The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE SCRA3STON TRIBUjSE-RliDAY, J$1A 16, 1902
The Tribune Bulletin Gave the First News of
the Result of the Hazleton Convention.
How the News Was Received.
Tlic Tribune bulletin, posted In the
Weal Semntoii brunch ofllec fit Jen
kins' flrujf stow, corner of Main ave
nue and Jurkion Htreet, at 6.20 o'clock
Inst evening, wis tho first announce
ment of the atrlkc received from the
miners' convention at imxteton, and
the news spread like wildfire through
out West Scnuiton.
Hundreds of mine workers soon sath
rred about the corners to learn the
newt!, and for several hours remained
In groups alone Main avenue and Jack
son street, discussing the particulars.
The prevailing opinion previous to that
time was that a strike would not bo
declared, and not a few of them ex
pressed their disappointment at tho
The question of the engineers and
pump-runners quitting work Is still of
much concern, In view of tho fact that
they sent a letter to the convention
with District President Nlcholls, ask
ing that they be excluded from tho
liody of strikers. What effect this will
liave will probably be determined at to-
day's session of the convention.
At the meetings of tho engineers,
pump-runners and mine machinists of
ILocal union No. S03, held in Jayne's
liall Monday morning and evening,
they voted against a strike and so in
structed their delegates to the conven
tion. A large amount of unprepared coal is
now side-tracked between Diamond
nhaft and breaker, and the latter will
be in operation today, for the purpose
of breaking and screening this coal.
The operators of the Oxford mine,
the' People's Coal company, have made
a proposition to their men to work
three dayij a week to supply the local
demand, promising them that no coal
will be loaded for shipment. No action
lias as yet been taken by the men n
this proposition.
The effect of the strike in this com
munity will be far-reaching. Already
Fome of the merchants have dispensed
with the services of clerks, and other
dismissals are likely to follow.
Everything in West Scranton is at
a standstill at present on account of
the strike, and tho idle miners have
been reinforced by a large number
of trainmen, who have been affected
by the suspension of work.
Columbia's Annual Dance.
The members of Columbia Hose com
pany are malting arrangements for
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sole by
101 S. Main ave.
The Daily
News Budget
The bright weather is bringing many bright, expectant
faces to the store these clays, and in spite of the fact that we
have promised much, we have yet to hear of the first case of
The special offerings in the Ladies' Suit Department cre
ated a livelier demand than we had anticipated for those Ten
Dollar and Twclve-'Fifty Suits. Take the hint; it may save
keen chagrin, for the values are exceptional and cannot be
Are you fond of art needlework and the thousand and one
pretty and clever ideas closely akin to it, which delight the
heart of a woman at least, when the charming novelty, clever
ideas and beauty are combined ? If so, spare a minute to look
over the department especially given up to this class of work.
Tomorrow morning we'll have an exceptionally interest
ing display of Saturday Bargains to tell you about. You'll
find it profitable reading.
We're Mindful
Of the Babies
And Mould say tight Iiero tlut there U
no other pine in Xorthexstcm I'cimsjl.
vanla where the little oner.' needs arc 60
fully and (arefully catered for ai here.
Long Coals for tho babies in nnn,
and thoit ones for the toUillliicr tots, in
rich silks, beautiful Uedford Colds and
other popular mateilaU. The capci., col.
Jais and sleeves are handsomely embroid
ered, flnlhed with lace, etc.
Prices, $2,25 to $7.50.
Tho White Dress is indispensable to a
pretty baby, uml no matter hoiv inucli
mamma may think of her prcciouj elai
llnj, slic'ii slvcu up oil thought of malt
ing such thing:) at home. Iteamns
They'ie prettier heio and cost lets
money. Jllclc neck and low sleeio drews
for cool weather. 1w neck and short
flee.o Urcstes for wnn weather, All
orts of uutcriaU, trimmed and fashioned
In a hundred way.
Prices 75c to $8.50
Babies' Blanket Wraps In fiuo flannel,
cashmere', etc. Hand-nude and hand
embroidered. This U the heiiion when
these pretty, eomenleiit comforts for
baby are iiuit In demand.
Prices, 75c to $3.00
For the Shopper
Common seuso hat brought the shopping
bag into oguo a,jalu. 'Jhe new stln
juit to hand possee none of the faults
mother's used to Imc. Light to carry'
am Inexpeii-he, et they hold more par.
fels than jou'd think possible, Tl.ev'ro
worth look noway.
1 Globe Warehotis?J
-"' 4fc MAX M AX 4U MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX 4h Ak -k tc ... -. -.. ..... ... ..... -
holding their annual dance at Music
hall on Monday evening, May L6.
In former years this event has al
ways been nn Important social func
tion, nnd there Is every reason to be
lieve that this year's will be equal, if
not better.
St. Lucia's Church Pair,
The members of St. Lucia's Italian
Catholic church opened a fair last
evening lu the school room adjoining
the church on Chestnut street. They
are assisted by members of the Ladles'
Catholic Benevolent association.
A number of booths have been erect
ed for the display and sale of fancy
artlclep, and the articles displayed are
useful and ornamental. The attend
ance last evening was rather slim, but
a larger crowd Is expected this even
ing. Ocean Passage Tickets
at lowest rates. B. G. Morgan & Son,
103 North Main avenue.
Events of This Evening.
The Ladles' Choral society, under the
direction of Mrs. D. B. Thomas, will
meet for rehearsal this evening in the
Penn Avenue Baptist church.
The second team of the Electric
City wheelmen wilt play a return game
on the Green llldge wheelmen's alleys
this evening. The players are Lewis,
Chatfield, Morgan, Hughes and
Tho Oxford Glee club, under the
direction of David Jenkins, rehearsed
In Co-operative hall last evening. They
will compete at the national eisteddfod
and are confident of success.
W. W. Adair, secretary of the Rail
road Young Men's Christian associa
tion, will occupy the pulpit of tho
Washburn Street Presbyterian church
next Sunday morning. In the evening
there will be a song service.
Robert Davis, of South Garfield ave
nue, is laid up at his home with a
spralnpd ankle.
Charles Klmmick, of Swetland street,
has been matched to run a. 100-y.iril
foot-race for $100 a hide on July 1, with
an unknown from Allegheny.
Born To Mr. and Mr.s. Ben F. Jones,
of Dorothy street, a daughter; to Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Lynott, of Luzerne
street, a son: to Dr. and Mrs. D. W.
Evans, of North Main avenue, a son;
to Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer, of 312
Garfield avenue, a son; to Mr. and Mr.s.
Gottlieb Lossey, of 121 South Van
Buren avenue, a daughter.
The Simpson Epworth league mem
bers had charge of the sei vices in the
Allls mission last evening.
Arthur Leo, of 528 North Lincoln
avenue, was arrested at the Instance
of his wife, on tho charge of assault
and battery, but when he was ar-
Ladies' Neckwear
With Character in It
An; body can make neckwear of a kin J,
but it takes ihe trained hand and tho
artistic eye to give ton.) and character
to Ladles' Neckwear. Let Us Illustrate to
jou what this means. A glance will cuf.
tlcc It jou'll call,
ladle" Neckwear In mercerized goods,
Jladtae, dotted Swim, hobhiet, tic.
Hemmed, cmbioiiloud and tucked. The
pick of the sea.von' bent sljle..
The price is Popular, 25c.
NEW VKILIVfiS Tho real new ftilc-i
rcro the "llu llarrj" and "Klorodofi,"
They're noicl, pietty und e.omplcijn
beaiitifleis. You'll want one.
Prices, 00c, 75c, $1 nnd $1.85.
Wash Goods
Worth Looking at
Although the season Is joung, jou nu-t
liaio noticed tint this (-, a Whlto Goods If jou lute not. tako the hint.
Its bated on fact, ai.d woilh remember
inr, hen the hlgh-gradii noieltlea In leno
lireScades,, figured Madras, sitlu-strlped
lawiu, elotteil bwlsi, nowltic, In dim I.
llc, etc, 'ihej'ro lmply louly, and
e en body isn't tteatlm; thin,
Prices, 10c to 05c the Yard,
Here's an opportunity for bargain hunt,
cis that ought to bo seized immediately:
Today, butmUav and Mundar we will of.
fer tell lines of flue hwiss liatlstej, Lib.
citv (leper, Jatcnettes, Linen HatMes.
hcenuekem, good Boers Ulnghanis, good
Madias, Lawiu, Dimities, etc. 'J here is
no stint to patterns or colors In tlu wash
wcaies, and the unite goods arc all this
Choice of the Lot, IS 1-2 the
ratgncd before Alderman Noonc she re
fused to prosccuto him, and the cnee
wus dismissed.
An ice crenni social vub held last
evening at tho home of Mrs. Richard
Hurlow, 300 North Hromley avenue,
where ti number rjitthered and enjoyed
Bert Clreen nnd MIsm Bessie Williams,
of North Scranton, were united In mar
rlnije on Wednesday by Bev. Thomas
dn Qi'tichy, ut the parsonaffo of the
JacltHoti Street Baptist church.
Mr. John Katlcy, aged 73 years, of
331 North Bromley avenue, suffered a
stroke of paralysis on Wednesday, and
Is In a precarious condition.
Master Benjamin Williams, of Jnrk
son street, was tendered n,t birthday
party recently by it number of his
young friends. Mrs. Williams was as
sisted in entertaining the children by
Miss Lottie Jones.
Harry Conklln, of North Rebecca
avenue, severed nn artery In his leg
recently, and suffered much from the
loss of blood.
John M. Kdwards, 'who hail his eye
sight Injured while ut work In the
Dodge mine recently, has gone to .the
Wills hospital, nl Philadelphia, for
llev. I). P. Jones, pastor of tho Taber
nacle Congregational church will of
ficiate at the funeral of the late Mrs.
Kllzabeth Jumes in DiekBon City this
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will
be made in tho Washburn Street ceme
tery. The West Side Assembly, Royal
Society of Good Fellows, held a meet
ing In Red Men's hall last evening and
Initiated several candidates.
The winners and losers In the mem
bership contest conducted some time
ago by Camp 178, P. O. S. of A. met
last evening and arranged to hold a
banquet in the near future.
William Ross, of North Seventh
street, wns arraigned before Alderman
Kellow yesterday at tho instance of
his wife, on tho charge of making
threats. He was committed to Jail in
default of bull.
J. E. Reese, of 36 Storrs Avenue, has
returned home from the Moses Taylor
hospital much improved.
Howell Harris, of Division street, is
confined to his home by illness. .
Thomas J. Davis, of North Bromley
avenue, has returned home from a few
days' visit in Philadelphia.
Mrs. E. D. Conklln, of North Rebecca
avenue, is convalescing after a severe
Mrs. Douglas Harvey, of Dover, N.
J., has returned home from a visit with
Miss Margaret Tudor, of Luzerne
Thomas Jennings and son, Joseph, of
North Filmore avenue, have gone to
tho old country on an extended visit.
Mr.s. Marshall and son, Albert, of
Washington, N. J., aie visiting rela
tives on Luzerne street.
Mrs. James Eynon, of Cleveland, O.,
Is the guest of Mrs. Iluwell Davis, of
1107 Howell street.
There tv ill bo a lummasc ealc held at 1531
nickoon arenue, Orcen ltidge, on Satuidiy, May
17 and Monday, May 19, from 0 a. m. till fl p. m.
AH .".arts of clothing and household furniture at
grnt bargain.
Mrs. (,'eoigc GnVon, of Monsey airnue, has ic
tinned fiom an extended st.iy in New Yoil. city.
A man witli a dancing bear made u tour of
the atieeti here jcstcrd.ii, folloned by croud-, of
delighted joung'-tcr'!, iho loitcud at the corners
uhilc the beat ios put on exhibition, and then
followed it and its its dusty keeper on, in tho
hope that they might see it dance Jgain.
MiVt. Oiace I'ccK, of Itoselawn, entertained tho
members of the Doiley club, at her home, Wed
nesday nftcruoeu. '
The funeral of the late Ira Banowellff took
place from hia late home on (lardner avenur-,
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Vertices were
conducted by Kcv. Cliarlca ltcnjamin, pastor of
Abury Methodist Episcopal church. Juteiment
was. made at l'actorjville, Pa.
W. 11. Lawunec, of Dclanaie fitiect, has pur
chased a portion of the land ljing between Lis
i evidence and that of Attorney J. . Bionnmg,
and is lawn;,- it gra led so as to become part of
his laiin, thas adding much to the beauty of his
A force of wnkuien are busy engiged in cleir
ini; the bed of the Lackawanna liiti, in the lie
nifty of the IJrliing Pail, plot, of the earth and
lclu-e Inch was e.airied into it by the late
p. C. Tcnninl is erecting a handsome new
house on Woodlutvn aiemic.
llranch 412 of tho L idle-.' Catholic Iioneiolont
association gno u picigrrsalie cucluo at the
looms of the Youjig Men's Institute, corner of aienue and Maiion street, last ciening,
which was not only a linanehl succes), but a
delightful alfair socially. The looms iveie beau
tifully delimited, and an ouhcstia cli.-iom-.,el en-
ch luting stiains thioughoiit the cicning. About
tl'ice hundred gmstn ncio present and delicious
lelreshmeiils we-m boned at the cloe of the
eienin. The thst ladies' pike, a piuse, w u
won by Miss Madden. Ihe .second ladles' pike,
i pili of kid gloics, by Mis-. Anna WaWi. Mi.
llelTron won the Hint gentlemen'rt prize-, a bo
ot limn hindkeicliie'fs, and tho second Rents'
pilzc, a fceihl natch fob, iijs won by t'hirles
f'ostcllo. Dining the eiening a 10 Rolel piece
was chaueeMl on", ihe winner being Miss Amn
Long, of 10 Mt'-lut annuo.
The I' chinch lias croniled to tho
dooin list night, when the choir ot the church
entiit.ilmd with a conceit, 'ihe choius mtmbcii
bj the choir 1101c unusually well icuileicd and
show the choice- of Mi. i'Jiiy us choii. master
11111 a wl-e one. The solo luimbirs be Jin. Arch
.Miller, Miss i:i.le Powell, MKs Kthel .Smith, John
W, Jouci ind A. J, ll.uber were veil icndeieel,
and pleased gicatlj, as was cUdencul by the
lie ut applause ninth they 'Iho piano
ami ilulln pl.iing of Ml-s Lama .Mehliiiui and
Miss L'diu Car I, ic-pettluly, wad much
MUs Lucietii hnydir lee'ited "'Ihe Polish llo.i"
in her usual well known minnti, which alwa.ia
Ihe newn contend to the publie. in a cpeual
de-patch to 'Ihe Tiibunc, nhich was posted at
lioiie'd Ding Moio last night at o'clock was
tho tlr-t repoit of ihe ininei-,' coiuentlou dcclshii
levelled In town, and it lias ci-jeili- lead by Iho
hunihcda In waiting for the word that iiieint no
much to eury one. in the face and lemail.s of
the icadciy tliciu fciium! a general ediics,oii of
disappointment that the stiil.a Is to continue.
The council nl hold a special meeting for
general bu.lncss tonight, when it U expected a
halo of tin- sewer bond, nlll bo ciTccted.
Delegates fiom the lailou-i hoeielles lu town
met in the roims of the .Mm 11, Smith Hose
company li.t night and made tho piclliiilnary ar.
langemeiits, foi participating In the Mvmoilil
Hay i'-icitli-.. Another meeting will be held in
a few elJ, when the piogrammo will be eoui.
Jlw, A. I", Drown and Mi. I'ugenla .Siinp,gii
aie (.pending some linio at Atlantic- City,
Amsi Caipenler, of 8ii-cuiliauna, H lUlting
lilcudj in to. mi.
Mrs. Allhur Close and Mis-, Pudlei IhjpU'u aro
fishing relatives In I'hlladflphla,
The County Cliilili.ui Kudcaior contention, to
bo held in I'lnihunt Tuesday, May SOlli, promises
to lo the best In tin- liMoiy of tho organization.
A mo,t excellent piogrammc has been piepaied.
Ix-idcrs pi oil-Incut in J011113 peoplo'd Hoik will
giio timely adhreise. There will bo two s.
sions: J p, in., at the 1'iie.bjterlan chinch; 7 p.
m , ,it tho lljptljt church. Thoma-i Tliorhum, of
KHkesllanc, l'e., will be the bieak"i of tlm
dciilng, Many societies are showing great Inter.
est in the c'oiuei.tloii anil will send laige ehlega.
tlous. lively Cliilttiau L'nd-aioiiT eoiIcty in the
county hlioiild be re present ei, and Christian
workers nicretid In jouig Pecule's woik should
uiiruu iiiwc meeting.
Miss Mary Stanton, of Rock Street,
and Timothy Otllavary, of West
Market Street, Were the Contract
ing Parties ThomaB Morris, of
Leggetts Street, Tendered a Sur
prise Party Peak Sisters' Enter
tainment Held in tho Providence
Methodist Episcopal Church,
Miss Mary Stanton, of Rock Btreet,
and Timothy aillavary, of West Mar
ket street, were happily wedded In the
Holy Rosary church, by Rev. J. J.
Holmes, Wednesday afternoon.
The bride was attended by Mlsq
Catherine McDavItt, of Leggetts street,
while Eugene Cannon was groomsman.
The bride and her attendant were at
tired In gowns of mousscllnc de sole,
trimmed with Parisian lace. After the
ceremony the newly married couple
took a drive about the city and after
wards returned to the bride's home,
where a wedding dinner wns served,
only the immediate relatives being In
Mr. and Mrs. aillavary will take up
their residence In a newly furnished
home on Leggetts street.
Pleasant Surprise.
Thomas Morris, of Leggetts street,
was tendered a pleasant surprise party
by a number of his friends at his home
last evening. The guests were enter
tnlncd with musical selections by
Thomas Morris, the boy tenor, and
Miss Sadie Edwards.
Games and singing, witli the usual
party diversions, were indulged in until
a seasonable hour, when refreshments
were served, after which the guests de
parted to thelrl respective homes.
Among those present at that pleasant
occasion were: Misses Minnie Thomas,
Emily Thomas, Edith Lewis, Rachel
Owens, Paulino Jones, Sadie Edwards,
Margaret Richards, Mary Morgans.
Bessie Williams, Annie Morris, Gussle
Cohen, and Messrs. George Powell,
Brlnley Davis, Frank Jones, Wlndgnr
Richards, Wlllard Roblns-on, Clark Da
vis, Thomas Blrtley, Thomas Lewis,
Robert Pierce, Joseuh Cohen,
Evening Entertainment.
The Peak Sisters' entertainment,
given under the auspices of Mr.
Cowels' class at tho Providence Metho-
i dist church, was a iinanclal success.
The church orchestra assisted in the
evening's programme and rendered a
very interesting programme. The pro
ceeds of the entertainment will be used
for remodeling the lecture room of the
Refreshments were served by the
membeis of Mrs. Cowles' class.
L. J. Owens, of North Main aiemic. left yes
teiday on a busirc-s, trip in Philadelphia.
The Home Missionary society of tho Proi idence
Pre-bteriin church will meet this afternoon
with the president of the socictj, Mis. J. I). Van
btoich, of North Main aienur.
Mrs. Wade Finn, of North Main avenue, is i bill
ing friends at Crist il Lake.
Alls. AV. W. Jenkins, of Ol.iphanl, spent jes
terday with her picnts on Brick aiemie.
The rlciks eif Mulloj's stoic defeated the clerks
of C'liappel's stoic in i game of base bill last
evening by a score of 17 to 12.
The North End Glee club held a well-attended
rcheirsal last eiening.
Last Mothers' Meeting of the Season
Held in Y. W. C. A. Rooms Yes
terday Afternoon.
The last mothers' meeting, prior to
the summer vacation for the kinder
garten children, took place at the
Young AVomen's Christian association
rooms yesterday afternoon.
The session was made moie than
usually intciesting by the presence of
Miss Underwood, of the central city
Young Women's Christian association,
who spoke at length on the value of
kindergarten woik. She stated that the
institution was almost supported by a
few interested persons and that unless
something is done before the fall open
ing of schools to provide for the little
ones, It is feared the good work may
have to be abandoned, as the burden,
so nobly borne Jot years, has become
too great.
It wan suggested that If the new No.
S school should materialize, that an
effort should be made to have one loom
set apart for the kindergarten, At the
close of Miss Underwood's address, a
social time was Inaugurated, with
games of various kinds, during which
refreshments of Ice cream, cake and
cocoa wore served.
The last session ot the kindergarten
will take place at the Young AVomen's
Christian association rooms, with an
propiiate exeyeises, on Friday, June 12,
and on Friday nn outing and picnlci
for the little ones will be held at Nay
Aug park, where they Mill be taken
free by the Scranton Stieet Railway
A Clever Entertainment.
Class No. ii of the Presbyterian
church Sunday school ivere greeted
with a ciowded house In the new par
ish hall last evening, where they con
ducted n vocal and musical entertain
ment. Nearly every number wan encored,
and the accompaniment by Lawrence's
orchestra was all that could be desired, ;
Miss Lydla Sailer sang twice In ex-iuls-Ite
voice, nnd Jliss Komalne Spruks
recited, "As tho Moon Rose," In a fin
ished and charming manner, Violin
solos were nisei given by Chi 1st Scheuer
and Fred l.entes, who wero accom
panied on tho piano by tho Misses Kate
Mlrta and Minnie AVeisser. At the close
of tho entertainment refreshments wete
Y. W. O, A. Notes.
The entertainment committee of iho
Loyalty club will give a "surprise"
social to the members and their friends
tomorrow evening at 7,30 o'clock. A
lino literary und musical programme
will be rendeied, and rofieshments will
ho served. All young girls are cordially
Invited to romo and enjoy the fun.
Tho Junior Hlble class Mill bo held
one size tnullcr after using Allen's Toot-Kase 4
powder to bo shaken into the shoes, it makes
tight or new hoea feci easy; glicij instant ic.
lief to torus and bunion. It's tho greatest comfort
disc oi cry of the age , Cuies and prttents ciiullcu
feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's
Koot-Kasc is 4 ceitaln cine for sweating, hot, aili
jig feet. At atl diugajists and shoe stoics, '.'Jo.
Don't accept any substitute. Trill jurkoge l'Iti:i;
In, uuU. 4iUch AVui ,S VawtUil. Leiicv, k.y.
AvmiDtsTT-ri, .111 tiT
h m.m vm. m m. m m --
1 strong at
our if you try:
f 4 4f "1 out is to strong we
lalll C guarantee a cure or refund
, . T . t .?P0U.-y -""i "e BC"ei you
j,e.fl.?L- -yl"- I' you write for It.
SHILOH'S costn 23 cents and wilt cure Con
jumptlpn, Pneumonia, nronchlllti and all
Lim-r Trouble. AVIH cure a cough or cold
In a dny, and thus nrevtnt serious results.
J,1 i1!.6"- -?"K " things for 60 year).
8. C. WRI.L8 & tfo., Le llov. N. Y.
Karl'a Clover Bnn Tt ram-ti n. cnAh
" j
Friday afternoon at 3.13 o'clock. AH
Juniors arc Invited.
The Juniors' sewing class Mill close
Saturday with 11 picnic at Nay Aug.
Tho teachers In this department will
have charge of them. The mothers
who wish to come are cordially Invited
to attend. All who attend are requested
to meet at the association looms at 10
Mi j. .John Arnold, of (111 1'ltUloti aienue, is 111,
The two singing societies of thin slele, who
will compete at tho clatcddfod on May ill), are
practicing scleral times a neck.
There is no Improvement in the rondl.
tlon ot Corrad Met, of fiOl Piltston atomic,
ttho has been seriously ill for nevcral months.
St. Mary's (lice and Dramatic asfoclatlon will
hold It.s annual rntcrt-ilnmcut and social at St.
Mary's hall on May W.
(Irunt commandcry, Knights of Malta, meets
in regular session this c ruing.
Dr. Schlo 's Lung Healing tliliam Is guaranteed
to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." Vor
sale by all dealeis.
The Scranton bowling club, at Us last meeting,
held at Latibschcr's Howling alles on Maple
street, elected officers for the jcar as follo.vse:
Piesldent, I'rcd Klrsehlci; vice president, Wil
liam Sscheuer; recording secretary, John Mtcl;
financial secretary, Fred Mazcl; treasuicr, Kred
Kindlier; isiptilu, Henry Klotz. Ilic club
meets in weekly session cieiy Monday hereafter.
Melo Antoln was glten a hearing before Aldn
man llrady in the Twentieth ward last evening,
on charges of disorderly conduct and catrying
concealed weapons, prcferrcel by .I.unra Oiay. Ho
was held in ball to the amount of 00 for ap
pearance at court. Later he appeared as com
plalnlnt against flray, iiho was charged with
disorderly conduct. The ctldcnco 11..S Insuffii'lent
and Cray 11ns dlsthiiged.
of Robert AV. AValkef. jr., died yester
day at her home, 1126 Division street,
after long and patient suffering. She
had been confined to her home since
last September, and while those near
and dear to her had entertained hopes
for Iter recovery, the hand of death
could not be stayed. Mrs. AValker was
born in AVest Scranton on May 25, 1S73,
and was tho second daughter of Mrs.
Margaret Vipond, who, with her daugh
ter ISelle and son George, and the hus
band, survive. Deceasfd possessed a
very Bwect, amiable disposition, and
was loved by everybody who came in
contact with her. As a wife she was
devoted to her husband and home, and
as a friend she was true and kind.
During the many weary days of illness
her surroundings were brightened by
flowers and visitations fiom those who
in life cherished her friendship. As a
member of the AVashburn Street Pres
byterian church, Mrs. Walker always
upheld the true spirit and teachings ot
a Christian. The funeral services 11 ill
be conducted at the house tomonow
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. John P.
Moffat, D. D pastor of the AVashburn
Street Piesbyterian church. Mill bo in
charge. The interment will be made in
the Forest Hill cemetery.
MRS. LIZZIE JAMES, wife of John
X. James, of Main street, Dickson City,
died Tuesday, May 13, at her home.
She is survived by her husband and
two childten. The funeral will take
place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ser
vices will be held at the Presbyterian
church, Dickson City, by Rev. D. P.
Jones and Rev. Reese, of Rrovldence.
died at 11 o'clock AVednesduy evening
at the Lackawanna hospital. Deceased
is survived by tho folloM'Ing slsteis and
brothers: Sarah. Mrs. AVilliam Shea
and Joint and Samuel Taylor. Funeral
notice later.
Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Miller spent a
few days the early part of tho week In
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
George Yoeum.
The heavy frosts of the past ueek
have done some damage to the lrult
trees lu this vicinity.
Air. and Airs. AAr. S. Hitslander aie
entertnlnlng Mis. Pennypacker, of
Scranton, this week.
Next Sunday will be observed as mis
sionary day in the linptlst church. The
Sunday school lesson will be on "Tho
Early Christian Mlsslonailes." At the
morning chinch service the pastor will
preach on "The Christian's Obligation
to Impart the Knowledge of Christ to
Others." In the evening he Mill speak
on ".Itidson, the Mlsslonaiy to the Uur
mese," being the second In a seties of
setmons alternate Sunday evenings on
"Heioes In Modern Missions,"
The continued Improvement of Floyd
Anthony Indicates an early and com
plete recovery from his shootlna acci
dent. Friday evening Miss Lena Not Hum's
Sunday school class will give nn enter
tainment In the Baptist church. Ad
mission, 15 cents. Ice for sale at
tho close.
Rev. II, J. AVhalen, 1). D of Caibon
dale, has been engaged to deliver hi.-;
lecture on "The Sunny Side of Lire," In
the Baptist church on the evening of
.May yo.
Rev. A. J. A'an C'lett, the ww pastor
of the Methodist church, Is pleasantly
located In tho Methodist parsonage,
and is rapidly gaining populatlty
among his people. Ho is an excellent
sermonlzer and a pleaulng speaker.
The Misses Mary Powell and Annie
Horttee, of Soranton( M-ere guests of
Miss Mamie Hortree, over Sunday,
Mr. and Mis, Kdwatd A'an Hrutit,
spent Sunday In Holllstervllc,
Mis. l, L. Clalge, Is confined to her
home with erysipelas,
Tho proceeds fiom the Ladles' Aid
supper held, at tho home of Mrs. Deck
er wero $7.03.
Mrs. Frank Alt, Is 111 at her homo on
Mill street,
Mr. Ray Hinds, entei tallied a feu of
his young friends at his home Filday
Rev, Dr. H. J, AVhalen, of Carbondale, I
Ma3 entertained by Mrs, Posten, lust ,
Heinle Robinson, has moved with his
family, on the Scranton fjfin.
The lecture glyen by Rev. II. J.
AVhulen, D. D., of Catbonditle, Tues
day evening, on "The Wit uuU Humor
I II I .I ,1 I I I ... -
In Connection with Our
Great May Sale of
We are now selling off a lot of
Infant's Long White Dresses
Trimmed with either lace or em
broidery, with cluster of tucks and ma
terial the finest quality of English Nain
sook. Seyeral different styles to select
from. These are broken lots of garments
which are slightly counter soiled, would
be excellent value at $2; closing them out
while they last, at
Also a small quantity of
Childrens White
School Aprons
At greatly reduced prices.
JSOur complete line of Shirt Waist
Suits is now open and on sale, ranging in
price from $1.49 to $9.98.
I ya a" ' 'N-wicfSjnJp:
t''-'lVC0K-PARKl,NO 'J 4
Lyceum Theatre
Jlonilay Kieiilne-, May Villi, at S.l).
I.ccluie itli IlliislutloiH liy
Miss Ellen M. Stone,
My Captivity
and Release.
t'nJer Ampler Jack-ton Stioft llaptNt Cliuicli.
Ulielei Diicctlni ot licil C. llaml.
I'ltlCU'j-l.ouc-i llooi. l.0i), V1.SU .ui.l ,00.
Itjlconv, Tie., 41.01) anil $1,31'.
Tamil- Chile, Wl ceiiU.
DfiRraiii opeiis Wceliiirilaj, May Utli, at 0 i. in.
Academy of ilusic
II. BEI8, Lemtt, A. J. DuSy, Muiagir.
Al.I, THIS WKl'.K.
Matlner, fiiinniiiicliii" Tue-vlay,
The Idol ut the South,
And ths Southern Stock Co.
Cleui Jucloi1lle nil, liirliullnit thu world's
tuiiioiu I'MIMICi: 'lltl(,
'till afternoon "I-HAI-OV D-UKillTCH"
'luniijiit "I'llAItl, Ol' h.VVOV"
l'ilcc, 10, 20 anil 30; Matinee, 10 jiiiI SO cent.
fl ToilJJ 3.1." -i, 111,, f,
it M.HMOX. t(
V , Y ti
lM.Il..- ll. li..
,'j cent,.
St ' lb
4 'A A 'A V, 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A A A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A
of tlie Irish I-poplo" was utteuited by
a lu rue unci appreciative uticlieui'o, and
was largely enjoyed by nil present.
I'llvatei Fred Hles-eckor, of tho Fifth
UitltPil Stutes cavalry, was tendered a
lunc'iiet tlu other fveniiiu at Nayor's
hall. In lionoi' of his let inn fiom tho
I'hlliliplnes. I'-lvutc Uleseeker has
serveel tin ro yeura in tho cavalry, and
speal8 well of the nrniy olllcers, esi
peelally General Knilth, who, he states,
was Uoliib light all tluouch tho war.
When Food Fails
of its Purpose
with consequent poverty o
blood and energy
W? tlUkSti MASK.
is a sure and positive correc
tion. It aids digestion and is
in itself a food in liquid form.
All druggists sell it. Prepared only bg
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Breblers of the famous Budweiser, Mlchelob.
Blacli O Tan, Pale-Lager, Faust, Anheuar
Standard, Export Pale and Cxauialte.
Wholesale Dealers,
nUCfiinS and WACiON'S of ill Klncls; ilso
Ilnuie uml DuilelinK Tiot.i at bargains.
UOltbra CMl'I'KU and GKOOMl'.U tt
Lackawanna. CarrUge WorUi
"Dealers la
Platx Glass and Lumber
Homo Office, 20S-200 Hears Duilelln;.
Wo ale maturing bhaie'd each month which
rhow a net, train to tho inu'ator o( about 13
per cent. Wei loan inonei. Wo alto isu
l'lir.1, I'AIH .STOCK $11)0.00 per elure, inter
est jaable i,eml-aiiniully,
AI.ItnuT nU,, becretaiy,
rear Ml f.acUaauna aii'iiur, manufacturer' o
Who Iscrecns nt all kliuls; fully prepareil for
the epiins beacon, Wo inaLo all LineU of
porch scicem, etc,
Ocneril rcntiactor, UutlJer and Pealer In
iiiilnliip t-loiic, CVnu'iitlns of cellau a spe
cially. Teh (ilione MIB.
OlfleJ. J27 Wathlngton a-tnue.
MjW of J'aiins Drlck, etc. -M. II. D.I--,
tlenciil Mies Audit, OtlUn . Waliii;tpn
aie. Works at Xay Aus, l'a., K. (i W. V. U.K.
Thn l-'lliplnos do not h.ivo any of Mr,
lllef-ei'rter's love. Hu has seen bwvvlcu
iu I'orto Itlcu, Cuba and thg i'lilllp-
"J f ,' v.
;. .-i',l -n J 5JJJ
'll1! ,-".xWf r "J 1 ., .