ij Wi :i .'i .vFt:it.ui.i ?, "&j,j;: . v.v , Vi -j- v : 2..;T3irr.f nl"' TT"T?r. ' rwjfT&nr,!ww"ij,i,s.wi'?ini ww,?? x ?. k , Lsunww wmvmvnwimmmBmmmmmnmiiJimmiJiimiMkUJwmmwmmiiimmmn i .ivamii Hll lUj. L II llljlijqppMpjJJWWjjiupNi.... VHP-" JL V, 'I '- t f,fW, . . t'f'45" v. ".( ',. 7 VST V n THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY IT, 1902. "ia :v; &$&S$S$5&XSS$X&&S$i&.ii Week's Social Nws ii IT Is a pathetic thlnir thiit fiurlrtRr tli fair pprltiff weather, one who hns been bo active n Mr. .lolin Jermyn, nnil who has bo lovod nnttire nnd out of door life, iihotilit tic phut awny In a darkened room, and racked by the tor ture of almost mortal Minors. . Wast Itif? away day after day, the gentle, kind-hearted old man In the twilight of hlfl years beat a his suffering with Infinite patience and seems most din ttirtterl because he requires ho much oiiro which must weary those who watch by his bedside. It Is a sorrow ful ending for a vigorous life which might naturally have been expected to continue in splendid health for years to come, and there aro multitudes nf friends to wish for some favorable change in his condition. The annual meeting of th Country club, which was to have taken place nl 4.C0 this afternoon, will be at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. .1 times W. Oakford will hiiveia reception this aftornoon at their country place, "Lowlands," near Clark's Summit. A large number of jjueats from this city will ro uv on the -1 o'clock train, returning: ut 8. Church people In general are greatly Interested In the coming of Miss TSIlen Stone next Monday night. The thrill ing story sho has to tell is something fascinating1 beyond belief, and she tells It well. The object for which the lec ture will be given is one most worthy, as the church of which Hev. Thomas dc Oruchy Is pastor Is much in need of funds. Miss Stone will be the guest of Colonel and Mrs. nipple during her slay In this city. There will be an in? formal reception on the stage at the close of the lecture to enable all who wish to meet Miss Stone to have that pleasure. Miss Julia Ilickok, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Ilickok, who was pastor of the First Presbyterian church previ ous to Dr. Logan, will be the guest of friends in this city during the next week. Miss Ilickok will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Geoigo dutSota Dlmmlck. Miss Gertrude Spruguo ciiterlainrd the Thursday Afternoon Card club yes terday. There will be a rummage sale on .Monday at 229 Penn avenue, for the benefit of the Girls' Summer Home. A dearth of these interesting affalis must have ben remarked during the past few months and this one lor a most worthy object should bo well patron ized. Messrs. R, G. Brooks and C. D. Jones and party arc expected to arrive In New York tomorrow from their Medi terranean trio. Mrs. Thomas Dickson lias closed her town house, on Washington avenue, and has gone to her country place in Morristown. Mrs. Dickson has greatly improved in health during the past year, and a host of friends aro wishing for her the happiest possible summer. Mrs. Charles Schank entertained a number of little folks last Saturday at her home on Sunset avenue, Green Kidge, in honor of the birthday of her little daughter, Helen Louies. The fol lowing little ones had a very enjoyable time: Marion McCllntock, Ruth Mc Clintock, Helen Staples, Alberta Bry ant, Marion Lansing, Anna May Brown, Christine Mayeis. Maiy Louise Mayers, Esther Tappan, Dorothy Knox, Helma Elgler, Gertrude Elgler, Ken cth Brady, Will.ird Tappan. Mis. Schank was assisted in entertaining and serving refreshments by Miss Ithea dossier and Miss Uuth Mayeis. The Denver Times of Tuesd.ty says: ill. Samuel Xiwhoi'ie is uniting a i-eiv-ilion in London villi .i uoiideiful i-lrlng of piaili ic pntcd to lie worth WW, nliiih wcio rullectul for licr I iy the UoMii-Hrbtol Jc-ivcliy nun, o! Dom it. Xo -.fraud of pcji Is to fne has rer lecn s en In the UnslMi moUopoIR 1'our jaim v.eie icijuiictl In folhil tliem. 'the Winn watcu or the u around llurnu, Cejjon anil Au'tialla tmiiMicd the peeilc-s Jcucld, There arc ity purl in the itrirsr ai.il each would be a liaiidvuno irlit in Itwlf. They uic the larcM, moat pence t i-pcchiieiw of the Oiiental pearl, A magnificent ciiicuhl iljfji of gi.'jt ulw liohli the stramN ioun.1 tlic ncili uf Its i.ilr oh ncr. London, accutlnnioj tu the dNpjy of ic6lly Jowl-Is for tcntuiics pjt liy iu nolillity, i- aloti isheil at the luilliaiu drauty oi tin- 'puil ntcU l.ice worn by tin- Amciicjn woiu.ui, who N ilim for a hiicf period, whiiv ln-r ilmr hibbaml i attcndlntr to llnmUnl alljlr. 'Iho fashionable of the Urilisli capll.il, wlio never fall to ncto the attire of one another ami DOMESTIC SCIENCE. While many a woman U lonsliifc "lo so cut to grass with the old Mm" fate in tlio Biilw of "oprlnif hoiiseeleanliiar," ,'ino,ig," "fprinK tcwlner," "gettiiur ieady for Matilda's commencement," or "Hculah'a wcddlnqr," usually forbid the foiay until all duties accomplished, tho coasi is clear for nel(. Indulgence, Mothou aro prouiblally unel. ilsh, snil they seldom t ike their pk'u.niiln,' until oery member uf tin family U prpeily attended to. Uee.1vi011.1lly thU solt-ubiicjitbn li run led too far, eu'ii to the ileiiim-nt of the family's pioiaU Wo lme ill kno.Mi in. etaucei, vliere peipclual biiricnder 011 tie pari of tha mother has bivd iorie-ioudhig inOlrteicnre and ue'leet on the pait of the family without Iheli lealilnp; it, "Any old article of drcv.-i h Hood cnoui.ii for iiiothcr, sho don't cum much about colng out .in; how!" "There" 110 me ail.lns her to go to tho picnic or take u tide, Mie's used to 3taius ho-ne!" "Mother don't mind waililnn dldin or peel ine potatoes, or.il nnj thing like that stuins my band horrlhlyl" "I wan going to get my wlfo a new wulni; marlilnn or tl a kink In the kitchen thU kpilug, but ulic's I'.ei t) golntr without, and ( think I'll take the money for that bay mare of .lone' lint can pa ruj thing on tho road," and to ad in nullum. If ou alwa$ Iniht, iiiothrr, on eatlnj; the cruftb and Inilldlug tlio flrc. and taking h butt riul of eury boiuehold rcpora.ihIlity, and wearing edd clothe. oii iuy keep pn doing: It to the end with no tlmiiU, and tho icilliallon that iou uio to blaino in laigc rueasure for the engendering and t".terlo- uf eltlli and unluvrly traits on tnu part of our fainilv. What gill wanti to niauy a nun wha ii habitually neglectful of his moil.er? WImi c lccls 4 hujlunj and father who gori oil to t tlvlr vloltom, hmc iprM'l itnqiullflttl ad miration for tlw superb penrlo worn by Mr, Nrwhstiir. Thoy ar (Imply fining, tl t their own beauty may bf the mnro ipparent. The laiitfjt pearl will jtwt roir a nlv-peiiny pltte, but all arp of aeit lie. .lln the ftrand was piircbaMd of tbe Bohm-BrlMl company, .Mr Nmhnitto win of. ferfil Alfi,000 inorf than t.e paid for the peir'n. She drellnril to part with thtui, at the f Irinff cannot be diipllejtecl. It ) fild. Mr. Ncvrhonsp Is r-ptndlnir the ei!on nt tlir liljet. She liiiii btui Inotnlled In a ltitirltu mlt of room and la (rolna; out er.tt-here. She bud a bn allotted to her nt Hi" opera for one nlht wfelily, but bai arrnnR"'! to oeupy Lord Delia, ter'a box twlie p wcclc ns we'l, In noMitieii to th" dnrlf atraiul of Mi? p?arb, tif ha tRiihurri frein the Hnhm-llrMol company a iTilendid collar ol ftrviHri pefr!, compowd it elglii!n atrninlj. The utramli are fadtrnfd wllb diamond clajp?, r.d tlw collar la pirtleularly lmiidwme, but roi ai valub!r .11 the in;le airing of Oriental bean tlw. Mrs. New liouseV DtMr frleria are dellghfeJ to bear of her forinl suecefft In Knjknd. Mr. Kichard Uaamlah Is EDcndlng :(! v x r; s ' ''ilTi..' . ? ' i Sv; ,' lit. ,.. v .! W $ V . . V '" vS One of the wonders of stage mechan ism of the present day Is the Grigo latis flying ballot, which is the great feature of the "Sleeping Eenuty and Beast" spectacle, which has crowded the Broadway theatre, Now York, for several months past. In the scene which represents AVInter the Grlgolatis appear gat bed us swallows. The stage is filled with the great ensemble, in which all the seasons are vividly pic? turcd. Suddenly the Grlgolatis are seen flying through the air, alighting in the center' some time in his old home, looking lifter the strike In the Interests of the Philadelphia North Arneiicun. Mr. Beamish has been most successful in his work in the Quaker city, having received one promotion after another as the reward of his energy and versa tility. He is exceptionally well equipped as ti journalist, for he has studied both law and medicine and Is familiar with 111 1 and music, as well as business' af fairs. Since becoming connected with the North American he has beheld the rise and f.ill of many dynasties as re gards that erratic journal and has wit nessed the departure of about three hundred members of its staff, while lie still stays undisturbed and nourishing. Judge and Mrs. A. A. Vosburg en tertained at dinner lust evening. In honor of their guest, Judge William P. Lally, of Noiristown. Pa. A delightful reception was given last night by Mrs. Joshua Williams, of North Park, in honor of Hev. F. It. Jenkins, of Miirthyr.Tydvll, Wales, and his brother, Rev. W. G. Jenkins, of Portyprldd.who aie now touring In this country. The house was beautifully decorated with llowers and potted plants and a most elaborate lepast was served. Among the guests ptesent were the following: Mr. and Mrs. I, -K 4 -f 44-4-f-f -"f "M-44 Menu for Sunday, May 15 IIRRAKPAST htrawbeiriei with Oram, Oatmeal, Chicken Haih with Uieen l'epn-ii I i Oliiialno Potatoes. UolH. Cclfee. DISSHR. Coiisoiume Italian l'ate. llipe Oliu'. ItadUhes. Ituasi l,ci( of Mutton, fmiaiit Jelly, Hiked Sv.cet I'ot.ttoo, pdiliettl, aii (Iraiin. hiottctl Tomatoes. Lettuce Salad, 1'ieiiili Piecing. Canadian liub I'ltecuc. Water Crackers Cottigc I'mliltiw, Miple fai; Sauce. IllacU I'ollc", SUP , Potato Sal.,d. Minced Ham, Ma,taul Pickles. Omehite ill rhalliu; Dish. Ulead and Putter. (Ilngeibread. Cottage Chcue. Tea. f - -f-f-fi-f 4-4-f-f-f-f 4-H-H-4- tike hl.'i plcaiiiiiug by liiuv,, If, who buys .ill the' newest labor-alii niulilneiy for bit own use on the farm, and leaie Ida wife to btiugiilo along ear In and jrar out with ,a pump so slln and awkward that it ousht to lc run by horsepower, narrow doomtepi ami strep cellar kt.iiH that aie a peipctuil inenaci) to lllo and limb, licaiy Iron pots and skillets, uud a bah.ira of a bick jard, in whl.ii ho U foircd to bang out tliu a,li, week af ter week, lu the blazing tun? "Urratlies theie a man with rout so dead," who "propstly ml rested'' could not be trained to inaku thing as cajy for bis wife tf iS! '&$$ -f ;.;?: :i, " . ;;a V - . . -" d mmmmmmimm . Wlilam, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Wil liams, Mr. nnd Mrs, Itobert Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jenkins, Miss Josle Wlttlums, Miss Louise Williams. John M. B. Ward, of Pnterson, N, J son of Mr. and Mrs. 55bitlon Ward, nnd nephew of the late Judge W. G. Ward, of this city, was united In marriage Thursdoy evening to MIbs Virginia. Vander Purgh, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis, M. S. Vnnder Durgh of Hucken snek, X. J at the Christ Protestant Episcopal church, Hnckensack. Miss Kathcrlno Hnrt, of Hackensack, was maid of honor. Tho nuilds were Misses Bess Parker of Hogotu, Cnssle Hpear of Jersey City and Julia Adams of Prooklyn. The ushers were Alexander P, Gray, Jr., of Paterson, Arthur Vreelund of North PateiTon: Theodore V. Sloan of Pnterson, nnd Douglas II. Word of Scrunton, Pa. The beet man was Hon. Edmund O. SUiltrr of Pntetson. The groom Is well known In thin city where he has attended numerous so cial events. Frank Bllckens and Miss Alice Mite Eley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Eloy, of Dickson City, were married on Thursday night at the Primitive Metho dist church In that borough. The bride was attended by Minn Mabel Mlckons, while the groomsmnn was Dr. Lynch. THE GRIGOIATIS of the stngt as gracefully as the birds they imitate. After the presentation of several novel movements, which in volve most artistic gyrations in mid air, they retire from the stage, appear ing again In the final tableau, "Beauty's Awakening," supporting high above the heads of the vast groupings on the stage a great golden horseshoe and garlands and festoons of llowers com posed of tiny electric lights. The act of the Grlgolatis is so grace fully, and, apparently, so easily done, that its difficult character and the long Baiter's oicheslra played as the couple entered and left the church. Alter a reception, Mr. and Mrs. Bllckens left on u wedding- lour. Movements of People. W. if. Uaid.ur N in llonetdale. Mis. Jjiiic-. 1". DlcUon was in tbe city jedcr day. 1". M. Spenur has neaily reioicred from Us bcriou illr.e-f. JIM. 1'. T. Sweet N lecoU'ihijf from a t.euie alUik of tonsllllis. Miss Alice MjIoiict, of I'lttelon, was the Riuit of Soanton friends estciday. Jlisn Sophie Schhixir will sail for flurope in the eource of the net foitnit;ht. Mm. I.. S. Kli.li.ml, of Wheeler atcnue, h Ult ins; friend-, in Sel1t.11e1.tadj, N, V, MI-3 I'luielice 1'imli has gone tu Kansa-, ( ity, v.heic the t.as called by the death of uu uncle. Willl.uu Biwli, one of Dr. Snyder' conpciil.il av.M.usW, U bath fioiu culli'ge, alter being Jb Miit, jcwi.il mouth'. Ml Nellie Larkin, of Mahanoy City, U spend, in,? a tew da. a-f the giuut of liu biothci, Jo ."ph A. Larkiu, of the Turaie. Cud lue been iwicil amiuuiulrg the nui ilje of l)aid J, LjI, 01 (iieeu Hidge, and Mrs. Kate Qiiiuii Hartley, of Chinchilla, which will take plait ut ClJik'u Summit Mfrthocllst UpUccpal church, Wednesday nel ut 1! p. in. us In, will do- for liliiifeU? 'Iry It. l'ew women caic to hae a man perpctuilly in tliu kitchen, telllus her how the "ou?iil to cook" thligs, lifting up tlio rocn ol Jji.h and Kettle to tec wlul U in tlivm, cr "ine.ulng" up arlom und sundry concoitlom on her clean btoio, Hut c.eiy woman nppic tiate the ttrong helping; hand in uu riueig emy, when the "help" leave, or the bllfiijing headache or wietched baekacho iiukfM neiy Hep a proline1 TtjIii the thildieii, bo.is ai well .11 till) to bo helpful bud li.iu.ly. Let "Cither" take an neeaxloual tuili al ilia luurhold mill if tho cog get stltt and tliv bearings need oiling. Don't Ut tho tamlly gt tbe Idea fot u moment, that J on me t.o widded to t lie dally rouml of household taka that jou uic nceer willing to lay down the bloom and the ilUhcloth. So shall you too, at well as "Father" uud the bo and girl be enabled to lle jour oviii -Jinliildvd life and when the longing conie-', "Lb ulonj the bank of brook, And watih the Lough', twlun" wltliutit fertilise tlia ui aie ilulug anythiiij of whlc li to be vihamcd, .Mid Jiiot here, a petition lo liae things comfoitable ami pleasant around the back door, Don't put all jour eueigies Into frlji. poile for the parlor of gucit cli.nnbir. II m hae to be la the kibhcii u good tluic cf the day, airauge to lute It shady, coin, fori able uud comenlent. Do as lmicli of thj work ax J oh edn In the open all. If ou luie not a broad (.ludei ponh, or ocihauj. Ing tree, supply the dellcie'iicy with an an imr, with quick growlnj; ca.ior beam, with morning glories or Madeira line. lino a liaminork or at least u locking chair eioe by the door, where ou ran rest a few momeuti while the kettle is boiling or (he lions .u beating. I.'mnu Paddock Tcifuul. ' IEWS OF V A WOMAN THE man who Iiub since married tho girl whom ho rescued from a sui cide's grave tho other day, will probably live to repent both of his hnsty deeds. If she wanted to commit suicide before she was married, she will doubtlers be extremely anxious to do so nftenvtml, and this Is not hinting that marriage Is a failure, either. The young woman who hu a fud for attempting to end her life, whenever the world goes wrong, Is not foreor dained to mnko the average man hnppy. There Is reasonably certain n time lo come when the glamor will wear off front the way sho sows on buttons or fries potatoes, and to have to chnso her off the surrounding landscape In order to keep her from drowning herself, whenever he thinks It proper to admin ister ti mild marital chiding, will cer tnlnly wear out the most enthusiastic ally philanthropic, tempcrnment In time. I should Imagine It to bo very de pressing to live with n person who Is forever uttering dark hints In which a watery rrsivo or a dose of rough-on-rats occupies the chief place. It must m&msmmmmmmm FLYING BALLET. and arduous training these young wo men have had to go through to attain the perfection they display In their act aro hardly appreciated by an audience, although most unstinted applause is accorded them. To the public, but seven artistes aro concerned in the presentation of this fascinating attrac tive incident, but in reality it involves the services of twenty-two people. These young women are assisted by fifteen highly trained men, all ex-German soldiers, who manipulate the ap paratuses by which their movements really be nerve-racking to go home from business dally with the disquiet ing uncertainty as to whether one will meet one's wife Wearing a fresh white trod: and a hinlle at. the door, or And her behind It, dangling by a rops from a stout null. How exciting it must be never to feel quite sure that one will see a delicious meal on the dining table, or discover a three-cornered note on the pincushion, containing the cheerful Information that one will find the wife of his bosom in tho river. Aside even from religious scruples, I have never been uble to assume the mental attitude which will cause me to understand the desire to take one's own life. It is too sweet and beautiful, und too much of It to desire its sudden end at one's own hand. Then, us a woman, it seems to me that I have too much curiosity as to wlmt Is coming next, from day to day, lo shut off the possi bilities at such short notice. Why, to morrow some lumpy, radiant surprise may como lo me. Tomorrow I mny make new friends or meet old ones, who may tell me they are glad 1 am alive. Tomorrow, there may be awaiting mo just around tho corner, a joy I have never had. Tho duv after tomorrow perhaps someone, whose name I have never heard, will leave me a fortune. How annoying: it would be if I should Impersonate destiny and take myself out of the world first. Perhaps nest week some great publisher will forget to return my last story and absent mindedly send me a check instead, Peihups next year some smiling Fate will Inudveitently leave a door ajar that opens into it pleasant land, where art and music nnd travel, and the de nied riches of aspiration nnd hope stay enslulncd. AVhat a btupld thing for me to miss It all by going forever past the door while It Is shut today! Perhuus next month I can do some kind thing for some poor body far worso off than myself. From the grave ono cannot say the kind words left unsaid. All, no! If ever I am found hanginjr be hind the pantry door, or drowned In tho Lackawanna river, or dead from an overdose of carbolic ucld, nnd they say I did It myself, don't you believo It, not a word; but send for Sherlock Holmes and set him on the track of some rascally printer or city editor, or proof-reader driven mad by iny hand writing, but remember this, I never did It myself, for i love life too well, und this spilng the world Is so beautiful that I don't care tu leave It ever, ever. It has always been my opinion that tho man who invented tho phonograph might better Jiave been devoting his superfluous time und energy to some thing less pernicious discovering new methods of making golf balls or safety valves for automobiles or tho exter mination of mosquitoes, Tho charms of a phonograph never appealed to me, I litivo always thought its bong should he like that of the swan, onco sung and iibj! v repented; Its speeches should novcr nave been spoken In tho fit Ht place, and altogether It has seemed llko uu Irritating, Ill-bred and generally of fensive Instrument. But I have dimmed my mind about the phonograph. It really has Its ad vantages. As a piofcssor of languages It beats tliu real thing. Now If you en gage a tcuAier to glvo you lessons In French or ticrmun or Japanese, ho Is almost certain lo t mef or less a bother. tThe lessens tromft at the wrong time when you want to go to the Country club or the euchre club, and tho professor comes nt Ihe wrong time when you don't feel IhV seeing him or have a dressmaker or nn Interesting book or a missionary meeting, but there he Is and you are paying for the les sons nnd you take them with your thoughts running on a seven-gored skirt, versus a flve-gorcd one, or on trying a now recipe for chocolate lnyer cake, or a piece of music thnt has Just arrived and tho amount of Information you gain on language that day Is a minimum. Then you wish the professor was In Mexico and he knows it nnd wishes you were there Instead. But If you have a phonograph that litis had an education in Spanish or French or 'German, you don't have to dress up and put u bow In your hair tor It, you don't have to be polite when It makes you tired, and you are never In doubt at to what It mean". There It Is, nnd whenever you feel like It you can srt It to tnlklng and It will talk just as slowly or ns fast ns you desire. You don't have to be considerate of its feelings when you want It to go back to the beginning and say It all over, and It never looks at you haughtily when you ask fool questions and never, makes you feel that you are rather more stupid than the brother to the ox. in the air are guided. Two men are assigned to each artiste, while one, the director, gives the signals which lend to complete unison of action during the progress of the presentation of this feature. The machinery required for the act is jealously guarded by the inventor, and none of the regular employes of the Broadway theatre are allowed to investigate, and aside from the de scription as given here, they know no more about it than the spectators in the auditorium. Then its chief charm is that you can shut It up when you are tired, or when somebody calls or when you want to go down town. On the contrary it doesn't gather up its grammar and its I papers and go home when the hour is I up and you feel that you aren't getting tho worth of your money. Oil, a phon ograph is a great Institution, and its accent and morals are unimpeachable and no reflectlbn Is here intended on the accent or the morals of teachers who are not phonographs. That's tho way you learn languages down at the International Correspon dence Schools. The professors, nice men, with a choice collection of for eign tongues, speak the perfection of j accents Into the receptive ear of the pnonograpn; tno recorus sec it an down; you take the course and get these records uud you diag out the scorned phonograph or borrow one from your friends who have worn out the fascination of "Kiss Me, Honey, Do," or the funny stories that were once fresh, and there you are. The ear Is cultivated by the continual repetition of the language and the first thing you know you can talk with the peanut man at the corner or the friends who know French or German. Lovely, isn't it? And you never have to give up your afternoon nap or your morning walk, or anything. ' Saucy Bess. Musical Gossip. The following musical selections will be ren dered ut the morning und eiening wrilcca tomor row ut Kim Park church, under tho direction cf J. Alfred Pennington, oiganUt ami choir master: M0H.Nl.NCi. Organ Pi elude in 0 ,..,..., Homer Ulioli Iljmn, "Come Said Jesuv bacied Voice" llolden Organ Andanto in (i minor i.'ullin.ir.t Tenor Solo "If lie Null bdy 'Well Done' " Carter Mr. Woaler. Oigan Maiclo, do I'roeesoni Cappocci i:vKxi.vci. Oigan I'autaslo on Church Chimes ., Hair's Choir Anthem Cantata Domino in l).,.,Waimi Oigan Pastorale in II, Hit ,,,,,,l'out(! Trio "rather Lead Mo by Thy Hand" Huttcttleld Choir Iljmn, "Waiting and Witching". ...Hlin Organ Andante con Moto In A minor,.. Volckmar I! II II The following musical selection will be ueil at tomonow' uortlilp In the s:cond I'lrstytcrlaii chinch; MOItNIXCI, Oigan I'lvlilile Andante lu Ti Calkin Autliem "Hriehtest und Ilcst"- Huik Ounlclte"iiml Choir, Offertoiy Solo, "O Jerusalem, liovk About Tlir." .' II Thee' Hue I; Miss Hack. Organ Poslludo IMIIM'titllMMII IIVKNIXCJ. UatUtc Organ Prelude I'raj er ,,,,,,,,,,,, Massenet ItcspoiuM "Holy, Holy, Ilol)" , ,,,.Altv,ocd ijiurlott? and Choir, Antliciit-"Ilall Gladdening LIght"..,...,,.,rie!d Mr, Olppel nnd Choir, Itcsponsc "Lord lino Mercy",,, ,,.,,0ld llngllsii Choir and Congregation. Offertory Quirtetle, 'Conic! Said Jesus' Si. cred Voice" ,,,,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,. llolden MIm tljragjii and Quartette. Organ I'catliidc ,.,..,.,... Lenmien Mr. J. M. Chance, orgauUt and dlirctor, II II II Miss CordelU 1'iccnian'j btudlo rlub will glio U annual eouctvl baturday evening, May SI, at nucrnsey ball. Tho club is lo be congratulated upon tho soloist, Mr. Percy Hcjiuh, bam at St, Patrick's cathedral, New York, Though still a rry outig- nun, Mr. Ileum 1uj won an cr.. labia rrpulitlcu in the concert Held and Is cure to make a big lilt wHIi a Scrautoii audience. ( l Today's L News Ping Pong The craze. A very Interesting game for young and old. n" .' Vellum and string, racquets, priced at 9oC UP. ' Honey Comb Candy The only place to buy It Is at Package Boys' Clothing One lot of Boys' Fine All-Wool but all sizes are Here, 9 to 15 years. Z-pIece double-breasted style, also the manly suits, made with vests, 3 to 9 years, all colors, plaids, checks, and plain colors; also a plain blue. Not a suit .in this lot worth 0 less than $3.00. Buy them, Saturday only, at 1 .9 Toilet Soaps-Colgate's . A Oat Meal, White Clematis, Hcney, Brovn, Windsor, White Castile at, a cake VC Florida Water, 6 oz. bottle 10c Whisk Broom 9c Combs, each 3c and Ss Jewelry Shirt Waists Sets, some of the Set and Bishop Pin Sets. Cameo Stones and rubvs, pearls, pins to set, at a range of prices from, Women's Pocket Books A bright new line of stylish Purses, Chatelaines and Pocket Books, plain leathers and the mounted kind; A range 01 prices ironr 35c up 10 Women's Hose and Underwear Black Hose, Lace effect, in four different patterns, the wanted kind for this time of year. Priced at, a pair a&5C Women's Fancy Hose, in all colors, at I2c to 25c; a better value at 50c, 75c and $1.00 a pair, in fancy lace and plain black. Women's low neck, no sleeves, lace Lisle Drop Stitch Vest, value 25c; Saturday only, at 1 oC Women's high neck, short and long sleeve Vest and Pants made of good cotton. Priced at J&5C Oxford Ties 99c a Pair Better Ones at $1.49 to $2.00. Children's and Misses' Oxford Sandal Slippers, in kid and patent leather, from 75c to $1.25, size governing price. Jlx Tflff Buchanan's 312 This Elegant ONLY Made of clear white maple, varnished, and is large, heavy, strong and durable. , We onlv have a limited number, and you'll have to come earlv to cet one. They sell regularly from S'a.So to $3.oo.- 1 Scranton Caroet Registered, 406 4, What Is Osteopathy ? O.teopuhy l a new sjsteiu of heating dteejsed conditio of Ihe human body Wilhollt'lnedU duo or lb" "knife, It ls been djniousiiuted by this practice that a pieat majority r-f'iierl dltrai.es hate their lint cause In mechanical disorder, and that when the&o diwrdera are (01 . leeted tho recuprrotho force within tho body will effect 1 natual recoicry without chemical in temrence, Thoueli this new pinctlco is b.iwd upon an accurate and practical knowledge i-f anatomy, phjalology and all that U known of tlio parts and process of tho human body in health and disease, the Osteopathic school make! an entirely new application of lliean fain. It la a complete tcieiico of healing, radically dlflcrcnt fioni medicine, Swedish movement, iaa Mire and all otlur t)tejm. N' drugi or appliances aie uwd. All work bt dorm by mariuil methods, and all remedial result aie secured by an Intelligent dliectlou of forces' within th htJy and aio permanent. For Osteopathic Treatment in Scranton Consult Dr. Herb't I. Furman, the Osteopath, Specialist In Chronic and Lingering; Affections. fircen Kide Sanitarium IWO North Washing.! City Tieatlng Roonu-Suite Ml Outer Bullet, ton a'cnuc. lady attendant. C'omultatlun fice. ing, corner Adam aicnue and Linden trtct. the Big Store. Delicious. 5c and 1 ()C Suits, broken lines of different lots,, 3 Talcum Powder 5C Face Powder, medium size 'box and a chamois, priced at ... . 10c very latest Ideas in the Blouse Pin am vthest, etc., 3 and 4 . a set, 10c to 5UC seal, alligator, walrus, etc. 2.00 Nemo HipSpring Corset An Actual Figure-Builder. Vm make shapeless forms shapely. Tan make pood tlwic better. Has "h "Kpiiug (lore" no other coiet can hae, which give sllBhl hips or full hip. Its MILITARY BELT nives the military pou- ! Iti DELTA 1)11 makes the fashionable vakt line, and the s"lvc fas tener moies automatically with eeciy motion of the leg. I'IHCT.S PROM $1.75 to $fi.O0. NEMO SELF-BEDTJC1N& CORSET luwihublc lo the btout woman. lWthclv leduees tho abdomen. LXPLRT FITTER IN" AT'lTAUA.NC'i Derntatoioglcal Parlors Washington Avenue. Porch Chair I &1.30 & Furniture Co.. Lackawanna, Avenue. T 1i- II V A "Hi 4 H i J 61 .:! , 1 m LI -vl I . A "
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