V" "zCvpi'i C U'H'hV "v, ,.r.vw- lir f. n v '-' -s";V' ' t.s?3 i t s 4S , yi v ' . "t v. ' S J,-iSi-',i - K J.O. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATLTHDAl', MA IT 17, 1902. i .MH'J5("(, RELIGIOUS NEWS THE General Assembly of the Presa bytcrlftti church now In session In New York, will on Morulny nnd Tuesday of next week, celebrate the centennial of home missions. In all the Presbyterian churches of New York city and vicinity, and In fact through out tho country nt largo, discourses ap propriate to the occasion of this homo mission anniversary will be preached tomorrow. It Is designed that tho day and occasion shall generally be ob served by tho consideration of tho his tory and work of home missions with in tha bounds of the Presbyterian de nomination. Rev. Dr. Guild therefore announces that tomorrow morning In the Provi dence Presbyterian church, he will give a discourse on Presbyterian Home Mission Board; Its origin, history, les sons and Its perspective. Homo mis sions In America are so Intimately and even vitally blended with our national life that the treatment of the theme ought to be of Interest, not alone from tho standpoint of tho church member, but also of that of the patriotic Ameri can citizen. Annual Cymanfa. Meetings. The Welsh Baptist Association of Churches will hold their annual Cym anfa services at Olyphant today and tomorrow, with preaching services In Welsh and English. A large number of visitors from churches throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania will be In attendance. The Cymanfa of the Welsh Calvlnls tlc Methodist churches of Pennsylvania will begin In the Bellevue Welsh C. M. church on Friday, May 23, and continue throughout Saturday and Sunday. Rev. S. T. Jones, of Rhyl. Norm Wales, will be present and preach at the opening service. He is regarded as one of the most eminent divines in Wales. Rev. R. T. Jones, D. D., of Philadelphia, will also be in attend ance. Ordination services will be held on Saturday afternoon. May 24, when R. O. Hughes, of Edwardsdale, will be ad vanced to the ministry. Preaching ser vices will also be held Saturday even ing and Sunday morning, afternoon and evening, with English services in the afternoon. ' The State Association of Congrega tional churches will meet at Meadvllle. Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, May 20, 2t and 22. Rev. David Jones, pastor of the. First Welsh Con gregational church, is the moderator, and will preach the annual sermon Tuesday evening. A Coronation Service. A. unique service was held at the Penn avenue church a few days ago, when Miss S. C. Krigbaum received a pleasant surprise and a substantial gift from a number of the church mem bers. Miss Krigbaum has been tho faithful missionaiy of the church and Sunday school for the post eighteen years, and the event of her anniversary was emphasized by appropriate re marks by the pastor, Dr. Pierce, after which he presented her with a silver crown composed of silver dollars. Miss Krigbaum Is one of the constit uent members of the Penn avenue church, and has given her life to the religious work in this city. She is wide ly known throughout the city, espp fially for her work among the poor, and no one Is more greatly loved for devoted Christian service. Churches honor themselves when they do honor to their faithful jivorkers, 4 Christian. Endeavor Convention. On Tuesday, May 20, the Lacxawan , na County Christian Endeavor Union will meet In convention at Elmhurst, Pa. There will bo two sessions, .1.00 p, m. In the Presbyterian church, 7.00 p. m. In tho Baptist church. The follow ing programme has been prapared: AFTKBNOON. 5,00 Song service and Cipoaillon or Scrip- tuies Itev. (I. K. Cole 3.2ft Address of welcome Rev. II. A. Xje s;30 Bible reading Mlts Luellla McGaughey 0o-"What Will tho Idea! Society Do for Causes Outside of Hk Own Chinch" ) Kor the World. .Iter, Luther Het Waring (h) For Our Country A. B. Dunning (c) For the Home Alex. Weddcll (d)Tor the Irdlvidual Prc-ddenl M. D, Lalhrop. t.J.0 Junior Endeavor ivork. EVBNING. 7.00 bong service and exposition of Scrip ture Ttcv, George Allien 7.W Addrei Thos. Thorburii, Wilkes-Barro A large nunibejr of delegates will at end these meetlnes. Every Christian Endeavor society In the county should not fall to be represented. These meet ings proniibe to be full of help and In sDlratlon. Christian Endeavor State Convention J The fifteenth state convention of the Pennsylvania Christian Endeavor union will be held in Pittsburg, July 8, 9 and W? It has been found Impossible to ilnd a building large enough to accommo date the largo army of Endeavorers and their friends, nnd furnish platform room for tho large choir now In train ing. To meet these conditions a large Endeavor tent will be erected In the neighborhood of Schenley park, Squts for 10,000 will bo provided. Everybody will be comfortable. Overflow ineetlrgs, rallies, confer ences, etc., will bo held In Carnegie Music hall and the various large churches of that vicinity. Th convention choir is being drilled by Pjofessor J. P. McCollum, leader of the Mozart club of Pittsburg. The con vention singing will bo under tho leadership of at least two of the great "tonventlon choirmasters, The now Christian Endeavor hymnal will be used at all meetings of the convention. The convention motto, "Thy King dom Come," will be the watchword of , every inct'tlng. ,. No "sunrise prayer meetings" will be hold at the Pittsburg convention, dun rise mecMilgs are all right, but some thing; hotter will be provided. Tho first meetings of each day will begin at 7 o'clock In 4ho morning, Special atten tion will be given to workers' confer wees, school of methods, etc, The singing at Jhe Junior rally will "bo led by a. choir of COO children's voices. Mrs. C. n. Aylesworth and Mrs. C, X. Ilorrell, both musicians of ubll Ity, aro the commltteo In charge of de tails of tho choir, unci Professor Hen Jamln P, Butts Is choirmaster, Pro fessor Butts la tho successful chorister nf the Second X'reabyterlnn church of Pittsburg, has had a largo experience In teaching and Is specially successful In training voices for choir service. His tifi Tkla ysWaltfciLWMWlT JttftJMaW 4WM la MLV( leadership of this great Junior rally choir mentis a great service of song by the children. The inarch from Schenley park to Tent Endeavor tinder escort of tho Boys' brigade five thousand children will be an Inspiring sight. Tho address on Junior work will bo delivered by Rov. Clarenco E. Eber mnn, ex-presldcnt of the Pennsylvania union, now Held secretnry for the united society. No better selection could be made. Young Men's Christian Association. The annual review of the young Men's Christian association for Its jubi lee year, 1001, abounds In ilgures rep resenting the advances In the multi farious departments of association work, so much so that It would not be practicable to consider them nil In a single paragraph. Tfn million dollars was conttlbuted nnd pledged during the year to the American association in funds for buildings, endowment, and support, nnd for the payment of debts and extension. A building was added to Its equipment every week, and seventy-seven more buildings are as sured for the future. Tho associations numbers 1,476, while the membership Is In America 268,477, nnd throughout tho world r,3S,04n, The Bible classes record an Increase of r,0 per cent. Army association work is done at 3J3 points: naval at ptluclpal ports and on war vessels. The railroad associations number 170; college, 47ii; in theological seminaries, 34: In professional schools, 611; miners' associations, 3; colored, 8S; county groups, 4. Twenty-eight thou sand men are enrolled in the educa tional classes, 23,000 in the gymnasiums, 100 In the training schools for secre taries, nnd 15,000 members In the boys' department. Other general figures are $3,300,000 for current expenses of asso ciations and state and international committees; an average cost of $11 per member to operate association work; 1,650 association Bible classes, with 24, 100 boys as members; a total attend ance of 2,551,000 on all meetings; 7,200 active members on the religious work committee; and more than 8,000 oro fessed conversions during the year. African and Colored Methodists. The leport of the secretary of educa tion of the Aft Iran Methodist Episco pal church, John R. Hawkins, men tions an increased attendance at all the schools during the past year, and a steady Increase in tho contributions to the cause. On account of the en dowment fund $7,002 was sent in through 876 ministers during 1901; and the total amount of endowment money, including that reported to the confer ences, promises to be much larger than in 1900, when it was about $1G, 000. A considerable increase is expect ed In the education share (S per cent) of the dollar money, which was $7,91i3 In 1900, tho secretniy having already received $7,7ri0, with 12 conferences to be heard from. Bishop Denick, of tho African Meth odist Episcopal church, has been In vited and is expected to preach the memorial sermon at the tlnee hundred and fifty-second anniversary of "the Huguenot Church of tho Catacombs, in the crypt of Canterbury cathedra), England. The Colored Methodist Episcopal church has secured a, tract of 30 acres in the new Negro town of Booker, near Birmingham, Ala., as a site for an in stitution for the highest education, the work of lalsing funds for which is now in progress. Meeting of Stewards. "The stewards of the Methodist Epis copal churches of the Wyoming district held a meeting yesterday in the Metho dist Episcopal church at West Pitts ton," said the Wllkes-Barre Record of Thursday. "There was a large attend ance. Rev. Dr. Griffin presided. The secretary was T. W. Kyte. The pre siding elder's salary was agreed on to remain the samfr as last year. "A resolution was adopted that every minister in the district should arouse his parishioners to take the greatest possible Interest in the Wyoming camp meeting and to keep up the good work from year to year. A committee was appointed relative to the revision of tho districts of the Wyoming confer ence from six to five districts." Beligious Notes. The Feast of Pentecost, or Whit sunday, will be observed at St. Luke's church with two celebrations on Sun day at 7.30 a. m. and 10.30 a. in. The Methodist ministers of Scranton will meet In Elm Park church Mon day, May 19, at 10.30 o'clock. Rev. F. P. Doty will piesent an article on the subject, "Redisricting the Wyoming lnfcnnco" Rov. Owen James, D. D., of Johns town. Pa will present the paper be fore the Baptist Ministerial conference, In the Perm avenue church next Mon day morning, on "Hall Calne, the Labor .Movement and the Church." Dr. James Is a man of strong and clear mind. He was tho first president of the confer ence, when It was organized In 1884, and Is well remembered In this city for his grand work as pastor of the Flist Baptist church, in tho erection of the Scr.mton street edifice and the icinoval to that from the old Chestnut street structure. He Is now pastor at Johns town, Pa. Rev. N. C, Naylor, formerly the cftlflont pastor of the Jackson street church, now of Berwick, Pa tho first vice-president of the conference, will also be In attendance next Monday morning. SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal. Mm Paik church 1'iajer and praljc meeting at .;' a, in.; pieachlwr by the uitur, Pr, !. jl. Ulflfn, at lO.'JO a, in.; tUsa meeting In Sunday cliool loom, al ,o3i of wnliei; Sunday school at 2 p. pi, j Junior I.caguu at ,'UU p. in,; hnlor League at 0.SO p, in, ,U 7.W, the jtaiter will Hlr the third of the announced nerlei of four "On," This one will he "On and On," Slmpaon .Methodist KpNcupj) church Iter, If, C, JlclK-rmott, ), p., pjtor. I.oe foart at 0 a. in,; leeeption of iiieiuU'in and Loid'a nipper at 10 WJ a in; bunday uhool al K' in.; Junior League at :l p. in,; 1'pnoilh League at U.S0 p. ih. Pu-achln to the pattor at 7.30 p. in., topic, Vlnlat the (!reat UMoicr. All nude welcome. Ilinuuiy MftliudUl CpUcopal diuiih U, Jjiiui Urunlngcr, paor, ('leaching; at lO.'SO, mliject of f rmoii. "lh Demand of ilm Vine, yard"; clits m-ctlni; at II. Su; hunday wliuil at 2 p. in. I'pn-ortli League at 'U0; euniiig-preaching- sncn at f.'M, tubjvet of neinion, "How Pile (litis ilanjtjtd an L'Ute," hraU dec. All welcome. altmatciM la oa err boat of Um c Laxative llrnmnilluinineTtuieta Court Street Jtcthodhl Kpliropal etiiirch ttcv. CI. C, Lcnian, tMor. OImh, 0.5 a, in., O. D, DeWItt, lender; pmiclilna; At 10.30; Fiumlay school, 11.(3., O. II. t'lfltfc, Mlpfrlntendcnl; ,1u lilor League, 430 p. tn.t Kpnorth Lclpnc, (l.?0 p. in.! preaclilntr, 7..10 p. in. Cl N'o. 2, Tiif. day at ".Ml, .toirpli Arhcr, leader, l'rajer meet. Ilirf. Wednesday at ,,nf-l time, Ihe ifflclal hoard meellrur. Seati fiee, 'tranger welcome. lioildence Mtthoilltt llplopal ehnrch Itev. (I, A. Cure, pater. Ouatletly ineellns; day. Loie fet alili.rn; pieachlnr at t0.H0, by the llev. Amtlti Rtlniii, D. 1), oifiament to follow, ''mi it ly nchool Hi 2 p. in.; Kpworth League nl fl.4',; topic, "Prictlcal Connecratloii," Andrew Horn mfn, leader; Kpnorth League annheriiary at ".SO p. in. The tnual half hour's wrtnon v II I te replaced hy tlnee ehort nddrcwa bv Mlw flor encc Walker, 1'iof. Henry 'Kemuierllng' and the p.itor. Special programme of tnuilc provided. St. Paul's MelliodM IlpUcopal church I'. P. Poly, patoi. Al 10 a. m. mentlnir of the Brotherhood; 10..'10 a. m.. morning- worahlp and enuoii by the p.nlori Hunday tchool at It. 4", it. in.; :i.W) p. in., .lunloi Cpuorth League; evening, quarterly meetlrg erlce; fl.t.", loe feat; ?."0 p. in., i-cinion by llcv. Dr. A. flrlflln, prcaldlng elder Wjomlng dl-Jrlcl, followed by holy com niinlon. Ah Street Melhodlil KpUcopal church Itev. .1, II. Austin, paitor. Sunday nelioot at 10.J10 a. in,, Peler tiaitmiu, Miperlntendent, The (Ir. quar terly meeting will be held by the presiding eldci, Itev. Amlln (Itlllln, D. I)., at. 2 p. in. ; Lpwnith League ul 0.4, p. m.; evening pleaching -mho nt ".HO, riilijecl, "Clnl't In the Stale." Nay Aug McthodM Kplwopal ihurrh Itev. ,1, K, Autln, pa-lor, Pieaihlug a 10 a, m.; Hun. day Acliool at 11 a. in., M. Mxon, -aiperltf temlent. l'iopecl Avenue German .Melhodlal Kplvopnl rhimli O. Ihuer, pa-tor. Senlce Sunday nt 10.W1 a. in. nr.it 7.20 p. in., preaching; himda.v school al 2 o'ploelv p. in. iVoune; People's pia.vcr meellnir, Krlday evenliiE-, 8 p. in. Next Sunday morning, communion. African Methodist Kpltcopal church. Howard Place Dr. U. S. llcnlley. pislor. Preaching nt 10.3(1 a. m., subject, "The Poverty of Jcmis ChiUt." Sunday chool, 2.30 p. in.; Chrlntlan Kndeavor piaver ineellng, 7.13 p. m. Preaching at 7.4 p. iu subject, 'The Wealthy' Plate." Mix. (Iracc P. OfTn, of t'llUbiug, Ii., who icpre senls Hie Woman's Jllte Jll'ilomry soleety, will addre'i the nudlencc at the evening service. A cordial welcome to all. Baptist. Penn vcnue Baptist chuich, I'cun avenue b: tvvcen !iuc and Linden stieet.i. Strangers me always w Iconic. 1'ieiclitng, morning at 10.:i0 and evening at 7.30, by the pastor, Itev. Itoberl X. V. l'leice, D. 1).; morning pra.vera in the lower temple at 9.13. Theme of tlie morning sei- mon, "Adulterated Itellglon." Sunday -chool at 2 o'clock at the home chmrh, and at ".:iO at the Ame-man Memorial mission, on Prescott avenue. oung I'eoplc'n meeting at B.OT. Theme of the evening; sermon, "Vacant Places." Jlld-week prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.4'.. .Incloon Street Hnptl-t chinch Men'a morning piajer meeling al 0.43, leader, llro. Malhcw- Hoi le.v. ?eimon at 1O.S0. The pastor, TIev. Tl.om.ii lie flinch, 1). !., will pieach. At 2 o'rloik, Sunday chool, John Llovd, biiperlntendent. liven ing senlce at 7; praise and son? s'lvice. Ad drew by the Itev. Irovv Stephens. P. I)., of I.ewUburg. Weel.-day -ervices: Tuesday ctcnlmr, II. V. 1. t". society nt 7.30; Thursday evening, pru.vci ami confeicnce niectiiip;. All aie cordially invited to the privileges of our church and are w clcomcd. flreen Itldge Baptist chinch Hi v. II. B. Tatt. of Hamilton, N. Y at one time lnMonuiy to Jarau. will preach at bolh morning and evening H'lvhcs. Other servicer of Jhe dav a. usual. Shiloh Baptist chuuh, under dmj; store at cor nel of Mulheiry street .ind i uns avenue Rer. .1. B. Boddie, pastor. Pleaching at 11 ua in., by Prophet Jones, of l'hlladclplna. Prophet Jones will deliver his fatewcll sermon at the night ncr viie, beginning at 7.-10 oMock, topic, "Saved by the Blood." Presbyterian. first I'lc-hjterian church Sei vices at 10.SO a, in. anil 7-iJ p. in. Di. McLcod will picich. M Lingers welcome. Second 1'iesb.vterian cliunh, JelTirsou avenue, betwem Vine and Mulbriry Mieett 10. 10, morn ing wor-hlp; 12., Sunday school; (I'M, Young People's Society of Clilit.ti.in Kndeavoi; 7.M evening wonhlp- The Kev. .1. II. Odell will preach in the eveniuit on "The Traged of Xe gleoted lleaton." (lieen llidgc I'rcb.vtcrian chuich Itev. Imjc J. I.iiiilii'r, pistor. ?Ioniing ten Ice at lO.SO, ?i inon by .Mr. W. W. Adair, secrelaiy of tli" Hall road Young Men's Christian association. Bible School nt 12 o'clock. Meeting of llndeivov wi iety at O.Sii p. m. Xo evening sciviie. Piovidence Presb.vterlin chinch At the morn ing sen ice, in acccidnnce with the leccmnicnda tiim of the home miislon hoird. Dr. f.'ulld will give an lii-torijl di-,cour-e on the liurdicdth an nlvcisary of home missions; Sunday school at noon; Junior and Senior Kndeivor societies as UMi.il. l'veninjr sen he. with sciinon by the pas tor, at 7. 43. Scats or the church me free. Washburn Street I'lcshyteri.in chinch Rev. John P. .Moffat, I). 1)., patoi. Soivlces .it 10.30 a. in, and 7,30 p. in.; Bible school at 12 in.; Cluistl.iii Knileavor Young People at 0.20 p. ni. ; Christian laidravor Juiiion, at 3.30 p. m. Pra.vrr nicotiiig, Wednesday at 7.."0 p. m. In the ab sence of Ihe pastoi, Seciptary Adair will occupy the pulpit in the morning. In the evening, a ong sprvlce. with full oichestra, will bo given. All welcome. Elder William Davis will be in cluruc. Adam Avenue chipol, New Yolk street Tl e Rev. James Hughes will pieach In. the morning at 10 30 and In the evening at 7.10. Some of the .voiing people belonging' to the league. Young Men's Chritliu as-oiatiou, will take pait in. the evening service. School at 3 o'clock and Cluis tian Endeavor al 0.43, All welcome. Episcopal. St. Luke's pal Uli Rev. Rogeis Iuel, P. P., rector; Rev, Kdwaid .1, llaiighton, curate, Whltsundjv. St. Luke's church 7.30 a, in., holy communion; IMS a. m Sunday school; P.15 a. in., morning piajer; 10.30 a. in., winon and holy com munion; 7.30 p. in., evening pru.vei and sermon. St. Maiks chapel. Din mow 7.30 a. in., holy communion; P.3Q a, m,, Sunday school; 10.30 a, in,, moiuhig piajer and tcrmon; 7,30 p. in., evening puer and sermon, St, C.eorge's, Olvjihanl 2.1.0 p. in,, Sunday nhoul; n.,',0 p. in,, even song and seimon, lint Kim .'...0 p. ni., Sunday Mliool. South Side 2..I0 p. in,, hunda school, fimuli of the fiood Slieiherd, corner of .Mou sey Hvenuoiud (liccu Hldgu ctiret. MhlSimdav. Jiomli'S' piajer at 10.30 n'clock; Sundiy school mid lectoi's claw at 2.30 p. ni,; evening pia.vtr at 7.30. St. John's tuition, 0tcrhout hall, I'lovidnue S'iuiic llol.v coiiuuunloii, 7,3(1 . in.; Suudiy school, 2 p. in.; evening pra.ver, 4 p. m. Reformed Episcopal, (iracc Itefoiutcd KpUcOiil chuich, ,vomlug avenuo below Mulbeiiy sliect fleoige L. Alilili, pastor. I'Mjei and juulsc scrvica ut P.'iO a, in,; DIvliK' worship, 10.30 u, m. anil 7,30 ji. m. ; preaching by the paaloi. Sibbath school, 12 m,; Young Ptojvle's hoi Iety of CliiUtUn Kndavor, C.30 ji, in, Srata fire. All welcome. Evangelical Lutheran, I'.vangeliial Lutheran Whitsunday. (Jofpil, John xlvr-M-UI. i:plMle, Acta iijj.is. SI, Mark', routteenth and Waihburu streeU llcv, A. L. Iluiici, I'll, I),, pastor. Services at 10,30 a, in. and 7,30 p. tit ; Luther Ia-aeuc, iS..d p. m.; Sunday Khool, 12 in. Mornlnjr suhject, "Tho Heavenly fJutrfaiicti nf Ihe Holy Spirit"; cveiilug Aiihject, "The Kvideuccs of Christian LV jicilenec." Holy conununlnn will he celebrated nt the morning service. St. Paul', Short avenue Kev, V, (', L. Lauer, pastor, ht'rvicii. at 10.30 a, in. and 7,:0 p, iii.j Sunday school, 2.10 i. in, Rev. W, 'II. Jluike, of l'laekville, Pa,, will occupy the pulpit, moinlng and evening, Christ church, Cedar uver.uo and Biiih ticct Rev, Jjines Witke, ustor. bcivlces, 10.30 a, ni. and 7,30 i, m.; bunday school, 0 a. in. Iljly louiniiinioii will be celcbuted ut the morning cci. lce. S(. Pctei's, Pit.cott avenuo Rev, John Ilan. do rh, jiaitor. Stiviir. at I0.E0 a, in.; Sunday school, 2 p. in. Kiuniauiul Cinuau-Pulih I.utheiau chuich, Rrc.ve Urift lli'i. IVidiiiJtid hatteluuier, pattor, Si I vice in tho Polish Ungiiaje at 10.30 a, m,; Sunday kchool, 2 p. m, Ciaiu Kvanyclli-ul Lutheran eliuuli (general viiol), corner of Mulheiry sheet and I'reMott avenue Rev. Luther Heel Wailntf, iator. At 0.:o a. in., SuiKliy school; 10.30 a. in., Divine woi ihip; tubjict of veiuioii, "Jhe Holy Spirit and Ills Work"; 7,13 ji in,, Young I'eople'n Solely ut ("hrUtlJU Kndeavoi; 7,43 p. in., ivcnli'e tci vice; topic vt bunion, "PumpcK and Mt. Ycu vlii,, anl 'l heir Ijimoii." Hood nuitlc. Km. body wclcvuie, ' t .lou' Evangelical l.utl.uau chur.'h, 2i0 Mlf- flln avenue A. O. tlallcnkamp, pastor. Pent. cost, ('onfcHon, D..10 a. m,t church service be gins, 10 a. m.( ermon, 10.30 a. m wihjcet, "A New Soul; n New Tongue) New- Religion'' ; 10 n. in,, Lord's supper. Church choir will render special music fo.' the day. Sunday tchool, 2 p. in. I evening service, Ihutliah, 7..10J mibject of ser mon, "Whosoever U .Moved by the Spirit of (lod Will Be In the Rojal Procession of Christ." J'hrlsimas, ysler and Pentecost arc the great holy daja nf the Christian church; our church, uiererore, win he beautifully and tastefully dc rnrsleil from Mr. Schullhelo' Breenlioues, from Petersburg, Let no one miss these services, l.'nijilsli Kvangelleal Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, corner Ad-irns avenue mid Mulberry rlreel-llev. II. I Httfcr, A. M putor. Willi suiiday or Penlecost. Services at lo.rto n, m. nnd 7..10 p. m, morning subject, "The Outpouird Spirit"! evening siibjeel, "The Wondfra of Pen leeost n Prophecy of Ihe Work of Ihe Holy Spirit in Ihe Church." Sundiy school, 12m. Luther League, 0.43 ;. m. Seals ftce. All welcome. Miscellaneous. Calvary Reformed chinch. Jlomoc avenue and illison street Rev. Marion L. Klror. uistoi Her. vices it 10.30 a. m, and 7.30 p. in. ; Sunday school nt 11.41 a. sit. S Cliriilhin Kndeavor, 7 p. m, Morning 'subject, "Pentecost." Anniversary of (lie Welles auxiliary of Cavalry Reformed church, livening aubjrcl, "Speiklng vvllii Other Tongues." 'cits free. Kver.vbody welcome. All Souls' Unlvcrillst church. Pine street, be tween Adams and Jefferson avenues Rev. Thomas II. Pav ne. pastor. IHvIiip sprvlce, with srimon, al 10.3(1 a, in, and 7,30 p. in.; Sunelaj 'phool at 12 in,; morning subect, "How- ttnlveralhin Would Settle the .Miners' Strike"; evening tub. Jel, "What l'n!versillts Teach Cnniemlrg Man." Seals frci', Slrangen cordially vveli'ftined. tlospet TalVrnarle, Jertersnn uvriiue, Diinmore James Irishman, pistor. Preaching set vices nt IO.IiO a. in, unci 7.')0 p. m.; evening subject, "The Doom of the Impenitent." Sunday school, 12m. ; Young People's meeting, 0.30 p. in. Christian and MMoniiy Alliance meetings, Tuesday at 2.30 a. in. and 7.30 ji. in. Plrst Primitive Methodist, Cieen Itldge Rev. O. Lees, pastor, Morning. eimon'tn childien, sub Ject, "llesolullnn." livening subject, "Novelty, Its l'e and Abuse.'; Sunday sichool l 2..10 i. in. All wclco'iie. Cliiltlan church, "orth Main avenue Preach ing nl 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. in., subccts, "Sived" nnd "reniplnllon." Sunday school at lo a. in.: f l.ilstlan Kndeavor, (1.13 p. m. All are w elcome. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS BY RKV. nOBIIItT V. T. PICnCL', P. D. (riom Author's Notes In "The Sunda School Lesson Ilhajtrator," Published by F. II. Revel t Co., Chicago, III. The K.iilv Clnistlan MMonaile-. Ac. lll:1-l. (Joldcn Tct "Co c tlietefore, and tach all n.i 1 1 ons. "Mat. xviii;1ll. A tine church of Jens C'hil't inut be a mis sionaiy chuuh. That the chinch at Jeiusalom was a Home Mlioii.ii body Is evid-nt from its spirit and senlce. When the dlsiljdes were filled with Hip Ilolv Spirit, the little "1 jiner Room" could not hold them, but In Ihe name of Jesus of Nazaielh they went out and pleached salvation to Ihe heathen nearest them. They did not wait for larger Relets and gieatcr oppoiinnttlcs, but ompelled their townsmen and neighbors unci friends to hear the sospcl. in wn daj, thot'sinds were added In the church, and they icniilned steadfast in the doctrines of the I.oid Je-us, and fellowship, and coiiiniunioii, and dally they incioa'.pd in nuiulji'is, sticuglh, 'Via- doiu .in.l povvei. But ppiMciitioii', I.L'loll the chuich and Cod ucd till-, me Hi' lo -caller III" 1 eoplc and thus spread His Ciwjicl to all the vvoild. nlloch b" cauie tlit? ccntei ol the great foreign int-ion moicinei'lR which weie eventually to evangpi3 the woihl. elnist's worl is niWHonary woik. Ihrve wlio ptiIv jneached the gospel stoiv b.v life .ni'l eivlie wcie llit called "Christians" at Autiiieh, wh"!! the In came miuloi,diii. I'l o CluNtian'b gieatcsl need ! n Pentecostal bless III?; his guatcit piivilege is (Ini.tiui srivhe; ids grcutett joy is winning souli for Jeus. The blithplaer of all true in!-ionaiy effort is Ihe In1. n I dedicated 1n Cod and consecrated to Ills ten Ice. lit developing till, lilac kboaul t-kptcli, piiut the wotcls, "A Mlifloiuiy Smite," as uiianged in the plctiiie. Then print the words, "(lives Light to All," ciiipluifciiur what the chuich must do. Then diavv the crosa, with its u, lllibliullnn that the hue Light i-i Jesus Chrlvt, Around the lettering draw the oiitllno of the globe, and teach the cion of world-wide mls-loniry iaboi. If we an, Christians, we mutt be iuls.vcnariea, in spirit at least, for disciples weie tint called ( hrittliiM al Antioch when they began their mis sionaiy lihoifi. All ehort III evangelization lb inls-hmaiy effort; the work ii one and the Held is the vvoild, ugggcv-tloih 1'lial ill aw a cross and speak of ( In (-t Ihe center ol all CliiUtlau work. Then draw- the u.vs lo iivllc.ile the light ol CluMlan 1 1 nt It whkli is to lie given to Ihe vvoild, 'Aiounel the tms diaiv Hip outline of a globe and vvrltn cm 11 Hip vvuiiN of tho lioldcii Tel, oi "A Mis elonaiy ( IH'UCH tines Light lo All." Seianlou, Pa. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR MAY 18 THE EARLY CHRISTIAN SIONARIES. Acts; xiii, 1-18. MIS- nv rev. j, j. aiLBicnr, n. n. Secrettry of American. Society of Helljioua Education. N , r I.YIRODUWO.S. "We mint now ioh Pelei to pay Paul," bald one o Ihe i hurt li fallicis, a ,p noted tho ubiupt charge fiom tlio twelfth to ihe thllteenth cliajiter ot the Acta. At this j.olnt the foiincr 'wholly dhajiiican for u Umc fiom (.acred hUtoiy, and I lie laltci la Inttoduced m me future leadct. 'icr. eau had elaued tlnee the wonderful convcisiou near Damascu (ets, li, 22), but the tunc had been jirofitably An jilo.veil. The apobtle hid been In training foi his iiihilnn, and eveiila had been bhiplng the chinch uud impaiiiis the Held foi liiin. Henc-Ioith Cliililijiilty vrill tlovvl pjs-s away fiom Ihe JivvUh peudo and Hit ft- coiiutty In make! splen did victories and establish Itself aiming idher peojile In lauds (hen unknown, Thin was Indeed the.l.oiii'b jilau (Maltlcvv, xl, 41), and we Hull today study the bcgit.ningt of the first mi.'C. incut to that end. ANTIOCH 'ihere are itialeglc pUitt in cvvrj unilei taking. Mai u woithy enleipiUa lui tailed, not because of Ita men 01 time, but be. lutisc of IU geosraihy. AMIoih, an Impoitaut Coutlnucd on Page 12. HK, jJqJj. I JH IHAHTIOchI MERCANTILE AVafHAIUElOEirV. Mercantile' Appraisement or LACKAWANNA COUNTY row The Year of 1902. The vendors of rerelgri and donmllo merclian disc and lirolee-i, etc., In the ronntv of Lacks, wanna. Pa., will take nelice that In purinanee of the several Acta of Assembly of the Com monwealth to provide revenue to meet the de marina of the trcisuv.r and for other nnrpotes, the undersigned, Appraiser of mercantile and other license laies ror said county, lias prepared u list of t ealcra in goods, wares, merchandise, patent ineellclnes. brokers, etc., wholesale and retail, In mid county, and, placed. each In Ihat class which opjiearcd to him Just'and right, AiiciiRALD nonounit Boiirke, John M retail, Burke, John St., retail. Balakwltr, Gallon, retail. Ball. Win. II., retnll. Illahop, w. p retail. Ballus, Michael, retail. Brill. Anlhony, rclall. Chester, Mike, retail. Caw ley, Martin, retail. Connors, John, retail. Cturen, Anlhony, retail. Caecla, Andrew, letall. Davis. Thomas D., retail. Dickson Store Co., relall, I. k II, Co. (White Oak), reUll. Kltinrrty. John K retail, I'rlertinHii, E letall. 1'oote. JI. A., letall. del big, A. W., trlail. (Illrny, Wm. J rttat. tliiii'evskl, Barney, telall. HovvelN, Abe. retail. Keeitaii. Palikk. it (all. Kenny, Thomas M., ictail, Klnback. A. B., letail. Lofttis, John (Pool), retail, l.lnde, Christ, letall. Llnelcmian, II, C, retail. Levin. N.. letall. Lavellc, P. .1., letall. I.nftus, John, retail. Loft us, Mary V., retail. -McAndrew-, Michael, i flail. McLaughlin. J. C, retail. McDonald, Patrick, letall. . McDonnell, Thomas, TCtail. Miglin. John, retail. Mlirlin. Martin, retail. Mularky, Patrick, retail. Mo.vles. Roce A., retail. Naturhtnn, Wm., ictail. Medlnskl. Yictor. if fail. O'Ro-irke. M. II., retail. O'Boyle. P. .!., retail. Poppeicllo, Jciscpli, ictail. I . ' Push. -M.. retail. Pmb.t. VJrs. Pfter. retail. Plate and Lewis, letail. Paddeu, James, retail. Piiee. Mark, letall. Prolyl Bios., ret-ill. RingMloif. S.. retail. Rudo'owicz, Josepti. retell. Hii.inc, i;, .1., retail. lteedv, Charles, relall - i ltfvetsidp Coal Co., retail. Ittveiblde Stole Co.. letall. Szmok. John, relall. Strchcwlcs. Pel., letill. Sovunlcs. And., retail. Se'aiilou. John J,, retail. Swift. M. J., letiil. Scranton Cril Co. fRaymond), retail. Timlin. John, re-fall. Tuiko. Win., ictail. Wltko, Paul, ictail. Walsh. J. J ictail. BUNION TOWNSHIP Upw-cll, A. J., retail. Fanilvin, It. K rct.ll. rreeinan. George, ictail. Oumeer. V. 1.'., ictail. Sweet, H.. letall. Yanfleet. W. D, ictail. BLAKKLY BOROIJOH. Arnold. S. W.. retail. Budd, Mrs. Su.au, retail. Bairctt. .lav, re'all. Betts. M. D.. retail. Bagnieh, Aiitlion, leuil. Brundaire, A. W., te.all. Basal.Vfra. Peter, ictail. Blocs, W. S retail. Clirk Bios., retail. Callineier, John, ivtail. Caiuahh, Rich, letail, 1're.ti, Wm.. ictail. f.'ni7en-kl. B.. letiH. fJerman. W. K., retail. Go lie, Wm.. letail. Cunii, Wm.. retail, nieluer Jr Son, K.. irlill. Klnback. J. II.. retail. Ketchem. W, P.. letall. Keatonc Stoic Co., ictail. loeklin, O. D., iclall. Malnrs. II. v:., ret ill. Nvliiut, J. T.. retail. O'llaia. Stephen, ictail. Price, O. v., retail. Perk, P, A., retail. Peck Lumber and Manufacturing Co., letsil Itobeilb Brib.. letail. Scranton Coal Co., ictail. Steiriek Creek Coal Co., retail. Squire. K. W retail. ' Siep. John II.. letall. Sliaffer. William, ictail. Watkins, W. W., retail. CARBONDALK. I'IRs'P WARD. Bet and Ncldand, ictail, 25 Salem avenue, Boston Tea Co., retail, Pitlston avenue. Diatnncr, Mis. Lewis, retnll, 78 N, Church sheet, Butler, Alice, retail, 0". Salem avenue. Berry, C. W., ictail, 22 N. Main avenue. Beck. John P., ictail. S(i Salem avem;e. Bovvers, W. CJ letall, 2f N. Main avenue Banett. Thonns P., retail, Pallbrook sheet. Bridget, P. list., ictail, a2 UundafT street. Cavanauzh, Chailes, ictail, Duiidaft ehcet. Clarke, II. F., retail, 24 N. Church street. Cameron, J. L., ictail, B2 Salem avenue. CreveliiiB & Bushr, letail. Utiffy, P. A., retail. Dimmlek, J. W,, ictail. 41',- Salem avenue, I'dwards & Reecc, retail, 36 Lincoln avenue, ramoub Dry Goods Stoic, retail, 20 N, Chur:h sheet, rinncgan, D retail, '1 Fall Brook street, Powler Steam Mill, retail. 1'ellows, Thomas, ictail, 4u Salem sheet. Pli'cicn, P., ictail. Dundaft sheet, (lent. Angel, letall. Hebert, John. 67 Salem street. How-aid, W. I)., iclall. Ilumphiey, D. W., retail, .13 Salem btrcet, Hollister. C. B relall, 2.1 Salem sheet. Healey, 15. J., (pool tables), retail, Kenny & Co., O R., letall. Khb.v, W. Ik, letall, 3(1 N. Chinch street. Ivelley, B. A., relall, 41 Salem street. Kllpahick, Annie, letall. Ihmdan street. Letts, A. II.. iclall, C.S Salem tlrcet. l.uglans, riahilcl, ictail, 0(1 Pmidafr sticet. Lewsley, A S., letall, 51 Salem btrcet. Lee, Kophci, C, ictail, Main sheet. Laiigan, Patrick, retail, Duudaff btieet, l.unnv, John A,, letall, 12 N, Main street, Manncia, B. C, ictail. Mvers, A. K.. retail, (i'l Salem avenue. Mollis, Nicolas, retail. Mchra, John, retail, 44 Lincoln street, Mazzo. Ancle, retal I. Dundafl street. May, II. Ik, relall, 40 Lincoln sheet, Mannlon, P, J retail. Notion, Ihonias, iclall, Diiudafl atieet, Noirl, Clias, W,, ictail, SO Belmont street, Olver, ,1, M., letall, 3 Darlc avenue, I'ligliano, Samuel, ictail, Tlundaff street, Piiiehert, Ileury, iclall, 4J Hospital sheet. Rnlheiford. James, letall, Rokcis. Nicholas, relall. Re.vnolds k &m, retail, 30 Lincoln street, Reese', John (.'.. retail. Staiisbciy, W. 11., iclall, til Salem avenue, Shcprurd, John It., retail, (it Salem avenue, Shannon, Wm., retail, 4.1 Salmi avenue, Seaman Bros., letail, :I7 lliurch trrcl, SiMiriy, W. (J., letall, 37 Main sheer. Seaman, A. V., iclall, 17 Main sheet. Swingle. T. v, retail. Park sheet, smith, Louisa, ictail. Pike street, The Isiael Cnnn Co., retail. Yau Bergen k Co,, retail, ft DundalT sheet. Vail, l.. retail. While, A., letail, Wllliamt, S, 11., relall. Main atieet, Walker, flee. II., letail, Dundaff sttret, Woiklnaiiun'a Store, retail, 7J N. Main sheet, Watt, M. CS., retail, t hunlv street. Walker, Geo. II., relall, CARBONDALK, SKCO.NI WARt, Bisou, 11. A . letail. Burke, lalvvard, ictail, S. Main theet. Biunning, Auguvta, letall, 28 Main fclrcet. Beri, II. P., ictail, M Behuout alrrct. Ilrrnuaii k Bojlon, ictail, It N, Main strcst. Blown, Hank, letall, 20 N. Main btieet, Buike, II. P.. ictail. 11 N. Main ttett. lliirnaid. K, P.. letall, 7 Kabtein. Iluir S.ms, W., iclall, N, Main street, Bell (V Brown, iclall, .1.' S, Main btrcet, Bingham. William T., retail, Dundaft heet. IlUe'tm Bros., letall. llaiiitl, J. W ictail, Coddiugtoii & Thoniison, retail. 52 N, Malnctiect Coiighlin, James, retail, SO S. Main ehcet. Caiupbell, Thomas ('.,- iclall, 2 hilcni etiect. ( laike, B. b., letall, 21 Salem avenue. Canull, 1. A., letall, M S. Main avenue, (lrinou, William, retail, fit s. Main sheet. Collins, Martin, J ictail. I'oigan Bios , retail. Collins, J. P.. telall. Casey, P. J retail. Dltchburn, C, ictail, 22 Salem olicct. MaTOOAHTILB ATftUMtMtWt. Dennb, P. R retail, 41 N, Main ireet, nouttlieny dc Martin, retail. Edward, R retail, 27 Ssletn ttrett. Uley, B retail, Second ward. Klmer, K., retail. Poster, W. B., 7 N. Mala alrtct, Ptilkenon. C. W retail. Oraham, W, W ictail, 21 N. Main street. (Iradlllo, Lewis, retail. 33 N, Mstti street. florman, ISdwaM, Mtllt, Mitn ttretl. Orand Union Tea Co., retail, ed tsalem sheet Cerhtrdt, A retail. i Palem avenua, Ollhool. J, B retail, 23 Main itrcet. Hlclo, Wm retail. Healy, E, J retail, O avenue, Ilurbert, J. II., retail, 25 N, Main street. Hnole, .1. A., retail, .14 Salam avenue. Klnback, Robert, retail, tslttli trenue and Mtin. Kelly, ,r. ll retail. Kllluillrn, B. J., ictail, Main and Sevenlh streets, Klljvatrick, J. W retail, 40 S. Main street. Lewis. David, retail, Pike street. Mills V Co., S. W retail. Mills Bros., retail. Main street. Murine. T, (t retail, OS Fslem avenue. Monaghan. J. ,!.. retail. Morgan, J. L'., retail. Maddage, Nicholas, retail. Moon k Sicbald, retail, r7 B. Main street. Maxwell, Jr., R. T., retail, 25 S. Main Blreer. McNutty, John, retail. Main Itreet. McDonald, J. IL. retail. McCann Bros., retail, Maug, Peter, retail. Nieson, Aurt, retail, Main Unit. Nealon, T. JL. retail. Seaman, R. v., ictail. Singer, R. relall, 10 N. Main street. Slriaml, Alfonso, retail, 61 H S. Main sheet. Stephens, W. P., retail, Ul Salem avenue. Simpson, J. ,L, retail. Salmi, A. L retail, 8. Main street. hinwr. S.. relall, M N. Main street. Pethrlclt, R. w.. retail, Sixth avenue. Beese Bros, i stall. Reynolds, A. W retail. Rchkop, L. H retail. Main alrecl. Roberta k Renolda, retail, to K. Main itrett. Ralgebuth, J. ,T i eta II, Second ward. Rpinmelmeger, A., retail, 24 8. Main street. Rlsenberg, P. A retail. Tlniley, J. p. A relall. .14 N. Main alrcet. Trallea, R, H., retail, 20 N. Mtin ttreet. Tlflany, A. 0 retail. 84 S. Main. if.',1!"' TV A" ntM w f- M"1" lr1' W lams, B. K. retail, Salem ttreel. Williams, Samuel, retail, 27 S. Main itreet, carbondalf:, third ward. Alfred A Male, retail, 3S N. Main street. C'ourtwing. H. P., retail. 07 Wayne avenue. Ciamcr, L. tV., relall. sai Lincoln. Cohen, J. M., retail. Third ward. Devlne, J. A., retail. Devine avenue. Uagen, Charles, retail, .", S. Main ttreet. Judge, Joseph, letall, Main street. James, David, retail. Lofttu. M retail. McTighe. Jamew U.. retail. Main street. Near-, P. L.. retail, 71 S. Main street Reese, Jane T., retail. Ninth tvenue. ' an Beck Bros., retail, S. Main street. CARBONDALE, FOURTH WAnil. Burke, James P., retail, 834 Cottage atreet, Boyln, J. A retail, 171 Pik ttreet. I). (V Jl. Co., mines, retail, Skrtnton. Ollhool. T. J., retail, Brooklyn atreet. .Me Donough Broa , retail, Pike ttreet. McKenna, P. P., retail. CARBOND,E, FIPHI WTtO. Becker, K. IL, retail, Church street. Bcniwtt, Michael, retail Main sceeet. Burns, R. J., ictail. Burns, E, J., retail, Clume, J. F., retail. Cale, John, retail. CARBONDALE SIXTH WARB. Bruniw. licmia, retail, N. Belmont street. f). k II. Biook mines, ratall, Scranton. Dl, IJ. W.. retail. Lvans, J. G tetall. 140 Belmont street. Henly. T. E retail, 1(U Farvisw treet. Judgo, Thos. p., retail, 7B 8. Main sheet. McCJce. II. P.. retail. Malnwaring, Wm.. iclall, 65 Belmont sheet. Moon, Albeit J., refsil. 8? Belmont trcet. Maugan, Then. J., triad, Dundaft street, reoples Shoe Sloic, reuil, 10 N. Main strett. Pctl.ii.-k, John P.. letail. Behiionl street. Robrits, Wm., letail. US Belmont slieet. Hesa, )o"cph. retail, 179 Belmont ttreet. Scott, J. J., ictail, 2el DundsH btreet. While, II. D.. ictail, .11 Belmont street. Walkci, Annie, rct.-il. C'ARBONDALi: TOW.SftHIP. Csffciy, John J. thilcb, retail. Cav enatish, .M. IL, Caibondah', ictail. P. .V II. Co. fPonderlv), letall. Hlg?ins. Mr B.. retail. Ktllv. Michael, istail MlKci-cj, M. P.. ictail. While and llurphj-, retail. " COVINGIO.V fOW.VSIHP. , Coble and ion, retail, DU.VMORr IJOROl'CH. Bograit, Piank IL. Butlci sliest, relall. Burkhouse. Edward IL. 113 Bltkelv street, retail Ifiuwu, John, 711 Rlakel ahcel, retail lliink, John W., ictail. Boknd, M. P., retail. Beattee. Jamc, retnll, Brady 1c Sons, William, retail. Bee), M. a, retail. Bier, Predrifk. Tlilid streel, letai,. Bone k Son. J. C , rettil. Roland, Charles, retail. Bron.-on. O. W., retail. Bin kc, Michael, letail. Brnnner. John, retail. Brock, John, letall. Bicgan, J. J retail, Cavauaiigh k Walsh, letail. Cullen, Piank, letall. Coleman, J. .1. (pool table), letiil. i otcman, ,i ..i,, retail. Colboia, Andrew, letail. Carney, P., letall. Clark, Thomas, retail. Conway, E. 3I retail, Costella, W. .1., retail. Carney k Brovvn, retail. Duffy, Kate, retail. Dougheity, P. J retail. Dandiea, P., ictail. Domiiilck, Paul, retail. Duninorc Lumber Co.. retail. Doudicau, P. J., retail. Davis, Brunson, rrtail. Evans, John, retail. Predl, Tonv, retail. Penis, Anthony, retail. IT mi, Thomas, retail. Oeirlty, Thomas, retail. Gieavy. William, retail. Green Ridge Coal Co., letall Gibbons, J. K., ictail. Gaugheii. Thomas, ictail. Golden, Thomas J., retail, Gerordl, V., ictail. Glynn. M. P., retail. C.lehliman, William, letall. Gregory. James, letuil. Ilenvvood, Thorns, letail. Hoftinaii. Jacob, retail. llout k Saiibon, retail. Hoff, Curtis, letail. lllteii, John, retail. Harrington, Catherine, retail. Hughes, r. J retail. Harper's Market, retail, Heuopp, Of ear, retail. Jackson. Joseph, letail. Jolem, John, retail. Hunt, Oeorge J., iclall. Klassner. Henry, letail. Luuiel Hill Store Co., retail. Latll, Rlnaldo, ictail. I.lbk, J, .. relall, I.aubjcher. Henry, retail. Mellltt, Thomas, ictail. Mallev, M. .. letail. Moffitt k Willlaiiiiori. letail. Mullan, M. !., retail. Muffuccl, Carrlo, retail. Manlev, John M retail. Moiella, Yegenzo, retail. , Mangan. Frank T.. retail. Murrey k Co., P. J., retail. Mason, Edwin, retail. Metser, Anthony, letall, MeCarty, W. J., telall. McDonald. M. J letall. Mcllale. P, P.. retail. McDonald, M. .' retail. Kareeli. A., letall. Olltskl, ffenrge, retail, O'Mrilcy, Thomas, letail, O'Bo.vle. P. P., retail. O'liole, M. J,, ictail. O'llaia. Edward, iclall. l'rien, Herman, retail. l'eiiiisjhanlj Coal Co,, No, .'., ultll. Pennsylvania Coal Co., Gipsy, letail, Pennsylvania Coal Co., No. 1,, letiil, Pretherlrk, Edward, letail, Talmer, John, retail, Pellenr, Charles P.. letail. Potter. (1. V retail. Powell, John, retail, Quilin, Thomas, leUil. Qilinn, Thomas, tsUII, Rtnkin, R. W retail. Reagtn. P. .1,, letall, Rytn, P. J relall. Hlello, LIheratn, retail. Rutne, John, letail. Ruddy, M. J., retail. Reiser, William, letall. ltuaue, Dennis, ictail. Robinson, George, retail. Svvarli k Brown, ictail, btilllo, M., retail. Siwnccr, A. D. i .,,V,, ,1, -. w. I , a,., tll.l,. J- I' SI ..ltl sievans, i .,, reran. Mmller, J. i:., iclall tivvarla, P. K., rela. bciavlilla. Raftael. retail. Spencer, II. K. k Prank, letail. Shim-, D. J., retail, let von, P. J., letall. Union Cash Store, retail, Union Cash More, retail, Yechlo Veto, retail. Yoojelbaclier, E. A., letall. Yalentano, S., letiil. White, James, letall. Wuhlers, 11. P., lettll. Wall fc Co.. P. B.. ictai' Whall, C. K., retail. xiMAwmv xrnt i--' - - nrriririrriaranaiitijtatiiniT sVoelken, .tohn, retail, inn, near, retail. YouhMt, J, M., rettil. tt ALTON ROROUOff, Cspwell, II. K., reUll, Dillon Supply Co., retail. f'rancla ft Dean, rettil, Jenkins. W. P., retail. Ketlrjg, Mecrlrr ft Co., rettil, Rhoemakcr. fl. a., retail. Wanton, Elrts, retail. Snyder Bros , ratall. Hmltli, W. E tetall. Tiffany, P. M retail. ELMHURST BOX0UOH. Htrdenhcnr, E. P., retail. Hipp, . ft, relall. Ruff, Joe. retail. Shlcbtc, J. w., rettil. DICKSON BOROtlOM. Barron, .1. A., rettfl. Bretdiwikl, Frank, ratall. Benthsn, John, retail. Broatondskl, Frank, relall. Btbuaco, John, retail. Bftlook, Btephen, null, fAjrppeii ft Co., retail. Ct than, Florida, rettil. Columbia Bottling Works, retail. Dickson Store Co., ratall. Degnfas, Andrivr, retail. Dlngleberry, Oaorge, rettil. D L. k W. Co., retail. Erant, DavM A., retail. Fallon, Aryan, retail. Foley, Thomaa J., retail. i Ferla, Oeorge, retail. Orovsnskl, Mary, relall. Gallajfhor, P. IL, relall. Croon, Mike, retail. Gorenentlcy, Mary, retail. Gbodmtn ft Welt, rettil. , Goodman Welti, retail. Goodman ft Weiss, retail. Groezenski, Stanislaus, retail. Hennr, Albert, tttail. Hires, Frank, retail. Hall, a. P., retail, Hall, Mis. John, retail. HllvVir, John, retail. Hlhrljr ft Son. ctjenrgc, retail. Jacobv. H. J., retail. Kaalosky, John, retail. Roehlar, 8. R., relall. Kentiedy, TP. P.. retail. Kelfer. FrH. rettil. Krygier. William V.. ratliL Kclb'. Bridget, rettil. Ktlozlnaki, Wtlter. reUll. MoLsngMIn, William. retilL Matthesn. William, retail. Mtntrky, John, retail. Motkovitr, Samuel, retail. Mrntel, Kannere, retail. Motta. Jttha. retail.. Mimford. Ralph, retail. Moskovitz, Itratl, retaiL Mtrrk, Jomph, retail. Netty, Martin, retail, Oliser, W. J retail. Phllllpt, Joseph, retail. Prcsarman, John, retail. Pitenoa, Anthony, retail. Rtinoriti, ". 8., retaiL Jtambekl, John, retail. Scranton Coal Co. (Joht'i miaey, Suraoskle, Jacob, retail. Slupiro, Abe. rettil. Schlntkr. Andrew, retail. Hurdykotki, Jaccph, rettiL Hincer. (. 8.. retail. SHvinski, John, letail. Tltomts, W. V., retail. i Turko. Michael. Tetall. TrynskswkBy, John, retail. Tradeseo, Andrew, retaiL WiUiant, W. J., retail. Whltlll, Httry, rtHail. Weiland, George W., retail. Weisbercer, Charles, retail. Weiibraky, Frank, rettil. ZadvrslU, Andrew, retail. FELL TOWN'HUr, Brawn, W. B Vandllng, retaiL mrg, I.. 1-... wmpton, ieun. Bonham, W. S., Mimpson, retail. Bozaeh, John, Richmorvdale, retail, Butler, V. A., VandHn, retail. Bonna. W. S., Bimpton, retail. Cidwak, Dentro, Slmpton, retail. Davie, Chrlatmas, Simpson, retail. Dulsky. Pater, Simpson, retail. D. ft H. (Co., Scranton. retail. Parrel, Mary, Forest City, rttait Gllarltz, A., Simpson, retail. Htakic, Mike, Simpson, retail, llawian, AVan, Simpson, retail. Hnllah. James. Yandlinar. retail. .Tones, John T., Birapton. retail. Keystone Store Co.. RicnfflMtttle. Kenny. Christina, Simpson, retail, Kennedy, J. P., vandllng, retail. Kennedy, J. X Tandlinr, retail. Rartney, A., Simpson, retail, liearney, P. IL, VaneHiog. retail. Iisrrey, E. H., Simpson, retail. , Tjvin, James J., vandllng, letiil. Lavin, James J Stoipaon, Tetall. Makoski. Mike. Simpson, retail. Meconchke, Anthony, Simpson, retail, Mahoskic, Michael, Simpadn, rstall. Msdidtn. Edwin. Vandlrnr. retail. Malkovvtkie. J, Simptou, rrtail. McCIoskv, George, Ytudllnt, rettil. North 'West Coal Co., retail. O'Hollncky, John, Sirepton, retail. Ros, George A., Simpson, retail. Sullivan, Cornelius, Vindlinr, retail. SvmnEton, Andrew, Vandllng, retail. Scranton Coal Co.. retaiL Thomaa Auriah, Yandllngr, retiil. 'rjnko, Alex, Simpson, retail. , Updike, Samuel, Simpson, retail. Valltnt-, Albert, Slmpton, retail. Walker. Robert, Slmpaon, letall. Wellant, Albert, Simpson, retail. GOULDSBORO. Drum ft Bro., R, C, retail. JEFKER80N TOWNSHIP. Emery W. J.. Wimmens, retail. MePeck, Frank, Elmdale. retail. Swingle, N. A., Mt. Cobb, rtttiL JERMYN BOROVOB, Allen, David, rettil. Butterworth. A. P.. rettil. Bittenberg, A. t retail. Collins, M. 8.. retail. Cookift Co., S. W etail. Cain ft Son, P., retail. D. ft H. Co., rettil. Dunn, William, retail, Davis, 8. D retail. Davit, John L., retail. Dunn, George 8.. retail, Dunn, David, rettil. Eagan, M. J., retail. Freas. ft 6on, II. L.. rettfl. Forchner, T. M.. retail. Gravci, G. M. ft F. M., retail, (".lazier, Thomas, retail. Griffith, T. E., retail. Gavin, A. J., retail. Green, U A., retail. Hendrlck, T. A., letail. HID. W. O.. retail. Hocklnge, R., retail. John Jamea, rat til. Jones, Isaac, retail. Kutnh, Joe, ratall. Layiiar, B. N retail. Surety, Mirtin, retail. naltt, Autlnr. rerail. Matoa, John, retail. McGotT, John, retail. McDermott. Joh. retail. Prior, Walter, retail. Path, John, retail. Rurinlak. John, retail. Ilushbrook Drug Stori, leltil, Rich, E. A., retail. Roberts, Y. T.. rettil. Rennle, llegina, retail. Reunie, Thomta, retail. Solomon. M., retail. Suydei', A. L., retail. Snyder ft Edmonds, retail. Blocker. J. D.. retail. TromBne. If. B., retatl. Timlin. J. IL. retail. Wheeler, J. IL. retail. Winters ft Co., retaiL LA PLUME BOaOtWa Diekinten, V. T., Telall. OLD rOaVML rvarniiinrtM. TVsllaci. retail. Pnnvtnla Coil Co., retail. P11ce, Mike, retail. Penntyhanlt Coal Co., rets Rosato, Frank, ttore, retail. Roitato, Piank, hotel, retail. Roeenbluth, M., store, retail. Rosenbluth, M., butetvev. iUT, Rotenbluth, M.. hotel, retail. Swarlt, Philip. TU. httlkowsky, Agnes, rsttrl. Smith, Mist Mir1, letiil. Hlttna, Louit, rettil, Simmon. !., rotall. tiurber, John, tetall, btephen. ThomM., retail. Shank. John, retail. Sommera. Joseph, rettil. Svrtrt. Philip, retail, staff, Robert, rettil, Timlin. George, rettil. TontHI, Peter, retail. Taylor, P., retail, TrotTer, Henry, retell. Ainiulna, M , rettil, Buike, Catherine, retail. Cbc-llne, Anthony, retail. Col.e, F, R., ictail. Cieco, Prank, ictail. V.vn'. P. II.,. ratall. Connelly, Kdw, IL, relall. flsrko, JL l' rettil. Cohen, h., letall. Chapman, J. IL, retail. Copeland, Aaron, retail. Conned Coal Co., William A. Cartel', Thomas, rettil. D., L. i. W., Talor lllae, retail, Dcdcsco. Lewis, ictail. Drako ft Stewart, retail. Dougherty. D. A., retail. Evtiu, William, ictail. I'Mllon, J. It., retail, fallen, 1.'. J,, retail. liialv. Austo. retail. 'J '1 ' '''Ai i"--&tj J . & 1 '-'?.".