h k thk. sirinAXTnv rraTmTvm-.toRrriAtf. "May m if.no ,1 THE-SCRANTON TRIBUNE-PBIDA MAY 16, 1902. CONSULAR REPORTS Bubmllted by the Scranlen Board ot Trade. NEW MATOlt IN SWEDEK.-Undtr rltl e April 17,1902, Consult Borah 'writu from ClJthtip nurgt The Ooleborgn Handcs-och BJofart-Tld. tilng published jtslcrdiy an artlrle which may be ot Interest, t nuotr It in translation! "Another kind o! match, Intended to surplant the phosphorous matches which hate been pro hibited for a )car, has lately been Introduced in the Kwcdlfli market. The Inventor of the new match arc the engineers, lindln and Jernindcr, nf Stockholm, who have patented their Invention In fwvcral countries, 'Mils match looks llko the well-known potash and paraffin matches, which, however, by reason of the fact that they contain potanoiu phcwpheroiif, come under the same pro lilbltlon ai the old and worthy luclfer match, Hut tho new match, which has been named ftcpallckan' (tho scratch match). Pwcms a property which the potn'h match laclu, vlr It is' damp proof and can therefore be lighted against a damp or wet surfAce, provided this la hard. The inventors claim that rcpstldian is the least poison oiw match In existence, the safety match not ex cepted. Tho manufacture of the new matches, which nt prtvnt Is carried on tor the InvontiTB, Inn been Intrmtcd to UdkopliiRS Tutiditlckfabrlk. It In wild that negotiations are going on tor the talc of the patent tn other countries." rntissiAX mi:tio of nRiQiimT. mak- IN'tJ. Under date of April 18, 1002, Consul (Jen rral 0. .1. I. Hughca reports from Coburg! "Many inriulries have been received here (or in formation In regard to coal lirl(tiettc nml method-! of tninufncture thereof. I have Jmt learned the method employed by l)u Volte!, of Memcl, in ll.il Piu:la; he is said to employ a thin dilu tion of starch na the binding substance. The re sulting pjhte, after being subjrctid to boiling fix a bhort time, is filled into molds without any crcit pressure, the briquettes ticlng diied slowly nt a moderate heat." lUTIIIXH i:ATARMIIMKNT9 IN LYONS. The follonlng facts arc submitted by Consul John t Covert, in answer to scleral tetter requesting information uliout baths for the peopte in France: "in ,oni, there aio many bathing establish ments on the lthonc and Sione in which one can InKc a good swim fur 0 cents; 4 cents more are ilnrged for bathing drawers and towels. Old! rm.v bith home, such as are found nil over the civilised world, mo common in Ljoiis, where a (,-ood bath can be had for 6 cents without and 8 cuts with towels and soap. "In 160S, a concession was given to a Lille company to build simll bath houses on the pub lic squares of this city, cielit of which nic now doing business line. They are of porce'ain, each 20 feet long by ll'J feet wide and 12 feet high. Inside lire six stalls, each of which is divided into two (ompjrtinents by a waterproof curtain, on one side of which I- a dressing room containing n mirror, comb and biush, clothes rack, chair and KiHtoon. The other side Is provided with nn rlei-trie hell, soap and wa-h-stand, with waim nnd old water and all the appointments neectary for a good shower lulli, tho water falling from nhove or from the side"., accoidlng fo the fancy of the bather. The limit of hot water .viven to i.ich lather is a little oier ten gallons; no limit is lived to the use of cold water. The furnituie of the apartment a'so Includes an iion basin for n foot-bath. In winter, thee little stalls aie never allowed to become cold, and in suninur They- ncicr become ci.v warm. Under the bath hou'.e is a. cellar C or 7 fccL deep, in which are the coal, the boiler, u mntlniiouMy boated ther mo'lphon, and tho appliances for heating and flrhlng the wattr. The price of a shower bath in these little con 'ccms i-i thrd, in the act authoiUing them, at 3 tents, towels and soap included. In no cae is the woman In chaigc permitted to ask moic or to uetcpt n gratuity. 1hi Ias-t regulation is never honored by observance when occasion is often d for its transie,sion. Tlie towels must be SO cen timeters long and 30 centimeters wide (31 ',4 by VjVi 'iiuhea). The rules lequire the disinfection of ever towel after it has once been used. 'The company that manages thee bith houses leccives from tho city of L.vom .i subsidy of 20, K francs (1,8I0) per jear and the fiee uc of the ground or thiity jears, at the end of wh'ch time the establishments are to i inert to the municipality; but if, af the end of teu years, tho number of persons ulng the baths in the city is le-i than 200 per day, (he experiment will be con hldercd a falluie and the city will hac the light to cincel the routraci, Hrt giving the company bi month-.' notice." Xi:W GEHMAN ACIll'VLIXi: CHNEIIATOR. In answer to inquiries fiom the United Nates, C'miiul tJcnnal O. .1. I. Hughes, of Coburg, ic polls, April IS, 100.', that Lrilc Coinelfus, chem jt at the caibide fictory at Trollhaltan, has In ontcd a new ucetjlenc generator. This geneu tor, sajs the consul geneial, is described as being much simpler in construction than any jet placed upon the market, and occupies hut little space. In its opciatlnn, the falling of the car bide into the water is automatically regulated by a hollow- rubber ball, which, a soon as it is tilled with gas, doses the alio between the cai lihle and the water. When the volume of gas de creases, the rubber ball contracts and the feed v llio again peinuts I he carbide to diop. Tho g.is is s-torcd partly in the mbber bill and partly in the space between the funnel-shaped carbide magazine and the water. If moic than the normal amount of gas is generated, it secures more loom by forcing the water thiough xalves into the water jacket in the sides of tho apparatus. A sep arate gas lank is theiefore not needed. Should too much gas be produced, Iwth the water and iho gas eacape thiough a s-ifety vahe. Common caibide is used; no caitrldges. The gas is diied by being allowed to pass through the caibide magazine, where the carbide absorbs the moisture. Ah there is no gas tank, and as the quantity of gas thus stored Is Insignificant, it is considered that the flrcdnsuiance companies will, without lalslng the premiums, npprovc of the apparatus, even when il is placed in duelling houses. BUSINESS BREVITIES. lUilioad turnings lor the tliinl vfcl ot April (lila jear ."-liow the follor.lntr inoe.isM over the time Hick of last .Mai: (.Villi il of CiroiL'ia 23.500 'liloifji) .uiri Eaiitom Illinois 10,200 ' lioi'inij valley , ,,,,. I),I97 Nnifolk and Weston Sl,8)2 (oiitlietii Hallway GI.S10' l'lfty-ono joaih show for tho wcoikI week of .piil ii calii of if.il7,iHJi); foitj.nlne roada'for tho ihlnl VH'0l n siain of ?I,iVrj,0u0, mid forty.flvo itudd for March a. mo". Inriidai of IJI.UOO.OOO, 'Jlio AUIiIkoii, Toptka and Mnta I'd rtJllroad -t.iteiiiciit dhovvB a Rain of S300.000 In net ram iiiRS for .M.rrli, and of $.(,20l,bS' for the ecvfn inoiitlis elided JIaieh SI. From July 1 to April It the urosa cuininu of forty fit i rullru'aU iiinounteii to s.tjij,:mi7S asralti-t ai3,i80,o.'j for tlio fame perlixl of irosji.'inU3 last jear, an in. ntjac of if.Ul,).'!, or 7.7S per cvnt,, mainly from this activity of Internal trade. It Is our phenomenal homo demand which not only keeps down our exporti of iron and steel and tho manufacture tlieiuof, but compel the fol. lowlnir. "llpwaioU of lOti.OOU tons of Mcel bit lets will soon be hipprd from Sydney, Cape lire, ton, to New York, l'htladelphla tuid llaltlmore. The firft ohlpment of thU material left that jwrt on board tho Norwegian stoamship A. It. Tlioiji. This vvill eoibtituto ut least lorty bhiploadi ot th roiii'lutvlol material. Some yeara ago, large rat cots of 8teel billeta arrived in tha United Mates, Jremicntly Jrom Newport, Kiwlaud," Nautical (i.uctte. 'Our total public debt U $1.327,Sfi3,nW, of which m(KI,7t.,2UU, nearly one-thlru, tloen not bear in tcrcdt, and 115,0)0,760 bears only two per cent, (the lovvcit rate of any public debt in tho world) interest. Tho highest rate we pay la five ptr cent., on if 11:0,000,000 due In 100), limed in 1S95 lfe'K), for which wc have to thank (?) the la&t Jleinociath-, low tariff administration. Our money clitulatton Is ',510,1W,C'-', equal to ?28.03 per cjpltj. Tho wajes of 250 employes of the New York rrnlrul hopj In Oawtgo hive been advanced ten Whooping Cough. Tills is a very dangerous disease un less properly treated. Statistics show that thero uro more deaths from it than rroin scarlet fever. All danjrer jnuy be avoided, however, by giving Chamberluln's Cough Remedy, It liquifies tho tough mucus, making It easier to expectorate, keeps the cough loose, and makes the paroxylsms of coughing less frequent and less severe. It has been used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect success. For vale by all druggists. to forty Mtvto day. Tb monthly ctlirlm of tha oparttorr, sttlion ajtnU lad yard clerks of the Horn, Wttertown and Chrdenabutfh diiMon have been Increased from to $10, according to the length of arrvlra and efflcienry. The Amrleai Car and Foundry company reporla another batch of ordera for 7fl boj freight cars, 1,350 coal cars, -Sit flat cam, 10 tank cam and ninety-six coachea In all, 5,607 plecea of raltway equipment. Our production of ale! and Iron wfra rods fer 1P01 waa 1,3VM gro tons, an tncreaae of fill), 613 tona, or aixty-ono per cent, over 1900, which was tho largest In the'counlry'a history. Tliotitth the nubile debt of the United Slates de creased $1,617,350' during the month of April, the avalhble dally cash balance increased I,8S3,C0I, giving us ll,o01,WO of a batUrmcnt. It is aald the earnings ot the National Lead company tor the fl.ist quarter of tlUs year are tho largest In Ha history, Tlie American Locomotive company has an order for thirty locomotives from the Itutland Hallway company. Iron ore shipments from Dultith during April were the largest of any month on record. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, May IS. The passive condition of the speculation was not changed today. The volume of the dealings fell away to what Is prop crly known as midsummer dullness. ThLs condi tion of the stock market is by no means abnor mal at this season, due to the usual shifting cotimo of money resources and the uncertainties ot the crop season. The present waiting attitude of the market id therefore entirely reasonable and natural. The money fluiry last week and on .Monday was the corrective influence and has re sulted in the present conditions. The dullness is accentuated, of course, by the additional element of uncertainly in the threatened strike of anthra cite miners. Most of the price movements of r.ny consequence in today') stock market might be traced to tho influence of the acquisition of the Chicago, Indianapolis and Loulsvlllo jointly by the Southern Hallway and Louisville and Nash ville. Ihc strength of the Chicago and Alton ami Kansas City Southern 'stocks was obviously based on a speculative assumption that those roads might be available for a similar north nnd south junction. In spite of the strengthening of competing linen by the deal, Illinois Central w.u strong. The Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville stocks themselves were decidedly feverish, relaps ing violently after advancing. A drop in Chicago and Eastern Illinois, which has been discussed as a possible outlet for Louisville nnd Nashville, ie Hccted disappointment. General Electric jumped 0 points without explanation. .Movements other wise were trivial and shifting. Total sales today, S07,P00 shares. The bond market was dull but held steady. Total sales, par value, $2,275,000. United States bonds wcic all unchanged on the last call. The following quotations are furnished Tha Tribune by Ualght k Freese Co., 314-313 Mean building. W. D. Runyon, manager. Open. High. Low. Close. Amal. Copper OS'.i O 63H ib Am. Car & I'oundiv ... 30 30 3D 30 American Ice H 18i 1SU JStt American lee, Pr. ni'A UHi 61-i fll'.i Ainer. Locomotive 3194 31?s 31 ? 31 "i Amer. Locomotive, Pr... 0.1 03 P3 frt Am. Fmelt. k Itef'g. Co. 4r- 46 40 id American Sugar l'IShi 128U 127?i 127 Anacorda Copper 112A 114 112 112U Atchison 79 70',g 7S'i 7Si Atchison, Pr 07!ti l)7ri 0731 f'"?! Halt. It Ohio lOfiH ion'4 liw4 100?4 Ilrook. Rap. Transit .... fiOU COVi 00 M Canidl.-n Pacific 12?i 12SaJ 12S 12; Ches. & Oldo 47', 17U 4714 4714 Chic, k Alton 3l. t'.SH 1U 3!i Chic, k 5t. West 30U 30' i 20 30 Chic. Mil. & St. 1 100 ld'ils 16S?i ll.U Chic. It. I. k Pacific. .1741i 17il'j 174 171 Col. Iuel & lion 101 101 1 i 101 101U Col. & Southern SOU 301S 30s(. .Wb Del.- & Hudson 175U 17n',i 1751. 17J',!: I)., L. & IV. .'...273 275 275 275 Kiic It. R 3714 F.7V1 37?4 3714 l'.rie, 1st. Pr OS W,4 03 iiS'.i Illinois Central 152s4 i,-,4 ijh i.vi Kansas Citv .t South. .. SI-T1 Slli 311 331.?. Louis, k Xasliville 14H4 112 1407ft 142 Manhattan 13.1 133 132i 1324 Met. Street Ity. 14$s4 lfi4 Haft 1!S'4 Mexican Central 2isi 2jirrt 2S 2si,'t Mitso.. Kan. k Texts... 25si 2.'4 23 !i S'i Mo., Kan. k Tex., Pr... 36 Si.?4 6ti5,', Sfis; MLouil Pacific- 10d?4 KK4 rp'.'J )ift X. Y. Central 1J7'4 137 157 13714 Norfolk & West 5714 f7' 5714 57U North American 123H liU', 12314 123V5 Ontario & West 32Ts S'l'i 32 v WVi Pacific Mail 40 10 3S-"i 33?a Penna. It. I! 140'j 130 limi 150 Veoplc's Oas 102U 102H 1014 102 Heading lly. 044 l?i i'4 04',i Reading, 1st, Pr, S4 Rl M SI Reading, 2d. Pr. fl en GV, te" Republic Steel 1794 17'i 17ii 171i Republic Steel, IV. .... 73 7W 73Tii TnTs St. Louis & San Fran.,.. G7H 07' 67 (.7 Southern Pacific fid , Pfti$ (.5,; f.ji'j Southern R. II 37Bi SS 3794 37-'-i South. It. It., IV. 05V. in! (1514 PSJi Tt-nn. Coal k Iron 0314 Ot MU Ct Texas k Pacific 4194 41J4 411-i 4114 Union Pacific 10VJ 1054 1044 10594 Union I'aelflc, IV 8714 S74 S74 S7H U. S. Leather 131S 134 13'4 1314 IT. S. Leather, Pr. 84'i Ri'i 8414 S4Vt V. S. Steel 4114 41'i II 4111 II. S. Steel, IV. 0114 H1'4 HI 0114 Wabash 27'4 2794 27 2714 Wabash. IV 4P4 4514 4194 4494 West. Union Tel 0194 0194 0I4 0Ii Wheel, k Lake Urie.... 23 21 2254 22s4 Wisconsin Central 27 27'4 20T4 27 Total sales 311.SO0. Money, lj. CHICAGO ORAI.V AND PROVISION MAItKHT. WHEAT July September ., CORK July Koptcmher .. OATS July .September . . POltK- Jiily September . . LAUD July September .. Open. ..75TA ..W5 ..l?i Hiirh. 7u?A 74a Bi OUi XLYt 29 i7.no 17.07 10.12 10.12 !.80 O.SO I.nw. T5l Close. 73'4 (2; tu 20 bOJj 31U 29 17.12 17.52 mm 10,!)7 0.72 l.73 MM, .2D ..17.5.1 ..17.00 17.12 17.52 ,10.t2 .10. 12 10.S-. 10.:i7 July WHS 0.7.-. 0.7.1 0.72 P. 73 Sentember NKW YOHK COTTON JIAHKHT. Open. Ille!- t.nw-. July 0.03 1)07 S.OT AiiRUst 8.7-1 8.7S 8.70 September S.2fl S.2S M October , 8.00 8.0S 8.00 CIoe. Km K70 C.22 S.02 Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Bar of 100. STOCKS. Bid. AikeJ. Lackawanna IlJlry Co., Pr. ca ... County Saving! Bank k Trust Co., 300 I'list National Hunk (CarlwndJle) too Third Nutlonal Bank MO Dime Dc)oilt ami Discount Bank,,. COO ... Economy Light, II. k 1. Ca o Klret National Dank , 1300 ,,. Lacka. Trust k Mate Deposit uo..., Clark k Snover Co., IT Kcranton Havings Bank ,,,,. Traders' National llink Senititon Holt A: Nut, Co I'cnple'ii Bank .,,..,,,. IIO.NDS. Scranton racking Co , Kcrantoii ftasenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 People' Btrect Railway, first lnort- gajce, due 1018 ,,,, ,,,,. Peonle'a Street Railway. General 103 125 fiOO ... 125 123 ... TH S5 113 ... 113 ... 115 . 115 ... 07 07 ... 105 mortgage, due 1021 115 Ecranton Traction 0 per cent 115 Economy Light, Heat a Power Co North Jersey k Pocono Ice Co,,,,, Consolidated Water Supply Co,,,,, Bcranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Lacka wanna Ave.) Klour-fl.0. Butter Fresh creamery, 23c: Iresli dairy, 21e, Climse 18al3so. t'gg Nearby, 18c. j wrstern, 17Wt Marrow Beans Per bushel, j.'.asj-.MO, drcei Peas Per huvliel, 11.75. Potatocs-Pcr bushel, fl.OO. Onions Bermudas, $2.25 per crate. New York Grain and Produce Maiket New York, May II. Hour Quiet, but firmli lelJ In spite ol the wheat declini. Winter pit ents, 3 0ualZ5i winter straights, $3.b5ai; Mln nciota patent, fl.lOat 25. Wheat-Spot steady No. 2 red, 80c elevator) No. 2 red, uoo. I. u b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth, 8IUc f. o. U atloat. After a brief period of opening Amine-, wheat turned weak and was heavy all day. Th close was Hattc net lower. Way closed Sic; July, 81c. 8ept., 70cj Dec, SO'.ik. Coin Spot easy; No. 2, 70Hc, elevator, and 70c. f. o. b. sftoat. Option market opened firm and hlghr Later it broke, the close being a9ic net lower May closed 0lic July, o7Tc. ; Sept., K' Oats-Spot steady r No. 2, 47c. I No. 3, ISc; No. 2 white, olHc; No. 3 white, file; trie BiUed western, 7elSc, track white, Ua35!sc Opt Ions qntct and easier alt day on favorable rron news, flutter Steady) creamery, iiOtt SS'ie-l factory, 10a20Hf.i renovated, 10a2le.! Imitation creamery, 10Ua2lr,t slaln dairy, 20a S2e. Cheese Firm) New stale full rrram, small, colored and 'white, 12c! large, rolored, 1194c I large, while, ll'ic. lgs-Stcadv; stale rnd reuiia., 17c.) western, 1094al714c southern, lie, Chicago Groin Market. Clilcago, May 15. drain trade was ailull and MrmiAl' alrdlp fnrlt. t flm Alimn nt mv IiImI liessdikc animation nnd wllh reports of good wnlher tor nil crops lower prices resulted,. July wheal closed Uc lower; July rorn, 9sC down, and July oals, 8ia!5c lower, l'rovlslona cloed B to 1714 cents depressed. Cash quotation! were as follow a l Flour Qulelj No, 3 rprlng w licit. 7514a7e.; No. 2 red. 82'4aS4c! No. 2 com. 6294aU394r. i No. 2 jrllirn-, r2Taitl(, No. 2 oats, 439411?.$ Nn. 2 while, 4ih4014c; No. 3 white, 43!',al0c. No. 2 rye, OOalfllic.; good feeding barley, I fair to choice malting, lOa72c.i No, 1 flax seed, $1.00; No, 1 northwestern, $1.77: prime timothy seed, (); mess pork, per barrel, $17.30417.35; lard, per 100 pounds, !MO.37!4al0.4O! Miort tlbs, sides, 'J.70j0.8O; dry salted shoulders, tU8!4e.) (holt clear sides, boxed, $10.40al0.C0. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, May 15. Cattle Receipts, 81,250; active, steady to strong; good to prime steers, ?u7.50; poor to medium, $5a0.30; stoikcra and feeders, $2.75aD.10! cows. $1.50u0 25; heifers, f2.75 aU.fiO: fanners. !l.fi0a2.C0; calves, f2a7; Texas fed teers, if.1 fwaO.BO. Ilog Itecclpts, today, 30,000; (omorrpw, 24, 1; left over, 4 500; active, A to 10 cents lower; mixed and butchers, $0.P5i7.SO; good to choice heavy, 7.30i7,4i; rough heavy, $7a7.20; light, 50.POa7.15! bulk of siles, $7a7.20. Sheep Receipts, 8,000; sheep and lambs, stendv; good to choice wethers, 3.60iil.30; west ern sheep, l?3.30a0.50; native lambs, $.").0Oa0.73. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, May 13. No cattle on sale. Veals Receipts, 210; tops, j!.&0a7; fair to good, ?5.50an; common to light, ?l.50i5.25. ' Hogs Receipts, 2,700; opened actm' anil 10 allie. higher on pigs: other grades, fialOe. high cr; heavy, fj7.t0i7.C3s mixed, $7.40a7.50; pigs, S7 10a7.20: roughs, l.S0.i7.1(); stags, $j.25a0; closing easier. Sheep nnd lambs Receipts, 4,000; lambs, act ive. 10il5e. higher; sheep, steady; top lambs, $7.10a7.2O; fair to good, $6.7510 Uj! culls and common. 41.25k;: jearllngs, S0.23aO.CO; sheep, mixed, tons, (-5.75,10; fair to good, I?3.23i3.50; culls and common, .f3a1,75. Oil Market. Oil City, May 13. Ciedit balances. $1.20; cer. tltlcates, no bid. Shipments, Mi.iiif average, U'J,711. Runs, P0.711; avciage, 77,605. FINANCIAL THE Six Eagles Minis An Investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now heing offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development ot tne property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Fan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, HLES1KC0 1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. GREAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! WILLIAM B. ICINO&CO. Members of Houston (Xoxns) Oil Stock Ex clmngo bolloit oidera, k.HKnHntnKtKr.r.ru.nKnt.tKt,.'.t,.t it . If You Walk Much You can when time is SUUC 1U1 UIC tt &r ir Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, ; 330 Lackawanna Avenue. to'----'''''----'' Special-Sale Jardiniere Stands BBSnaasaMK2Ba Isff n llJ iV mm?iygiBikjaimuiiimiutia 322 Lackawanna Avenue. FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SGR ANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus. $600000 Pays 3 Interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. SHORT SEA TRIPS A few days can be pleasantly spent in a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE Steamers sail daily except Sunday from Pier 26, North River, foot of Beach street. New York. Tickets, including meals and state room accommodations, SS.OO one way, 513,00 round trip, and upwards. Send btamp for illustrated book. OLD DOMINION STEAHSHIP CO. 81 Beach Street, New York, N". Y. H. B. WALKER, Traffic Manager. J. J. BROWN, General Passenger Agent. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrantoa and Wllkes-Barrc, Pa, Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumpi. ' s 9 .1 .1 ao it more comronaDiy 2 do it spent in getting the right liyilL 1UUI. Our shoes have a reputation for a reputation GOODNESS, Style, Perfect Wearing and Fitting Qualities not found in ordinary shoes. Our $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Shoes have no equal in the city. For today only (Friday) we will sell Jardiniere Stand like cut. They are strong, and worth three times the price asked. Special price, 24c J Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping: Center 1 23, 1 25, 1 27 and 1 29 Washington AVe. No one can do more than his best. Our more than 100 helpers are all trying to avoid mistakes. Please help by seeing that they get your name and address right. Let It Be Known Let It Be KtlOWfl Let It Be KnOWn Let It Be KnOWn Let It Be KnOWn Let It Re Known Let It Be KnOWn Connolly & Wallace f Our Business Is Strictly Confidential Special Sale of 317 Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. RAILROAD TIMS TABLES. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in titled June 2, 1001. Trains leave: Siruntuii: O.Us a. in,, week days, through vestibulo tialn (rom Wlllcea-Baire. 1'ull. man bullet parlor car and coaches to l'hiladel plila, via PoitsYlllo; stops at principal Interme diate stations. Alio counccts lor feuulmr), liar risburn. Philadelphia, lialtimurc, WaUiiujfton and or Pittiburu and the vvcat. 0.a8 a. in., week days, for Simbnry, Harrisbtirs, Philadelphia, Dilllmore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho west. ..,.., ,li p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.B3 p. in.), tor Sunuury, Harrlsburs. I'ldladclphla, Daltimore, Washington and Pititburg and the west. 3.2S n. in., week darn, tlirousli vestibule train from WilUca-Bjrrc. Pullman butlct parlor car and coarhes to Philadelphia via Pottsvitltf. titOis at principal lnternicdlatt; stations 4.27 p. in., week diyj, for liazlcton, bunbury. Ilarrisburz, Philadelphia and Plttsburi;. J. 11. llUTClllNSiO.S. Oen. Msr. J. D. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, In IWeet Nov. a. 1001, Trains leave Scranton for Niw ork At 1.40, 8.15, 0.U.5, 7.00 and 10.05 a. in.: 12.15, X40, 3. 11 p. ni. V'or New York and Philadelphia 7.60, inn a. m.. and 12.43 and 3.3 n. in. For Tob. 1 bauna At 0.10 p. m. Vov Uuflalo 1.15, 0.22 and 0.00 a. m.; 1.55, U.tiO and 11. M p. in. 1'or Hinu hainton and way stations 10.20 a. ill. and 1,10 I n. m. For Oswezo. tivracu5o and Utica 1.15 and tl.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. in. Oittt'KO, Syracu' and Utlca train at 6.22 a. in. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. in,; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.13 p. m. Ulooinsburg Ulvislcn I-'or Northumberland, it 0.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.53 and 6.10 p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m,i 3.40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Tralns-For New York, 1.40, 3.15, 0.0J and 10.03 a. ni.; 3.10, 3.3J p. m. For Uuflalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m. i 1.55, 0.60 and 11.33 p. m. Fur lUnghaiuton and way stations 10.20 u. m. Ulcomsburi; Dlvl.lon Leavu tscrautou, 10.05 a. 01. and 0.10 p, in. Delaware and Hudson. In UUect November 21, 1001, Trains tor Carbondalo leave bcranton at 6.20, 8.00, 8.53, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.20, 2.34, 3.52, 5.20, 6.25, 7.67, 0.15, 11.20 p. IB.i 1.31 a. in. For lloucsdalc 0.20, 10, 1U. uc; 2.31 and 6.29 P'For Wllkes-Barrc-6.3S. 7.48, 8.41, 0.33, 10.11 a. ro.J 12.03, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.20, 4.27, t.10. 7.13, 10.41. 11.30 p. in. For U V. K. It. Polnt4-.33, 0.33 i. m.( 2.18, 4.27 and 11.30 p. in. For Pennsylvania It. 11. PointJ-0.33, 0.33 a. m. ; 1.42, 3.2$ and 4.27 p. ra. For Albany and all ilnt north 0.20 a, m. and 3.52 p. in. SUNDAY THAIXB. For Carbondalo 8.50, It.iU a. ni.j 2. SI, 3.52, 6.62 and 11.17 p. m. For Wilkrsllairc-9.33 a. to.; 12.03, 1.63, 3.23, 0.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 1.62 p. m.1 For llonesdsle 8.60 a. tn. and 3.63 p. m. W. U i'UYOtt, I). P. A.. Scrauton. Pa- PROCLAflATION That season, store has now Tliat tllis is tlle most comfortable store in town that it.ia the largest, best ventilated and healthiest that it has more summer comforts and can make you more comfortable at home. I That its stocks are fresh and full' and large, and its prices fair. That shopping early is wise early in the season and early in the day because it avoids the crowds and the heat. It keeps you and us in better temper and gives you more leisure to examine things. It gives you first pick: It helps our salespeople, and consequently gives you better service. at to ma'e summer more bearable in ev,ery way is our one thought' now. To take the strain off man and beast. lo help you get ready early, to make summer shopping you then. That this store serves all poor, add that it serves each better because it serves them both, That the Connolly & Wallace store is a place for your convenience, and whether you wish to buy, or, look, or visit, or rest, you are always welcome. 'Sony CLOTHING (pay, ION CREDIT ,CASH Ladies' Suits. We invite every woman in the city to attend this sale, which begins tomorrow, We want to demonstrate to you that this credit store can give just as big bargains as any cash store, and throw in the privilege of Credit gratis. Every one of these Man-tailored Suits is strictly styl ish made up in popular materials by skillful workmen and at regular prices would be splendid values. At the Special Sale Price we now offer them they are genuine bargains. Here are some prices. Cash or Credit: All $12.00 Suits, Special Sale Price $8.48 All $20.00 Suits, Special Sale Price $14.98 All $25.00 Suits, Special Sale Price $18.98 We clothe Women, Men and Children with Stylish, Worthy Clothing, Hats and Shoes on easy terms of credit. We are manufacturers and our output is distributed through 30 Stores in 30 Cities. Come and open an account credit costs nothing extra. PEOPLE'S RAILROAD TIME TABLES. READING SYSTEM. New Jersey Central. COllHIXTi:!) '10 .NOV. 17, 1WI. Stations in .New York, loot of Liberty street and South Ferry, X. It. ' Trains leavu sriunton for New ork, Philadel. Chia Cast, Ilcthleluin, Allentovvu, JIauch Chunk, White Haven, Ashley and WilUcs-Dano at 7.30 a. m., 1 I ni. and 4 p. in. faunday, 2.10 p. m. Oualicr Citv i:pre leaves Ecranton at 7.30 a in,, through solid vestibulo train with Pullman Bullet Pallor Cars, for Philadelphia, vvitli only one chanu'C of cars for Baltimore, Washington, D O and all principal points south and west. For Avoca, Pitislun and Wllkci'Barre, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. bunday, 2.10 p. a. For Long Branch, Ocean drove, etc., 7.30 , m. and 1 p. m. ... For Hcadlm,-. Lebanon and Ilarrlsburg, via AI Untowu, at 7.:.0 a. in, and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 'For Pottsville at 7.30 a. m. and t p m. For rates and ticket') :pply to agent at station. W. (1. IIIM.IIII, CJcncial Manager, O. M. BUIIT, (ten. l'as. Agl. New York, Ontario and Western. Iu Etlect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001, NOHl'll UOUXI), Leave Leave Arrli. Trains. No. I No. 7 .. Scranton. Caibondale. Cadosla ,10.30 a, ni. 11.10 a. in. l.oo p. ,n, , CIO p. in. Ar. Carbondalo 0.40 u. m bourn BOUND. v ' Leave Leave Arrlvt Cadosla. Carbondale, Scranton. 7.00 a. m. 7.40 a ,n Trains, No. 0 No. S 2.15 p.m. 4.00 p. in. 4.40 p.m.' SUNDAYS O.NLY, NOIITIl BOUND, Leave Leave Arriia Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosla No. 0 '" . S-IOP. m. 10.43 a, m. Ko. 6 , 7.00 p. in. Ar. Carbonda U 7.40 p, m. co. .... soUTU BOUND, v Leave lave Arrlvt Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. No, 6 7.ooa.m. 7.0a. m. No. 10 ....... 4.30 p. in. O.Od p. m. 6.46 p. m. Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and 0 on tnindajs, make main line connections for New York city, Middletown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Uncg9 and all points west. For further information ccnmlt ticket agents. J. U. ASDIJHSON, 0. P. A., New York. J. V. WELSH, T, P, A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KITcct, Nov. 3, 1901. Trains lcavo Sei anion. For Philadelphia and New York via D. it II. It. )t., at 0.3 and 9.33 a. m., and 2.13, 4.27 (Black Diamond JCspiesa), and 11.33 p. in. bun dajs. D. k II. It. It., 1.53, 8.27 p. ra. For White Haven, llailctou and principal polnls In the coal regions, via 1). k 11. II. II., 0.33, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsville, 0.33 a. m., 2.48 p. m. For Bethlehem, L'aiton, Heading, HarrUburg, and principal intermediate stations, via D. & 11, U. It., 0.38, 0.33 a. m.; 2.13, 1.27 (Black DU Wherever there's a window show ing the new styles, there's a crowd. Most of the windows these days seem to be at Connolly & Wallace's. fairly entered on its summer or if you must wait until later as comfortable as possible for classes, both the rich and th 30 Stores From Maker to Wearer Credit Clothing Company The Matchless Splendors of (lie Canadian Rockies llANFF the I.AKKSJ in the CLOUDS, Y01IO VALLKY, the GKBAT GL.A CIRH a region clesorlherl liy Whym por, tho conqueror of the JltUterhorn, ns flfly or Hlxty Swltorlaiuls rolled Into out reached only by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Dally transcontinental train service throughout tho your from Toronto and Montreal. IMPB1UAL LIMITED, crossing; tho continent In 7 hours, leaves Toronto unci Montreal (com mencing June 15th next, every Sunduy, Wednesday and Friday. Sleeping and dining cars attached to all through trains. First-class hotels in tho mountains, Swiss guides ut tho niinclpa! points. For rates, etc., apply to nearest agent of the, C. P. It., or to K. v. Skinner, 353 Uroadway, Now York. ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. mond Espriss), 11.30 p. in. bunds!, I). It H. It. It., 0.3S a. in.; 1,6. B.27 p. III. For TunUiauuoil., Tuwanda, Klmtra, Ithac. Ccucva and principal intermediate stations, vit D U and W, II. It., 8.10 a. :u. and 3.50 p. m. For Ueneva, ltochciter, Builalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west, via I), k II. II. It., 7.4b, 12.03 a. in.i 1.42. 3.28 (Black Diamond Kx. ores), 7.43. 10.41. 11.30 p. in. tiuudajs, D. k 11. It. It., 12.0J, S.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and sternlng or IVhlgh Valley Parlor cars on all tralui bctweo WllLes-Barr and New York, Philadelphia, BuSalo and tfusuin. sion Bridsc. ItOUIN H. Wll.HUn, Ccn. Eupt., S CortlanJ street, New York. CHAIII.US b. l.i:t'. Gen. Pass. Act.. 20 Cortlsnl street, New Y'ork. A. W. NONKMACIIER, Div, Pass. Agt., Souto, Bethlehem. Pa. For tlcLcU aud Pullman resrnitions apply to city ticket vuice. ca ruuuo cauare, niikotciarrr, Pi. j t- .