The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    .lWft.4m,7ra'",TI- l-JfrSP'Sl"1' I'l I-ST'MWI'TH'F'SS .' J" '!!! , l .HUI.WH Jll," I ,. I.I Ml. .. JUJWHwi M.,,j'IJILli '171 J Wll JUJW W fliHWW1. W HBPIISOT WW IBM. I." PMWW'I'Wl ' V
Lawn Seats
Porch Chairs
Flower Stands
Wicker Rockers
Polled, cllslliturcd or timlithtly from una
or uCi made more bcuutllul tlinn ctcr with
llcnily inked for m. Any one can apply.
Can lie ncd on wood, tin, iron or nlono.
coiora- carmine
Brilliant MarOOIl
Glow Rich Green
Price, 30c, DOc and 85c cans
Solo Agents
320 Lackawanna Ave.
Attractive Features
Of our docl: h the low iot .mil excellent quality
Iiuly croud fcaluii; iloii't J oil think.'
Our line i
Jacobs & Fasold,
200 Washington Avenue.
Si miliums iiulliuto the 1.111,0 of dkeaje tcry
frequently, nut tK.itim," tlic Mtiiptom does not
euro the diiiu-c. O.teopathi umoics ihc cause.
Dr. Herb't I. Furman
O-leopathic -pcci.iU-t in f hr.-.iiic .mil I.ingt.rin,;
Jiieac. Consultation free. ."J0 N", Washington
aic., or 201 Carter Hid?.
a The bet i.itue fur 5 cent, O
Morris' Magnet . Cigar
Tiy one nml .,u will smoke no otlur. j
All the leading hiamts of r,e at 0
Y ?1.T5 iier box, or 0 foi 'JV-. I.uirc-t 0
Y ancl.v of Pipes in Fcianlnn. , h
I $
o E. C. MORRIS, $
325 Washington Avenue.
In and About
The City
John Jermyn's Condition.
At mldiiitsht I'l. Council .mnorneid John
Juniin w.i, lectin- my cominitalili.
Finance Committee.
The Hi jjijo committee of the liojul n.' control
will men tmiiplit for tlm im.poM! i,t con-Merino
tlw lnidset Ini Ihc lomli.ij ll-til ,ieii
Not Signed Yet.
'Hie .imminent detuven llu 'jtoiieiiillcia' union
and the Ciiiiu-ii 'lono (onipany, width m.n tu lieeu fUhciI .ie-leid.ii-, v.o not ,ii;ueil. t-i:
ntJiy I1.IIII1IH5, ui the !toiiiiiiltt'i, "lu, hop'i"
that it will l,e iUneil iij-Vl rnlil li is ti;.nel
lie i-tilke cinut lie ofhij.ill.r ihriued on",
A Slight Fire.
The uppci pan of .1 diulliu,' on -,ww iiuuue
lietiiern llh.k aiid l.otn-l ttiu't-, uiinnl and iw
(iiplul by Michael .loidau, uj, Imuiid li-t liiKht,
An alum i,t Hit w,i, eiiiiiiilrtl imm ,o ,"i7, "ui,i
the Maze via, i.imI.i unIIiisi i,luil hy (he Somli
bnanlu.i iiiiii)i.iiiIij, Hi,, i.inia,!c ikmo
Granted a Pension,
The IiW of Iho late .loim 1.i;m 1,.i, lieen
slloiu'd n i?ii,inri hy ihc penslot. dcpaitineiit.
ll.i.c, died from illniM coiituid-l while with 'le
'ililiiccnlh legiiiient ihulii the fi.itiMi.,meiliuii
war. lie foiled jh ,i niiidrlan. vttuiney Hkh.
riU. Jlouiko h.i, laiwely iii.iiiiiii'iu.i n soui.lni;
bIIki, pt'iKluii,
WW ft - P w
lt mi ft. p"'TW7
k;fiJ.Wd-:Hi8 Board BUI,
vvSt'.Cliorilon, of )la!;tl,i ruet, Uunniuii', who
ttli"',' liceu away tiom this part of the fctate Ur
jjn6 Jinie, was oriental ye.leidiy on the tlunju
gKvlejiyiillhm' n, ;, iiilln. otnlvth Mipet, out of
jJ.borinrijr-li;il miioiuiihi to ijlO,- Iti i)4i ai-
iluluntfil Ijffoiftf Likrlstriilo Mill. u. ,1,a a .u..i
aMo'tto foiuily Jail, j(i a lii.iiln i ,,,.
tl r.f 1..TI
r W, Vlll,
i5J&.. Spanish War Veterans.
'SM.W.'.metnheM tit Ccncial J, l S. (johlu toiu,
iPin4',J?8 ?' Spanish iWar Vetfiaiu, will cele.
jkjjte .(li? ioinul tiamlcr of Iho b'oieiniiKnt of
Oil tO'tho peoplo of that Uliiul on Tuesday
a(IUpit In Hwinl Auny Jtepiihllu .Memorial
all, ',V1J''f"M 'IU Iietiudc hy Atlointy ,. J,
H'TOISTJv-VaRW.ari: Jolm T. liowo, Oapialn 'i'. I'.
ItfgfrJlS3'''!! ,-lf'enant Uw, l, Caiiir,
Jitf"i,','ltf ' '
?S oftlw Posner Avrested.
xlA'ft'Homer, of I.-jckiM.iiiiu aicnue, ,u ar.
rted yctcidjy, ihaiged ultli .lealn',a IiuiuIumI
iMiOhir fi'oni JlaUd U'CiU. At u heailuj befoie
JJaitralv illll4x,Jl Ueielopctlftlut l'ii,ner and
IJftWwWiWtrlvti'ln "a- fruif deal and Hut the
Jiiitl look lie luiioiu b?vaufe of a iIImbioc
'""v'i1"'0 ')"' "(lt kul,lc't ftlilfiioo on nhlcli
Cfcbj a tjiafce of lauiny and I'o'.iiiy was dla.
Deceased Snauish War Veterans.
JAll persons who have ilvi.e.t udathes or
trUmlf who tfrrid In the fcpjni,lt iur or wau
'lcldfiit, .thereto, will plM4nei)i( viotil to-the
Mtrctary of the commlt(ee,-J.- 1). Kilper, tU
Tjniney iiicnuc, where uth person (l;butfi). ami
flu.' comrade 111 dccoiatc thelfVrairs on Jlciiior.
ial Day, AH who wish to contribute eillivr in
Homci or otherwie will pleae send to the tarns
Wi wEt 1M
i flHR 1
Serious Clmvgo Made Against , Jesse
Snyder by a Liveryman. Syittlei', a yoiiiiR limit rcsldliiB
on Hast JInrhi't Btfeoti wan arroslpd
ji!Htt'nlitV at Iho Instance oC Iilvery
ninn Jaincs NouIIh. who cliai-Bes hlin
With ctiuslnjf the Uralh of 11110 or his
Snyder hired it horse and hliKKJ' from
N'ettlln' livery on Sunday, wiylnB ho
Wlshid (o drive to Aloosli:. Instciid of
driving to Mooalc, he drove the ani
mal to Carhoiidnle, where It died short
ly nttcr Its arrival, as the result of
lirtvlnj? been driven too haul, It Is al-
One of Mr. Nonlls' employes swoio
that he paw .Snyder driving the horse
out Washington avenue at a llirce
niluulc gait. The nnlinal was then
covered with a, lather of perspiration
p.nd pccincd to bo laboring hard. This
tii8 at the beginning of the long drive
to Carbondale.
Alderman llttdd'y, before whom the
bearing was conducted, held Snyder
under !p)0 ball for his appearance at
court, on the charge of cruelty to ani
Took Two Games from tho South
Side Team Last Night Alding
tons Also Won Two.
The Franklins kept up lliolr nnlng
gait last night and took two gaincn
from tho South Side team on tliu Milts
alleys. The South Shirrs won tho ilrst
game by a good margin but fell' down
lamentably In the second game. The
Tot il.
Sinllh 1S2 1117 .'"! :!7:!
nluher 10-. l.!S in m
Daii II! llfl 1CJ 4ir,
i'hlllips 1:!! Ml Jl .'.IS
Jllrhl 20-J 1(17 II,') K3
7(i3 7nl ?10 'J!.! I
south him:.
Klm Ills 121 l, ! 4,"2
W. Zei-niau 1J7 II", ifi I'l",
Wc.itpfalil Is7 110 110 -r',7
lloll SOi) 1",S 1J5 ISO
.1. Zei-iiian Til 111 .",! UT
.SJJ G7S 7P1 ?J."i7
Illljli fttnio l'lillliiH, i'21.
IMrIi nieiaijt Phillip", 1' s.
The best bowling of the night was
done by the Aldingtons who rolled up
a total of nearly 2,400 against the Keek
er team, winning the last two games
with ease. Meister rolled a splendid
game, averaging ISO 1-S. The score:
J, Kitter Ill TO 170 afl
Sioorr If.! 147 1st i'M
II. Kietei 117 Its l.'u :iS5
C. Klcfer l'-S II.", lit 4S1
Mi'i-ter ll.l 1(,7 217 M'J
7."l 770 MO L'JIt
Lewis IK! 117 T!S r.:6
llollm, Un llil 17i! 401
KotliiMini'l 170 li.o :; Jos
Ue noi I(li", m Vi7 !,",
I'onli, :M 11(1 170 fij",
770 71s 70! ".'"il
llitth .-ton Mei-ln, :!17.
High .niiairo Mei,lei, TmiI-.H.
The Cambrians made a good showing
against the newly organized Independ
ent team, easily winning the Hist and
third games and losing the second by
only three plan. The score:
Daii, HiS 10' 110 179
Homy Til 170 111 470
La io 100 101 1.-.5 .!.'.'
Willlann 1.-.I Ml iri! 1S
.lalili'-. TO 100 17,1 pis
7'i7 7,!"i 701 2.!.",0
Jlaikio T7 us 1J7 41.'
Shaw :...".. 1.7) 17.1 l.,i) 4"1
Hood 107 nil i,n .,j;
lonos 1.VI 170 IP! 431
Wcilcm.ui i:,l l.",t i:it 410
O'i! 7oS 7.'0 ils7
llluli si oie Hood, 1-0.
lliflll ill tl .10 .Irtliic, lii'l
The standing of the clubs In the
Scranton Bowling leiisue is now as
Won. Lu,t. 1', C.
rraukliii, U :i .Sfl.l
Alllnsloiis HI ." .007
ludcpcnilcuU ! 0 .000
lleiki'is 7 s .107
South Side 7 ,107
Ciimliilans 4 II .207
Two Couples Married by Alderman
Ruddy Yesterday.
Alderman Ruddy's odlce was yester
day the scene of the marriage of two
couples well advanced In years, but as
happy as the youngest pair that over
plighted their tiotb.
Tim first couple to be married were
Nathaniel Jones, aged CS years and
Dinah Jleredllb, aged 19 years, both of
this city. They bad baiely left the
otllce when Tbomas Kdmunds, of Old
Forge, aged IS years, and Mary Ilef
feio, of this city, aged r,2 years, came
In and asked to be miida man and
wife, The alderman quickly peri'ouued
the ceremony and they went out Into
the street hand In band,
Officers Elected by the Societies r.t
the State Convention,
II) UitludiP Mlie f i via Toe .WoclaUd I'icvi.
Reading, May 11, Tho dosing busi
ness of the state convention of (lermau
Catholic, societies was held I his after
noon, As a result of resolutions adopt
ed at yesterday's session the state
body decided to .loin the AmeiJcan
Federation of Catholic s-ocletlcs, Thus
about 100 Catholic, societies In Penn
sylvania will become) united with the
federation. They will be enrolled at
tlm next convention to be' bold In
Tho next meeting of the Mate body
will bo held at Wllkes-llarre. The
following were elected:
President. Jacob Miller, AllentoMii;
recording secretary, t'eler Yoekum, jr.,
Pittsburg; corespondliig secietary,
John AVIessler, Philadelphia; llnancial
secretary, John Marso, Wllkes-Harro
and treasurer, Conrad Lang, AVIlkes,
Fatal Boiler Explosion.
II) i:cliuho Win: from 'flic A,oclaud Press,
PotUlllc, May li.-IMiit! Kelly, binjje, of
Coluiado, a liU'iiuii, and John Mtilithiel, of
(HurdiiUe, and Jolm Uarltch, of Coloiado, help
tit, were killed till, nioiiilni; by an cplojn of
4 boiler ul the Lehigh' Vulliy bieaktr, Xo, , tul
liery, 'ihey wcie blown to pieces.
We Are Prepared to Supply
your wants in barbed who.
? !.' and M Frankllii Ave.
Claimants 'Murphy and Evans Put
on the Defensive by the Respond
ents' Motion to Quash the Writs
of Quo Warranto Attacks of tho
One Side and Replies of the Other.
Major Warren Contended That a
Rule for a Writ and Not a Writ
Should Have Been Granted.
Arguments In the poor board cases,
which were put over from last Monday,
were heard yesterday morning by
Judges Kdwnrds, Kelly and Newcomb.
Nearly two hours were consumed by
the hearing.
The cases are practically the same,
but differ somewhat In title. In the one
case, It Is tho Commonwealth at the
relation of John J. Murphy against V.
J. Dlekert. Tho other Is the Common
wealth at the relation of W. It.
Lewis, district attorney, against W.
A. Paine. The real complainant in tho
latter case is James A. Evans.
Mr. Murphy claims he was elected to
fill a vacancy In tho South ward seat
on the poor board, and Mr. Evans
claims election to the Hyde Park bor
ough seat.
Mr. Murphy appeared for himself
and had as associate counsel, James
J. O'Mnlley. Mr. Evans was represent
ed hy Charles E. Olver. Opposed to
them were John F. Scragg, solicitor of
the poor district; Major Everett War
ren and Joseph O'Brien.
The respondents were to have made
answer, yestetday, but they elected to
proceed on a motion to quash the writ
of quo warranto secured by the re
lators. Major Warren, who spoke for the
respondents Ilrst attacked the Murphy
writ on the ground that he could not be
a relator. In ease of this kind, such
duty, under tho law devolving exclu
sively on the district attorney.
In reply to this Mr. 6'Mnlley, con
tendejiat it is clearly established by
recejflPRcislons that In a cae where
thcKle of an ofllce is at Issue a prl
vs(Wparty having a claim on the office
can act as relator for tho common
wealth. It was next argued by Major War
ren that court should not have granted
the writ, but only a rule for a writ, so
that the respondents might have an
opportunity of being heard. It Is ad
mitted that court has discretionary
power, but the respondents should have
had the opportunity, It was contended
to argue on the propriety of granting
the wilt.
Mr. O'Malley's leply to this was that
the court had such n thorough ac
quaintance with the case, It was in a
position to exercise the soundest dis
cretion and needed no light on the
subject from counsel.
A point which Major Warren dwelt
on at length was the fact that the
claimants hud failed to make personal
demand for the office on Messrs. Dlek
ert and Paine, having contented them
selves with making a demand of the
board to be seated.
31 r. Murphy replied to this when he
came to make his supplementary argu
ment. He contended It was immaterial
and unnecessary to make a personal
demand of the respondents, be
cause the claimants did not recognize
Messrs. Dicker! and Paine as being in
office. Speaking particularly of the
Dickert case, Mr. Murphy stated that
Mr. DIckerl's term of ofllce expired
March IS, 1S9H, and he was neither ap
pointed nor elected after that,
Judge Newcomb at this juncture
wanted to know what Dickert had to
give that Murphy could demand, and
Judge Kelly inquired In a significant
way as to whom Major Warren repre
sented. The contention that there is no poli
tical machinery still existing whereby
a. valid election can be held In
the old South Ward and Hyde
Park boroush was next raised.
Major Warren pointed out that the
ei cation of twenty-one wards, at the
incorporation of the city of Scranton,
destroyed the existence ot the old
waids as far as the possibility of con
ducting elections therein was concerned
lly way of example he pointed out that
the judge of election of a district ot
the Fifth ward of Scranton, In a muni
cipal election, could not bo considered
an election officer of old Hyde Park
Mr. Murphy contended that there
was a saving clause in the special
act Incorporating the city 'of Scranton,
which provided explicitly that the act
should In no way Interfete with the
existence of the Scranton poor district,
Mdor Warren next argued that Mr.
Dickert had a right to hold over until
his successor was duly elected and
Mr, Murpli) admitted that It was
provided In the general law for elective
otllecis that they should hold over until
their successois woro duly elected and
qualified, but in this case there was the
distinction that Mr. Dickert was an
appointed officer, appointed for a per
iod of sixteen days. The poor district
act, it was further contended specific
ally provides that appointments shall
bo simply "to fill an unexpired term."
In the Evans case a specific reason
advanced for the quashing of the writ
was that the claimant udmlts he re
ceived votes from the third district or
the Sixth ward, which was until ro
cently a part of Lackawanna town
ship and never Included In old Hyde
Park borough.
Mr, Olver asserted this made no dif
ference under the decisions.
The court leserved its decision on the
motion, ir the writs are quashed It will
ho Incumbent on the claimants to pro
ceed anew or give up tho light. It
the writs are sustained the respondents
will bo called upon to make answer to
the relators' complaint? or suffer judg
ment for the claimants.
Fiist Class Tickets to San Francisco
and Return at Less Than One Way
On account of tho Imperial Council,
Xoblen of the Mystlo Sehrlne, Sun
Francisco, California, Juno 10th Hth,
U02, the Lackawanna railroad will is.
sue lirst-cluss excursion tickets fiom
b'ciautou at the low rate of $00.23 for
the round trip, on sale Kood going May
20ih to June Tth Inclusive and for re
turn to reach original sturtlng point
not later than 60 days from original
ditto of purclmee of ticket. Sen Depot
Ticket Agent lit icgard to stop off priv
ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull
man reservations, etc.
GrnmMNIeco of President
Jnincs K. Polk. Writes to
I Mrs. Finkham nying:
" DEAitMiv?. riNiciiAM ! I have been
married for nearly two years, and so
far have not been blenscd with a child.
1 have, however, Huffcred with a com
plication of female troubles and pain
ini menstruation, until very recently.
"The value of Ii.vtliu E. Pink
ham's Vc(yetnllo Compound was
called to my attention by an intimate
friend, whose life had simply been a
torture with inflammation and ulcer
ation, and a few bottles of your Com
pound cured her ; she can hardly
believe it herself to-day, bhe enjoys
such blessed health. I took" four
bottles of your Compound and consider
myself cured. I am once more in fine
health and spirits ; my domestic and
official duties all becin easy now, for I
feel so strong I can do three times
what I used to do. You have a host of
friends in Denver, and among1 the best
count, Yours very gratefully, Mns.
Ida L. Roskh, 3aoJ'18th Ave., Denver,
Col." $&000 forfeit If about testimonial Is not
If you nre ill, don't lies! rate to
Vegetable Compound at once,
and write to Mrs. Plnkham,
Lynn, Mass., for special advice
it is free.
Under this heading bhort lot ten of inlcie't
will be published when accompanied, for publica
tion, by the writer's mime. The Tribune does not
assume responsibility for opinions hero expressed.)
Some Opposition to Dr. Norton.
Editor of The Tribune
Sir: As much as it is to be regretted, I am
obliged to take i,ue wllli Dr. Xoiton, who ad
vocated recently in this city the teneU of Clnh
tian Science medicine us the bc-t remedy against
all comei.
The subject mailer ot medicine includes a
wide range of scientific knowledge and pinttical
skill. The doctor hates drugs a.s a gobbler does
a led rag, but he forgets that the compound ac
tion of drugs and herbs are tho subjects of phar
macology and tcicology. Tiie circumstances un
der which tho numerous articles of mateiia mod.
ica become lemedial subject to therapeutics has
about as much to do with applied religion as tho
sci aping of older bark up or down when taken
as a concoction produces a omit or a purge as
the case might requiie. So much for the fiiot
Now btructure istonalated to function, whether
active or dormant, and both aio indispensable to
life and religion. There is no mistake about
that! And in tho ultimate analysis as applied
to the "LV of tho "Genesis" means nothing
without a preponderant logical correlation of
"Hell Scraper," the gicat panacea of the st"am
doclois of sixty years ago.
This settles another point.
As to the "Infinite father. Mother shining with
bououeil light": This theory of disease seems to
rcit upon physiological dUtuibance of the pioto
plasmio Inaln cells with mote or lc,s technical
adjuncts, ingiossing' a difficult eltiiunt of pertur
bation, delleion or shortcoming aided by viitue
of .1 deiiation fiom a well balanced mind. Hut it
ignores cntiiely the system of medi
cine wheie "fum-Cit" and "Sciape-Augei" weie
the one-time sovcieigu lemedics. The plecyaut
diseases of long ago ouch as gout, bellyache,
"feier-nagei," rickets and lhcumatiz that weie
cured by lobelia and Xo. C, and which wcio
specific for Inflat.i CorpulaU but are not equal
lo the congenital deficiencies produced uy the
moie modem m.oonshhjeof the Christian Sci
entists called in legal parlance, lunacy.
Again, Doctor X'oiton t,ijK his tenets aio lot
of (he shadow of turning of "the cicedal solidity
and worm of the dust" notions. Thi, i, the pioposition of all. It is almost liuan
sivciable bcc.iue tf its simplicity. Still !u is
at fault hi his cllfleientlal and categoilcal di,
course, us John M. Han is would sty about Dr.
McCosli. lie assumes that he lias el.anstc(l the
catalogue, of physiological diseases and that the
M. D,' ii ic left wlthoat any di,e.nes to ticat,
Stiango how torgetful grcit men frequently tret
The doctor eildcntly fcigot lrjpo, lukewai mucus,
backsliding, blilnglcs, itch and pimples that Ho
leligiou can cute, hut rcqiiiies all the woild of
niateiii luedit.i touched with piotopUsm roil
steamed may-apple lout, or bonc-et tut standing
on jour head.
Those little di.,tiubimcs become .is house
hold gods, dear to the human hcait; urn cd in
childhood; leiucmbeied and counted nier in olJ
sgc aioimd the Iheslde.
Vnd It lemiius to lit' ..cci in what way ,"nd
to what f.Ntt sit t'liiistiaiiity duiiiij its sciontillc
perambulations shall dcpiiie tin: doctois and the
medicine man of the-e adjuncts luiuthc alike
tn what extent Cluistiinlty dining its cl:ntlrtr
all the quacks who totne In (own.
Su.inton, .May II, --l If. Soper.
Mr. Hartnoll's Congratulations.
Editor of The Tribune
Sir: 110.1,0 grant the wilier n shoit paic In
jour paper for consialul.ilin; the pastor, the
liev, Charles llemy N'cwing, of Hie Methodist
1'pheopal thiiiih of lJuiinioic, upon the iinnj
manifestations of good will extended to him
this cicning at the leecptlon tindcied hlui cud
Id, family by his cougiceatitn. It was a com.
liiilid.ible ami a tliily social gJllieilua, thu popu
larltj" of which was in cihlciuo by the Ijiho
imuiber piftscut, including llno iepieeutlng nth
cr chinches of the community, It was giatlljiug
lo all lonceined, crucially to 111, and Mrs,
Xewliig, who weie equal to mil in vlu-o touch
wiili Hie hospitality of the oicaslon.
Tho eient wa an cNpiewInn of slnceic appro,
ciitiou nude more niprele by the coming-in
of many of (heir well wishing fiinids of other
chin i he?,
Silica Ml, Xewlng'n Incumbent')', his I'litouto
bus been .ittmdul with meccis along many Unci
appioptl.ito to his exalted calling, Ills cluiac
for the past two jeaiK admits of an ln,pliiig pud
pleasant tetiospect. A u nieinber af the I'lcby.
leilau chtiicli of tho nclghboiliooJ, tho wiltei
heartily wMies Mr, and Mis, .Vewlug n succcs.
fill and n luppy stay with the people of the
borough. Tho event ym also Iho twelfth uniil.
icrsaiy of their wedding, Tlic ltev, J, D, Dabney,
of tho (.hiistlaa chinch, and ltev, W, V, nib
bom, of the l'ie,bjUrlan ihiiich, weie pie.eut.
1'iederlcl; llarinoll.
Stlanloii, IM,, May II, VU,
Away Down.
i:'SeiuUr Ituekalew, of 1'cninjlwnla, Hales
that hu om ti lieaid tho famous (iovc-iuor hituer
calling owl' the toll of Piollioiioliiilcs by c nun
ties in alphabetical older, 'flic gownior hid
Bono lliiougli the A's and wii nniuiig tho ll'.i
whin an iiiipoitaut man fiom (Untie county
wanted to know how long he would line l wilt,
"Zenlio goiiulyS" leplied Iho goieriior; ('iy
yjy ilouii at the cut of do list of nuiir.e, mlt tie
l." I'hila lolphki Tlinci.
We Are Prepared to Supply
your wants In barbed wire,
r.'6 and 128 Franklin Ave.
Guild Rummage Sale,
i'l!) Pcnn avenue, Saturday,
Feeling That There Would Bo No
Strike Veered Somewhat When It
Was Learned That tho Lower Ro
glons Aro Not Opposed to Strike as
It Was Reportod They Weie Last
Week Firemen, Engineers nnd
Pump Runners Have to Bo Reck
oned with.
Scranton's ear was bent towards
Hazloton all of yesterday and late into
last night, Everyone looked for tho
latest word from the town In which Is
to bo decided tho question as to wheth
er or not this community will be sub
jected to Industrial paralysis of an In
definite extent, or take its place with
other communities In enjoying tho full
ness or the present bountiful prosper
ity. The smallest Item of news was
seized upon with avidity and passed
speedily from one to another until it
had become general property. News
paper offices were besieged for their
latest dispatches and many an Inquir
er not satisfied with what the wires
brought wanted an opinion on what
would come to-day. Seldom, if indeed
ever, did tho city display such Intense
anxiety over tho outcome of a conven
tion. On the previous day tho feeling here
was that there would be no strike.
When however, authentic news was
put forth yesterday morning, that the
lower portions of the Anthracite region
were not against a strike, as It was au
thoritatively reported they were last
week, the sentiment changed, and
Scranton and her environs went to bed
last night fearful that the morrow
would bring forth a positive announce
ment that the temporary suspension
of woik was to bo prolonged into a
strike. Tho best hope for an opposite
result hinged on tho fact that a large
portion of the delegates were instruct
ed to follow John Mitchell's advice and
that he would advise them against a
One thing which it is thought, will
have an influence in converting many
of the more thoughtful of the pro-strike
element, is the reported ultimatum of
tho stationary engineers and firemen
that 'if they go out with the miners,
the latter must not settle the strike
until the companies grant the engineers
and firemen an eight hour day for
which they recently made a strike
which was unsuccessful because the
miners would not support them.
One of the most telling blows which
the miners expect to deliver at the
companies in case of a strike is the
calling out of the engineers, firemen
and pump runners, thereby causing
great damage to the mines by flooding
and gas accumulations. If tho men do
not quit In a body at the call of the
miners the blow will bo Ineffective, for
the reason that if only a small pro
portion of them respond to the call
their places can be readily filled by
imported men, who it is said have been
already secured for such an emergency.
To add the demand of the engineers
and firemen to the numerous demands
of their own would, it is believed by
the miners, make the securing of their
own demands all the more difficult if
not positively impossible. Its a case
of being between the devil and the deep
As far as Scranton was concerned
there were no changes of moment In
the strike situation. The most im
portant local announcement of the
day was that the delegation which left
here for the Hazleton convention, yes
terday morning, had been officially can
vassed and that the division on the
question was in the proportion of three
for strike and five against.
No coal is being sold by the com
panies in this region. Retailers who
had stocks on hand are disposing of
them as fast as It is possible to make
deliveries. There will be little coal for
iFor the Sweet f
fs :
ifiirl Graduate I
3 We have made a special preparation ii
3 for the demand for this class of goods 2;
2 and offer the best values obtainable. ;s:
'g White French Organdies ; . Soc to S1.25
!? White. Persian Lawns. 25c to 75c
2 White Paris Muslins...' 35c to $1.25
2 White French Lawns 3c to 95c
2 White Lace Stripe Peau de Soie 25c to 65c
2 White Open Stripe Grenadines 50c up
J2 White China Silks, Crepes, Glorias, Etc.
I For Class Day Gowns.
S Silk Peau de Soie and Mulls with beautiful colored figures, ,50c S
3 Lattice Grenadines, Linen, white ground with stripes of gi
green, blue, rose, mate, etc, 50c to $1,25 g&
g Msrcerized Mousseline de Sole, in stripes ol ribbon effects, g
v2 solid blue, green, pink, maize, etc 25c
j& Silk Mousseline de Soie. in serpentine stripes of solid solors.soc '
'm Of.
.3 Fans, Parasols, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Si
3 &
. , -. 1 . .
.-S a?;
1-Mears & Hagen, 1
415-417 Lackawanna Ave.
..fti i I
Why Is a
Wash Goods Stock?
The answer to tins is displayed at our Wash Goods
counter, where the best and latest of the new things
Class-Night girls who want to look their best, critical
graduates so fulliof knowledge, can be best suited here.
S Will You Want
Vi Wc think you will when
Including tlm choice Klmorla Cloth;
niiill neat figures and lots of popular
blade and while. Prices range fiom 7c.
up. Special at 12',ie. a yiinl,
An almost endlew assortment of these;
line as they iniko them; fiom Sc, up.
Sheer, fine, fllnij' goods in dainty de
sign; sure to attract ou; from llie. up.
Of course wo linv a loli of the Domcutlc
Ginghams at fc. a yard, to say nothing
of the charming Silk Glugliains, luce
chain and embroideiy, 43c. a yard. All
the prices in between,
A fine imported fabric taking the place
of roulardi with some people. Jtodest
dark colors for quiet, unassuming folks,
and a good assortment.
iMcConnell & Co.
j The Satisfactory Store O
B 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. B
Ehret's Slag Roofing
is not affected by the action of gases, steam or
acids and is therefore especially adapted to mills,
foundries, machine shops, boiler and engine
houses, chemical laboratories, etc.
321 Washington Avenue.
sale after today and If a strike is de
clared this will likely bo held at fancy
Word was received here yesterday at
one of the railroad offices that a large
amount of soft coal Intended for lake
shipment was being held in sidings
pending the action of the Hazleton
convention. If n. strike Is not ordered
the coal will be released and sent tq
its original destination. If the strike
comes It will be Immediately diverted
into the Eastern markets to supplant
Five washeries continue In operation,
the Bellevue, Diamond and Hampton
of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Wes
tern company and the Grassy Island
and Racket Brook of the Delaware &
Hudson company. One ot? the Dela
ware & Hudson washeries, it is stated
at tho company's office. Is manned by
the force that was operating it before
tho strike.
Just Received
a ear load of barbed wire.
120 and 128 Franklin Ave.
Dr. II. B. Ware will return Monday
i ... mil... i. .
Wash Goods?
you see these.
Principally patterns: a (nlrly
large collection mid the pi ices rungo
from 18o. a jntd up.
Laco and Chain Xoiclllcs; Momsellne
cle Sole, Motissellno de Hal and others.
Sic. a jard.
Plain and fnncy. Wo could give you
the names, hut they would onlv- rnnfuso
jou; whit's In a name, anyway? Tlio
novelties aro here, however, lor your sc'
big and btijliiff, from Vlic to 09c, a
And that jr.eam "all linen." Prices
range 13c, 20o 2.V. u jard, and the
qualities ure excellent.
You con enjoj' summer weather, no
matter how hot. If jou buy right your
summer eiijojiuent worth so much by
nnd by will cost little now.
Of course von would
rather run the chances
of wetting it than carry
that shabby last year's
But you can save
your suit and a dollar
by getting one of our
new silk "rain shed
ders." For $3.00.
They come In all the
popular colors, with
steel shanks and nat
ural wood handles. Not
gaudy or cheaply orna
mented; just neat, swell
and serviceable.
They're worth fully
$1.00, but we bought a
lot and saved the dollar
for vou.
P. S. It's liable to rain
every dav this month,
Come in out of the wet.
126 Wyoming A?e,
A "For Rent" sign
on your house will
only be seen by the
casual passerby.
A "For Rent" ad
In The Tribune vll
bo seen by ALL wu
may bo contemplating
a chango of residence,
Four lines one time, 10c,
Four lines three times, 25s
- i
V..iHi ,s
U,rft I-
LU -rJfe i4ni. i-v
, i.rfe A v -rAi t, t -"-