The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Ppsclal to the Scranton Tillnn
Honr-sdale, May U. Mm. Anna Noble
of Sun Antonio, Texun, sinter of MIbs
Clnra T. Sutton, who Is critically III, In
expected to arrive In Honesdale on
Clifford Orny will leave on Sunday
for the annual neBslbii of tne aranu
I,olRf of Odd l'-cllown which meets at
Kile, Pa., next week. Ho will represent
Freedom lodge. Henry Murrnutn, sr.
Will lepicacnt Howard lodge.
lit. llev. Uthelbert Talbot, D. D., 1.
I,. D., bishop of central Pennsylvania
will preach and administer the right of
confirmation, In Grace Episcopal
church next Sunday evening at 7:30.
A new baker shop Is soon to bo open
ed on lower Main titroot by George
Bchwonker, formerly In the employ of
baker L. D. Bunnell.
On Friday the Delaware and Hudson
paymaster will pay the employes on
I ho Hoiipsdale branch.
Thus far the stutc viewers are paw
ing favorably on the bridges Inspected,
that were swept away by the Hood.
To-day they will visit the Main street
bridge In Honesdale.
The summer parlor car has been
placed on Conductor Knapp's Krle
train between Honesdale and New
The National -Elevator works are
observing the Saturdny half holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Z. Russell are spend
ing a few days In New York city.
The committees from the various
Odd Fellow's lodges in Wayne county,
will meet at Hawley, May 20, to decide
the matter of their annual re-union.
Mrs. II. C. McDcrmott and daughter
Ethel are being entertained at the
home of Wyman Kimble.
.Everybody will follow the crowd to
the Opera House Tuesday evening.
May -0, and enjoy the great vaude
ville show to be given by young men
for the benellt of the baseball association-.
The rush fpr coal has emptied the
ictall pockets' In Honesdale and there
Is no more coal in sight.
Fpccfiil to tlie Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, May 11. Miss Lottie Hall,
of Tunkhannock, is visiting lrlonds In
Henry IV.uiire ami wife, of Deposit,
me the gtiot-ts of Mr. Manse's sister,
Mrs. Joseph nylngton, on Susquehanna
Mlshe.4 Marion and Lillian Church
entertained u number of friends at a
tea party Saturday evening. Among
he attests piesent were: Mlses Alice
Waterman, Lonora Van Loan, Delia
mul Katherlne SuminertdTl, Grace
Harding, Bertha Fisher, Martha Mil
lard. Llllie Tlngley, Ilattle McLeod,
Hand Adams. Gertrude and Grace
lie. ml, and Mrs. Benjamin Lawrance.
Mrs. J. D. Llndsley and daughter,
Cecil, or lJlniitvt, aio visiting relatives
mid lrlonds In town.
t'arrle Mead, of Cliate avenue, was
unable to return to school at Binp,
linniton last week, on account of Illness.
Lee Aldrlcli very pleasantly enter
tained a number of friends Sunday af
ternoon. Orange G. "VVocilliouse, who has been
visiting his parent'! at Millortnn, le
turhed to Ills duties at the County
1 1 ei a Id cilice Monday.
Pay day on the Delaware, Lacka
wanna mid Western at this place on
Mr3. William Siiuhes and Mrs.
tleorge Van Fleet will entertain the
ladles of the Pieshytorhin church on
Thursday ntlernouu, May 1.", at the
pleasant homo of Mrs. Van Flecl. on
Main fitieot. All ladies lire wolrmri".
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van AVornif and
two sons, Freddie and Georgia, vNlted
Sir. A'nn Woimer's parents, Mr. and
'Jlrs. Aaron Van Wormer, at Conklln,
Mrs. Comad, of Alford, is vlltlng at
the Itume of Mrs. Bert Aldrieh'.
A number of friends of Miss Ruth
Mack, made her a very pleasant sur
prise one day last week. It being Mis?s
3 tilth's second birthday. Those present
were Ruth ward. Floy Sackett, Herald
iind I'.Iarj Flynn and Ktllo Wheaton.
Epc'clal to the Snanton Tribune.
Factoryville, May IS. Veterinary
Surgeon D. C. Stanton, died suddenly
at his homo hcie late Filday night,
aged SO years. The funeral was held
at the Baptist church, Tuesday morn
ing. Captain 13. J. Rice post of which
the deceased was nn honoied member
conducted the burin! service.
Captain E. J. Rico post, No, 211, G,
A. 15., will give an euteitnimnent at the
Hi Ink church Soturdny evening, May
37, commencing at S o'clock shaip. The
daughter of an old veteran of the civil
war, Miss Mildred Green, of Ser.inton,
n noted elocutionist, will entertain the
audience. Tlllingluist's cornel band
will furnish music for the occasion,
iiml patriotic vuir songs will he sung by
1'ior, ManclK sier's choir,
Miss JIatllu Caipenter Is teaching a
(m'lii of select school In the guided
tchool building.
Mrs. A, A. Brown Is the guest
l"i lends at Tunkhannock.
rpn lal tu (lie Siranlon Tribune,
Thompson, May U. Mr. and Mrs,
W, V Wilghtcr, of Susquehanna, came
tip Hutuulay afternoon nud spent the
Sabbath with W. I Tnllmaii and fam
ily. Muson Hlo.shnm who has been sick
(since the llrst of February was out
j tiling last Sabbath.
Mr. nud Mrs, C, M, Lewis diovo over
to Whites Valley Sunday afternoon
iind jeturned last evening, They
brought home with them Miss Dorothy
Leonaid who will visit with them for
u few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard, of I'oyn
tell, ylslted his bister Mis. F, Domoray
mid their daughter Ruth who is stuy
Jng with her aunt, last Sunday,
Our new pastor, Rev, R, M, Puscoe,
was fa vm ml with a full house Sunday
jiioinlng and his. sermon was appt ecla
ted and pionounced good,
A sword eater pitched Ills tent on
Lyden's lot yesteiday and Monday
evening "ubtonlshed tho natives" with
nn exhibition of his voracious uppe
lite, That this man was stronger than
Ills digestive organs was seen In tho
fact that lip used tho swallowed sword
to cujt up potatoes, further on In his
Mrs, Witter Whose Illness has been
noted herein Is Improving at this
wilting and Robert Carr, who was
caught between the bumpers Inst week
Is doing well, ,
Mrs. 13. J, Matthews ot Susquolui.nmt,
visited her parents Mr. mid Mrs. R.
X. Whitney, over Iho Sabbath and at
tended tho M. E. church In the morn
ing. E. J. Matthews, the Susquehanna
marble dealer Is erecting a fine monu
ment nt the grave of Mrs. Arthur Lar
rabeo. In om' cemetery this week.
The Thompson Creamery Is U be en
larged. Woik was commenced this
O, II, Woodcock, of ninghntuton,
was In town to-day.
Spccl.ll to tho Scranton Trllnmo.
Plttston. May 14. Tho Corinthian
club's Floral dance takes place to
morrow (Thursday) evening in Key
stone hall and promises to eclipse any
thing of tho kind ever held. Over 400
This faithful dog is lunning after his
master and his little boy. Can you find
Invitation- h.ivp born Issued many of
them goinc to Wllkc-B.ii re, Scranton
and Cnibond.ile, and the affair Is nuvn
beied among- the events of tho sea
son. Furman of Scranton will have
charge of the deeoiatlons, which will
be on an elaborate scale, and the music
will be furnished by the Elite oichestra
of this city. The following committee
has charge of the ariangements:
James A. Mooney, P. A. Bresliu, M.
Palser, W. A. McKalg, E. J. Burke,
and Joseph Keating.
At the order of Mayor Corcoran the
tlie hydrants of the city were tested to
day with the aid of the Niagaia engine.
Mrs. Rev. D. M. George is quite 111
at her homo on Jenkins street.
John Hopkins, of Washlnglonvllle,
Ohio, Is visiting his cousin, Cornelius
Evans, si, in this city.
Company M, Ninth Regiment, was In
spected last evening by Major Clarke,
at the Company's armory in West
Plttston. Tho Inspection of Company
C has been postponed for one week.
Rev. Torwerth Jones, of Maestueg,
South Wales, occupied the pulpit of the
Welsh Baptist church last evening
ptcachlng in the Welsh language. He
will bo here again Friday evening and
will deliver a sermon in the English
The of the late William Jen
kins took place yesterday afternoon,
services being conducted at the house
on Railroad sheet, by the Rev. W. D.
Thomas, assisted by Rev. D, M. George.
The managers of the fair association
aro making the piellminary arrange
ments for a big all day event to take
place at the West Plttston fall
grounds on the Vourth of July. It is
expected that an agreement can be
reached by which the association can
co-operate with the Caledonian Club
for tho holding of their annual games
with tho addition of several good horse
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Saxo left this
morning for a week's visit among rela
tives in Wayne county. They will make
tho trip with a horse and buggy.
Tho Ninth annual convention of the
Baptist Young People's union of North
eastern Pennsylvania will be held In
the Welsh Baptist Church at Olyphant
next Saturday and Sunday, May 17
and IS. Three sessions will be held.
Special to Hip Scranton Tribune.
Avoea, May 11. It was villi deep
icgict that tho people In town heard
of the death of Fred Mitchell which
ocoiu ed, by accident, yesterday morn
ing on the Delaware & Hudson road.
Ho leaves a wife and three siuull
children. Deceased wus a whole-souled,
good tempered fellow, whoso pleas
ant face was always welcomed to
Avoea. His hi others, John and William
left hcie yesterday to arrango tho
funeral which will ho held In Carbon
dale. Ho wan a member of the Rail
road Bintherhood,
Mr. Wllliuu Murdoch, or Jevmyn,
was the guest of Mis, Argus Howell
Tho Homo Mission society of the P,
M, church will meet at the home of
Mis. Thomas Llewlyn, this afternoon.
M. F, Ryan Is a candidate for dele
gate to the Fifth Legislative conven
tion In the Interest of E. J. Uurke,
The condition of the young son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Hastce of Lincoln
Hill Is quite i-iitlcnl,
The monthly all day meeting of tlio
Christian and Missionary ullluncr, will
be held at tho usual place of meeting,
Thursday, this week. Rev, James
Lelshnuin, of Sernnton, and Miss Mary
Complon, of Plttston, will take part
In tho services. A brief business meet
will be held at tho close of the after
noon session. The evening meeting will
lie devoted to missions. Everybody
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Schlager, of
4lrtrWltJ Miuady Hut .sure M mM la IT
Sernnton, Were guests of Mrs, W. F.
Pier this week.
i m
flpsclnl to The Seinnlon Tribune.
Forest City, May H. .lames Clark,
president ot the Clifford local, United
Mine Workers of America has gone to
Ohio In nciirch or cmploycmcnt.
Constable Westcott hits Just received
from his eon Martin who Is soldiering
In tho Philippines the beak of a largo
native bird known to the Americans
us the "hanging .Tncknss." They Infest
tho Islands In largo numbers) and It Is
said nro always to be found In the
vicinity ot the Insurgent camps.
John Mlskell leaves for Omaha, to
morrow, where he expects to work In
a meat packing house.
Saturdny the Hillside and Vnndllng
colleries paid their employes, The pay
roll was tin unusually large one.
Daniel Buck and wlfo have gone to
Stnrrttcca to visit.
Rev. R. L. Chirk, of the Methodist
church Is preaching u scries of sermons
on "Why We Believe." Sunday even
ing his topic was "Why We Believe In
Mrs. C. E. Moyle, of Scranton, Is
visiting: her mother Mrs. E. Illgglns.
Mr. and Mrs. Oreo called on friends
In Unlondnle, yesterday.
The Ladles' Aid of the Presbyterian
church will give another of those ex
cellent suppers In tho church basement
Wednesday evening from 6 to 1) p. m.,
for the small sum of 23 cents. Come
one and all.
Mrs. C. E. Moyle, of Scranton, Is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. E. Hlggins.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Orce called on
Unloud.ile friends yesterday.
Special to the Snanton Tiiumir.
Ton aniiEi, May II. 'liic lto-a imiidvr cue,
which ope noil on Jk'iiilay and dosed Kiidaj, .h
tiled licfoic Judge I.jncb, of Wilkes-Uirrc. After
liciiing tlie eddenct! of the cuininonnciltli, the
comt fct.iKd tlut the cue v.i not stioiu; enoiudi
lo heir tlie defmse and oulcicil ths juiy to iind
the piiionor not irullty, Hindi was done, nud tlie
piUonei- dijdurgcd.
Hine-t l'o, fonucily of Towaud.i, a Lehigh
Valky trainman hwi.- at Sajie, ua killed at
Mandies'tei by taking hold of .in clcctih: who
which WJ lurgins oer a sidewalk. UN ie
muiiw wcic interred at Touanda,
Hciboit P. l'ulnjiii wa unanimously rp-clccted
mpciintciiilpiit of m.1iocI, t'nii making his thiid
coiwHUthc trim.
t'oiut stcnosi-jpher Aitlnir Head, of Bi.idfoul
and Wajne lOrniHe-,1 has been elected a mciuwi'
of (lie WillU'Iijioii tociety, an iia-o-(iation
(.ompoied o( the niont eitilnent and ca
pable thoilhuul willci'. of l.uiope and Ain.'il. 1.
The mnnbei.sliip U stiieily limited lo tnenly-lhe,
of whim not more than fifteen 111 ly be In
Aim lie 1 mill the other ten in Kiuopc.
At a meeting of the Towanda board of lieulili a
resolution was adopted which lcquiies ail lilll;
de.iln to fiuni-h the bund approved
f-hoil's the health of their herila, sanitaiy cuu
dit mi if -inlil, and ipulliy of milk. The ie-o-
llllilill ii III ll lU'ldlV (UlOH'Pll.
'il.e putilio llbiaiy a-oi I. tlmi of Wyalmlng
will now I1.1t e a fuv Imlhllnir, 11s ihe
puicliisc of a lot has been inade. 'IIk ilt Is
fiom T, It. Welle, of l'arm, and t. P. ttelh",
of Tirt,.imU will niperlio It! construetl.iu.
Mls lleitha C.ijloul, of N'j allying, was .1 giw,t
ef hir biotlur on Sunday and Muinliy.
GREEN GROVE. to the Serantou Tribune.
(iieui (now, .May It. Mr. and Mn. Chailes
ltougiit celebrated tho thiitleth nuuiicisary of
Hull iiianiage last Monday. Tlio guest', began
coming about 10 o'doek, and befoie noon 11 large
nuinbir weie piesent. Mr. and Mi. Itought wcie
iciucnibeicil by their many friends with tonic
elegant picncntJ. Sir. Nought's biotheis and bis
ti id gam him an elegant li.uncM. Dining Il.e
imitnoon all of tlieh fi lends and lel'itlU'S ie
turned home ileilaihig Mi, and Mis, ltnni;lit to
be kind parent, good uilglitmio and agieeable
n-.ipjaies, und wlililuj; ilirm the i:''d tutor of
Dltliio I'lotidenie cf twuit.v yeas litei re'ebiat
in? Ihdr golden wedding. Those pimm were
Mu. (Jillipit Uwli, MIm rioienee I.ewL-, Mu.
Ilirt Lewis, Ml. and Mm. (lu.ur Wdlietby, Mr.
and '.Mr. Vernon IHtciifccr, .l!i. Abram Oakley,
Mis. Albeit llei.cdlct, Mr. Wilght Lowry, Jh.
.Tames Wilton, James I'. WlUon, Mr?, Catliiiinr
i-iijder, MIa O1.110 Xicliob, Mi-5 Lillian lTttoji
gir, Mis Alta llfiiedlct nud .Mi-s Ihnnii Caiey,
of Ui ecu fJiote; Mm. Luther Tujloi, Lellef-Tay.
lor, ij Mildred Tajlor, Ml. and Mrs. l.ifa.utlo
ftought, Mr, anil Mrs, M. L. Dacon and Mrs.
Wlllir.n Woolliealci, of bcranton; Mr. and Mis.
liierph Klefer, Ml. and Mis. Janus McMjne, Mlas
Myitie. Hrjant, Ml. Ida 1'ianey, Mita Mabel I'w
iipy, Mlis hlcfpr, Mrs. Joieph Urjaut, Mis.
Mny lirjant, Willie McMjne, MUs IMiu JlcMyne,
Mln Maty McMjne and Mi Mildied MeMjiie, ot
t'libondalc; Mr. and Mis, Ilerbeit kought, Kouer
llought, Caillslo Itought and Kenneth itought, of
Klmliurst; Mr, and Min. Joseph Ciofut and Jen.
nle Ciofut, of Moutdrle.
V, h. tlark spent tlio paj,t wpek at Thonipou.
I)r, I.)inli, of Clark's fiieen, and Lugene bliu
rtll, of Philadelphia icliool, weie ialb:is
In this place lat Miuday.
Miss Jennie CUlk lu irtniued lioiue after
tpendlng uteial t.eoks in buquelumu co'iuty
tislliug Irleuda and idatltcs.
IM. Kligsley U mot Ins 011 his farm In buitt.
Tho Ladles' Aid soilety of the MptlnU,c Kpis
copal chuiili will meet at Tied. I.ewl' 'lliurn
duy, May 2.
Thomas fjulniian has icxlvtieil his portion lis
te.ulier at thu Monldale ,cl,ool; MUs llcllha Wall
Miueeds lilin.
ipedal to the Snanton Trlbunp.
pupoiit, May II, Henry llrown is .lottlj eon
talitelnt'. Work Is imt nrojiewliu fiy rapidly 011 the
Cannim 11 ill unite owing to a trlke among the
The strike ipuMloii U lh main topic of the
day at pw.cut. We hear fiom my few pio
itilkc pcon'c.
KiU (Iguktnro U on 'r'tSry box'! tMi !
Laxative Brorao'OuinineT".u
Is the Most Satisfying
Ten on tlio Market be
cause of its Purity and
Economy. You will ap
preciate it if you give it a
trial. , Convince your
Ceylon Tea
Bold only la X,tad Faekcti.
50c, 60c and 70c Per Poond,
Result of Yesterday's Games.
Scranton, It); Lancaster, K
Lebanon, 11; ItciilliiK. I,
Wllllanpoit. Pj Wllkos-Ilaiic, 0. (fianie for
feited bee ui'C Vi'ilkevHirit! did not anltp.)
Standing- of Clubs,
l'li.ted. Won.
' .750
Bcranton ....
Lancaster ...
Lebanon ... . .
, l
Today's Games. at Scranton,
Itpadiuir at Lebanon.
WilkevBano at Wllliamspoil.
Batting Rally at Athletic Park Yes
terday Afternoon Wilkes-Barre
Forfeits to Williamsport.
Voterflay afternoon, nt Athletic
pniK, Scranton and Inncnster, tied for
llrst pliicc, went after the ball as if
second jil.ico tvns a pest house. The
locals proved thu best goers and are
now on top.
1'rotty much nil the Lawson lads, and
Uraiiby, Fordney unci nines, of the op
position, fattened their hattinsr nver
ni;cs in a most gratlfylnn; nianner.
Drauby had five hits to his credit;
Logan, five; Sullivan, four and Fordney,
three. All told, there were forty
four hit?. BlaUey had the distinct ion
of sending tho lull over the center
field fence for the llrst lime this t-ea-scn.
He gets fioe Miaves for a year
for his piowess. Logan's fielding at
second was of the gilt-edge order. The
II. II. O. A. E.
(ioiton, r.f 2 I! i 0 1
Ithke.i, l.f .'! 2 2 0 1
XicUls l.f. :t :: l o o
Loir.iu, 2b 2 .1 TOO
i-uUium, 2I :i I ISO
Schmaltz, lb 2 2 KJ 0 II
Stroll,.-.'!. :t 2 12 1
ltahipy, c 1 2 II ll il
Il.ud.r p 0 1 11 o 1
Totals V) 21 2T 11 4
it. h. o. a. n.
lilnes l.f 1 1 I) 2 0
flal.-rr. i.f 0 1110
lellrlei, :;l 2 112 1
Drauby, lb 2 S 7 ll 1
lliatlen, 2b 1 1 0 2 II
SliliineK, 0 0 2 4 1
I'nUI, e-.l. und p I 1 ;t 0 2
roiiluej, e 1 H ' 0 0
Keener, p. and r.f 0 12 10
lies',, p ".. 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 3 11 27 12 fi
Seoie by iunlntfs:
5 r.mlon .10 3 2 2 8 0 0 1 IP
Laneinei- 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 2-S
First bise by cuors Scranton, .1; Lancaster, 2.
Left on b.i.-c Snanton, S; Lanca-tei-, lit. l'ir.U
b.i'0 on bills-Olf Ilaidy, 2; olf UnUe, 2. Slunk
out Ity Hardy, .1; Keener, 2; lleia, 1, Homo
rui. lll.iKey, Sulliiaii. Tluec bae hits Goiton,
Logan, Schmaltz, McKels Drauby. Two bisn
h Us Drauby, Dialtln. Stolen basis Stioli, ltain
pv, lllahei-. Doublo plas llratton to Draubj.
Hit by plUlici-Uy Hardy, Ij by llc-a, :!. Wild
plUhcs Keener. Umpire oiitli.iiil. Time of
game 1,53.
Lebanon, May U. Ilendlns's flint t I-i t heie .nld
cd another to th"ir alieady Ioiir i-trlni; of tnr
ceho defeats. They plajrd inl.-el ibln lull to
the clKhtli limine, when, huwiiei, ihrlr waKe-up
wa of no avail. Score:
II. II. O, A. IT.
Mdlaile, n 0 2 1 . 1
Yoniip, 21 1 1 ;t I I
fihtello, if I 2 2 0 0
Itollhn, c I 0 :, ;) o
Clemen.-, Sb :t 2 I .1 1
Dunn, lb 0 o l.l 1 0
Latley. If 3 ;t I 0 o
riillhlu, it. ,.., '-! o l n o
Hiptlug, p , 1 10 10
TutaU U 11 27 U U
II. II. O. A. II.
Coiimau, If o o :t o t
Hitter, if ' o ;i n o
l.ler, if 0 2 10 0
.Ionian, lb ,,..1 2 h 0 0
Mills, 2b '..1 I II II 1
O'.Velll, Sb 1 2 12 0
Lavnuu, o ,, ,,,,.0 117 2
rraiiMlu, p. ,,, ......1 2 i! 1 - 2
Mehl, c 0 0 0 2 0
.4 !.! 20 n
MiD.ide deelaiiil out, iiiuiiIiij; out of lu
Lebmoii 0 1 7 1 .1 0 0 u J ll
IteadliiK 0 0 I) ll 0 0 ll I II I
Kaiiied rutu Lebanon, lj lleadiusr, 1, T'vj
base Idta-llcptlus. Vouutr. fo.lellu, Jor.ln,
Mllli. Tine.' ba,e hlu Ialfo. Home ,uu
CUintn. hatilllce liit ill llailc, lleptluaf, t-'o't-nun,
roller, Laexou, I'laiiKIni, Mehl, Hoicn
bie I'hllliln, ( linien-i, l-ilfey, ( cnVi-m, I'nn.
(Ill, Mehl. Left on bake Lebanon, 7i llcadlm,
11, fetiiuk out lly Heptli'S, I; by Fi.inKlln, 2.
Double plae -MeDado to Vounir to Dunn; Ian.
ton to MIIU; Laou tu MilU to .Ionian. I'll 4
lu on lulU Olf Ueptlng, oil l' uiklln, 4.
Hit by pitched ball Ceattllo, Ilolliin, I'hllliln.
I'asH'd ball- Mehl. I'liiphe l'helan. Tune 1.52.
Attendance 5'X).
VUlios-Biure Missed the Train.
WilUi-Darre, 'u., JIaj 11. 'Ibc eaiitaln of ll.c
i 4 Lines 10 Cents
Mere Tlun Four Lines, .1 Cents for Uicti Extra tint.
For Rent.
l'Olt IIUNT-IMS Mulberry street, 0 roonn, first
l'Olt lli:ST-U.M (Irreii Illdgo ftreet, nine toom,
niodprti lmprocmcnti fleam healed, ery
leaioiinblp mnl desirable. Inquire 1". II. Settle"
ton, lMU WiuIiIiirIdh avenue.
l'Olt HKNT Mvrooni flat, with bath, ftpatn
heat, pin lanse, and all modern Impmip
ineiitsj rent reasonable. Call early. IVd C
Hand, Ml Mulbeiry uticct.
l'Olt lli:.T I'nrnMied home to my inall fain
ll. ( rtliialPil on tlio lilll; very plr.matit nud
ileslrablcl will ipjierio to ioom. 711 Qulivy
n euue.
HAIIM roft HCNT 12, April lt, three box and
thrpo dlnslo stills and, wash raek, rear ot
224 Madison avcnui. Inquire at 031 MadUon avc.
I OR "XNT-Storp Imtkllnr for rent In Die0?
City. Pn. ntilldlnir SO feet by 21 feet, cellar
under all, and fecond ftory can be arraw?cd lor
a family. All In pood repair ready lor ue. Two
coal lireakew and mines rloie by employing over
n tliotiand people. An enterprlaiiw merchant
ran get a Iukp trade. Apply to Winiani II.
niclimonil, Itlchmond lilll, at2J N. Main .icneie,
nerantnn. Pa.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
l'Olt llEXT rurnWiccI front loom; Intf block
fiom couit house Mpiarct heat, gas
use ol bath. Oil b'pruce St.
i'Ott HUNT One furnished room, with improio-
tucnts; also one on thiid floor, cheap. Vll
Adams avenue. t ,
t'URN'ISIIKD TtOO.MH for rent, modem improve
ments; prliate family; itcntlcmen preferred,
at G37 Adams aienue.
KOK HUNT Furnished room; heat and bitlu
0C5 Linden street.
FURNISHKD ROOMS FOR Itr.NT. with heat, frai
and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 63D Adams
U'llkes-Uarro base ball club, cihiili was etliidulcil
to piny at AVllliamport today, b.iH he rnks-'d
the train this mornlm;. Tlie tenni U still In this
Change in Base Ball Schedule.
Readlni:, May 11. With the appointment of a
new inauaqer for the Wilkes-Haire stito leujua
club toinouow, 1'ie'ldent will change
the schedule for Friday in d Saturday, bendiiiK
Willlain-poit to Lebanon; Lancaster to neadins,
and Wllkcs-H.ure to fecianton. After that the schedule will btand.
National League.
At Cincinnati It.H.C.
l'lilladclphia 2OOJ0OO0O0 8 2
Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 0 :i 0 0 0 .- 11 J
Uatterics Magrce and Dooln; llefeeinan and
Dclt. L'mpliea Powers and llrown.
At St. Louis It. U.K.
New Vorl 1 0 1 0 1 0 ll 0 1 10 11 !!
bl. Louii US0 100 000 7 0 a
llattirlcs Matlliettson and noucrm.ui; O'Xelll,
Wicl.ei and II; an and O'Xelll. L'mpire Canlil
lion. At L'lilcaso
Unttcilc-i Hushes
11. U.K.
...0001010002 7 b
. . .1 0 0 0 0 1 l 0 . 3 1 .'!
and Aheani; Rhode and
Kline;. Uiuplie Lni-lie.
At I'itt-bms- lt.Il.i:.
lVistor. ll 0 1 0 1 1 I) 0 I 10 11 1
I'ltHmiK 0 0 1 1 00011 0 n 12 3
llalteries I'lttinircr and Moran; Chebio, Poole
and O'C'onnoi. I'mpiie O'D.ij.
American League.
At Philadelphia II.II.i:.
rio.lor 1 0 0 0 ll 0 0 0 0 1 I 4
Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 il 1 2 0 3 7 .'!
Halleru Dineen and Alarner; Hcustiiiffs and
Potti'i-. I'miiliP Micild.ui.
At Wajriniston Tt.H.i:.
IlaltiniOH- 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 01 0 2
W'a-liincton 2 0 0 0 I) 0 0 2 I 12 0
Uitlciic-s Howell and ltobinon; Townsend and
Donohue. Umpire O'Loughlin.
At Chleajo- lLILK.
Ft. Louis 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 3
Clilcaeo 1 52 Oil 0 0 l. 12 10 0
mtlirles Powell, Ttcltly and sugden; Callalian
and McPailand.
At Ckeland I!. ILL'.
Detioit 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .'! 10 0
Cleeehnd 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2 !) 3
llitteiie Meicer and Uueluw;Micct and ilemls,
t'mplrej Contioly and Carullicrt.
Eastern League.
Toronto, 5; Jci'ey City, 2.
noclicxtcr, 7; Woi cestcr, 4.
Xrwarlc, 3; Montreal. 1.
PioWdcncc, 13; Buffalo, I.
College Games.
At Hi llilelii-m Stato College, 10;
Lelilsli, 7.
'Ihe Weao Wllllri would like' tu play Prnfesaor
Hawker's Haso Hill team May 17. An.wei in
'liibune. W. Xoilh, manager.
AfHDKMY -Mabel Paige company. Afternoon
and nh.'hl.
At the Academy.
Tho Mabel Falire company gue a good lendi
Hon of that old leliablo plaj, "The Deacon's
DiiiBhtcr," at the Acaduny of Musiii list nlisht.
in tho dual Idle ot Until lliniewell and Mabel
llowlllioine, Jllss 1'algo acquitted herself uedlt.
The play will be lepeated t hid afternoon, and
tonight "'iho Peail of Faioj" will be picscnted.
special to tho fccrantou Tilbuue,
ev Mllforel, aiuy It. Sillier S. Al
len, of Jlontrose, was In town Tuesiliiy
011 llilPilK'FH,
JUbh Kdeno Moore, ot Ilnrfoiel, vls
Iteel lior Biundmotlier, Mis. h. W.
Jloore, last week.
.1. V. Astell gave a temperance atl
clivuh at u public lueetliitr o( the Wo
nuin'a Olu Istluu Tenipennieo union nt
atr.iTiiruii Suiulay evening,
lJ.ay Jlo.-s went to lltirforcl Monday,
wlieni bo will assist O, A. Sterns with
his in nil vorK this siiniuier,
John Cliildcn, t'randdon of Mr, anil
Mrs. Mmwi Heynolili?, died In New
Toil; TuLMl.'iy luoinhip;. Small-pox
wn.4 tlw cause of his death.
Alary Huyden, ilauifhter of Vml liny
den, Is Min'trlntr with (lie uiiiiiiph.
i-prclal to the Sirjnton Tlibuae.
MihoU'ii, May 14. Hany lluUtiad anJ (ier
tmda fciuith, of rictftillle, spent Sunday with
Mis. II. b. Stcnheiii.
MIh lather WIliov, aftu a piulongtd llln.'si,
died at her home ftiiuday inoinln;.
Mr. JlichaidiKiilffili, of WilKci-liaue, spent a
few daj of last week with Let tUtcr, Mi. l 11.
Charles lleujainlii and (louinl lla.ideu, of Xew
Mllfoid, weie callow tu town Sunday,
John Mlir and Ml J Adinu, Mi. bmltli ti.d
MIm t'owlet. of Sirunlon, iltoie up Sunday and
called ou MU L'tbei Stark.
Branch WANT Oftim
Want Advertisements Will Be
Hecolved at Any o the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALtlCIIT SClltif.T. coiner Mulberry
utreet anil Webster incline.
OUSTAV UCIIKI,, 0S0 Adams avenue.
West Side
OEOIKIK W. JENKINS, 101 South Main,
South Scranton
KHED L. TKRl'l'K, 729 Cedar aecnue.
North Scranton
OHO. V. DAVI, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Groon Ridge
CIIARLKS P. .10Ni:., 1S57 Dickson
J'. J. JOHN'S, WO Orecn Utilise stieet.
C. LOnKN'Z, eornrr Washington ve-
aienue and atarlon ftreet.
M'iK II, KNIIPFIX, 1017 Inlng aunuo.
.1. 0. IIOXL' i SON.
Help Wanted Male.
MACHINISTS WAXTED-At the Carhiecl Mono
ynrib. Apply at once.
WANTED I'lrst class shoemaker, tor ipiulr
work. D. A. Hails, Luieine avenue, Will
WANTED Painters; only cnod men need npply.
Call at Charles Wanci'i", :ui Admit iiipiimp.
Help Wanted ITcninlo,
WANTED A .vounc ladv huokkiener and ".tdioz-
iniiher. PIi.i.o Ftalo espciicnce and t-aliiy.
Addicss P. O. llo- ;j2.
WANTED 00 experienced "operators
on muslin underwear. Imperial
Underwear company, Burr building.
Also experienced examiners and
WANTED At onie, irood howln;:
buinc, 020 (julncy necnue.
;itl. W.i.h.
Recruits Wanted.
WANTED rOU U. S. AHMV-Ablc-bodled wn
mairicd men between ases of 21 and :S; cltl
7eri3 cf United States, of good character und
temperate habits, who can tpcjlc, read and write
Eimllah, Tor information apply to Itcciiiltiiuc
Olficcr, No. 123 Wiomhiff aienue, gi.ranloii, Pa.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED By a coloicd rIi! ju-t
from the south, to do general houbcwoiK.
Addies.s Sally Tucker, lear 331 Phelps street.
SITUATION WANTED lly jouns lady as nsaist
ant bookkeeper; Ii.k hid thtee jears cperl
ence. Can ulp best of lefeiences. Addict Mi-3
D. C. Lillian, hciaiiton P. 0., city.
SITUATION WAMED-lly a leliablo colored man
as pih.ite to.iiliiiun, poller or any Kind of
diy woil:. Addles 11. A., .110 Penn aeenue.
MTI'ATIOX WWi'ED lly a' gill as nue.
New ntioit.
MTI'ATIOV W ANTED Will take lailirmmd een-
tleinen'-. laundrj homo; will Litindiy coloicd
shirts without fading. 1111 Lloyd 'tipet, top Moor.
For Sale.
POP. SALE Hand silk doublcr.
Bros , Patcron, N. J.
New. flamforj
Real Estate.
TOR SALE Eleiiant sites for homes, in upper
Oreen IlidKo; choice nclitliboihuoil; mon de
firablc locality foi home In Lackawanna count.
J. A. JIanine, 1730 Sanderson aenue.
I'ARJt TOR SALE Slity-two acres, one mile
from Lake Ariel; twehc acres of timber, lest
impioicd, ecelleiit sprins water on lot; faun
tituated on road. For particulais addiess Will
iam Trcalar, Ariel, Pa.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED ROOMS For two adults, tluee or foi.r
rooms, furnished or unfurnished lor eiy
light lioii"cUcepInr, first floor proieuc-d. Addrci
M. B., Tribune office.
WANTED Furnished homo or four or tlio looms
. for housekeeping. Address A. CI. E., Tiibimc
Wanted Rooms and Board.
WANTED Room and board for shifle nun;
private family In Hill dl-lrkt piciiued. d
diess II. W., Tiiliiuie uPiir,
WANTED Two ccirmuriliatliii rooms with boird,
piiiato family pitfiiied. Two ladles and a
ccntleiuan, btitc lull paitieulais. Addios V.
11. D., 'nibuno ofnec.
Board and Rooms.
VERV DESIItAIII.i: sullo cf moms with lli,t ilass
tabic bond, can bo obtained at .""I .lelleism
Buaineas Opportunity.
Write for our special maikct letier. l'rcu on
application. S. M. lllbbaid & Co,, incmbcrs N.
V. Consolidated and Stock Schaiii,cl 41 and 10
Broadway, New Vorl:. Eatablislicil l'dl. Long
DLitincc1 Phono 23S8 Broad.
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Building and Loan. At
fiom 4 to 0 per cent, Call on N. V. Walker,
814 315 Connell building.
WANTED Tlio addresi of Mr or Mis. Illtelnrd,
plllchaid or lelatiies, Svianton, by Mrs.
Helen Jeffrey, her sistu, 7.11 'Iieiuoiit aienue,
New Yoik i ity.
lost Strayed Stolen.
LOW A ladles' gold watch; n icwjul will
bo cticn If icturned to Hotel Tcnaie.
LOST Steel beaded purso containing mull mm
ot money, on Laikuwann.i incline, near Wy.
omlng. Finder please icturn pui.e to 'tribuni)
ofliec and keep contents,
LOST ?2.1, between Peck Lumber Co.. L'at Mir.
ket stieet and Presbj ti tlau iluuili. llcnaul
It returned to office of Pcik Lumber Co,
HIIKUMATISM All parlli'4 that wish can be
sneedllv and nerinaiiintly cuied of all w.
rletlci of Rheumatisiil by a egetablfl louipound.
Cuies guaranteed,
lor, Scranton.
li.uiro or addreo J, L, 'i'ay
NOUSi: H liucby given that an application will
bo made lu iho (,oeinoi- of Piiiiiluuta m
Monday, ihe second day oi June, 1W2, by A. W.
Jackson, A. F. Dully, I'. II. .uillieh, II. I). He.
Holds ami Ccorge S. Atkins, under tho Ait i" As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Peiuisjh mla,
rntlllcd, "An act to pioWdo tor the imorpouiiou
und iivulatloii of ccitalu iuiuipoiatioiu, ap.
pimnl Apul 20, H74, aid tin; s-uppliiucuti tlieu"
to tor tho ibaitir of on inlendiU lorpoiatloii i.i
bo called "Tlie lVrfecllpu Welding Compound
C'ompanv," tho iharailer and object whereof Is
to manufacture and sell a secut compound for
the welding of stud and liulliablo lion, .ni.l fur
thete liuiposc'h to hate, poises oml enjoy all tbv
rights, bineilta und piilllegra ol tald Act uf As
scnibly and iU siippUiiu'iita. ,,
ALTER S. 1IEV AN, Solicitor.
.'. M
7 ?
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mors Trui Pour Lines, 6 Cent lor Each Hir Llsj.
ESTATE ot Simicl Koerner, late of the City of
S'eranlon, County of Ijckawatin.i and Mate
OLlVnrlsylianla, ilrrensed.
TlfHer" of administration upon the above ft
tare hAilnu been ttranted to tho undersigned, ail
persons hatlne; clilms or demands agalnit thu
;aid estate are hereby nollflpd to present thnit
for pajnient and those Indcblcd to said estate will
make Immediate paimrnt to
KHED S. UHAWI'OIID, AdpilnlJlralor,
331 N. Lincoln Aienue.
.. . Siranton, P.
F. P. aillll-i,.AItoiney for IMiile.
lloom (121 Connell llld, Scranton, Pa.
HESOI.VED, Bv thp Silcct Coiinell ot lie city of
Sernnton. the Common Cotmill roncurrlnj,
Tliat Scranton rlrept from Ihe (lis hone brldM
to Ihe I) Xi. K W. railroad, BIooniburir dlvU
lon, be n.ned and the cost therint a-scssed
nijalnst the nbultliiR proprttles aceordlna: ,to tlw
foot fmnt rule! proilded, thai tlnee-fntirllu o( all
the inembors'olpptcd lo pirli branch of Ihf.i'ouii'
ells shall lotp In finr (hereof.- On the pnae
of this risohitlon by the slid three-tourtlm vote
ami Its nnprtn.ll by Ihe idly recorder, tip city
clerk shall publMi a ropy thereof In hit the
iiewspnppH which publish the city .idicrtij""
ments lor leu dis, fl.itlnir tint iinle-s n malir
Ity of Ihe oHii"r of pioprrly aliiUtlnc upon inhl
Scranton vlreet, lirtuein th" fr"s hoii'p brldae
and Hip D L. k W. r.illroid, lllcionul.tirrf dlvls.
leu, shall niniilfy to ruunells ll( v. 1 1 tins nitlilu
sixty (li.ia from llip ihtlp of llu npjiroval of this
resolution, thplr preference of the niilerlnl de.
shed for "iiih pnemenl, isiiinells will prftieed to
pass nu ordinance lilreitlnjr p.ilug ot .ihl.:lcran
ton itreel from the aa-i hoii'n Inldije to lh
ninnin.burir illlMnn orthe I)., L. k V. rait
road with surh material as lliey may tee lit.
Approied April 2S. llioa.
W. fi. Council. Recorder.
Allpsti M. T. Lapp, City Clerk.
NOTICE Is hereby rIuii that Blltrnliendrr com
pany, persons li i Ins a lien uniUr the laivi
of Pinusli mla upon Romh waic and merrhiiu,
dl-e of W, 11. Campbell, eon-Wins of one cot of
IniBpy wheek) nn iieiount of sloi.ue and labor
be-towcil en s'ich ooih. the ouneis h.ivliw;
fulled, nei;U((td und irfused to pay Ihe .iniouut
of nub iliince' upon ild piopciti wthln sKtv
days alter ihniiuil theicof, nude purhoiully. will
cposp the sild set nf lmsiry wheils to sale at
public niielluu nt lllttenbeiidir Conpiny's stoic,
12(1 KiiinMIn avenue, illv uf rn rnnton, Lick'i
v.anm founly. Pa., on trie .'ith day of .Inly. A.
I)., 1C0J. at 12 .1. pi., and sell the same or so
nuidi tbeiiiif .1" shall bj nrrieieiit to discharge
saiil lliu, together with io,ts ,f ie mid ivHer
tiilng. IH'ITi'A'llEVDEU fOMPANV.
E. 11. IIARDl'.N'nEIKill.
Auditor (ieiieral.
Stato Tieisurer.
T. L. F.VRF.
PROPOSALS for fimiMiliig Stationery. Tuel and
other supplies. ,
In compliance with the Con'lltutlon and the
inwN of the Coninio'iiirallh of Pennsjlvahli, wp
hcieby imltp sealed piepnMK at prices below
liinMiiiiuii rates IKed 111 seliedulrs. In furnish sti
lloncry, fuel and o.heritpplks lor the hcvouil de
paitments of the statu uovernment, and for inak
ins lepaiis in the seieial departments and for the
distribution of the public documents, for the yeir
ending the hist Tiipsdar of .lunp. A. 1). 1001.
Sepu.ite piopoils will be lecelicd ami
contiacts awnided as annouiKcd in said schedules.
Eaili luoiio-ul mut be aciompinied liy u bond.
with nt least two sureties or one rurcty company.
ippioicd ny a juc'se r.f tlio couit or common pieis
of tho inunty in whkh the peisun or pcino'is
inikiue; such piopo-al may leside, londitioncd tor
the faithful perfoimaiue of the contract, and ad-die-'id
and delliricil lo the Hoard of Commlmioii
ers of Piihlip (Hound and Hulldliim before twelie
o'clock M of 'liiPMkn, thp aid day of Jmi", A.
D. 1102, at wliiih time the pioposals will be
opened and published lu the Reception Room of
the i:ccutle Depaitment nt llaiil-Jjiirff, and on
tracts awarded .w sjou theie.iftcr as practicable.
Blank bonds and schedules containing all neecs
suv liifeimalion inn be obtained nt this Depart
ment. T. L. EYRE.
For the Bond of Cunuulwlunrii of Public
Gioundii and l!ulldiiit'-.
Certified Public Accountant.
cis' Hank biiildliii,', Old telephone, No. 1501.
IMale EMhaiiKc Hid-;., 120 Washington aic.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
it. l. hardest;, .in ionnki.l nrn.uixo.
lilt. ('. E. riLENIlERtil'.ll,
Spline -Hill, scranlou.
HI!. C. C LAI 1S.UII, ll.-i IWUMINli AVI'.NUE.
and (,
U'.l tu 012 I'oiiu'll
Roomi 12, 11. ID and II P.ur ll.illdii.;.
1). li. HEPLOIILF.. VI'IOHM'.Y -LOAN- VEtifl
lljled nu i''il tit i mi in 11,1. Mens lliuMIng, .i.uiup and in tie't.
jiM P Aji-rp. A'liOIIM'.V- MI i 01 law. I iiiiiiini.v. eallli llulliiiii?, RhuiW
30, 10 and 21,
fKU-lVI, f"h lloo'. Mpi llnllrtliis.
J aTXVaTrF'!. IT'i)RNI.-ATI,AW, 10 Mill
..t Tiade Iliilldtii. Miintnii, Pa.
Hank Iliilldlt'S.
C.ToMEtiYs. 0-1.1 RI'.PI N liril.HIVd.
"wTIieiTITioi.f. oi Fin: moved i no.
211 VV lulling .m nic.
Physicians and Siugeons.
DR. W, E. Al.l.EN, .11 1 NOItlll VVVMIINnTOy
aienue. . .-s.
iTl"sV:," iTvUnilFU' '7 OFFirilli; WA'511.
Iiigton aieniie. Itishli'lii I. I'll' Mulberry.
( hiunlc dlsiws'M, lungs, Ir.'it. kiilii'i .-tvl
genlliMillurj orsans u specMlO, Hours, I
to I p. in. -
Hotels and Restaurants. ;
TliB"i:Lir"vlT. 11 ANiri27rv"NKI.lTAVK-
...... II irru irii.finjble.
t.i.v. ...- .- -- ,",,.,,,,,,, ,,. ,..,.
.II.Kl.l.ll, I lupucufy
SCIIVVfOS liqL'sE..Ni;.VIt D L. A: W. PA'S
seiiL-ei il"iot. Com iiitcd on the .uropjau
pllii! VIC-IOIl KOCH, Piopilctorr
Sea ven gor,
"l.'ll. IMIHil'sVl.i'ANsT'lUVVAUUs" .VXD
cess pooh; no odor; only impioied pump, iiiui.
v li. lhl(.Bi pioprieioi. l.cuiu ou!;r W
Notlh 5lilu tneiuie, or Eliko'a ihiiK store, lor.
nee Adams and Mulbeiry, Both telephones-','.
o, ii. clarke d co.. .:i:d.mi'.n and xims
in men, tin 201 Washington aienue; gtftn
hou, lUVi Notth Main amine; store tell
phone, ,s2.
so ximsi
Wire Scieens.
JO-EPIl KlM-riTilli. REVIt sit i.vcK.v.-.vvr.,
Suanloii, Pa., maiiiifactuii'i' of V)ic,.
alsu ladiiV waUls, Louise Shoeiiiakir, 2(J
Adauu uicnue.
mi;oaiiui:i: iiiHK.tPRiN'iERy w'pj'MKs. ex.
wIOik-, paperibajs, tulue. VVauliouie, 1?C
lyasnjngiou iieuuy. 'Hiiiiiou,,
Ti-ar 3r
111 Ssianlon at IHO iiewa sianus oi inivou
Bros., 4' Spruce und IAI Liudcu: M. Norton.
;.ii (Jiluwaiiiia a)iuuo;, (l. 6. ts,!'Jt?rt. 2.U
Spiueo stieet. ' ' ' ' '
v t