Li 'V f IZ Y l'.S ..' THI3 SCRAOTON TRIBUTE-FRIDAY, MAY 10f 1902. tv , ., J I Jt 1 fcff l ; P (j. 0 Stanton Ztibmt fubll'ihecl Dally, Except Sunday, by The Tflh. mo fublUhlng Company, at "lJyjpJl lSi"; mvy 8. niciunn, Editor. O. r. DYXUEK, Hmlne Manager. . New York OIHct 150 Nawnn St. , , s. a vnnnt.ANt. Sole Agent for Foreign AdicrtUlng. tnlereil t tli I'cuttifllcp nt Prnuilon, l'., Second Lis Atall Matter. When npace will permit, The Tribune is always glad to print short letters from Its friends bear ing on current topics, but Its rule Is tlmt these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name and the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all contributions fihnll be subject to editorial revision. tub n..T; roti Aiivr.initixa The following table show the price per Imli full liicrllou, spjte tu lie upd AUliin "lie oir. ' " Ifim nt IMcllnir on " I'iiH 1HSPT.AV;, JL'Jpcr. I Ite.idjmr. J2!?Ijil2i Icfs than r)"(ii(1iM, ,"W) , .si . .'' V) Incliei id .11 .1 1 ' ,;;n .: ."! " o-, ;,-, ,::ii fKO " 'So " .21 inno "i,; ?;.-, ,pi SWVl ,-,-, .,; .1M WW , " ... .JS. .JWf. v1-. '- Tor r.mli of tlimU, rwilulloin rf comlolem", "ml RtniflHi- tontrlliutlom In the naluto of ml iTtKliij- T Tilbune a charge of ."l cents n linn. H.ilri nf ("Li-lflcd Adi-ilMinr furiiMird "n ni'iilleatlon. FiC'KA.NTON. MAY 10. UH)J. Kor Rovernnr of Pomisylvniiln, on the i'-cuis of an npi'ii ileUI and fair piny, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, Klibjpi'i to tile will of the Kpimlillerin 1I1UPPCF. The Suspense Ended. UNCUIJTAIXTY Is the bane of business. The uonuuprclal InteiPstH ol Novthcastei-n Pennsylvania have for v. eel; been under u pall of uncertainty. This has lifted. The community now knows what to expect. PitKilon nnionir the leprc.sentntlvfs of the mine woi-kois has outvoted leason: n challcngo to battle from the opeiators Limed to lit their convenience lias been accepted: ana mere is no visiuie escape Mom a battle to a Mulsh. Deplorable as this is, It has Us ad vantages. It lixe.-, a ba.-ls of calcula tion and pioml'H to locus and to end In one grand struggle the uiire:t vhlch has pei mealed Ihe llidu.--trlal life of the anthracite coal fields since the hucee.ssl'ul coal strike of two years ago. Had the decision at Ilazleton been otherwise, there would doubtless have been a prolongation of turmoil urn! un certainty almost as hurtful to prosperity as a wholesale strike, with a strike always In usly piopect as the probable eventual outcome. Rvery generation has to have its lesson. Meanwhile, the men, women and children inhabiting: this portion of the earth must live, and lhat insures a certain minimum of business. Of all the communities in the coal fields Serunton promises to suffer the Ieat. s?he has vailed industries, mostly pros perous; and the ppicentuge or wages earned in mining or allied to it is here probably the smallest. Although it would be Idle to deny that the stiike will lie a burden lelt by all, the only thing to do is to face the Inevitable manfully and hide the white feather. Kehlnd the cloud the sun shines brightly and the cloud cannot nlwrure it l'oiever. TlK; publication of another with drawal rumor Is evidence that this am munition supply of Jlr. KIkiu's oppon ents is running low. tnli-6. his purc'-blooded pliluk and mull ing self-conildenee, there would not be the rIiohL tit u show for Senator Quay to con Ml in mate Klklu's defeat. - Jn ttio meantime. Mr. Klltlu, when ever opportunity tiffer. continues lilfl personal appeal lo the people. Mo opqke In Shninoklii Wednesday night. An entlitislaHlle assemblage htatd and chcoiod him. In the course of his re marks ho again dollned his attitude In the current canvass. Ills words give a good Insight Into the man. Ho said: A .win kiniw, I ii tn n iiiiiillil.ilc for Roveinor. II l in puipuM1 li nuKe n ntlrmifliM etfort In friuii' Hie luti. II would annul me naitli tito.unri' In ipichc tlie four wilci of (lie di'li" ttiilm liimi Nnrlliiiiiibciliilnl ifliirly. If a nnlor- lly of oim H'nili tiixor my noinlnallon, linn It Ii lii be nuMiiiitil llmt iliueei tbe ili-leit.ite eliclrd li.ill be tlioy will nbllire the Fflitttnenl of tbe ppople mnl wile for Hie nl tbe Male imncntloii If ii iimiJoiII.v of jour pejpli' iui not f.nor my iinuilniitlon. tlicii I do not imIii nor eoit tbe loli'K of join drbaloK. In order lo nuvilulii nliul Hie wnltmcnt of onr people on llil ipieitlon N, under tbe mils of ,wmr pally nii:aiil"itlnii4, my lutne 1m biea H'liinlttrd .In ii iop,il.ii' ote and un will decide at .wur ji hn.i r ich on S.itunl.iy ubrtber jon pie for m.i cindldaoy or that of inii'c otlier gpiillcnun for kowiiioi, Tlie name of Mr. Wntim lia nl'ii born iPttbieiel In oin lounty, and It rnn Hie mnt'tl beie t llmlleil lo tbe two of in. My toinpelllor U a inot nnrtliy geiitlcinnii. I Know liolhltiu' bill ;oud of blin. He I') bonoi.tble. and npilRbl In bl de.illnif llli bN fellow men. HIi rll( and imbllu ircuit In iiionI iredll.ible, and no one (.in make any iiilleUm nf lili pihate life. He, like ni.wlf, b.n (,'onc out liefoiv llu iwnplo and made mi open, manly eonte-l n a laiidblate for iKiW'rnor, I bid but rd t tin t Hie eontiU nilnlil be iviiflnril Pi Hie l,i in ih. II Mviui'd lo nil- lint If the leaileM of tin. paily did mil f.n'i r my iiomlii.illou tlu, iioiilil line m lei tul lny awie-'lw opponent is ilielr I'litdlihte. Till did iiftl mlt tbcfr pin- 1 lioeer. and thej nu now bpiiiliin; llieir elloil". lo ileriMl tlie nomination of both of ii' Hi in i', II le-iiHfi Ii (If lulu ii n,ll"1bi ful" 'be peipb In ileeidc. I would like cum.v man wbo l-i n t ..mild up fiir tills boii'ir In roiue out In Ibc run HI..I mi lufoie Hie prnple in tbe rotuitliM i licit' piiiiinilen me jil tn be lipid, 'o Hut tbe pet pb m.i an opportunity of oNpte-.-dn!; llieir piefirenu' inuoiiv .ll tbe . Thii N II" mil fair niitliod of dc'Idliii; tbe initio w t '.i . I' and manly talk like this ought lo win. In the long run II will win. Manipulation may defeat the will of the people in tlie state convention, but should it do so, John.l'. Klkin will yet live to tilumph grandly. Heretofore ho has been content to be a. lieutenant, shouldering the burdens and the blame of older men and taking punishment aimed at oMIeia! superiors. I'ircum ."lanofij have put him forward in his own Wuhl and title. You will see him grow to be easily the giant personality in our commonwealth's political af lairs: anil Ill's no litalter what testilt shall be letilsleitd on June 11. the sentence, dismiss the proceedings, award a new tilitl, or make- such other Judgment or order us substantial Jus tice shall reuulre; and the Kttnrenie court may, upon mieh hearing, take any additional evidence which It deems necessary In the Interest of justice. This provision shall apply to all ap peals now pending or hereafter taken." The Cuban constitution provides that all laws existing at the time of the transfer shall he continued. This In sures the permanency of the foregoing vital amendment, The value of this amendment is better appreciated when the fact Is understood that under the new constitution the president of Cuba Is without the pardoning power. Thus an Injustice In a lower court, If not technical In character, could, under the former nrranirpiucnt. not bo remedied. The strange thing about this condition of affairs is thai the United States authorities should not have remedied it sooner. However, a late remedy is better than none. In coinlnjj years tho service done to Cuba by Senator Itanna In his eagerness to aid it friend will, we dare say, be appreciated at Its truo worth. During the niescnt state of anxiety over unsolved miestlons of tho hour it is nol lilfely that even a small bet could be secured upon the probable re sult of the Danlfh West Indies sale deadlock. ALWAYS BUST. Spring and Summer Osforilt and Boots tbat con tent Hip mind and comfort tho feet. Men's "AlwayB" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 laidles' "Melba" Oxfords, ?2.50. Lewis & Reilly, 1 14-1 16 Wyoming Avenue. Mr. lteld'H luck of appreciation must give the sentinels of liberty a dis couraged feeling. OUR BATTJOE CRY. In acknowledging that self-respect and Taiiimauylsm cannot exist under tho same loof, Mr. Nixon has con lirmed an opinion of long standing. L Exemplary. Why Elkin Is Strong. X ITS review uf tlie political situation the Philadelphia Led ger, an impartial newspaper. says: "Iteptihllcaii leaders who are with Sunihor Quay in tlie gulier natoiiitl contest are becoming alarmed at the pioffic-s Attorney tleneral i:il:lu !s making In capturing delegates in the lounlry dintilcts. Kvery county in which the nttuiney general has made a light for delegates, except one dis trict In l.ui:erae and one In Schuylkill, ho has won, and eveiy vlcioiy seems lo encourage his friends In other dis tricts to i enow ed elforls, On Tuesday he added two counties to his list, Arm strong and Km est, with four delegates, much lo the Ulscift of the Quayltes, who mo beginning to display concern ns to their ability to control the state convention. The attorney general's suppoiters do not show any signs of weakening In the co'utest. 'They claim Unit Mr. IClklu Is much stronger among the active men In the party and with the people since his i ejection by Senator Quay than he was yhen ho was understood to have been the choice of tho oiganbaulon for gooruor." Thero Is just one Inaccuracy in this Miiotutlon. Mr. Klkin not defeated In l.usserue county. Tho popular vote 'Instructed In Ills favor and delegates JV'ell anil Morgans, the choice 'of the people, wll he seated at llurrlbbuig unless revolutionary tactics shall ipro Jvall. In Schuylkill no opportunity for an expression of tho people at a direct primary was afforded; and the i:il;lu .fo'llowlng had to light a desperate and lesourceful group of fedeial ottlee .huldqrs, Including an assistant United htatcs treasurer, a deputy revenue jcollectqr and half a dossen postmasters, yet came within four delegates of wlu- Mlng. In eveiy district where the peopo have taken a direct ote John )1 Ulklu has won. In not one Instance JhUslho popular majority declared against htm. Not n delegate has been elected for" any other candidate by (direct- vote of the Republican people; fllii'va doubt that one will he. facts lino these aiu significant. They a,re.jiq tq bo underestimated. It Is 4)ftrUfVomlei''that Senator Quay llmls &, revolution threateutd In his own gaunty- and feels unqer the necessity of icntlpg a house at llarrisburg and occupying It for a peilod of ten days Before the convention, fiut for the ha jyenso wad of strength embodied In tho solldltied Jmlladelphla delegation. whose members are confidently count ed by Quay and Durham before one of them has been elected, and who, although taking drders. would sooner to for John Klkin than any other man In tViinsylyanln, because they ml- :VIS XIXOX, one of the ablest and cleanest young men In the United States, lasted as bo&s of Tammany just four months and three days. Then ho resigned peremptorily, "saying he could not continue longer without los ing his self-respect. Nixon had been chosen by (,'roker, when the latter made a feint at le tlring, because In the llrst place he had exhibited executive and administrative qualities ol a high order; also because ho was wealthy, popular and not mix ed up In any of ihe shady doings which had caused public opinion to scourge Tammany fioin power; but chleliy be cause Cioker expected through Nixon's giatlttiilo and ine.'.peileneo to run the game while Xlxon got the eriticisni'and stood uii to receive tlie blows. When Nixon louiid out thai he was being made u.e of as a mere figurehead he (lub'tly called 'the district leaders to gether, spoke his lesignatlon, iun on his hat ami walked out. Undoubtedly Xlxon was slnceiely of the belief, four months and tlueo days ago, that he could lift Tammany up to a plane of comparative rc-psctablllty and restate it to its otlginal place as a leputable and useful auxiliary of stalwart politics, lie lulled to estimate accurately the force of habit. Venrs of habit have made of Tammany a huge enginery of spoliation and oppres sion; a machinery whereby pmsonul enrichment or aggrandizement had long stipt rsedi'd principle, lie tried his best, failed, and manfully confessed fniiuie. The eiuleaor was chlvalrie. The disappointment no doubt is keen. Ihit Xlxon wins lu getting a way fioin bad company. His example should be a let sou. It would probably bo useless to at tempt lo Unlit the beef trust by ab staining from meat diet. As soon as wo learn to ovist upon cereals some one will corner tlie wheat crop. An Important Service, I for tho Protection, Progress and Prosperity. As we continue our prcpmitloni for tbu flji pioiiiblng Kittle we note: L'nibf m.i-! polity tin? American workman U fully proleacd. Tbe slnple.s of fuod aie piodiicod on our own soil, while our piokct be tariff eiublei nuiiiifactiirriu lu pay the blab et wages of any lounliy in tbe world. What better iudli.tllou of the punpetlly of the people (an lie bad than deport of savings. I"ie a-,'o the amount on deposit in the fjvl,r,'s banks of the United States wa.s !JI,iJ0,oao,0CW; it 1 now .(ilO.OOO.IiOO, an iiiitca'e of 'JTiW, 000,000, or si in,uoo,wx a "'Jbc iiiKiiini'iils in f.nor of the neatlon of an Am:iie,in mercantile mailno arc unanswerable. The oppo-itloii (oiitcs largely U not mainly from thi; repicsenlatlvcs of foreign ship which now monopolize the ocean eaiiylug trade. Why should wc, .i nation, stand to loin- pbtcly in our own light.' Why do not Ibc maimfaetuicis and lite wage earners In their cm plo the ino-t Fklllful and lntflliijcnt labor in Ibc world atomo thcinsele and demand lliat Ameiium Inletesls -ball no longer lw saciIHced to llioc of oni ilwtU in other (ouinieieial loim tiles?" Tioy Timn. l.atc epoiti iiuil ainatl linporla may genetally be looked upon as an ludlialioit of a healthy la tional londilion. Tito claim thai ii made" that 1ioi.iiw our iniioHs ate laigo there Is tonietldns the mattii- witli the workings of lite protciti -o tat ill, is not a tititlifii! one. for an examination of the troM'rmncnt llgutrs show tliat practically one-half of these importations ate liunufacttuers in aerial', amounting in March to $4l,0U0,lXK). This mean-, nothlrg but tbe greatest activity ninom; Amciit'.in factories and the consequent em ploti.ei.t of lihor. The other attides lnipoitcd aie ciy laigely thoe which wc unnot ptoduco otn-ehes hiniply showing tliat the American people hac some ein pin-, mnnpy to spend for for eign pioiluot-.. Americ.iii Tree Tirtdet, who, blind to the mar velous benefits we have repined from our pro leilhc policy, continue to demand its denluic tioit, should pay attention to what ia going on in other couiitiles. (Urinany lia nlrc.idy seen llr adi.inl.iges of ihe piotectivu stet:i ,'iud Ins fotll lied her-elf behind a t.irln' wall. Kcn (tec ti.tdo Knuland lias bigiin to petit'uo her ct'toi- .'ml weakness and an r,gilution in favor of a prm- live tarill is stilling tlie kili(,dotii. If the people of the Initpd Males aie vvi-,0 liny will bold f.i-l to thai which U good, limy bwccs-fiil :t lack on plutci lion ever inidc; in tho Vnited States was uttitulod Willi dl-tious rc-iil(-. Telle Iljtile Tribune. "'I lie l.unduti Speitator views Ibc ship omiblne null its imiiI philosophy and deelates thai tl.e Anieiicatis aie duiu what v. as inevitable .-no'icr or latci claiming a .sliaie in Atlantic! liiin'pnil and lint they aie ooing It in a way lea-l likely lo injute i:ngltsh intetesls. Titu'.s collect. And it. might .dn be .idded that the Amciicau up line ot lite tiauvAilaulic tiadc Is far less satis fatloiy lo thd. fieoplc of tills couiiliy thin it would hair- been b.ui that i.iplute meant the filing of the flag ciff a big n"et of sldps." 'hoy Time-. An cubango of ihe )li..nile pcisiia.kiu s.i.: "Dcuiurr.iiy duals- the iron clown of lilwi," l)oe it lefer lo tbe "dusting" tliat the " of l.tboi" leielveil whin I'levoland was Isotiins bonds mid l'oey was tiui-lialliiig all the. Iiaimis to Washington? Jl'iiavljii Vail-, N", C Ydl-i.v Jacket. Macbinciy has tu.uii' it possible to wctk ihetper and ciiibb lids navy ,vard lo complete witli nth-et.-, but not at tlie ppeu.i of our woiklugiii'ii aa will lie fern below: Kuidoe lleii'iiibrr. Pept. C. ami II. V.iy Hull. JS'lT U7 , Mill.i IHis '.'Si , 111,111114-1 ISO" ;t4 'Jl,.-it7 H7 IDUO 4V ,'!l,',l"i 4) "III Jhci-iulici', ls'i7, Iheio were 'Jill emplo.ves In the .v-ul; In Ii.'icinbei. luOl, !)10." Polls mouth, X. II., I'lnoiiiili'. Kul are fact., Tlie Iniegolng paugnipli tbuws n-aily four lluics as iiijny woil.meii allot- Jive eais ot Kepiibllcatii.m. We- have I'ovv for tl.tee .veils been steidlly le ptuiliasliig Aiiiiilcau seciililb'.s held by (oielgnoij and tin- amount ino-t have leached eiioinious Hismiv The Finest Line , of s Porch Rockers Ever shown in Scranton A strong but true statement. We have nearly every tiling in summer furniture including the Prairie Grass Goods Artistic in design, rich in appearance and very prac tical. We want every house keeper in Scranton to visit our store and inspect our stock you'll find prices right and goods the best to be had. Hill & Cornell 121 Washington Avenue. $9,574 in Special Rewards Scranton Tribune's Greatest of All EDUCATIONAL CONTESTS Closes October '25, 1902. The Scranton Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. Thcro aro offered as Spccla? Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY.THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In som of tho Leading Educational Institutions In tho Country. List of Scholarships. 2 Sclinlaiflilpi in Sjracuse L'nlvcmlly, nl IS2 cadi f Mi 1 Schobrftlilp 111 nueltnell University Ml 1 Scholarship 111 The Unlvcrlty of lloebestcr,. SJt t70S t SebolaNtlp In Washington School for lion.. 17IKI 1 Scholarship In Willi ttnport JMeklnvm Semi- uity T."o 1 Scholarship in tllcklnou t'olleirlate I'lepara- lory School ;, 1 Sebolarvblp In New Inn CollrRUte Institute. TJ'l 1 Seholariltlp in leytoite Acadeniy.. UiX) 1 Scholaisblp in Drown College I'teparatoty School tm 1 Scholnithlp In the School of tlie Idelavvanna 411 1 Scholarship In Wllkes-llarre Instltule 27t) 1 Scholaishlp in Cotult Cotlairr (Summer School) 2.10 (XKfl 1 Sebolariblps In Scranton t'oniervatory ot Music, nt M2." eacl Can 4 Scholarships in lfardenhertrli School ot Muslu mid Art ICO 3 Scliolarslilis In Sciautou IIilsIiicu Collciro, at Y100 each .100 5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools a vera so value $07 each 233 2 Scholandiips in Lackawanna ltuolncM College, at ?S3 eacli 170 2 Scholarships In Allied Woolci'i Vocal Studio 12.". 1810 53 S0371 Rules of the Contest. The peclal rewnrth will be (then to the person iccun itiff the larsc'l number of point?. I'olnls will be credited to rontcslaiiU pecurinu new tub ecrlbers lo The Scranton Tribune nt follows: Point. . One nionth'n miIkc rlpt ton. ..... .f .fill t Three inoiilha' nuWriptlnu 1,2. II Sis- monthV Milifcrlntlon,', , 2,S'i 1 One year's sulwerlption 6.00 12 lite contestant Willi the highest number of poInU will be irlveti a choice from the list of special rcwaidsi the con tetnnt w'th the second hlahot iiuuihcr of points will be K I vcu a iholce of the remaining icvvard-i, and so on through Ihe list. The contestant win scciiret the IiIrIusI number of polnti dtirine any calendar month of tlie contest will receive a special honor icvvard, this revvaid belnR entirely Indepcnd. cnt of the ultimata disposition of tho cchn1.ii ship. Kacb contestant falling to secure a special levrard will be Riven 10 per cent, cf all money lie or she turns In. All subscription must be paid In advance. Only new Milmilbers will be counted. HencwaN bv persons whose names arc already on our sub sctlptlon Hit will net bn credited. The Tribune will invrstl iralc each snbscilptlon and If found Irregular In any way lewiMM the lleht to reject if. o lunsfers can be made alter credit has once been elven. All fciibscilptloiM and the cash to pay for them must b banded in at The Trlhuno ollko within the week In which they are reetircd, ko that papers can bo sent lo tho sub scribers at once. Suhscilpllont must be written on lilanH which can bo secured ut The Trlbuno office, or will bo sent by mall. EVERY CONTESTANT TO. BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships N will receive ten per cent, of all the inoney he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZES. A new feature Is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest num ber of pointseach month. The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday, May 31, will receive A HANDSOHE GOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years. Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later. Those wishing to enter the Contest should send In their names at once. plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to All questions concerning the CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. When in Of anything in the lino of optical goods wo can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses i4 .j, Properly fitted by an expert . optician, SPRING AND SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur of the Alleghany Mountains Lehigh Valley railroad; near Towjnda. Bathing, fishing, spoits', etc. Excellent table. Iteasonahlc rates. LAKE WESAUKINO HOTEL P O.. Ape.c, Pa. Send for booklet. C. K. HAIUtlS. The Westminister Kentucbv ae.. near Beach, Atlantic Cily. Open all the year. Sun Parlor, Elevator and all modern improvements. Special Spring Hates. CHAS. BUtIRE, Prop. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kenlucky Avenue. Tlrst Hotel from Beach, At lantic City, X. J-; GO Ocean view roonit; ia pacity 400; wiite for special rates. J. B. Jcnk im, Prop. EDUCATIONAL. From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrin- tion work and repairing. Mercereau & Connell, 132 "Wyoming Avenue. .. HENRY BELIN, JR., Central Ageut for the Wjomlcg District foi Dupont's Powder Uinins, tin Blutinj, Sporllne;, Smokeless and Itepauno Chemical Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Boom iOl Con ncll Bulldln; .Scraatcn. AGUXCIES. .10II.N' B. MIITII A- SOX F.. W. Jll!l.M(i.N Pl.vinoulh ..Wilkcs-Barre TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS 1'iuiii thv Aiuuluu Eiiuoiiii.t: lsio in unit). Initiate, IVi I mt, Wa is e i:.imeii, Waijeic. Maine it.'; ji.j .New- II uup-Jilic 1", I :M.ii Vi'iiiinut , :il,-J Ij.-j llhode Mr ml 1!,,7 Cotinerlliiit , M.7 .!l,r H will be eeu Hut In four of the above blatcs Ihe per cent, miicim in waifes i niucli inoic thin the pel cent, increa.; In waxo eainew. N I'ltKSSIN'il fur ii new trial IMi-h (1. r.iitliliuiie, whom i 'ii ban ourlw ronvleleil of com plicity 111 the f'llhau poslulti'ilUils, Seiiuliii' llaiinii liiillrt'ctly cllcl a ftreat service to I'uh.i. T'niler the law u It Klood In I'ulia, mi aiital 1'iimi a imirt ol' cirlttliiiil irlal to tli aniiclliUe couii could he laheii on points of law only and nut on tho dim-oven of new cvl ilencc or on merit. In other wouln, the pilvlletfo nt niipcal wan vu limited In hcopo tliat the verdict of tho lower i-mu-t In III,, iimo nP ii mtiii ill' liinrl,,!'. utu meiinH and i-oclal or political liob.rt,ntXu,,,,,,,,r "" ' tt0 u'lnkv lion was praniicuiiy unai. "When we consider lhat the averaeto court of original Juiihdletlon In Cuba linn yet many thlnsjs to learn lu eon dui.'tlnjf trials fultly unci Justly, this situation was In reality n weak hpot in the Intmltir Judicial system unci Its cor rection Is nf wider Importance than In reference to any particular case. Upon tho initiative of Wenutor Hunna.Xvliofce immediate purpose Is to secure Jf pos sible tho vindication of his friend, Major Iluthbone, the war department has Issued Instructions to Out ml Wood to promulsiile heroic the formul transfer on May -0 an amendment of the law of ciliiiinitl procedure to the following' effect.' "Upon an uppeal to the Sitpicnie court from the Judgment and sentence of u court, oil conviction of u public otllcer fop a crime committed In tho performance of his duties, the Supreme court shall have Juilsdictlon to review ul questions of (wt, Jaw, and proced ure arlBliiir upmi the testimony, record, mnl proccvilhifRi, mid to cither affirm tlie coitnlty tin?, ttotii the AU..11II0 (u Ihe 1'itltU, Hum Ihe Antic to the tioples, Willi our buttle ciy of "I'ruleitlon, Puvuni und rio-fnor- lly" till the sumct nun Ii Hied on thn lir.,t over Walter .1. lllilanl. Sibiniilail.v, X. V, HAD I BEEN THERE. ,, IVr 'I bo 'I'liliune. Had I been tlmat deni,' nis - Wluie .Km ph and vvlime Xlcodeiuiu aloud, It may be that I'd not have bceged lit- place In lako and tufler In llh tliad, Hut i-l think 1 .hotild! tuod, Had I been their In Pllalc'rt halt HI, ( 11 out befnrn tho 1110b Ihe Savior llNtia b.i Hut for Ills dear take I'd not luM- 1 uved that I (be mm might take Hut O, I llili.k I thouldl Had I been (hue, when Pilate said "I Und lu Him 110 iMl only tcood" When ciuil iuticlk had wov'u the (homy ciimn And on that holy brow- bud pieedl it down It may be that I'd, too, havn passive ttooii i no, u that wt multitude! It may be, but 1 do pot think I should. Had I beta there that lonily night YWicti Jtms knelt In djtk (letibcuuuc, I da not Luovv1 might have slept While, in IIU toul's deep ajouy llo, But 0, I do not llilnk that It could be I Itoie Vanll. Sp.'ece. IbujiC'jUil ty llcv, Au.Hu (Jlitllu at i:)m Park piaici nieillinr.J We Use Our Brains For You when you come here to buy Wall Paper. We are careful to show you only the patterns which will be suitable for the rooms that you wish to have papered. Our Artist Is daily producing new designs and ideas in Wall Decoration. If you have one or more rooms for which you desire original effect kindly let us know. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an easy course, nor a cheap course, but the bc.t education to bo had. No other education ii worth epending time and money on. It jou do, write for a catalogue ot Lafay 6116 College Easton, Pa. which offers thorough preparation in the Unpiaecrins- and Chemical Professions as well as tho regular Collegs coutsci. We Shall Be Pleased to Show You Our Furniture, Carpets, Draperies And Upholstery Goods Williams & McAnulty 129 Wyoming Ave. Announcemsn During the summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles 15. Fish The courses. of instruction are lor the benefit of five classes of students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions nt the entrance examinations. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. 5. Students in college who have admission conditions which must be removed before tho beginning: of the next Scholastic Year. For particulars address, ..CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. OunsterForsvlSi Ens 253.327 Penn Avenue. iiuil mm 5 Lager Beer.. EOEANTON OORltESFONDEHOE SCHODM SCRANTON, PA. T, J. Foster, i'usldeot. Elmer II. I.ivrall, Itcm. It. J, Foikr, Stanley I', Allen, Vlct President. S.-crcta:. V Manufacturers of Old Stock !! l'Z"fr 4.i J"frH4 I PILSNER I v 2 ! 4 ! ! & h V ! ! ! 4 i '1 1 J1 l & Brewri', fv seventn St. 1 Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 233i. New 'Phone, 2935. EDUCATIONAL. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL V.Jat Slioucltbuig, I' J, The rJinIiurioiii foi lulinioioii la I lie Mi'Mli Year .in'l f-mlor Year di.ic-i Mill lie lirld .liini! in, Illli clioul si.iilu.nrs Mill hi- lu'imUtril to tal.o liotli rtJnilnitiom ami cntrr tlie fenlor ihi hIiciii llirlr v.oil. has cuuu'.l Ilia Junior ami inliU die jcjm couite of tli Tliii year will In., tlid I.ut opiioitiinily trien to do su, us tho Illicit jfats' couife U In full forco and all will roijio under llm ilalc kkuIjIIuiis of examination. Tor full paitliulan ,iddroi .it once. It. 1'. Illlll.ll, A. 31.. l'rlnclpil. warm More College ) 5warthmore, Pa, ' Under Management of Friends ( Offers a vde range of elective studies within the four courses i that lead to degrees In ARTS, SCIENCE, LETTERS AMD ENGINEERING. Swarthmore College has extensive campus; beautiful situation and surroundings; superior sanitary conditions; adequate libraries, laboratories, shops, etc. It provides for sound and liberal scholarship and Intelligent physical culture while It at tends to the needs of Individual students. Catalogues on applica tion to the President. I Kiiij!CiouAJ'K,;xKv I hi $1 m ( I irv irr. . ',..