who agreed to pay all costs and refund the $1.50. Golden was held in $300 bail to appear at the next auarter sessions. Youthful Mischief Makers. John Boubcl, Bruno and Alex. Olon 'eweky and Joseph Matensky wero ar retted by the police for malicious mis chief last evening. They were given a hecring before Magistrate Storr and it was shown that the youngsters were in the habit of stretching wire In dark places, across the sidewalks on Pltts ton avenue, and the downfall of un fortunate pedestrians would furnish amusement for the gang. Alex. Alsnewskl was the ringleader and he was fined $2, which, however, his father refused to pay, although the boy Is only 14 -years of age. He was locked up and the olheivboys were dis charged. NUBS OF NEWS. An Important session of the Kn'hts of Malta was held in Hartman's nnil last evening. A baby girl lias arrived at the home of Robert Callery, on Blrnoy avenue, and a, young son has gladdened tlm home of James Donahoe, of 119 Irving avenue. The Star Social club met In regular scsfelon last evening.- ' Camp 96, Patriotic Order of America, an auxiliary of the Patriotic Order Sons of Amei ica, met in regular weekly se&slon last evening. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam is guaranteed to cure nil coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers. The Junger Mnennerchor will meet for rehearsal tomorrow afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock. GREEN RIDGE. Miss Mary Hitchcock, of Washington avenue, will entertain the members of the Junior Chilstlan Endeavor society of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church at her home this nfternoon. J. W. Bayloy, or Gicen Ridge street, is at Norfolk, Vu. Beloie returning home he .will spend some time at Fort ress Momoe and Old Point Comfort. C. S. Jacobs, of Dickson avenue, left for New York last evening on a busi ness trip. A very large addition is being added to the plant of the Scranton Lace Cur tain Manufacturing company. The watering trough nt Dickson ave nue and Green RJtlge street is almost useless, because of the poor supply of water. This trough Is, when in good condition, a great convenience to the traveling public, und should be attend ed to nt once. Green Ridge camp, Modern Woodmen of America, celebrated the second an niversary of that organization last evening, In Mnsonlo hall, Dickson ave nue, with an entertainment and ban quet, which wns thoroughly enjoyed by the members and visiting neighbors, to the number or about one hundred and fifty. The entertainment, us to variety and excellence, far surpassed unythlng of a like nnture ever given In Green Ridge, A gold watch, valued at $50, was chanced off during the evening. Charles Robinson being the lucky win ner. The committee In charge was Fred Edwards, chairman; J, M. Athertoii, Joseph Fldlam, A. I. Fowler and a, D. Rogers. OBITUARY. MRS, FRANK EARLEV, aged 75 years, who suffered a paralytic stroke a jw days ago, died at S.'.'O o'clock lust evening at her home, 331 North Brom ley avenue, Deceased was born In Germuny, but had been a resident of this city for fully half a century. She Is survived by three sons und three daughters, Joseph, Nicholas, John, and Mary Earley, Mrs. George F, Hower and Mrs. D. W. Hughes, all of tills city, The funeral arrangements has not yot been perfected, und will bo announced later. MRS. JOHN V. WARNER died Thursday night at her home, 1501 CM pouse avenue. She Is survived by her huhbaud and tluce daughters, Mrs. James Itoblnaou. of Ohio, and the AMUSEMENTS, IlOVAti TEA-RITE CO., Nrw York, X. Y ttoj-sl Tr-nttp. ltlX'Kr.n..lO.NK3JKVi;l,f, MIM.INO CU.Xrn- York, N. Y., Ilfcker'n fnrltM, HclMUisiii Flour, Ilfcktr'n 11030! Health Food. N. K. FAHUUNK CO., Clilcngo, III., Colto- lone. I.BVE11 nitOS., LTD., New York, Jf. Y Mfo lluoy Soap. TUB OATTU: CftKI'.K BAXITAMUM VOOD ro., Hnltlo f.'roek, Mich., Touted Wheal I'lakcs, OrnnoU. TIIK N'ATURAt, Knot) CO., Niagara frit N. Y Bhrr-rldnt Wheat lllncull. V. I ASSAir CANNIMJ CO.. llalllmnre, Mil.. Narrauatnett nml Threp Star llritmli 01 Bakril neniw nnd Put' Tomato Sauce. HVOIKNIO M'r.CIAhTY CO., l'hllaelet)hti, Pa., f'alltornla Orninrc nml f.om.ii huirur. MV. nRAKU!l,KY'S RONS, New York, N.Y., Shredded Cod I'ldi, Smoked Hoef, llonelen HerrlnK. Sliced tlacon. E. S. IIURNItAM CO.. New York, N. Y., nitrnham' Hanty .Tclljcon, Burnham' Clam Chowder, hurnium's Clnm Iloulllloi'. m m.m m.m mM m& M.pnM PRI lmill Wait. Wait. Wait. AT SCRANTON NOT 1TIL FRIDAY, MAY 23 .iVJIMt'l'iIU'l' 3 Ring Circus s unimutine MENAGERIE-MU5EIH AQUARIUM and, 3YAL ROMAN. 1itPPDR0M Splendid in CHARACTER, Magnificent IN EQUIPMENT; :v BIG A Cont. uo . Display of Marvelous ' Oirt,7-'vfli'X'Ii'BMi,l'-''lwSfts. A Glorious t-cn e f Original Notables, most of whom are seen this season for the first time in America, consisting of the WORLD'S GREATEST PERFORMERS. tje: peerless dakomas An Incomparable, New and Original Creation. No act too good to show; no performer too expensive; no rare animal too costly for this show. The Street Parade A Stupendous Combination of a Magnificent Street Pageant, Spectacular Street Carnival and Mighty Street Fair at 2 o'clock dally. Branson's Concert Band plays two Concerts from Center Stage begin ning at 1.15 and 7.15 p. m. Two Performances dally, beginning at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open one hour earlier. Excursions Run on Every Line of Travel. No Gambling De vices Tolerated. Never. Divides. Never Disappoints. Not in the Circus Trust. Academy of Tlusic M. I1E1S, Leee ami Maine". "' A. J. DUI'I'V, lliiilnert Mjii iter. TODAV AND ALU XC.T WUl'.K. MABEL PAIGE and the Southern Stock Company Dlir vjuilrilllo femurs, Imlwllns tlu f.uiimi-; I'llUYI'ISS TltlO. fo..Ul I'citurc IJKlMItU and IIKDAItl), tin' luc.-t Kmopnm i!iiMintUm in tlttf ai.'rolialiu lint-, IMtin.'ii-lOc,, iOu., L0.,; MatlnciM, 10c. and tWo. ijiliiV 15c-. tliUtti kr Munilj)- ulsla only. Mifcses Hone and Qrnco Warner, of tills city. The f unci ul will be held Monday morning at U o'clock, from the resi dence, lnteiment nt Montrose. MIGHAKL, I.ANOAN. brother of .Mis. David McDonald, of Dunmore, died Thursday iiiuht. The funeral will tnke jilace at 3 o'clock thin afternoon, In- torment In St. Mary's cemetery, PATKIOK CIALLAtlHRK, of Jpsbhji, died nt his home yesteidny. Ho was n resident1 of JeH.sup for thltty-flvo yearn. Two datiKliteiK and two pons mmivo him, Funeral Monday at 10 o'clock, with a requiem IiIbIi (nuns. Interment at St, Patrick's cemetery, Olynhant. How Victor Hun,o Ruiued a Barber. UIkii VK-tor llu&o Hint In thv Place Hu)aU lie Used tu liu hhacl i. a lurlirr mined lra ,,'iT In the IIuq Cultiiic.Siliiti'Cjtlirilno. A filcnd of t lio jwft Jtknl llit- IijiIkt one diy It lie was liil'j, "I luiidly lnmv uhK-h way to turn," uai IIh reply. '"c liaic lu ilnvi l. hair of thiily ladle.) lur tolue-, am talk," and M. llraisici' ulmwcU the friend t !'' A (cw da after the Iricud returned aud iu'iuircd abaat AMUSEMENTS. -,nnifhro Food Show CELLULOID STAltCIt CO., PlilUdelphli, to., Celluloid Btarcli. TUB MAtlVKLL! CO., Detroit, Mich,, Mimt II, Macaroni. , AMEUIOAN 1IIILLCD BEAN CO,, LTD., !Ut. lie Creek, Mlcti., Hulled Beam. It, T. BABBIT!1. New York, N. Y It. T. Itahliltl'a Jtrtt Soap, 177U Soap Powder and Pure Polasli or Lye. TUB ItoniOX-OAlO MIU CO., Detroit, Mlth., "Itojal" Hilad Drcwlnrf. NATIONAL CANNINO CO.. Baltimore, Md Admiral Bed Deans and Torlo Rico Whlto Beaao, II. O. IIA7.ZABD fc CO., New York, Slirein Imry Tomato Ketchup, Shrewsbury Manor TUB AMI'.niCAN MALTOSE CO., New York illy, Maltose, .!. H. IVIN'SSON. Philadelphia. Spited Water. DIt. MXIIB'S LAtTATBD TISSUE KOOD ro., Sn. niton, l'ii,, l)r, r.ango'a Iictatcd l'ood. All Next Week ami entertainment combined. t.tniplcfi, cte. 00A0jg00jiirAj Grand Spectacular Ballet. REGAL in PRESENTATION THE VWCttlBlJI.VmAnUC,?! r and best of Americas tf&ia&fctSHOWS. Performances hv Man and Beast. Lyceum Theatre MoniUy lenlue, May 10th, at 8.15. Letting with intimations by Miss Ellen H. Sfone, fcUUJUCT, My Captivity and Release. Under .uplics .laclson Sticct lljplht Church. tJniior DhiUlo-i of IVil C. IIjihI. I'WCES l.on or Hoor. M, k.30 jiiI W.1W. n.iluniy, 7.V., H.flfl and 1,M. I'amilv ririli', SO touts. DlJgiam opciu WuliiwUy, May lltli, at 0 a. m KttKKttKttKKKKttKltXf.f.ltK i BASE BAU Today 3.13 p. in., J' tf s-UiAMOX. K V .- - iWMi;s-iiAiiiu;. ti Adml felon, U 'A ' WAA''-'"'''' tlio thlity laJiea. "Aid MoiL-ienr," i.ild tho lurbcr adly, "I uas not akin to all end hall Iho nuinlitr, and I liaM- l(t imy gwd cuitvni. ere lliraugli M. Vliloi llniro." It appears that the poel, when auoiu to tic hhaicd, wai ii. ilcnly iii.Nplnil, mid H-'teil llm Urst pletc o paper lie- ioiiIiI Had to uillc .1 l-m. Ilupi hattily lift the M uitli his imlluUlied icrw, on Ilia li.uk of uhli.li uiro the names jnd ad lue f tin: Ihlily adir, many of thnm liail wailed In lain for the coiiTcur. L-Jiidon Cliron. itle. RmlVli"'" tiny Capnlc at y"v I llirlr''1' ' 4H bourn without fu,J I UbchM und Inim-ltnn full, r 4 i, ' . r&b-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers