-'S'V"-(."5J in wirrnr ' i t'' -lW-t iv.- if- ' -, 4 ? "if. , V r,l jm! ....ll-J'ff -V. .' Ti-ui scjUNToar nrti-uuNis-SATt'wiMy, max it, '1002". WFW- ""ivv'rt1-- 'Vll" . -, i :0e $0411(011 W6utt I'liMldifil IJ.lt1i'Mtff. iiimiay, I..v Thi Tfinv ,nc PuliHsliIng t'oiifllimy, a rilly.Ci.iili MjiiIIi. V Sew Vutl WUcci, 180 Nnwiirst. .,. . . ... St. S! VII ITHNDf' fM "icnt'for I'orclitn .Wt-rtfelnjt. tt (tjc. 1'iwlrtfflip nt Scrnilop. l'J ( fifVofiil (.!j- MjII Miltir. When suace will permit, The Tribune Is nlwnys glnd to print 'ohovt letters from Its friends boni tftip.on current topics, "but Its mle lit Ahnt'-theso must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name; 'iqnd the condition precedent to ac ceptance is that nil contributions $hall bo subject to editorial revision. 'jiii: vuxr u.vrn rou adviiutimnti. '.VTlic folliinliiir table dmiw tlio pilrn per Inch fat It liiseitluii, nun- t lie liscil Wllliln .' .,'1r- I' . --a--,--. ,U. . . ,, ... Jtlilffcl v. V Cull DISPLAY. t$n f iraiijd'liiifioA. (,',fiO Jnrliri J(W " 1AJ11 " 0t) " jiwii i;;;i! WKXl ," gH1(V !l" " -.' Jlllll III -II1III1I I'll 1 1, .11 1. in .on .H ."'1 ."'I .J I .!' .1S' 11 ', FofWiJi of tliatiKn. resolution? of cftidolencc, Jill flmllar ton(rllinllnn in Ihe tuluie n" n'l- 'Verlllryr The Irilniiie niakei n cliatge ot 0 tenUt if titles . ntei of Clatiifled Aclitrllilnp fuuiWiril on PiHcat(on. (TWELVE PAGES: ,' ' , PCHAN'TOX, JIAV IT, 1002."" ' For governor of Pennsylvania, nn thn Jssue of an open field nml fair play, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indlnnn, subject to the will of tho fiepuullcnn inassps. r Brace Up. u ONfi PACKS ni-Vt'f yi-t lii'Ineil any tryliiff .situation. Xo tloubt It was natural that In ? the lit st Hush of their disap pointment at thp Hazleton tletisiou tho business 1111.11 of this rliy, or some of them, should have IVlt that the bottom had diopped out of their prospects. We have had enough i-xpcrir-nL-e with strikes' and uRltutiou durhu; the past two years to upproelatu with what le luctance the ft lend of peace and pros perity views the tying: up of our chief industry, and to sympathize with his dread of a liR-ht to the last ditch. Hut looking1 and talking dolefully about It will not improe the situation one particle, and IN psycholoRlcal in fluence upon others is bad. This city was prospeious befoic this strike came and It will prosper Ions' after the stilke shall have passed into hKtory. of our, WAKe-earning population probably lit tle more than ten per cent, are affected by the tie up. Tliat Is a laie enough percentage, heaven knows: and If warnings in the p,i-t had been pioper ly heeded there would today be In pros perous existence in Sciautoa a number ot additional sin. ill and dlvei.-ltled in dustries to fuither Itieuk Hie luice of 'the constriction in the mines. Yet as it is, there is an overwhelming? pei 'tentage. ol, our wage eurnei.s busy as over and the rest have appetites and necessities just as before and many of uieni nave savings suillelent -to earrw them through. Instead, theiefore, of laying: down and bemoaning the ill fortune which lias descended upon his mercantile prospects, the live merchant w.ill In ace up, look pleasant, take account of stock, cut down fancy prices, sharpen his pencil and in -vigorous English through the adver tising columns make u fight for his share of what trade there K If there Is less buying than in normal tlms all tlie more important is it that much of it should lie done lit his 'store. If another stoie captuies it, that is not the Ktrlke's but his fault. Arty man tan make money when everything Is funning smootiiTy. rt takes nerva and pluck and genuine Ameilcnn ingenuity to make it when the circumstances 'ire adverse. ' We predict that the long f.ues. on View yesterday among the business men will soon shorten and gladden. This strike is bad but it is not going to ruin any met chant or judgment and spirit. Ninety per cent, of the high water trade will remain, icgaidless of the strike; and theie Is no telling how noon the other ten per cent, uuiy nwo,;-. !U some pleasant morning to Hnd that the agony is over. Away, then wtli sour-milk visages. If the 'worst comes Ho the worst, let us look adveislty In ,iho eye without blinking and, If neces sary go down with a smile.' That isjihc plrlt which made Scnuitonuind jtlitif Is the kind of spirit which will pie servo and develop It long after (he troubles of the moment shall have fad ed into the mists of long ago. I John Mitchell's command to the mine porkers to keep away ftom saloons nd bb'ey',tho hV Is good for any class 4,11 the time, 4. Jfiif' 1 of rrTtn-rr" f ' UWtllN6tiBeShtrk(. m nioit TO tho recent reorgan ' 9 Jzatlon of its publishers, Haiti- ft' '!; MWi'kliVw as .fearfully .PMintriiibprVaiflsSjo nnd' pa-' hetlciilly pessimistic1 frover'(he rgovei 11 MfilCiV.UPMW tncUhllliiphies, Ntw Mood .-win, lu trod uceuy (llspluoiug much tTintluid become watery In long seelus IjMtfi'om thojjvgrhl of affairs; anatheu AeJ7W($lU.V,'btia"tletUtiuh us. ow. ut the nst vfienfcit: u'lul 44lfulVuiuinir? ptyso rfjtcfti;4ici0. Ml&J'd'iAJifiin'nfc to wit: "a i. "Wo have undertaken to subdue, clj'JJIqe, -and, goycrn iiiut ,uillons pf bvowjivt people In (he Par lOast, .It Is n job tif nrvposteroifi illlllcuity, doubtful Ininftf'jiiid' ilebajialild piy'i'iity, bid th ,respuu8j!i(ity ,'forj ,lt-;tm' uH.JIi.i uc. dvHts-twt'i it Is tin lis lioiu wimiii the onthlfMV"Wiiei",'l(i pti'-foini it. The Wl'll'iut'glf Wfl ivall.i our ithhiiisI b'fllfy and thu mnro serhuuly we take tt, tho better lor all hands." No doubt iflWW approxluiittelytrni'" spmu of 1 certainly, The Xj is film. ihttilifo WhLprlliVJo liiiiV lfU though it tukesA Ittlo Imtli tit. fin i nn I.. II1111 ul Ndlim mi t'ipiM. Ttciillni:. M " .': ' .in ,41 .ro .'!! .2-, .2". .'JO ."J iin - .!" .ir. .1; .i. .no Ws mvKt iitomM)x:mnh'.twwt iinie. not 1011? "" " .....in- ut-eH In hihtoiy,. illicit' the ihiiilt 'u;n Ik .onsl''ii'at)Y wlie (Iior t-lj ilfrt tt'l I tt inea- Tlge (rallied, lu trndo won of In tho con sciousness which conies ot working nut Jnrgc good lu the face nr tl Illicit II Its. As lo Ihu inoials, they itre debatable 111 .about the same degree that the inoials Air our colonial Mi hears were When Uuiy hi-IsciI the New World out of the 'i'ossosslon of tho aboriginal occupants ami enlivened It into 11 laud of the flee mill a iCoine o'f "the Inave. Xo, not itille In the same ilegiee, for the hnl ntu.c Is all 011 the side of the Philip pine transaction, where legal title was obtained by pin chase as well us con liesl and wheie, lu spite of minor mis takes nml shortcotultms, Incident lo all large undertakings, the preponderance of hcnull has gone to tln Plllplno and more awaits him as soon as he evolves capacity lo utilize It, Hut there Is 110 possible dissent from the Weekly's conclusion that the ie sponslblllly Is on the Ainerlcnn'pe'ople and that It behooves them to face It bravely. It Is a logical and now 1 11 ercapable heiltage of the war Into which they forced their reluctant ex ecutive: a consequence pi acceding nat urally,, though' not'all at the time foie- saw It, ,110111 the displacement ot diplo macy by the swoul. (leiitlemen cosily sitting In slippered ease at cheerful firesides may evolve beautiful di earns of how It mlghl have been otherwise; and some, who prefer theories to facts, may scold because the facts and the Iheoiles don't jibe; but the condition, to all practical minds, Is as Harper's Weekly states It: The responsibility Is on us, from whom the authority issues. Xor nrojwo In any alarm that it will be shirked. As he views the Klkln leturns, Vjttay need not feel ushamud ot Mr. his political pupil. Striked and Contracts. THE PI to POSITION to con vene tlie mlue-workeis of the Pulled States to consid er a general suspension of the mining Industry Illustrates the gravity of the pieseiit strike: hut It alio sheds light upon the anthra cite operators' motives for declining to enter Into term agreements with the union. The bituminous operators have such agreements, duly signed and sealed; and If they uie not binding on the union it is easy to see why the anthracite opera tots should fed In clined lo fight shy of similar contracts. A contract, to appeal lo business men, must not be one-sided. Or couise. it can be argued that war abrogates contracts, the same as, in. an International sense, It abrogates 'trea ties. And since stiikes aie wais It is contended- that the interests of tlie whole mass aie .purinnount in iutpor tance to equity between .fractions. That, however, does not supply a stable basis tor industrial confidence and de velopment. The history of labor move ments teaches that only tho.se succeed permanently which lespcet faithfully their contract obligations. Seeming success sometimes fellow's a dll'feieilt course, but It is not lasting, it cannot be. A general suspension of mining oper ations throughout the Pnlted States may-be possible, hut we doubt it. The field Is too large and human necessities aie Km great. Coal of some kind is found in abundance lu a large number of states. To mine some of It lequires special tiaining and skill, but much of it1 can be mined by men with little or no expeik-nee. .Should the coal supply become so scant as to force a draft on these unused .supplies, w'uys to .mine and ship It will be found. Otherwise the whole fabilc of our industr would be toin to pieces and Imputative need go 'unanswered among a people famed for their Ingenuity. it would be unfortunate to have the attempt made to tie up American fuel production and it is to be hoped that an escape 'from such a .piospeet may yet appear. But If It shall be made the oulconie will be educational, and since we a'le learning by experience perhaps the more expeilonee the better. The ghetto 'movement against tlie beef tiust did not pioceed farther than 'the destruction of the pioperty of a lot of unt'oitunate retail butchers doing business on the Kast Side In New York. Tlds,ls usually thu lesult when unor-ganleil-'alitlon is taken against a great combine. The Innocent siiti'er while the far uwjiy ti list latlens uiidlstuibed, The Irleiids of Judge l-Vnnypacker in l'iilladelfilila, icinfoiced by Air, Dur ham's pay 1 oil, aie going to hold a liieellng. They aie safe lo do that lu Philadelphia, where theie are no open prlnuii les. Hut we notlie that neither tlie judge nor any spokesman Is meet ing' John l. niklu befoie tho piople, We trusl It Is tine that It was Col onel (Sully's $2.3iii,ooi which bought thu Philadelphia Kecord. (luffy can spare It, the llocoul Is worth It, and (luffy ,.in the sanctum would stir up the animals,'' In addition to saving his self-respect, Lewis Nixon also saves money. Poli tics 011 the Tammany basis Is an ex pensive luxury, loli n .Mitchell, although ovei ruled. win lean inti striae, mil 11 it talis we do not see how he can fairly be held ivswmslble, ..I Thu iusiligeiit dellveiy of goods to the I'enn.vpaeker boom seems to have been hulled. TOLD BY THE STARS, Isaily Horoscope Drawn by AJacchus, t The Tribune Astrologer,' . ,lilllu 1 il? ii ,1, 111,, fm Sitiliilj, Miy ir, 1 mi.'. A 1 li I lil Ixiiii ti.i IliU iljt will imlc lli.il lliiii! U (.iiui dlv Miliii'lliliri in,ii! 111 Hi" uilili tinier i'f tin- mm uli.i will iimiKly .11I111I1 jli.u Iit a". trhi'i. limn nil.ny Hun Ijc .uIimIIj cans (,"! 111JI1.1 lultuiu itii unr iluiiliii lllul-(ll ,llll Ui'll 11. UM.I J Jt i .Mill id i.i 111.11 1. luu' u"'M Die H"i li' ni'u.'l hIkiIiiI.' tiin imi ylllMjiiilliu; lu tiriKe. 'tlie i.npo llut "piliis; fti'iml" iiftin .eiii-i 114 .1 i;i'u eini' (nr nun nlin ! ,1,1 IKi- m eil.. UMlulliialii.ii lo 'ih iluiiuvt iunijnt fur lk' l!0!lll) or lliau.x llllll, I l-lf'lllldo llllll Jl lldl- 111 buil'of till'-flit. flint burly uoiiiju ii-.ui.ll' imli'ij in lie l.iim, n ".". i .ii ... ' ... . . alai- tie; en I .. ....... . .. .. -- ., I'rlillul li'anl ail. Iin nftKil niotiitfd A .1 I line ivioci.. ' "' ' '- v" k a PRESBYTERIAN ARTICLES JF FAITH t('ul.(.ttilcrl (nilll I'.IKP hi lie inleAf ulmefore, ttiitn Mint we lemlir loc, cljt'illi in n ml iiiIiii.iIIiiii in: our l'ioiliit, 1'rliil nml KIum' fureiir, ' lfl(lo I.V. Of I'.lllll .111.1 llilKtlllllkl'! V liflltue lint lliul pmloM unr Iih nml ncipptii 114 111 llf-'lilt'iiin, mli'ly' en Hie Uliiinut uf Hin perfn.1 uIk'iIIuh e niiil''ii.iri!lli" uf ClirUI. ruvlieil lie faltli .iloiie! .iiul lli.il Him mail'ir f.illli J nlwiiji ,i(n'.iii.nitoil liy iiptnlaiui', liercln e iniif,. .imi fuiniKe our ln Willi full ttii o of mill 1 lull'. nur illUr .1 lieu olmlluu'O In 'Imi. Allli lt , Of tlio Holy splill! We lullele In the Holy sphli. K. ,,,n .mil lllitr of l.lk'. ulm liioc eM.Uliiie tniKii (lie l.e.oli "f Mill, I" !'' Miiilii tin ni lioinMyill nml to liu Hi' Hum luiln Buod, anil wbiiii-1 jPjIi l( v)rl wlllllu In Kile lililu nil vlio 11I, llm, We lielleie lli.it lie Imi Miol.ui by .I111I.V men of (Imi In tmM'i;: Known III 1 nil li Yii mtii for tlielt' kiU.iII"m) Hat, ttimmtli our is.illnl holour, He Win -tut forth In powu tu lotiWcl I lie wuilil ol sin, In I'lillglileii nienV mliiiU In tlie Know Icilge of Clitl.'t, mill lu " i-ii.iiIi' nml eualile lliem In oliey the mil of the Jo!; nml Hut He nlilli"( wllli the iliiiuli, iIhi'IIIiil' in uiry lielleser .is the fplill ot truth, of lollnrM ,nul uf coiuforl, Aillile XI. -Of the .New illtlh nml tlie 'nv Life: We believe Hut Hie Holy Snlilt only i the .iiillior nml "oiuie of ll.e new Willi: Me le Jolie In the new life, wheielu He i niveii unto iw in Hip i'.il of Min-lilp lu Chrbt, ami I.eeiH loilnp: fellouhlp uiili ih, helps 111 In o'ir lie tliinitlrs. puigix in fiom our f.inlls anil rwr lontlnuei 1IU li.uefoiiiilnir woik In in until we are perfedeil In the liLi'tiMi of ( htiM, ill the glory of the life to eoiue. Article .Ml. -Of the ltesiin.illoii .mil Hit 1.1 fi! lo Come: We lidlew Hut in the life lo oiiie the fplilm of Hie inl, nl ilcilh mule Itee fiom sin, enjoy Iniiiiull.ile lominiiiilon with Coil .imi tlie vision ofIlls gloiy; nml we conllilently loot; for the gniir.il retiuedloii in Hie I.rt tlaj, wlwu the lioilled of tlio-n who (sleep In f'litUt fli.il I be l.l'hloliiil In the lil.i nes of Hie clorlom lioilv- of their I.onl, Willi wlmn. they Miall live unit iei'."i foi ever, Utlile Mil. -Of Ihe l..nv of (imi: We oc lieve lh.it Hie l.iw of (,'oii, levejlnl lu Ihe Tin ('oniiu.iuilmoiK ami moie 1 lo.irly (IImIh-i'iI in the vvonU tt I'lnM, i forever rslaiilMieil In Imtli .mil uiully, fo llut 110 hininti uoi! (h.ill Jbtile pcppt tl he hulll 011 Ibis foiinil.it Ion. We lie lleve (bat Coil require-i of eveiy man to ih. jiii'iy, to love tiuiev, 1, ml lo wall .l.iiiulih- vilth liH fioil; ami Hut only tl.ioilch tliN luriiionv vvltli the Mill of tio.l -.hill lii-.Tiilflllfd tlnl hiother I noil of 111 in wheieiii Hie l.lnsduiu of (foil U to he tii.ule lil.nilY-!. Vrtlclp MV. of the ( hinih aril the sjci i- menu: Wo belirve in toe, Holy I jtliolii. liiinih of which C In i-t ii the only he.iil. We liilleie Hut the fli.uili Imiiible eoinKN f .ill the le licMiiul, nml tint tho Cliiieh Visible embraces .ill who jiiofei. Hie time leliKion, Ingether v.ilh their chihhrn. Wo n'cebe lo our comituiiilou .ill who (onfe ami obey Christ .is their iliiinp I.onl r.ui Sivloi, .mil we holil fillowliip with all In lieven in Him. We receive the .iri.ininnl if bapti-iii .110) the 1 oi'j'S, Mijipd, ,il"ne dhinely P'tilih-lipil ami eoiimii'fliiI lo the ilmuli, to irilhi'i' vIth the W011I, ii-, means ot m ice; j.iu'e tcietuil onh by the Holy spirit, nml aluais In be i.i b. ( lui-li.un wiili piajer ami puiru lo Coil. Alllde . Of Ihe I.i-t .linltniieiil: We lie in ve tint the I.ai.l .li-iii Cliliit will come n,'ain lu irloiliiin niajiMy to ju.l.-e Hie woihl ami In li'.1 1 p a tint ippii itiou bitweui the nhlmin an. tho viil.eil. 'Hie vibheil .lull leioiie llu elir 1.1I awaiil nf I hi ir -in;, ami Hi" I, ml v. ill mini. Urt tin' gloiy of his iikii.i lu 1 be -ih.aiiiu of Hi-, pet pie 1t.1l their tiiliame upon Hie full en- ji'liuinl 01 i'U mil life. Aillile .M. Ill ( Inl-iliii smile mil ihe 1'in.il 'J'lliiinplr Wcbilicve thai 'it K 0111 dull, n-, sei i.mts nml fiiniiU of Cbiir, fo iln nn l' unto all mil., to iii.iiiit.ilu the publie ami pihate woihlp of (JO'l, In billow- the Lorii's D.y, lo pncne the .imtil. of Hie fimil.v, tu upliohl tlie jii-i .iiithu lly nt Ihe (lie, mill mi lo live ill .ill honi-l.v, imlt.i ami ibirlli tint 0111 Ihesflnll le, If.i if (liiisl. We io.ifull.i jcciive I lie won! of rinM. biililili,' His iieople no into all (he vioihl ,1111! maUe il..-iiplii of all lilti.ni-, anil ile.l.ue unto f lit hi tint (!oil was in l'liiil lecmicilliig the ttoilil unto I llm. 1 If, ami tint lie will h.ne all lie 11 lo be viieil ami to rmne In the l.nowleilte of ihe (nub. Ui innlkli'iitly liu,t thai by 111, poiui unit ki.Ki' all His eiiiinie-. ami oin .-.lull be lb ally iHd.om.' ami the KiiiKiloiiH ot t bis i.'oilu shall be luaile the Kiogdc m of 0111 C01 ami of 1IU Chrit. In tliU. iaiih we abide; in thU s.rvic we libur. ami in tin's hoj.e we pia.i : Hi en ho, 1 otne, I.01U .lu. Ml of whiili U li'apectfully -uluuiileil -Hciuy Collin .Million, cbalnuaii; (hubs V. lib Ley, llciriil; .lolm-,011, S'amuel ,1. XbeulN. I). . I'Mier. William ilcKIbbin, Ceoiue'll. Siew.irt. S. P. hpiichei, llimy v.iii U.ile. .b.hn l) Wilt, .1. Ito Sluin-.n, I). W. Moffat, . II. Mr Cm. milk, John M. Ilail.iu, I1.111I1I II. oji, i:. W. ('. lluiupl.uv, William It. C11l.be, .lol.11 I). I'.n hOi, lllL-ha A. l'ia11, .folio W. Tostir, Chillis T. TIio'iii lion. in iit'liinr Ihe iipuit uf the iii-iiiibl.iV coin inlttcp'on mi-Jim, t cm pt .n folluvve: (I) 1 am i.ppO-cil'to I he itili.il .mill' hiienf of the M'lenih teiliuil of fliapter I uf the Cimiiw-ioii: (J) I Ihinlc it iuile In mil Inio ,1 (huiih ilocli'ne our lull, f tlnl all who ille lu iiifuipy aie mivhI; (.i) 1 ih) not tbinl. that Hie seion.l yuiiue ot at liile of "the biief ami iiiitiihiilt.il i-taliiuiul'' (the aillile 1 milled "Of the lloh Spiilf) ap iiualel.i late-, the "iifoiined I.1III1." .b.hn Pe Witt. IlC IS IT "IMPERIALISM?" llliloi of 'I lie '1 illume. Ml : N If "linpeilall-iu" wle'ii, after Hie i . pclldilllle 01 III Mil" lil.lM' liMn lilld mllllini' if inii.ey lo fno Culm noni pilu; afiei i-.ililiri-iu mole thin i.iiim -ihooN, pi.miiall.i liinl.h Ilia' Mil. At level inl hiillilii..- Knud loidi .ii in-,-Hi. i-1iud; .illi l iii-lllilliii'." mini other le ri l in .nut liiiniii' imi l.nlll lu her fatm, we lull, in M.i.t '31. i;lti hlilli In her ualiouil lite' It ii "llilitl I iIImii" when, in the i im- of i'.nto I'll ii, .e Intel ititin her ptnple a umeimiieiit "' lipn-ililillii .mil hie a- ilnl ot aiie of oi.i t.iti-i aliuo-t doubled l.i r evpiuls ,nul luipiiU; i-tablMiid mIiiiiiN toi tlie I'l.tiilO pupils c iilulle.l; I'll 1 1 L III i 1 1 1 .tear :i Mlnml Iiuiih.-, while Spain ill. I i.ot btillil In i niie in (DO .,it'i lediiiul In r .li.illi i .lit- by In .nit i re lull nnd lllwn In l tue tl.il' Willi mil 'jijj.intit' Mi.ill.tlx'; It I "Iii'I'iiI.iIImii" in tin mittir of our pin-p..-i'd piuih.i-' of tli- Danl'li VI li ill i Hand-, win it tin ptnple nl iho-e l-l.iinli lute, ilioii.t to .1 nun, kIkiiIiIhI theii ileiio In uitir u ir fiuill.f I. It "liiipiilall-iu" whlth .nlnillliil iw.ilt inin our lulil. ami Kite h'.l pl.u thallj i-t.ilf i lutit. liiili. id of belnr lunger Mibjtd In tlie h 1,1 in and follltn of a diilit liiuile? I II "Impi iMIIrm" Willi li ha- i.iu-l-il maily .1 lltuwiud of urn be-.t iiilloii.nle Ihe intil tin ciliont Itaditu In espJlll.lte tlnliisthii In Ih.i-e l.ii'.oll li nl tin ".ii wlieii' ill iKiiix ih.' I'liillppllH.--fm the puipn-o uf riliii'.il intr 111. i i, . Hit. i peo le' In biioute woiktii lei Hum m1w, .im ,i foui.djllnii klip inn.iid-. .in.ociaic A) nut. in i IIiii--IiIi, who me loudiiillni; di.t s ho. .W Willi ,iu emolliiinil of l,0,oiiii pupll-i, and liltihl mIiooN atliiideil by IV1"" iidull"! wlio aie wdiiimd win h m i tiny aie t :i t lim il, nml boatful lr lo platis mil niipplleil? li it "linpeM ill-Ill" wlilth by .tho liiiuiipli if iiiilli.ili illilouiai, In mi tiled for nil llie n.i. lloi)-. of llie woild the beiullt ot nil "upeu dooi" for iniiiiiii in, in ijii.'.iutlr, ticiuhr.' Cliluty It I-, "lmpiiiillui" wlili li dlltH Ihe .1-1 linn of iiiii''lioie nml llio pi t in I Ion of our free tljt;, ami in duo i'.in, ll,ii-u't llio of late, leliaiiu o prloi londitinii, -I el'.aie il! vm Koiiiiiiiuiit, lo tie ii'puoi of I'mope? Il It "liupcrl tlliin" which piolivu llie luifu of out Veil tu of nil lliiii, ilillte oi loni'iii. l-oui' If tlio lliiii'.-t be "hupirlalUiu," Hun mini INiii'iIiikIoii le llUriied luiln lillill. if.ii.u, l.lii- OMu iitini iii'iiinii. .mi in ivintiy null) napoleon, naltei Miy Hi. I. Ilallaid. r-'iliiuiiUih,, . V. WHERE IT STRUCK. wiiilli.iu' uf u luiiiilir wa :otul for ,1 p . ciill.iill In pinki'ii-;; he ncier nlu! Wjiliiut inin ; m d nml out .ii-.iln tlie uordi, "It tutlh-i cue," 'Hun rjli I- u tli.io when II. u li.ihit pji.nl lioiu liliii, ami lhl w.w hou' il i.ime uUnit, HUiir lo (.p.'.ih kil hi, i l!ii, liu h.iid: "M'tuil, it Mlll.i'.t uiie, lu lellfV.'ln Ihu etlih-ii. i " "Mop," niid liN lonJihlp, "If il ,tllki-i one. Ilia) li lu hour tir luncligoii, ami the lu'ut mtii l iiiljuuiii," And llie coiiit lii-tinlly jdjounivd. Ti'l-llltj, ALWAYS BUST. antr Sprliur nml Sunuiier Ovforili nml tlooli tlmt con tent tlie m hnl and eomfajt the feet, Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 Ladies' "Mclba" Oxfords, S2.50. L.eAJs & RoMIy, 114-MG Wyominfj Avenue. New York Announcement. Horner's Furniture is tho subject of this announcement. The term stands for everything that isrelinble nnd fashionable in Furni iurc, in both the simple nnd ornate lines, whether wanted for town or country homes. Two other impor tant features are the modernto prices at which tlie goods are marked, and their unequalled assortments. Dining-Room Furniture In all finishes of Antique. Belgian. Flemish ami Goldrn, with Tables, Dining Chairs.Chlna Closets and Side Tables to match. Bedroom Furniture in all the various woods and finishes, including special lines for country homes. Brass Bedsteads In ex-r elusive patterns and all sizes. Enam eled Iron Bedsteads from 5.00 up. Latent designs in Parlor 'Furniture, Library Furniture, Hall Furniture. Select examples of Old English. Mission, Weathered and Oreen O.tk Furnituie; also lull lineol Venetian Carved Furni ture. H. J. loraer & Co., Furniture 3I:ikvtH nnd Importers, 01 -5 W. 23d St., !Ncw York (Ail)olnliic rut'ii 3!uee.) . r Has Ever Been Found in the Enamel of AGATE NICKFX-STEEL TheBLUE LABEL Piotected J Dccicln cf U.ittsd States Court Pasted on Every Piece PROVES IT. If substitutes are offered, write us This trade-mark is on every piece of genuine Agate Ware. ry f "E HAKE1 1520 KINDS Sold by rir.t-il.i3 Dep.irliiient ami Hoime-liirnl-ilitui; Ktorci. hind lor new IlooUlet. LALANCli & GROSJEAN MFG. CO. sm'Yomc noicix ciiicaco FOOTE & FULLER CO., 140-148 WASHINGTON- AVENUE, SCKANTON, PA. Complete line of tlio genuine L. & G. Manufacturing' Company's Agate Nickle Steel Waie, it.i nu f.ic ( in crs of Store and Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller for Awnings a Specialty 328 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. THE EXPERIENCES OF PA A Ssrlos ol. delightful Sketches just Is sued by th;LacUivanr,a Railroad, These, sketches are contained In a handtoricly Illustrated book called " Mountain and Lako Resorts," v.hlcli dtsctlbes some ol Ih: most atlracllvo summer places In thu East. , Send G Cents In postage clamps to T. Vt, LEE, General Pascenger Agent, New YctL City, and a copy nil) be mailed you. . r gcicrZSffi JSSsk tt&isam t'Agfflam 'WTOiiE' !v FsBHirasiBJ Um Wl j H U1SI IBHUiB VIA 65BW 1 9.574 The ScrantoM TfUMJNn's third great Educational Contest Is now open. There are offered as Special Rewards, to thoso who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY-THREI3 SCHOLARSHIPS In soma of the Leading Educational Institutions In the Country. List of Scholarships. Si liot.irslilpi In Sjiacuio butt roily, nt l i- catl , , A col Sliotiinliln in lliul.uell lnUcinlt f.'.W ScliolJIslilii III Hie 1 iiltmlty uf Siliol.ir.ililn lu M'.iililiuton Siliuol Scliol.uililp ill WlllllniKioit llltl.liKon hcinl liny Si liolaislifi lu llitlillii'oii I'olleKlale t'lc'luil.i 1 01 y i-diool (ilio!arlili lu Nuvtoii I ollnjiale lulitlite.. i lioI.ir-lili in Ke.tAtoue Aeiideuiy Silinl.iit-liiji In llionii Colli Ke I'lepualmy Silioot Siliolarliii in lite Seliool of tlie I..H l.auamia Sliolarililii lu VIII..M-ll.ine liiftttute Slioliirlili In Cotult Cotlajtu (Suiiimir Siliool) ScliolnIin hi Scrnnton Conscn.itory of MihIo. ut M'J'i eail Sihnl,u.-li!ii In ll.iitlenliciiili School ot alus.li: mid Ail SelioUrnlilpi tn Sfi.intoii llnslneM ColleRe, at YMHI eat'li Scliolarslilpn in liileri'Htioiul Corieipoiideiice School', merjito i.ilue "i"if eicli Seliolaisliipi in l.m lcaMiiinu llnWne'H t'olleire, nt '. null Scliolaislilp-) In Alfred Woolei's Vocal Studio S3 EVERY CONTESTANT will receive ten per cent, of all SPECIAL HONOR PRIZES. A new feature Is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest num-i ber of points each month. The 'Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday, May 31, will receive A HANDSOHE GOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years. Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later. ! Those wishing to enter the plan will be cheerfully answered. The Finest Line of Porch Rockers Ever shown in Scranton A strong1 but true state ment. We have nearly every thing in summer furniture including the Prairie Grass Goods Artistic in design, rich in appearance and very prac tical. We want every house keeper in Scranton to visit our stove and inspect out stock you'll find prices right and goods the best to be had. & Gomel! 121 Washington Avenue. Manufacturers ol" stock SaivgiigftgJii2gi$i)2 I PILSNER : Brcw?r.Vi 435IOJ5J? N. seventh St Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 23J1, New 'Plione, 2935. f 'i !l When in Need Of anything' in the lino of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles fand Eye Glasses Properly fitted by au expert optician, From $1.pO Up Also n,ll kinds of jnescrip tiou voik and repairing'. t Alercereau & Council, 138 "Wyoming- Avenuo.yf f Doh sun w Lager Beer.. i' H 3 ! 'l 4 5 S H 4 v i lloiliiwlu - .. nil ITu3 for llom 1UJ TM T'.n WW MKI ion urn ill) OO.'f) coo (GO .Iff) 1T0 I2"i 18(0 .93T1 TO BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. Contest should send in their names at Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a short course, nor an easy roune, nor a eluap cour-v, but tho beat education to be bad. -No other education It worth Fpendim; time and money on. If ou do, write for j catalogue of e College Easton, Pa. which offci-t thorough pieparation in the Knginec'ihiK and C'liemical Profcs-dons as well as tlio regular Collese courses. Announcement During the summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given nt Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instiuction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles Ii. Fish The courses of instruction are lor the benefit of five classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions nt the entrance examina tions, JJ. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the prepaxatlon for college. C. Students in collego who hnve admission conditions which must be removed before the beginning- of the next Scholastic Year. Tor paitlculais address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 2-lh jr.n Tttciit.i flu .vi'ji. iiiulor tin' in mi.-,, limit f Ml" ll Mil'. ("Ilu'i uii.ii,it.,iv tll.l lll'.lililllll' lOllldtn lll.lilllll llllli litii t', iU. Ml KllU iioii.iIiI.iii. IliJitiiliit ctiuiiinU. 'll'lHlL C'ullltl. 111. Hill tl. l III .llluilUncil l hli;lil iiiiilii-iniiit- uf ln't ccii'i,'H, fm pm, tlciil.ll- nml i.iluloiiiic .ulili i s J11I111 .Mji Itiilllv, 1'h. II., .111 IliKlK-iil, JUvi, SI'AKiNOKAlAl, SCIIOOl, I'iA btluiul.-liuiu, 'j, '1 lie iSJinliulliuii liu .iili.i.liui 111 Ihi Mhlillc -U'll-.111.1 Si lllol -lull cJj-.MjwIII Imi lulil .llllic III, 111'ii iiIhikI ki iiUhu'-i ul .t. in-riiiitidl iu i.ii.o liillll IMIIIlillltllilli Jll'l I Ml I' llio K'llinl lUll rtllllll llicll "I'll, l-'i KUl'H-il till) Jllllinl Ull'i llllll. ilU .H'JH CCI1IIM1 I ( III! Iiulliul. 'Jill. !'!,' Will I ;u hc lit i'iiiiitiiint) uitin In di m, ui tin. lime ii.iit' 1'i.ti'i' l-i ill lull f. ih 1 ji.iI j ulll ioiik' iin.hr III .uie iimil.iilini.sijf 1-. iiiiiiutKii,, lor iu'1 imtli iiln- jiMrpii jt nine C, I' llllil.i:, A. M I'lliuljul. 20RANT0N OORIlliSPOHDENCE S0HO3L? iCKAMOV, l, V J, 1'o.ter, i'U'.ldcnt. 'rimer II. Lamll, Itcti. It. J. Foster, Millie; I'. Allen, Vice I'rolJcrit. 3ocrtr;. TRIBUiNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS Lafay in Special Rewards Scrnnton Tribune's Greatest ot Alt EDUCATIONAL CONTESTS Closes October 251902. Rules of the Contest. Tlio pircta1 fonnrd-i will lj ghtti to llic jieiton neout tn tlie latcril tiumliee of iolnt(. I'oliiK will lie ciedltiil lo iuiitcstmi(H wciirliiK new nub crlbci to Tin! Siraiitou Tillmlie ut follon: I'olnUt. Hue iiiotitli'ii nilHi'ilptlon, .,.,,, ,$ 'i0 t Time inoiillw' -mli-i ilptlou t.A'i :t SU inoiilhi' iiliiilillon,.,.,,., it.CU (i One jmi'h mili-nilpllon , ri.lKi M The loiiteitaiit Willi the lili'liect liiuniiti ot polnln will li ahin a iholie fiom the llt ot fpeel.il retranU; llie con titiinl will tlie mond hinliis'. iiuiiilicr ot iiointi will be Ltlien .1 eholce of the iciiiilnliifr letianU, unit to on through the Hit, The ioiitotalil who mirei the hljhr-t uumlier of points iliirlin: nny calendni' uiuulli of the collier will reeelm n ppeclnl liieior lewud. llil leward lielnsr entlielv independ ent rf the ultimate di'poiltlnn of the nlKhil-.hip". I'.aeh irinletant fnlllmr to fecme n Fpeelnl lewaril wilt he nlen lo per ecnl. of nil money he or she tuins In. All fiile-oilptloiH inii't lie pihl hi aiHance. Inly new Mihsi illmii will lie counted. Itinew.ili hy peoni wlioe mtiici lire iiliendy on imr imb eilption lint will lint he iiedlled. The Tilhinie will linrvlli cale euli .iiheilpllou and If found irii'Kiil.ir in any way' iciciien (lie light to lejcet it. .Vo tr.uivferi can he made aitir ctedlt lui' once liccn given. All ruliMiiptloiiK nnd Ihe e.i'h to pay for them muit be Imtided In .it Tlie Trillium o'llce wllliln llio week In wlileh tiny nre reeureil, fo that papcn can be sent to the mil) Hr!litii ut once. SnlwciiptloiK tnnl be written on lilanlo, oliieh can bs iecuied at The Tribune office, or will be sent by mall, one All questions concerning the Tribune, Scranton, Pa. ii Headquarters for ' Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsyth 1 253-327 Pcmi AYCiiue. NEW YORK HOTELS. A LDINE UOTEL 4 tu AV.,iti: rwi:i:. sotii and uotiists. NEW YORK. liUROI'fiAN PLAN. NEW. FITGPROOF Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town cars niij transfer at It It ave. direct to hotel, Itoonisulth llatlil (.Suits with lUtli $l.'illiiimirl. I ( ?i.50, W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER Cor. SKlccntli ft. anil Ir '.i NEW YORK. HOTEL g I'lacc, Anuilcaii I'hn, V.Z0 l'cr Kay ami Uinranlt. European 1'lan, $1.00 l'cr Day and UiiwaicU. Special li.ttca tn Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. For Business Men In tho district. heart of the wholesale- For 81101)1) era it mllltc'; wall: to Wanamalrer!. S minutes to Slcecl Cooper's Bis Htorc. Ev.ny ot access to tho treat Dry GooiU Stores. For Siglilscors One block from B'wny Cam, f I Inr easy tranaportallou to all points of Interest. f f f t f i HOTEL ALBERT : t JNIUH lUJltt.. f 4- Cor. Uth ST. ft UNIVljnsiTT PC 4. Only ono Block from Broadway. 4- X Booms, $1 Up. pRSFflSEXi, X SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKINO (lu iUiur of tin' Mlrgliaii) Moiiuufin, l.eliili .ilii',v i.iilrn.iili n in 'lnu.iii'l.i. Hulling, lU'ilni,', iiiuil.', id. Ili"llint l.ihlt', ltr.isuiial.il. i-.uc4, LAKE WESAUKINO HOTEL I". ().. Al'ei 1'J, bl'llil ful liiiiil.lot, C. i. IIAtllllS. Thc Westminister hi iilm 1.) .lie., near lliviih, Atliiitli I itv. Ocicii all the jc.il, Nni l'arlur, l.lowlor ami all ntguVril impruiuiiuiU. Sjicc-lal iii i iij Itatw. CIIAS. IJUtlRH, Prop. HOTEL RICHMOND, liciitucl.' Aenuc. I'iitt Hotel Iroin flcaili, At iantii. Lit, A. J.i ud Duan iliw loom,; ca paelly (w; llU lor uncial ralca. J, II. JcnW ilb, 1'iop. . f Ht. S-Jfa&aiscV4Jlv fc'w-viAiy, txt ', k , . 1 .VI .j V.v - ,K4fi, i wi- -.1